OCR Interpretation

Rock Island Argus. (Rock Island, Ill.) 1893-1920, July 26, 1894, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn92053934/1894-07-26/ed-1/seq-3/

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Intelligence Column.
"ugloC I !
Want avMiey
wan I a cook
Want boarocre
Want a partner ?
Want a slloatton
?'ant to fKt rooaie
Wsnl a arrant ftrl
a, ant to eel 1 a farm
Uant to evil a house
w art fo evctntiffe anything
i, : Mp sell bouaebotn contla
'tm imkr any teal ratal Nm
mt I" sHI or trade for anything
w ' t niil cuetonere fur anything
A o.N ' rrni fot io. per week.
W a: II' PI"'
i,., , wt (t ml lull F ourth avenue. Kefrr-
l) run 'mile In Roca Fsland and vicinity.
ri1 ni iMlttin aiiU t;ol pav. Hrl'o at
, i. K.!anjer A Harry. Hoche ter. N. V.
Ar i-'l AC.ltMr FN KOCK IM.AM)
,.i .l 4: thrr nnorrupieri tenlinry. for our
,...), ii.h rirjia el piatt . bmif nmubrrm and
.,. ii. mi iii'c In the dark; mrlra Mil per
, . , . m. n.nkr ii fin dally. Writ fot fr...
.,. , , . " .Hirwn name In. Xr Lra cum
,,,, i.; Ik sihora strei I, t'b ei;o.
lo Von Want to Save Money
Save Now.
iiiMMI.M IN; I'.EFlFKE Jfl.Y 2G.
, rtlhnlv wontlr Iiow we can
r:i-r at :l a month. Only a
!av niori. The olTer hold pood
Jll'V I'd dtllv.
r -Ii
:iiiT i that it can ! ilone
:ikr of l'.u.iihc iTltTirisc;
li' ilntif to diTiionst rale ahil-
. :irvl it ran Im ilone without Ions". '
v :li a practice of no ruanv cases.
(3 00 a Month for Medicine
and Treatment.
Tlii- !"! holds jooil fr a few davs
. i v. lvn't pay anymore. Go now.
."I a month for all diseases. Take
.i.ha:itai' of it.
I a c-u-r-e-d of catarrh at the
t: Mc li -al Intitute after all other
r mi'ili,' failed. This was nearly
i . n r years no. and I have stayed
'"::!. They treat only thosecar.es
;iitit :irc curable.
specialties diseases of the eye,
':ir. iiov. throat, chronic and ner-
"ii- ili'i-a-cs. together with catarrh,
I'r.'tichitis, athma and all diseases
" : tif hins. stomach and bowels,
-,..n and Mood diseases, ec.ema.
'!. tii.itches. pimph'j, acne, ring-
'nn. tetter, salt r hen in. kidney,
I ' 1 r and rectal troubles; diabetes,
br;.-t:t' snivel, piles, fissures, fistu-
i. riieiimntisni. neuralgia, lumbago,
-T'liiila, dy-pepia. chronic diarou-a,
v- ntry. consumption, dropsy, liver
n ;..:i;nt. jaundice, glandular tu
ii 'T- and a'l chronic diseases. -
Mi Ansa Asi:ksox.
!' 'I ecotid Avenue. Moline, 111.
r i i;r ci kable piseask treated.
Scott Medical Institute,
Over American ExproM Co.
f" 1'raily StrvaUDaTctiport, Iowa,
V"F.' '1A1.T7EJ Cdtarru. Etc Ear. Jtoae
1 n- r . l.'.i.. ; Merrouo diaraaea, bkin ditcaaea.
' ii-"' ir i aea.
"r h". EIWU Ks-HoIla-mSto 4 p. BU 7
' M' in Or. rjiuiday tb ofilct will b open
'' ' a m to i p. m.
t' Sio oo every day if you will
J -t up one of our Coin Opera
i J Li(juid Vending Machines
in fmnt of your store. The
i i'Ti' y is loose in the street,
! -t you can't find it; this ma
'iiini will pick it up, gather it
ir.d save it for you.
I rop a cent in the slot, turn
h" handle, and get a glass of
lemonade, Root Beer, or any
r'ln-shing drink with which
yu charge the machine.
We make these machines
f"r one cents or for nickels.
V ith five machines you can
Mm from $15 to $25 a 'day,
nd yet more money with a
eiifater number of machines.
Inve itert and Manntacturcd by tbe
U rite for I'ii tnres, Prices and Par-
1. !ars. if you mean business.
Jo Jin Voile 5c Co,
Manctactams of
Sash, Doors, Blindt, Siding, Flooring
And U kinds, wood work lor Mlttors.
KhtMatt Ht. Ul. TsM and FoartA at,
iocs iaxAM
ftfWaT. Im a... a-HM.lf V Baa.
lo the circuit court of mM Prv t.i..j
To. be Sepurob. i2&
li.m"r?n!!i,Vb.?':t1cl ODonnell. Wil-
O'Donnell, At"pMt o'niTii AU2nne" hli"
M.I Irlarv o-lwHI- if "" am O'Ooii-
f J mes O'lk.ii . 1 .AY"n1 ,h. "? rr-'d nee
UB.wn to th-..?!",',-v,,"'!c ' "fr. hero-
first .bit . '., i"",'''" "W Circuit courl no
Sr.? d. '" alld r,,r ,lie ' -"unty. on Uie
finit MuiMia. In S. t mir ntxi. and pie.." .
cTmD..,nd'!nr ,0 M" B"1 0"Pl-m'a bill of
cinip-alnt.. ile ,.,, lho mailt ra and thlim
fSEd.'Sy.'fjr1 '"-d"1"' betaken J. !"
injrioihf prayer or aid 111. '.ouacri.d
I,!??'? "i.'V k ''U,,d- "'""ol. thl.'JMh day or
Ju'y. A. I. ism. GKom.KW. GAMBLE.
llork said iVurt
. tm.r; a Weld. Comiilalnaiifa olicitor.
ihrrlrTii Him.
By lrtn-ofaprcll execntion and frc hill No
:? r."SU"1.a,.n,f "elkoaic.of the rircVm
court of K.jck l.l.nd county, and Mate of Inmoi"
"dkto ''"-. rhereb,l am commanded to
i . , i mou" "t certain judgment recently
obtained piM Johanna I.rexel and "
n tl, par nerv. di.iusr biioinees mi,li r the naim
and j.ye..tl)rexel A WVn.lt. in fv. of a" ,
Uaiile, d..i.a buoi-ii a, uml.r the ha ne and style
or A but linufe on of the und teiie
tu n . a-.ioil . and chattel of the aid il. fr,i .
Orexcl A Werili. I h,vi. ,t.Vird tlou tie follow J
.-.. ,-..,. um jo. lour n. five 5i.
U (at.drven (Tt. In block No two (ii m old
Vr,n,0,C'7,',T'-""-e cuuny of ck Island
and atat? of Illiuo a.
Therefore, arronllng toaid command I shall ci-
:wimo fnrali-lit linhllr nn.-tin .11
. . , . v ...u ii uc rivni, llt.le
id Interest of the alHvc nnroed. Drrxel 4 Weu.it
In and to the. i)ovc de-crilu-d initH-nv. on -i Uca
day. the 14tb day of utn.l. Ism, at So'clo k n
m . at tho r.ovtl. rt.w. ih. f . it . -.e
!. of Hock Ilan';. In the county of liock inland
. .... ., ,ui ,..ii in uanu, w, aatiery
aid hiec .turn ami fee bill.
c, ... CMtrsD. GOnOON,
Khratir nf fwb .. .1 a 111!.
'- i" irmiiu' oimiy.minoit.
Wntcil t hock Inland this iM-t Hay tf July,
sborin Male.
Hr firttie of an txseulion nnd fo t.ill V,.
ttTH.-. isned out of the c etk oflic ,f the circuit
ciMin oi noca 1 -una county, and at ta of llli
n.l. at'd 10 ma Irecied. wher hv 1-am eo .
m.ndcd tn i.a the amount of a certain j..dc -
i u. mi-liny uu .iiiva riralllFT AUiU A'day 111
fkortf M. A. 14'uld out 01 llit'lari'l. I.IM.. .HI.
Kondr.an1 chftttelr or tbe aaid (lefeiidat t. Adam
nmmj. i nave levi a apan tne lurowini; urjierty.
lo-wit: ,ot ive (Si. lu block live i.M in
Rock 1-iai.O. in tbe e.'y of Hook la'aud. coui ty
of Flii k Inland and stale ol Illinois.
Tlierefo e. cec r.lip te raid comniand, I ahall
exno'e for sale tt public uiietion all lie rmht,
title and ktereft of the uboTe iibtued Adam
Alday itiat d to the aboe detenhed nroneitr. on
Saturday, the lMh day of Annul, 1H at 2
oeio Kp. ra., al the i.orh d or if the court
hou-e In the city of Ror.k Island, in tha conn y
of Mock Island and state of Illinois, f.trcarh iu
baud, to eatisfjr said execution n d fee bM.
C. I. ti'JIiDUN.
Shcr;fT tf Flock Island 'oiintT. Illinoia.
Pntei at Irnca Island this i'M d:iy of July, A.
u. iris,.
t'tiaaerry otlrc.
K'K.k 181-1 NO C'Ol MY, (
To the Srplember term, A. D., ), circuit
couri in cnancery.
Anna ('unit, complainant, vs. William Cazatt
io inaDnvensiuea oetendtni, iiitam razatt:
otice Is he eby riven to tne ld illiam Ca
r.att, that tbe above-ua.ned com;iluinant baa this
day flied her hill of cmplant in taid court on
the chanc, ry tide tlicrtof niruln y n for divorce,
and til it a f utnnions in ci aueery therenxn iaued
out of aaid einrt rirainst ou. tr.e above nami d
defendant, retitninble on the first dsy of the next
term of the circuit court of aaid coniitv to be tie
tun and holden at the court houe, in the city
ot Jtock Island, in snd Kock Island county, on
the Erst oiida v in hen tiulier, A. I. IH-.I4
is by law required, and which suit is still pending
In aa.d couit, at wbieh time and place you will
appear and p.cad, answ. r or demnr to sain bill.
(jfcOKl.K w. tiAMBl.E.
Clerk of slid I'oart.
JasKsos & FJn:sT. Complsinuut'a Solicitors
Kink Island. Illinois, Ju ) !, A. 1). 1SH4
.atlrataCaatrrr a.
R.-aled pmimsala will lie reecitcd at tee city
clck'a ofliie. Kuck Island. III., null Monday
Anirti-l K, 1MM, at 5 o'ciuk p. m., for construciine
tlie tmproTe-nents oraeroa ny an oral nance or
cilyof Koe Island, passed June Is, isstl, entitled
-sa irdinanc.e for ilie eonstruction of a system
of ew a In the r lxth ward on Twenty aeventh
stn et. on Fif b a Dire, on r if b-anil n-:ialf ar
nne. ftix'b. Mtventl, and Ei)tlitU avmues and on
Thitt elk street, all iu ihe t iiy of Rock Islai.d.
Ill "
F'iant and tptc. Bwtions can be seen at the c ty
cle-k'e.-m e .
All leds must lie aeromiinnlrd witb a certified
check in the "urn of S'U, payable to the order nf
the mayor of taid city, in esse i lie bidder shall
fail in enter Into contract with approved sure
ties to execute tbe work fur the pr ce nirtioned
In his hid. A. I. HI KHiKU, city vier.
It.srk Island. 111., July III. VM.
m I.J mtmmlm .11' hj. T. 'T l Vl'd ST fh clt
clerk's ofl.ee. Kock Island, 111., until Mot day,
..... nun .iinVln'Irn m . for I he funsirnei ion
r n'.a Imonirenient ordered by an ordinance of
the city, parsed June IS. ISM, entitled "An ordi
nance lor me e.mM uc ui o -. . .i...
. r ... .... tt, i... tin tf Fifth nxitmt. lo
SI i. 17' . I iviu ...r - -
ihe oii'lb ln.e of Tenth ateLue, all n tbe city of
hoek Island. I.I.
I an and spccinrutlor.a c n tc seen at tho city
AH lid iM'l be acc-mnanied with a certified
caeca in ine uui m t".
rte' of the mayor tif aaid ciiy. in case the bid
der shall lail to enter Into eo-t-act with approved
... lk aaa-nalr flat t liaa 1kfaafM
mentioned In M. bid mj
Rock Island. J"'y A. l. lWH.
Scaled proucsalt will be receirud at the city
clerk's uHiee, Rock Island. III., until Mondav.
Anaust S. I. at 5 o'cloi k p. m., for Jayine
S4-.nch or 3i-iiicb cast Iron inlet pipe I.oib tbe
. ... .... t.i Hi., mstn rhsnnel
of "e MisslMtppi riv. r. a dia ance of
. u. 1 I ... ....u la. lu. i.'il Wltl. leSU
more or leas, i" '- -
j"."" ..... ,:, ,,, n, Minis and d all
work acro-d ng to tpicilicationt on file at the ci'y
'e.'r. ." 'lm.' . i A sriih a CRrtiBed
check In the sum of S'sai. P'J"" '. "
of ihe inavor of told city, wnkh check shall be
forreUed w Tsuld c ty in ce tie bidder shall fail
Jo enter Into contnet with approved sureties to
execu:e the work tor the price meutioned in his
bid and acioraiuK w ni ri.i"
The city ccuneil reserves the right to reject any
ana an oms.- .
r t-r. mmm
. . i i...n in all iwisiir, interMtea
of the cltV or eock Is and
bVvlnr ordered .ha a tvi wer be conatructta on
nuV to . tb. . noith line or TonUi enne
in the city, or wo- ;;Vi. V-thenriWof
etart .p ied io the county court
an asses-mcni m '
according t oenen-i TTT -,,,
of havtng been ma.ie au.. . -- ;
"w?.TO "w d'
A AP psrionJde.S'r.nB may then and ther. oppear
jnly. A. .! piSarST. '
b.6. HciL,
Coal Valley. Jnlir ?s lir I. v.
Barton, of Secor, Woodford conntv,
111., visited here last weok.
F. C. Killinir is runninir I wn
threshing machines this season.
J. H. Jones is Quite feeble, lint waa
feeling better on Monday than nsual.
Samuel li. Gohat and sister. Mis
Emma, of Chicap-o, are visiting their
David Wetzel's infant child atout
1 month aud ID davs old. died ves.
A. Donald had a car of cattle shitt-
ped from here Monday. J. Clegg
shipped a car of hogs.
J he threshing machines are now in
full blast. The oats crop is middling
some lots average 35 bushels per
1 13.
Mrs. John Prvce and two danrrh-
ters left for St. Paul last week. They
will visit Mankato and other place's
on their trip.
The bowery dance on Friday eve
ning was well attended bv oeoule
from Cable, Uriar Kluff and Orjon.
Kineade, of Uriar ISlufT, furnished
Kev. W. V. Morehead. of (. reens-
burg. Pa., preached at lieulah Sun
day. He was a former pastor at Hu-
lah and Milan, and for a short time
at Coal Valley. He has been visiting
his daughter al Minneapolis.
i-i. . . . . . . .
4 ne assistant steward. Koytl lc
Michacl, of the county farm, "left on
the 24th with two insane inmates for
Jacksonville. Their names are Pe
terson, of Moline. a stonemason, and
Gillen. They have recently become
On July 31, a chapter of the P. E.
S. will be organized with 21 charter
members. Kock Island chapter is
invited to do the work. At a meet
ing on the 20th. Mrs. W. N. Glenn
was recommended as worthy matron.
J. S. Corns as tvorthy patron, and
Mrs. G. Ii. Krappas assistant worthy
There will be on Sunday at 3
o'clock p. m. at the Presbyterian
church, a delegation of christian
workers from Rock Island and Mo
line to address the people on the pro
gress oi cnristiau work. The ad
dresses will be short, interspersed
witn songs, ana at the conclusion a
devotional meeting and song service
will be held. A cordial invitation is
The suicide of Miss Lida Landum.
oi isrtar uiun, on Sunday eveninsr
has caused some interest here, as
some of our folks were partially re
lated to her. It appears that it was
a premeditated act. ihe symptoms
were those of strychnine, but the
jury waived a post'mortem. There
was evidence that the deceased had
purchased strychnine on the 9th, but
the verdict was that the deceased
came to her death by her own hand
and no one was to blame.
About 3 o'clock p. m. on the 24th
i .
an aiarm oi nre was given. It was
in the eastern suburbs of our village
where the wind blew in a direction
to carrv it awav from the adioininer
buildings. It ignited in P. J. An
derson's stable, and from it the
flames extended to his dwelling, and
from it to Samuel Gohat's. The
buildings were of wood and as dry as
tinder and all efforts made to stop
the lire's progress were unsuccessful,
as there is no lire department here
and water is scarce, lioth houses
and the stable were totally consumed
ty the names. Anderson was fully
insured, but Gohat had no insurance
He lost almost all of his household
goods. His son lost a trunk with
contents valued at $200. The origin
oi tne nre is supiiosea io lie Irom
sparks from the 2:47 p. tu. express of
the K I.& P. railroad.
Gilchrist, July 23. John Gil
christ spent part of last week in
Draper, Iowa, looking over his farm
and stock.
Al Palmer is blessed with a little
miss of 11 pounds.
James Blenksops' child has been
very sick, but at this time is slowly
James Smith has been very sick,
but we are glad to know is improv
ing, and we hope will be around soon.
The game of ball between tbe Gil
christ and Cable boys on the 21st, re
sulted in a victory for the Cable
Perry W'ilson's little girl, 2-years
old, has been very sick, but we are
glad to hear is now up and around
As we continue to write wt smell
an ordor decidedly lishv. for the boys
have gone down to the bay and
have takn old fisher penny along.
Gilchrist is getting to be a very
enterprising town, and at New Gil
christ they are building a great many
new houses, and we have a neat bow
ery for holding picnics.
A Sunday school picnic was held in
the new town park on the 19th, for
the good of Sunday School No. 2, and
was a grand success, and John John
son, one of our rising young men. de
serves great credit for the work he
has done, and proved himself a loyal
leader, which manifested in him a
spirit struggling on for life and lib
erty in this glorious land.
In this land of plenty it is hard to
have children brought -to the verge
of 'starvation by the Whitebreast
Mining company, and they, like ty
rants, with the club of 'starvation,
would like to subdue them, bo we
would have to plow. Why could
they not pay the same as other com
panies? Because they are tbe big
tish and they desire to consume tbe
little ones; aud to do this, they will
suckle the blood out of every miner's
child where coal, is mined in this
broad land, and to stem the tyrants'
de that flows, we will e-ive 4(i a
month to strike them harder, bo vs.
Port Byron. July 2C. Miss Clara
Zollinger is visiting Miss Daisy
Sheppard at Geneseo.
Miss bertha Allirecht. of Sioux
City, is spending her vacation in
fort Uvron.
Miss Annie Wright, of Chicago, is
visiting the family of her uncle, J.
W. Simon son.
Ouitc a numlier of Woodmen from
this vicinity attended the M. . A.
picnic in Kock Island.
Farmers have commenced thresh.
ing, and some new oats are comin
to market. The quality is excellent.
and the yield is greater than manv
Miss Mary I-vford, of Tort Byron,
and Dr. Charles Hunter, ot Hamp
ton, were married at the country
residence of the bride's parents to
day. ' They expect to yisit St. Paul,
and other places of interest, and
upon their return will settle down at
Hampton, where the groom will go
into partnership with his father. Dr.
Warren Hunter.
Messrs. L. S. Pearsall, E. M.
Rogers, John Zollinger, E. II. Wern
er and W. H. Nicholson started for
the Wapsie river on a lishing expedi
tion Monday afternoon. They re
turned Tuesday night, reporting that
nsn were very scarce. I her re
turned home sooner than they ex
pected to, on account of their supply
of drinking water giving out.
George La Rne was attempting to
put a horse on the steamer Sidney
for shipment to Muscatine yesterday
afternoon, when the horse became
fractious and backed up on the rail
road tracks, and to avoid an ny
proaching train, the man leading the
animal let go the halter nnd it ran
off. It was catitnred later, but the
packet had gone in the meantime.
Mactilticent Ankericua.
The most beautiful fireworks show
in the world is "Amerieus." There
are over 400 people employed to ier-
form it. The great battle scene re
quires the services of every one of
these people. During the progress
oi the play many surprising and
clever novelties are introduced, and
the whole ends with a magnilicent
tireworks display.
There are many lirms engaged in
the manufacture of fireworks as pyro-
i . - i , - 1 - ,
n-i-uun-.il uevices are commonly
called, but none of them have reached
so nearly pre-eminence in the art as
the A. is. Due company of Cincinnati,
who have created and called into
being the igorgeous semi-military
pageant 'Americus.1 which
Charles T. Kindt will produce at the
Tri-City Ball park on Aug. 12.
Three brilliantly costumed ballets
are given, and a beautiful and ro
mantic episode is the imarriage cere,
monv with its march and merry
making by the simple villagers of
. tiariestown, aiass., about the time
of the revolution. The ample
grounds of the ball park will be illu
minated with thousacids of hirhts
and to accommodate the immense
throngs of people, Mr. Kindt has
been obliged to import fromChicago
over o.oou chairs. Excursion rates
over ail railroads have already been
The Moore & Livingstone company
preneuivu "x ne siowawav to a
small but appreciative audience last
evening. The play was most excel
lently rendered, and deserved a much
larger nouse. lorn IngUss was
handled nicely by Frank Beal, and
Dickey Dials by Frank Long was ex
cellent. Louie Lester, the clever
little actress, won more admiration
by her Chuckev. the London News
boy. James McDuff gave some ex
cellent imitations, which won him
much applause. Miss Lucille Walker
as Mrs. Gray made a decided hit. and
showetl her ability as an actress in a
most enthusing manner.
Tonight the company will present
"The Other Man," a strong character
drama, full of thrilling situations.
and one which has never been given
in hock island.
Goaranted Co e
We authorize our advertised dmo
gist to sell Dr. King's New Discovery
ior consumption, coughs and colds
upon this condition. If you are af
Dieted with a cough, cold'or any lung
inroat or chest trouble, and will use
this remedy as directed, giving it i
fair trial, and experience no benefit
you mav return the bottle and havi
your money refunded. We could not
make this offer did we not know that
IJr. King's New Discovery could
relied on. It never disappoint
Trial bottles free at Hartz & Ulle-
meyer s drug store. Large size 60c
and f 1.
A leader.
Since its first introduction Electric
Kitters has gained rapidly in popul
ia or, until now it is clearl v in
lead among pure medicinal tonics
and alteratives containing notFiin
w hich permits its use as a beverage
i miujiiini, it is recognizee as the
best and purest medicine for all ail
ments of stomaeh, liver or kidneys.
It will cure sick headache, indiges
tion, constipation, and drive malaria
fioni the system. Satisfaction guar
anteed with each bottle or the money
will be refunded. Price on Iv 50c per
bottle. Sold by Harta & Ul'lemcjer.
The best salve in the world for cnts,
bruises, sores, ulcers salt rheum
Fever sores, tetter, chapped bands,
chilblains, corns, and all skin ernp,
tions, and positively cures piles or
no pay required. It is guaranteed
to give perfect satisfaction, or money
refunded. Price 25 cents per box.
For tale bj Harta A Ullemeyer
July 24. F. W. Montgomery to
Bert Grow, lot 11. block 3. Healv'i
sub-div.. 33, 18, lw, .
Elizabeth Burns to William Edel-
man. lot 1, block 4: lot 14, block 5:
lots 7, 11. 12 and 16, block 22; lots 6
and 13, block 23. and lots 4 and 6.
block Z4. original town of Hampton.
D. 8. Ilobart by heirs to Lydia Ho-
bartand L. A. Ilobart, lot 1. block C.
original town of Port Byron, $1.
IK . lloiiart ny heirs to l.vdia Ilo
bart and L. A. Ilobart. lot 2H and
part lot 27, Belcher A Sigsworth's
add.. Port Bvron, $1.
John A. Axelson to S. S. Askew,
part outlet 15, 24. 19, If, $200.
24 Estate of Stephen W. Wood-
burn. Appraisement bill and wid
ow's award tiled and approved. Wid
ow's relinquishment and selection
tiled and approved ami order turning
over property selected.
Conservatorship of Johanna Schai-
ble. Petition by James W Simon
son for appointment of conservator.
Ttiroagh t ar Sen Ire to Spirit l.aka.
Commencing July 2 the following
trains will have through Pullman
sleeping cars to Spirit Lake:
From Chicago C, R. I. P. irin leaves at S:M p.
m daily.
From Furllnuton. B., C. P. Jt N. train lean-
at :l p. m. daily.
Krom Cedar Rapids. B-. C. R. A X. train ieavea
aft IS a. 111. dally.
Kroitt St. Lo'its. St. L., K. A N. W. train leave
at 11:4 a. m. drily.
Arrive at Spirit Lake from the
above points 8:09 a. m. the following
From Omaha. S. P. A P. t-a!n Ihtm al n-i".
m. dailt.
From eionx City. S. 8u P. af. A O. train leive.
at U.&ip. m. daily.
Arrive at Spirit Lake from the
above points at 7:45 a. lu. the follow
ing morning.
B.. C. R. & N. train leaving Cedar
Rapids at 9:10 a. m. daily, except
Sunday, has free reclining chair cars
to Spirit Lake.
Hotel Orleans at Siurit Lake has
been thoroughly repaired and ele
gantly reiurnislied. l.ates have been
greatly reduced, and will le sent on
application to C. S. Abell, manager.
Spirit Lake. Iowa.
For rates of fare and other infor
mation call on station agent or ad
dress J. Mortox,
Gen. Tkt. & Pass. Agent.
Cedar Rapids, Iowa.
l.ow Kates to St. l'aul.
The annual convention of the
Catholic Total Abstinence Union will
be held in St. Paul August 1 to 3
For this occasion the B., C. R. & N.
railway will sell excursion tickets at
a rate of one fare for the ronnd trip.
Tickets on sale July 30 and 31. Good
to return August 4, .0 and C.
For further particulars inquire of
station agent or address
J. Morton,
Gen. Ticket and Pass. Agt.,
Cedar Rapids, Iowa.
A Liberal offer.
Domestic Please, sir, tlie procer and
butcher and baker and ruilkuian are
down stairs, and they say they won't
leavo until they ure paid.
Mr. McAuImt Hem! Verv well.
Tell them that if they will continue to
supply mo with provisions they are
welcomed to stay here and board it out.
New York Weekly.
Tired. Weak, Nervona,
means impure blood, and overwork
or too much strain on brain and
body. The only way to cure is to
feed the nerves on pure bloodj
Thousands of jn-ople certify that the
u'-si union pun her, the liest nerve
tonic and strength builder is Hood's
Sarsaparilla. What it has done for
others it will also do for you Hood's
Hood's pills cure constipation bv
restoring peristaltic action of the
anmentarv canal.
TTHE best investment
in real estate is to keep build
ings well painted. Paint protects
tlie house and saves repairs. You
sometimes want to sell many a
good house has remained unsold
for want of paint. The rule should
be, though, "the best paint or
none.'' That means
Strictly Pure
White Lead
You cannot afford to use cheap
paints. To be sure of getting Strict.
Iy Pure White Lead, look at the
brand ; any of these are safe: -
'Southern," "Red Seal,"
" Shipman,'' - Fahnestock."
For Colors. National Lead Co.'s
Pure White Lead Tinting Colors.
These colors are aold in one-pound cans, each
L?B ."s" "cwnt to tmt j poenda of Strictly
Pure White Lead the desired shade: they are la
no aense ready-mixed paints, but a combinatmi
ol perfectly pure colors in Ihe handiest form lo
tint Seictfy Pure While Lead.
A eood many thousand dollar have been
aved property-ownen by having our hook on
painting and color-card. Send ua a postal card
and set both free.
Chicago Branch.
State and I incciitb Sir eels, Chicago.
Our "KOH-I-STOOa-ai tha
beat epectada mad. For
xurtoat rartiriilaia a nail ta
T. H. THOMAS. Druggist sad Op
ticiaa. Eyes tested free of dvargw.
Home Industry
On Tap everywhere.
Only Union labor employed.
The Rock Island Brewing Company, success
ors to George Wagner's Atlantic Brewery, I.
Huber's. City Brewery and Raible & Stengel's
Rock Island Brewery, as well as Julius Junge's
Bottling Works, has one of the most complete
Brewing establishments including Bottling de
partment in the country. The product is the
very best. Beer is bottled at the brewery and
delivered to any part of the tri-cities, and may
be ordered direct from the head offices on Mo
line avenue by Telephone.
-The Moiine
: I at ... V'V
MM . - -V.
tX M ft MM
rail and conpletallae of Platform and other Spring Ol arrtit.aapeewrt aaantaa kalaa
aaalora uada.uf roperkjr arorkaiaBabip and Snieh Xlaatratod Pnoe LaM fraaca
aot-licatioa. He lae MOM I W AirM aofore ata hasing
Rock Island Savings Bank,
Bock Islakd, III.
Opaa dsily rrom a. bl to I p. and Satnrdxy eretiK from T to aVloak.
Flv par cant Interest paid on Deposits. Money loaned en Personal col
lateral or Real Estate security.
P. L. aitckau, F. C. Detikmaim, John Cratenrh. Ptitl MltraeU. B. P. HulL L. asnea.
JK. W Marat, J. IS. Buford, Jot. a Vo.kT "Mara,
Jacsaoa Hoaar. auUcttora.
Bagaa aotMOa Jnly a, 19SQ. sad occapy ta. Mratheaat corner of Mitchell a Lynde aew alkra
Painters and Decorators
FAFZS nA27Q&3, (ULSSUIXE&S, tc. k
SllOPt 419 SaTtttaenUi St,' SOCZ ISLAOT. ILL.
AA alada
ft en HomMa
oo. block froai Central Park. Urrrtt tc lows.
Fur capes
Ladies, call and see
Latest and the
Proper Styles
kinds of repairing on
Fur Goods at
Glove Store
Call for Rocic Island
Hrewlnpr Co. Beer.
Wap Co.,-
w-i aoavis.v-' vai :g rt
Shop, Holly Bom Boua.
Bnsidanop. 410 Feventb traet.
IlEXKr A. PARI vox
af Cat Flowon ccaatti tif aa kasd.
a Brady aureat. Daw. port, la
Rubber Hose,
Lawn Mowers,
Aid complete Laa of
mixeu toute aa4 Coor
paints, white lead, lin
seed oil. etc.
ll(i Third ayenue.
Fraprietorot of tha Brady ttreat

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