OCR Interpretation

Rock Island Argus. (Rock Island, Ill.) 1893-1920, September 01, 1894, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn92053934/1894-09-01/ed-1/seq-4/

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" ,
"V . ' THEAKGU8 atiS.?J!i!--:- mma trees. - I " I the travelers' guide. j r
MfWfMMMM I Tltwl St 1 1 mil, t W
MlMMWMMt JkJm SeMlssHsa. M SSCfc
' ..... ......raASSLIS VtCfUH
f BSKBT Baas
TV mm at UwVbU I Dm J rut Ufirn.
srsltj ml Mb. 1 TTtxm c. Cidt,
aoa.. . tLTia L. Fumuiii
Far at
1 f Coatr JaA V. Ouul
.ml tea. A-swblj J. H. Mulubai
Tm OnI JaSf
Tmt (Ntf Clsrt CitBB Wautaan
Caaaj.as w. Mun
Cra.tr W. soaooa
rattsS4.af School.
.Caaaxaa B. flaasaau.
Roskrt J. broke the world' pacing
record yestenUj, making a mile in
A New York policeman with an
income of ftl.900 m. var rMinrtht
bona for $37,000 the other day, and
till there are people who believe in
Horace) Oreelejr's advice to young
INCH w gu uni. '
F.xchaxoc: Midsummer quatrain
on ue cause 01 ine present discon.
assa, FiIIbo, Osran. tau;
tin Mb Coarj. Dra mad Waits.
i boss Mof m work tmt iconic
Ami (sawfady Bays tha rrlcl.
Cnicaoo Herald: Erery mill and
hop that reopchs. every new indus
try mat Degina operations, every
merchant who extends his business,
and every idler who goes to work
from now on will do so In the face of
the sternest disapproval of the re.
publican organs. This must be on.
usrstood before it is too late.
Dim so the late session of congress
. r . Marsh missed 129 roll calls and
P. S. Tost 1M. A. J. Hunter on the
other hand missed but 15 ilavs: W
M. Sprinper, 44; A. C Dur borrow.
101: .5. lorinan, 128, etc. The con.
trast between the democratic and re
publican members in point of fidelity
is too apparent to require comment.
A crake arrested in New York and
who called himself Louis Corbet had
in his pocket a letter to President
Cleveland. In this he aked for the
loan of the United States navy and
permission to raise an armv of Amer
icans. It the answer was not satis
factory he would blow up the whole
unitea Mates ana kill every man.
woman and child. He signed him
elf "Napoleon Bonaparte IV."
The state board of equalization is
still pegging away with the returns
ort ne larger Chicago corporations.
which are very slowly coming in; in
fact so slow that the secretaries have
had to rush them up several times.
The Pullman Palace Car company,
the Chicago Gas Trust and several
other corporations of the octopus na
ture, have made no returns as yet,
although they have been repeatedly
asaea lor statements.
The torpedo boat. Ericsson, has ar
rived at New London from Dubuque.
Iowa. Before making a trial of speed
be will ,be thoroughly cleaned and
weighted. It has been discovered
that two flanges of the star board
propeller are badly bent. It is sup-
i ... . i .
iwku mat ih injury was ausiainea
by striking an obstruction in the New
urieans harbor. A protest was im
mediately filed at the custom house.
notifying the navy department of the
injury, in oraer mat sumcient time
be granted for repairs before the
speed trial. The crew with the ves
el from New Orleans was discharged.
Some of the ablest liars of the U
O. P. are said to be already engaged
in the compilation of a republican
campaign text book for use in 1896.
The work is to be of an educational
character, we are told, and no doubt
it will be a wonderful exposition of
pedagogical politics and high protec
tive principle, proving conclusively
that the niilliosMkf working people,
who are chiefly democrats, should be
robbed for the benefit of the few hun
dreds of monopolistic manufacturers.
who are chiefly republican. Let the
great work be bound in protected
American tin and have tfcKlnley's
picture in irotected brasa on the
xront cover.
(lis. O. L. Marx, a .leading Cook
county, republican, has aboounossi
him Mir as an independent candidate
for state treasurer against Heary
wain, tne republican nomiBee lien.
Mann was in attendance at tba
publican state convention and worked
hard against the nomination of
vVnlff, but was unsuocesstal.
. claims, however, that to defeetF'nlff
at the polls will rive hint nr L,.eh
satisfaction.' Be circulated p
tlon in Chicago recently andiaf n few
Hours baa the surnatnrea of re.
publicans, and he feels confident that
with the support be can ooanBand
he win defeat VVnlff In November
Mann has a large followinr'wmonjr
Grand Army veteraaa, and ' besides
mi Maitloaaj oftKtt of trength
Maw Torfc Daily aUteary.
The republican journals, politicians
and spellbinders who are gloating
over what they call the failure of the
democratic party in congress to car.
ry oat democratic pledges, know that
their cry is only all sound and farv.
signifying nothing. It is only 18
months since the democratic party
took complete control, for the first
time in SO years, of the government
of the United States. At that time
the heavens were dark with the
clonds of cnlminating disaster, re.
suiting from SO vears of vicious leg
islation in behalf of the few at the
expense of the many. To expect it
to overcome ana wipe away in 18
months the evil work and results of
SO years is ft palpable absurditv.
But it did do wonders, battling
bravely, manfully and loyally with
the open enemies and secret foes of
the people, and it may confidently
appeal to the people to ratify its
The scalps of the federal election
law and of the Force bill republican
schemes of tyranny to take away the
franchise of the citizens, as guaran
teed oy ine constitution hangs at
the belt of triumphant democracy.
ii nas reaucea me running ex
penses of the government over thirty
millions of dollar. It has passed a
stringent anti-trust law, and it has
presented to the people a tariff bill
which, while it may not realize the
ardent hopes of those who expected
a greater measure of tariff reform.
does, nevertheless, remove from the
shoulders of the people untold mil
lions of dollars which the McKinley
iarin wonia nave extortea irom them.
It has stopped the purchase and
storage of silver bullion, and has al
together presented such a record of
lo-monms' wort as win command a
verdict from all reasonable and calm
thinking people that it has done
nobly nndcr the circumstances.
It has fought a gigantic battle for
the people against the solidly-arrayed
powers of trusts, combinations and
monopolies, backed by all the influ
ence of the republican party a party
so irauorous to tne interests of the
country as to endeavor to keep our
industries ana commerce in doubt
nd depression solely for its own po-
micai purpose.
The democratic party has no fear
in submitting its 18-months' record
to the popular judgment.
Man v chanters of history have been
helped out by researches among old
pottery. A curious contribution to
our own history is that made in Ed
win A. Barber's article in the Sep
tember number of the New England
Magazine, on "America Seen
Through the Spectacles of the Old
r.nglisn rotter." No sooner was our
independence achieved than the Eng.
lish potters, who largely controlled
the American market, began to pre
pare - aesigns lor meir American
wares suited to our new patriotic
sentiment. They sent us Washing
ton cups and saucers galore, and La
fayette platters, and Boston pitchers,
and plates with views on the Hudson.
The business continued brisk down
to the time of Harrison and Henry
Clay. Mr. Barber's article is most
valuable; and the pictures which il
lustrate it are interesting in the
highest aegree.
Juslist. Aug. SO. The new build
ings upon the fair grounds are ap
proaching completion. It gives it
the appearance of a new town having
sprung up.
Mr. and Mrs. Omer Karr, of Coe,
lost their baby, aged S months.
weeks and 6 days, and it was interred
at Zuma cemetery on Thursday last.
Rev. Thompson preached the funeral
The body of Mrs. Scott, relict of
a. a. Acott, was brought to Joslin
from Kansas for burial on Thursday
morning last. She was interred at
the Bethesda cemetery and the fu
neral services were conducted by
Kev. De Mundrum, of the United
Brethren church.
You need not publish it in Oath,
nor make common talk of it upon
the streets of Jerusalem. Neverthe
less we must blow a little over the
fact that the Zuma boy defeated the
Rock Island amateurs on Wednes
day last 11 non the Joslin fair PTonnds
Considerable interest was manifested
in the game, and telegrams were sent
irom the cities below during its pro.
gress making inquiries as to how the
game was going. The Bock Island
boys had come with a determination
to beat the Zumas, and were several
tallies ahead at one time. At the
finish the game stood 12 to 15, with
one inning due to Zuma. crompton
struck out is and Mold was catcher.
One of the Kock Islanders a chubby,
talkative fellow stated that he had
traveled 800 miles to take part in
tne game. mcltum ix rAavo.
Rudy's Pile Suppository is guaran
teed to cure pile and constipation
or money refunded. Fifty cents per
box. Send stamp for circular and
free sample to Martin Rudy, Lancas
ter, Pa. For sale by T. H. Thomas
ana Janrts Bahnsen, druggists,
island, xu.
SlSJStolaMnaaai OkM ratals.
On Tuesday, Sept. 4, the Big Four
route wui run an excursion irom
Peoria to Cincinnati. Dayton. Colum
bus and other points at a rate of $5.
This makes rates from Rock Island
$10.60 for the round trip. Full in
formation as to time of trains, routes.
etc.; can be obtained at the B. L
P. depot, foot of Twentieth street.
On the Canary island stows n foun
tain tree, a tree most needed in aoae
parts of the island. It is said that the
leaves constantly distill enough water
to rnrnisn drink to every living creature
in Hiero, nature having provided this
remedy for the drought of the Uland.
Every morning near this part of the is
land a cloud or mist arises from the sea,
which the winds force against the steep
cliff on which the tree grows, and it is
rrom the mist that the tree distills the
China, too, claims her remarkable
tree. This is known as the tallow tree.
so called from the fact of its produc
ing a substance like tallow, and which
serves the same purpose, is of the same
consistence, color aridsmelL On the is
land of Loo-Choo grows a tree, about the
size of a common cherry (area, which
possesses the peculiarity or changing the
color of its blossoms. At one time the
flower assume the tint of the lily, and
again shortly takes the color of the rose.
In Tibet there is a curious, tree known
as Vie tree of the thousand images. Its
leaves are covered with well defined
characters of the Tibetan alphabet. It
is of great age and the only one of its
kind known there.
The caobab tree is considered one of
the most wonderful of the vegetable
kingdom. It appears that nothing can
kill this tree; nence it reaches an aston
ishing age as well as enormous size.
The natives make a strong cord 'from
the fibers of the bark; hence the trees
are continually barked, but without
damage, as they soon put forth a new
bark. It appears impervious to fire, and
even the ax is resisted, as it continues
to grow in length while it is lying on
the ground.
In Mexico there is a plant known by
the name of palo de lecha It belongs
to the family of euphorbia. The Indians
throw the leaves into the water, and the
fish become stupefied and rise to the
surface and are then caught by the na
tives. In this case the effect of the nar
cotic soon passes off. The milk of this
plant thrown upon the fire gives out
fumes that produce nausea and head-
acne. The milk taken internally is a
deadly poison. It will produce death or
insanity, according to the size of the
dose. There is a popular belief among
the lower class in Mexico that the in
sanity of tho ex-Empress Carlotta was
caused by this poison. San Joee Mer
cury. A LuUs em's Ksssnsaes la a lit hUiove.
Mr. and Mrs. Loren Trescott are
keepers of the Gov. Lighthouse at
Sand Beach, Mich, and are blessed
with a daughter, four years old. Last
April she was taken down with
measles, followed with a dreadful
cough and turning into a fever.
Doctors at home and at Detroit treat
ed her, but in vain, she grew worse
rapidly, until she was a mere hand
ful o- bones." Then she tried Dr.
King's New Discovery and after the
use of two and a half bottles, was
completely cured. They say Dr
King's New Discovery is "worth its
weight is gold, yet you may try a
bottle free jt Hartz & Ullemever's.
If vou are not feeling strong and
healthy, try Electric Bitters. If -La
Grippe" has left you weak and weary.
use t-lectnc Bitters. This remedy
acts directly on liver, stomach ana
kidneys, gently aiding these organs
lo periorm meir functions. II you
are afflicted with sick headache, vou
will find speedy and a permanent" re
lief by taking Electric Bitters. One
trial will convince you that this is
the remedy you need. Large bottles
only 60c, at Hartz & Ullemever's.
buckler's arkica salve.
The best Balve in the world for
cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt
rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped
hands, chilblains, corns and all skin
eruptions, and positively cures
piles or no pay required. It is guar
anteed to give perfect satisfaction, or
money refunded. Price 25 cents per
box. For sale by Hartz ft Ullemeyer.
Abraham Lincoln, after being a mem
ber of congress, desired to secure a clerk
ship in Washington, bnt be was defeat
ed by Justin Butterfield. He was disap
pointed, but had he not been defeated
he would have ppent his life in obscur
ity instead of becoming president of the
United States.
Oliver Cromwell was once on board a
ship bound for America, but he was
taken back by a constable, and the re
sult was that he became one of the
greatest men England ever knew.
Ulysses Grant would not have been a
military man had it not been that his
rival for a West Point cadetship bad
been found to have six toes on each foot
instead of five.
The great silver mine, the "Silver
King," had been discovered by the
lucky accident of a prospector throwing
a piece of rock at a lazy mule. New
Orleans Times-Democrat.
Kaow Thyaelf.
How impotuot this injunction to every young
man! Bow Buoy rain their health and future
happineM through pernkioas practice con
tracted in Iffnorance and repented of when too
late. Pareata. gnardlaos and humanitarian caa
So do better aenriee to the risiic generation,
thaa to place ia their band the tuforntattoa and
warnings contaiaed ia a little book carefaliy pre
pared by an acscclatlea of medical giaUemea.
who have bad vast experience la dealing with
the grave naladieehere hinted at. aad wh feel
that they owe It to hunsnitT to wara the young of
the Uad Main it certain deatrnctiva Dibit which
are far aore preraleat than aar tajrawaeaa pos
sibly Imagine, aad which, if persisted in, gradu
ally undermine the caoMUutton and health, and
deetrojr the future baaplnsa of the victim. Cat
oat thie notice and tacks it with 10 cant in
tamp (to aay Boatece) to' World Uaaeaawy
Medical AaaecWkm. M Mala afreet. BnCalo. V.
T , mm U book will be sent, aacare from oeaer-
vanou in a piaia aai eawupe.
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Cestorla.
MlnnU M. Kmpmer
rataskala, Ohio.
Consumption Checked
Obstinate Case of Catarrh
Local Applications fslisd- Mood's
Saraapartlla Cured.
"Ct Hood ft Co., Lowell. Mass.:
" Gentlemen : I ought to make knows my
experience with Hood's Sarsaparilla, SO that
other afflicted may learn where to And a rea
cdy for that serioua and olMUnals dlseaae,
catarrh. It troubled me seriously. I had adult
aching sensation in the top of my bead, and the
usual discharge from the now. I became
bad that moruiug 1 could do nothing but hawk
and piu My luiics weiw also bring rapidly aX
feted. and bad it tint been for Houd'a baraapar
rilla, 1 would have ailed
A Consumptive's Cravo
long ago. I have taken about tea bottles el
Hood's Sarsaparilla, which hare effectually
cured me. Before resorting to mis medicine. I
used all the catarrh Temnlles. Inhalants and
local application, 1 beard of. Kooe aeemed to
reach the seat of the disease. Is fact I grew
worse while using them. I owe my cure to
mi nmou rtaniTiruj powers d nooa i rtarsa
parilla." Minnie . KETBEK.Pataskala, Ohio.
Mood's Pills cure ail tirer ills, biliousness.
Jaundice, indigestion, atck bead ache. XSc
Big Bargains
3 Sew Organs, worth f 85 61
1 " "135 85
1 ' 115 78
Sd-hand Ore-an 50. ' 25
2 2d-hand S5 W
Sd-hand Piano 75 40
2d-hand 125 75
One Fine Orp-an. almost new. worth
flOO, at t70.
One Good 7-octave son are riano.
at 75.'
One Good Oriran if taken at once.
at t20.
1717 Second Ave. Bock Island.
406 Fifteenth Street, Molina.
Rubber Hose,
Lawn Mowers,
And s complete line of
mixeu house and floor
paints, white lead, lin
seed oil, etc.
1610 Third avenue.
a Well
rAVQ of
let xar.
troth Da.
rresarea lb last Beaatts la SS Saia.
powerfully and quickly. Cures when all other
taiL Young men will refrain their tost manhood,
and old mm will recover tbeir youthful mpoc
vynwyiiaus. iiqmcKiy ana surety re
stores KervouHneaa.ljOstVita.litT. Imnotrncv.
Nurbtls Emission. Lost Power. Failine Mem
ory, Wasting IMscases. and all effects of self
abuse or excess and indiscretion. Wards off
Insanity and consumption. Insist on barine;
VI I AblS, no uiner. u oe camea in tress
pocket, By mail. SI.SS per packare, or ail for
a., wtw a peawtse pi awn traaraata to ran
r terea rat mi. circular free. Address
CALL SET BUMhit COBRAS I. falcate, IH.
For aale at Bock Ialsnd by Harper Bona Phar
saacy aad William Clendenin, Druggist, Holla.
WaibM Erivjtlslflg Trm a 71m
No. 1724 Third Are.
4. M. PA.RKER.'
Telephone No. 1214.
On - KOW-X-SfOOSr as
T. H. THOMAS, Drunrist and Op
uoiau. eyes tostou irss ai eurga.
-w .aaX. )f !.. M
-"wr ywi "am si I if
It act
v-' Banna. Pun corner Fifth awemne awd
Thirty-are rest, Frank H. Fhwaasr. Agent.
Uatltod diOsaaha.
t S
t :
Ft. Worth. Dearer a. K. C
K. C St. Joa A hUnaaaaiiil
tOssaha Kaaaaa City. ...
Oaasha a Pa Meta Bs.
tpsaahaaVOea htohMS Ex
Denser, I taenia Oaaaha.,
St. rani Mlaaeaaol-s...
St. Paal A. Mlaaeaanlte..
t S40
t BrtHl
't S:li
St. Joseph. Atchtsoa K. C.
usaes. n. worta AY B. c.
w City ftt. Joseph.
icsao At Da atotaes.
rS6pailt T.-SBaai
Amral. tDspartm. tPaHy.isn
AUailkera daily. Tasspbone toil
TFiauma. AH. I
way Depot First arsasa aad MUtoeatk
auast. M. 1. Teaaa. aft.
TBaJBS. ( X.SAVW. a res.
Sv Urals Bxprras (:0aai Ttpet
St. Loots Bxprsas ( t mm 7:10 aa
St. Paul Pawnarer :4ftaasTraai
Baaidetoaa Paiaiai...... S:IOpa 10mb
8tertta Pan agar T sSsai : pal
Dabnqa Pmil TASaa S:Spas
S'eiHtpg Faaseatrer S pas
Railwar Raerae At Seathweatara Dtsiaion
Depot Tweatieth eweet, aatwtaai Flrat aad
Second avsnaea, B. D. W. Boiraes, Aceau
TWAHtS. Laara. I saarr
Hall and Kxpreas t tOO as SMpai
St-Panl Bxprsas 4:00 pm ll:46sra
Dock Islakd at Pbokia Railway
Depot First Ares a and Twentieth street.
F. A. Bochwall, Area.
TBAlMa, iLaaT Aaarr
Paat Msil Kxpreas S 06 am To pat
Kxpreas j M i pa It MS am
Cable AccoamodatloB ' :I0 era t 0 pat
J Northern Ballwsy. depot foot of Brady
atreet, Darenpon. Ja. Hon on, aa. Tkt At
Pass. Aa-ent.
Pa Ten port Train. I Lsra Aaarra
Paaeenwrax ................... M :4U pa.:hl0:at ia
Freight... b:SQ , b mm am
West Liberty Train Worth. itSosiaT"
rassenser DT:10am blO:rpm
slO:3Upm aS:liam
Freteht. btOpm lM1:4Safa
" sia :48 pm ' bf:0aia
a Daily. bDaily except f nndar. tOoinr north
tOoina Sooth and east. So. 18 runs betwaea
Cedar BspMs and West LIbeity.
From Peoria
Big 4 Route
Tuesday, Sept. 4.
Tickets good for 50 days.
The "BIG FOUR" runs three
trains each way per day. Don't
forget this fact. For foil infor
mation call at the R. I. A P. de
pot, foot of Twentieth street.
T. P. A.. Peoria, 111.
How to procure ANTI-WASHBOARD
wait ruwuEB Ires of charge
Cut Off tha end of tha wrtnnar
at place named. When you hare
c "t- . - .
00 pictures 01 our ABtl-Wasn-board
Soap Powder, take them
to your crocer or nresant thm
at our office and you will receive
FREE a 4-pouud package, worth
26c. We make this liberal in
ducement to quickly in trod ace
Our Lady Coa? and
A&ttX7asIaboard Cs? Vvwixx
' i
Aad holds rood until all wrap-
pvrxt oat wnuca wim oner is priut-
wo is preseussa vo us.
Soap Uakwra, Rock IslaBvd.
nm Ham
Do You Want Shoes
for the.ChiIdren--.K-ca.
SOLID Soles. Uppers and Counters
GOOD Hitting and Good Looking
GUARANTEED ro Wear Well and be Cheap
Bring on the Boys and Girls, and we will
take special care to fit them properly.
Cor. Second anil Harrison Sis.
Telephone 207.
See our spring
And summer Suits.
Our purpose in advertising is to let everybody
who buys clothingthat is all mankind here
about know that our suitings are in, and the
finest ever displayed in the city. You are
respectfully invited to call and see the latest
in patterns and styles.
Call and leave your order.
Star Block, opposite Harper house.
i Latest
Novelties ...
In all the leading shades for the coming sea
riving daily.
1 14
Cyclone Roller Mills and
Jobber in Flour and Feed.
W. Secicl Street. DAVEIP3BT. I9WJL

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