OCR Interpretation

The Rich Hill tribune. (Rich Hill, Mo.) 1903-1911, May 19, 1904, Image 7

Image and text provided by State Historical Society of Missouri; Columbia, MO

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn90061663/1904-05-19/ed-1/seq-7/

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Afff lable Trf paralionror As
slmfiatinf thcFoodandHetfuJa
ling B Sluinnclo andlJwvls of
rromotcs DiseslionCheerfur
ness arvl Rest.Conlains neither
Opium,Morphine norltuiexaL
Isot Narcotic.
Aperfpcl Remedy forConstip
Tion.Sour Slomach.Diarrhoes
Worms jCorrvukions ,f evrmh
nt s and LOSS or SLEEP.
Facsimile Sigrturt 0?
wmm '
1 EC
I , I tit 4 mull la ft mm . Haarts
Bmw; ess
ST af
Promoted by
And light dressings
great Skin Cure and
sweetest of emollients.
This treatment at once
stops falling hair, removes
crusts, scales, and dandruff,
destroys hair parasites,
soothes irritated, itching sur
faces, stimulates the hair fol
licles, loosens the scalp skin,
supplies the roots with energy
and nourishment and makes
the hair grow upon a sweet,
wholesome, healthy scalp,
when all else fails.
N. . Caalrt Itrmwl asd lasantai
Tnaontat fc wn Haanaa horn Hmfim
Strafklm, fim InftBty f Af, CMvuMlKf ml
CUTICL'RA loas, Ounamt, sad Cum, stay
mum as aa a all Pnuw l Om Dailar.
S-X MfV m .r-4 (Vim , w (Ha.
wi Hm.--.mm, M. ,m kl. 1 W at. Cmm4
. M ! I'-M. I M 1 k.Mfr.
Um i rU. Km a rH , P.a. IH iM.iwt
W. N. U, KANSAS CITY, NO. 21, 104
M. i,i s.nfij rti i,r I i
yvy tTVt ; r V" '
tawwMwiti.MlaaMilwi Mite
Shampoos of
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears tho
For Over
Thirty Years
w had pnck yb II jtkt wn t rat tn svkw
Bti -urw inm Milt on it) D.ft'i Mil -o
It kaoAi (hit ttitnitllmii. nd bf ptock
c-b'niaTL w nirvitM It. AUT.mr 4Mr I It t&4
vnu u I cuu euiw 4ijraiur Fui a.--
,r- Lit r.tit Ctw C- UcR. fer.
25 TtAtt ESlAUfc.
A A If
DRS. THORNTON A MINOR, NN Oat L. . t.t,. .
The gaB gkl foes 'oS)rj
In the fidaVat of jowna.
The m skaies sultry on Stf
bi the turtot of rowni.
Ctf the jrrtfl iht cKastt rf
In Itft penpewtf march,
tU ha doCwj dorl shew s mvik
Xmm tht iotd Dtianu SUnJw
Manufrbjrt4 by
IHe Mat Stardi (a,
,MJi e MU v wlw far a k4
y af st vtfi G ate wrt
9 t . ... ... k .... A . . ,
Ik. TAIfti h k.t
:t . , f
ttwaB ts
rai4r4 kl H M
rvisr 1 dj
l kit tfoiklf
I ft l4jrM
ska till
1 1 r as
1 9MW4 Vf
I Ik Uaroa. fht
Vl M tW.4
a t ar ark lai
IT M, wW1 rr w fr Mtiahftt x vwi
teniMft. UiMt ftl(-M IB IM C . at.
riM JL f. rtj ft KsmCl.lMiMCIIi
raiDta Ducstanei asisi riaTMtaa.
PATRC 4 LCCK, LlncotH, Ntbrukx
Cl'ULI3 caUrrh ot the ton.vU.
v' wi iivi -&rt w.i ,. Tr
mm ;. i
Preparing Orchard Land.
TL land ahould b ctiUlrated for
two or thr? yeara and fr-d of all
wild aod and w-da bfora it la aet
to orchard. aya O. M. Morrla. of tba
Oklahoma tailm. The laod ahould
bi plow pi) d(H-p o aa to dp
aoll aa rKmelble. Most of the prairie
tall lo Oklahoma la ery poor In bu
niua or decaying reneubla matter.
Burn lands abould b well manured
befora the orchard Is set. The nt
nurs abould be scattered eTenlf orer
the Held and turned under with th
turning plow. The practice of apply
ing large quantities of manure In
placea w here the tree la to stand can
not be recommended. Thia nractlce
of uneven manuring Is uituaily car-
npu oui in cne or :wo wse. The
mature la applied rery thickly In
the Immediate vicinity of the tree
and worked Into the soil or It la
thrown In dead furrows that are made
In the row where the treea are to be
set, and thea covered. The manure
will decay faster If evenly distributed
over the land. The trees will gather
food from all directions and form a
betl r root system. Where the fer
tilizer Is unevenly distributed, the
roots seek the most fertile soil aod
are developed there In greatest num
bera. As a result the water Is taken
out of such places very fast and In
dry weather these spota dry out and
the greater part of the root system la
left without water. Trees set on such
land will always suffer more for water
than on soil evenly fertilized. Sub
soiling Is beneficial on soil that has
a hard clay subsoil. Throwing out a
deep dead furrow where the row cf
trets Is to stand and then ClIinR again
after the trees are set is often cf
, value both to loosen the subsoil and
j to help drain the land. These fur
j rowa should run up and down the
I hill and be as deep as Is possible to
; make them with tie tools at hand.
The water that stands on the groand
seldom does any harm to the trees,
but the soil becomes packed and in
a little dry spell bakes and dries out
very rapidly. A short time before
the trees are set the land should be
stirred deep and the soil well pulver
ized and left In a smootn, level condi
tion free from dead furrows aod
In Crowing Native Plume.
Frederic Cranefleld, In a paper on
the growing of t-ative plums, read be
fore the Wisconsin State Horticultural
Society, said:
In the propsgatlon of the tatives,
many diflicultWs bare Uen encounter
ed. Jtoot grafting Is but rarely suc
cessful; cr.n crafiicg e n une year
seedllnirs Is belter, but expensive. Top
working on to year seedlings Is ail
right for the ati:ateur. but liispractic
able where a larfe tuitbir of i.-v- Is
wanted. The relief prtibably lies la
fall budding t.n stuck of the current
season' groth. The ceil difficulty
encountered, after the trees Lave been
planted a year, is the matter of pruo
Ing. Nearly all cf the natires are of
straggling habit aud streng grci'.
and If allowed to ko unchecked, pro
duce bad forks that commonly break
down as the head becomes develcTed.
On the other hand, if we practice re
peated cutting back, a compact, dense
head Is formed, which necessitates
staking the tree In early life and bin
ders the development of fruit spurs
as the tree develops.
While 1 am not prepared to give
definite directions for pruning. 1 am
Inclined to believe that a comiironiloe
of the two rntthotls would prove best.
I would rune a two year tree to a
whip when setting in the orchard and
head back severely. A tittle Judicious
summer pruning the Crxt jear will
aid In forming the head. The follow
ing spring the Ions mi hoets tuay be
shortened somen hut; tM 0 be fol
lowed by a careful summer prunlrg.
After this It Is probable that as tittle
pruning aa poilile should be done.
There Is a ery lde d'.Htrrnce In the
habits of the different varieties, re
quiring a close study of their peculiar
Itle. Trees of the Surprise and Ham
mer will often make straight and
shapely specimens without pruning
after the first year, while Rockford
and Quaker remain strsKKllcg and
forked In spite of the best eCorts.
j Blush. na Maid Crab,
j The tree of this variety is a very
i vigorous grower, but limbs and trunk
are comparalh ely slender. Sue of
trunk at base S0i inchea in circum
ference, at head l4 luches; upright
grower with fairly well rounded head.
; Thus far this variety has not shown
j much susceptibility to disease, either
ot foliage or fruit, says a bulletin of
the Virginia station. first bloom
noted In 1S3I. three yeara from plant-
' Ing, and a few fruita were produced
the ssroe season. In 1SSS and again
' In 1897. lii'i and 1901 this variety
j bore full crop of fruit. The crop In
; o year were much lighter. In 1IS
; we picked ten and one half bushels
j fruit from the two trees, and tn 1?C1
the trees were Uvaded with showy
I fruit. It Is generally very productive.
Fruit ot medium sue. striped and
washed with deep red and very showy
cn tree. I'lesh white and crisp, not
very rich, mild flavor, wito slight as
trlngency. The quality of fruit ot
this variety is hardly eguat to varie
ties like Trauscendanl, but the pro
ductiveness of Ire a ad beauty of the
fruit commend It for usor goners!
Investigate rntinen!.
Aa lnvtlga!kfl of the r'i of
pneumonia by the !tiartrtol'nr(ral de
! part meat of the Board of Hlh
j New York shows that eottajk ht cf
comparatively llttie I m por ar.ee In tfce
J spread of the dtsss. The board is
j Indicted, tberffr. to attribute lb
excvlve dewtk rate from poatboe
to the efAi ill the last winter.
"mtetlon of Gums.
In ordr lo study the formation of
gums, Dr. Cre'g Smith of Erflney, Aus
tralia, has isolated some In bis lairr
tory. Ir. Smith nUeve that aom
of them are due to bacteria Vnti.tr
tJona. He suggects that by j-jd'.rkrss
i selection of susceptible trs tfe-
world's present supply of gum eouid
be greatly increased.
Mastery of the Appetite.
The late Collis P. Huntingto
j prided hlmseli on his perfect mastery
; of his appetite. When he Invited m
) friend to luncheon with blm he gave
him one of hi apples and a slice of
' old fashioned bread and butter.
j Pay of Bohemian Class B lowers,
I In the famous Bohemian glass fo
! tory region glass blowers receive SS
to 18 a week, working by tie piece;
i cullers get 13 to 13.60 a week, engrar.
era. 14 to IS. skilled painters and glid
ers $6 to IS.
France Would Buy Trusts.
Trench economists are asserting
that when a monopoly become In
jurious It should be bought by the
state and managed in the Interest of
the public. This question has goo
so far beyond the theory that tfce
minister of finance haa seriousiy
thought of taking is band the refill
ing of oil.
Korean House Screened.
Every Korean hide his bouse from
the public pare by a cumber of
screens. The poor man e-n'oTs
beiges and fences; the rich man haa j
, many high walls. Between the walla
are grown gorgeous flowers; lotus
ponds are also to be found there.
Manganese Mining.
The mining of manganese la b-
; coming an important Industry, 64.
. 600.WKI worth having been produced
Kin to Man.
Consul, the chlmpanie stuffed. t
rnicg ojvm, wjin a garcecia in ma j
buttonhole and a single eyeglass Is
on view in Pari.
Could You Us Any Kind of a Sewing
i wiacnine at Any Price f
j If there is any price so low, any
) Offer so liberal that you would think
j of accepting on trial a new high-grade,
, drop cabinet or upright JJmnewxa,
j Finger. Wheeler t Wilson. Standard,
j White or New Home Sewing Machine
i cut out and return this notice, and
1 you will receive by return mail, post
i paid, free of cost, the handsomest sew
i lng machine catalogue ever published
It will name you price on the Minne
sota. Singer. Wberler Wilson,
. White. Standard and New Home sew
ing machines ibat will surprise you
j we will make you a sew and attract
ive proposition, a sewing machine of
j fer that will astonish you.
I If you cn make any nse of any
i ewlcg machine at any price. If any
kind of an offer would Interest you
; don't fail to write as at once (be sure
' to cut out and return this special do
; tlcel and get our latest book, our
, latest offers, our new and most sur
prising proposition. Address
Women go out and pay money to
; hear lectures but men get their at
home for nothing.
ash Yar Dwbr r Altai's rMt-ltn,
A povder. It rest the teet. CurasCaroa.
Buaioo. Swoiieo. Sosa. HfH.Cs-'loo, Achia
Swesiing Fet n.i Ingrowing Nsiia AUeo
FcV-EMmak never tight hoeeT. Al
all Drueisis and Shoe stotes. 25 cert Ae
cspt do sutMtuai. Sample ssatlrd Fssa.
Address Ailea S- Olmxed. Le Hoy, N. V. j
The ordinary man will give up more
money for fii-h ttun he will for salva
Food Is tho Only Natural Gdicino
the unhpp,nes o( manVinJ ric from little stoppage, from a duct checked up, front iad:g-ttib!
looJ resting in the wrong place. For the prevention ol this thtow phvtc to the dog At ldt, U
only nturl medicines, tbt will trgulate the towel krep the) outlet ojo.
will, if eten d;ir, eliminate from the rtera the untuad tlemtstt iRtroduced by a haphazard dkf,
Palatable riutrillcus Easy of Digcslica izi 0::dy to Eat
r, Ptioa, Ik rnvauv d J. lis s Ctwaia rUkiag IVwJwe uj r:iOus ITj.oe.a Eatratta,
A ea catuui t r-e aa mat aau trm s mat T...,,lftl
rftjtni i nzt mm rc:. ca., r.i t:::t, unit tint, k::s ui ttv.ttu tr.::i::.
"I Havo Every Ocassn
' . ... v.; . ,
i 1
:Mi. 'Jvk CJL z Jr. s TJ W4 'f :
jo St Cuuka la. '
J Mrs. K Kane. ITS
Cbicajro, 111. writ:
Perwnm In aWat araeef so long hi
our tarn I If that I do mot kmw mnrm t
could rcl ajomg without It f
ifrVes It to nil ef my chlUm at
t Cifltrtnt tuwi wbem ttey tmiicrt.4 1
with crovp. coJtfs a ltd tha ma my aJt-
I meat that chlklram arm mbject ro,
and mm plemted l may that It baa
kept Ore an la tpir4t4 mamSib.
barm alto mme4 U tor m catarrhal
difficulty ot Jong- atamdlBg mod It
cttrtd eve la a tMort tlma, am harm
J rrtry reatoa to pralta Ptemna."
tMra. K. Kama.
Pe-rw-na Protect Use Ejrtirw Hoitae-
botd Acalast Catarrkal
One of the g-reatet foe with which
every fumiir ha to cmu-nd 1 our
ehunireabl climate. To prmect t'.e
family from cjlds aod emght Is aiwars
a serious proV-lem. and uium isaprtmihlt.
txxner or later it is the iMmtabie
fat of everr ooe to catch cold- Care in
avoiding erpostire and Uje ueof proper
clotliicfr wiil protert from tfce fre
quency and perhaps the seven ty of colid.
but with tie greatest of preautioti
they w ill come. This i a wf.ied ?1
of human experience. Everrboiy ncust
expect to be caught tmi,eLere or
Perhap it will be wet feet, or a
draught, or damp ciotiiea. or it mar b
one of a thousand other littie tnxahaps.
but co one is shrewd enough to alwaj
avoid the inevitable catching cold.
There is do fact of medical science
better known than that l'ei-ana cure
catarrh wherever located. Thxmhasds
of families in all part of the United
State are protected from colds and
catarrh by F mina- Once in the family
Peruna always star. So home caja
The FREE Homestead
kti u im AnsAcncMS ui ism.
Wi'laM cf wra 4 ac33Sc-eM Crea 4 GrmT
tK to t- b4 uit-wrl; 91 kr f.srr&M
Cwd Vrvp. deUghcfiil rtlult, tpWadl
Taunt inwa, ptrtm tartmi rmm ltlwn.
ncpUooi ril mj diui. mm IUj
mm, mmwrmr rlr4 aaUy.
T cjjiui of Wm-a Cuaia hiiii 1 J
12 t ' UbKtirttM, SM
mixs aDrK-M.
lc Mum Mtkrainrf CaMdiu C.'.i mm
aBl to, Cssat4aa A'. -i oWr uatVrfjMAM
ot irm S. i 7.?r. r-: Ctt.-a Cn4L
VMierrttl s CHIGGER Ciif-
Fsr CNICCt, tnoti, sooutTt)
a! eiaar l$tCT gSTI.
nirn. utiH rateur scar,
tr f.im as .i
isrrnvi m t!.iIit,rM
tM w lu weka Mnn
At lmw rrnt IS okh.
Tfct ft t Mnfl Ca..liraM. Saaa
fun War Trtmav a f
I . 1-
C3 T
Ur' p Fwej sjlrsH i- ' ft S fteM-Hratv
TRUSSES ' -'. t to.
.-;iMSJ 1 UtU I MJwXtlt .H-r jlaSU f fa.
Sebw Street; I J
tAMDS or
mm Western
fa Prsho Pc-ro-ca.
I Vr. A. HoSxwb, K3 Waaiiig-Vsi
Lara-.sg. ltri,. wriMu
"Prrwmm ls krrm turci a k.Wt&ri
, ta my maty &d. aa v7 c mjvi. J
that I feci Imtocrd In gfva way stzJ-
BoatiaX ha baa mhtay antfarad
t traw ca tarrk of ibt kcad at threat.
mmd I mad c ant attra awacamtteima
mt mot t ma-ra mlm awmmad) M
s damp or void aramxbar. Lmmt Tr
aa was tmktmwHa U grtpvm, mmtam
J H vma m sewer caut, emmamd ma
I mxm mmxitty. ' maadidam matpad I
aim uu Da too ttramm. imatwad
am Imprmramamt mt intca mmd la
tbrtm watk bm was dttfartmtX
cblid; torn grlppa bad barm com
pietaly cured mad t muOcad) f Cat
catarrb was made battar. ha kapt,
taking It two we is loegar. wbaat
ba mat aotlrHy wtH I aov mam It
off mmd mm for cnkSu cramp, tad.
gentoa or gaoeral imiltpoaiijom. mmd
fimd It in park- to may doctor or
madid am I arte tried. It k tap ma, J
a wall m my ctisld, la partaet
bra fib. mod I giadly rDommtrmd It
to mot&ara. " Mr. A. tlomaom. I
oar I 'ernes J"vrr the t,-t trial ot it.
We havi on t'a cacr thoosajbi testi
monial like the oce ttvea above. W
can only give onr reavders a alight
glimpse of the vact array of vuiftoucted.
odorscmenta we are reeeivicg evwy
moDth. So rather phyneiaa is the wori.1
ha received nth a volume of enthoss
asue aad grateful brtter of t?irt aa
Ir. Ilartmaa for I'erusa.
"rattamr ta Ptaa-
om.r limp: ro womLO'm
p-Aim m aim mttTmoMcm.
Ttra Daffy Trams (ran Caasa Qry.
Saortcst Ua.
as Tswr Aatut far Tteara On ate
& C. ftHlZLP. Trav Faa. Aevck
U ft- kUXTJuU-AJL Vast. !, av
Ktssu rtrf. Ma
j("raW -l.'JlwSSJ ? tjM Wmm
piZ T1 ttrnwA-.-tmrn w tmrnttmb. m.
at" ' am
iir m a-aV Wsa'av. el .;. mm
Mm rwtt Tm t 4 w e-.ii-el
Mmmdprf ss-w sv--JJ ,-a t,m papnm t
TV a-r-r,. c-w fas' trOaOM. ffr t-
m t i"w ew.t uartiw

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