OCR Interpretation

Rock Island Argus. (Rock Island, Ill.) 1893-1920, April 29, 1899, Image 5

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn92053934/1899-04-29/ed-1/seq-5/

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Fat Facts for
Slim Pocketbooks
Have always been the potent factors that have
kept grocery buyers' attention centered on Shields'
Cash Grocery. This does not mean that it is all a
matter of price, but it means that the cardinal fea
tures of treating all equal and right has made it a
most satisfactory place to trade. There are al
ways things to take advantage of to keep patrons and
these make friends for the store. Read the offerings.
Good smoking tobacco per pound 20c
Nary chewing tottacco ptr pound 33e
12 bars Klik's satine ttp 25c
Graham flour ptr sack 20c
Wathing powder, per package 02c
Kleven bars V. N. O. Soap 25c
Alaska Salmon, per can c
Mixed Nut per pound He
Four X Coffee, per package 10c
Kio Coffee, per lb 10 and 12c
Three I'aond Can Raspberries . 10c
Three round Can II lack berries 10c
Four Cans 1898 Pack, Sweet Corn 25c
Two Cans Pumpkins 15c
Two Cans lied Kidney Beans 15c
Three round Can Wa B-ai,s 08c
IV as, per Can, 5, 7. and 09c
Complexion Soap, three Bars in a Box. 09c
10c sack salt per Back 05c
Four packages mince nuat 25
Freeh Kye Flour, per sack
Freeh Rye Meal per sack CSc
Dr. Price' Baking Powder, per lb ... . 39c
Schepp's Shreded Cocoannt, per . . l7Kc
Baker's Chocolate, per lb S5c
Japan Tea, per Jb 25c
New Ded Peas, six qaaits 25c
Gold Dust Washing Powder, per
package 76c
Kcameline 8c, 2 for 15c
Holland herring per keg 74c
Batter, per pound l'Ko
Corn starch per package 04c
Sarge sauer pickles per gallon 18c
5c sack salt per tack 03c
Phone 1217. 2C00 Flflh Ave
i ibm im I nil
1 lU 1 II u i up
730 Second avenue and 202 Eighteenth street, Rock Island.
m wm
Puritan Wickless Blue
Flame Oil Stoves are
the best, and most
economical Stoves to
be had for summer
cooking. It is abso
lutely safe andoder-less.
Jewel Smokeless Gener
ator and Process Gasoline
Stoves are the best, none
better in the city. Every
Stove is guaranteed to give
Call and examine our
line. No trouble to show
the goods.
Allen, -Myers & CowpanW
Oproslte Harper Honse. 1821 SEC05D 1TB
Reservoir Cornerstone Laid and
the Levee Formally
AddrMMi at Bluff Filtering riant by the
Executive and Mcwn. McKolry and
Uarcr Content of the Keeeptarle
Aid. Ltvhucl to Speak on the ltiver
Dedication of the two crowning im
provements of Major T. J. Medill's
administration the reservoir and the
levee occurred this afternoon.
The council, at the conclusion of a
brief session at the citj hall, repaired
to the new water supplj plant, the
members being conveyed in carriages.
Numbers of citizens had gathered,
when the exercises were begun at 8
o'clock with a selection !j Bleuer's
Hon. William McEniry. officiating
as master of ceremonies, said: We
have met here todaj for the purpose
of laving the cornerstone of one of
the "reatest public benefits of which
our city is possessed. The uppermost
ijuestio'n in the minds of the pro
gressive citizens of a progressive citj
Ts that of suppljing the public with
pure and wholesome water. Through
the generosity of that public benefac
tor and patriotic citizen, P. L. Cable,
deceased, the first step was taken bj
oar city to supplj us with the much
nccded purilied water. This was done
by this magnanimous gift to our city
of the present waterworks plant
which enabled the city to remove its
from the river without any sort of
iiltration whatever.
Siuce the installation of the filters
before mentioned, the water has been
partially filtered. The constant growth
of the citv, with its ever increasing:
demand for water, has long since cut
grown the capacity of the mechanical
inters. In tact, they nave capacity for
only .about one-third of the water
used, therefore the effluent must
naturally be of poor quality.
The use of these mechanical filters
nece:itates the pn in page of the water
twice: one from the receiving well to
the. filters and again from the dis
charging well to the customers.
Kedoctlon of Punipage.
Wha. is sought to be gained in a
financial way by the adoption of
the system now before us is to reduce
the pumpage of the water once and
bv use of the storage reservoir to rest
the pumping machinery one-third of
the time.
By this method we contemplate the
saving of $2,00 per annum in fuel
and fl.lOOin labor, oratotal of $.5,100
per year. To capitalize this saving at
an interest of live per cent perannuni
would give us a capital of f 62,000,
which amount is sutlicient to con
struct the entire plant, excepting the
watcrmains leading to and from the
The principal features embraced in
this plant consist of the sedimenta
tion, oration, filtration and storage
of 'water.
The river water is lirst received into
the pump wells through the intake
pi pes fro in the channel of the river and
pumped direct to the settling basins.
The water lirst enters into settling
basin No. 1 through the supply pipe.
which is projected above the water
level, thus a-rating the water as it
Hows over and descends into the basin
It then Hows from basin No. 1 iuto
-j .
pumping station from the jxduted
water from tlie lower enI or the city
to its pL-sent site. His sou, Hon.
Hen T. Cable, jmssessed of the same
public spirit and love for the city of
his home, presented to it a filtration
system, which at the time was re
garded as the most successful system
in operation, but as the population of
our citv increased, and as the demand
for larger quantities of water was
licing conotautlj made, it was soon de
monstrated that this then perfected
svstam was not suilicicnt to
meet the public demand. and
without detracting from this
great gift, jou gentlemen, the
present administration of the city of
Kock Island, realizing the great need
and the public demand of a more
eflicicnt and more complete fil
tration plant, solved the prob
lem bj the building of this
magnificent work, which the peo
ple of Kock Island for generations
will be-thankful to jou for. The public
oflieer who has the courage to carry
out his convictions irrespective of pub
lic opinion of what he believes to be
the best interests for the people is the
greatest benefactor and the most
trusted public servant. Your levee
improvement advertises our citj from
the source to the outlet of the great
Mississippi river.and it is to be hoped
that the incoming administration will
take up the great improvements that
vou have started and keep pace with
that which jou have done, and when
they lay down there charge and ac
count to the people that they will le
as well able to point to their past re
cord as being as successful as that of
Bsoon to Citizens la Hatter Coed It Ion of
Water Supply.
After a song by the Augustana col
lege quartet. Master of Ceremonies
McEniry introduced Mayor Medill.
Mayor Medill spoke as follows:
Ladies and Gentlemen: It has been
the boon of all good citizens of our
citj for jears past to improve the
condition of our water supplj bj not
only clarifying the water so as to
render it palatable, but to purify the
same by the removal of all organic
matter and the germs of disease which
it contains. The installation of the
great water improvement plant or
system of reservoirs now before us is
expected to accomplish this purpose.
This plant embraces all of the latest
approved principles used in the treat
ment of water fur municipalities and
when it is completed, it is claimed
(and I 1lieve successfully) there will
be no superior municipal water plant
in America.
It was the custom of the city pre
vious to the installation f the me
chanical filter row in ue atthe pulp
ing station, and which was so gener
ously donated to the city by Hon. lien
T. Cable to pump the water direct!
basin No. 2 over a weir 75 feet in
length, liy this .process the upper
layer of water Is skimmed ofT of basin
No. 1, leaving the greater part of the
sediment in this basin.- The water is
a in -crated in passing over the weir
to asin No. 2. lu basin No. 2 the sedi
mentation still continues until the
water is again skimmed from the top
and pascs through the pipes into the
sand filters.
The sand filters, as you will observe,
are three in number, with a capacity
of 3.000,0i0 gallons of filtered 'water
hi 24 hours.
Throtigli a Bed of Kami.
' The water percolates and passes
through a bed of four feet of sand and
one foot of gravel, from whence it is
c Tied by drains through regulating
cUiuIkts to the storage reservoir.
From the reservoir the city is sup
plied through a 20-inch pipe back to
the distribution system.
The inlet and outlet' pipes of the
settling basins are so arranged that
whenever it Income's necessary to
cleanse either basin, it can be cut out
of commission a d cleaned and the
other basin continued in use without
interruption of the service.
The sediment collected in the ba
sins will be Hushed, out into the
sewer and carried back into the river.
The filters are so constructed and
arranged that each one is entirely in
dependent of the others, having their
own controlling devices for regulat
ing and measuring the inflow and
outflow of water. This provision
makes its practicable to cleanse any
one filter while the others are in com
mission, and also to increase or di
minish the rate of filtration of any
filler without interfering with the op
eration of the others. j
The flow line of the reservoir is at
an elevation of 155 feet alove the
business portion of the city, which
consequently gives a head or pressure
of altout 75 pounds.
We do not claim any new or untried
features in the treatment of water in
this plant, for-the features of sediment
ation, aeration, filtration and storage
of water are old, yet this is the first
plant in America (and we know of no
other in the world) to combine all of
the features so mentioned, operated
by gravity. The London Engineering
News of England in its September
issue paid us the compliment of de
voting one and a half columns in ex.
planation of our plant.
Others Copy After
The city of Philadelphia procured
a copy of our plans and the board of
waterworks commissioners have re
rmu mended to that city the adoption
of the slow sand filtration. The
eittcs of Pilt-,burg and Heading, Pa., j
hare alo adopted the system. j
The actual coat of this great plant, !
that Is the amount expended and thej
complete the same, is I6I.36S.83. As
Hoped for Disposition of the
Levee Warehouse
If a Balldlnr U to be Krerted It Should be
Iteraane no Other Fair Solution Is Fens
Ible and It Should be for the I'se of All
Steamboats on tqual Tcriun and lender
the Control and Direction of the City.
The prospect of some definite dis
position of the levee warehouse uues
tion affords a source of gratification
to all who are anxious that the levee
should be preserved to the uses for
which it was olijjiuallv designed, and
for no other purposes. From the
first The Akgls has contended that
no building whatever should be al
lowed on the levee if it is possible to
avoid it, and it is still of that
opinion. Hut such a position is not
intended to carry with it a disposition
to be unreasonable, lhe levee im
provement was designed lirst of all
for the encourajment and betterment
of river traffic, as a whole. What
ever tends to make it what it should
be a matter of convenience and ad
vantage to all classes of steamboats
will contribute to the ends of which
it was intended. To give to any partic
ular company the right to erect a ware
house of its own there would not ful
fill the purpose of the levee, nor would
it be fair to other steamboat inter
ests. To permit the indiscriminate
erection of warehouses on the levee
would be manifestly unfair to the city
and toailiWho have contributed to
the beautilication of the river front.
While the feature of attractiveness in
appearance was one of the main ob
jects in providing the improvement,
and one that has been attended bv the
jiving to the city the handsomest
levee on the river, it was not intended
that the levee was to be something
purely to look upon. It is for busi
ness purposes, not for any particular
steamboat interests, but for all alike,
aitd as far as the city is concerned, it
is sought that all share alike tuerc.
aud it is not proposed that in order
that all shall have like privileges the
levee lie dotted with all kinds of ware
houses to suit the tastes and conven
iences of rival interests.
Muxt be of Independent Control.
It is. therefore, ouite apparent that
if the council discovers a warehouse
is justifiable, aud that a wharfboat
will not answer the purpose, as seems
now to be the opinion, that either an
independent enterprise or the city.
according to Capt. Streckfus' idea.
will have to provide a common ware
house aud control it. I his much
every stamboat owner who comes to
Kock Isbuid may as well understand.
which is that the feeling of the
public here is back of the council.
that no special privileges be accorded
on Kock Island's new levee, ami all
boats which tom-h here will do busi
ness in a common warehouse if one is
to be built. Thk Aiait'U believes in
being fair with the steamboat inter
ests, but under no circumstances
and under no conditions that any
river interests may impose would
it favor giving a steamboat com
pany the right to control a
warehouse on the new levee. Let us
treat them all alike whatever we do,
and those who come here to do busi
ness will be obliged to comply with
the conditions as they exist. Kock
Island-owes something to herself in
this matter, and that is lirst of all to
treat all with uniform fairness, and
then to protect from disfigurement
the improvement which she has pro
vided after these many years of effort.
If a warehouse is to be erected it
must le under the control and direc
tion of the city, affording equal rights
and opportunities to all river com
merce in and out of Kock Island.
p 1
OKKnued ob Hnt pace-
All Excellent Combination.
The pleasant method and beneficial
effects of the well known remedy.
hTBfP of l-ios, manulacturca by the
Cal.ifoiu;ia Fig Sveip Co., illustrate
the value of obtaining- the liquid laxa
tive principles of plant-s known to be
medicinally laxative and presenting
them in the form most refreshing to the
taste and acceptable to the system. It
is the one perfect strenfrtheninff laxa
tive, cleansing- the system effectually,
dispelling' colds, headaches and fevers
gently yet promptly and enabling1 one
- overcome habitual constipation pcr
m. nently. Its perfect freedom from
every objectionable quality and sub
stance, and its acting: on the kidneys,
liver and bowels, wiLhout weakening1
or irritating them, make it the ideal
In the proc-css of manufacturing fipa
are csed, as they are pleasant to the
taste, bnt the medicinal qualities of the
remedy are obtained from senna and
other aromatic plants, by a method
known to the California Fia Svr.rr
Co. only. In order to pet its beneficial
effects and to avoid imitations, please
rememlK-r the full name of the Company
printed on the front of every package.
For sale by all Prugguta. fries jOe. per bottle.
Adam's Line of Shoes.
Largest Assortment of Men's Shoes
' In the Trl-Clties.
sJJer&g. .
7 different styles of Shoes, genuine welt, in vici tans,
tans in cloth tops, all toes, all widths one price
7 different styles in vici tan, black vici, tan cloth tops,
any toe, every pair guaranteed one price
Open Wednesday and Saturday Evenings.
Eighteenth Street and Second Avenue, Rock Island.
Comfort in Clothes.
THERE are various degrees of comfort which one gets
out of the clothes he wears. There is a popular
tradition to the effect that only clothes that are matlo
' to measure are really comfortable.
The advent of Stcin-Blooh ready-to-put-on and sure-to-lit
clothes has .shattered this as wellas othcraiicient tradi-
t "to ns. Their goodness is indicated least by their ex
ternal appearance, which alone entitles them to be
classed with the best of made-to-measure garments.
It is only in the wearing of a Slein-Ulock suit or top
coat that all the comfort, of per feet lit, scrupulously
honest tailoring and excellent service is realized full v.
Buying clothes bearing this label insures for you the high
est degree of comfort bcsitles saving more than half
your tailors' bills.
1804 Second Avenue
One' Price.
Cleveland and Craw
ford Bicycles.
This Stands
For Your
Money's Worth
In Bicycles.
Eighteenth St
Any Old Oil
or Gasoline
Will do the work in our Wickless
Blue Flame Oil Stoves. It is safe
clean, quick, reliable and convenient.
Phil S. Wilcher,
E"1." Hardware, EicycIevSundrfesPainls, Oils, etc.
cz 303 Twentieth Street.
YAW-" .
Lslj : to 7" it y .'ftr--- ' ra: ; vi

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