OCR Interpretation

Morgan County republican. (Versailles, Mo.) 1906-1914, October 10, 1912, Image 4

Image and text provided by State Historical Society of Missouri; Columbia, MO

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn90061783/1912-10-10/ed-1/seq-4/

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The Republican,
(Successor to The Dkmockat.)
W. W. KINLOCH, Proprietor.
l,ocal Editor and Business Manager.
Entered in the Post Office at Versailles,
Missouri as second class mail matter.
Subscription Trice $1.00 a Year.
'Fhont No. 185
Advertising Rate.
.lispliy advertising, by the yr. lo aversge
four Inches or mote. ',c. rr Inch rach blue.
t-roftssioniil cards, one Inch, 50 cents per
month; two Inches, 's cent per month,
I,ocal-five liii or over, 5 cents per line for
ilrft Insertion; :!4c. per line for each subsequent
insertion. In black type 10 cent per line for
1rst Insertion. Scent per line for each subse-
uent Insertion.
egal advertising at legal rates.
4peclal rates on page advertisements,
Republican Ticke
For Assessor Howard C. Daugherty
For Treasurer Orvil Mew.
For Surveyor Wm. R. Stephens.
Tail's man. A. G. Baker, puts the
Progressive vote of Morgan County at
100; Fred Monsess. county assessor,
places it at 50; making an average of
75. Now if there are 75 sensible
voters in Morgan County, that is a
good start, more than there has been
at any previous election. ''Th
ficht is on." and will go on until
victory is soon.
The Progressives of Morgan Coun
ty have decided to not put out a pro
ercssivc ticket this year. We think
they have missed a great opportunity,
for it is impossible to take the tickets
of the old parties and select a decent
ttcket from the two. Two years
hence there will be a Progressive
ticket, in the meantime it is "Poor
off Morgan," the home of the graft
er and boodler.
The new State Capitol, accorning
to the plans; will cost $2.2.'30.127,
and the successful New York archit
ects get 6 per cent of the cost as their
fee. Figure it up and see what a
nice fat job that is. They also sug
gest putting a concrete roof over the
Mo. Pac. Ry- down to the river to
shut out the noise and smoke, at a
cost of $500,000. and if that is adopt
ed we suppose the architects will also
get 6 per cent of that. And then
there is the commissioners and flunk
eys for many years to be added in,
and then will come the furnishings,
which must be up-to-date, so you see
it costs money to liuild a $3,500,000
capitol, and to hide so valuable a
building in the most lonesome corner
of the state, where it will never be
seen by mortal eye, unless a special
trip is made for the purpose why
the new city of Damsite down on
White River would be a more suitable
location. It is true that when the
legislature is in session, with the state
officials and the penitentory, Jefferson
City holds the great bulk of the un
desirable citizens of the state, and if
the legislature was in continuous per
formance there would be less kicking
on the subject of location.
Don't Get Mad.
If vour paper i discontinued after
von are twelve months in arrears-, the
postofTice declares you outlawed and
says we shall not be allowed to send
you the Repuiii.ican through the mails
after that time unless we put a 1-cent
stamp on each ropv mailed. We
can't a afford to lose the subscription
of SI. 00, and then piles on 52 cents
in stamps in order that you may en
joy reading the only newspaper pub
lished in Morgan County, and it looks
to us that if anybody should get mail
over the failure to pay your subscrip
tion it would be the editor. We ain't
mad, but would like to have OUR
Whereas. Kdwird Norris and Olive Norrls. his
wife, by their certain deed of trust, dated the 7th
day of April 1910 and recorded In book 21 at page
619 of deed records of Morgan County Missouri,
conveyed to the undersigned trustee the follow.
ing aeftcriuro real emaic niiuaic in mc t-oumy 01
Morgan and State of Missouri to-wit: Lot eleven
IlllTn Mnelc "B" of Williamson's addition to
the town (now City of Tersallles, Missouri, ex
cept strip eleven 11 feet wide off of the South
side of said lot, used as an alley, In trust to se
cure the payment of a certain negotiable prom
issory note In said deed of trust described, and
whereas default has been made in the payment
of said note and the same is uow long since due.
Now, therefore, notice Is hereby given, that at
the request of the legal holder of said note, I
wilt', on Saturday the 19th day of October, 1912
between the hours of nine o'clock in the fore
noon and five o'clock of the afternoon of that
day, sell the real estate herein described, at pub
lic vendue to the highest bidder for cash in hand
at the Court House door in the City of Ver
sailles, County of Morgan a nd State of Mlnouri,
for the purpose of satisfying said Indebtedness
and the expenses of executing this trust.
rtsun a. jtriuor, i rustcc.
Orator of Ptsbllctstlon.
State of Missouri. County of Morgan. SS.
In the Circuit court, Morgan county. Missouri.
December term, 1912 . Adam Meyers plaintiff,
Nathan P. Stevens, if living, and if dead, then
the unknown heirs, devisees grantees and wid
ow of said Nathan 1'. Stevens;
Kobert Williamson ani carnitine Williamson
llvinir. and if dead then the unknown heirs.
devisees and grantees of said Robert William
son, defendants,
The Slate of Missouri to the above named de
You are hereby notified that the alove named
plaintiff has this day filed his petition, dulv ver
ified, with the undersigned clerk of the Circuit
court of said county In vacation, whertln said
planum aii'gea mat ne is ine ownei 01 mc
south hall of the north west quarter, section 9,
township 44, range 1 in said county of Morgan;
that he and those under whom he claims have
been, for more than ten years last passed, in the
open, notorious, actual adverse possession there
of; that the legal and equitable title to same
emanated from the government over ten years
ago that the defendants, Nathan I'. Stevens and
Kobert Williamson and Catharine Williamson.
If living, seem to have some record claim of
title to said land as apparent patentee and
erantees as shown by plat book of said county
and the mortgage records thereof, and If they
be dead, then their heirs, devisees ami grantees
are unknown to plaintiff, who for that reason
cannot set forth their name herein nor describe
their interest lor the reason that same is un
known to plaintiff, that the said defendants
are not residents of the state of Missouri: that
they have never been in the actual possession of
said land, but that such apparent record ow ner
shlp of said defendants to said land is adierse
and prejudicial to the plaintiff. Whereupon, it
isordered by the clerk of this court In vacation
that said defendants be notified by publication,
that plaintiff has commenced a suit against
them In this court, the object and general nature
oi wnicu 10 try aiijunge anil iieterinine me
title of the said south half of the northwest
quarter, section 9. township 44 . range 1H In said
county, and for a decree divesting the defend
ants of right, title or interest therein and to vest
lands in the plaintiff, ami that units thry be
and amear at this court, nt the next term tl
of, lo lie lieguu and holde.i at the Courthouse
in the citv of Versailles. In saiil couutv. on the
9th clav of I)ecetnter next mid on or tefore the
first dayof said term, answer or plead tothe
pennon Herein, ine same will lie taken as con
fessed. and judgment will be rendered accord
ingly. And it is further ordered that a copy
nereoi ne published once a week lor lour con
secutlve weeks ill the Morcan County Kf.itiili
can, a weekly newspaper printed and published
In said Morgan county, the last insertion to I at
least thirty itavs Ixrforc the first dayof said next
term of this court
Jno. J. Towns, Circuit Clerk.
A true coov from the rrenrd.
Witness my hand and the seal of the Circuit
Court of Morgan county, Missouri, this the 1st
day of October. 1912.
skalI Jno, J. Jours circuit Clerk.
We notice in the plans for tne new
Capitol at Jefferson City arrangements
are made for a fine dining room and
kitchen, but noihiug doing for a bar
room, although it may come under
some other head. May be they arc
to run a boarding house, so as to
avoid so much rabbit.
Rural Carrier Examination.
The United Stales Civil Service
Commision announces an examina
tion at Harnett, Versailles and Proc
tor on Saturday, Nov. 2nd, 1912, for
the position of rural mail carrier at
Harnett, Mo. to fill vacancy, and
other vacancies as they may occur in
county. Postmasters will furnish ap
plication blanks and all necessary in
formation. School Notes.
Mancel Morris and Douglas Hub
bard attended the State Fair at Sed
alia last week.
Miss Sarah Sherman is out of school
on account of the death of her sister.
Ina Kmloch is in school again after
a week's absence on account of her
father's illness.
The Witten Literary Society has
been reorganized for the coining ) ear
and gave it's first program last Friday.
The Society will give a program every
two weeks. Visitors are welcome to
attend these meetings.
I he monthly report card will be
issued to-day (Wednesday). Par
ents are requested to examine these
cards carefully that they may know
what their children are doing in
school. The teachers request the co
operation ot the patrons in making
this the best year in the history ol the
Versailles school.
A very competent school orchestra
has been organized under the man
agement of Prof. Johns.
Six new pupils ha've been enrolled
the past week and more are expected
this week.
Miss Berry entertained ft friend
from Detroit, Mich., the latter part
of last week.
Clarice Johns and Maxinc Shanncp
are out of school on account of sick
Judge Daniels addressed the High
School at the Chapel exercise last
Monday morning.
The Blue And The Gray.
By the flow of the inland river,
Whence the fleets of iron have
Where the blades of the grave grass
Asleep are the ranks of the dead.
Under the sod and the dew,
Waiting the judgment day
Under the one, the Blue,
Under the other, the Gray.
Those in the robins of glory,
These in the gloom of defeat,
All with the battle-blood gory,
In the dusk ol eternity meet.
Under the sod and the dew,
Waiting the judgment day
Under the laurel, the Blue,
Under the willow, the Gray.
From the silence of sorrowfnl hours
The desolate mourners go,
Lovingly laden with flowers
Alike for the friend and the foe.
Under the sod and the dew,
Waiting the judgment day
Under the roses, the Blue,
Under the lilies, the Gray.
So with an equal splendor
The morning sun rays fall,
With touch, impartially tender,
On the blossoms blooming for all.
Under the sod and the dew,
Waiting the judgment day
Broidered with gold, the Blue,
Mellowed with gold, the Gray.
So when the summer calleth
On forest and field of grain,
With an equal murmur falleth
The cooling drip of the rain.
Under the sod and the dew,
Waiting the judgment day
Wet with rain, the Blue,
Wet with rain, the Gray.
Sadly, but not with upbraiding.
The generous deed was done :
In the storm of years that are fading
No braver battle was won.
Under the sod and dew,
Waiting the judgment day
Under the blossoms, the Blue,
Under the garland, the Gray.
No more shall the war cry sever.
Ncr the winding river be red;
They banish our anger forever,
When they laurel the graves of
our deatl.
Under the sod and the dew,
Waiting the judgment day
Ix)ve and tears for the Blue,
Tears and love for the Gray.
FiwNfiis Miles Fiecii.
Tumbling to the Handwriting.
It seems that 36,000 tourthclass
Post-masters have tumbled to the de
finition that it means a victory for
Roosevelt, and to hold their jobs
after March 4th next they have asked
President Taft to put them in the
classified system and save them from
the wrath of the Bull Moose. He
has promised to do it at once.
mpttomii light ttjgS
Btt Oil ta tiM World
Lamp. Incubators, Stovea
Don't bottier about bavins an i
oil can rilled 'every few day J
i uuj a uarrci o ,1
National Light Oil
Don't' be imposed upon by allowing
I someone -to sell you low ende Ml
claimed to be "just at good." (ice I
I the genuine. If your dealer cannon
supply you write us direct.
E W. Curtis, Vice-Pres.
E. A. Crewson, Vice-Pres.
T. P.Bond, Pres.
First National Bank
Versailles, Mo.
Condensed Official Statement Sept. 4, 1912
Loans and discounts $141,385.19 Capital stock t3O,0O.U0
Bank building and furniture 9,250.00 Surplus and profits. . 12,004.04
Bonds and premiums 34.630.00 Circulation 30,000.00
Five per cent redetnp'n fund 1,500.00 Bills Papable 20,000.00
Cash and sight exchange 46.S4I.92 Depoalta 13C.OOS.07
Total $233,007.11 Total $23,007.1l
The above statement is correct,
W. A. BURI.L, Cashlen.
We carry ample insurance against burglary aud robbery Burglar-proof
lime-lock safe. Conservative management. Business solicited.
Saves Leg Boy.
"It seems that mv 14-vear old bov
would have to lose bis leg, on account of
an ugly ulcer, caused by a bad bruise,"
wrote l. r. Howard, Aquoue, N. C. "All
remedies and doctors treatment failed till
we tried Bucklen's Arnica Salve, and cur
ed him with one box." Cures burn9.
boils, skin eruptions, plles.25c at Kardell
Drug Co.
Widows are said to be dangerous and
the divorce courts are making more of
them every day Help.
A Lot! an the Tract
of the fast express means trouble ahead
u noi removed, so does loss ot appetite.
It means lack of vitality, loss of strength
and nerve weakness. If appetite fails,
take Electric Bitters quickly to overcome
the cause by toning up the stomach and
curing the indigestion. Micheal Hess
beimer of Lincoln, Neb., had been sick
over three years, but six bottles of Elec
tric Bitters put him right on his feet
again. They have helped thousands'
They give pure blood, strong nerves, and
good digestion. Only 50 cents at Kardell
Drug Co.
Don't judge a woman by her relations
or her clothes both are the best that she
aud her husband can afford.
Saved by His Wire.
She's a wise woman who knows just
what to do when her husband's life ts in
danger, but Mrs. R. J Flint, Braintree,
Vt is of that kind. "She insisted on
my using Dr. Kings New IMscovery,"
writes air. . "lor a tireadtui cough,
when I was so weak mv friends all
thought I had only a short time to live,
and it completely cured me." A quick
cure for coughs and colds, it's the most
safe and reliable medicine for many
throat and lung troubles grip, bronchit
is croup, whooping cough, quinsy, ton
silitis, hemorrhages. A trial will convin
ce you. 50cts. and $1.00, Guaranteed
by Kardell Drug Co.
The business man's wife thinks ,he
must practice great self denial not to
have any sofa pillows in his office.
Tickl lilt' 111 till! throat. lic;irfitiH
of voice, indicate the need of BAL
LARD'S HnRKnnnjn vwiti t.
eases the lungs, quiets the cough and re-
et,,.w I...-.I.I. :.. . i. u ,.7..i ...i
Price 25c, 5l)c and $1.00 per bottle. Sold
by Globe Drug Store.
MHtiy an ugly girJs compensated for
lier lack of good looks by the knowledge
that her friends are true ones.
If the child starts in us sleep, grinds
its teeth while sleeping, picks at the
nose, has a bad breath, fickle appetite,
pale complexion, and dark rings under
the eyes; it has worms; and as long as
they remain in the intestines, that child
will be sickly. WHITE'S CREAM VER
Ml HUGH clean out the worms, strength
ens the stomach aud bowels and puts the
utile oue on tne roau to iieaitll anil cneer
fulness. Price 25c per bottle. Sold by
Globe Drug Store.
A girl will accept almost any kind of a
lie that is sugar coated with a compli
ment, but the compliment has to be of
the right sort.
Neuralgia of the face, shoulder, hands,
or feet requires a powerful remedy that
will penetrate the flei.ll. BALLARD S
SFOW LINIMENT possesses that power.
Rubbed in wuere the pain is tell mail
that is necessary to telieve s ffering and
restore normal conditions, Price 2$c, 5qc
aud $1 00 per bottle. Sold by Globe
Drug Store.
Perhaps the reason that there n c mo
few women lawyers is that women tell
what is not so only on impulse. A man
can lie by design.
When the uhest feels on fire and the
throat burns, you have indigestion, ami
you need HERB1NK to get rid of the
disagreeable feeling It drives out bad
ly digested food, ktiengthens the stout
ch and purifies the bowels. Price 50c.
Bold by Globe Drug Store.
Men and women are different in this.
A ii i h n can be driven to drink, aud a wo
man can be led astray. The reult is
alxmt the same.
The average woman pities all Itachel
ors bee ue they aren t-tnarried and the
married men because they have the kind
of wive they have.
W. A. hVBUt, Cashier
PRICE Jonks, Asst. Cash'r
One thing that can be said in favor of
woman's clubs the performances are all
matinee affairs.
J. A. McLain, Fruitland, Mo., state
"My wife was bothered with kidney
trouble for about five years aud had tried
different doctors and had taken several
different kinds of kidney medicine with
out results. She began taking Foley
Kidney Pills which have done her more
good than any medicine she has ever
taken and will, I think, give her a per
manent cure." For sale by all Druggists,
The summer girl thinks she's not a
success unless she succeeds in making it
but for some man.
W. A. Crayton, Bessville, Mo., says:
"I got down on my back last winter with
kidney and bladder trouble until at
times I could hardlv get up. I saw Fo
ley Kidney Pills advertised so I got a
Jkx of them and they straightened me
right up and I can recommend them to
all who have kidney trouble." For sale
by all Druggists.
While the men are indulging in fren
zied finance the women are plunging in
to frenzied matrimony.
G. H. Combs, a well known citizen of
Mercer Co , Mo., states: "About a vear
ago I took a severe cough and I tried dif
ferent kinds of medicine and two physic
ians, but they did not help me. My son
left me a bottle of Foley's Honey and
Tar Compound, and it helped me a great
deal more than anything I had taken."
For sale bv all Druggists,
The woman
stands men is
who thoroughly under-
wise enough to nretend
that she doesn't
Francis M. Hughes, Spratt, Mo. says:
"I have had kidney and bladder trouble
when I tried a sample of Foley Kidney
Pills. The" relieved me, so I bought a
bottle and find they have done me mote
good, and I got great results. I recom
mend Foley Klduey Pills as I got more
results from them than from anything I
ever took." For sale bv all Druggists.
Cupid is blamed for lots of foolish
things that men and women do when he
is really innocent.
J. N. Nydeti, Frisco, Mo., says: "Last
winter I contracted a severe cold and it
settled on my lungs. My lungs were
verv sore, and I got a bottle of Foley's
Honey and Tar Compound. That cured
me right away, and I recommend it to
all." For sale by all Druggists,
Adam probably ate the apple because
helwas hungry aud Eve didn't have din
ner readv on time.
J. A. Adleinan, West, Plains, Mo was
confined to his bed with rheumatism,
and suffering intense pain. "A triend
reccommended Foley Kidney Pills and 1
began taking them, with great benefit.
In a few days r was out of l ed, in a few
more up to town, and in l!i days I threw
my cane away I cheerfully recommend
Foley Kidney Pids to others." For sale
by all Druggists.
Sunshine in a woman's bosom is bet
ter than a sunburst on it but jou can't
make her I eliee it.
Fortunes In races
There's often much truth in the sajing
"her face is her fortune," but it's never
sid where pimples, skin eruptions, blot
ches, or other blemishes disfigure it. Im
pure blud is back of them all, and
shows the need of Dr King's New Li
Pills. They promote health and beauty
Try them. 50 cents at Kardell Drug Co
I he average girl believes that the man
who asks for a Uiss doesn't want it ven
Wiieirour food does not digest well
and you feel "blue," tired and discouiag
ed. you should use a little IIF.RBINE at
bedtime. It opens the bowels, purifies
the system and restores a fine feeling oj
health and energy. Price tV)c. Sold by
Globe Diug Store.

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