OCR Interpretation

The Jasper news. [volume] (Jasper, Missouri) 1898-1924, January 15, 1920, Image 7

Image and text provided by State Historical Society of Missouri; Columbia, MO

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn90061052/1920-01-15/ed-1/seq-7/

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Walt In Patience
Dont Ret discouraged There Is hope
for everyone nnd success nhend for
those who nro witling to patiently
walt triumph It Is safer and surer
lor you If youll follow the precedent
of older nnd vyser persons than your
self They probably know through
keen and humiliating experience Ex
Amen Corner
The phrase amen corner Is said to
have originated In Iondon where at
tho end of Paternoster row the monks
at one time finished their recitation of
iho Pater Nostcr as they went in
procession on Corpus Christ day to
St Pauls cathedral They began in
Paternoster room with tho Lords
prayer In Latin continuing It to the
end of the street and then sold
Women at the corner of tho row As
ttsed In this country the phraso de
scribes tho corner of a church where
the -elderly members sit and pronounce
the word amen at Intervals
Ask a Man
Who Reads It
Dont take my word
for it I know its
the best in the world
but Im selling it
I particularly want to
get subscriptions started
with next weeks issue
because a big new series
of articles about the
Swine Breeds gets going
then Also theres a splen
did series about Cotton
and another that will in
terest everybody about
Big Country Churches
Then therefore some bully
big tractor numbers com
Tl Cenntrr GcctUmsn
2 bcu L0J
Domestic Cat Distinct Species
The Egyptian cat seemed to hno n
good claim to the hnnnr of being the
ancestor of the domestic cat both on
account of Its tapering tnll nnd size
In which It bears n great similarity to
tho domestic cat But peculiarities
vhlch were discovered In Its dentition
were sufllclent to remove Its claim So
It seems best to consider the domes
tic cat a distinct species
Balancing Trade
Where one country exports exten
sively to another nnd buys nothing
from It the checks and drafts given In
payment do not balance and It be
comes necessary to ship gold or other
wise readjust accounts This is ex
pensive nnd makes It necessary to pay
a premium in exchungc Tills pre
mium Is virtually an addition to prices
paid When It becomes too high pur
chases will bo inade in other markets
Thus will trade bo lost unless It Is
so Im biased Ask a neighbor who
reads it Ask your banker Ask your
county agent Walk right up to him and
say See here what do you think of
And when he has told you as he will
that it is the biggest dollars worthof
information instruction and entertain
ment on the market today send 100
with your name and address to me and
I 11 put you on the list for a year Thats
fair enough isnt it
ing along in February
too good to miss And be
fore longthere will be some
bank articles by Herbert
Quick and a ripsnorting
new mystery serial All
these in addition to the
regular weekly crop and
livestock features Never
was such a big dollars
worth of helpful reading
matter as youll get if you
subscribe NOW I
Magazine specialist
Phone No 30 Jasper Mo
Tie Lao H Jnrol Tit SstsrAiy Etenlni Kit
U Utto 171
Kiuwi HW
Whither We Are Flylnc
The polit In space toward which the
sun with Its plnnrts Is vo aging nt
the rnte of a million miles a div now
lies directly overhead early In the eve
ning The exact location of this point
has not been finally determined bnt
It lies somewhere In the nelghbmhood
of the brilliant stnr Vega Do you feel
that you are shooting upward bend
first about 25 times as fast as a can
Obtain Oil From Eggs
The turtle living In the Orinoco lays
eggs which are extraordinarily rich In
oil The Indians In British Guiana
collect 25000000 yearly for making
oil The eggs of many sea birds are
excellent eating The best of the lot Is
sold to be that of the murre n bird
which Is very common on the Labrador
What Are These Maples
What are Hiese maples and beeches
and birches but odds nnd Idyls nnd
madrigals what are these pines nnd
firs and spruces but holy hymns
h H jKf BBi H 1 IEBv wK vWitfE vV
Yes we had a Moline Tractor Service School last week
When you buy a Moline Tractor you are not forgotten The
Moline Plow Co is always ready to aid and we claim our service
to Tractor Owners is the thing fhat has jmade our Tractor Busi
ness a success Our Tractor Owners are all enthusiastic boosters
and the more they learn the more they boost Why not come in
now and talk over with us the possibilities of a Moline Universal
Tractor for your work- YOU can do what your NEIGHBOR
did Get ready to do your Spring Work with a Tractor
M c C u n e Tallman
Jasper Missouri
Baptized In a Balloon
The ihlltl of a well Known number
of tho British parliament was rtcentlv
christened In the crpt of tho house
of commons This Is in i sense a
survival of the custom of bygone dajs
when christenings In crpts were by no
means uncommon In one recent ca j
In California for Instance the cere
mony was performed In a diving bell
nt the bottom of the sen In another
case the proud parents of tin- new ar
rival persuaded a clergyman to bap
tize the child while up in a balloon
Consider Probable End
Better It Is toward the right con
duct of life to consider whnt will be
the end of a thing than whnt Is the
beginning of It for what promises
fair at first may prove 111 and what
seems nt first a disadvantage nay
prove very ndvantngcous Wells
Jewish Sabbath
The Jewish Sabbath starts at sun
set on Friday because the Jews like
the ancient Greeks began their day
nf sunset nnd not nt sunrise or Im
mediately after midnight as we do
who follow the ancient Romans
Fifth Annual Report
Farmers Cooperative Ele valor Co
of Jasper Mo
Real estate and buildings l1222S
Furniture and supplies i2500
Bills receivable 5709
Cash in bank l42lon
Cash on hand i 44091
Notes and interest r 1581S
Flour on hand 195100
Feed 106885
Due on buying wheat 2425S
Fertilizer T MO 75
Twine 80000
Wagon scales CO0O
Accounts collectable 477200
Watklns property 237500
Total f244rT
Capital stock sold 1005000
Capital stock sold 1018 177500
8tock sold 1010 142500
Profits for HUB 52090
rroflts for 1010 148048
Profits for 1917 c80 02
Profits for 1918 229091
Bills payable December SI 1010 220850
Less dividends paid k 188325
Plus profitslOlO 201S78
Total i 2449937
Capital stock authorized v 1500000
Stock sold 2 1005000
1018 1 177500
1919 - 142500
Stock unsold 4 1760 00
Total - 1500000
Respectfully submitted
J E HULL Manager
X i V tl
r Ttf
Near East Situation
Now Most Desperate
in World Says Hoover
Hoover wlfo
has now be
come n mem
ber of the Ex
ecutive Com
mittee of Nenr
IS n s t Relief
which Is car
ing tor neatly
IW0U00 Ar
menian u n d
iLVr30ie anl who
Herbert Hoover
If any one
sneaks with
nutliorlty when ho tells of hu
man siilTprliig snys In ii foruul
In in opinion Iho sltuitlou
n the Near Knst Is tho most
lespeuite In tin world
Mr Hoover bus Kent u letter
toClevcluid II JjoiUe tn iisuier
- Nenr Knst Relief 1 MhIImjii
nveniio Now Yoik In whlih he
In ncreptliig oui liiviiiton
to become n ml i et of tin- K
cuttle Commtlei of the N i
Hust 1 iii so nih
reluctiiiKc bill oii of i sense of
hit towuilt i in- of she most
diniVult situations in IMloie
Until some poltli ll ttlelllelll
inn be ohtn n il for tho Nctr
Knst nnil sin ii- gn ernim lit is
tnbllsbeil in lesi inslhlll for
the ire uiiryutiWtlon of tho
Aiuieulnii pupHj ii lmi In the Can
casus this 1 1 iss of people must
live shoerl b tin charity of the
United Wales There are In the
CiUiiasus npiiioimitely 1800
0K Armenian of whom 800000
are entliul destitute refugees
from Turke nnd amongst them
a tremendous mass of children
I cannot too strongly urgu
upon the members of the com
mittee nnil their supporters the
critical neresslt of concentrat
ing every possible effoit to sup
port Colonel Haskells adminis
tration in the rmounts that he
requires otherwise we shall
witness one of the greatest trag
edies of the entire war
IIves of thousands of Armenian
children already huve been saved by
the Near Knst Hellef taking over tho
Armenian orphanages according to de
tailed reports which have Just reached
the headquarters of thit organization
These Institutions hnd been run by the
Armenluns since the beginning of tho
war to care for the children whose
parents hnd been murdered by tho
Turk llecause of lack of food
clothing and medicine tho death rate
among tho children In these Institu
tions averaged as high as twenty or
thirty u day lu some cases
When Armenian funds became In
adequate the Near Kast Itellef took
charge of the orphanage Since thnt
time the denth rate has been greatly
reduced Given good food and care
the children are quickly returning to
normal physical and mental condition
It Is estimated by persons who have
made n survey of Armenia that 120000
children will die during the next year
unless they are given food and cure
Near Knst Hellef Is the only organi
zation now opeintlng In Western sla
and It Is making an appeal to save
these Chiijtlun children
Ell J kIS2iiI3H
Printing Brings
Not every business has a show
window If you want to win more
clients use more printing and use
the kind of printing that faithfully
represents your business policy
Vou save money and make money
for your patrons Do the same for
yourself by using an economical
hlah grade paper Hammermill
Bond and good printing both of
which wc can give you x
If you want printing service and
economy give use a trial
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