OCR Interpretation

Rock Island Argus. (Rock Island, Ill.) 1893-1920, October 27, 1896, Image 4

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Published DsHy and Weekly at MM feeoad
A1sas, took Island, m. IXatend attbeaosv
oflM m sscoad-ciass utter.
TBRKB Daily, 10 cents per wsek. Weekly.
tl.OD pet sanam; la advance S1.S0.
All cwnmnnleatloM of a critical or auuaieuta
tlv character, political or religions, mast have
real mm attached for publication. No nek
article win be prlated over acttUous thraatarea.
Oorretpondeaee solicited from every township
Boo fc Island county.
Tuesday, Octobkb 2. 1896.
For President,
of Nebraska.
For Vic President,
of Maine.
State Ticket.
aovernor Joan P. Altgeld
Lieut. Governor Mohroe C. Crawford
Secretary or State Finis K. Dowwihg
Auditor A. LMiiwbu,
Treasurer E. C. Pacb
Attorney General .....Gbobob A. Thuds
University Trustees Has. Julu Holmes
Smith, R P. Moboab, N. W. graham.
Representative 33d Dint... Willi am McEsibt
For Member of Congress Tenth District....
William R. Hoobi
For Pretldestlal Elector K. W. Hckst
Coaaty Ticket.
Clerk of the Court LociaO. Jahks
State's Attorney Charles Bupobd
Coroner Dr. Gbobgb E. Merbtmah
Surveyor A. E. Job i son
I Believe the straggle now solof ra la
this country and other countries for a sin
f Sold standard, would. If successful,
produce widespread disaster la the end
throufbout the world. The) destraetloa of
silver as money and establishing (old as
the sole anlt of value most have a ruinous
effect oa all forma of property except those
lavestaente which yield a Used return la
meesy. James O, Blaine. (Congressional
Baeord, paces S20 to 882, 187SJ
One week from today will settle it.
So the Union has pone into the
hennery business. There will be
none to dispute that the Eighteenth
street breed is the Shanghai.
The deductions on the part of the
Union as to what is going on in the
democratic party are quite refresh
ing, when it is considered that they
come from a paper that never knows
what is happening in its own party.
Yalb, which was disgraced this
year for the first time in its history,
has been the alma mater of the bear
ers of some of the most famous
names in the country's history, but
the less distinguished institution at
Jacksonville, 111., is to produce the
man of the hour this year.
The New York World's corre
spondent declares that Bryan's jour
ney through Indiana shows him to
be a born leader of men. This is
something of which the average citi
zen was aware long before it was
discovered by the New York World,
remarks the" St. Louis Republic.
In view of that most elegant
phraseology which the Union adopts
in referring to The Abgcs as a hen,
the suggestion may be pardonable
that the morning paper is the only
one according to history which has
set now for nearly a quarter or a cen
tury on porcelain eggs expecting
them to hatch.
The Union has fallen completely
into the ways of the general run of
republican papers this year. As a
matter of course it was late catching
on, but the force of its argument to
day, anent the exact reproduction of
the London Financial New's article
in Toe Abgcs of Sunday is fraud!"
fabrication!' falsehood!"
Now that the exact reproduction has
been published of articles appearing
in the London Financial News, which
are so damaging to the anti-bimetal
lie efforts and which have conse
quently been denounced as forgeries
and all that kind of thing, the repub
licans are oesiaring tbat the articles,
the authenticity of which have been
established, are not the ones they
mean. And the Union of this city is
of coarse one of the papers so charg
ing. Anere are none so blind as
those who won't see.
Even newspaper men," says
Newspaperdom, "indulge in exhibi
tions of foolishness, but in no wav
do they make such ludicrous specta
cles of themselves as when they in
stitute libel snits against each other.
One wnnld think that it . is about
enough for publishers to be so fre
quently victimised by persons who
imagine they have a grievance,
without themselves going to law
gainst their fellows." Yes, that is
o. The lamentable example which
is set occasionally in Book Island
should be sufficient to disfuat any
member of the profession, and set
him against making a spectacle of
himself for the publie to grin at.
Dr. Claudius B. Kinyon enjoys that
unenviable distinction single handed
and alone in Rock Island at the pres
ent time.
One of the most novel of all the
election bets yet heard of has been
made at Coalton. Ohio, between Rev.
John Oiler, the local Baptist pressh
er, and David Armstrong, Jr., a
prominent coal operator. If Mc
Kinley is elected president Rev.
Oiler agrees to preach a sermon with
his coat, vest and trousers turned
wrong side out. If Bryan is elected
Armstrong agress to attend church
with his habiliments wrong side out
and hear Rev. Oiler preach. A writ
ten agreement waa signed and f 10
forfeit has been placed.
Tbxbjc are a few ministers of the
gospel who are not working hand in
giove wun boo ingersoll and Herr
Most politically this year and Dr. J.
6. Evans, of Abingdon, well known
in this city, is one of them. A dis
patch says: "Dr. J. G. Evans, pres
dent of Hedding college, has come
out for Bryan and free silver. Dr.
Evans took a very active part in the
late national prohibition convention,
and is known as the leader of his
party in the west. He is now doing
noble work for Bryan. His espousal
of the silver cause will bring many
votes to Bryan from the ranks of the
One of the most practical hygenic
journals published is "Health-Culture."
issued quarterly at 311 Fifth
avenue. New York. The last issue
opens with an article on Insomnia"
by Dr. Felix L. Oswald, followed bv
"Fruit as Food Medicine" by Dr.
Benjafield. In the "Cycling for
Health" department is a very ex
haustive and finely illustrated arti
cle on bicycle saddles in fact all the
contributions are timely and inter
esting and may be read with profit
by all classes. The price of "Health
Culture" is only 50 cents per annum.
If the gold standard and the Wall
street clique have their way wheat
will go to 25 cents a bushel. Read what
John I. Webster, the leading Repub
lican orator of Nebraska has to say
about cheap wheat:
"The silver coinage men tell us that
free coinage will advance the price of
wheat to what it formerly was, or
nearly so. They tell us that wheat 'will
sell for $1. Suppose it does. I want to
ask them whether the people of Ne
braska are most interested in high
wheat or cheap wheat. In our state
perhaps 25,000 farmers raise wheat Cay
tnat each of those farmers has a fam
ily of five, that makes 125.000 people In
Nebraska interested in high prices for
wheat. But how about the 850.000 oth
er people in Nebraska who buy wheat
flour? Are they not interested tn hav
ing cheap wheat? I leave it to them
whether this JelTcrsonian bimetallism
to raise the rrice of wheat is what they
It certainly Is. Mr. Webster Is mis
taken when he assumes that the people
of the United States favor the Impov
erishment of the farmers. They want
the farmer to have a fair price for his
wheat, and the workman to have a fair
wage for 1 !s toil. Gold monometallism
means cheap wheat, low wages, cheap
men, foreclosed mortgages, ruined
homes, and the death of the republic
Show me a man who manes anoney out
of tegislatloa and I wUI show yaw a mna
who abuses the people wheat they want
Ir(Ulatlon for themselves. W. J. Bryan.
Silver or Nothing.
The following serves to show how the
United States treasury meets its obli
gations, and is the nature of an object
"Constable William Swinburn Is an
ex-soldier. He is also a pensioner.
"This morning Mr. Swinburn received
a check for J36. this being the amount
due him each three months. He car
ried the check to the treasury depart
ment and asked the official to give him
either United States greenbacks or
gold. He explained that he wanted to
send the money to Toronto, Can., and
that there was a 10 per cent, discount
on our silver in that country. He could
not afford to lose $3.60.
"The gentleman behind the screen
Informed him that it was not possible
to comply with his request. It was a
case of silver or nothing.
"Mr. Swinburn concluded not to ac
cept the latter, at least temporarily, and
carried his check away."
And Mr. McKinley (free silver advo
cate until the St. Louis convention)
says that no money is too good for an
old soldier. They paid him greenbacks
during the war. The government pays
him silver now. J. Pierpont Morgan
has the gold.
Show me a man who has saade aaaaey
n of wajoss taws, and he wlli deny lecte.
tntloa can be of tea at to any Wdy W. .
Always In the history of the world
the men who have attacked the poses
sors of special privileges, the leaders
who have ranked humanity higher
than wealth, have met the charge of
demagogy. Cromwell and his followers
were demagogues In the estimation of
the lords and gentlemen of England.
Jefferson met bravely the reproach of
demagogy when, as a member of the
Virginia house of burgesses. he
checked, as he believed for the time,
the development of an American aris
tocracy by prohibiting laws in recog
nition of entailment and primogeniture.
The world has never harlmred more
conspicuous demagogues thr.n William
Lloyd Garrison and Wendell rhillips.
nor in the crisis of today are the pros
perous tory merchants of Boston more
harmoniously united in antagonism to
the men who are fighting for the free
dom of all labor than were they in 1S5S
to those who preached from dingy
printing offices and on street corners
the revolutionary doctrine that black
men should not be enslaved. New
York Journal.
What you need is something; to
onre yon. Get Dr. Kay's Reaorator.
And This Is CaoMMrard an fi
f the Itrad at Egta.
Boston, Oct. 87. Advices from Harpoot,
Eastern Turkey, received in Boston con
firm dispatches to the Associated Press In
regard to the extent and barbarity of the
recent massacre at Kgin. These advices
state that many of the dead were left la
the streets for days as the food for doss,
and large numbers were thrown into the
Bodies were seen Hosting dowa the river
forty and fifty miles below the city. In
some eases whole families were obliterated.
Exact statistics, of course, cannot be given
now. but it Is feared that S. Out is an under
estimate. All the testimony at hand con
curs in snowing that the massacre was of
ficial and that it was wholly without
A not Err Bprelal Cnmpaiga Party.
Manistee. Mich.. Oct. 27. A party of
gold standard advocates, consisting of
Rufua F. Sprague. national Democratic
candidate for governor: ex-Governor
Thomas M. Waller, of Connecticut:
Colonel John P. Irish, of California:
ex-Representative Charles D. Haines,
of New York: Postmaster John J. En
right, of Detroit, and others have be
gun a tour of Michigan In a speclaf
train and accompanied by a big band of
music from Grand Rapids. Extremely
large and enthusiastic meetings were
held at Mackinaw City. Petoskey, Tra
verse City and this cty.
The Armenian Immigrant Problem.
New York, Oct. 27. When the nartv of
1 Armenians arrived on the Hamburg
liner VAiuornia on Thursday nlirht
taken to Ellis island Sunday they were
found to possess an average of $5 each.
They were sent to join their countrymen
in the detention room, and now Dr. Sen.
ner finds himself eon fronted with a very
serious piobleni. In order to legally land
tnc majority or mesa persons bonds will
be necessary. On the other hnnd If the
bonus aro not for:hcoming and the Ar
menians are sent back, Ir. Son ner be
lieves it will he almost equivalent to sign
ing their death warrant.
Political Fight 1. on Again.
Boston. Oct. 27. At a meeting of the
Democratic state executive committee
yesterday a committee appointed to
bear the flag of truce to the Bryan-Sewall-Williams
faction of the party
reported that all overtures had been
rejected by George Fred Williams. In
view of Williams' position Judge Cor
coran, who previously resigned the
chairmanship of the state committee
In the Interest of harmony, has with
drawn his resignation, and a fight
which seemed nearly ended is on again.
Will Co Into an Iaqnt.lt Inn.
Washington, Oct 27 The joint select
committee ere itctl at the last session of
congress to investigate and report upon
the question of the use of alcohol free of
tax In the manufactures ami arts, has
prepared a series of interrogatories which
will lie distributed throughout the coun
try to such parties as are thought to be in
terested in the question.
"ne Killed and Fonr lludly Hart.
Shamokin, Ta.. Oct. 27. Hy the running
away of a mine car on the Mid Valley col
liery railroad yesterday Peter Gulirk, a
miner, was killed, his brains liclng dnhcd
out against a telegraph pole, and John H.
Hubiot, Andrew Gerlx-r. James Trewitt
and Michael Dutchke, laliorcrs, sustained
injuries that may prove fatal.
Miter Party Is Ruled Oflt
Jeffersan City, Mo., Oct. 7. The state
supreme court, sitting en banc, decided
that the Silver Party's state ticket cnnld
not he printed on the offk-lal ballots. The
Silver Party ticket was made np of the
Democratic presidential electors and the
Republican state ticket.
Kew York I'innm-ml.
New Yob a. Oct SB.
Honey on rati flrtn at s per cent.;
prime mercantile paper. 79 per cent;
sterling exrhanse ttwr, with an sal bast
new in banker' hills at MVt,4i for de
mand and 4S14 14Mif for sixty days: posted
rates. 48i4tHi aai M&4M; commercial
bills. 479.
Silver certificates. 6H: rales, 8.090; bar
silver. 65: Mexican dollars. Au.
United States government bonds lower:
4's registere-i. UHH; do coupons, 117; ft's
registered. 110; do coupons. Ill: s's reg.
htered. 107: do. coupons, 1J; zs registered,
S3; I'atific S's of tC. 101.
Detroit Grain.
Detroit. Oct. W.
Wheat Cash white, TTtjc; cash red, 77c;
December. suvc: liav. Mr.
Chicago Grain nad Pradnea.
Chii aoo. Oct SB.
Following were the quotations on the
Board of Trade today: October, opened
nominal, closed STtic; December, opened TJc,
closed ;uc: Hay. opened ;c, closed iV.
Corn October, oponei and cloned nominal;
December, opened 4H'. closed 4-v;
May. opened &4c eloaei BHx Oats Oc
tober, openei and closed nominal: De
cember, opened 1414c. clowd lSc; May.
opened 2114c. closed 21Sc Pork December,
opened $7.1(1. close.1 S7.Ua. January,
opened 7.:4. closed S7.9SH. Lard Decem
ber, opened St 7M. closed .8i; January,
opened S4.S0, closed 4.3Si.
Produce Butter: Extra creamery ISc per
lb: extra dairy. 17c; fresh packing stork.
7 iite. Ezgs Fresh stock. 1TVC per dus.
Poultry Turkeys. SISV per lb; chickens
(hens). SV-: spring chickens. Sine; rooiters,
r: duck s. 7.4 ftStec: geese. $4.(iU2i30. Potatoes
Burbanks. sy&tte per bu; Hebron. 1&
30r. Sweet potatoes Illinois, tl (Oil 25 per
bbl Honey Whito clover. 13j,le per lb;
broken eombs. llr: extracted, ifr. Ap
ples Common to fancy. soc.Sl 7i per bbL
Chicago Live Live Mark.
Chicac.o. Oct n.
Live Stock Prices st the I'nion Stock
yards today ranged as follows: Hngs Esti
mated receipts for the dsv. SJ.rtsj; sales
ranted at SS.50A2JM pigs. ntit3.Su bsht.
S3.6a.T3U rough parking. $.1 3".&A) mixed,
and X2a&3.Sj heavy packing and shipping
Cattle Estimate I receipts for the day:
1.1,5111-. quotations ranged at t4 .754.10 choice
to extra shipping steers, gooi to
choice do, St.U)4.4U fair to gooi. S3.4U&3.S3
common to medium do. $4 4irt3.l buK-hers
steerm. Si 30rgJ.au stackers. S3.JS&3.70 fenders.
SI aiQd.40 cows, t.403a.ft beifer. l.TSraS.n
bulls, oxen and stags. Si.St3.U Texas steers.
tW33.j western rangers, and SJ.U-Ki4.00
veal calves.
Sheep and Iambs Estimated receipts tor
the day. 10 u: amies ranged at 110021 19
western, Sl.5)Kj.-.uTexaas. Jl.cOli natives,
snl Ji liitso lambs.
SS-2My. S84M7; wild.
Potatoes, new lSOSSc
Banar-rair ta castea, Uc;
KfSB Fresh, 14c.
Turkeys Se.
Doeka 7e-t-t.
-tisrs pay far ears fed
r;.--"" savfera, t
RUUIflU aaa snaflaT fmsplslsW.
w bMAMA-) aYe O
iWsrMnauawidl WnasreMyi
lair aemnne with Trade Stark AbcSmt.
id. aarmerSfaSU rWIMU, krw I arm
s' I J.7r9.
IS Branca Hassan QwaOlaw lists,
ITl iisani I I as
ki-tsutrrm is 4
. araivBM. rai mm jsss.
X X laBaS. 1S S. road ae
A a ock false - V.
Jftsrrinsts jf
S, ancsi I SSI 1 S)
at mmnmunnnnnnnBnTBBamml
If your siri leave you at dinner.
Why your pltrtil la nut w baa.
Xcm eaa iu-4 call np Tns Ad.rv
A ad put ia a little ad.
la the evening tell your aualiand
You are Jul a Utile late.
A ou can hire S arirl at S o clock
To ret supper -anile yuu wait
v v
: Son,
Vlavl office. 4s and 47. McMaaua build
ing. Davenport.
omee by eolieve oludenl. Call ur ad
dress. -N. N." AaotsoOice.
el t lev Kiom per fla . tMly nr senile,
nan. Call at R;iaiti.n Free company. 1,2
Second avenue, from I to p. m
family. Tm verr plea-ant mm,: well
lighted ami bested. Telephone. ga and hath
nxim: best ol location, inquire vt M.. An.r
ST a month salary or lam eommasnoa
selliag staple goods by sample todealr-a Kx.
, . ...wwiy. ni v. rtouaenoal
Specialty company, 77 W. fourth avast, cia
oiaaau, Onlow
V eta. tlanneh. aed a inter mnabxlireet IriNa
our in IN to the retail trade. th avln aier
cbantn the jobber and emimloa bou
("J.'lr",, yberaleotnmi4oi. Audre-. Hchuyl
kiU Mills, bus iikj, l-hiliMlelphla.
. ho to ertrretavmd for pleamire. or
nWITnl Sa WlahtsW Sa . . . k
- -- - join ae aamera
plil Coireapooding Hureaa. SrUea. tblo.
fiend tarn .... jt .
. , ..H .nov-at. pwra t-nio.
1 cent stamp f. -e descriptive elrenlvr.
W. &; iioea. luck bug Salem, Ohio.
fwen't'S.rree? ' APP" 53
NmciceVlh street1""'
traily Hieatrd ami ha- mouera Improve
ments. Apply to Kcaly UroaT ra ttx.pr,s
S convenient to bune center a-i-n a,i
aater beat. AddreaaX. Y. IV. Aar-unVoT
heat acce to hath: eentr.it. i--.r
SltB or aittiaut hnant A ...I . .
r- K
A brick notrar la Booth Hock Ulaad. UmZ
of oordon Li' CM-
ajtUK HAI.K I1TA ON FV aci.a
M. mknt hlv hmrtvaawsstei If J -a a '
poit sale-nxr. sfixii hand hard
cheap. A. D. Sprrry. Telephone IIJS.
r aire K.ehsco-ot, a Itovinrton perfect for.
from ,nVW',L"m:r V'."
jySEASES of Eja, Ear,
Nose, Throat, Lungs,
Stomach, Skin aad Blood.
Rupture, cared without ass
of knlf
ROOMS 3 and 17. Meat anna
Building, corner Second
nnd Main tract, Darenport,
aWaa.toUaa.nnd S to
p. a. KTaaiaca, Wadaea
js nnd Satardara, 7 to p.
Snndajs, t to I p. mv.
Yonuo a
Presidential Pie
rsaa.s . " Ak
Wilt sm be rut, ana in about mm
wvek wtU tell whether McKinley
Itrjan gets the prize. htt
ali for the deriding day to
the Fall ana W Inter XovrtUr we
are slowing la CVmks, Jackets ami
riirs. TDe) 're worthy -roar ex
am I nation now.
This week's special la Cloaks
will clean np many odd Iota. Gwme
n-iake yctir arlrclirat now as Ore
Is at least SS per rent saving a
""T gsntient We ofler. Note
ilecrlrttot, and price.
Cloaks, Jackets tnd Furs.
Secured at a rrcat bmivsla a naa-
bfaotnrer's entire saronla lina of
ch I Urea's and ralssrs cloaks and
jackets. Space sad tin will not
permit a descriptloa of styles. i a si
llies and priors, as the Haw U So ex
teasite. laspertioa will renrince
the shopper tbat our stock is correct.
Usll sad
Our bonole lassie children's
plaid Jsckets with cap to
match, to be had oaly here. . f S.7
Lsdirs Jackets in naej blue
and black, new sleeve, boa
front, velvet collar, feecy
bat ton a. would look cheap
nt ti; this week nt 1
Ladies' black and nary double
cape. French seal, far trim
med on upper cap aad down
tbe front, appliraed on collar
and down the front, worth
G 76; this week fl &o
Ladies' beaver cape ia black
aad brown, appliraed with
silk velvet daru a beauty,
second shipment, worth .0
this week f &9
Flush capes (Salts twrfecUnn
seal plash.) 20 laches long.
130 sweep, silk lined a hum
mer for ir&0, this week ft 9
PrashcapeX! Inches long. Mi
inch sweep, foil tibbit
trimmed on collar aad down
tbe front, embellished with
aiik son tack braid, jet trim,
betutifol scroll deafens all
sisea. should bo fit 60, this
week f9.
Black coney far cape. 30 laches
loo (j and UD iarh sweep;
black satin lined all sisea,
should be 112.00, this week. ..$7.7
Crockery Department
Our Klatswar sain this week will
surpass anjtbiag tbst we ba-e ever
attempted in this line. Just thiak
of it, a fresh new line of glassware
at less than factor prices. We hare
quoted very low prices before, but
never anything like this. We have
put this ware ia two lots at a and 10c
for each article as follows:
Koond salads, each 6c
Covered butterdishes, each .... 6c
Covered sajrsr bowls, each.. .. 6c
Orval bread plates, each 6c
Spoon-holders, each 6c
Pickle dishes, each 6c
Bowles (Mdm) each 6c
Water pitchers, each 6c
Salad dishes, ft-iach. each 19e
Salad dishes. 9-lachee, each.... 10c
Celerr stands, each 10c
i-gahon water pitchers, each., lr
Large cake travs. each , 10c
Large foaled beads, each 10c
Cake stands, each 1
Comports, 8-Inch, each 10c
When you want.
.v -iav. n ' s
B:ctro-Gc!d String Pianos
ES"1, 1r on taooonnt f Merit. Whrever
pnblinlj eahlbliwd tn out.oUUo. the nave Isrart.tjy roroived
At the IntmaUcwal F.ahlMUon nt Crrstal ralam. T la ier.1
In 174. Kr"ka" lMW-te in rhUadelphi. 1. Hs, d njain
a. It aVr.lV Vrm York In lewt.
At the Marvlaad taetltete ta ItalUmorw In lt.
At the International tCshlMUon In .b.tled0U tn IS7t,
Tub Sciiomack.ee Iuxos seceived the UicutsT Awards
uou oonrorrocner run tn tns an at
Wallace's Music
IWson Roadster 3565
Wilson Special 3550
Honest Value for Your Money.
A Large Proportion
of the tnercbant tallorlnir basl
nces of Rock lalaad etAMi enr
waj. not nrithont reason, for we
famish not only the Ur(et nnd
beet stock of material for salts,
troasers nnd overcoats, bat be
caase we hsve n practical ao
nopoly in the art of cnttlnf nnd
CtUnj. If jon nee n stylish nnit
yon may be ecrtnla UOPPE
made It,
A suit that vU be a l,ummer
for st) If. (it aod workman
ship, Dora's it the ilce to
fco. He it up to the tlrrr
koows whet e to buy the fnb
rics at tbe right i-ricri ara
how to cut thf m to a st1inh lit.
lilt suit! and top and heavy
overcoats are what dressy men
are looking for. In snaking up
he leads them all, and you iet
your mom y's worth In trimming.
Drn't fcrget to look at Dora's
line before you order.
DORN THE 'r-aVir-on
Store 'BB?8
sa Tm tUmmt sa4 Umm $t t
Relay Bros.
Real Estate.
Insurance and Loans.
eoosa a, ntiVtieU Lve tiV.,.

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