OCR Interpretation

The Rich Hill tribune. (Rich Hill, Mo.) 1903-1911, July 18, 1907, Image 3

Image and text provided by State Historical Society of Missouri; Columbia, MO

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn90061663/1907-07-18/ed-1/seq-3/

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Few "Undesirables" Gain Admission
to the Promised Land, Though
Attempts to Deceive the Inspectors
Are Made Routine at tha Port of
Boston Dr. Satford Telia of Alf
Sorta of Tricks Played "Fake Cit
Irens aa a General Thing Are Eas
ily Spotted Soma Pathetio Storiea
Itoston. When Uncle Sara learns
that a fresh batch of would bo citizens
are headed for ltostm fr-oni foreign
.hores. he sends Dr. M. V. SafTord and
Ihr. Hiiro B. C. Hclmer down to meet
them when they arrive.
The two physicians are keen men
of long experience. They can spot
dlseas. symptoms at a glance. When
an army of Immigrants march on the
X'alted Statea through thla port they
weed them out with the most minute
care. In mutters of means, ability to
be eelf-aupportiUK and business Inten
tions, the I turnip ranta mutt satisfy
other agents of Vncle Sam. Cut first
an J foremost they must run the gaunt
let of the keen, unpr Judic J tye of
the two doctors.
Dr. Snflord and hia assistant. Dr.
Reimer, pass on every oum of the
thousands of Immigrants that enter
the port of Doston. They ni"et with
strange experiences, they are ever the
objects of cunning subterfuge and
piteous supplication, and they make
few errors.
Word cornea to the Immigration offi
cers at Ixui; wharf that a great ship
with hundreds of Immlsrants on beard
Is due at quarantine at such and such
a time. The d.K-tors know ly the lo
cation of the jort of embarkation
about what class of Immigrant they
will have to deal with, ond they pre
pare for him.
Boarded at Quarantine.
W'lii'n the ship n 'aches quarantine,
the hytdelan, are wailing to board
her. They begin at oure with the m-c-ond
u!)ln passengers after 'looking
over." surreptitiously, the passenger
In ti e saloon. The second cabin pas
).:; : air suhrultti J to a ilj:id lam
ination, for brs ie: ienco hit
tac.t-M U medical authorities that a
ariaier r portion of dt firtlvcs is to
be found la the second cuhlu Ibun In
the iwtaov
If the ship docks Just before tlui-k
or Very lat" In the afternoon, the ex
arnlr.atlon la likely to bt diferrvd un
til morr.teK. In that event, there is
pr.aur excitement on board than
ever. The Immigrants, most of them
lptioiaiit and Illiterate, know only that
I hey have at last r ache J the prom
ised laud, toward which they have
b-n Journeying for das; tt.ry fed
only that the time, ha, come for them
to meet their friends, to look Into the
titw (rid.
The delay chafea them. They crowd
and crush about the decks, quarrel
nme and cantankerous. Fvw of them
sleep. They wait, sullen and silent,
through the ont dark hours, their
ces fastened on the roofs of the low
shi .1 and the shadowy outlines of the
tall buildings of tbe water front. They
chatter at times. Sometimes there Is
a f.KliL Titer Is rryln- of bablea.
Occasionally the sharp vulc of a
guard rtiittn out from above.
Some Who May Not Land.
They look very caper and healthy
and robust as tiny stand iu Iho I'.kI.I
of early dawn on the ateamer dii ks.
Hut there are sure, In that throun who
Brought His Brd from Sicily.
ran never enter the country, (omu
who have made the loii;; Journey for
ttotbliiK. who in nut bid (iood by to tht It
ImVliT fil :ot and re-son to the. per
raipM. lonely l.aid lruu whbh they
Ukr'.od. It Is for thorn" the two plijxl
eui.ji are witlr.t:
At aeven o't Iih k . ever)t)iinu Is
I'tady. Tint f ti,i p!;Ik, eari'fuily roped
t.lt li i d Fiinutid, iilretehis from the
dm k to a tiinr In the side of the hliej
This door at mils to a narrow jt:,Ki'
which wimi around n iei lously, and
smdd uly i(tK hilo a wider j to',
belwt'it Iron rallirv foitnl'.iK an lit
Yeiltfd V. At tha apes stands !r. !af
fciJ. will lr. Uiia.vr at l.ls e'.tjow.
Orfl'ired aronnd them rt women
events from Ihe various charity or
canlifttlotis, n the hwikout for home
less and unaccompanied girls vln!y
expecting lovers who never come.
At last the word Is Riven. Th quar
temtastera who have been holding the
lmniliarit back on tlie sti amer'a
d'-cks st-p aitlde, and with a ruuh and
great slioullnir the crowd bfRins to
pour Into the narrow a!le. Tbe Hiell
lans ere first. They press forward
hutmtlSy. and the others fail bark w
hlnd them. I'p the aitlo they co;iie.
Th-lr biKk-ave has been left piled and
checked on the decks, but almost
every man tenderly tallies a crated,
can lunK from his shoulder. It con
tains homemade olive oil, the real
kind, and he hopes to have the deli
cacy for a reminder of old days at
hom when he k tiloa In the new
Task Not Always Pleasant.
It Isn't a pleasant task the head
quarts'rmaster has before him. Per
chance he la siout and portly. H
then stirrers some Inconvenience, to
put It mtld, and hia occsbional re
marks tnent Immigranta In general
and some In particular are not Intend
lJ always for Kentle tars.
Dr. Safford stands ready, rcncll In
hind, liefore him is a white enameled,
stand with pitcher and basin of medi
cated water. This, for the benefit of
the wily neweonier wbr. attempt to
conceal natural defects cr wonnds be
neath a penerous portion of dirt.
There is the noise of prodiplon
sen fnt in? outside the door In the pas
sageway and the next moment around
the corner appears the broad, buxom
form and smiling face of a woman. It
U evident that tho men, eaicer as they
are, have bowed to courtesy. The wo
man comes down the aisle slowly,
with a bewildered expression, until
Dr. Satford adntonis hts her shandy In
her own dialec t, ar.d the steps toward
Llm. He stops her for a moment,
turns her eyelids hack and twists he-r
ear. Then he turns her Into the out
ward aisle leading to the main shed,
where she will await tbe examination
of the Immigration Inspectors.
Dealing with the Throng.
The buxom woman Is the harbinger
of tbe throm?. RiKht at her heels ap
pears an unbroken line, and &oon they
are pasting at the rate of 18 a minute.
Some are allowed to go without a
pause. Others are held for a moment
and then passed. Still others are held
up and passed over to Dr. Riemer for a
more tnlnulo examination. Notes of
this made. Some of the newcomers
are turned aside Into the detention
e-1f Tr
A Bit of
room tn aw all a ajKclal examination
after the whole list has passed.
The moment an Immigrant appears
In the dKr. Dr. Saffoid's eyes sUo up
his whole apiarar.ce. Then, ns he
approaches, the physirlan sweeps a
gtnnre from fet to head, takini; In.
with experienced rapidity, the whole
detail, lie notes every characteristic.
If (he eUi:htft suspblon attaches to
any feature or movement he holds the
Immigrant up. If his flrni suspicion
U cojir.rmed. he turns hitu aside.
It Is evident from tlx Ir manner that
many cf the liumiv mills are ailve to
the sicr.lftcanco of the r ar.ilnat Urn.
They have passed iiuilar ordeals In
their native land and on l;!ploHrd
Some of them open tlnir wide,
aud Klaneo straight at the doctor, cvl
d.ntly kuoairipc that that will uaivl
hint. ttlers are obvioui.!y nervous,
and they quiver In cveiy Joint as they
approach the tall flK-.it at the apex
of the V.
Cs Sold. era Easily Told.
One In a wplie an ri -soldier will
appear. It Is more than easy to simt
him. He swings around the dixr with
the precision of Ions practice, and
with chest extended and had thrown
back ho marches toward the dctor as
he would toward an Inspectlnn olllcer.
litvaiiably he Is allowed to pass with
a smile of approbation, and occasion
ally ho brines his hand sharply to the
salute as he turns the corner.
It Is an Interesting sUht. Now
thete conns a little, unj.'ibl.-ed t'ala
brlan who bs ks as though he cira
listed the lini.1' n and wh of Atlas
and Job. The doctor is attiactt-d to a
peculiailty 1n his color, lie ttops blin
aud Dr. lielitier lakes his teii.iia
lure. It Is no lesa thun lt.
"Mut lime malaila." r-i.vs dio doc
tor, and tin.' little fellow is luriu-d
I'ont Innoiib'y, without paune, the
Hue passes. The K'oup In the di leu
llon n'iii swells, The iiiiftu tunates
kit With resigned fict 4 and watch
their hialthltr fellows swaini towaij
The exaniluatloii which, to Ihe lay
tliuu, eeelns o fill ml) Is, In teailty,
woudcituliy severe stud sciitii liu Ir.
Sit (Tor J has l.aj )esis of nperKni-v,
bus paired tt-tts of II. oils inds of tiuii.l
t?tuts aud knows ttctr not ti.aS i hir-
acferlhtica as f.tt knows IVir Ia-
fruiiif' .
What In a linn would r;ot r xc)t
the p ast supl loa on the part of he
doctor would. If seen In an I'aHan,
cause him to make a careful i-narlna-tion.
Types and nVural eli&ra terls
tica tn'n much.
Many Tricka Played.
In the course of Lis work Dr. faf
ford runs Into aome strine l.oro
tera. ImmiKrati'.s wlil como Jauntily
1' -f :') 1
V Mt
A Test of Strength.
down the oisle. carelessly swinging a
derby hat over what la apparently a
hand. The doctor Is suspicious, re
moves the hat and finds tthat there Is
no band.
Overcoats and wraps are often car
ried over arms to conceal deformities
gud wounds. High collars are worn
to hide diseased neck. Immigrants
will come past In the heat of summer
rejoicing In the possession of thick
woollen gloves under which the doc
tors find terrible skin diseases. Often
times some Hxir lmmisraat will run
hastily down the aisle, pa!n written
on every feature, and when ?he doc
tors stop him and make him wa'k they
find that he 13 Lopeless'y lame.
Iicsldes the examinations to deter
mine the soundness of tbe body, there
are tests cf strength for those who
look jarticu'arly suspicious. Carrying
a heavy hag of sand is one of the cri
terions of bodily vigor.
'"They try ail sorts of tricks," said
Dr. Safford. "I remember the first
case of one kind I ran Into. I have
Bpcttc-d cores since. An elderly man
came in behind a little boy. There w as
nothing Eutpicioas ntiout either of
them. 6ud I was about to pass tbein
when I noticed that the man had tha
tha Deck.
tip of his fincr r on the boy's shoulder
and kept It there. I stoj ped hira and
took tbe hand away, and he ran Into
the railing. II was stone Hind, al
though his eyes dldn"t betray It.
"Fake Citixena."
' Some years apo we used to have a
ureal many cases of "fako cilliens."
V have no Jurisdiction over a t'nited
States cltiien. and we have to l e very
cui.ful how we treat them. It got to
be quite common therefore for Immi
grants already resident here to take
out citlien apcrs and ship tl.etn to
('lends at home for their use In pas
i i- us- I'-Ut whin several rase had
been detected acd th parties severe
ly tosoctited. tin Ih'.ns dropped off
and we have less of It now.
"Some of the Imtulmanta, of course
are h le!esbly Ignorant. M.my of iher.i
have the handicap cf fear and retl
ctine. They have been lhonniKhl
coached by letter by friends here, and
they will stick to the e-t of rule and
roKiilnUous prescribed, whether they
apply or not. You can never get then
to admit anything, and oftentimes lfc
developments are h!sh and ludicrous
They wi'.l uever tell Jou ar.ytl.lt. that
will help theiust Ives and you. U
hasten tho cxaniiuition. With the.ii
there are only two c'.asss of di. a.--i.i
those contracted on board ship an'
Ihuat pn sent since Mrth.
" I once was sure that I had a new
case of spinal disease, wluu I spottec
a little fellow who stood straight I
rule, and couldn t N ud his back, lim
on striping l,(in. I founj he lad th
barrel of a shot-.m stittip. d to Ut
back totjc.ipe the rustun.s as ht
luiUik-iatits und.-r 11 yuri of
S' l p"-lal rates. It u quite roui'.uoi
to see am lent "H vear-oi.i.,," with fr.
g'MWihs of U:i';x, tie a.-ij. r:Mj
dow n thi! J ii.tik.
"We spotted c loan vi ce oi f.ikt
cltirenshlp t.;tra ly the aid f at
lit'.tih liieau He Utter sai l: 'Th
I low lie tail aa been iv l y d:i
an' 'e dow n't know Wi t a l init Is 'I
aui'l t o Anu rl. an" And he wasut
"W tun Into Bo end if hut i luck
Moiiea. t;d e-m cf tlcni ate ri'!
vviy laihetic. I'm we t.v to d.
cur daty as It rouea."
J7fcl oa tb Stand In Kajwo'xl
Trial cJ. Denied Orchard'i
Started In Nervout'y but Scon R.
ga'ned H'8 Composure Crcts
Eaamiraltcn cf Moycr Com
pleted t Noon.
D .be. Idaho. July 19 The defense
la it H'euneLberp murder case Tues
day rrarred that IVtwtive James
McParlatid hag teen guilty cf an at
ten.pt to rranufac'ure t'-fStnony
again t Wiriam D. Haywocd. but was
uniece.h.ful In fettjng the bas-is and
details cf the charge befi r? tie court
and Jv.ry.
Dttoc'Ire STcrartst-'i dcr.lw t v t he
ever tctsueifte-d anytt!og Itnrroper to
Swain Ha says he got the letter as
described by Orchard who wrote tfcat
awam was to cf'r oi rr.e Lar.s cn
the day In quettlou, there l:r.s a run
on the tans and that he believed
Who Tet.f;ed la His Own Fv ta:f La
StcuneniKrg Murder Trial at
' EciM, Idaho.
S&:3 might rniva.lx-r having sea
them.' H says that when he went to
see Swaia do latter said titat toe
would nut tell whether he remem
bered tbe Incident or cot mi reked
for atiother Interview McTarland
declan-s that he then dropp.-d t:;e
matter ttd did not tsalu t-ee Swain.
Hoisv. Idaho. July II. Clark H.
Mover went ta the stand Wednesday,
a witx.evi for hia (ellow-doeiidant,
Wtiiiara D. liavwood nr.d lietldes csak-
u. jMitinre ceci.oj or an xne maw
s.nooeu u u,.u aa., u.e u.v, o uc-r-
at ion lead'-rs t y iiarry ore Lard, cf
fend an eiplana'.'oa of the unsolici
ted appearatic if the Western Fed
eration ct Miners- as the d fetter of
Harry OrcVtrd inrte-diatelj after his
amsf at Caidwil for the tr.ard:r ct
" .
ycycr denied that te r-artiHtc-J
In tVtr.nf. rence In IVuibore. hack
where Orci.ard said he. Hay wood
ard Tettil-one had.dcuswd various
acts cf vu lcnce. denied knowiedce cf
the .ubscQuctt ctectin at fv d, ration
he.-.d.;.;art,T where Orchard swore the
HeunonlHiR and Neville execution, j cK. ,,,h SKll:,, 0aw ti(J
were planned, denied nearly every ma- j Si.ra(cr Dor,h ,Uvmcxxl
er a! atal.-n.cDt in .1! cf Orchard". , 0 , u ntilUt.3t 0rJ Governor
testimonv. .Meyer plained that Or- j s.,,un,.cb,.rt IUy wld ;!et!y
ch.;rd accompanU-d h.m to O.'ray be ,oJ w ,.h , 6o 6:tUtttt
c.tf Orchard was polng t-, S;!verton ; tomarJ, steunettvrt. Senator, tha. I
and they m.de th,. journey ua.-r: om,rs, )pu, vr ,a, tf x-.
as a matter of convenience. Ucpre- j m
sentatlvc, of the I'nltexl Vine Work-i ' s,.r.alor lur0 ,...VM q,!fUv
crs bad been l-ea-en up by thug, em- , lut d!J fns tJ
Ployed by the .Vine Owner, and the ,.t, . , tlST, bwo fUeo tJ
witness .ud Orchard t-k .lot:, cut ; l)Cj( r8Ur ot:K,.hiCjC f rt.
off shot gun ft.r their own protection. , , f
Mover swure that Ms gua was cot '
u5s-,;-iei-.tly ud lo 1.1 I I.yte Greg-j
lory but thst OrcUM returi.cd It to!
the witiit after they got nck t s Ik-d- '
ver pnd the weapon hsd imrr l.ei n ;
d'.sehiitgd tip to tie lime Mvvr was
I'-' i.-e. Id . Ju'v 13 -Wii!!.i:n IV -
i It.ttw iv.d lok 1 Mil a Thursdav, a v:t
fces, j,; Hi ,,-n d. ti.i'. ar.d la a
ItiiS'i.v liairativ of hts l:e and rU
wo:k ns j hitder of his fellow muter ,
that was im.-rri:pti d by adj if.n.re.er.t
denlit! K.iilt of ll.e murder of Itai'.k
S'.cuto n;id the Pia:.!(. id cm;c
ihaig.-d nn.tti.ft Mai bv Hurry Or '
tii.xrd 1
llavw(H, testiiuttnv- Was (hu-ry
cl aroci, rtjed ty j.-itlve d-nia's of
the al'eyatloiik n..tdt ga:ut I.i;U I v
the prciscu( ".en. Ho do ted Ihut ht1 '
n ct orchard until tisn a ft or
the VinJ.cator explosion, vb t.lej tfcat
he ttvbar4 I ... k to r.-; l.
Oe. k t'.v biow- up in,. Ir Jepeudruee
st;,!. i n. He denied ai:-' I ..! ;,c: 1 .it iou
hi the I.yte liri;o.y r.o.irder. a-.d als. .
dented ni;,:it;:iii or .':."Ci.S"-i:i: the
.t;t ;n.'s.lt : mu'l.-r. IU swoie
lh.Al le i.iv.r s-sve liitl.-J sr.,.
Lot;ert"s i Fr.SsO. j
S.iu Frat Scx J ilt J - i r, ;rx-.-
m..n Nt. .;oUs la-t'.v; woi -b ..'. I Mr.
l.t.r.): worth, who w.,s f.'tio.r'r M..--I
Ahee lio-..'. . : J.-: ; o t. r t t t ;
id. nt. were cM-. ti. J tj , j;...
Fi:i. tsio rt'.J.iv, U U -iid t' .-t s'-.-y
'Xpot to rv :.ain OC the . .. l f..r n-t
,'r.tl li rid l l vt"t vuri!.) p r
jet. vf Ihe tt Si Uilt.-r IVi .-.i,
r. rie;; -..-.a K-tl.t?4 ' I S.n-rrtarv
if t ,. .j.vy V.-tci.( wat as;,t tn
i ir i nt." u
.t t
i 11 ei t Tht-y
Ft;ri.;..i t b.'.i.
1-1 v j
Whi le .
B i .U. I i A':; :C.
i.':.''r."r at &.'T t-.tr or f asy
;'.r:e. V.' -?- J thlt li T.tiT
t:.H- a ttr-,t -i-t Vrg.
wi.r-rj t s'd . ffrifiM .-,.-,'y as
be did ey irf,;:Mi-'a l ut l '.r.t
SWSK-d ly Cj"a'.';r ir. ''. ;r.'. In
toid Of a tVlUf tit tjti J,',. ,- ig
I e fi.'f'ar-l !a In-rver !s t
O'ditftf ti,nt- erf his rn'ir wrt'S
t.i 1 i -it 1 ;,."-. A j -t,
t''se. ar.d rt'.i Le saw Orr -4 f-.r
(! but liT in Atr-jt. J ',. :-
Of htrd t'!d h!'n e wjut g .! ? ti
AUfli, iitid !Urv,4 sa l .o e')t 4
l.im ttrr lis ,.,' at Cr:j!
Cr- k.
Thw YXPi'rt f lu !1 rrvt-:-
f fttT.icatJ'ia cf C.r:-w H. M-tr st
r.oon und In t-V : ic t-is ti tr',
mc.r'y ti;rxT-d ! 'rr!.r"t far!
ea'.sat the Jf-is..tac:i tst.lt r
w hich t f -Jc-rit'.-ti at the i rv
tion of !zrk F!:;V.'r.s esrre t- 't
ri't'.'t of Orrhsrd . -a l- was frri!
ed for kli.lcR K'evs enV 'C.
Eer.a'jr H-,rih. who c r i ti
xan.ir.at!cn. sa; !.a!.---i th t-e-tion
cf Jack Firr.ji?r. a-d t'i f'-5-
ra'!on art t?.e fvt ti.r.t t". . !--Uon
w Ifhout Iz',:.'--: a.s ta it rr''t
cr lv.i;x'-ee cf Orr1 ard
'i ;.? f2'i
j that the- l-:drraioa t pro-T5-;:zs f'-
the -lec!:e cf Ftevc Ada.. who 1
chaired with kl'.Mr-e; two rtaitn J-j
ers at the Inst'zation cf Ja'k S:r.,-
Uiis. iIoer dLic-d Vz.uv'.T. ny
thing ar-rt the fl'-O that layw4
sr.t to Jack Sin-.; kins a f.- 5sy
before St;nn-a-Tg was a ssassirate-l
and which Is traced trt Orchard try an
unF'.gccd cote te rts! at Ca'dwc'.l J&iJ
and a ccicci-J-ro-e of dtos.
Tbe crefs exan:lra:ScitJ of Hsywi
cr-mmeuced Friday mcrtlc? an to"jr
after the erasing if court. Vy this
time every s-at was taken. The 13.
tocr,cerr;et!t that Ser.stcr firaj wee'd
crotrs exansine lrou.ht cut an nces
ca!ly large atter;dar,ce. it r.ste
evident that tie ;.ectttcrs ic-c f.t
alor.e n their expecta'or.s x.f sv-xe-thii:?
ir.'.ereft;:;g Vv'hea C:arecc
Da-row, Hayw cmd's cecr-f-l, r1-d t".e
direct naTT.ir.&tkm cf t;s c.ei.t ar.i
quietly r-narkd. "Y'du Ray crof
examine." the I f,n ner-witne.'T! turc-J
In his seat and faetd Vr. D:-rah. his
fac pale acd jaw j firm Fet. Tt-er
w as a stir in the court rccrn sn i then
an aVcolute aiience. The first qst-s-tions
and answers csc:e in s'jch sub
dued tones that Mr. Richird-wn of
Haywood's counwl asked the wite-sjl
r speak oul Iiirah's cress exaair.i-j
tion. tlxvay rapid fire, wss nor thaa
usually quick, hut froa first to last
. Haywood preserved c-CEplet self f-
ssioa end centre!. At tixes l is re
I lies came as quickly a the questions
er? f!u:-g at him. Ag'.n he i-..li
htfckate aud speak slowly with a
ir.arkt.-d ernehis;. Hi voice low at-J
tt.u;,;c4.1. was seldom raiical except
1 nee cr twirA when a
fljt d-.-r.ial was
f -, rr
liven. rurah s taar.:.t-f was cc-arteens
; ttr0a!!J.o,Jt fctt rrw asJ xt,.n
a ttn-.-e
; cf sarcasm or s;oi'"ti aj are 4 a."
' he !:.i;sted on a direct .r,swer and
; Haywocd a: pearr-4 rvl.ic.a-t. Ksy.
j wood in turn was a ermrteoM- a t':e
i cr-..fs exsnsincr. Ir.varij.1 ly .e si
! dres-4 Tiorah si "Seastor" and re-
! peal-d".v asked r-ir-.iiii ,m to explaia
; mica tU.r '.cht be e
fi. ,f 0Bl!ab .Not.hhs-.ar.i.ttg
; tullilw., air pf cot.ldc-rat'cn. t(
. . ,ru, P,-If,)!.
, , cct m K0.x,ct W
j 0;t t i;OUt$ ct crosa xar-.,::;-j
,, ,.ve.. H t ,
Str,V.tis Eejcivd in Oho.
l.rain. O . lv II Th Anreriras
SI. I. tmie'tnt eon p.iry ai iv-lr4 to
the te-dt-ral court for proteetieji
ag.v'csi i-wssbl drtti.'.iii t prviperty
tnd VKdenoe (V.mI c j i. -, a, a
resu't of IV.. s.voed strike. This
Wf-tk lb. si.'pt uii.ler-s w:k,-,l ot
Eijiil on ,-iX;.i t KJt not !eU4.u (o
woti with lorwer ktrtse! ivakrs. S. p
aiate Ir.Juis.'tlon Wire issued !y lt.
I'r i'wl Sun cov.rt in l.-w'. -1-. j Ft!
dav un.l s. rv. d a a-h ef l::. ,'r.ier
Id lea,
vr its t:
ret ee wit a t!
Etc;ej st P.'scn Cat.
! Var.rief..t. ?,n.-b . Ju'f 11 W.th'a
T . f.t t .f th ri.on here as4 ahou'.;
to be toftel ,.r to ti.vt U : t' .iri a. j
Al'trt IVte-vte lar V r-a ler Jir'ij
c.o.v ct, ci e of k li ," .And bar.k
tvl hers a;-J r.u 1: '. r of tbe n t "! ":i
hike ss.o-t- i.r c cv i;-t'0 fr-.-';i tw
j.-:-..i-.'s IV.. iv t-t wr-a'. tii ta.)
wc:e i-'.ra.i I'.e J : . - -.1 -.
Frve.'.-tte j.n :-.! (r-.-:.i ;e .
l.V. i;: ',"tl t. tt,i i-
U tb ! a; ds and fc t.
Dry Cw Ct.rr Nt :.v C
.a;.!: .' v U V
t c t :-! at ,i- - i -,, j- d. .1 1 :
. :e.-. viii; t ' t - i-. to f.f .".1
. ort .! .t ' -v -.. :
f -r t' e wii'r of !Ke
v e w a v .
a l -t
r 1
1 t.
. t
-1-9 t. t
w it
. u
- e a j- a K
t't ti Vv
. J-i't U -tbe
- .! the ti'iii.
'XV ...Li l.'f i
. Jt.
v , -1. .1
J !
v; ,'tt J
r"rs- r. i C(,t ,f
Jl jt.tt.lJJ III..I,ll,M
ZlriL. F:n-.a i '.- 't. J '.''i
' i'-r t. s. ev a r: ' it r.i
g"'i I I' - r ;t ir i r
a-" " ir.i-i t a z i f - s. i :x
"T :.v yr ;-' I u . -, a ti-&
cmr . j- a f : , ha.k ec!rz-r, ttar'X
p."js.a-! lt.n Msvr; '.a.--
lLat I ers..-l r- v.v I fcfci i-
f.?a-'.a--, r.d :rr.' n. so? li'Vitfi
CO f r.KL
"A tt ir' V'.T s'-Tiii - r-r z V
r-:r,a -lr.i rse V rr it. list
'.r,t I ;id. I --.-- d u-:t"f-.-r a.- .--a
as I st as-1 i ft '.s ta ..-' lv-er
"J ttincii y-i f n y r t -,- 5 i r. It
U ctr'.a.B . r a. pditod jtk !,
Ct.-rb f tSe MercMsl Grant.
T5,t- iiertJe, Wl '.'a Ctttrci,
M x. w r---i-
"I Tsm.m4 with ca".-rb cf tl rst
K !.. !-. '.a t .:t'.e-.T.a.'. ',-i-arjL. Ecerr
tii tz I at s.) hirt o-e. I r-Tr
ha-s r-?' 'A tie r.-e'. w-,-.! tu
itr t. fe. 1;ivi t T'.i iry.-i.:n
av.d ,-n-3 a.' ever. I tai a ;;ts ta v.y
'. u-f.itJ ;i.e ii-a ir.j'i.i'i...-j.
rtr iriT. ie i- e i,'- ni l,r a-
""o. a.'-.-r Ue:y i-rtt t.jr tlx
ts-iEt-.v I t ? .. it 1 eTtr i e
rr.r, r . w-...-k,-.I vtrt-a trs f .r inc. I t
l.iv I'ertsna U tie l"- n; 1 .r ia .:
wc-.d.acj 1 Kc.ijwsij! ic x i tr.ei"
Tor.e Up
It if ExvJ
x.r to
kt-flp fntpu
e-tir touc4.
A crvM ef
Led Paint
cot oily I
n 1 t ( I!
t-i-i-x lauil
xv.rr .-.!
(p ttm , i.r tal'isz 3oe, K.1
K tiin t':a.- wr ttr"-rt arid J'ier
ieat a t ;-r -i ue t-t rxg wour. q
Pure V. iua Lead g-,-m s t c-ae.
darU cuit li -t prtXcv-j ;J f n
servo - a tie riTi.;es 1;
as.i wiri'r.
r.- re ln;Trr c-f Pt;;e
V"hi:e X-j hxxt lejrt.f rr
brn su'r tvt fc nuvk l:err j ttc
frvci ia d-'.:tri:Aja ar;.J stb-t.t-.r.
Yj are tw rr-
tr. t-l br tie I;:k li-y tiid
turk wl.i.a U t-cir.-l on tc tf
krj cecuoa-.-j K..'y Pure V.'i.;.;e
Lead, esadc V ti Oi 1 Tv-vk frucru.
Ixiti Jc lie K7.
y Wtr Wav- ,vlt t "
m t w-k. t
fa yAui" aaf ( J--Ma-saT
t ' ,.. -A T .- Si V '-t sw4 f
. . t...SWl t vWtM
y Fnn:l
j m w Wk j 1
LiLby'sYcul Leaf
With Eiei end Pork
Ix yoa like Veal Loaf ? Tou
i'.l surti b v.ri;fc.u-4 i;ii
J-1 i-" y'a V. -d. t i.'e lr .e.i v.- !.
ft-v!i ttJVAts, ta Lit riy 'a S"v" e
ln.'ivnv It -u:". W L.ckwi-jo
ar.d dclUtvata ta Sier.
ttrJr Swr crtfc- Cws". '-..;
-.i .1 0 .a x ..-'.:. ..,4
s-o- ivc u.A.s w.---r.
aa r- 1 1 . 4 u ,1,
Litby. ricNfill A LiLbv
It...; J
' . . r . s
p . v -- - ,
Yva Jay l?c
lr Ci.ra
ri ih.
e.1 I ... i I A . a 1

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