OCR Interpretation

The Rich Hill tribune. (Rich Hill, Mo.) 1903-1911, January 13, 1910, Image 5

Image and text provided by State Historical Society of Missouri; Columbia, MO

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn90061663/1910-01-13/ed-1/seq-5/

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Worn Women
Women, worn ntxl tired from overwork, need n
tonic That fccliutf of weakness or helplessness will
not leave you of itself. Von should take Wine of
Curdui, (hat effectual remedy fur tho ailments and
weaknesses of women. Thousand of women have
tried Cardui and write enthusiastically of tho preat
henefit it has heen to them. Trv it don't experiment
uso this reliable, oft-tried liiclieine.
TAfC ff3 n
""'' "" ttL'
t l I f II
i n
The Woman's Tonic
Mrs. Jlcna JIarc, t,t Here, Fla., tried Cardui and afterward
wrote: "I was a -ufferer from all ..ru of female trouble, bad
pain in my nidi? and lt-n, could nut tW hud hortacs if breath.
1 su.,ered for Yearn, until my huliui 1 ici?ttd ca my trying
ii. The firt-t !ki t lo rave ma r li. f ntil now 1 m alnuuit -r..!I."
ary Cardm. T will help jou,
Cardui. The f.rt-t !ttle rave ma r. li. f nt
On Sale November 1 to April 30. 1909
Cf;ni asJ Fftll Jsris.
iU"l.ouri .selected lti-Jfes
fur ih February term of circuit
'"urt, TljGi-Kdar. They ere at
Miov. !:
( it a n i Inty
Wi!ls Cimpmaii, (1 mid River
Hull Mud J. Ivisl !J...n-;
Wai'ace Lewis, V-it I Vint;
John 8;i' 'r, Mound;
Cha. Kpiiliuan, Hpruif ;
.It-It n N'c!inger; Surraiiii;
Win Durst, Caarlotte,
K. li. fvtughlin. Walnut;
Di U Ih It, InoOak;
I 'd IJi ii t, Hudson;
Frank Strickland, Prairie;
Eugene Franklin, Howard.
Mingo Fine McFarland
(J rand Kiver Grant Sullivan
Deer Creek- Job Cooper
E. it Uh)WU. F. Boiling
VtVt I -.? Sy Enjird
Vi t I'uint Geo. Moore
F. d-ihart Jesse Arnold
Mound - A. J. Gosh
Hiri w ti i.e Jake G reen
Mpruce--Daly Bradley
D-epwatcr W. A. Charters
Summit W. P Sevier
Mt Pleasant Frank Vandruff
C! i ;tr lotto Warren Ay era
Hn:er David Clark
Walnut Homer Seig
New Homo Hon I'ickett
lyjne Oik Chas Done
I'iv.'!ar,t Op Thou Bolin
Hudson Goo Genth
llckviile Jos. Skillman
I'ruiric M. L. Kalston
0agc J. H I Jones
Howard-;. A. Mack
To Alabama. Cuba. Florida. Georgia.
Louisiana, Mississippi, Tennessee.
South Carolina, Texas, Old Mexico
and New Mexico.
Round "Frip rintor
Tourist Hilton
To IViIiUm It
Alfittiiiitn, Culm, l''lurl(l(i, )&or-i;l -
I ftllMlr.l ., Mvxluo, ."VI t mm I ma 1 1 1 1 I ,
New Moxloo, Kntith C'nrnllilii, Ti
neaauo itiul Tu.nnn. Vln I'rlao, lit
ICffcnt NOVIi.MltlCK Im 1iOI.
B GONOVKIi Ajjunt.
l The H-'puo.icans of the sixth
1 ! di' rid have made a wise select
,in is Laajir.g Fbil. S. Griffith
of ( Jn cnfr. id, as their choice for
. Di-Anr.oi,d h ru ccea lor. We
U now Mr. Giif!U'( personally and
M.Mvefcra .r time. H9 js an
jriuht in every way and if the
Sixth district would elect him it
I tis i l: ht reasonably expect tooome
j in for a sh ire ,f the pood thing
!th..t Washington dispenses, in
jsU'iid of hoinj; largely regarded
! t!n ro a r ulihack district, ea-,t.t;-l
to n d t:ettin nothing-
OrAnr,' r.d. a very able Demo-,-t..r,
rej.r. ..-uted the district
m fonj.'ress for tweuty years
and all he c-vor pot at Washington
a ; w.s his alary. On what basis
t, of niiu- can t hw district
j fui t!i.-r c.i-.t::;te such a profit
B , ''.'-s syii-m? Griflith can a get
S i . s u I t at Washington and
c.ni't. If results are
wh .I the district wants it ought
t l.:. littio trouble in making
a chi-u-e between tho two. Net
d.i Herald
' :
t a. w rswawor-T " -
Only Thirty
Days More....
Ot thu Huh " l Lib
rary Votm;: C'jntv.sl
We givo 10 tivkt'ts
with tvev. S i'ur
E R. Williamson rny
Phone 31. Rich Hill, Mo.
I'i.iiip Sidney Griffith, the
:i,:t,.H" is th.. ed;tr of the Grsen
i l ' d.-i! ore (1f the eldest
"l ii.'V.i-uti vl Hepublican
i:i ! S:v.. Ht. ha al
. 'm-- H.i parlv work-
i-i i-. ;! .v.i, t iii'nuchout the
' ' 1 i :i man of eaaaoal
k 1 judsinenl aud
i- i, hi.v i i-;ectoil by the
: t. i s or !). outinty in wkich he
.- : u A a,,d v . rue all his life.
'" " as ptartically
a I r ii i, t ii." tiio it was
d that hi wou'. be a
i ' ri k ,1 i t s rplendid
; mi... :n a rire.sentatiTe
. u a r.d hs know iejgo of cnp.
o:i,oix hi tills district and wide
. o o ein! r.ct with prominent
' i -ei., i !. i ... , '..unty makes
ii in a utroin mdidate in the
e n.!, st. f,.r t.,., tj,.n. The K e
5.i ..ciiiis n f t )ii bsi rict should
i .. to his ruini! t and see that
" t . ;i s e r y Republican
t and n.tmy Democrats o n
ary I st. -Cedar C v. lie
TLst etrj Tlsitor to tie Miss
ouri Lml aa4 I ad it trial Con
gress, to be bsld d 4 e r ths
aotpicea of the liissoari CUU
Board of ImrbtgratSo at f pricg
field. Mo., Janaarjr Ab, 27th,
and 2fltb, 1920, nsj be cosfroct
ed with a graphic sal coorloclcg
demvtraticn of the disrs;fed
resources o f Missrmrl land,
there is being crrax'ud by the
Missouri Facile Irca MousUia
Railroad an exhibit which will be
in miniatnre a model far-n, com
plete CTn to the chicken yard,
orchard and family garden.
Representatiree of the rail
road are now collecting sample
prod nets of com and grasses.
fruits and rege tables, a a d all
manner of farn crops for this
display aid it ie hoped to here
etery section torched by t h e
Missouri FaciSe-Irca Mountain
lines represeated in the exhibit.
The Miaaeiri Paclfie-Iroa
Mountain traveraee forty
counties of this State, and owlag
to the large quanities of prod acta
necessary to haadle if all exhibits
were accepted from each county
it has been decided to solicit only
a few of the tee eeecmete of
each crop or predtel
If the reader in any note
worthy tpeclnce of prod a eta
be baa raised be will not only be
doing something for hie State,
but also for hie county, if he will
give complete information re
garding it to the local agent or
Immigration Agent, J. K. Ander
son, Room 103, Missouri Pacific
Building, St. Loait.
A selection of the best of the
products will b e made an d as
many taken as can possibly be
accommodated in the apace
assigned the railroad company-
All expense in connection with
the shipment of these exhibits
and their a-rangement at Spring
field will be borne by the Miss
ouri Pacific-Iron Mountain. All
that la asked of the farmer, or
others hating suitable exhibits
is that they give information re
garding them to the parties
named above. Everyone should
be interested in a good repre
sentation for their county.
I f your prod sets are finally
chosen yon will be asked to de
liver them to the nearest rail
road station. The local agent
will see to ita transportation.
Try ttisisrl
Tint k frM'ji a
I. W Hn(,
-- mft raW
All Dealers
Melrose 5c Cigar
f tmt fcJI. wmrt m,.
Tm m M 'm tm m-m
Im lfwl.
Heck & Ruble
It's Citthfcj
W fm't rar!
K fHl'l M
U Mm
Val ( 'fum-M m 0amt
li fi if im p pun
Th CM mm. Mt
Rich Hill
Steam Laundry.
It f revarsd to jwr
Atml fM2 tM
A crook who fcr years L d led i
the life of a swindler and theif re- j
centlr cave himself op to tLe
authoritiae, giving as his reucn '
that "the game was a losing one " i
Us is not the f rat aan who Las j
discovered that and probably;
will not b e the Jiat cse. Yet ;
how t r n e hit sUteseLt i s.
Apart from all moral question
and the unrest of conscience d'.j-'
honesty in the long ran doe not
financially pay. Occaa;cr.iL'y a
dishonest man prospers, or
seems to, bat those very few ex-!
oeptions only serve to m aire the
rule more prominent. To make
a clever t h e i f brains and i n-!
genuity are needed, and if these i
qualities were but used in the!
right ways how much better off
the man would be, financially
and in other ways. But there
will always be people who will
not b e convinced of this until
they have learned by bitter ex
perience, EI Dorado News.
Hot Springs
San Antonio
Mexico City
Ttree tt lit VHrli's
Greatest tltuut
R. A. Cailey Agent
Rich BUI, Mo
B. E. IIoorr
When you are squaring up the
years accounts don't forget the
Tribune- It may be only a
dollar but it wall help.
Read the Tribune.
IVvrtwrntiiiS ttrf
Home Insurance Co.
Fire, Lightnin; and Tor.
naio Policies writ.-n. W
cake a specialty of farm in
surance. A postal will brier,
t-J ) 1 el; fun
li pjius
"IJi'-'v'' lluddleson, a lurn.i i
reaiit. nl of Duller and Kich Hi.
but of lute years of Kansas City,
has accepted tho position of per
;MTiitiou clerk with C. W. He-.
nesa continuously for nearly 1(, u , druggist, whciv
. I
and has letters of commendation
from some of tho largest dru
tores in K. C. where h o has
been employed. It i no wonder
as he ha been In tho druj: bui
v HI be gUul la vreli-ouie his
i . ... . i .
Napko the t.ilor, dHyiur ,,,,u'"
cluaning, pressing, auJ repair D' is one of ihe beat persci ipti..o
Xcad. Herald:- Senator Stone
w.l! tn.'iU.' some speeches in the
S,ih D.stnct in behalf o f the
Dcn.ovratic candidato for Do
Arnmnd's sent. The Kepublicans
i . ;t i;. thai they wji havo a hard
t-lit and tin senaUir's aid will
be f jlly appreciated.
Iti ing your cleaning, pressing
r.d r.', a:i ing ti Napke th tailor
leg- Over IJcasley'i.
t clerks iu this section ct lha Suto ntcUa wutk. Over Imm.'!-j
Smile and the world em ilea
wita you, 'knock" and you go
alone; for the cheerful grin will
let you in where the kicker
never is known. GrowLandthe
way looks drear); laugh and the
path is bright; for a wholesome
smile brings ssashiee, while a
frown shuts est the light. Sine
and the woild is harmonious;
grumble and thinga go wrong.
and all the time yoe are out of
rhyme with the busy, hsstling
throng. Kick and there's trouble
brewing; whistle and life la gay,
and me wor!4 s in tune hke a
dayio June, and the clouds all
melt away. ELx.
" i mimi 1 1 1 1 r
The St. Louis Star
Under the ownerahip of
Will be the Ideal Family
Paper tor the year 1910.
It will be bigger, better and
more interesting with each issue.
and will continue te lead all others
All the News
Daily Short Story
and Home Subiecti
in which ycu are interested.
The Daily Star
St Mt
YEAR, J2.00
Daily and
Sunday Star
vr M-aoMVMt.tt.rf.
Send for eauble copy and our
spciiJ hat of imiocca forcAi
aud new suhserivtioaa.
Write to day.
St. Louie Star,
Circalatien Depan-ceeV
Prosperity and Happiness Throujht 1910 to All.
Mistourians in the majority are keeping step w h tbt
pregress in State and National aiairs, knowing that all
great political reforms are worked out w ithin party liaes and
that the intelligent and independent citueathlp cf the State
secures recognition under Republicaa rule.
There are enough home-loving, patriotic Siiiieuriasj,
blieving in Kepublican policies and appreciating the cteaa
record of Republican officials, State and National, to keep
Missouri in tbt column of progressive States.
Let every Joy A Republican te more alert thai ever.
FtiC Time-Card I MUaourl l'tacitic Ttiue Card
vaaisa rtrnr
No. 13. Tajnecfr t.lS p. rn.
So. ISJ. Vtti-sl 4 W p. ra
tic.m aaniva.
No.lU. Mtsed... 19 1 a. m
No, Ul, rar ar.ft ....a.i p. w
"!? Ill ro.lr i.rtxt eonttoca
t l-tnU lia trtilo noria t
oeifc) arrtrtej at Kuui i""iv at j
-a. iiaitn nil cvaon'tUia at
caliMi l-tMt l.r all t,olaia v.t.
ect, aorlb u4 -outt. tivat tr!ti
W It t-fxU Itlt-i'.art. J;lln.
Oilvior a rlat and it H.'sik
(. Tr kin tw cvnuvl at
atftN trt'.ti tr0ea erta mn aoulti
rrtrtav kan&aut city It 20 i nt.
vr vxi.
earn no inc. r. uc aao a. c.
S.v 5"4 I.-tv it -,. m
10.2 p ut
...) a m
No. 21i lavv
No. S l.-sitir ....
sinr .cst. i r.HoTTit.uiiL
No. Ijcatv .,.. -U p. m.
No. "J Ijv. .a Si) , u
CT ol'SV.
No. SJ Arrive . j fc) lu
N O SOT Arrt, i a j,. w
No. 25 Arrtwa ..i ey y.oi
lltt olMi.lf.r.utt itxru!.
ho. ' ArrJe .11 43 j. tn
N. ill Arrtv 10 uTy. m
S. A. L' Ait XT, At

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