OCR Interpretation

Monroe City Democrat. (Monroe City, Mo.) 1888-1919, September 06, 1918, Image 2

Image and text provided by State Historical Society of Missouri; Columbia, MO

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn90061309/1918-09-06/ed-1/seq-2/

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Investors, Business Men and
Homeseekers Read.
The greatest Generals of the Al
lied armips. Statesman and Finan
ciers recognized that the country's
most urgent nee.1 during the crisis
through which we ure passing is
greater production of farm products.
People all over North America in
the past year, either from reasons
of patriotism or necessity, have
purchased farms to aid this essen
tial need. There never was a time
in the world's history wl en Patriot
ism and profit combined in such a
marked degree to the farmers ad
vantage. This then is the time to
buy a farm.
Below are a few of the special
bargains that I have listed for sale
and exchange.
No. 1 A fine stock and grain
farm of 182 acres, located one mile
west of Stoutsville, Mo, on public
road and R F D and Telephone
lines. Farm is gently rolling, first
and second bottom land, and can
very near all be cultivated. Im
proved with a good 8 room house,
good cellar, barn and all necessary
out buildings. Plenty of good
water. Family orchard, fencing
mostly woven wire. This is a good
buy at $75.00 per acre, incum
brance $3.000 5 1-2 per cent. Would
accept a small piece of suburban
property as part pay.
No. 2 A No. 1 stock farm of 256
acres, two miles frcm Stoutsville.
100 acres of good bottom land, bl
ance nice laying land all in grass,
very near all can be cultivated,
Improved with a two story 8 room
house in good repair, fine barn and
other outbuildings. Living well
and cistern at house, nice young or
cnaro, tencing mostly woven wire
and new. Just the place for a man
who wants to go into the stock bus-
ness. And the 100 acres in the
bottom is worth the price asked for
the entire- farm But the owner is
an old man and is living all alone.
Wife and family all gone and he is
wiliing to sacrifice for a quick sale
as he is not able to look after the
farm. Price $65.00 per acre, with
the best of terms. You stock men
who are or $200.00 per acre land
better look this up. It will not stay
on the market long
No. 3 A dandy stock and grain
farm of 160 acres, four miles of
Stoutsville, six miles of Paris the
Co., seat, just in the edge of the
prairie, land is gently rolling and
can all be cultivated but about 20
acres which is in nice timber, but
good laying land. Improved with a
good 1 1-2 story brick house, big
barn and a cattle shed, good chick
en house, hog house, etc.. good liv
ing well and cistern at house and
ever lasting supply of good spring
water in pasture Two nice or
chards, fencing mostly woven wire.
1-2 mile to school. 1 mile to church
on R F D and telephone lines and
in a fine neigh borhood. This is one
of our best farms and. should not
stay on the market long at the
price Price $7500 per acre with'nf
any reasonable terms
No. 480 acres 1 mile of Stouts
ville, can very near all be cultivat
ed, but is mostly in meadow and
pasture at present, lays gently roll
ing. Improved with a good 1 1-2
story house, new barn. Fenced
with woven wire. Plenty of good
water, some fruit. A nice little
farm for some one who wants to go
intohe dairy business. Cash price
$75.00 per acre, terms on part.
No. 5 A good little dairv farm
of 74 acres, close to Center, Mo..
one of the best produce markets in
KT C :. ..: t i : . n- . . . '
i"oa"uri. t,anu is romng dui
not rough, most all in nice blue
grass pasture, but can all be culti
vated but a few acres which is in
timber. About 1 '. of farm is first
and st co- d creek bottom land
which wi" Dr,,duce nn kiodof
I crop. There is a spring creek run
j ninit through the farm which af
fords an ever lasting supply of good
water the year 8round. The build
ings are old but with a little repair
could be made very comfortable
fencing mostly good woven wire,
some fruit, on R F. D, and a fine
road to Center. Can exchange this
farm for a good clean stock of mer
chandise. Groceries preferred. Price
$75 00 per acre.
No 6 Small stock of drugs with
fine prescription case, invoicing
$600 or $700 Will sell for cash or
trade for other merchandise.
No 7 Two lots in Wichita. Kan
sas to trade for a Ford car.
Wo. o Mouse and two lots in
Gass City, Kan. Imcumbrance $408;
trade equity for a Ford car.
No. 980 acres 8 miles northeast
of Paris, the Co, seat of Monroe
Co, Mo., and three miles of Stouts
ville, and three and 1 2 miles of
Goss, on gravel road and State high
way. R F D. and Telephone lines
improved with a good three room
house, concrete cellar, barn 44x24
chicken house, smoke house, etc
r arm is feaced in eight different
fields, mostly with woven wire
About fifty acres can be cultivat
ed, :welve acres of good bottom
land, family orchard, good cistern
and plenty of riving water. One
mile to school and two miles to
church. Price for quick sale $5000
per acre Will carry all but $1200
on place if necessary.
Na 10 Eighty acres 3 12 miles
northwest of Stoutsville, improved
with a good 5 room house, ifood eel
lar, barn, shedded on two sides.
curn crib. lJranerv Bond nrohnrH
plenty of living water, 40 acres can
be cultivated, 8 or 10 acres of small
timber balance pasture, on R. F. D
and telephone lines one mile to
school Price $2,800. Incumbrance
$700 at 6 per cent.
No. 11 Eighty acres 3 12 miles
uorthwest of Paris the Co. seat of
Monroe Co. Mo Land is rolling.
but can all be cultivated but 5 or 6
acres which is in timber. Improv
ed with a good 3 room house.
smoke house, buggy house, chicken
house, and two barns, family or
chard, living well and cistern, fenc
ing mostly woven wire, close to
school, within one mile of the
graveled road that leads to Paris; 18
acres of clover on the farm at pres
ent. Can give possession any time
if sold within the next few davs.
Price $60 per acre. Incumbrance
$2.0(0 at 6 per cent two vears vet
to run. Might trade for a good
stock of merchandise.
No 12 -Eighty acres, lays fine
and well improved three miles of
Stoutsville oa gravel road, close to
school and church, on R. F. D. and
telephone lines, and in a fine neigh
borhood. Price $45 per acre. Terms.
No. 13-120 acres 4 12 miles
west of Stoutsville, all in cultiva
tion but 25 acres which is timbered
Improved with a good 7 room
house, good barn and all necessary
outbuildings, fencing mostly woven
wire, family orchard, on R. F D. and
! Telephone lines. School at corner
rnce 5bo per acre In
cumbrance $3600 at 5 per cent
Will carry all but $1800, if neces
sary. No. 14180 acres 1 12 miles of
Stoutsville, 100 acres in cultivation
and all can be cultivated but about
25 acres which is in timbered pas
ture, some good saw timber. Im
provements consists of a good 6
room house, good cellar, good barn,
and all necessary out buildings,
fencing mostly all good woven wire.
Plenty of good living water, water
piped into house, wind mill and
good cistern, family orchard
Price '
jouu per acre. Terms on
No. 15-137 12 acres 5 12 miles
Stoutsville, 3 miles of Victor, 60
acres of up land balance good bot-
torn land, 75 acres in cultivation,
good 3 room house, two good barns,
young orchard, good spring and cis
tern, fencing mostly woven wire,
two miles to school, on R, F. D and
telephone lines. About 12 acres of
good post timber on place. Price
$7000 per acre Incumbrance
$4,000 at 6 per cent. Will trade
for Colorado land.
No. 16 160 acres 8 miles south
east of Paris the Co. seat of Monroe
Co, Mo. Extra good 6 room house,
barn about 40x50. two poultry
houses, good concrete cellar, deep
well and wind mill, all well fenced
and cross fenced, with woven wire
all can be plowed but about 20
acres, 5 or 6 acres of timber, 3 4
mile to school, and close to a smal
town on R F. D and telephone
lines. Price S75 00 per acre. In
cumnrance $4,8UU at 6 per cent.
due 1922, will trade for merchan
dise or small farm.
No. 17 A fine Monroe Co, Mis
soun tarm of 4JJ 1-3 acres, one
mile from Stoutsville, a thriving
town on the M K & T. R. R. 34
miles from Hannibal. This is as
nice a laying farm as you will find
any place and has 400 acres of
good farming land, balance has
some scattering timber on it. Farm
is all fenced a cross fenced with
good woven wire. Improved with
two sets of improvements, consist
ing of 1 good 5 room house, large
new barn 56x46, new 4 room house
barn 36x40 and one 40x40. Cellar
cistern, three deep wells and wind
mills and all necessary outbuildings
some fruit, on graveled road, mail
route, telephone line and close to
school and church. Price $100.00
per acre. 1-2 of purchase price can
oe leu in the place at 5 1-2 per
cent. Owner will acceot as nart
pay a small farm, well improved
and well located.
No. 18 Here is one the best bus
iness propositions there is in the
state. It consists of a two storv
brick store building, well located
and in good shape about 30x80. a
large ware room about 30x50. A
five acre tract -of land with a new
room house on it, also a slaught
er house and pens, a 3-4 acre tract
of land with a large pond and ice
house and plenty of ice to run the
season out. In the store building
is a grocery, meat market and bak
ery business invoicing about $9,000
Price on trie whole out-fit is $20,
000.00. Incumbrance on the real
estate $6,00000. This is all located
in a good county seat town in north
east Mo., and every thing is in first-
class shape, and doing a large busi
ness. but present owner wants to
get on to a farm and will trade for
a good farm up to 200 acres.
No. 19233 1-3 acre farm in
Pike Co., Missouri, 3 1-2 miles from
Frankford, laying along the tract of
the Hannibal i St. Louis R. R, 1
mile from side tract and stock pens
7Q acres in cultivation balance is in
good timber, some brush Ax han
dle timber, mine props, and Dost
timber, galore besides an unlimited
amount of cord wood which could
be sold at the side tract only a mile
away. The land is only reasonably
rough and when cleared off would
tiave 140 acres of very good farm
and. Here is a chance for some
one with a small amount of money
to own a farm, and he can pay for
it from the timber that is on it.
Price $2500 per acre, terms on half.
No. 2078 1 2 acres, four and
half miles southeast of Stoutsville,
all has been cultivated but about
10 acres which is in timbered pas
ture. Improved with a good 3 room
house, 3 good living wells, fencing
mostly woven wire, close to school,
on R. F. D. and telephone line and
in a fi ne neighborhood.
Price for
quick sale $4 000.00. Terms on part
No 21 Telephone exchange in a
good small town for sale or would
exchange for a small farm Plant
consists of a 120 line switch board
60 drops installed, double ringing
keys, double ring off drops. Mfg.
by Leich Electric Co. Sixteen Rur-
al line owned by Co. Two Rural
lines owned by Subscribers. Eighty of 110 acres, about 3 4 in cultivat-
telephones owned by Co., and one ing. balauce in good blue grass pas
hundred owned by subscribers. Iture, 6 miles from a good town and
Price cash $3,000 00. i three miles from a good inland town
No. 22 A right good 103 acre Fair set of improvements, close to
farm about 3 1-2 miles from Stouts-! school, on R F D. and telephone
vine, ma, BOOUt Z-3 Of Which pan
w cultivated. Dalance has some
scattering timber on it. Improved
with a new 7 room house iust com
pleted, plenty of outbuildings, fenc
ing mostly good woven wire. Price
$6000 per acre. Incumbrance
$2500.00. Might trade equity for
a good clear stock of merchandise
No. 23 A good 8 room modern
house, on Grand Ave. in the City
of Galesburg, III. A city of 25.000
people. Three large bed rooms and
oam room up stairs, dining room.
living room, hail and kitchen on
lower floor, basetnert under the en
tire house. Cement floor in laun
dry room in the basement, lartfe
closets, furnace heated, electric
lights, gas for cooking, good well
and cistern, on a large lot Street
cars run right past this nronertv.
Price $4,00000. Incumbrance
No 24 A corner lot of about
1-2 acre of ground on a good street
car line in the City of Galesburg.
111. Has several fruit trees on it.
this is clear of incumbrance. Will
put it in with No. 23 and trade for
a small farm on a good clear stock
of merchandise. Price $1.00000
No. 25 A 90 acre about 8 miles
from Paris the Co. ' seat of Monroe
Co.. Mo. and about 7 miles from
Stoutsville and two miles from a
good little inland town, can very
near all be cultivated, about 13 in
pasture at present, balance in corn
and cane. Improvements are old
but in fair shape, fencing mostly
woven wire, on R F D and tele
phone lines, close to school and
church- Price $75.00 Der acre
Terms on part
No. 26-A dandy farm of 270
acres, mostly in first and second
bottom, well located and well im
proved. Price $18,000.00. Will
carry $14,00000 a long time at 6
per cent.
No. 27 A good farm of 203
acres, part prairie and part wlliug.
well located and well improved.
Price $55.00 per acre. Will carry
$7,000.00 to $8,000.00 if neces
No. 28 A good laundry, doing
good business in a town of 2,000
people. Would cost to install be
tween $4.00000 and $5,000.00, will
sacrifice for a quick sale, might sell
1-2 interest to second Dartv. '
No. 29 A good black smith shop
in a good small town, with ail mod
ern tools and equipments, plenty of
stock and will sell cheap for cash
or will trade for a small farm.
No. 30 A frame rooming house
in a small R, R
town in northeast
Three .arge store rooms on
first floor and ten rooms upstairs.
Price $2.00000 clear of incum
brance. Will trade for a small clear
farm improved cr for a large tract
of real cheap clear land in the
No. 31 Several residences in
Stoutsville, ranging in price from
$500 to $2,000. Some can trade
for land.
No 32 A farm of 240 acres lo
cated 6 miles east of Stoutsville
and about 6 miles from Monroe
City, 100 acres of good farming land
balance pasture and timber, good
set of improvements, close to school,
and are wanting a good stock farm
at a reasonable price, will do well
by looking this one over.. Price
$5000 per acre. Incumbrance
No. 33 A dandy little farm of
74 acres about a mile and a half
from a good town, well improved
and can verV near all be cultivated,
located on a good graveled road,
close to school and church. Price
$10000 per acre. Incumbrance
$3700.00. Will trade equity for
live stock or good mdse.
No. 34 A dandy Ittle dairy farm
inpa Pr pp Sm n T
cumbrance $3.60000. Will take
some trade 1
No. 35 Here is a chance for a
home at a small cost: A 20 acre
tract of land with fair 'improve
ments, close to town. Price $1,500.
No 36 - The only restaurant in a
good R, R. town on the M. K. & T.
R. R. for sale at a bargain price.
No. 37 - General stock in an in
land town, two miles from R. R
Stock will invoice around $350000.
will trade for a small farm priced
I would like to get in touch with
parties interested in the drainage
district of Southeast Missouri. I
can sell your corn land there from
$3500 per ncre up that will pro
due; as much corn ner acre na th
$200 per acre land in Illinois and
Wallace Frederick.
An exchange wants to know when
McAdoo is going to take over the
newspapers and raise the editors
wages The taking over is not at.
all necessary so far as country
papers, at least, are concerned.
Uncle Sam is now given all the free
advertising he asks for, and by the
way, his agents and officials are not
displaying anything in the wav of
diffidence in the asking.
"Now that the Germans are get
ting back to the Hindenburg line,"
says The Kansas City Times, "it
seems to be up to their high com
mand to point out what they got by
leaving it, besides the black eye
they brought back." That will be
easy. They . also brought back a
large bundle of first hand knowledge
about how Americans fight
The state crop report for August
credits Missouri with having pro
duced 49.150.000 bushels of wheat
That is good news, but the corn crop
prospect is said to have slumped in
value to the amount of $66.960.0CO
and that is bad news in a state
where corn is king.
A Mexican official was recently
at St. Louis trying to induce the
brewers of that city to remove their
plants to Mexico, which may be a
good thing to do. Mexico can't be
much worse than it is now
For Sale Thoroughbred White
Plymouth Rock, Brown Leghorns
and. Black Minorica Cockrells, early
batched choice birds, $1 50 to $2.00
each. Pine Grove Poultry Farm
Monroe City, Mo.
It is announced that eleven divis
ions are to be sent from Austria tn
the western tront. To nffspt hi
General Pershing propably will send
for two more companies of marinea
It is perfectly right and proper
for the United States to prepare for
years of war, for the harder we
work at the job of preparing the
shorter the war will be.
This year is no different from oth
er years! The finest assortment of
coats, suits and dresses is at Kes-pohl-Mohreustechers
and the best
values there also.
It is difficult for Mexico to keep
herself in the public eye, although
she is making a strenuous efiort to
do so by cooking us a crisis every
week or so.
Three Hun generals have been
ousted for neglect of duty. The
trouble with them seems to have
been that they were not "expert s
on retreat."
It's the merchandise which counts
and in that particular Kespohl-Moh-renstecher's
are in a class by them
selves in Quincy. .
For Sale Several nice Duroc
Jersey boar pigs. Ed Longmire.
Monroe City, Mo.

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