OCR Interpretation

Osage Valley banner. (Tuscumbia, Miller County, Mo.) 1879-1881, March 27, 1879, Image 1

Image and text provided by State Historical Society of Missouri; Columbia, MO

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn90061739/1879-03-27/ed-1/seq-1/

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NO 12. .
V fi. I.
Ofttffe Valley Banner.
OQclal Paprr Miller fuuij
Editors, Fubileher'eint Proprletots.
PubllnhM Every Thurtnlay.
Per Tear, In Advance, $1.00.
If not paid uiitiltheexplralion of the y ear $1 26
Offlo: On Crt floor of MiBonlo and
UddFeiL wa baildlig ' , .
- , ST A IK:
Onvereor . J IHN S. Ptlt,PH.
I,.. ut-O tei'nor - H. O. BR''CK V F.K
Sne'v ot Hate M K. M UK -'I'H
Aatl'r . TH011 IIOLHIMY
mvs G-nerat Ja KSO.1 I. -vTH
((.itM.amdi JAS. K M 1IKMIV
bj.'i Pub ic I'lKrucilctn ii. I). Ml ax uN
T-n V re , J'tJIx W HEVRY.
Kih' r- r. Warwick hoii u.
Nix Y .rs 1II01 A nnr.RWOOl).
P.urYeers Wm. R. N I ON.
TuYn . K. II NOIUuN.
nrs.'n'etlve - IS ill L T H ARRtSON
CVcu t aOi.-tv C'er - .MiKLB. LKK
Hner ff Coll dor- PUCK RY t. MILIAR
Probst J iw t i'r - JA3 II. TOil,
IWcuiing An y - K. !. vv ALUM.
B.reevor II 8 ItCR' iMiAMK.
hebo. I Cummi-tloner - W M LU HKt
Curouer - - . r. U.CKMt.N
JutlC Ol lilt) feBCC AMHBOHg DROOkMtN
Couaitblo ' - J N. rtorr
Put rffl uiWrm, Tim-liinM-..
TiKi Of tOPUf:
CIRCU T COURT: Meia Kounb Monday in
M rvn " 1 mm Mcday I& tiepiember;
O. W. Miller. JortKe.
CuL'vTY CuL'RT: Meets Frst Monday io
P trjr., St ,, AukU-1 ai.d ml r;
W. R. Wkiout. pr.et.il Ji-'i--; Jons
8. Jou, 1 i diir(o', II i him IUxo, -2mi
d fi.i, a. oe ate Juncee.
FRO BAT it COURT M cu Second Mm.
day lu F bru .o . M v. Augu-l aud Nov
emr. J i- II T pu J i .
M CMjrcO Twkjiiijkiii. 3rd Sua Mn.
Inic nd v-nim, km1 ut in.lj ou b.l'j v'tj
J. M Hahdt. iir.
t. -o. cm lb ill ud 4 .5 d'iudj t.
K.vTltLi. iiiir.
kfi l vvealnu. J. U.U MSV. Ktnr.
tHRISTlAN Cnurc'i Ttt'un- 4 h I, rV'
r)v, murau-K evening, W. P. Uohmt
WRlonrS School h.iun, nwr L'J;
l-i n.i 8 d l..r.rdt. J. ri. I) J n o
or i,m l.i and L. K Mlion n tv '!
Pl'R NO OARUKN, 4 b I. f' d, W. K.
HAL' M Oburch, oo 4 L - dT. o.cloek
BAPTIST F -r th r 'fmnneinc (.
. M-it it StCurdoy c,c
u , d lu wi lu.mih, 8. O. Bulk, mod.,
t,.i;i u.1 iiivu iui uxiro H'pI oil
gV iu ain oi. m l". J M. Hibb-, mix).
mKASA.NT POINT Churrh mii.r 1.:
.linl,, K '1. June HiOi.li, mod.
WtT OL ZK; Churcb iu l.l S ,turdy,
;J. M. riilbti. oiod.
NBW Sl.EM C-urcb mrH-ti 4tb Sturdj .
Ai d. UuncHii, iu;kI.
H HARD ITU School, t Pli..nl, 3
:-wuc p. m. vrj euody. l. u. Au.iiii.
Ujf Rlrer AMnoistlnn illm'twlib
fiNn .t ot lurl, oo Thurdv r.Mf.,rB ihn
-w hi'iiHit n S.tirmhp. lM?u H. n
fMMl. V H MC'uhhint-l.r
1 Tuioumii, B. A. Cti.pUr N-. 87.
" A 51., meel t Ihfir hull tb Stcoud
nird, iir ui.M.n eoh ro nth.
1 U MH BALL, o. T
TomiucbSw L dg N h 47. A. P. A. M.
Ha.urdit vo or beiur fi 1 moon la
b m.iuio
H. BB4PtvroD, W. M.
R.O Totio. H p's.
ftniTr v haptkb. Ho 142. O rou in
uivr u nimiii.Kiiil'in i. 3 1 b urdy hTut
it'i 'ul moon, mi 7 p.m., lu Mwonio Oi:i,
?cnibii M., Viim, ti lert nd brt-th-'
ul bM frorriiiiiv 'i1 corlinliy w i
M. Mn. Harah K. Hauinstkin. W.M.
j Mr- Ll zik.Ii H.v80N. A M.
U. u.. A. P. 4 A M . bold r.
r eomniuciluvliont bit U day i.Ubt oo Or
f lull moou in (! mom h.
t i nui vtr r
TuKJuttbU Lndirr. 806.
i H tkr-lr rruUr biImti Try
itoClT frnlnv -l ? Vrti-kifn.
Tonn, 8 S . . . .
M. Loikb, Ji. . 95, LO O. P,
!rKUi. f bim(I0k4 tfery ti.'urday, !
pek p. ut.
t v J. P. 8riMno H O.
J l.ftir. 8 ,--.
: I l i. O. O. .
1 O. P. H
J Ii
Lr.l, N 8-10 I O O. P. m..nn
iiHiiii.iCHiinii riir .V, u '' l-tun-
4 7 n lock p. rn. .
t IfA'AH LaTCHKU . O."
LLTji T.JaJiS'j.
T. C. Utibiuon,
Tu-eucnbln. M
roni" at prntent In tbt Court H w.
Prnbuta hit iriiM, C ! lection, Par'ltlooitif
Lnri and Quta'iim TitiM a Hpeciahty.
Uv bt-cii "fik ut the Onuntv mid Circuit
Courii tor 13 yr. m tam'iUr with tta
Rworft,, hM th only ABHTROT OP
TITXKr In tb ft ontr. ;tirgi itmiiOSDIo.
E. f. Sw.IerD.
Tu-cuinhla M .
Willprart'f hit proration In Miller nd
djoloiiif enuntlct.
Jaeob GiBtt
TuM-unibia. H". . .;.. .
AHhuln t Inrutied tobit rtr tvill be
promptly and talib'tiliy tfndd to,
Ixa ah Lntrhm,
Attorcej at Law, Notary Public and
Iberia, Mo.
Will practice tin prolettlnn In Miller and
ad lining cnuiiilri.
Attorney -a t. Law,
Jefferson City, M i.
Attorney -at- Law,
Jt fferaoo Uitj", Mo.,
Attorney -at- Law,
Jfffnrsoo Uity, Mi.
Josif h 11, Edwardf,
attorney -at- Law,
Jeffarson City, MO.
4. P.MXDOWP. M. D.,
Practicing Physician and
Pla-nt Far-o Mo.
Ph yietan Sunson a n t
TtHcumbia, Mo.
Dltettealol Wooieo aod Children mad a
IClaiJ' . .
11. BRaTiLKYP'ORI)"'
Phyt tvlan a ,i d ."urQion.
Tu-ounihU. Mo.
J. L. CON Kft.
Phynlclan a n d Surgeon.
BrumVv, Mr
Phyiticlan a crouch iter and
Hocky Mi-, Mo.
Special attention givn tu dlteatPi of
Women aod Child '"-v
Phynhlnn and Surgeon,
O C UL1S ai d A Vll 1ST
k O. addrrt, Tii-rumNla, Mo.
O. A. Uowmnn.
I E IM T I r,
California, Mo.
.Vll I iit Ta-oumtiia on lb 4'b Tueada)
f aach as nth a. d remain two day.
Notary Public Land Agent,
Tutciimbia. Mo.
W.i. K, I URT 'N.
No'ary Public It Conveyancer,
Jim lli rry Towniblp,
MtMar Cou.ily Uinoun.
Wlllttnd lo all ottluatt eotrutttd to
him promptly.
B -rtha LudH, HI U. ,. R mct In O ld
K'lowt 1I,I. In Ml. Pl.'M.Mnt U l nn Hi.
1 t'luitday, in each month.
Mrs. Dd. Allkm Sec'y.
Flouring & Saw
Will grind Cmtom for lh tU on
Tba kbuv ral!!ibaa been cewly repaired
id Toe Bott Miller tecured. We will guar
anise large Turnout and at good Fbur at
uy ml 1 lu C.ntral MittourL
Walnut, Ath and Oak Lumber alwayi on
land, at reatonable ra ei, or In exchange lor
Gra-. .
ftgrPnor and Me.l kept on band at nil
tun. inr tale and t-ichanve.
Wm. H. Haunstein & Bro.
Iro jr 1 at ora,
'i 11K I'kCK IltttVK.V
The blits foi hih u' tpirf's p'i : ,
That blin wa leel tiavt i.t ir.v.r-,-Bonahow.
lo t ime far realm --i
8ime maryelioui euie nttnit! a butvi n ;
It not tba blle oi Unguoroui boiii,, .
A lor uf calm matnrod ra:v.
But IH bicb ledt our noblwi r
On nondert of eternal ebrnv;'
A haaTto of action freed from tWz, "
With ampler nhiT for the toa'0 - -
Of an imnfiaU'"bl) life,
And an unb 111 -L boundlett ;
Hell wmnt, duubt, ili-tre..f , ;
I h f ire of b'H iu .1 r : A
IlO.nl rlkapo-.T.l'.iffl" i .
Toll ailbuut tumul'. t. (id, o; t
With crandeet r-v-n ( rn
Ue li-cbi hy i' t.ti f
tK : .. ,:. t i ( .i-'
Iv. . " v. , . ...... .
TO'ik-E i . liti''1 '
Trll In f-i." iiler(t, npiir:i tili'.-y
We U'Ui lt, at t-t, tlia lo. of &4'
., ......... -i t
i inie tvaiiowea in A'ernui.-
No luiarr ererm .rv, no ti.lt,
Duione aaenainic i'w n oi -v j
A boanitie4 ci r i hi rundu(oa.
airi I
Paul H. Uatnk. in Oarptr't Hwa:
April. -1 '
YV uvli liifftou.
Tn 'H'IUNT MllKilAIS '
Wauixuto(, 11 1 on 19 I'm i dowicg Ii
the PresiUHiit'a m-gK '
Pillow fi Inn of lua 8antl arj Hoao ol
I! ,prf8ei.Uiivei ;
Tn li lure ol the late CongrtM t" roaktt
lie rcquitile appropriation iorHt;itlalive
aod Judicial purp.rw, for tbe apente ot
ina taveral f xecu ie departmeoit " the gov.
-rnmeot and for tbetupport ol tb'arm baa
mada it nectary t call a ipecia KJtiluU ol
tba P.irty-8 xtb Congrewt.
Tbe rmiujntea ol tbe approprUlont oeed
", wblch "e toot to Coagre ty the beo
rerary ol the Treenurv, at Ilia opaing of tile
lail ttalon, are rouewod an'l berevitb trant
milted to butb the 8nate ad UuUre 01
R-priienitiai lt-g etnog tbttimrgancy
wbicb rt-quire a tpeoial te:ioo t Comcrot
at a time when It it me enera )u woeni
of tbe country that tbe pub!l! V. lure will
be beet promoted by a permaiancy In oar
Vitiation and by peace and resl commend
the lew .oacury meaiurea uyour roa
ililer4t attention,
3 gnedj r.ornrwnitD o hath,
anitaMAN's khtimates
Wahbihoton, Marcb 19 Acorn pajylng
the Prt-tidroi't mewiage an) eimala trora
ibe Kflcrtitary of tbe Tr-iiir, of money
needed lor the arm? and for W alive, ex
e utlTS and judicial branciiee otttie govern.
mwii, Toeta eUmtlr are Ibe tow at tbore
ubrulttHd at the opening ol lb lt tfioo.
with tbe exceptioo of item provided for a'
ibal tfrnion. f
The l.i Coneretfl made pmvlaionfl for the
Military Acadaoiy at We Point and lor
according to ho riliin.ie. 1M 7H.-.600 Mr
in- appr..priatel lor tbeiru.. Jlooe ol tbe
!exilaii, executive and Judlciry apprn
onailoi t wre provHd for ern lu part.
Tnr. eatimale lor tbete eioeniet it $16.-
o.'U.OOl. To ibtM eppropnatioui are ai.o
to be adilw) the lirm l.r co'iri expenie.
which it gi-nera'U placed In tbe utidry civil
hill at tbe laai a..lon. Tbe Mllcaiet for
tbeae expert", I- $3 000 COO.
Tbe recint commercial raid o Chicago
m.'rchtnlg upon the capital city of otr titter
rnpubl.c, It already developing general pub
lic Interest lo that country at a ne field for
American entcrprlne, promiilng tb rlchett
and graodeit r tultt. Tbe Mexican mloltter
at W'Mgbir.gton hat tendered a rt'Ceptlon to
n a American touhtu on tbeir arrivti In thai
city, and there it a generally expretd den! re
i.t me cuiuvailon or amicable commercial
rl :Hl'l'..
Geography tellt n tbe Moxican area al
-m.-t half a lare a that of Hit UniU-d
Stiie, while bar population, nine tnilliont,
exceeded hv that of Hew York, IPnyl
Vania ami Onto Tbe h ttrv of!M-X'oO
rnadt like a romance. Her ruint pmk ot
0 Til'iainui at mterio it at ibat ot. Egyp,
and which atill glearu with an 'Ti.Cei
plendor. H-r mooumn'a were 'built ov
tie gvnlueoi tuperftitmn. Traveler! tall nt
o in a e travel In niountain larrgfted and
betel with robbers; of her toit tklet and en
ctianiing land'Cape; of tba labulout rich,
that .lumber In her rrn; of her tialfbred
rairamuffin m ; of her dr-amvyed and
iluptu..u te. oritae promenading tbt Ala
mn1a; and l ibe houret of bar noblea rival
ng tbe palace of Aladdin. But alien from
ut In religion, llne-ce and language, bavins
none ol the chivalrio Q.mlulna ir.m finite
admiration, nor tba h1i domed 1 ii
tilee that enlial rerpeo1, ll la
curioaily viurl hreUili:r(. uv i
ditioo of tba ounlrjr,.. aof liv- 4 .
Willi ber f w.Biiea or u.!.iu,n3ur
Americana b be,n lniin 'ut al s, ,
veraracv, and covet the treurv c( 1
Tna rival ehii f wbo lrim (.iruu :
, 1 1 v
t if.
have beld tbe reign ol pnwer 'nce they fell
fro the weak hand, of Max m lian, bato n
turn tucenmbed to Di-x. But whitl Mexico
a l it not onlv a republican coottitutinn
Hn.l President, but American born clt'X-ni
ti bieaiha Into bi-r alal aiiiem a more viu
orntii lil, and to quiik-n tbe dry b inet of
her dying Induitry int a more Icrvent and
prngrevtiv.' yiialiiy She wan' tbe tchool.
matter, tbe merchant, the miner, tbe farmer,
the tpecu'aior, and the general lniulon and
incorporation ol American element Into her
national character lor the Ucve'npinenl of
h.r magnifliwi.t empire mt a liable power.
A oloee Com mere a I alliance wou'd bive good
r-eulu lor both nation. Toe Unl'ed blatet
led the world II mechanical labopawvinc
macbli.ery and Mexico la our natural mark
et. On tba other band, tbe gold and ailver
field ol 8 mora aod Cblbualiua lovlte Amer
oao Inyettuent, and the produot in wbicb
Mexlo'i excel would find a ready market In
the United Htatet. Tbe two element need
ed to etablii& turh relation! are a itroou
K.ivernmHiit io Mexico and friendly inter .
eourae between the two people Railroai
will tpeedilv lollow theia eooditlont, and
with Inoreaae ot pnfiulatlun on the bnader
travel to a d lio wou'd he like travel between
the teveral 8 al.-. Chicago merchant, d
rvellie entire credit oi opening thit wide
fl M t Amerlcao eutoriirue in the "lodla at
our Uiwr."
Over 1he Ban,
Tor, milking time, and the cow came op
Prom toe meadowi aweet witn oiover,
And iio.kI In tbe lane, wbile pretty Jane
K.rl a ooiet cbat with the drover
h s quint ebirt that it acarcely teemed
.That h tlrle w rd wa tpoken;
'tVtIia magic tpell wltb the sight dewi fell,
- And the rytbm of tone wa unbrokeu.
Th ttt)e ttood at the lover't aide,
Without; any ibow ot vexation,
A 'hougn Impreiied that a flvioar rest
War a part of tbelr reHt-oralioo.
V' -.1 Jme lUtunri t" the note that etme
nrt uittler the Imra ftni Over,
:i"t bear Uiok wturf, lUe tilly thing,
An4 nwled ; cKva t J the diOver. ..
-a'e Sti'Ur' .i 'titrae wa poor,
-..r.lova to trive bait
-. thinicb I.ovti had
... ,. ... . i j. bt. uiet; -.. ' ' "
,. , t ; irtij the evtrnrn; rt
V. ;.(..:. ..1 Of int. it are ringing, .
A-"d ber li couf'.ed that a lowly nest
.ji.ulil never prevent her tinglo.
S over the bare the lover, leaned.
In tbe .y ol their ,wet commumoo;
And tneir lookt declare that poverty ne'er
Boa 1 be a bar to their union;
O eweeleet mutic go thread your rhyme!
Now under tbe birt and overt
Where pretty Jane. In tbe Iraerant lane,
Bewiiched the heart ol the drover.
Prom tbe Aroiy.
Mitt Tablths Tumuli wai accortotned to
lay that tbe alwayi bad ber own way. She
wet eluo'fftven to enunciate the principle that
the effectual method of getting your way
at to take II and the took hers, tbe would
add. Not one ol ber iriendt but would have
lubtcrtbed to the later clause of ber state
ment; therefore wa! It likely tbat tbli iuo
cet'ul detpot wa going to be baulked io the
dearett obj jet ot her life, ber fondett aim, by
a pair of loolish young peopluf Tet the fool
lb young people Intended tJ cUappoiat ber.
Mot beplent deluiion!
Mia Tabltba t'unatali had arranged the
dettinle, and. let u In U8tioe add, when
need be, materially atiigted io tbe teltling io
Mie ot a large number of youthful relatlver,
but her lupremacy in chief wa reserved lor
iter nepbew. Herbert Tumiall, who Hved at
the Manor, terming a little, and hu. ting, Bitt
ing, and ibooting a great del;Mi Tabuba'
deeign being that be .hould tuoceed ber al
Staineley Manor when tbe buld be laid to
rett. Ber plana fjr him probably never
further tbaa thit until an unexpected event
euggatted a new and delighllol combination.
Tola opporiuoe occurrence wa! tbe charge
ol the dauitbter of a much loved friend of ber
t-OrMtrr- Widow. . ad imlp died la
Jamaica, commending ber helole daughter
to Miti Tuntail' fatibful affection. Miu
Tabjtba went to Smthampton to meet tbe
ifirl, ..lldred Neil by name, tok an immnuae
liking to ber oo the epot, a d inttantan oualy
o 'nee ved tbe acheme ol marrying ber to ber
nepbew. She brourht her home, give tbe
young people one week In wbicb to become
acquainted, and then lourtbwlio announced
to each wha' the expected of them.
Ilemert Tunnel! aought an opportunity of
ip-Bkinr to Mim Neil upon tbe telfameday,
and toward evening he obaoryed tbe younv.
ladv teated alooe upon a ruvtic teat in tbe
garden. Be at once croated the lawn and
eated hlmtell beaide h"r.
"I imagine that my aunt ha told you,
Mies Nul, of the hope tbe entertain I con
cerning yon and mtaeif." be aaid, wilb alow
entleoet and care; than calmly awaited a
Mildred Nell wai a handsome girl oi bru
nette type; ewiit lo feel, her face wa a mirror
for the repreteott'.ion of her emotion,; and
Mr, Tunatall now read hi answer in the
aagry aparXd tbat flaw lo her eve, io tbe
cnuoaoD flush tbat ihot aoroaa ber cheek b1
fore ber tongue could uiter a word ot ber
"1 am aetonlshed at your peaking to me
oo tbe matter. Mr. Tuonlall; you muit be
aware how worte tbaa Oteleta it it."
'!But Jt U n ceeaary tbat I anould ipeik to
you. Mia Neil,"
"Mr. Tunata'l, It la Impoftaible that I ihould
ever renard yon in any other llht tban a a
"M'at Neil, deep and tlucere a my retpeel
for you must be, 1 have Dot the aliichteat
with that you tbould regard me in any other
light; itlll "
'In plain aordi " cried the girl, Interrupt
ing him "I (In not want to marry you."
"lo plain words," echoed he, with a differ
ent Ii. Auction. "I d out want to marry you."
Upn t Ui.fl.ttering aatertion Mitt Noil
looxed ", in turpre; and, their eye meeting,
he bnrrt -..: UuKb eg at the aO.Lrd
'i'siu' wbv kr lalif ufMin t nb1ct that
it to vxry vrry d!:rrall'!" '
M.ea N-ii, "u t.ave rteolare yiiu'ludlff
rence lowa.da me, and tboruby Of court
thrown me Into the depth! ol denpalr and hu
miliation; will you now go further, and In
atrict ooi.flJeHce make a lull conleetloo do
you love an v body alrt"
Mildred Neil thought lor a moment, won
dering wheiber an incipient foodneealora
certain Jvu g curate, but concluded to tbe
ontr.rv. ''No," the laid at lngib.
"Tnt 'no' came too hetitatingly to eatab
liab pertect Innocence; I am going to set you
an example of candor by pleading guilty. 1
am ngag-d to a young lady, a clergyman'!
daughter in the neighborhood; and I waot
your help, M.t! Neil."
"Tni I Interesting," aald tbe girl, tlttlng
up a ud looking at btm with attention, quite
rdy for a little romance, eo that ibe we
ooi expected to take tbe part of beroUe.
'Mr aunt doe tint aruile upon my choice."
'Sbe I aware then ot your engagement."
Not exaotiy aware of an engagimentex
Uttng, but ibe lUepect! the r ate ot thlnira.
aod lr the pre ei.t, to gain time lor Aunt
Tabllha'a unreasonable prtjudice to melt,
you will not mind our appeanug, you aod I,
to tail tmo ber wiabe-."
Our appearing to fall into ber wlihet.
W"at do you mean!'"
Wot, by eaeh of u profnaitng to be dillt
gently culllva ln a regard for tbe other."
'lu).i.aib'. t" tnl limed Ibe girt, "it would
noi re rghu"
"1 don't knew about lu being right, but it
I n'c.ary, Y ou bare aot Ibe expeiieDce Of
Aunt Tabltha that 1 hav ; the i qu.U capa
ble of tending tor a ring and a panon. ana
having U married npen Ibe rpct. If we 1
thowerl aymptom o Intubordination."
M.ldred looked ImprnMed bv thl tetrribta
picture, a Mr. TrantUll iu tended the tbould
At you like, though," he resnmed. "I
am !ure," with an Ironical bow, ("I ought to
leel more than resigned."
But I tbould not feet at all rcalgoed,"
Bald Mim Neil, quickly.
"Yuu will be afe then only In tbe way 'I
suggest; and certain) v our only chance of a
quiet life lie in letting Aunt Tabilh sop
poae that we are falling into ber view." ,
"Will not uch a coiiree at all evenU be
rather awkward?" auggeited iheyovef lady,
her feminine mind fnreaeelog embnrraamenta.
'On the contrary, I think It will be ex
tremely musing."
Utd Mildrea Nell been older, the wotill
neitner have contented to the arrangement
nor Ve found any fua therein, but a it wa '
her youth and innocence he plog her, their .
aiium sd character became a tource ot 1m- r
me e amutemect to M.Mred and Herbert.
Mia Ned would b d Mr. TuntUII wind
ber wool. "It it your duty to attend upon
me, you know. L must get you Into domes
tic training." And the discipline would oc
cupy to much time that it wai clear Herbert
TU'iaUII stood lo great need of tbe leitoo.
The amount ot practice which tbey bad no
doubt accounted for it; but It wai atlooisblng
bow well these amateur soon came to play
their part. Any outafder watcblng that
duaMtudy carried on io tbe toiltudei of tbe
far end of tbe drawlngToom would baya said
that It waa genuine interest which was kind
ing in Mildred's dark eves; that it wat some
feeling near akin to love wbicb wat thrilling
in bit tones and lending warmth to hit word,.
But of course tbe performers knew diBerent
iv; they were well aware tbat it wat all part
01 ao excellent Jnat, and the semblance ot
reality tbat their acting wore was altogether
to their credit.
Mist Neil wat naturally anxious to behold
the girl, the true beloved, for whom the
atood proxy; but tor some time after ber own
I arrival at eHalneley, sum UuDieoo was anient
upon a vine At length, boweyer, her cure
oaily was gratified, una bright autumn af-
.A.nnfin - HA.K..I Y.in.fell ant .ha wara
returning trom tbelr ride, they met a young
lady In one ottbe lanei about Staineley. Sbe
wa walking ilowiy, aod, mild though, tbe
day wai, Miat Neil notioad that she wa en
veloped in iuri, while in ber hand ah carried
a tmall ba.ket.
"Here comes a good little dlitrict-vlaitor!"
cried Mildred.
T oat it Mary Cublton," said Mr. Tuns
tall, and be spraog from bis borae. - -
Alter blmaelf Kroeting tbe g r, be brought
ber up and introduced ber to M s Neil, who
obaerved with a quick throb ot pleasure, for
which she would oave found It bard lo ac
count, tbe ordinary nature ot tbe rival whom
sbe bad been picturing as a species of god
dess. Mia Cubiaon was truly one of those
Foople beat described by tbe word iooffensive.
uoO'eoaive In speecb, look, manner, mind,
and character, Mry Oubiaon wat atwolulely
w thou; a talianl point. After a tew minute'
chat, during woicb tbe young ladie bad
decided with pertect onarimity ot opinion
that the atleroooo wai bright, the autumn a
mild one, and the I tne abuui Staineley mud
dy but pleaaant, Mr, Tunatall bent over, to
war le Mildred, saying:
If you doo'i tuiud.I will see Miss Cubl
aon boaie."
"Oi course I don't mind; prsy do so," was
the aotwer, but for ber life the speaker could
not have kept a certain coldness out of ber
"00 eot eoter the park wait for me; I
will not be ten minute," Herbert wbtipered
eargjrly in return.
"Ten uiluuwa! Iiuppoaethat meao half
an hour or more wmle they are talking
in me ooniense at the Perton&ge gate," laid
Mia Neil, aa drawing out ber waich the pre
pared lo time tbe lovera; Bud twitting round
in ber saddle she gaud after ibe pair wiib a
aad and weary expre.sion upon her beautiful
feature. Sbe could only ee tbat Herbert
Tuoalail walked quietly by the side ol the
young lady, from whom ha had lake j tbe
baiket, which be wm carrying lo ooe band,
wbile with tbe other be led bit horse.
Toe hand ol ber watcb bad tcarcly ontn.
pleted tbe ninth mloute when Mill Nail
beard tbe sharp ring ot hoots on tbe road be.
bind ber. She pocketed ber watcb bu.-riediy,
aud tamed to greet II roert with a fluxb of
guilt upon her cheek but with a smile of
pure unmixed pleasure upon her lovely lips.
" Well! ' he iculated In a tone ot Inter
rogation, meeting ber amlie with one of
equal brilliancy on ber own face, as be rode
up to ber aide.
"You've not taken more than your ten
minutes," she ssid, in her confusion staling
Ibe very fact tbat she bad battened to con
ceal, that of ber having marked tba lengiia
ol time he bad been gone.
Herbert Tuottall seemed also to labor un
der a scarcity of Idoai; but. alter a slightly
embarrassed paute, he brought out tbe in
lormatiooi "Mary it not very w.il1; the took:
cold at tbe bouse where the has been staying.
Tbey bad a fashion thereof walking in tbe
ga'.eri of ao evening."
Ah! a month or two ago how qulok Mr.
Tunaiall would have bees to have
noticed the consciousness la Mary
Uubiaon's manner when she spoke el these
evening walkt) aod how that embarraiamonl.
deeply Into guilty conluniuo cpon bis
careletily chiding ber for ber neglect of ber
delicate bealtbl How her blutbe and stam
mering; excuses would have set his hot blood ,
oo fire with Joalous suspicions eight or tea
weeka back; aad now, oow tbey pas uoob-
(Contlnued to next week.
HittlxtfC Hull.
Tba War Department bas ordered tbe 18 h
Infantry Irom Atlanta to Bismarck to pro
tect tbe border thrsateoad by Sitting Boll.
Col. Walab, commanding tbe Caoed ae
mouuted poller, writes tbat Bitting Bull aud
bis 20,000 warriors, well armd and equti pd,
are ibowiog a very ugly aod toiuboidiuata
disposition. '
"Like the dew on tbe mountain,
Like the foam on tbe river,
L'ke the bubble oa the fountain,
Tbou art gone, and forever."
Six thousand livet and nearly ten thous
and horses were deatroyd by the Hungarian
flood. - ""
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