OCR Interpretation

Asheville daily citizen. [volume] (Asheville, N.C.) 1890-1900, June 07, 1890, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Library, Chapel Hill, NC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn91068076/1890-06-07/ed-1/seq-3/

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Jis Your Blood?
!' I kad iwllxiwnt breaking out on my
I S5p 5kneu, bihI was cured muni1
nd w th two and u hulf hotilos of
t, L ft. t. v Jta blood medium. uuu lull-
.7w - u r.
1 '
a.a' troubled from childhood with
rtjimvMea case or. 'letter, uuu uirco
'..' ".- ef B. B. S. cured niepenna-
i VitLiriMlNH.
ILumvMo, I. T.
Two Hill of Interest to Brewers
Pass the Senate.
One Is to Facilitate the Bottling
of Beer,
Willi the Other Vrovldea for the tlaporta
tlon of fermented Llu,ilnt. In Hnncl
Without Payment ul Internal Itev.iiu
Tns Both Will DeaouM Law. w
Pur food mil In th i.nnta.
V: Oar Mck oo Blood uud Skin Disease
!,;; : twir BraciFio Co., Atlanta, Oa.
:tf oot Hdwi
Passed by th f..uat. to alrnlt Beer
ft I
With linn
(tf.r t Wild "llvvr or iiiiui,hh
lf-i . ir I
H. Law' Store, South Mnln
.fine. u7nc.
.$1.0.1 anil upwnnl.
, Jb.OO,
lantt of teeth
lie totter inuilc, no matter w hut you puy
tilled. It will not Is?
will know it. and the travcllnir DUhlic
passed the senate Tuesday of interest to can fw that they will not ls molested Allt to the Seventh South Carolina tint-
brewers. I by this inun who is such a terror now, trict. The oommittce sliiim that the elee
Tha nlileet of the noDosed legislation '." tlon laws of tuo state are lu viulutiuu or
I. to fnrUitnta the bottlinir of beer, and npi.o. ... t constitution uf the Uuiiod Slides.
the enforcement of the present internal Jackson, Miss.. June n. There It a i jollet prison Uornard lluenuy, life
revenue laws. I groat deal of nn ..ety and fear amonKt I prUnner, rewind word that hln hunteiiu
Under expand Statutes nrewers are i tne larmr m n "; i imu oeuu ooiuuumu, ana wun ua wuiuu u
eoiuuelled to driw thsir beer into keifs of a iliseue amoiiR iiorwH siikmu to ue f,,,, i ootooer. JL UroyoeU dead
and transport i to the bottling esta Kln"'lrH. ( mveinor Htone iiuk ronuuun
liHlimeuts; Tlila operation results in cuted with Pn .lessor Tracy, of the Auri
. i.. n ami dnuhlus I rultiiriil iiiiiI .Mecliiinicul colleuu, and ex-
II1U1V 'i ti i i . . .1
the lalior and expense of putting ths iM-ets an insector to I sent tiy the
bter into the rlnal puekiiRe. uniieu nintex s ni iiivwini!
One of the bills authorize the conv I the disMiM,. The Uiard of siierviMrs
misMionor of internal revenue to forniu-1 have also apKiinted iiiHpcctors who are
Miiiiinri7.ei. on ceruoii utuniiiioiit., w kiii
Htock MipiMwed to be alTei'ted with this
aatMaetlon Kueriiiilrril.
'V"'".' MARION. N.C.
"' Will prartirr In the toth and 1 Jth Judicial
' DertrlcU i( Nurih c umium nun in iik
r emea Court and the I'rdfrul Court uf the
' Waatsra Uielriet ul North Cnrollnii,
,-. ssajradlni
. .S Taav. P.
1 i,V., kaletgh
Jas. li. Maktin, Anlcvillc.
'.' AttDrneye and Counnrllora at Law,
- i Axnevuiv. r. u.
lih mid lL'tli luilMnl
UkrtrlcU, nd In the Suiirtmc Court ul Nortn
and in tne i-cuerni tiurw ui nw
fsaassa llltrlct or Norm caroiinu.
Mrr to Unuk of Anltcville. dtw
'WMIaVai tlrr in the I
Architect and contracior.
,. imHfl.'nllons and cellmates fur-
All wore in my ie win .-. .
ochiiruee fur ilrnwinite on
awarded me.
. lleJerenrca when dcln-d.
Oflee: No. 11! Hi-miry lllovk, Norlli
qun, Aehcville. N. C.
Tiifltcrinary Sargcou.
' Twill prawlke In the eiiy and iirroundlua
V ' Oeartat W. I". Iilnuloii Mi Cu.'a inlile. 70
' . aearth Main Mml.
" Jv--'i.-;.!'-:!
BMKKVKH. II. II. . II. K. SMITH, o. o.s.
Dru. Reeve & Hmith.
. jwTaV wv. a e
la, . r la Cnoniilly llulldina. over Knlwuod'n Sim
Trth extrncled with.. ill "iin, with I he ui
itll.-l..' U.l, I U.l I'UIK'K If. ...VK
AMSAY, U. II. 8..
. la Barnard llulldintt-Hntrnnces.
. eoue and Muia 8treet.
AahcvIHe, N. C.
r. t
; ' No. ail Mnewood tn.
Bottling and aaportetloa.
Washinuton, Jnne 8. Two
in the wildest pnrt of Lamar county,
and spends most of his time in hunting,
lishiiiK, and sometime working in a
moonshine still, lluiruw is surrounded
liy friends and relatives, and they will
fight for him at a moment's notice, but
Kobe seems to have no tear ol oeing
Different tactics will be usea wnen ine
times coinus to etrevt his capture, this
time ; the express company will send a
numlier of nieu with Uiillivan, and if the
outlaw cn 11 1st captured, nothing will lie
lei t undone Unit can Help to ufcompnsn
this much desired object. The detectives
will not iro in a sniiad. and thus give the
outlaw or ids friends notice of their ap-
urnni'h : bet the plan to be adopted, it is
believed, will be strategy. U is u well
known fact that it will he no easy mat
ter to capture KiiIhi Ilurrow. for lie has
friends all through that section, and no
doubt has evcral underground hiding
places which detectives never have had
an inkling of. If Kube Ilurrow is cap-
long till tne worm
Importing aliou labor. The penalty for
each Importation lnl,lX).
Tu superintendent ol census nss taKcn
the necsssary preliminary steps toward a
pruseoutiou of vioiatlous ul liw cuusua
law, aud the dsfeuse aud support of uo
nisraturs in carrying oa the wurk.
Th vauerabl ex-Judgs Henry Austin,
of Chicago, aged 7, has been sunt to jail
clmrilfd with ttUibusKliiigtC.UM.OUfromth
estate of Usury L. Hull, who, with his
young bride, perished in (lis Aslilaoula
bridge disaster.
At Uwlngsvill, Ky., the Mannln hoys
waylaid the doses on thoir way home from
church aud attempted to make (Junes of
them for sure. JiiuMuuiiin IsUnruiiig
several kuife holes in his epidermis, but
the others escaped.
Near Clarksvllla, Iowa, Mrs. Eohock
took refuge under a fence, with a child In
tier anus, from the fractious team which
her liusuuud tried to control. The tcum
ran upuu the fence, tramping her to death
and lircakliig an aria ol ti' cunt.
The house elections committee lias de
cided in fuvur of the Republican uoutest-
late laws and regulations by which the
beer uiay be carried direct f rntn the
vats to the bottling department without
passing through the intermediate pro
cess of being drawn into the kegs. The
other bill is to change the present sys
tem ou exis.rted beer and fermented
liipiors, and imTMiit their exportation in
l...,l In tli kjiiiih milliner ns distilled
spiriU are now bundled. Similar bills
were reporieu m iuo uuusu, aim w r
come a law.
To Take th Plae ol AH Heretofore In
troduced ravnratiljr Reported.
PndiliK-k. lias nmorted favor
ably from the committee on agriculture
a sulistitutu for all the pure fissl bills
which havo been lntroiiuceil in tu sen
ato. The bill provides that there shall
i.nr.miii.eil in the dooarUueut of agri
culture a food division, whose chief shall
receive $1,000 tier annum, and shall be
nhmi-irMi unrn tna antv oi urocuruiu: aim
having aimiyxed samples of food and
rt riwrs aoid in anv siafi or wrniory inner
than where manofaotured. The intro
duction into anv state or territory from
another state or territory of any adul-
titrated food or drugs Is nrnliliiiuii un-
der penalty of fine .,m Imprim.nment. " ''"'Yhev wire It
Any. Irug shall he d.u.e,l to bead.il- AmlTa.
eilge of the seller from tho standard of
strength, quality or punty mm uowu in
in, i.iiiitMi ai'CM nnannaiMi'i.in ur
standard works, or when its strength or
purity falls Mow the professed standard
under wuicn it is soiu.
k.ii nr drink s iu u he no il to ne aaui-
terntisl when any sulistatu hiui been
kiiiiwimrly mixiil or packed with it so aa
to reduce ur lower or injuriously affect
its iiiinlity or strength, or when any in
ferior suledauco has been knowingly
KiilMtitutcd iu whole or in part for the
urlii l.. or when anv valuable constitu
ent of tha article has la-en wholly ur in
part nlistiaet.-d: if H be an imitation of
iind sold under the stsviftc name of an
other article; if it lie mixed, colored,
powden d or etnim-d so as to conceal any
,1 -.ili.-rrt til the article: if it contain with-
i.. ill., tMi.iu-l.-ilm- of the seller anv added
...... m.iiii nr iuinrlou imcrodietit. and if
It coiiMfU withiu the knowledge of the
wll-rin wh-.l'i or in part of anything
that i diea-vd. lilthy, decomposed or
nlli.-rwistf lllitit fur fissl.
persons are r.snired, nndor panalry.
to su limn for anaiysio aaiii.iin , -.,
drink or drugs, and ofllcial analysis shall
be made on such artichs whenovor tha
tame is demanded lay any responsible
Why Premier Merrier la Gettliif HlniMiir
Muntiifm.. Juno t. The talk at the
cliilst and in ws-iety circle Tuesilay
ni.rlif u the 1.1111I1 vVidelltlV prelllilll
tHi.-,llv aduiinister bv l'rosnier Mereier
tn Hi., Duke and Dtiehwai of I'onnaiigbt.
8imv the advent of the royal party hor
In. Iikm ln.linnlv avoldisl tlielll.
He was one of the guests invited to
meet them at dinner 011 Monday even
ing at hi. l"orgu Stephen s, but pre-f..-rM.l
tn (ire- i.le nt the distribution of
nrtr-e to the scholars of the night
a,...ils. mid was imam llW-llt. allliougll
iiafiallv inviteil at the excursion uown
he Lachiiie r i.ids.
Men-ier'i radical friends are delightwl
and sav bl nttitnde is perfectly consist
ent wiih his democratic and republicnii
Mi.ney was Found In an Old Wire Hindis.
IliitiliNiuiAM, Ala., June a. A laily
who snid she was very pisir, nrrived in
this city the other day, and stooped at a
leading Hotel, saying sne wns 111 seiircu
Ol relatives, one nun n. U.-11U ai.iuri,
of I-onii-iana. She died suddenly, and
Dr. Tucker, of Monroe, liuisinnu, bur
miii-in liiw. was notilleil, whociime here
niul tisik churire of her elTirts, On oik-ii-
Imr her trunk he foumi aM,7(H m pnHr,
carefully put awuy in an old wire bustle.
Her muni was not rignt, anil sne was
iriven to hiding money. It seems that
she was quito wealthy.
Will Watched with Interest.
Acoi'KTA, Ou,, June 5. I'resident P,
M Arthur, of the Ilrotherh.ssl of Loco
motive Engineers, passed thniugh this
citv en route to naviuiniin. it is saiu
that the circular which Manager Mnlilsjtt
it iMidring the employes of the Central
read to sign is the cause of hit visit.
The engineers claim that requiring them
to sav they will not drink, and also that
thev will not go where li.iior is sold, is
arbitrary, and infringement on their lile
hlef Arthur to o i
and confer will. Go
lett. The riwult ol de-
velopmenta is watched with interest.
II had been Kwlmmhia;
Al'ofKTA. (in.. June 5. A rather pe
culiar ueciilint happened to (Jlascis-k
Hnrrett. He was swimming at Uurchs
(snid. and. in .living at a shallow place.
..truck bis head with force on the Is it
linn, and was considerably stunned. Af
ter a few ininiitis. he drove Isick to
town, and in coming down Green street
in his I.iiulv. fiimted. and fell out la1
tween the wheels. It. fore his comiuinion
could ms ure the lines, the horse dashed
olf, and the friend juniK-d nut of the
biicirv and -scniiel Injury. Mr. Itnrrett
was i.ickisl up and carried into a rei
deuce, where he received attention.
lll.l.lfa Past Klihlii Away.
Watkvili.k, Ga., June 5. Mr. E.
U. Wnre. the farmer who was so danger
ously -hot from ambush while returning
home fnun Athens, tin., last week, is not
expected to live. He cuntiot sis-nk nlsive
a whisiier, and his life is fast ehhing
n Several clues have !cen nlitaiiied
a W his assassins, aud they will nsm lat
In jail. I.xcileiiirnt over this terrible
affair is crowing, nml it is hard to tell
what will is-cur u ivuciiing posne It to
be ilreiidi-il, but desHjrar men stop at
Hrlirr Than far Many Vrara.
Cnk :. R. f.. June ft. There Is great
reiolciue among the people of this sec-
I Ion. The crop prospects are better than
ihcv hi. re I .ecu for years, and cotton, es-
iiilh . lias a start seldom eoimle.1. I he
,:tt crop h. excellent, spring nuns having
mule riu-ni. The wheat crop, however.
i-i' s kkkI. The urenl trouble now
,., 1 ii-i-lea irraBs down, the rains hav-
Ini. U-i-n so friHiueut tliut itgutastuit.
telling his good torture to another pris
oner. Excessive Joy uuU induced heart
Police Judg Tiiiey, of Chicago, pro
poses to Inquire by what right the police
arrested, held ou tuspioiun without any
charge uf crime, and kept from commuul-
catiuu with his friends, Joseph Kaiser,
the Anarchist. He selects this case to in
vestigate the barbarous ousuim.
Iu the midst of a thunder storm a store
house of powder near Mansliehl, U., was
exploded by lightning, aud the two ami
one-half tons uf powder shook the towu
into a high frcur.y. U was at llrst thought
to Im an eiirtluiuiiK. A woman and two
children were seriously, if not latally, Iu
iu ml.
Tuesday night s storm at Olcnwood,
Iowa, overthrew the smokestack of the
institution for feeble-minded, which
crushed through the roof of the building,
crushing to death two children aud
verely injuring three others, beveral
other buildings ware wrecked by the
IV-nnnyer, Democrat, has bee-i elected
governor of Uregou by about 2,000 major
ity. Ilermauu, itepublictin, is elected to
coi-gresi. by at leust 7.000 mujurity. The
stale ticket is Republican. The legisla
ture will stand: Ueuate, VM ltepubliuans,
I hunocrnts; house, SB Kcpublicaua, ISi
T he Iteiiuhltcan congressional campaign
committee organized by the election of
Uuiiresentatir James A. Ik-iden. of New
York, clinirmau, aud Mr. Hohuyler, of
Michigan, private secretary to (iouator
ritockbriilge, utrotary. All exceutive
'oiuiiiittee, of which Mr. Ilrlilnu lu chslr-
lllllll, KIM IIISO lippolllltHl,
For conspiring against revenue officers,
Christopher t'lnrke, of Atlanta, Ga., was
senleiiued ten days aigo to three years' im
prisonment. Tuesday ho received word
that the decision of a pending will suit
makes him a large real esiitte owner. The
suit had hung Usin the question whether
ii mother was ur was not a mulatto, bhe
proved tu Isj a I'urtugucae.
A ileitH-iiiilo named Lindsay, who in Ur
iel ill a man iu t .ampls!! county, leiu
live y.-tirs ago, carrit-4 In that section the
coiniui ion uf a ili-puty Lniietl Males
marsiial. Tuesiliiy he deiniiiulud of Ills-
tiller Kilts of that section a gallon of
,-.. which Kilts refused, Is-eatlie his
ii-i- did not ta-rnilt the sale of less than
ten uelhuis. Abuse fullouiil, mid all atr
temp! to kill Kills. I.iudsay was dis
armed by his frieiiits, but later secured
his pistols, relumed, shot Kilts, and
wiiuiiilcd a little girl in an attempt to
lus.t Kilts' sou.
which he said was there. Tho poor man
wns insano. and in his wanderings had
hoard of this strnngo place, and at once
uAsooiatod it in his mind with untold
fortuuos, just as insane men nearly
always do. Ho built a hut ou the hill
side near tho cave and went every day
Into its Rloomy depths and crawled
about, often without light, even in the
winter. In this weary way he wore nit
life away, iind was found by somo hunt-
en ouo duy dying in his cabiu and still
raving for his gold In the cave.
The mountain into .rich the strange
channel extends U one of tho wildest In
Dutchesa county. It is covered with
white birch trees to thickly set that one
can hardly piuu through. Many of the
tree are dead, and the reporter, not par
ticularly musotuar, easily broko oil sev
eral of thorn with an ordinary push.
Poughkcopslo Nows Proas.
A lrndent Parent.
Indignant Father Hadn't you done
anything but laugh?
Boy No, sir.
And the teacher wiuppoo yon ror
that? Tho scoundrel! TU teach him
"Yes, and he whipped ine Just aa hard!
He's a great big man."
(Nut uuite su indignant) "11 ml Yon
mustn't laugh in school, Johnny. It's
against the rules." Chicago Tribune
Real Estate Agents.
The rneartalntles of Juries.
A clerk In Chicago wa tried for lar
ceny. He was ax:qutttoil. Hereupon
he said: "Well, ir you jurors can t con
vict a man when ho confesses he is guilty
I don't know what you can do." Wo saw
a IlnHfnx jury acquit a man who pleaded
luiinslaughU-r and whose lawyers naked
for such a vordict. YY Umington (31. J.)
Coat of Katlnind lllnhitj.
It is snid that ono of the great trunk
lino railroad deliWately provides for a
loss of ninny tliouaands of dollars a yoar
upon the locals served in its dining cart,
and duirgcs the loss to the advertising
account, in full knowledge that the tulk
such tuudigid outlay will create is as
giMsl as that amount of money's worth
In printer s ink. A inena toia mo inai,
as an illnrtratinrTV how the loss is occa
sioned, he hol for breakfast in one of
those cars, one day in April, a trout, a
game bird and a bowl of btruwbui-riea
and cream, besides cottisj, roils, nutter
audacious of milk. Tho meal cost a
dollar, and his wifo told hiin she could
not buy any one of the principal dishes
in tho markers for that sum of money.
Wortli Hundreds) of Dollnra.
Mv wife used only two bottles
'Mother's Friend" la-forc her third con-
uiicinciit. Snvsshc would not lie with
out it for hundreds of dollars. Had not
half us much trouble its before. Dock
Milks, Lincoln Pnrtah, l.n.
Write llradtield Kcgiilntor t-onipnny.
Atlanta, On., lor particulars. Hy nil
. TH H Wll'TM.
; XI C. Wo 1 tcr eck & Co.
cwmnu.TiNU CIIHUIST ASH hisin.i smiisssss.
AtBlyscs of Metnls. orra. Conl or Cukr. Mln
I rrnl Witters, 'trtlbsvr.rlr.
v"- ' Mining property lavratlaiitid, drvi-loprd.
Mnslit nml "Id.
', CorfTNiiidinee aiillilled
i taintili- inn Ik-mm by iniill or oi.hm.
. ,'etat bv ettvsB, clinrm- mut Is- ire.al.l.
" A iits wantt-il In every place.
-. vi, ChatlaiioMi, Tvim.
'. ? IIK. II . WOl.TCRK.'K,
'.-' '. vn dsiwlv Mnnamr
Ir tmun ouhimb c4i v.t
i : ' jbook TO IfYOMAN "Muna
, epadwly
Burns In any lamp without dinner o
Exploding or ttklng fire. Sea that you
gtt tha genuine, r or taia ny
are riftrwlv
Asentfnr Kerms Creek Woolen Mdis.
North Main Abellk, N. C
leas: but s.sety. esiiecially the Miglish
element, la highly meenseu aim muig-
nmittlint the soldier son oi tne . ueen
and lib, Pru-suni nrliicoss Hhoiiid Uave
Usui slighle.1. Mir treorge rttepnen a.w
n.,t mm In alieilk of the llll'tllollt.
He a.lmits that Mereier was not at
tho dinner oil Monday evening, but be
lieves Hint he sent an asdogy, although
ho had not seen It. .Merrier himself i.
besides, ctigii.fl'd electioneering in aome
hack wis sis district, and cannot be
nui-hail in i.-i Ilia vi-rsnsi of the affair.
linn. Heliiy htarnes, speaKer Ul tne
legislative emiiiril and Biliticid sup-
rsirtor of SlerclMr. wno waa at uie .ine
ner, is at a to account for the pre
mier's sludiisl neglect ol royalty.
Luna Tramp Agalnel Tim.
Ivniiv aisii.im. June A. Max. Hchmldt,
. mil., u.-riimn. under wager to wam
from Kansna lily to new i orx in nrty
two days, reached this (Miiut lilesday.
lie Mts-cls to acc plish the feat In
thlrtv livu davs, having to far made re
markably B'sju uiiia.
Census Takers Cautioned.
WmiiiviiTiiN. Jnne A. The imwrln-
tend, lit of the census has issued an order
fnrlinliling snpurvnors au.l uiiitiiierniors
making public any Inforuiatiuu gained
lu the is-i'formancv of their dutiot. At
tention is culled to the law on this sub
Dealt! uf an Rdltor.
HW.KNA. Mont., June .-(tenrgr) T.
Eiuiin. an old aud well known new.
- a n.i... U. I , ...
niuair inun. rnrmeriv or Ilie nv. mil
tll.ila, nml late editn.-of The Heleiin III
des.inleiit. di.sl at Warm Springs, Mont.,
1 u.mlay.
Plre In PlltslMirx.
PiTTKHi mi. June fl.-Kire originating
In a small atiilih. nil I'tlinll alley, on the
j ,111 li altlii f-t,IIMlllllill I III IS' ilwcllillgl
and the Hoiith Hide Turner hull. Lost
about I."i,ikni; partly insured.
Ilaleetlvei linn HiwItiMt Mlio-Arraiialnf
for lib t'spter.
IIihmimimiam, Ala., June 8.-F.irm
time past detective have lastu working
hard tu locate Itiil Ilurrow, and llxUHjt-
lve John A. Hulllvnn. who U In the in-
ploy of the Huut hern Eipruss company,
lias just ret urneil from lamiar .muuly,
Ala., where he has laii working up a
niNe for the ciuoiiiinv. It lins iss-n learn
eil that a purl of his business in thai sec
.inn i,f Ahilmma was to hs ide, If imishI-
bln, the hiding plain and hsiuitsof the
tioted li Hill tolils-r and outlaw, Kube
Ilurrow, and ha is coiiihlent that he haa
nucouiplisbrd Ills object. It s.niH tluil
burrow is living quietly lu a Utile cabin
CnndauaallisB of Inlerraltiii llriui oa
Vartnna Hiildeet.
Kx-fioverma; Foster will probably cn
the cneurrsnlonal banuur in the hlghtb
Ohio ill -ir let.
Mfpreaeutntivc llnyne, of rciuisylviinln.
nwllnisl a renoniliiatlon tu c.uiKivss
the nlen of lll-hnallh.
Lute Uferer. IU. and Idiotic, Jumped
from the fonrth-slory window of the Ma
rlon county, Inn., asylum.
Ifuu. John U. iteevrs Is Ihe favorite
Dciniwratle candidate fur congress lu the
Thirteenth district of Ohm.
Allien llirks. a Dayton hotel clerk, waa
saudlsigKrd and mhbrd In I'ortsiiiiiuin,
O.. ou his way to th depot.
I,,lieetimn Cnsev. of Columbus, t)., waa
fined till uud custs -la an indirect punish
ment lor killing .lames Judge.
f'linrlea Aiiuel shot and dangerously
wounded I'lmrlcs Ashby, In a ipiurrel at
Mlltou. Ky.. uud then ths Angel II w.
Charles ( lurk, of Cincinnati, brnkemnn,
was killed uu the Little Miami truck, near
the lliH-kliic Valley crusstug, Columbus,
Krank Whulavte, aged 90, shot himself
thnimrh th heart, at Clrclevllle, ()., he-
caut his nlat.ve uhjucted tu his fust way
of llvlnK.
The reiolntlon proposing a woninn snr-
fragr auiviidiiieiit to the const Itut Ion has
Ihwu fav.M-ably reported by the bouse Judi
ciary coniiultleit,
David Cauillll, who killed William
Horse, on of the Tolllver nut laws. In
Pluming county, Ky., a acquitted uf the
cliargu uf murdiir.
Ill-own Hal, th champion race stallion
of th world, iiacetl a quarter of a mile lu
Iwanty-vlulit aeooDil at the a, v. nil farm,
Bprlng Hill, Teliu.
While Lit nrlna under a fit nf Itiaanlty
Oeorg Wilglit, of biuklng Fork, Ky., at-
lemptvil to uoiumlt tulclue uy nulling ms
head aaaliisl a wall.
(leriiian shnriishisders to the nunds-r of
IMI have lell llolsikell fur llivmeli to ut
letid Ihe ureal slusitliig Uiurnami'lit at
Piinkuw, tivriiiany.
Jmlge Daniel Wniiith, nf Tipton
count v. was u'Unluilled to succeed I 'heaille
In coiimivks by llis Indiana Kepiibliciius
uf the Ninth district.
Ill a freight wreck on th Kris mil mud
near npi'luglleld, O., Knulins-r Mitlulrn
was badly Injuns, and ,'" Murlh of
propvi-li was destroyed.
Chief lli ll, uf the United Plates secret
service under Clevelaud. ha been re
moved. He failed to comply with a
uiiest fur his resignation.
"Original package" ttiu are faring very
bndlv in Kansas, where the aiilhorlllesare
throalng I hem lnl.iji.ll without regard lu
the stipiviiie court dei Islou.
A eoiifereiu-e, hnvlng for Its objis-l the
nlucallon and I'hrlstlslil.llix nf cnloreil
nu n, iuhiis Its session at Iwike Molionk,
N. V., WedneMlay murnliig.
luspseter Lmer, uf Chtoago, la prepay
lugtvldiuioo and will begin Hie pmserii
tleuof th Chirngo carpenter Issues fur
An Interesting tlnle In (he ! round Near
Ihe Pout of Mount l'.ls-n-
Near the eastern lHittiiihiry of Dutches.
county, almost in the shadow of Mount
Riga, is oiki of too ux-ntiil natural won-
dent of the state. It is a cave or passage
way into thi) mountain, which Is called
Cave Hill, and its depth has never been
known. Its opening ri-scnibloa u lvujjuiy
rut doorway Into a great ns-'t. A di-
uiluntivo stream of water trickhw down
the mountain and into this ois-mug,
which would seem tho only agency by
which such a tunnel could have Is-cu
worn Into the ns k, but the mm of the
cave tome distance within pns-linles the
idea of IU having Is-cu made by so small
a stream.
Tho openUig u just large enough, for
one Js-rsoii to enter, nml the way is a
rough and dungeroiia one. rhc ris ks
nnicovercl with a slimy siilisiance that
makes every fisd of thu way slips-ry and
tr-ucheroiui. After much cautious mov
ing and squeezing through the nam
onening tho party cuiuo to a large dome
shaiHsl lilacu, which, in thu gloum of the
torches, reecuihlud a amull leu palm'o,
while dmtM of water constantly fell from
some uns.a'n ploco. lUo way loaning
luUi tho cave is on a sharp downward
incline, and Home of tho spaces are very
large, ninny of them being about five
feet Wide mid fifty fis-t hih. and, lisik
Ing np through tho dim light of the
torches, doretis of ngly liMihing ns'ks
sis-m snstsndrsl from the glittering
archivi by very slender hangings, and the
sight Is not ciilrulatod to produces homo
like feeling. The party fuUuwmi tins
dark bole In the monntaiu for nearly
half a mile, occasionally stopping to ex
plore ni hit nnd apartments on uithur
side that suggested tho story of tlio cata
Finally tlio amateur explorers rama to
a nrodiilce from which nothing but dork
ness mu i lie dlsttugulslieiL t-no or uie
party dropped u st.mo Into tho darkness,
and tho time that expired boforu it struck
anything mmcd almost ne long aa it
btk) a atone to reiu'U tuo nvor wnen
drinipod from the Poiighki-epslo bridge.
and when it did strike thero was a pocn
liar rattle and n sound liken much larger
stone falling Into a pond. Almoatontho
eslgo uf this precipice are two niuuos out
Into tho rock. They arc J. 0. JJuyton and
a 0. JJnkill, Isdh dated IrilO. UUler
mimes aro cut iii the ris'k noaror tho
ninnilng of the cave, iMiuan lately aa 1H75.
The cave Is w I Unlit doiliu sTii-uy na
tural. Lis.klng up from ita di-ceit rte
. . . ,i i i
Ciish It IihiKS lis tlioilgll men. uiei once
been a narrow rhiisin like Hint through
which parts of Hie Ausablo river winds
through tho Ailiroiidoeks, and that the
ns-.ks had met at I'.ie top, thus closing the
ehusiu and sending hug'" ris ks Uown,
pnrlhillv lillinu H 'iiing and leaving
a tn-aeliernits l.s.tp.nli through it all
Tin ro ure stone and legends run
His-ted with thlscnvu which hnvu never
nplsared in print, iiltlioiuih sonui of the
neonle that llvo lu Ihe mountain nr.
thoroughly familiar with thorn. Somo
New York explorers onco visited the
rave, aud mm of th" party, a young
woman, Ims-iiiiio frightened after enter
ing and nearly lost her life before she
could Is. rtwi'iiud. Ah. nt twenty yours
ago a stranger inquired from tlio wood
uieu whore thu cavo was. When shown
the otsintng he exclaimed, "Ah, 'tit
millet 'tis mllie!" and at once prepared
to miter it In search of hidden treasure,
The Croat Cocoa of Europe, !
The Coming One of America.
Cocoa is of supreme impor
tance as an article ot aiei.
Van Houten's has fty per
cent, more flesh-forming prop
erties than exist in the best
of other cocoas.
The tissue of the cocoa
bean is so softened as to ren
der it easy of digestion, and,
at the same time, the aroma
is highly developed.
-VAN HOUTEN'S 0OTOA ("one trtast.
always awd ") I Ike arlelnnl, pure. solu
ble Coeon, Invented, pulrnlrd
aiade la llollund, and Islo-dav beltaranil
iairetfaM lhnlnxo( lha numarout inill
tlona, In fiat, eomiMrallr ,aal will oaally
nrova.lhataamlhCoeiiaanealilhsi flmfsr'.
In mhibllltr, asrasabla lasM and niilnll"
iiualltial. " Uil.il Mis In lha world." AM
tor Vas HncTts's and lake no othar. IU
rLV'V Some
,; -m-i UhUtirvii
Too rtt
become listleis, fret to I, without einr
thin and wesk. But you can lor
t.iv tlie.n and ku.ld them up, by tho
I ute of
i l .piii vt -if &j&; tii Vsa? Ea
., ; :. rsa uis o:i no
! .,i l.-iHo1rHITiSJ
1 jtl' A.i:.'l "in.
Th. i will Ul: It ronailv, tor li It nl
,1 i p.tl.lUDIfl -1
nnvtVdliw lv
milk. And it
n.b . j.i ihat AH X I'll:.
. :' .It- c, KOI.h.
r f.:.! v.,-:i, it u
.ll-WM.I.'i'f.i.''-. . c.'.-rrl.
tu thu ant
Magnificent Residence Property.
French Broad Avenue.
llriek House.
Grove Street.
MwccdUli IHuvviuvutH.
We Offer at Private
marked on the plat at our office,
of which the ahovc is a copy, that
magnificent property on Grove
Street and French Broad Avenue,
well known as the Lyons Proper
ty. Search the city over, and
when you find finer property nt
such prices, please let us know.
The Crrovc Street ILots are
Beautifully Shaded
with Fine Oaks.
The house has 10 rooms, four of
them quite large. The location
is central and most convenient.
The prices now fixed upon it are
good till June 15, and the terms
very easy
Also Insliiiilli.n In I'hyah-nl Culture for
Indus and children ill chisscs ur private, by
MIhs MnhicofNi w Yolk. lit MISSION HOW-
IMTAI.. li.io a.m. 1 -it li. in. Culls or In-
ipiiiles by mall uusurriil promptly,
e ,1.. ,.IU...n. nf A.hrvlllC SO. I vlctnllr
u,,,l,l i. nn.. nn. r lion ill my shuns on College
irn l. ncM lo Wnodlilirv's alubles, I inn Orl
In nreiianil lhaii ever lo do work In m line.
u ...... Ilnuui.n uud Cnrrlauea lliuniiliiet-
imd. MepiilrliiK mid luirm-sluK-ing are ape-
wuVkiurii nn- rsM-rn-neeil andskllllul end
liy eharaes lire moderate.
nov'-'.'l il
Only 20 per ct. Cash.
Southeast Court Square.

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