OCR Interpretation

The Rich Hill tribune. (Rich Hill, Mo.) 1903-1911, August 29, 1907, Image 6

Image and text provided by State Historical Society of Missouri; Columbia, MO

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn90061663/1907-08-29/ed-1/seq-6/

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UAXtkufl." lie.
lap right lr Uot,u-liriilt
CHAPTER XXII. Continued.
he ownni: the lantern at arm'e
length back and forth so that its rays
at every forward motion struck my
fare like a blow.
"It (isn't exactly pleasant In this cav
ern iTnir. you wish to turn me over
to the lord h!ch executioner, I will bid
yon pood night"
"Hut the Infamy of this of coming
In bore to spy upon me to help my
enemy the man who is seeking plun
der doesn't seem to trouble you."
"No. Not a particle:" she replied
qntetly, ind ib-n. wila on impudent
fliris, "Oh, no!" she held up the lantern
to look at the wick. 'Tin really disap
jwiintod to find that you were a little
nhoad of me. Squire Glenarm. I didn't
give you credit for so much persever
ance. Hut if you have the notes "
"The notes! Ho told you there were
rotes, did he? The coward tent you
bero to find them, after his other tix!s
failed him?"
fche lauqhert that low laugh of hers
that wss like the bubble of a spring.
"Of course ;io one would dara deny
what the preat Squire. Glenarm says,"
the taid wi'herinf.ly.
"You can't kaow what your perfidy
means to uk-," I Baid. "That night at
the Armstrongs', I thrilled at the slsht
of you. As you came down the stair
way I thoui-.M or you as my good angel
and I belonged to you. all my life, the
better future that I wished to make for
your Fake."
"riease don't!" she exclaimed nor
nowfully, the mirth all gone. I felt
that my word had touched her; that
there were rttrret and repentance In
tier tone and tn the gesture with which
ehe turned from mo.
She hurried down the passage toward
the chapel, swinging the lantern at her
Bide, and I followed, still mystified,
and angered by her composure. She
even turned, with pretty courtesy, to
bold the light for me at the crypt
steps, a service that I accepted per
force and with joyless acquiescence In
the irony cf it.
You seem to know a good deal
about this place, and I suppose 1 can't
object to your familiarizing yourself
with your own procrty. And the
notes I'll give myself the pleasure of
banding them to you to-morrow. You
ran cancel them and give them to Mr.
flickering, a fitting pledso between
I thrust my hands Into my pockets
to give an Impression of ease -I did not
"Yes." she remarked la a practical
tone; 'r,20,000 dollars Is no mean
11110 of money. Mr. Pickering will un
rioubledly be delighted to hare his
debts canceled "
"In eichanse for a life of devotion,"
C sneered. "So you knew the sura
fho exact amount of these notes. He
hasn't served you well. He should
have told you that we found them to
day." "You are not nice, are you, Squire
(;l itrui, wfieu you are rrossT Hut
Mr. Pickering wasn't kind uot to tell
cue. Why, I might catch a dreadful
cold down here!"
She was like Olivia now. I felt the
otter futility of attempting to reason
wilh a woman who could become a
child at will. She walked up the steps
and out into the church vestibule.
Then before the outer door shu oke
with decision.
"We part here. If you please! And
-1 have not the slightest Intention of
tryliiR to explain my errand Into that
You have Jumped to your
own rtmclutdon, which will have to
iM'rve vou. I advi&u you not to think
yery much about it, to the exclusion
of more important bu.iiicHS, Sipilie
tllonartii! "
Kho lifted the lantern to turn out Its
!lKht, and it made a glory of her fare,
but titie panned and I 1 id it toward me.
"Pardon me! You will need this to
Jiht you borne."
"Hut you must not cross tha park
"tiood nifjbt! I'letkHu bo sure to
-loce the door ta the pussaKu when you
K down. You are a dreadfully heed
le.h person, Squire Gleuurm "
She flung open the outer chapel
door and ran along the path toward
' Ht. Agatha'. I watched her in the
BtarliKht until a bend In the path bid
Iier mift moving figure.
Iowrt through the puHat;6 I has
tened, her lantern lighting my way.
At tbo IWior of llewildorment I closed
the opening, Betting up the llu.J of
wall as we bad 1 -1 1 it iri the atttr-lio-m.
Mud then I went back to the
Ittiiaiy, freshened tho fire and bruixled
Ix-foiv it uulil Hates tama to relievo
mo at i j 11.
! waj nine o'clock. Wo bad swal
i ,r l some bicukfuit, though I believe
iui 010 li iuJuUe.it el an appetite,
and w tfeio theeilng ourselves With
ttiol tiei.t t-i!k jor.'..Mti. S'd!trd, who
l a 1 bee. 1 to t! tjMl f'r hit Uaual
nvrn o'ebx k service, tias deep Jn th
pixket Greek testament be always car
ried. Hales run In to report a siuhniotiB
at the outer wall, and Ijirry and I
went focetber to answer It, sending
Hates to keep watch toward the lake.
Our friend, the sheriff, with a dep
uty, was outldo in a binsny. He stood
up and talked to us over tho wall.
"You pent understand that I'm only
doing my duty. It's an tiripleasnnt
business, but the court orders me to
Cj-.vt nil trcsp-if ers on tho pre'.iilnes,
and I've got to do It."
"The law is being used, by an In
fAtiimis scoundrel to protect himself.
I don't Intend to give In. We can bold
out hero for three months, if neces
sary, and I advise you to keep away
and not act ns a tool for a man like
The sheriff listened respectfully,
resting his arms on top of the wall.
"You ought to understand. Mr. Glen
arm, that I ain't the court; I'm the
sheriff, and It's not for mo to pass on
these questions. I've got my orders
and I've got to enforce 'em, and I hope
you will not make it noceswu-y for mo
to use violence. The judge said to me,
'We deplore violence In Buch cases.'
Those were his honor's very words."
"You may give bis honor my compli
ments and tell bim that we are sorry
not to see things his way. but there
are points involved in this business
that be doesn't know anything about,
and we. unfortunately, havo no time
to lay them before bim."
The sheriff's seeming satisfaction
with his position on the wall and his
disposition to parley bad begun to
arouse my suspicions, and Larry sev
eral times exclaimed Impatiently at
the absurdity of discussing my affairs
with a person whom he insisted oa
calling a constable, to tbe sheriff' evi
dent annoyance.
"You, sir, we've got our eye on you,
and you'd better come along peace
able. Laurance Donovan; the descrip
tions fits you to a
"You could buy a nice farm with
that reward, couldn't you " began
Ijarry, but at that moment Hates ran
toward us calling loudly.
"They're coming across the lake,
sir," be reiMirted, and Instantly the
sheriff' bead dtMpeured, and as we
ran toward the house we. heard bis
horse pounding down the road toward
SL Agutba's.
"Tbe law bo damned. They don't In
tend to come In here by the front dixr
as a matter of law." suid I-orry. "I'ick
erinx's merely using the sheriff to glvo
respectability to his maneuvers."
It was no time for a discussion of
motives. We ran across th meadow
past the water tower and down to the
bout bouse. Far out ou the lake e
saw half a dozen men approaching the
('leuanii ground. They advanced
steadily over the HkIiI snow that lay
upon the lie, 01. e man slightly lu ad
vanee and evidently the leader.
'it's Morgan," e.xtlalmed Hates.
"And there's Ferguson." "
l-arry chuckled and slapped hi
"Observe that stocky little devil Just
behind the leader. He's my friend
from Scotland Yard Lads! this U
reaily ail International aff.t'r"
"Hates, go back to the bouse and
call at any s'-gu of attack." 1 ordered.
"Tbe shenl's bise somewhere."
"And I'icl.eilng Is directing hi
force from afar," rcmark'-d Stoddard.
"I count ten men fu Morgan's line."
said Larry, "and the sheriff and bis
deputy luase two mors. That's 12. not
rountluK I'lckirltig, that we know of
on the other side."
Wain them asy before they get
much nearer." sucbtcd Sto-l.md.
."We dim't want to bull people If we
can belli lt,"and at this I went to the
end of llio pier. Morgan and Id men
were now quite utar, and ther wa no
uiluaking their Intention. Most of
them carried guns, the others 10
vrlver and long Ice book.
"Morgan," I called. hoPV.bg up my
hand for a truce, "we wUli you no
harm, but if you fitter tbee (.round
you do so at your peril."
They had paused St a word from
Morgan and listened sullenly.
"Ve'r all sworn deputy sheriffs."
1 -mmmmm
M7m -t
If You Dare, and I'll Plug You with Your Own Gun."
( tilled tho curelaker ntnoet' ly. "Vl
K-.it the law behind us."
"Tbnt must be why yoii'r coru ng
In the bark way," I replied.
The thickset rnan whom Lurry had
Identified tht Kiu:llot detective now
cam r Infer nd addressed ine In a
hlfcli key.
"You're harboring a bad ninn Mr,
G'.euaini. You'd belter give htm tip.
I've Rot my papers nnd tho American
law supports trie. You'll g't yourself
Into trouble Mf you protect that man.
You may not understand, Mr. that he's
a very dangerous character'."
"Thanks. Davidson!" called I .firry.
"You'd better keep out of this. You
now I'm a bad man with the shillalah!'
"That you nre, you blackguard!"
yelled the officer, so spitefully that w
all laughed. ;
I drew back to the boat house, y'.s
"They are not going to kill anybody
If they can help It," remarked Stod
dard, "any more than we are. Even
deputy sheriffs are Dot turned loose to
do murder, and the Wahana county
court wouldn't, if it hadn't been Im
posed on by Pickering, lend Itself to
game like this. And this business here
Is only a private affair between Picker
Ing and the sheriff."
"Now we're In for It," yelled Larry1;
and the 12 men. In close order, .rani
running across the Ice toward tb
"Open order, and fall back sloiT
toward th house." I commanded. And
we deployed from the boat-house, while
tho attacking party still clung to
gether, a strategic error on their sid,
as Larry assured us.
"Stay together, lads. Don't sepa
rate; you'll get lost if you do." be
yelled derisively to the enemy.
Stoddard bade him keep still, il
we soon had our hands full with a
preliminary skirmish. Davidson, V.19
detective, seemed disgusted at itor
gan's tactics, openly abused the care
taker, and ran ahead of his column,
revolver In hand, bearing down uoa
Larry, who held our center.
The Englishman's haste was bis
undoing. A light fall of fnow a few
days before had gathered In the lit
tie hollows of the wood deceptively
The detective plunged Into one of
these and fell sprawling on all fours
a calamity that caused Ills comrades
to pause uneasily. Iarry was ttimn
his enemy In a flash, wrenched hi
pistol away and pulled the man to U
feet. I
Ah, Davidson. 1 ru re many a
slip! Move, if you dare, and I'll pi
you with your own gun." And bo
stood behind the man, using bim a a
shield while Morgan and tho rest of
the army bung near the boat hoqta
It the strategic intellect we
rapture!, general." observed Larry to
me. "You see the American Invader
were depending on Hiltl.ih brains."
Morgan now acted on the hint
had furnished htm and sent bis men
out as Kklrnllxhers. The loss of the
detective bad undoubtedly staggen-d
tho caretaker, and we were slowly re
treating toward tbe home, Larry wl b
one ban! on the collar of hU p!li
oner and the other grasping the re
volver, with which he poked the man
frequently in the ribs. We, slowly
continued our retreat, fearing a ruiti
wnicn wou.ii nave ai.sposca or us eas
ily enough If Morgan's company hiid
shown any fighting Spirit, Stoddard'
presence rather amazed and Intht.l
da"-1 them, 1 think, and I saw Hut
the Invadt-r kept aay from bla e
of tht Una. W wire now far apart.
stumbling over tho slow coci 4
earth and calling to one another no
and then that we mU'.it not beeo
too widely se;,arntid. Davldsiii rid
not relish h; fUituiu by the li.ua bo
li followed di'iiim the (KSaii. an''
he attempted i.iice to roar a command
to M'M s 111.
Benjamlnltcg arc Fw.
About kt per ceat of other Iso nor
mal people UH4 the ili:ht bund to prt f
ereiue to tha left; six per cent
left handed, and it I a ruilous f
that one-third of tht six j-r rent aia
auibldetrous. I'OilUi.J (Ora.) Jour
nal . .
' Viltogrs Can Collect Tve,
111 the cane of Ihn ylllii Of Jolicis
burg against Senator A. H. I'runeit,
for taxi s, t'lrcult Jinlge J. 1). Hnrnett,
at Montgomery City, bold Unit while It
may be a matter of grave doubt us to
whether the constitution allowed cor
poration or villages, yet in a much a
many village imj Die Incorporat
ed wlthlu the lust thirty years It
amounted to a construction of the con
stitution on Urn part of the people o(
their own organic law, and to depart
from It would work incalculable injury
to the peopie generally, and foe- that
as the main reason he entered judg
ment, for- the taxes against Senator
Drunrrt and others. Involved in the
suit. leading lawyers are of the opin
ion that the supreme' court will likely
confirm the judgment, w hich will mean
that all the villages throughout Mis
souri have a legal existence and a right
to ness and coll-ct taxes.
Ninth Cavalry Reunion.
The reunion of the Ninth Missouri
cavalry will be held in Moberly Sep-
ember 6 and G. This regiment was
called the Hloody Ninth. It was rals-
eL.by Odon Guitar, who became Its
first coioiieL Later ho was promoted
to the rank of brigadier general. The
regiment at first tonststed of eight
companies. Two were raised in Hoone
county, two In Howard county; one In
Callaway county; one In S;vline coun
ty; one in Montgomery county; and
one in Haudolph county. A company
raised in Cooper county and one in
Chariton county were added later. The
regiment was must red In January,
and did service for four years.
Cat Adopts .Rats.
Molly, the feline mascot of the
cirical supply house of the Fed
eral Lead company at Flat River,
iui8 adopted to young rats, which
she Is rearing together with three
young kittens. I he little rodents
are as much at borne as the kittens.
and the mother cat seem to pri2e
them just as htgiy as she does her
own offspring. Heretofore, Moily has
been a most persistent hunter of
rats and mice, and the oflice force
at the Federal is rather doubtful
about the trustworthiness of Molly's
Killed While Sweeping.
Mrs. Johnson McKinnon, wife of
an employe of the Gleucoe Lime
company In St. Ixmls county, was
almost instantly killed by lightning
which struck her while she as
sweeping the floor of her home re
cently. The bolt entered an open
window, nnd did not damage any
thing In the house. About a year ago
iier oldest son was killed ml. lie at
work In the lime klins at Gieiit.tie by
being struck by a falling rvt k.
Mis 80, Woman 75, Wed.
K. V. Ijfoon, SO years old, and Mrs.
Martha J. Hurnell. 75 years oid, were
married at Sprlncfield by Justice I'ick
ering. The couple were sweethearts
lu their youth, but became separated,
each having taking a partner for life.
Two or three years ago the aged brl li
grooin lost bis wife an l soon after
ward Mrs. Durnell was left a widow.
Lafoon lives at Dadevllle nud bis bride
formerly resided at ("abool.
A Woman's Chost Party.
A number of women, unaccompanied
by men, gave a ghott parly in a lonely
house supposed to be haunted near
ijO'ilsliwia. Many years ago a rich old
recluse hanged himself there after
burying his treasure, the legend goes
and hi apparition la nuppoied to vbit
nightly the st where the wealth Is
bidden. The omen had a jolly time,
but no ghost as seen.
. Tht 0ark for th Health.
Go to the Oarks for health and
Jijngevlty. A 9C year-old farmer ner
Ava. iKiugla county, recently hitched
up hi horse to a biu kboar.i an I took
a l'ttl six weeks' Jaunt overland to
Mituiiiionth SprliiK", Ark , alone. The
obi man ha a so'i " years old and
believes he I still ubb' to spank bis
"Lo ."
Brok World's Record.
The world's record for three ) ct.r-uhl
racers aa tmnnh"d to sinli hereens on
the track at Mar-diatl. recently. Anno
nu, the pri-ixi ty of it Lexington rltlit n.
was the horse that did the work. She
mill the first he it lu 2:1.1 14, oil a
Lulf mile Irark. which Is equivalent to
a record of 2:05 on a good mile track.
Kl!ad by a Runaway Team.
Joseph Ilayne. Fil years old, was
driving at lUcl tuon I In a buggy when
a team of dray t.or.ns, frightened by a
train, diishel down the street and
crashed Into bis bir;;y. lluyne was
crushed to death.
To Straighten a Rive'.
A petition for straightening the
Nodaway river Is In Ing circuited. One
purl of the river which Is now lo)
miles long would bo reduced to Z
mll 'it If stirlgl te:ied.
Ta Vot on Lool Option.
,The county ro irt of Oalk county
ha or I, -red a special election to be
hel l September 14 for the purjmse of
voting on lo a! option. Seventeen
yeurs ago local option was adopted In
the county ami later upheld by the su
I ri.nn! court, but until a yer ago It
was a ib a I biter, ft sulooii hud been
111 I line.) Hi different polt.ts lu the rouu
Jv and veful distillerb-s w era In opT
at Ion. The temperance people he hiiio
antra last year, and tha officer en
forced the o.' l law. The loml o,lon
Icitluii Will b warmly contested.
in Missouri
6tat Fair Preparations.
"When the lat legls'iiture provid
ed by appropriation for tho erection
of threw new fire proof stock barn,
to bold 4."0 animals, we thought e
could bouse all live stock exhibit at
at our nest fair," said Secretary J. H.
Hippey, of Missouri Stato fnlr, '"l.t
now It looks like we will have n
other overflow," and as he talked be
opened letters containing live utock
entries from Illinois, Michigan, b a.
Nebraska. Kansas ami more than a
dozen points In Missouri, among them
being quite a good many well known
former exhibitors here and not a few
ne.v ones. Missouri is particularly
fortunate In the dates selected for
her State fair this year, October 5-11,
being next after Illinois and Just pre
ceding the American Royal at Kan
sas City, thus avoiding a conflict of
dates with any other prominent west
ern show and, being in the "home
stretch" of the great live stock show
circu't, will get tho cream of the
pri7.e winners from the oth-r big
fairs. With the three new stock
barns now being erected, Missouri
State fair will have eight massive
brick and steel cattle and horse
barns, modern nnd fireproof, that
will bouse l,2o) animal besides tho
11 speed horse barns, a sheep und
swine pavilion that will contain 1,400
animals and a poultry palace with
room for -,oO' birds. A tulle of model
roct highway .s being constructed on
th main boulevard under Vnlted
States government supervision, to
cost r.uoo, and im additional J.'.,tou
Is being expended on new concrete
walks and macadam driveways. Cash
premiums aggregating $o,(mjo will be
awarded on exhibits. Last year for
tue first time here the fair board
provided special entertainment fea
tures high class vaudeville, relay
races and automobile contests and
mere fo well pleased 1th the result
that they have arranged for the same
on a mere extensive scale this year
Including one of the big airships,
prize drills by uniformed fraternal
teams, music by a noted band and
the other down-to-date features that
please nnd entertain large crowds.
The special rlr.sse provided for Ml
sojrt sheep, with lib. ral prize, rrill
attract the largest sheep iUt play
ever seen here and largely Inc.-ea-ed
prizes for light barnesa nnd sad
dle horses are bringing entries that
Insure an unsurpassed horse show.
The annual meeting of the Missouri
Sheep Hreedi-rs' association be
held at the State fjjr ou "Governor-
Hay." October !.
Food For Thousjht.
Frequently you pick up one of the
local papers. sa the Nevada Mall
and after glancing at the headline.
ear!!y thrust It uslde. remarking.
"Nothing In the paper today," Did
you ever stop, to think hat thut
phrase "nothing In the paper to-day"
means? It means that In the Jay
or 'week Just passed that no misfor
tune bus befallen any one la our city;
that no fire has wiped o'at a neigh
bor's worldly goods; th;it grim angel
of death has crossed no threshold ot
a frbnd; that no man driven by li
quor, hatred or fear, ha taken the
iife of a fellow human; that no poor
Mevtt, bauntej by the past or the mis
deeds of some other, has crossed the
great divide by his own bund. So
the next time you pick up a paper
that doesn't announce a tragedy, give
a little thank instead of g'i.ii.blln-(
because there is no new."
Railroad Ti Center.
Springfield Is becoming a great cen
ter for the railroad tie business
which Is being more and more jml to
it to find suitable timber. The Or ark
mountains with their magnificent
white (Nik, some of which will fur
nish Ik lit tie out of the bottoiil rut
alone, apparently supply about tho
b-ht now to be had, and mountain
side after mountainside U b Ing
swept bare. The erection at Spring
liel.l of laig" luosotliig plant il.at
will cure millions of lie annually,
In. Il Hie tln march of modern lueth
od an I the pressing necessity of pre
serving the lies s long as possible.
Recruit's Grit Trtttd.
The corooral In cbarg of the Jou
tin recruiting station almost bad to
refuse to enli-it n youriK Samson tl
other day because of the length, of
tho applicants hair. 1 he would Kj
recruit had no money to have this
defect remedied, but rather than let
him go the corporal took off h coat
and handled the shear himself,
throwing In a shave. The recruit dis
played such aliulraliK) courage Jur
ing these operations that the corpoivl
1 predicting preut things for I Im.
A Foolish Miner,
A miner near Joplln w.i foolish
eijounh to drive past hi borne with
young woman. After his Injuries. In
cluding a bullet hole through on
baud, had beiii dicni-d, bis Wife re
lented enough to allow him to come
h me, on hi promise to be guod.
Holds a Record.
F. C. Couch, of rural ro.Uu No. 2,
bold the record for rupld work lu
IhriHhlug ami marketing a wheat
crop, according to the Chlllicothe
Tribune, iteceiilly he finished thresh
ing and hauling to Cbllllcothe J.uuo
bushels of wheat, which w a deliv
ered to Joi n T. Mlibauk A H:o, at
a price of 7S cents a bushel. ' to,
fiitire Job wu completed lu 1 hour,
(due team being cmpluted lb the
field and (!no In bringing the wheal
to town. Mr. Couch bud )i r q
,.V-a . . '.HI'. V A V,
1C ;,
Ccprrittt 1. br 1 u nuslia Co.
li:.J-A-L Is An
a.AWwii(iii itviiitewjr
for Constipation
There are many ailments
directly deiwridont upon con
stiiation, such as biiiousness,
discolorc-i ::d pimpled s'k'D,
inactive liver, dyspepsia, over
worked kidneys and headache
Remove constipation and
all of thesi ailments dii
HaH-A-LIH can x' relied upKn
to produce a p'-ntle artion (if
the bowels, making pill and
drastic cathartics entirely un
necessary. A dose or two of fcstn-a-Iin
is advisable In slight febrile
attacks, ta grippe, co!J and
C0LtMBlSOH30, t. S. A.
Beyond Expression.
C V. Farlowe, Kast nrenc. Ala.,
writes: "For nearly seven I'esr I
was a.Tiicted with a form of skin dis
ease which caused an almost unbear
able ItcMnjt- I could neither work,
rest or sleep In peace. Nothing (
mo permanent relief until I tried
Hunt s Cure. One app!UaUyo , re
lieved me; one box cured nie. and
thouch a year bus passed. I have
ta;cd cured. I am grateful In 01 1
Hunt's Cure Is a guaranteed remedy
for all Itchin diseases of the ikla.
Price 5'V.
Horrible Exsmpl.
-M? dear," said Mr. StronRuila-l. 1
want you to accompany m? to the
town hull to-morrow evcnlnc"
' What for?" queried the mink and
lowly other half of tho combine.
"1 am to lecture on the Park Side
3f Married I.lfe,'" explained Mrs. S ,
"find I want you to hit on the pint
form and pose as one of the liiuMra
:lur,." Animal Intelligence In Mastacbusctta
John Taibot of ltock Knolls, Mss.,
enjoy th distinction of having a
IraJned ben that will Jump over hi
la-d hands, even if held quite bih
from the ground. I'ncl Joho trained
tbe ben himself. A rat I owned by
l r.ytv-ld man that will eat raw green
corn, and will ven atrip down th
husks i:i tho field In an tdort to get
the coru.
It Isn't because they are looking for
an excuse to applaud that the neRh
bors artt induced to keep aa eye oa
It's a
Time now
to what a good "ataylnx"
breakfast CH3 bo u'.ade without
hisll priced
A LIttIs Fruit. '
A Diiti of Gr9-Na!s i:i Crciia,
A So!t-Eo!!cd Fk,
Sose Nice, Crisp Tc:st,
Cuj cf Pastes Feci Cctfe e.
That's all. an! all very en-,y of d!t;es
tliu mil full to tho brim with
1101:1 isbnieiit uud ktrtnth.
l'i:it, and have a meat and vejj tab!,
dltuiT either at Ooou tir 0111:11;;,
ll o'l prefer.
W't predict for you an Im-iente . la
physical and mental power.
" There' a k'cjton."
li4 IK ' jjti', h.HI rl.l 'Tfc ttuJ t
Wnltt.t," lit 4W

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