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Rock Island Argus. (Rock Island, Ill.) 1893-1920, December 16, 1898, Image 5

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the ABaxrs, Friday, December ig, i89s;
While There s Life
There's Soap
And hundreds of other tiling you can save
money on at Shields' Cash Grocery. There is
not so much of a secret in saving money on
your grocery bills, but the main thing is to trade
where ycu know the tendency is to keep prices
down, and where you get satisfactory treatment.
Such a place is Shields' Cash Grocery.
Fresh Rye Flour, per sack 32c
Freeh Kye Meal pr sack 28c
Dr. I'ric' baking Powder, per lb 3c
Schepp's Snrtdcd Cocoanut, rer lb . . 17Xc
Baker's Chocolat , per lb 35c
Home-made micce meat, per lb 10s
Japan Tea, per lb 25c
New Navy Ians, tIx quarts 25c
NewDed IVm, s'x nuaits 25c
Fancy Bolk O.Ives, ier quart 22c
Gold Dust Washing Powder, per
package Gc
Tatent Flour, pe t at:k bc
Saner Kraut, per gl!ou 15c
Washing powder, per package 02c
Elf ten bars U. N. O. Soap 25c
Alatka Salmon, per caa CWe
Mixed Nut per pound 11c
Four X Coffee, per package 10c
Kio Cofle , per lb 10 and 12Ke
Three Pound Can Raspberries' 10c
Tlttfe I'ound Can Blackberries 10c
Four Gam JSS Tack, Swett Com 25c
To Cans Puaipklns 15c
To Cans Red Kidney Ueans 15c
Three Pound Can Wax Beans 09c
Peas, per Can. 5. 7, and 09c
Complexion Soap, three Bars In a Box. 09c
Phone 1217.
000 Fifth Ave
A '99 Bicycle Free
To the person presenting the largest list of
names of Rock Island bicycle riders, giving
their street and number, also name and
number of the wheel they ride, will be given
a ' model bicycle listed at $6o. All lists will
be thoroughly examined and any one found
containing ficticious names will be thrown
rut. Contest closes New Year's Day at 6
o'clock p. m. All list must be mailed to
202 Eighteenth street,
Rock Island.
A Healthy Child
J I 1 L
fT I fr
Lives in a hcuse that has
good plumbing. If the
plumbing is not perfect
the little fellow cannot be
healthy. When there is
anything the matter with
the pipes in your house
send for us.
112-114 West
Seventeenth Street.
Rock Island Savings Bank,
Rook Island. III.
incorporated Voder the
State Law.
roar Per Cent Paid on
J M. Itufonl president.
Jotn Crubau.h, Vice FrldB
P. Orerciwalt. Ca&faier.
Bhu bus)?ea Jul . jwu. act! occupy th
S. fci corner of Mitchell A Ljmde a
new bulidicg.
II. s. Cab'e. Win. VVUmertoD
Jotn Cruhaugb. Fbtl Mile tell,
H. I". Hull. L. Simon.
El W. Hunt. J- M. Buford
John Volk.
Solicitors Jaekaov Ham
W. Goulder, of Rock Island,
Knows Something About
the Druce Case.
rromls-l a l:icb Kewaril if III Testi
mony Will Asalst In o Favorable Vt-r
allrt in the Cir, titt-b In to He Tried
ltefore tbe House of Lords In London'
Kdc-i Next March.
Rock Island mav contribute impor
tant testimony at the trial of the cele
hrated Druce case that conies lefore
the house of lords, iu London, F.n.
next March. The probable witness is F
W. (ioulder, an employe of the Iewis
Roohn; company, who claims to be iu
possession of facts that will be mral
uablc to Mrs. Annie Maria Druce. who
is contesting the dukedom of Port
land in buiialf of li-jr son. Goulder is
in communication with Mrs. Druce,
and in her last letter to him she tells
him that he will ls richlv rewarded in
case he assists in a termination of the
proceedings favorable to her. She
offers to forward i.500 to defray the
expenses of his trip to London.
As those who havefollowed the his
tory of the case in the newspapers are
informed. Mrs. Druce is the daughter-in-law
of the late Thomas C Druce,
wuo, she asserts, was ui fact and in
law the fifth duke of Portland. She
claims that his alleged death and
burial under tue name of lruce were
deceptions and that be lived and
finally died, after having leen under
the care of Dr. Forbes NVinslow, iu a
lunatic asylum, as Dr. Harper. Her
son, who she asserts is the rightful
duke of Portland, has been until re
cently a domestic servant. Accord
ing to Uuike's peerage, William
John Cavendish .Scott Rcntinck
the fifth duke of Portland.
died unmarried, Dec. 16, 1U7, ami
the dukedom passed to his cousin.
William John Arthur Charles James,
the tie facto duke, who was born Dec.
2H, 1S."7. and married Miss Winnifred
Dallas-Yorke. A recently published
estimate of the duke's rent roll placed
it at soiiiethiog like JL 100.000 a year
A Nurse In tlie Asylum.
(ioulder says he was a nurse at the
asylum in which Thomas C. Druce
spent his last days ami was Ins at
tendant until a short time previous to
his death, and that he was registered
at the institution as Dr. Harper.
Goulder also says he is in possession
of inside facts concerning Druce's do
mestic life, all of which he savs sut-
staritiates the claims set up by Annie
.daria Druce.
Funerals of Sauiael f. Cooke and C. I
The funeral of Samuel F. Cooke
occurred from the United Presbyter
ian church at 10 o'clock this morning.
Rev. D. L. McXary, the pistor.
officiated, and delivered a touching
sermon. Miss Mary Ralston and Miss
Jessie Bogue sanjj hymns. Miss Lona
Terrell presiding at the organ. The
pallbearers were 1. 11. 1 nomas. J.
R; Johnstan, J. D. Waroock, W. L.
Aster and R. A. Donaldson and S. II
Montgomery, of Moline. Interment
was made at Chippiannock cemetery.
Miss Belle Flemming. came from Pitts
burg, where she had been visiting, to
attend the funeral.
Funeral services for C. P. Hengstler
were held at Masonic Temple at 2
o'clock this afternoon and were in
charge of Barrett chapter, A. F. & A.
-M. Kev. 1. . l.raiton otliciated.
The pallbearers were Henrv Carse.
John Crubaugh, S. L. Allars, C.
Schneider. John Warner and David
Don. The remains were interred in
Miss hva Denison, niece of ex-Postmaster
Henry Clark, of Hampton,
died at the latter's residence, where
she made her home, at 5 o'clock this
morning. Tht funeral will take place
Sunday from the Congregational
church, of which she was a member
and organist.
Andrew Kittilsen, farther of Chief
of Police Ed Kittilsen, of Moline, died
yesterday of cancer, aged 72 years
He was a mem Iter of the Rock Island
County OKI Settlers' association.
The remains of Mrs. Bernard Mar
tin, a former resident of Rock Island,
and who died in Chicago, are to be
brought here for barial. The funeral
will occur from St. Joseph's church
at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning.
The infant child of Mr. and Mrs.
Henrv Nicholson, of Fourteenth street,
died this morning.
Messrs. Montrose and Mrllofh Open tbe
Peoria National Mid a Blase ot ;lory.
The National hotel at Peoria, under
the proprietorship of J.E. Montroseand
Charles Mcllugh, and Mr. Montrose ;
direct management, was brilliant!
opened last night. lue 1'eoria pa
ners of this morning are full of the
particulars of t-he event, aud the Her
aid in connection with an extended
write up publishes cuts of Messr
Montrose and McHugh.each of whom
is given au elalxtrate send off. 'T
opening banquet and bail were line
aff.iirs. The banquet was a most en
joyable affair, covers leing laid for
12a. 1 he decorations were dainty
and in harmony with the lovely furn
ishiogs of the new hotel.
M. Kingman, who acted as presi
lent of the evening, announced th
following siteakers who responded, all
in a haimv and brilliant manner, to
Col. Clark E. Carr '-Indian Corn'
President of the American Maize
Dr. John E. Bradlev "Twentieth
Century City" President of Illinoi
college. Jacksonville, 111.
'l)r John II. Fiuley "The Modern
College President as a Traveler"
President of Knox college, Galesburg
A Glimpse of Peoria
Years Past" Phila
L. L. Day
for Thirty-five
delphia. Pa.
Dr. Charles A
ami the New"
Blanchard 'TheOlt
Presideut Wheaton
College. Wheaton, 111.
Letters and telegrams of regrets
were read by President Kingman from
distinguished men in Illinois, the lis
leing headed by Senator Cullom, Gov
Tanner and ex-Gov. Fifcr. The ball
concluded tie festivities.
Kork Islauder iets In on first Money a
Watvon's l'ark.
The last of the scratch shooting
events at Watson's park. Chicago, in
which several of Rock Island's marks
men are participating, were linished
yesterday, anil today began the
handicap affairs that are to end the
week's sport.
There were onlv three events yes
terday. J. J. Paddock, of this city.
was one f.f the eight contestants who
divided lirst money in the first shoot
at seven birds. He was also one of
ix to claim lirst money in the second
event at 10 birds.
Ed Nance has joined the Rock Isl
and shooters at the park.
at Har
St. Jo
It will
An interesting program well worth
vonr patronage at tho benefit concert
at Hariier s theatre tonight. 1 he
best voices in the thre cities will par
The most notable assemblage of
musical talent tiiat has been heard in
Rock Island in years wijl be
iter's theatre tonight at the
seph's school benelit concert.
be a treat for music lovers.
At the present rate of sale in Rock
Island, Moline and Davenport, it will
be impossible to get a copy of "Rock
Island Arsenal: In Peace and iu
Har," by the 1st ot January, it is
now sold by Kingsbury aud by Cramp-ton.
A peace jubilee sociable is to bo
given this evening at the First M. E.
church. It. promises to be a patriotic
as well as pleasant affair, and all
memlters of Couipanv A ami the
Naval Reserves are invited to itc pres
Sailor John King, of the Moline
Naval Reserves, is now in a hospital
at Brooklyn, but Ins wooden leg was
to be fitted last Saturday, and if it
works all right he will probably be at
bora? to eat his Christmas dinner.
King was the only Illinois naval re
serve that was seriously injured.
Ex-SheriiT Henry Quinn, of Henry
county, is now keeping hotel at Cam
bridge, having a few months ago pur
chased what was known as the Martin
house in that city, remodeled and
added to aud thoroughly refitted the
same. The new hostelry possesses
the pleasing name of "'Hotel Quinn."
Four island illustrations for a cent
la "Koclc island Arsenal: in 1 eace
and in War," a lteautiful and valua-
b'e new book, for sale by Kingsburv
and by Crampton. Special permis
sion of the war department was ou
tlined to make these views which are
ta be seen for the first time in this
A pioneer resident of Drurv town
ship. William Price, is dangerously ill
with pneumonia. Mr. Price s two
sous have only recently recovered
after a long siege of typhoid fever,
one having bee a member of Com
pany B, of Davenport, who fell ill at
Members of the Industrial Home Camp Cuba Libre and was nursed to
association are requested to meet at recovery at a hospital.
You will serve a double purpose by
the Home at 7:30 o'clock
Business of importance.
No other firm uses the method of
roasting employed bv Thomson
Tavlor Spice Co. on their "T.
T." brand coffee. It retains its flavor.
Isefal Christmas Gift.
A good sewing machine. We have
eTery kind made, from f20 up. Riei
ter's fur store, Davenport.
sending your eastern, western or
southern friend a copy of "Rock Isl
and Arsenal: In Peace and in War."
, ; The beautiful book will be an accepta-
g. ' ble precis, and it will call attention
to the courtry's greatest arsenal ana
its necessities. For sale in both
paper and cloth bindings by Kings
bury and Crampton. "
A Card.
We, the undersigned, do hereby
agree to rtfund the money onaio-'
cent bottle of Greene's Warranted
Hard Caal Coke Wood.
Indiana block. Athens lump and
nut, superior soft egg, cannel, hard Syrup cf Tar if it fails to cure your
wood and kindling. : cough or cold. We also guarantee a
E. B. McKown. ! 25-cent bottle to prove satisfactory or
: - " ' monev refunded.
When you ask for De Witt W"tck - Koecmitz.
Hazel Salve don't accept a counter- tyrT, r-.,..-
fcit or imitation. There are more Otto Ghotja.
J. W. Shannon, a Bridge Csr
penter, Has a Thrilling
Cnfortunate lses Ills llalance 'While
Stallone! on the false Work, soil Shoots
Down Feet Foremost, AllifHtlug; ou tbe
Ire Spine Seriously AfTeeted Takeu to
Ills Home.
J. W. Shannon, a carpenter in the
employ of the I benix Rridge com
panv, while engaged on the Crescent
bridge false work at 10:30 this morn
ing, fell a distance of 50 feet, alight
ing on the ice and sustaining injuries
the outcome of which is still in doubt
The unfortunate man was stationed
on the last span, aud the supposition
is he became overbalanced, losing his
hold and shooting downward, feet
foremost, striking on his heels and
then onthe'ltack. ' The shock tempor
arily deadeul'd his body and severely
affected the'spine.
Fellow workman carried Shannon
to his home. 701 Fourth avenue
where Dr. C. C. Carter was summoned
to care for him. 1 he doctor pro
nounced the case a grave one. aud
was unable to s.iy what the result
would be.
Shannon is an old-time oriugo car
penter, he and his wife i.rg her
last June with the Plnrnix company
Their home is in Sioux City, Iowa.
Mr. Shannon died at 3 o'clock this
Other Accidents.
Ed Forwinkle, residing on Twenty-
eighth street, this city, fell 'JO feet
from a slide at the 1 win-City Ice Com
paav's houses at Moline yesterday
afternoon, and dislocated his left
wrist and bruised his chest.
A Mr. Roseman, of Andalusia, hail
a serious accident on his way to Dav
euport yesterday. He was taking
chickens and produce to that city, and
on the way his team became frighten
ed and ran away, throwing him from
the wagon and seriously injuring him
He hail his ankle sprained and his
back injured in addition to a Ion
gash over his left eve.
Long Laid Low.
The Chicago Chronicle records the
fact that Bob Long, "the colored box
er from Davenport, was knocked uti
conscious by Frank Chi Ids, at the lat
ter's training quarters in Chicago
Wednesday, and did not recover for an
hour. He was boxing wit h Childs and
got too rough, so Childs let him have-
a good one on the jaw, and the whole
settlement was scared to death for an
hour for fear Bob would never wake
New Women's Shoe at 33.SO That is
Proper Thine tor Ladles' Wear.
We have taken the sole agency for
Sorosis shoes in this city, anil ladies
will find them lirst-dass and all that
is claimed for them. Styles which you
cannot duplicate any where. The Boston.
tiypnles Leave.
The gypsies that have becu giving
the Moline authorities no eud of trou-
: lately concluded their depreda
tions by attempting to rob the resi-
ence of Lieut. 1. W. Hunt, east of
Moline, on the river. Mr. Hunt heard
them and awoke the midnight echoes
bv firing a shotgun out of the win
dow. Had not the city authorities
given the band notice to leave, it is
said a vigilance committee would
iave taken matters into its own
lauds. The gypsies are now camped
outside Davenport.
The Modern Mother
Has found that her little ones are im
proved more by the pleasant Syrup of
Figs, when in need of the laxative
effect of a gentle remedy, than by any
other. Children eniov it and it bene
fits them. The true "remedy. Svrup
of Figs, is manufactured by the Cali
lornia Hg Syrup company only.
I Rings for
A Mammoth Sparkling Line
of New and novel Toys
Suitable for Children of all ages.
We will surprise you with the
great variety aud prices we have
to offer you. Hundreds of Dolls
from 10c to fri.&O. This line
must lte seen to lie appreciated.
. These are brand new babies and
net a cast away among them.
Doll Cabs, Go Carts, Bed
Dressers and Com.
Misses' Dishes Largest Line in the Tri-Cities.
This being our first holiday season in Toys, we are de
termined to make it a winner. Every Toy is New and
Up-to-Date. We invite your early inspection while the
assortment is complete." Remember, prices are at the
Leaders in Furniture and Carpets.
123-125 West Third Street.
f Christmas Clothing Furnishings, f
It is here you will find choice styles
and low prices . . .
' Suspenders,
i Shirts and Collars,
Fancy Hosiery,
Umbrellas and Canes,
Fancy Vests, (
? Boys',; Knee Pants
Suits and Overcoats, j
Dres and Top Over-
Boys' Suits and Over-
Children's Vestee J
Suits, J
Little Fellows' Reef-
f 1804 Second Avenue.
One Price
Dozens of People wa Turned Away
From our store because they could not be waited on. This store is
known as the
Rememlter, all of this season's shoes must go now. Prices must not
stand in the way. We will not carry over a single pair to next sea
son. WE ARK NOTED FOR LOW PRICKS. Our competitors ac
knowledge it. Uut beginning right now we will break all records.
Read prices below:
i U
Over 700 Rings to select
Prices are as low as we
can make them.
Men's heavy buckle arctics Bfte
Aien b velvet and imported alligator (nip
pers 49c
Men's 41.2.S shoes, all sizes, lace aud con
gress 88c
Laoies' warm shoes, size 3 to at WSc
IJttleGent's shoes, size t to 18, at a pair.. lc
Hoys' and Youths shoes, ize 1 to 5(4. at
a pair 7c
Child a calf and kid shoes, B'i to 1 1 75c
Men's IJNIOV STAMP Kboej, lace or
conjfress. SiftO value 1.73
Ladies' and Uents fine warm slippers a
lair BOa
We bavecbeaner.
Misses' and Child s fine warm Hllpp-rs at
a pair 30 mid 33a
Men fi, trso, f t. and shoe, odd
sizes 91.49
Mi&scs' cuif and kid shoes, 11 to i at.... HHo
cases of piles being cared bj tkis
than all others combined, i. Jd
Thomas, A. J. RIess ar.d M. F. Balm
sen. druggists. , ,
Bard Cm! Market. I
Ant brae e coal, til sizes, delivered
at 1 6.n0 per ton, for immediate de- '
every. E. G. Fkazxb.
J. Ramser,
Manufacturing Jeweler
and Optician. I's ex
amined iu a scientitic
i8 1 r
A Bessemer Acorn.
Carving Sets.
Carpst Sweepers.
Pocket Knives. '
Sleds and Skates.
Phil S. Wilcher's
Telephone 1276
303 Twentieth tree'

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