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The County paper. (Oregon, Mo.) 1881-1883, November 25, 1881, Image 1

Image and text provided by State Historical Society of Missouri; Columbia, MO

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn90061416/1881-11-25/ed-1/seq-1/

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Jones- Townsesid & Co.
PTIAM'QFDQ TsT''f)'MI?V P. Pfl wl 1 sell ynu nice wurru Merino Under
bUMifllltlO, lUiUUlM fl UU., wei.rfnryoursof or eli'lur. n at from 10
to 21) per of lit. le.-K than lnt year's prices. All sizes lor Ladies (lentil men, ( hi.-
rlruu and Infisnta. in prices fioin 25 cents
PTH ATTIli'PQ MA'D7j1?V . M Imvo an Immonso lino of Wh'to nnd Col
InAlUJliillO, lll&IUlM Cl bU., oral Blmiu.trf, lied Comforts mid Bed
Spreads, which tiny are now offering at exceptionally low prices, having been
purchased ni'icli under value.
PTJ i (lilTJPlJC! M A"RT3T?V P. PH ncw'-'exhibt ono of the most attract Iv
OJlAlllJjiillll) lllMilllll Ci UU., stocks of eassitneres for gontcniL.i and
boy wear in the city. All the lute styles of go ds in Amoiicuu, English ncd
Fieiich makes, Priors fully 26 i cr cent lower than cxcmsl e denlois in these
goods, and largo stuck to select from. Call soon and get bargains.
namoers, marnev
tj liJ
nr t urnum
We are Stlling Dress Goods Cheap.
We are Selling Oalicoos Cheap,
We are selling Muslins Cheap.
We are Selling Ginghams Cheap.
We are Selling Flannels Cheap.
W e are Selling Cotton Flannels 0heY
Wo are .Selling Ladies' Cloaks Cheap. ,
In fact we aro se'liuir all
kinds of
sold for yean. We have just opened the
Cloaks &
T t-JT-it-J .' "KT
x vor uauioiuou m
r H .
NorthVlst Corner Fourth
AaWur Stock Includes all of tho lcndlnrhianufaeturors known to tho trndo,
Hand and Machine Nfiewcd Boots and Shoo?'
This is a rare opportunity to buy first - cla
Uc.poctfullj asks tlio nttoi lion of
Unequalled Assortment
For Men,
For Boy's,
For Youth's,
For Children,
For the Bridegronm,
Assorted with great cnro and bought under tho nio
favorable cliciimstunccs for cash, Our motto is Fair
nnd Square Dealing. All goods nro marked and sold
at the
Lowest Legitimate Prices.
Wo propose givlnz entire satisfaction to nil, or tin;
money chccriiilly icfundcd. Wo solicit your pation
ago. Rumeinborthu phteo.
Jones, Townsend & Co.,
4t!i and Felix Sir., St. Joseph, Mo.
VA. B DdV U ii U Q y
goods, cheaper than thev havi
largest itud finest line ot Ladies' .
i. i. HIT!
inoi iuwobc iviissoun.
S itW. B Jffe .
" rmm vlVl
and FaIiV Strnnts. vt
- H goods at actual 'iinu ..Mnrer'.i ,,
SfjoE StorI
( (Hi
HI i i M ! S3
4 SI
Subscribers seeing a letter X
ou the margin of their paper
wltl ploao take nottco that they
are in nrroirs to Tub Countv
Pait.k. Ail that owe back nb-
'seiiptlon mid who will enmu
in and pay arrearage will receive Tin:
CotlNTV Pai-Kk for 1.60. Homumhor
t'r.s offer i only open from now until
the first of .la nary nuxt.
Cltr, nt. Jnnrim t Council
lllulT Iliillrond,
Ltnrt h'nrtit Cil'j.
.Midi and Kxurtm ..
Viilltca Uriiirli ....
Xnrth. Snuth
2S111' M I iMi'.it
. 3 lit A. M IJllS.A.11
- p. m ior:.A.M
Go to the concert to-niL'ht and in
sure yo rsclf a plea-ant dream.
Orris Allurd has sold his farm south
of lllgelow to A. V. Van Camp.
Pleaching at tno M. E. Church
next Sunday morning at eleven o'clock.
lion. H. O. Cowan has bought a
half interest in his fathers herd of short
Dr. W. L. Cordon lias been ap
pointed administrator of the estate of
tliimes Iiij.'gs, lately deceased.
Mrs. Boyd, nee Mary Thomas, pre
sented her husband with u bouncing
boy or Monday night, the 14th inst.
- Go and hear "When the Leaves Ho
gin to Turn," to-night. It is a beauti
ful miIo, and simp you'-stlrrlnga.s ren
dered by Miss ISaiker.
We are u little ahead of timo this
week on account of the conceit and
Thanksgiving, and besides, printers
need a little lest r.s well as other ur.i
mals. Tin- quarterly bible meeting will be
held i.t the Prosbilerian church Sunday
a' nYl-'ek p. m , addressed by Hev
S. Curothors and others; all aro urged
to attend.
It is rep rted that tho I'lnton bros.,
of Forest City, an selling goods to the
amount of from S:ii 0 to $600 per day.
l'hey have tour Salomon all tho time
and live on Saturday.
Another pr simer ai rived at the jail
till week. Hi- nine is William Wilson
anil halis from B g'.ow The charge I
refusing to iay a fine imposed upon him
by nitutiee of tile peace.
"Como where tho Lillics Bloom,"
is a beautiful (juarlettu to bo snug to
night nt the eoneert by Mrs. CartiuM's,
MIsn Harder. Messrs. Kellog and Hoff
man. It is ulono worth tho price of
'Music hath charms to sooth the
eavng.' breast," so, if tho drop of milk
of human kindness has not soured on
your breast-works, go and lend jour
piescneo to tho concert to-night, and
contribute to a good cause.
Jessio C. Cain, Curator of tho os
toto of Edward Saunders, has sold all
tho real estate belonging to cald minor,
for cash in h ind. Tho londj wero situ
ated in Nodaway county nnd wero val
ued at several thousand dollars.
I'liroughtlio Kindness of J. II. C.
Curtis, the bund bo) a enjoyed a lucious
ojater fuippor last Satuid.ny night at
RinehartM resturant. Sovoral toasts
were offered and "May the shadow of
nur efficient county clerk never grow
less," was pronounced in universal iu
tui. 4. i. , ill IIIO lUIISKl
house of Sanborn, Weld & Co., of St.
.loo., will soon ho huro with a lino stock
j-'hf organs, and tlioso wlshirg instni-
incuts will ill) wtdl In inn Mi- V..n ,.
and price Ids goods as ho handles a tlnu
artlo o ami sells at bottum piices. Ho
is also a lino tuner anil repairs Instru
menttot'a'i kinds.
Thfiusands of dollars could bo nvod
to Ho t county if our farmers would nut
,. their ho,s
Into pork. .Coleman's
Ititrul World, a Inrniers1 paper ol St.
1 1
that Mioulu oo takon by every
tanner In tliis louiity, stronlv urires
tins unoti the farmer this fall.
tls absoluteh coitaln that pork will lio
onornirusly high uoit summer. It says
very truly. "It pork dealers make fnli
0 Minus fori uncs, why shall not our farm
ers maki- some of this money P"
A word
to ho wise is Kiifllciuut.
My Daunhter.
"My daughter" I have sont you to tho
Vst edueatiomil institutions in Mm -r.at
Mi have come homo from college
pur diploma, which Is tho evt-
iiff of your aeeomplisliments. Hut
Is mv duty to inforin on that von iiti
yet know but little about what it takes
to nut1 e a homo happy. . You can't
livn on iipikIo and poetry and flowers,
llappl cfs i eomp sed of several nub-'in-
la cli'ini'i'ts. eiiief among which is
srnnil .iiliMtiutu' shoes and boot.
Her hburgcr Ander-on have just re
Cfiv. (I mi) oases of the 1'heliis. Dodge
& Palmer Hoots & Sin e wihieh they aro
sell lift voy cheap. I'layii g tho piano
v Hit your iuu sticking out, looks bad.
Go and got n pair at tins! housw. they
aye no cheap,
"Lono Fislicrman," let's liear from
von often from Lnko Shore.
An interesting loiter from Now
Mexico appears on our eighth pago.
Everybody should read It n nil get past
ed how tilings nro being done in that
muol! orer-rated countiy.
If you want ouv eyes dazzled just
step into Harry Farraghor's Jewelry
store, nnd thou turn around and look
at that brilli.int array of now clothing
which Mek Stock has just received.
Whllo Kov. E. Evans in com
pany with his family wore leaving
tho city last Saturday, their flelgh cap
sized near tho W. I' Drako pro, erty,
tlirowing tho ontiro party out upon tiio
ground anil dislocating Mrs. Evans' left
elbow. Dr. Thatcher was called who
soon replaced the joint, and Mrs. Evans
Is now getting along nicely.
Miss Ilarkor should bo greeted with
a large houso this evening. Shu has
kindly given her nssitanct to tho Meth
odist Church without asking any com
pensation. The members of the brass
band also deserve special mention for
furnishing inulc free of charge. Mrs.
k. (. Hod, should also lie kindly re
membered for tendering tho use of Vr
piano, after even ono else had rofusitl.
Such kindnesses should never ho forgot
ten, but hung on the walls of our mem
ories for future refoiouce.
Authentic nows has boon roccited
In Oregon tins week that Mr. Edgar L.
Allen hud been appointed Pos master,
tiio appointment to take effect .lanuaiy
1, 1S3-J. If a chip of Ihiiuderhad fallen
from a clear ky it could nut have sur
prised us, nor the ninny friends of our
present postmistress any mure. Of
course, being the largest patron of tho
post-ofllco here, wo had no right to a
voice as to who should be appointed
Postmaster. Again tingisui has Oeen
victorious, but for how long, remains to
bo seen. Tho nuwly appointee, Mr. E
L. Allen, is an excellent gentleman,
and will no doubt perform his du
ties faithfully and satisfactorily. Wo
do not object to him hut we do object
to anything which tends to rlngisni.
One of tho most pleasant affairs of I
tho season took place at tho res! 'once
of Mr. S.J. Ilershburgerlast Thursday
evening. Quito n number of young
folks assembled and proceeded in a
body to surprise Miss Elnu Hersh
berger, who entertained her guots
r'ght royally. Tho evening was epont
very pleasantly in social games of
amusemont and at a late hour they
dispersed for tliolr homes, touting that
it wns good to have been there. Tho
following is n lUt of those who were
present : Jennie Cotton, Annie Coiriu,
Lulu Chad. nick, Grant lluliz, Willie
Mnupin, Frank l'eter, Ki.iiu .Mnup u
Myra Monro, .lolin (. nlvin, Frank (Jr.j
ham, Nottlo Nics, Iu.i Xies, Hubert
Sulintz, Charles Sopor, Hollo Cottrell,
Honnio Hrodbeck, Edward Allan, Mag
giu Sclintx, Clare Irvine, Oru Kus.su ll,
Elma Kyger.
Judge Kelley on Monday decided
an important point In eriminal praotieo
wmcli all jiitdiccg ot ttio pease through
out the county should thoroualdy un
derstand. several fives of nil.-dumcan
ors, which had been tried before jus
tiees of tho poaeo had been appealed
to tho circuit court. It seems the
affidavits for appeal in tin so cases had
boon illed before the justices sororul
days after the judgments had been ren
dered. Tho circuit com t decided that
all appeals in such cases should bo
grunted on affidavits filed bv defendants
immediately after the rendition of the
judgment against them in tho justice i
court and should not bo granted tho
tiny after tho rendition of judgment. It
was aUo docidtd that justices should
In cases of appeal in misdemeanor eases
proceed at oneo to recognize all mater
ial witnesses. Tho proper observance
of this decision wid save necessary
cost and delay In the collection of tines
duo the school fund, Nodaway Demo
crat. Harry Faranher
lias removed his stock of jewelry to tho
store recently occupied by 1). M. Mat
tin, where ho will be glad to see his
friends nnd customers. In stuck can bo
seen the largest ami best assortment of
Holiday Goods, consisting of Watches,
Clooks" Jewelry and Silverware over
brought into Holt comity. All goods
warranted as represented. Hepairing
neatly nud promptly done.
The Comet.
By stationing yourself in propor po
sition about midiiiuht, and us.ng an or
dinary Held or opera glass you will seo
the tftar that is now creating a comnt i
thin as the sixth comet. You can't seo
the tail, but if you will take tho trouble
to drop into Martin & Stoirett's Millin
ery Eporium you will hear an exceed
ingly interesting tale about tho lowest
prices for milliner any ladles notions or
anything in their lino. New stock com
prising tho very latest novolties.
Afow boarders can lie accommoda
ted at the residence of Mrs W. T. Mati
plu. Parents, take your children out to
hear the "Cantata of Eve." It is very
In-titieiivi! and liitcrc.'lm.
-Don't forget to attend the Thanks
mg Dinner and Oyster Supper at
the residence of W. T. Manpln, to-dt.y.
There uru i.ow only three prinniers
in the county jail. The next sitting ol
tho Grand Juiy will probably dispose
of all of thoni.
An it.toiesllng communication is
crowded out litis week entitled "Shall
Oregon iiAVo a Hallroad." It will ap
poar uet Meek
1 lie ladles of tho Christian church
aro requested to meet at tho residence
of Mrs. S. J. Hershberger, Friday a ter
noon at 2:!J') o'clock.
MKs lllanch Howell, tho lavmilo
soprano in Oregon circle, will sing a
beautiful selection entitled "Thou art
so Near and Yet so Far," at the eoneert
this evening. Miss Blanch's songs al
ways elicit applause.
Tho river i onvcntion meets at St.
Joseph on the JOth inst. Oiegon is en
titled to two delegates, and Mayor Cum
mins lias Issued a icipiest that n n co'
mg ol tho citizens bo held next Saturday
for tho selection of the two delegates.
The hand boys wero out ou parade
last haturday lor tliellist timo in their
now uniforms. They made a brilliant
appearance and played sweeter than ev
er before 'I hey are a jolly crowd ami
the citizens of Oregon are justly roud
of tliem.
As a mutter of now, wo would re
mark that the llr-t snow of tho sca on
fell heio hwt Saturday morning. Wo
have on'y reetiied three poem on
'Bo ititiful Sno ' so tnr, and we haw
como to the conolusi n t ut the wood-
he poet ill tills vieinltity are v mtli g
lb.- more snow.
The literary society ho.d Its first
meetii.g for the wiutor, last Fiid.iy
evenlii ' at this public school huihlhi'r
The 1 Mowing peiniiiuent officers wi.ro I
Heeler. iTesiili'iit, it. llersfr.ieriri'r:
Secretary, Miss Estollc G'l.-'iu: Trra -urer,
D. I'. Doliynsi critics, O. C. Hill,
Mrs. A. K. Irvrno.
Deputy Const ililo Moore, of Ho t
county, came down Iat Saturday with
John B. Campbell, whom he wa taking
to tho insAiio aslum. He wa in tho
a-yltim once before, and wa sent homo
in Januaiy lat, but was uiifuituimtcly
again cyertakenhv uii.ioiindnessitf mind
He lias ben a prominent citizen. -St
Jlc Qazcllc.
Literary night.
Tho literary society will meet Filday
evening in the Public school building,
Tim public nro cordially imited to at
tend theso meetings. The following is
tho program:
Dic'liiiiialluii Hollo Oottrvll.
Oraltiin. I'rul K.'IIa"-'.
Sfilcei KeniUng IIIIu OT.illi'ii.
l.stay, Mr. K:i uilicr.
ikvlniiintloii will M.uiplti.
Urrltiillcm tutu Diliyns.
jtiMiinrlcs Ham. O'Kallon,
Iti'i'ltallon May Curii'v.
MiHlf, Minnie Hiilu, Klttl. Manpln, .Itimle
. Cotton anil others.
l!ock t;t .Vte, (Ily lteqticst)
, MN Jfiialc U.irkerof Atchison, K:w.
Helcct ltcudlnj Catrlo IIII1.
A Narrow Escape
Charles O. Stowtut, of acomo, Stew
art and Calm, caniw very near losing his
life and marching at tho head of a long lu
ll.' nil procession yisterdav morning. As
tho train pulkd into the depot at Foiest
City, lie thought to maUo n little timo
and jumped to the depot platform whllo
thu (r4n was yet in motion. Ills foot
sipped, and ho fell to tho ground. Ho
fell in such a manner that ho u ni thrown
under tho carnud upon tho rail. Ho had
presence of mind enough, however, to
extricate litmself from ids perilous po
sltion, and tiio wheels caught his pants
and cut ono leg almost tho ontiro length.
Mr. Stonait lunuolf was uninjured, save
a few bruises, but it was a narrow os.
capo St. Joe Gazette.
Death of Daniel Hudson,
Daniel Hudson, an old pioneer of
Holt county, Mo., died November 11th,
aged 7d years, from old ago and a Ming
dlsoase. Ho was born in Kentucky in
October, 1803 and was married in thai
state lit tho ago o 1!.') to Miss Jorushti
Duncan, who win i ro uttvu of General
Robeit Leo six children were born to
them, four daughter and two sous, on
ly two of whom Mirvlvos him, Mrs.
Mary Hoswoll and Amanita Hudson.
Ills wllo died seven years ago, and bi
son Charles died during the late war.
Ho and 'Squire T. S. Bragg bottled ou
adjoining farms in Holt, county, In the
west end ot N okoll's Grove, six mile
iiorthcaM ot Oregon, thirty-two years
ago, on wliloli tarm ho lived until the
tune of his death. L. B.
-aNew styles in Quoeniwarj
KruoK & Watson's.
What wo Would Like to Sen.
t Sol. Foster's singing momo.
t Correspondents more punctual,
t The cneort a brilliant success,
f The band boy-, given a reeo lion,
t Dave Fo-ter's colored band uu form,
t A big crowd at the eoneert this eve
t Itlnelmrt when lie got away from
The rubbish cleaned from tho
church yard.
t A more clever sot of boys than the
Sehulto bro ilers.
f A Stoek that keeps a finer stock
than .Vick Stoek.
f That album Chirk Philbrlck bought
for hi girl.
f Somvi of o'ir girls propose if the
boys aro too bashUil
t Tho wedding cards L. H. Knowles
h:' . in Ills piKC-s-ioil.
t All poem on "Beautiful Snow"
biulud in tho waste basket.
f That article .Miss Barker lost on
the stieet the other iituhl.
f The prisoners of tho jail allowed to
clean up the court house yard
t A (nil home greet Miss Barker tills
oveiilie; at the Mctnodit church.
f New Mib.-ciilicrs coutiiiiio to pour in
mid old uncs continue to como in ami
P'O' up-
Tho Concert.
Below wo publish the programme of
tho concert to be given at tint Methodist
Church (hi (Thursday) evening. Wo
certainly think It is the finest ever pro
senlcd in Oiegon .ineo our residence
hero. The committee In t.ecurlng the
servicer, of such eminent talent as Miss
Barker, who so delighted her audiences
every where she lias appeared, will give
two e.cctious; "When the Leaves 'Bo
gin to Tu. n," and "When Sparrow
Build." Shu is ono of the leading jj
praiio sin ids ol Atciiis m, tied has a
voice of i'.rn cii.luru ami compacs It
is iinnceessai'.t to mention iudividuaili
the home talent. K.cr) our of them is
known to be an .utist of rare ability
A glance at the programme ought to be
diffident to crowd the houe:
ciioouA.MJiK. e.vur l.
(I.ertiiiK llU'e l'ull t'liorin.
Thou Art su No.ir and Vet so Far. S.-l(.
.'it fx ill;ui.:ne ituut'll.
Alllll I.IUIR Sj-ll.-
f..rs. Caiotlu'.s, Ware
.Messrs. II'jIIiiiuii ami
Wluii I lit' t.oa ey Drain to Turn,
.mis i .it-inilu iiailii r.
Hope tli'Ytiiut DueH
.Mrs. t'.irntlii'n and 'ir. Hutriiian.
Tito Drunkards Dmaai Solo.
Mr. I. Iloumzell.
Minnie Itrimn Duett.
C'.iril Hind I.nna Scluilte.
Aniiels liver llnii'it nu.l I'i.lr
..irs lureiners.
Coiiip Wlioro tko Lillics llln.iin Quartet!
Jllss n.u kcr, Mrs. Ci'lotli.'is, .Mc.srj, .Intriii.ili
tlllu li"iliKS'.
Wliuii llio SiKirruw llnlld tin'.u
Mls Joiuil. I.arlltfr.
Drlfllns with tint Tldn ()uartrtt
Mr. fiiiollii-rs, Ware, Mtsirs. llolTinaii unit
The Mo'k'l Church Sonu
Tho r.irduu.... . Holo
Mr. Cariither.i.
Contain of llva Ily tlic ClillUriMi-
A Pleasant Aildlr.
A plca-ant party a-nimbled at tho
residence of Mr. W. II. Hichaids last
Thnii-day evening, in honor to Miss
Lou David who lias been yislting in
Oregon. The young folk enjoyed
themselves hugely, and about I o'clock
wero invited to a siiinptous repast, con.
sisting of all the delccuelcs of the s'u
st ii. Kind and hospl'uhlu waiters serv
ed tho viand, and the supper was hcarti
iy relished by all. Alter supper lerpsi
cliorcau excrulses wero indulged in'
until about midnight, when all took
their departure, feeling happy and do
lighted with the ovening's pleasures.
The follow in.,' is a list of those present:
Misses Lou David, Anna Uycrson,
Lota Wilson, Martha .Snvdor, Ida Iiu
ley, Bhtocho Howell, ' Mr-. Mattie IV-tor-
Mr. Louis J. .Moore, Clark Phil
brlck, John ''. Philbriek, .lames Foster,
W. U. Hoffman, Grant Howell, John
Peter.. Herman Heiulmrt, Irvm MoMur
ray, W. F. Wa lor.
Program of Union Oibla Meeting.
There will bo a union mooting at the
Presbytor.au church noxt Sunday night
November 27th, for which thofolUwing
program lias boon arrauasad by tho ex
ecutive commltte of the Hiblo Society,
1st. Dovotlmlnl uxorcUos conducted
by Hev. W. T. Manpln.
Slid. Address by Hoy. Samuel Ca
rothers. !lrd. Disout-sion of tho, most fan; Fam
ily Training openul bv iiov. 0. Lingo,
followed by five ininuto voluutoorspcoeli
es, 4th, Report of Tronsuror.
t 6th. Heport'of Secretary
Ot It . Mi-coll. 1110011 lit iuess.
7th Collection for Blblo cause.
All to bo in orspstsod with annronri.
IHO musiu, l OMMITTEI3,
Now Listen.
Do you know dour reader that tho
secret of go d health I In having
warm dry feet. To secure this through
tho winter months, you should go di
rect, to Ira Petor and purchase n pair
of Oyorshoos. Thoy are marked Iov
down. j
Adallim Kirk, of Culp District,
spent Satniduy in St. JoJ.
Miss Nova I'olk fpent Sunday with
her parents In OioL'on.
Lafayette McDonald, formerly of
this i otiiitt , lias returned.
Mls Ezra Benson, of this city Is
denuerottsly ill witii typhoid fever.
John L. Chuuitig, of W'gelow, at
tended Probate Court several days last
II. C. Pepper, a leading legal light
ft imii the ' hub'' was down on tmsincs
lusl'jMoudu) .
Hubert Cowan, of New Point, is at
tending school at tho Highland Univer
sity, lliuhMiid, Kansas.
Mr and Mrs. S. .1. Hershberger who
have been vi-blng friend- in Kansas, for
. i -nil days, have returned.
Tom. Miner, of this county, return.
ed hist week from att extended tour
through Mon ana and Idaho Territories.
Thomas Saunders, of Maryvlllu was
in Oregon Monday on business cornice
ted - ith In- father's esuito, of unl li lie
is udniiidMra'or.
Win. HUeliie. ot Mait'and, spent
Sunday at Tuiig rl-llmg Irieinl. Ho
Is very much interested lu scImoI mat
ters at thus place.
Al mzo Poe, who went in company
witli hi brother Bill, to Denver, I do
rado, Inst March, ha returned to Holt
county to spend the winter.
Mis Lrni David, of Craig who has
been visiting In this city ilu ing the la-t
fortn glit, the guest of Iter cousin Ml-s
Annie Hyursm, returned to her I. uno
Sa. unlay.
We ari! glad, to iiiiuoun e that Mr.
Georgo P. Luckliiudt, af'cr M-vei 'l
week s eoiitli eineut t( Ills room ly -ick-nes-,
is a"iiiii able to bo around among
Ids many friend.
E. F. We'!er and Charles Donovan
were shaking hand wlih thWr manv
iriciid on our street-' last Tuesday.
Thc Miy tlmy will hav their uanli lu
i n lining' mi dei" noxt wcjk
.li-s.lcnmo Btuker, the ct-lebr-iinil
vocalist fr -in A elit-on, pitted through
SLdosijib -aturdav nu ruing cn lit r
wa to Oregon, uhorutdm wltl take
Part in a e neert to lie lven at tltat
p'r.eu next Thuisday evening SI. Juc.
W. A. Moriarty, a memb.-r of tho
now-iiiipor fraternity, from Council
Glow, Kuna-, is a guest ot the junior
edl'or of this paper this wnlc. Will
ii u giiliint, wliole-otil- d ouug man
and says he 1- lulling io fall a v.etl'ii to
the im Itiiurduncc"
' aiiv of Oregon's
liood looking youii' ''.dies.
Miss Jennie Baiker, tho favorlto
vocalist and Miprano hlngor, wiio was
the recipient of numerous ill-tlugi'lslifd
Horn- offering at tho Bismarck Jubilee
la-t An - ii t mid whom lite pri ssoi Att h
ison iitid other p aces drew lavor.ible
eompaiii'ons between hei and l.ilta, the
eeubraied prima donna, t;.ok her de
parture Saturday for Oregon, where
ho wbl a i it hi a concert tobogiwn
there next Thur-day evening. It is
list it's- to add that Miss BarkiT will add
Miccess to the enterpiisc. Atchhon
Mound City.
Mis. Heuiohl's lias returned
a very pleasant visit in Iowa.
I In- ladle of tho Methodist church
gave a Thanksgiving dinner.
School commences Monday next.
Prof. Drake, Miss Bennett and Mrs.
Bacon, teachers.
Mr and Mrs. Hlatl and their
daughter Mrs. Miller, have been ou n
p ensure I rip of several days.
Miss Salltu C. Ileuuet has hcou in
Kansas spending her .-ummer vacation.
- h has returned much recruited.
-Miss Jennie Hoblitzell nnd Miss
Lizzie i'lazer nro visiting at Watson.
the guest of Mr. and Mrs. 1'razei Aden.
The Iriends of Miss Ella McKco,
in coiigr.itulaiing Iter as .Mrs. Aden, in
grel losing her trom their midst.
Mrs Pnttnn, 'lying two miles from
town.invl ed the ladies of Pre-byterian
Missionary Society to dinner Thuiiduy,
sending conveyance!- for them. Tho
invitation was greatly enjoyed.
1. Thou .shall buy Women's Pebble
Sldo lace for I.U0.
2. Whosoever will let him buy
Men's Dress Shoes for SI. 10.
5. Oh I Man, why wilt thou not buy
a pair of Shoes for D.lo
1, Kill not thy fool, ritthor got the
a pair of sorgo stippeis tor 15o 1
6. Go Slu no movo, but bo tho poa
sossorofiv pair of Women's Kid Slip
pers for 70 cents.
C. If thy leot offend theo, oneaso
them in u pair of Women's Pcbblo
Po ish for 81.00.
7. Now Is tho day of salvation; ou
can buy men's Biioklo Ale.u for fi 2i.
8. Go till the soil in a pair of Plow
Shoo for $1.00.
I). Thy lot should bo contented with
a pair of Mou's Calf Boots lor 81,06,
10. Now my children, seo that jo dn
as yo nro commanded, and walk not
into the traps and snares of tho mock
ing boot and shoos Pharisees; let your
oonrorintlon ho uny, niiy.nnd buy your
Boots nnd Shoes nt the Great Chicago
Bankrupt Shoe Sales
St. JTotsepli, IWCo.,
H. M. KEATRIKG, Mmiagor.
Pickled Pigs Foot can ho
had at Smock, Owen & Co., M itlr.ud

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