OCR Interpretation

Rock Island Argus. (Rock Island, Ill.) 1893-1920, June 27, 1894, Image 6

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn92053934/1894-06-27/ed-1/seq-6/

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Insure with Huesing ft HoofU
Water melons ami cantclopes at
Heta Bros'.
Plums, apricots, ami peaches at
Hess Brim'.
Sprtnjr chirkens dressed to onler
at Hess tiros.
I. T. Eaton, of Chicago, is in the
city on business.
KvMayor Henry Carse has re
turned from Yankton, S. D.
Judge Glenn will convene court at
oYWk tomorrow morning.
Tiik Amies World's fair series is
.n popular demand. Preserve it.
Money to loan on real estate secur
ity. Apply at Jackson ft Hurst's.
Baths 16c at Schmidt A Son's, oppo
se uarprr nouse. mrcelain tubs.
Otto's arrhestra and military hand
at Hini'hcr's pardon tomorrow evening.
Don't forpet the concert at the
Mm street concert garden tomorrow
Mrs. Julius Jnnjre rcturnod from a
pleasant visit to Aledo this morn
Prof. Muzik teaches the auloharp
in mur ntsson at 4" Main street,
Picturesque America' are you
petting the series? Back numbers at
Tub Ai:hs office.
Tho second of the series of sul
scription concerts at lyncher's gar
den will h3 held tomorrow evening.
Picturesque World's Pair," the
best published. The Akuis is now
disposing of at IS cents a number.
Capt. M. J.irenlish left last even
ing fr Lclnnd, 111., to attend the
iHdly-Mnckin nuptials this morning.
Father James Solon, of Kockford.
wa in the city yesterdav. the guest
of his old college mate, William Mc
Kniry. Uev. 11. K. Sweet left this morning
for St. Alban's school. Clam Lake.
Michigan, where he will spend most
hi ui summer vacation.
The promenade concert which was
lo nave been given at Sohutzen park
in iHivcnport last evening, was post
poned on account of rain.
Krell ft Math have a new covered
delivery wag-on, the handsomest in
the three cities, and an evidence of
the firm s enterprise and pride.
The first promenade concert which
was to have been given at Schuetzen
park last evening was Mstrncd no
account or rain. It will ! given
mis evening.
The funeral of Mrs. Anne Linchnn
was held this morning at 10 o'clock
irwm 91. josriiu s church, and was
largely attended. The interment
w as at Calvary.
Ilonnd trip lo cents to Overman's
isiumi next Mimlay. I he Ine Star,
with barge, will leave the landing at
1:30. 3:3o, 6;:JD and 7::i. Good, at
tractive music on boat and island all
The school election passed off very
quietly yesterday and as there was
no opposition. Mrs. Nora C. ?Hamil
tun was elected. Tlie total number
of votes c:st were if these 27.1
were cast by ladies and 3f,0 by men.
The K. r. excursion on the C, It,
ft (j. will arrive at 11 o'clock tomor
row nmrnin. and will tie met at
Twentieth street lv a band and a
procession formed, and the excur
sionists escorted to Market square.
wnerw Mayor aietiui ami city Attor
ney Haas will deliver address.
All memlers of St. Paul Lodze and
and Metropolian Ixnlge and all visit
ing Knights are reoiiested to meet at
the Castle halt in Carse block at 10:1.'.
tomorrow morning to proceed to
j wentietn street to meet the excur
sion that will arrive at 10: l. a. m.
Atl business men arc requested to
necoraie meir store ana help give
lue visitors a roval welcome and
show that Kck Island is wideawake.
A largo excursion of I. O. (). Fs.
iroui sterling, .uorrison. ami Milton
via boat, and 1 or 2" coaches of K,
of P. from Heard stow n and intermc
diate points are exected about the
same time.
Nothing Mn.
Intelligent people, who realize the
important part the blood holds in
keeping the body in a normal condi
tion, lind nothing strange in the
number of diseases Hood's Sarsapa-
rtiia is able to cure. So many trou
blys rexiiit from iiupuro blood, the
best way to treat them is through
the liloo'l. Jluod s Sarsaparilla vital'
lavs the blood.
Hood's pills are the Inst after
dinner pills, assist digestion, pre
vent constipation.
Awarded Highest Honors
World'. Fair.
A port Crape Geam ot' Tartar Powder. Fie
torn Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant
Poll rotata.
Harry Tohcr came voluntarily
from Davenport this morning in the
custody of Officers Rvan and Dum-
Henry Rohwer of East Moline is
being tried this afternoon in Justice
Weld's court on a charee of bastardv.
The case came up yesterday after
noon ana was continued until 2
o'clock this afternoon.
Swan Nelson was fonnd asleep in
McCabe's barn this morning, and
was taken to the police station. His
snooze was the result of a lcastlv
'gai."and to say the least he is lncky
these hard times, for he had S13.9G
in his pockets when arrested.
Yesterday noon Officer Ryan, while
palroling his beat near school build-
in;; o. o, had the misfortune to lose
16. He came home, and as soon as
be missed the monev, went back, and
on inquiry found that Miss Martha
l lu hps bad found it. lie called at
the young lady's house, and was in
formed that she had gone up to
Yolk's mill with her father's dinner.
Be repaired to the mill and found
the young lady, accosted her, asking
if she had not found some money.
and stated the amount. She an
swered that she had, and the amount
he stated was correct. He then, in
a gentlemanly manner, told her the
money was Ins and sue willingly
gave it to him. He took it, and
handed her a dollar, and asked her
if that was enough for her trouble,
and thanked her very much. Hill
stoutly denies that he was in any
way ungcntlemanly, and anyone
who knows the genial officer knows
that, although ho is a happy, ocn
heartcd fellow, he is a jierfect gen
tleman, reports to the contrary notwithstanding.
Always Command tbe Kespert of the Edu
cated and IteUned.
Prof, (tontrv with his army of edu
cated ponies and dogs, will exhibit
under tueir tent at tilth avenue and
Twelfth street, three nights begin
ning tomorrow night, and a matinee
Saturday at 2:30. One of the secrets
of the wonderful success of Prof,
(ientry is that he is as kind and gen-
tie lo the little beauty Midlands and
dogs, as a fond mother is to the chil
dren she loves. He has only to tell
them what he wants them to do, and
it is done. J liev all seem anxious
and willing to perform their parts as
any one who might expect to be lib.
erally rewarded. This may partial
ly be from the tact that they so thor
oughly enjoy the visit of the audi
ence on the stage after eacn jHTforni
ancc and seem disappointed when a
visit is not made them. They thor
oughly enjoy the sweetmeats and
caresses of the ladies and children.
Admission, children, lOceuts; adults,
20 cents.
22 County clerk to George F,
Koth. wj n lot 2, block 8, Old Town
of Moline.
County clerk to George F. Koth,
wl lot 2. block 8. Old Town of Mo
23 County clerk to James Quinn,
lots 1 and 2. Mock 4. H:uley l'aven
port's second add.. Hock Il"and.
County clerk to James Qninn. lot
5, block 35, Chicago or Lower add
Koek Island.
Kobcrt hrtehlcr by attorney, to
Margaret Wright, lots 13 and 14
Webb's snlxliv.. 8, 1", 2w, tl.
Margaret Wright to Emil Kochler.
lots 13 and U. Webb's subdiv., 3. 17,
2w. $1.
James McCormick to John Konos-
ky. lots 4. fi. 6. 7 and 8, block 29,
Town of Watertown. t3)0.
Ocorge A. Young to F. H. Muench.
lot 30 and part lot 37. Sweeney &
laekson s nan., Moiinc. fi.yvs.
Samuel Heagy to Wesley Williams,
lot 4. block 11, Town o'f Hampton,
f H".
Wesley It. Williams to Walker
Cook, lot 4. block 11, Town of Hamp
ton. (KH.
County Clerk to James Qttinn, lot
2, 19. 10, 6w.
James Simser to Msry Tuttle, ej
nw and part nej and swj 27,17, 2w
June 23. Estate of Sarah A. Smith
Inventory filed ami approved.
Estate of Peter Thompson. Ap
praisement bill and widow's award
liled and approved.
Guardianship cf Louisa Twombly.
Guardian s report hied and approved.
Guardianship of minor heirs of D.
W. Fairman. Guardian's renort filed
and approved. Receipt and release
ot Koso t.. t airman, one of tbe wards,
tiled and approved and guardian) dis
charged as to her.
Estate of Eudeh E. Nelson. Let
ters of administration issued to
Charles George. Bond tiled and ap
proved. D. P. Williams, 1 T. liar.
vey and King George appointed ap
Estate of Mary Mitton. Inven
lory and appraisement bill lilod and
approved. Order authorizing ad
ministrator to sell personal pnqierty
ai private sale.
Guardianship of minor heirs of
Daniel C. Swank. Order authorizing
guardian to pay ever to administra
trix money in bis hands lor payment
oi debts oi estate.
25 Estate of Daniel C. Swank,
Final report of administratrix tiled
and order approving same nisi by
July 17 next and that administratrix
notify heirs by publication.
Guardianship of minor heirs of
Daniel C. Swank. Guardian's report
lilod and approved.
Estate of John Johnson. Bond of
Hudolph E. Oberlandcr as adminis
trator liled and approved and letters
issued to him.
Neck and
Koek Island and Jacksonville
Keek la the Race.
Games Per
slaved. Won. Lost, cent
Mork Islands 44 Ss IS SSI
Jacksonville 44 SM is Mil
St Joaeplia 4S SB IS ST4
Lincoln 44 4 Hr
Omana 44 91 rt
Peoria 45 . 1 94 4T
De Moines is ?ti 4:1
Qulnc;. 45 13 SS ts
Koek Island fell on the association
leaders yesterday and didn't do a
thing to them. Johnson went in to
pitch for St. Joe, but was excused on
the ground of wildness, after the iirst
inning. Only nine runs was the le
sult of his wildncss. Packard was
then put in with but little !etter
success. Sonier on the other hand
pitched a fairly good game for Koek
Island, but the error column on both
sides was awful, as the appended
score shows:
Irnilnrs: llS4Svsa
Hock Inland 9 4 0 O3191 an
St. Jocph n IM1 1 1 II S- 8
Oatterie Kiick If laud. Sonier and Z-1; St.
Joseph. Johnson, Pnckard and sn-ln Bae bite
nocc isiana, ia; m. Jonepn, io. Krro a Bock
laland, ; St. Jos ph. 8.
Other Games.
At Lincoln Jacksonville, S; Lin
coln, 0. At Omaha Peoria, 13:
Omaha. 10. At Dcs Moines Ouincy.
8;Des Moines, IS.
Base lilt.
Paddy Lvnch is still at home, and
is reported as not any better.
One from the leaders isn't bad, but
the luncs1 keep right at our heels.
St. Joe is credited with two double
ami one triple plays in yesterday's
A picked nine from St. Mary's
school defeated the Bluffers yester
day by a hcore of 34 to 5 in a seven
inning game, lotteries; St. Mary's,
Joe Naab and Harry Murray; Bluff
ers; J. Stetenbauer and Siebert.
The Koek Island amateur team
which played in Muscatine last Sun
day, play a return game with the
same team at Twin-City park Sun
day, July 1. This team is mado up
oi ine best amateurs in the city and,
according to all reports from Musca
tine, put up an excellent ball game.
Amateur ball should be appreciated,
and the attendance large next Sun
day. Called Home.
This morning, at 5 o'clock, oc
curred the death of Lena Esta Carl
son, at the home of her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. A. J. Carlson, 919 First
avenue. Lena was 19 months old
and a bright little girl, but measles,
complicated with lung fever, soon
tarnished the bright jewel, and she
died at the time stated above. The
funeral will occur at 9 o'clock tomor
row morning from the late residence.
Consumption comes. A slight cold, with
our system in tho scrofulous condition
that's unused by Impure blood, is enough to
fasten it norm you. Consumption is Lung
SerofuUi. You can prevent it, and you can
cure it. if you haven t waited too hmg, with
Ir. IVtcxi'S Golden Medical lUscovery.
For Scrofula, Weak Lungs, Bronchitis,
Asthma, and all severe, lingering Coughs
IlXHCK (ntarantee a CCBK.
Before taklnf the
"Ulacovcry" I would
have four or Ave bad
coughing spells every
day and would couirh
up mouthfuls of solid
whltu troth, and before
I took one bottle It
stopped It. I could not
Ik auroas the room
with tbe pain in my
back and sides; but soon
the pain was all a-one,
and I could sleep well at
Dtirlit. My general
nculth Is iniicb lietter
Since taken the "Golden
Mfdleal ItuH-overjr " al-
Mas. Lthcolm. though 1 have been
obliged to work hard on a farm.
Glen 4nnan, Jiurun Co, Ont.
I V stopped
Intelligence Column.
Want money
Want a cook
Want boarders
Want a partner
Want a situation
Want to rent rooms
Want a servant girl
Want to sell a farm
Want to sell a bonne
Want to exchange anything
Want te sell household goods
Want to make any real estate loans
Want to aril or trade for anything
Want to find customers for anything
, aoor everv eveni ng lor lue per week.
piy si ziw reveuin avenno.
tioh rai.r niBAP a niKirt nifci v vcid
X 1 new. For par.lculars er quire at Abuus
room with hath, with or without board.
uiw im-auwi', 11,1 K iiurui IVCI1UV
l to go out by the week. Apply at S-.'l Tw.-n
J 10
This is the best lawn
sprinkler on the market.
It will sprinkle a space
40 feet in diameter. Can
be adjusted to sprinkle
the full circle or just one
half. Call and see them.
1615-1617 SEC0XD AVENUE,
Krell &Math
Because they sell cakes, pas
try and buns so cheap that
it saves them the trouble of
making them.
Helping them to please their
company when they have a
party, by supplying them
with the tinest ice cream and
fruit ices.
We Can ... .
Make any kind of Ice cream
or fruit ices you may wish
for, and put "it np in the
latest forms.
If You Want .
Something new, try a two
quart brick of Diplomat. It
is the latest aud sure to
please you and your com
pany, and it costs no more
than the plain ice cream.
We Want ...
To please you. Try us.
1716 and 1718 Second At.
Telephone 1156.
is 50 totvitaja kj
fiwliw pnaub ud IuO-pk. book, illustrated In.
tintfroai pactum A- hy nua. Khm HtSSprin
a Bmairbii. or Mneic svmcl wis
mMiMi? m. ooua acau cu. iim la.
McIntyre-Reck Dry Goodscn
Sole Agents for Butterick Patterns the best in the world.
Rock Island's Great Trade Event.
In Midsummer Merchandising This week wc pro
pose to sell Muslin Underwear as it never before has
been sold in the tri-cities.
You have been offered bargains, drives, redactions,
etc., but when you can tret GOLD DOLLARS FOIt
LHSS THAN FIH Y CKNTsJ, you must think quickly
and act promptly if you want any.
It is only the purchasing power of prompt cash
with people who wanted it worse than we did. that
enables us to offer you the extraordinary values in
Muslin Underwear named below.
This purchase we have divided into two big lots,
quite regardless of the cost to us. Indeed, in many
instances the prices named are less than half cost.
Lot I 2 sc. Lot 2 soc.
You have bought 25c and 50c Muslin Underwear
before, but never such great big values as we have
crammed into these two prices.
Lot 1, at 25c, embraces Night Dresses, nicely made
and trimmed, with ruffle or Torchon lace.
Skirts, good heavy cotton with 5-inch ruffle.
Chemise lace and embroidery trimmed.
Corset Covers in pretty designs, embroidery trimmed.
Drawers neatly tucked, yoke bandi
with lace, embroidery or hemstitchi-d.
Children s Drawers, heavy cotton.
a'"1 trin.ni.-a
Ir!,.,... .
cmbroiderv. Infants1 Slips, which w"h
. - 4KI' ......
' si
lent Itabv Night Dresses.
Lot 2, at 50c, embraces the same arli( ,-g ..
dren's Drawers and Infants Slips exc. pu-., s Mnl
in a suierior manner of Cambric or Splendid M "Ir 'V
and handsomely trimmed, the values of which a" i
in excess of the." price. ,r
A Night (ioivn of good muslin, nicelr trimmed f
25c, requires no comment. " ' '"r
In addition to the above, wc offer 12 dozen CI !
Drawers, very well made, at Cc and 7c. 6
Twelve dozen Corset Covers, worth 2Jc, at only 9-
Child's Summer Waists.
Twenty dozen Child's Fine Jean Summer Wai.f
tape bound, a 3ic leader, at just ICc, and nianv oil '
ralno. tl... ........ : -f i.:ni. . ... l"'T
.vnnuii vi " on ii pai:u lorouis. 1).,
miss mis saie, as you 11 surely regret it if
Wc will try not to limit you on "quantity.
A Word About Wash Goods.
Just one word about Wash Coods for this
There will be some moving prices put on some uk-J
seasonable goods. It will pay you to come in oft,.,
and see.
yon j.,.
Mclntyre - Reck Dry Goods Co.
1709 and 1711 Second avenue. Rock Island.
A Chilly
Is what the edibles receive
in that ....
It is easy to say best about a thing, but
generally not so easy to prove it. This
time we are amply able to do so.
1809-1811 Second Avenue.
The House Furnisher.
Packard Pays the Loss . .
U Vai
Customers Get the Benefit
A' ACKARD & Co: of Boston, Mass., one of the largest manufacturers of Gentlemen's Fine Shoes, took
an order from a defunct retail concern, and made to their special order a lot of Fine Footwear. Just as the
goods were in readiness to be shipped Packard & Co. found that they were about to be swindled, and the re
sult was they refused to ship the goods. A few weeks ago we closed a deal with this popular manufacturer
for the entire lot, at a great loss to Packard & Co., which we are now giving our patrons the benefit of.
Packard's hand-sewed Cordovan Shoes, finest oualitv. sold the wrM , i-
d ilil
2 M
2 Oi)
1 50
1 00
Gentlemen in need of Fine Footwear will find this an excellent opportunity, one they may never have again.
Now is your time, boys you will find it a comfort, pleasure and economy to
Wear f,l. &. K. Shoes.
J ackard's 5 Patent Leathers, iu the Recent aud new GIoIk; Toe with tin " on dv J
K:rl K .f 'Vr Toe LaVe and Col'grell ony ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! -. ! . ! ! ! 1 !
- ..... . TU .uaiu hi jsii uim iiiip, i n auiiijr aim iiraium Toes only
iVeSenM We haVC P,f,ced on i totoi f an Shoe's worth VuYly fi." it ! '..
An excellent line of Men's Solid Buff bhoes, same as other dealers would charge f 1.60 lor at

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