OCR Interpretation

The Rich Hill tribune. (Rich Hill, Mo.) 1903-1911, December 07, 1905, Image 5

Image and text provided by State Historical Society of Missouri; Columbia, MO

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn90061663/1905-12-07/ed-1/seq-5/

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As Clniotmris is at
hand wo are oifering
our Millinery at lower
prices than ever be-j
fore. In fact you can,
buy goods cheaper
than ever before in
town at our store. We
are doing this to clear
out the store for our
immense stock of
Xmas goods, which is
larger than ever be
lore, and you know
ours is always the
largest stock of these
goods in town.
They will be on dis
play in a very short
Mrs. Harry Harris spent Sun
day with relatives Ht Nevada.
Prof. F.'.iner Bradley came
down frmn Archie l' spend Sun
day witli his mother, Mrs. A. C
Mr. C. H. Walters attended the
regular meeting of the Hoard of
Asylum No. .) al Nevada la.t
Jodge Armstrong, of the
Southern dit rift, attended ft ses
sion nf the County Court at But
ler this w t'i'k.
Mrs. Flavo Tytrard spent Sun
day with her mother, Mrs. Iladia
Cppge, and other friends in
Kaunas City.
Postal CN ik Waiter Vail came
in Sunday from St. Luis on a
vi it to his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
II. Vail, returning to duty Tues
day. Mrs. M. I Fry returned Mon
day from k iMt, ut Deepwater
toW!i!)ip nnd other points in
eastern Hater, to relatives and
Mr. .1. J. Warren has gone to
Uirard, Kas , to engage in the
Nutrito Lusjiu'.s',. He may not
return to Unit Hill for sometime
hut we .Hs t to se him hat k
not manv mount hence,
Dr. M:W Heart Cure la
ir.mle many In-art well (;tr
they have hern pronounced
ho;u!"i. It Jus completely
cuted thousands, and will at-mo-i
invariably cere or hi-uvlit
every t.T-o ( he art disease.
Miort brc.V.h, pain around
heart, palpitation, fSmterit!;,T,
tliry, fainting and Muotheti'.v.;
f eli.'i should iut he nogiceU'J.
TiW Dr. Miles Heart Cure
r:d see how quick you will
be relieved.
It cannot nuke a new heart,
but restore a skW one by
strengthening ihe heart nerve
and muscles, relieving the
unnatural strain, and restoring
lis v itality.
't l.ail V"nr hni ra rt tioart
tr... t.lo. K'T fix ii0. I M ii.. i
mk. t.-l July I .!. n. mi
J f.. ;.. l-.a all tj; In 1... mi. i.
v.n in J.; - n.rf t"i I'w 1 t ..a to i-
or Iitl ilmn. !.rr tin..-. Me
l,.it O-iufch II .-uM
Liit itn"..ii. '.-i I i' -J .iiii.'uiiv in
r. llmj liiv l-r .ih. 1 1-uili-iJ I,
-!... i it It. XI Ili-.iil 'ut, nl
. ;..i i Ii -,! li ..r i u 1 ... U
i- .1. . l h .i.I t i--. ii Mi. t. lt.
CI..--U 1 )ii.t l- g 1 11)1 flV.ll III' (. Irl
tin..' m 1- i.M 1 h.v i.iki-n .ti1
.,.Kl.j. .! uiir I.omiI I r.ul..r J
i.iW. 1 (- I lik" i w lii.i",
i-.l , . .a until r-. iwl-U tut ii4
tiu.tt. v ? ) i . a "
ti. Ik I-A.tl.l, Fnnl. OhK
Tr. Mil,' Hrt C ur, U od by
nr lri.n;itt, nvlii, v.111 i.irnli. that
t luill- v.. it .n.t-u If It fii
Mr. nnd Mrs. CI. (J. Cook are1
visiting relatives in Kansas City.
Mrs. U. Dubnch nnd her daugh
ter, Julia, were in the city Mon
day, shopping.
Mrs. C. O, Harnett came lip
from Nevada Wednesday and vis
ited friends during the afternoon
Miss Mamio Larson, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. J. Larson, ar
rived home Tuesday from a visit
of several month with relatives
in Iowa.
The Piano Contest is getting
interesting. The time is short.
Vote now, while you can.
TA Austin, of IJutlr, was in the
city Tuesday and favored the
Tkmcne with a pleasant calL
Ei.l goes back to St. Louis this
week for an indefinite stay.
Iiev. J. II Stevenson, of I'ark
ville. Mo., came to the city Satur
day, a guest at the home of Kev.
V. IJ. Chancellor and preached at
the Presbyterian church Sunday
for Ilev. Chancellor.
The Daughters of Rebecca,
Monday night elected Mrs. J. H.
Williams, N. G., Miss Lizzie Mc
O.mbs, V. P., Mrs. J. K. Martin,
see'yi an4 Mrs. A. J. Ilowyer,
treas. for the ensuing term.
Frank Lane was in the city
Tuesday, seeing after business
matters. He is one of Hates
county's rising young farmers,
and is sound in his political prin
ciples. Such a irn deserves
Only three more days to vote
in our Piano Contest.
Jessie nnd Hamp Steele ship
ted a large bunch of hogs to the
Kansas City market Tuesday
night, among them, four hogs that
together weighed lsOO pounds.
They paid Mr. Win. Olive over
70 for them.
Kev. Wesley Lattin is confined
to his home with his friend rheu
matism that sticketh closer than
n brother. While the sun shines
brightly the wind blows rather
eold and raw. for young men of
'A and upwards.
Chas. McPhert'tn, who has
spent quite a long time out in
Montana and the far west, is at
home again for a more or less ex
tended visit. Charlev looks hale
and hearty and still thinks Kich
Hill a right g'od place to stay.
I'ev. F P. Anderson came up
from Carthage last Saturday and
held his regular quarterly meet
tings at Hume and Huh Hill Sat
urday, Sunday and Monday, de
parting for his home Monday
He found the work at both point
visited well in hand.
WAN ri'.l): l-y t'lilnijtu w IiiIi-,i1imiiii1
tliall onlrr lionm-, ItiwtxtMUt llirtnajii r
I man ur tviiuiiii) fur tliU count v tin. I
mljoliiiiic ti rrn.iry. Miliary T.Mmul
extN-iiMn ixilii vt ivkly; pxh-ii ikuii-
ry ml vn tuts I Wnrk l'li-illllt! ImihI-
tioti iH-riiiiiiit-iil. No Im.-ftiiit-ut or
i-xm-iU-iks sjiiinst. rtu- nt nut-'
Ii r lull partli uliri. tun! i-tii liwo im-Ii
mt-lnowsi fiivi-... ( l)lt'i:K V IX..
Vt 15 "ti 1 ;a 1-itfce fSU.tiiteiiKo. Hi.
The entertainment given by
the ladies of the M. 11 Church
South nt the ()ptoM House last
Thursday evening was well pat
ronied and the proeeeds made u
nent little sum. Kich Hill is a
great town for church entertain
ments and they lire nlwnys huc
cessful indicat ing that our p'sple
generally favor gixl morals and
are not opimsi-d to a very consid
erable amount of religion. In
faet most of them msmii to think
these qualities nre gmul to have
in tnes business.
Kev. J. S. Porter, who recent
ly pur. based the Fisher pror
ty Fast Walnut street arrived
in the-city Dee. 1st with his
household good mid will soon K
domiciled in his newly purthas
cd homo with his daughter and
son in law, Mr. aud Mrs. J. W.
Porter. Kev. Porter is eighty
venrs old and was at the lime of
his taking the superanuated ro
lat ion last spring, the oldest min
ister in the St. Louis conference
inactive son ice. He has Ihvii
preaching continuously fm- moiv
than ti f t y ''iirs and has well
earned a comfortable lest in his
licciiuicg ywuft.
Mrs. Chas. A. Lone, from east
of the rive, wa in the city Wed
nesday. The linal result of the Piano
Contest tfill be announce next
I be I. O. (.). F. ;t i!r ii tni i ti:ti
held lor the purpose, elected i Kd
Whitehead, N. CJ., Trunnrn Kelio,
V. G., S. D. Cole, tre., J. K.
Martin, truitee, and L. F. Cald
well, Sec'y.
Dr. Frank Slater look his tegu
lar trip home to bi Kanstt tann
lat Saturday, but F. E. Kellogg
came in at utual from Nevada to
that the equilibrium of citizent wa
not disturbed, may it ever be thu.
We can all afford to eat ice
cream now. Icj is plenty and
so are ducks. A certain man not
far from here went duck hunt
ing Thanksgiving. He shot four
times at a duck, thrwed rocks
at it till it could scarcely move
and set the dogs on it. He got
the duck all right.
Messrs. W. II. Frazee and Ed
Miller hauled corn to Kich Hill
Miss Garnett Lloyd is quite
sick at the home'of her mother,
near the smelters.
Kev. Wakely is enjoying a visit
from his son whose home is in
the far west.
Mrs. Charlie Perry was an
agreeable caller at Willow Grove
Monday. Mrs. Perry is a de
cided business woman.
T. L Fleming is putting down
another strip pit on his farm.
Joe Baxter spent a few days
last week visiting K. II. friends.
Mr. Wilcoxson.of Hutler neigh
borhood, paid a business visit to
the Shobe neighborhood Monday.
Hen Kyan came down from
Kansas City to eat Thanksgiving
ninner with K. II. f riends. He
returned to K. C. Monday.
Miss Jeanette Wilson, daugh
ter of Kev. Andrew Wilson, came
from Kansas City Thursday to
visit friends and relatives. Miss
Jeannette is looking well and as
if life in the city agreed with her.
There was a band of the pret
tiest little Indians, or shall w
say papjuxises, in No. 1 school
room at West Side school Wed
nesday afternoon "f last week.
We always imagined we should
be scared to diuth to meet a
"wild Indian, but, on the con
trary, we allowed one of the "lit
tle savages' to walk home with
us. For the past few weks Miss
StiH-le's little pupils have ben
studying Hiawatha, and to im
press it more fully on their minds
Miss Steele dnunat i.inl a part of
the study for thechildren. Leon
Phifer was Hig Indian Chief, and
surely looked tierce: Francis Hall
was Hiawatha, nnd little Tlu lnia
Cate made a charming -Minnehaha.
We have forgotten the
name of little Mokotnis, but we
wore especially pleased with her
sws't little cradle song. Take it
all around it was line. The room
was beautifully decorated in
Thanksgiving style.
Not being tin old maid or a
bachelor girl, (alt ho some times
we wish we were,) however, we
attended the (ltd Maids Cornell
t ion at the opt ra house Thursday
night, and notwithstanding the
fact il was as cld as "(irts-ii
land" we enjoyed the trip. The
entertainment wasgnml, but say,
wont some one present Harve
. Johnson with a great long whit'
I feather.
t Died, at the home of his son
J Joseph, in the north part of tin
city, on Thanksgiving day, Jos
;eph Anton Dschner, aged 71 yrs
Deceased was loni in Switzer
land, came to America in lsj,
j located in Nebraska and from
: there he came to Sprague where
he had lived f.r years and was
j well mid favorable known as un
; industrious man and honest up
- right citizen. Four weeks ago,
'because of his failing health, he
, was brought to the home of his
son here, where everything
which loving hearts devise and
willing h:imts il.i w. tn .Km., to
make his last days peaceful by
I his loving son nd daughter. He
! sides his son Hnd heart broken
j wife here-, he left two daughters
in Switzerland. Funend .crvicvs
j wore txtnliuted by Kev. Strong
at the residence Fiiday and the
burial was in Greeulawii cemetery,
Notice 19 Rich i:;:i E:r!;l r,j
tiillsn. Owing in the death tit Mr.
J. W. Cox, a tncniber til the
Kith Hill I' a rial Assochilion,
asm-xsment No. 22 i ticrw dae
and fdiould. be paid withla fifteen
Dec, Ht, 1003.
The Bates county Medical So
ciety will hold its annual meeting
at Butler, Saturday, Dec. in, on
which occasion, Dr. EL A. Lyle,
the retiring president will deliver
an address and Dr. K. P. Hulett
of this city will read a paper on,
"The reorganization of the medi
cal profession."
Mrs. J. W. Cox Dea1.
Mrt.Ma.ryC. Hackett, wife of
W. J. Cox, died at ber home in thii
city last Saturday morning, after a
thort illness, aged 53 yeart,Xov. 3.
She wat born at New Richmond,
Ohio, and married to W. J. Cox
in 1S6S. Of this union were born
seven children.Joha II., of Denton,
Tex., W. J., jr., Frank, of La
Harpe, Ka., Chan. P., Neodesha,
Ka.f Mrs. Wesley Badget,Spiague
Mo., Mrs. Jas. Weaver of Iowa,
and Harry Cox of this city, all of
whom with her husband.turvive ber
She wat a devoted wife and mother
a faithful friend and a good neigh
bor. The funeral wat preached by
Rev. R. B. Templeton of the Wal
nut Sl M. . Church, at the home
of the deceased Sunday afternoon,
after which loving bands bore the
remains away to be at rest in Green
Lawn cemetery. II. M. Booth, un
dertaker, bad charge of the funeral
Dr. W. L. Short, physician and
surgeon, specialist in diseases
of eye, ear, nose and throat and
chronic diseases, will give con
sulfation and examination free.
SPECIAL OFFER, All who call
this week and next will receive
treatment one week and if you
are not satisfied you may quit
without a cent of pay. REFER
ENCES, C.C. McFarUn, Thos.
Silvers, Atty., Ed Snyder, Mrs.
IL F. Thomas, John Patton all of
Butler, Mo. Jas. Smith and. Mr
Hair, (conductor Mo. Px R. R.)
Nevada, Mo. Mrs. S. F. Happen
br..ck. Miss Mjy Pollard, Jos.
Katts and W. J. Taylor all of
Sheldon, Mo. Mr. John Blevins
formerly of Butler now of Tope-
ka, Kas. was blind has his eye
sight restored. A host of others
by request. Do not trust to
your neighbors who do not know
but find out for yourself.
Subscribe for TheTkibcxe.
Order of Publication,
I HTATK ir Mtsm
rni, )
itti. J
Couut.v tit Ikittn,
Iii tlifllrvult Court,
.Mar Trriu. ltoi,
fe-litrtnU-r TtU. 1904.
t ivl.-t Jtu koit rialiillff. 1
v. y
W Hey Jiu Wou. iVCendaot
Now at tbla 1.it
roiiien tin? Plaintiff brrvln. Iir Ik-V
1 A ttoru.-vii Truik-ton A 1 1 ok, nnd
; ftli-t Iht n-(ltlon it tut nrrt.luvU. aiWc
tUiii. itiiiouii tittit-r ttitiu; ttint ls
j ti'inliliil. Ik-.V J Hi V m. 1mm iuU
j r.-lil-iit of 1 Ik- Hint ol MlMmiurt:
j lii-reitpnii. It tit orilertsl ir t
Court, tlmt nl.l In ti-n.hint U in.tlft
1 inI tiy utllciittoti thnt Plnlntlrl lin
j (MiiiiK-iKssi n, VU Hui:it tiim In
i till 1 oiirt. tlH ol-J.Tt iul m-iM-ra
' imtiiri n( which U tit olitnin n t
rns' it divert from the IMendant
! Ii.-ivlii oil I in- Krouml til nlM-iMV Mini
ili- rtl. hi t.ir tli its-l tute tuito
vv.-ir i it-x t t-liir tilltiif l-r -titluo
'iiii-l lliat iilihsut tK-tU. VV tW-v J ,-tc-
Hitil In mikI nplM-nrnt till t'tiurt. itt
j 1 lie im-M leriu llnr-r, to tie U-guu
1 inul tioliU-n nt 11m- t mirt IKmim- lu
I lli i Ity i.f ItutU-r. In iwil.l rouutv. on
tU.t1it Miitntay lit hftroitrv. "l.v.
- sii. 1 mi ur ln-ton I lie nrxt tiny tit twit
, 1 1 rut: iiimwi-r or k-nt to tt is-tt-
tlnll III Ktilil THUmt. IIm Mint win I
j tiikt-ii rouleMiil. nnd jtgnw-tit
retiilenii ueeoriliiigty.
A in! 13 in turt U-r" onl.-rvit. tliMt m 1
i-oiy tu n-iil tie nit.lilw-i. Hcrtirtliu,;
lO law , til lllf IlkH till. I. TattUI XK. n
ii.'tv -'.n r niiilUln-l lu n. rouut v
nf I-10-. (or iviur nit'lm oitJv'lv.
ltlllnltl-.l Ut l--lt IIIHV M irl, tllf
I it ln-.-rtl.ui to l Mt Un-t thirty
.lays l.'lnrv i)h firt il.iv J umiUI tH-vl
l i briiary lt-riii ot tliUt'ourt.
J. A I in ckmix,
tlrviitt IVrW.
A triiffopy triim t Ik-rx-.-nrxl.
itrtcni my liaiiJ, nuI pen!
At. ot ttK I'irt-tnt luirt t4 JUit,-.
riiinst.r, tln 4tti tl.iy t m,
' tviuU-r, tvix
J. A. IATTS.It'.
C. M. liarhW-y, Urcutl Uvf .
Now is the time for you to buy.
A Big Full Stock to select fron at
Another shipment of the
just received, in Tans, Castors,
Browns, Blues, Blacks, and
PRICES FROM 34.00 TO S25.00
Wm Maple Syrup,
Oriole Buckwheat flour.
cans, 2 cans for ".'. These goods ai sc2Id fruit
not all water, as some are packed.
ceived 100 pounds of this leoi tobacco I rom Chas
City, Virginia. If you like a nattral leaf tobacw
don't foil to se and to buy so:r:e of this.
Some Hew Goods.
I mention a few article b-ow oth? tnar.y new
cnes tliit havi arrived:
Apple Butter ia Bui. S7re-t Pickks.
Tickled Pi's Feet. Cdiifornia Fruit of ail Kir. ls.
New Kraut, Hominy Flakes. Xivy Brians.
Liii:;i Uni. Pu?ed Hici In Bulk;
A lare assortment of Bulk and lxacka Cal:c
and Crackers.
Use Globe & Crystal l-Flour.
i V' 'uV
J4 llujHJ
1 ViJ
J .4 '
u ... u
i )
t i
Mi's Hot Blast I
Ul lurn a.v kind t f i l. fcn-k-hkI
rirt Lt -r nrt-t (nuu:;i.'
tJe r. wnl t4 Ju.- that
rhliiiisry la ( i 6.H.J kin 1 .Ur-
It'lM (tu t l ti IU. l
k,!ni! t Mk ntKl tixil la-t
tr t tutn l Rt .rti t.iiit
j our rn ii l Un l.
WI lltvr. ?3 CHI up
HfMMt - up
A.l nti- ,4 Aiih-ri. (tn J
I'ill.i'Urv;!! IVH hii.I IVuiiry
IVittv. I'rSoi- trrr !-.. I: I V
t Ur St HIT.
'I h''f T H U'Urr 1! kt t
trit.l tLati l inir dirt-.

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