OCR Interpretation

Monroe City Democrat. (Monroe City, Mo.) 1888-1919, March 22, 1918, Image 2

Image and text provided by State Historical Society of Missouri; Columbia, MO

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn90061309/1918-03-22/ed-1/seq-2/

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Big Change Monday, March 25
Gem Theatre!
THE managers of the Gem have cancelled
the "Seven Pearls" in order to use the
most popular serial out
"The Secret Kingdom" .
Six reels in the first part of this serial and one
you will like with a cast of all stars. In order
to convince you this "Secret Kingdom" is the
serial the price will be to open 5c and 10c.
Monday, EVIarch 25.
Crisco, 1 I-2 pounds - - 45c
Corn, 2 cans - - 25c
Peas, 2 cans - 25c
Pinto Beans, 2 pounds - 25c
Flakewhite Compound, lb. 28c
Tomato Soup, 2 cans - - 25c
Pure Sorghum, per gal - S1.00
Karo Syrup, per gal. - - 80c
Spinach, per can - - 25c
Pure Lard, pound - - 34c
Oranges, per dozen - 25c
Lemons, per dozen 35c
Pumpkin, per can - 15c
Apricots, per can - 25c
Peacher, per can - - 25c
Onion Sets, 2 quarts - - 25c
Barr's Cash Store
Producing Quality Beef.
Live-stock markets during recent
years have experienced a continual
growing demand for well-fattened
beef animals weighing from 900 to
1.200 Dounds. In order to meet
this demand and secure the highest
price?, breeders are showing an in
creased tendency toward finishing
off their beef cattle at younger ages.
Stock raisers find it more profitable
to conduct their operations in this
manner than to hold their cattle to
advanced ages as was the custom
some years ago, when pasture land
was cheaper than it is at present
Such a demand must necessarily
be supplied by well-finished animals
from 14 to 20 months old carrying
a large percentage of blood of one
of the early maturing beef breeds,
usually that of the Hereford, Aberdeen-Angus,
or shorthorn. To dis
tinguish them from animals of
-other beef classes, these yearlings
have come to be designated as baby
beeves The use of better bulls
with consequent improvement in
quality and early maturity is an es
sential in the production of baby
ifceef. The preparation for market
Df this class of beeves requires
mnra skill than is necessary in the
production of animals marketed at
more mature ages, but. as has been
stated, it is eo usually more profit
able. Heavier gram feeding i
necessary, but as the feeding period
is shorter a less amount of grain is
necessary to briog the cattle to
The German U boat was desigued
to go down and come up ngain, but
the Americans want them to stay
John Jayne and. family of Harni
bal were Sunday quests of A. S.
Jayne and familv.
Mr. and Mrs Guy Christian spent
Sunday in Shelbina, tie uest of
the latter's parents
Look up your last summers
clothes and let us fix rhiu f-r yon
now L. L. Lin Tm .r.
D. F. Henderson, b t i.-r f
per Henderson of this ciiy, h d m
gerously ill at his hmn- in Pin-
Price Griffith toff red a severe Hi
tack of acute indiyeMjnn Tuesday
and for a time a v-v siott nan
. A
i aarrs
si -
BAD looking rurfaoM mean poorly protected rurf.ee. an J theeo maaa
exaeaea in repairing and replacing.
GOOD PAINT u the Uut expenjive kind of iaeuraace wkether lot
tha appearance aomf art and prottctioa oi your owa noma, or fa
tha attraetiTaacM of your property to a prorpcotiva buyer.
SAFEGUARDS afainat octerioratioa ara important wkaa property ia
aaatiderai. Ia Harriaonj Towand Country Paint you are making
aaa of tha experience of over a hundred yean ia paint making.
INVESTMENT of orer a century, work and thought i represented
ia each can of Harfteona. So aura ara tha manuf acturera of their
product that tha aaalyaie u oa ovary aaa your guarantee af aetia-
Daylight Saving.
Despite the jokesmiths both
houses of Congress have passed the
daylight-saving bill and the Presi
dent will sign it.. The general idea
is to set the clocks forward one
hour from April to October, thereby
inspiring human beings to go to bed
earlier and get up earlier That is
all there is to it.
People who like to lie in bed un
til the sun gilds a certain spot on
the carpet will ignore the new law,
for Old Sol will pay no attention to
it. The farmer who gets up about
the time the morning newspaper
man goes to bed will only sniff at
such "foolishness." The proposed
law means nothing in his busy life.
But between these extremes are
a lot of people who are not afraid
of a new idea and who will give it
a fair trial. If it gives them more
time for work, more time for play
and less inclination to run around
at night, it will be a success, no
matter what the hardshells and the
humorists may say.
No Meatless Days.
After a great deal of earnest ob
jection to any such days by meat
producers, the ban on meatless days
has been lifted. The Food Admin
istration in announcing the new
policy, says thht more breadstuffs
must b? saved for the allies, and
that meat supplies have been meas
urably increased. Mention is made
of the fact that farmers have had
to hold mauy hogs longer than th
usual time, which has resulted in a
great increase in average weight.
This has happened with beef men
also, and in neither case has it re
sulted in added wpjgtu of the fee'd
eis' purse. It has been hard for
the producer to se the wisdom of
meatless days for some time past
with the packers announcing that
their storage, room was filled, and
prices for cattle and hogs falling off
The packers, wenj guaranteed their
9 per cent profit, but where did the
producers get off? some of them
with a 9 per cent loss, or there
abouts, perhaps.
Bat it's no good crying over spilt
miik. If the meatless days have
helped along kaiserless days and
tne loon aiimtmstration assures us
tney have we shall all be the
gainers thereby, anyhow.
Some fields of spring wheat sown
last spring in Missouri were report
ed to have done better than winter
wheat. This was due mainly to a
favorable season. As a rule, spring
wheat does not do well inthis state.
l'liose who failed to seed wheat last
tailor want to try some anyhow,
Mionld et northern seed, and not
risk too much or it at that.
The day when green is the domi
nant color having passed, red, white
and blue again monopolize atten
v -j.x fvv
1 -uc man wuu uwid.
JH. I. SMITH -m,.
. Ob wennaa write (feat her
wr mmm m ta pay the
telle aMfraMath.
. LMttafMlMkMOW.
It Ml coaJMaa war
m healthy, ana make thtm lay.
' fjo peeWva are we that WOLF'S
KG MAKES will all wacUha that
tm have toid ear Malar la your tawa
t nmbth im MMgh far Mar Sock aa
M tallowing gnaiaaata watch la M
rteamaber Loan Rant Can't Lay
will kaB your liana fraa from Ilea.
Una aa, Siftar Tap, 21a
The Western Front.
By next year there will be, rough
ly speaking, a million British, a mil
lion French, and a million American
troops on the Western Front, hold
ing clearly distinct sectors, although
under closely coordinated direction.
And when this situation arrives, the
Germans will be completely out
numbered on each sector and for the
balance of the war condemned to
face superior numbers with weaker
forces on the line and incomoarahly
weaker reserves behind it. This, in
a word, is the general scheme of
the Western Front, when we arrive
in full strength, and it i6 toward the
realization of this scheme that we
have now made the first move in
definitely taking over one sector.
probably a verv small one. of the
line between St Mihiel and Pont-a
A Success.
The play, "Topsy Turvy" rendered
at the public school auditorium
last Thursday evening by the High
school pupils was a howling success
in every respect. as witness by the
large and appreciative audience in
attendance. The parts were well
rendered and the assignment of
characters could not be improved
upon. Every character elicited ap
plause and specif. I mention would
necessarily have to include all The
receiD's of the evening amounted
to $70.15
Mrs W P Wvnu of Hannibal,
spent Monday in this city with
7W. Jra
aw a jym am
"" a.
...Complete Line...
Art Wa1
New and Artistic Designs .
Beautiful Patterns
' Come in early and make your selections while
the stock is full and complete.
Monroe City, Missouri.
Liberty Loan Flag.
A new and distinctive feature
will be introduced in the Third Lib- '
erty Loan campaign, and every city
or town in the country which sub
scribes more than its quota of Lib
erty bonds will be awarded by the
Treasury Department an Honor
The flag will be 36 inches wide
and 54 inches long. The body of
the flag will be white with a broad
red border, and three broad blue
vertical stripes denoting the Third
Loan. The flags, which will be of
the same quality as the flags of the
Navy, are already being manufac
tured and will be awarded as fast
as the right to fly them la woo.
Though awarded by the Treasury
Department, they will be distributed
by the Liberty loan committees of
the different districts.
There will also be a National
Honor Flag for each State, to be
flown at the State capitol, with the
name of each town winning a flag
inscribed upon it. There will be
also preserved in the United States
Treasury a National Honor Flag
with the record of each State re
corded on it.
Stars, to be placed on the flag of
each city or town doubling its quota
will be also awarded, and an addi
tional stai for each time the quota
is doubled.
An Honor Roll, containing the
names of all subscribers, but not
the amount of the individual sub
scriptions, will be kept in each com
munity. A window card, bearing a
representation of the Honor Flag,
will be given each subscriber to the
loan, to be displayed at the home
or place of business.
Wheat Looks Fine.
Wheat in Shelby and Monroe .
counties looks fine It is all good.
but some of it is better than the
rest. There is a large acreage of
oats sown and probably 90 per cent
of the crop is now in the ground. It
went in in excellent shape, the
ground being as fine and loose as
an onion bed.
We greatly need warm showers
The wheat would be much benefited
by a series of showers and grass
needs soaking.
A great deal of sod lias been plow
ed during the past few weeks and
discing on last year s cam ground
is under way. Shelbina Democrat.
Hindenburg and Ludendorf, the
blood-and-iron twins, announce the
big show on the west front is about
to begin. They ought to know.
The former Czar is said to be dull
and unsociable in his banishment.
If be should rethrn to Petrograd he
would find it lively enough.
The man who already gets up at
sunrise is now trying to figuie
where he gets in on the daylight
saving law.

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