OCR Interpretation

Rock Island Argus. (Rock Island, Ill.) 1893-1920, May 09, 1899, Image 7

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn92053934/1899-05-09/ed-1/seq-7/

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When you are buying? It costs no more, and then
you are always satisfied with it afterwards. When
you are buying a refrigerator don't forget that the
ALASKA is a refrigerator that is an old and reliable
one, one that has been on the market fcr years and
has stood the test.
have the agency for this city and will be pleased to
have you call and see lhem. 322 Twentieth street.
Phone 40S2.
There is more of it in
ing in the lttoiii of a
.1 few times a day, especially
if it is filled with foam crest
ed, Sparkling Cold Soda
Water, than, auy other lcvcr
ac vou ouhl drink. Any
how, your wisdom will last
longer in the day. You can
partake of the sparkling cup
with health-giving, invigor
ating effects, and "look upon
it when it is red" from pure
Fruit Juice, or yellow from
Orange l'hosphate.
It is all good.
I'honc 1156. 1716-1718 Second Ave
Thirst Quenching Drinks
Try our Crushed. Fruit Ice
Cream Soda.
Wednesday, May 9.
Screen Doors 4Qc
Cast Iron Hatchets gC
Cast Steel Hatchets No. 1 25c
Mrs. Pots Irons, per set.
irons, stand and
.10 pcund Flour Can
lteautifully decorated.
Perfected Tcilet Paper,
12 packages for. , ,
Plated Kings to close...
1 lot RiblHins, worth 8c,
10c, Uc and 15c, take
your choice today . . .
Ladies' leather belts,
worth 15c, sale price
Paper napkins, per li0
We can save you 20
cent on refrigerators.
Wire chicken netting
per square "foot.
Smoke Capital Five
Cigars : : :
And rlle a Stearns
bicycle free. Sn-ibc
Palace Cigar
about it: The Capital Five is
the newest and liest 5-cent
cigar ill town, in fact it is
most as good as K-cent ci
gars. There is a little tobae
co in it from Porto Rico,
some from Manila, perhaps
some from Cuba and a whole
lot from Pennsylvania, but
its gtod; try one and see.
The Palace Cigar Store, Bengs
ton Block.
Sam Arndt,
We make them clvir you
twelve different ihimu.ww In
the diven. Hotter ones with
cikln. six. four, three and 1 o
different positions in the do.
cit All r-milrily mounted
in the UteM finih. at
Opposite Harper House. Seeoad Ave.
I pKr 'i
Protect Your Woolen Cloths
from the insidious moth during
the spring and summer months
by using moth balls. We have
everything that is used for the
purpose in gum camphor, cam
phor balls, etc., but you will
liud nothing to compare with
moth balls for effectually rout
ing the enemy, aud prevent them
laying their eggs.
a. j. nil-ss,
nRrYTKT rrnerof Fourth Aveniif anil
yULUUIJI, Twenty-third St.. Kork Island. Ill
The Apollo.
This, the seventh year that the
Aollo has been placed on the mar
ket, marks its perfection. The
material used in its construction,
the workmanship and finish, are
the very finest, and there is no
blcycle'inade today which stands
higher in the estimation of its
riders than the Ah1Io. We have
made only slight changes in its
construction, the most noticeable
of which is the change in the
crank hanger.
218 Seventeenth St.
The oTWtow Wcmiicm. trrrgg-
i . .Xr to irt at wofl
karaa-lifc k.
mqtx canucu CO
For aale by M- F. Bahnsen. druecist
ail iroables peculiar to her sex. (9Secd by
ail or from our Ajrrnt. SI.OO per box.
For sale by M. F. Baaoaen, drucEfct.
Northwestern Association Votes
an Increase of 15 Per Cent
on All Products.
Making Mr.
Rock Islaad Company Mentioned Among
Those Participating In the Conferenc
Persistent Talk That a Trnst Haa Been
Formed and C. II. Deere, of Moline, Made
President Story Is Denied.
As a result ol a meeting of manu
facturers at the Great Northern hotel
Chicago, yesterday afternoon there
will bo an immediate advance in the
price of steel plows. The gathering
was a special! v convened session of
the Northwestern Plow association.
called to consider trade needs with
reference to recent hcavv increases in
the cost of raw materials. After five
hours' deliberation behind the closed
doors of porlor L 38, it was declared
the unanimous senseQof the 31 fact
ories represented mat at least id per
cent should he added to the selling
price of all manufactured goods.
J. Harlcy IJradley, of the D.ivid
Bradley .Manufacturing compauv.
Chicago, presided as chairman of the
meeting, and S. K. Prather, of the
Satlley Manufacturing company
fc-pringheld, in., was secretary.
Members of the association who are
said to have participated in the con
ference are: David Bradley Manu
facturing company, Chicago; Sattley
Manufacturing company, rort Madi
son, lowa; 1 eru I'low and Wheel
company, Peru, 111.; Deere & Co.,
Moline, 111.; Ii Crosse I'low company
Iat-rosse. w is. ; Kingman I'low com
pany, Peoria. 111.; Grand Detour I'low
company, llixon, 111.; J. I. Case 1 low
Works, Kacine, Wis.; Collins i'low
company, Uuincy, 111.; I'ckin 1 low
rekiu, III.; l'arlin oc Orendorff com-
panv, Canton, III.; Kock Island I'low
ompany, Itdck Island, III.; Moline
I'low company, Moline, -111.; Oliver
hilled I'low company, houth liend.
1ml.: T. & II. Smith company. I'ekin,
III.; Buscher & (Jibbs Plow company.
Canton, l).; I uller iv Johnson Manu
facturing company, Madison, Wis
M. .Joseph Manufacturing company
St. Joseph, Mo.
The proposition to make their pro-
luct more of a luxury was taken up
by the manufacturers after several of
their number bad told doleful talcs of
reduced profits incident to the booms
n the steel and iron market. It was
asserted that self-protection not only
warranted but demanded radical re
vision of the plow price list. Much
discussion ensued as to how heavy the
ncrease should be. resulting in a
recommendation of !." per ccut, with
tacit agreement to make a figure
higher if conditions suggest.
Deny the Trust Story.
The officers of the meeting denied
hat the plow men had been summon
ed to Chicago to talk "trust" or that
Re subject of the proposed combina
tion had ever been broached. The
Chicago Record says that two lead
ing figures in the day's affairs
however, were .1. Harlev Kradley and
C. II. Deere, of Moline .who attended
the New York conference last week, at
which details of the new organization
are said to have been outliued. lhat
they failed to take advantage of dis-
cussiagtthe project with such a rep
resentative gathering of kindred m
terests is not thought probable.
The Times-IIerahl slicks to the
claim that a plow trust has been form
ed and C. II. lleere, of Moline, elected
its president.
Uon inquiry at the Rock Island
Plow company's office today it was
learned that F. A. Head, vice prcsi
dent of the com nan v. had attended
the Chicago conference and had gone
from there to MiuneapolislAuthow
seriously the arrangements entered
into yesterday would affect the local
concern was not Kuown. as is
known to Akgi s readers, . Mr. Head
has been heretofore TKj.sitive in his
declarations that the Rjck Island
Plow company had not gone into a
trust and would not be affected by
anv that might be formed.
C. II. Deere returned to Moline this
morning from Chicago, where he
attended Yesterday's meeting. He
states there is no truth in the asser
tions as to the formation of a trust;
that the gathering was simply for the
purpose of raising the prices of
implements 15 per cent, which was
done, and that so far as his particular
company is concerned, it had given
option on a certain amount of its
stock in New York for what is to be
called a public company."
Blair Which Mr. McConochie Is
I Lbs Ko Precedent.
The Argus seems to be indulging
in a great deal of unnecessary worri
tnent over Mayor Mcuonocnie s ap
pointments. It feels aggrieved that
men who failed of confirmation should
le appointed afterward, and enter up
on their duties. It was Mayor Meant
we believe, who familiarized Rock Isl
and with the doctrine of persistence
by keeping Officers Kautz and Carnes
on the lorce, and nominating them
to the council over and over again
uutil he gained their confirmation.
The existing situation is not at all
similar to the one which the Union re
fers to. At too time Mayor Medill
made the appointment of the two
policemen there were vacancies on
the force, not of his owncreation, but
which in the course of events had oc
curred. In one of the cases the ap
pointee had proven to be a republican
at that, one of Mcconocme s support
ers in the last campaign, and whose
bi other, upon his demand, is now as
signed temporarily to duty on the jo-
lice force. As it happened, me repub
licao aldermen succeeded in holding
up the appointments and never did
confirm them. It was only when the
appointees happened to have the ad
vantage bv having a majority of the
council present otherwise, that they
were conhrmed. In the present in
stance the mayor is attempting to re
move competent men and substitute
incompetent men. A member of the
council who could prevent such a pro-
cedure and failed to do so would lie
unworthy of the confidence the peo
ple of his ward reposed in liau when
thev elected him. Apart from the
priuciple involved, which, as self-re
specting public officials, the aldermen
cannot ignore, the mayor has made
such miserably weak selections, espe
cially in the police force, that there is
absolutely no reason or excuse for
sustaining them. The Union's refer
ence to the matter simply bears out
what has been suspected all along-
that the mayor is working a stitl
bluff on the council and is desper
ately clutching for a precedent to
hang bis hat on.
Rut he is still carrying his bat.
G. K. Merrymao Entertains at Daw
son City Xogcets for Souvenirs.
Mrs. G. E. Merryraan writes enter
tainingly to friends of life at Dawson, in
the Klondike district. She says she
has enjoyed the novelty of life there,
but stales that the doctor and she are
coming out this summer to dwell in
civilization, but will wait till after the
spring clean-up, and will leave the
country for good on the last boat down
the Yukon, though they have not yet
fully decided whether they will come
ont by St. Michael's or go up the river
and come out via White Pass and
Skagway, and touch at Juneau.
Mrs. Merry man recently gave a
party at Dawson, which was quite a
society event, the guests including
Mr.'McCook, the American consul.
The event probably lacked the hot
house plants and the foliago decora
tions of such a function in the states.
yet the cabin house was bright and
sparkling. Mounted nuggets were
pinned on the lapel of the coats of
the gentlemen guests, and the ladies
received similar souvenirs.
Dr. Merryman has turned hisatt'en
tion to mining, having given up his
medical practice some time ago, after
the Canadain government denied the
American physicians the right to prae
tice in that territory, tor several
months the doctor has been engaged
in developing some of the claims on
Hunker and Kldorado creeks in which
he holds an interest, and will wait till
the dirt is washed out in the spring
before coming out. lIo8a-s he never
wants to spend another winter in the
It Will
Do You Good
Over It.
to Ponder
A Splendid Article Whlrh All the People
Are Now Talklne Much About.
Head Office Employes Organize Kuns
Twice s Week.
Employes of the Modern Woodmen
head office who ride the bicycle met
last night at the building and organiz
ed by electing the following olucers
President b. A. Graves.
Vice President Miss Kate Hurt.
secretary and .treasurer r. it.
Captain A. J. McPherrin.
Lieutenant! Johu Larkin and Miss
Edith Quayle.
Membership in the club will be con
fined to head office employes. There
are 4t members. Runs will be made
twice a week.
Lick Observatory.
It has leen the good fortune of the
Science club of the Rock Island High
school to secure Prof. Hussev, of the
great Lick observatory, to give an as
tronomical lecture in this city on May
1'J. Prof. Hussev will be on his way
from the University of California.
where he delivers his lecture to the
students of that institution, to the
University of Indiana for the same
purpose, ami he has consented to stop
on in kock island, ine lecture is to
be accompanied by stereopticou views
and will be oteu to the public, with an
admission fee of 2.3 cents. It will
prol.ably be given in the assembly
room of the High school, and t ckels
should be secured at once, as the ac
commodations are limited, lbe pro
ceeds are to be used in purchasing
scientific apparatus for the High
During his stay at the observatory
Prof. Hussey has collected a splendid
set of slides, including views of the
sun, planets, comets and other won
ders of the heavens, which can be
projected upon a screen, giving to our
lMsopIe the rare chance of seeing with
their own eyes the wonders' usually
reserved for the select few.
It certainly will be a treat, as Prof.
Hussey is an entertaining speaker.
iiid one which docs not often occur in
a lifetime.
What we say is plain, easy reading
and will do you good, lhe people of
Kock Island are saving a great deal
about Morrow s Kid-ne-oids iust now
because Morrow's Kid-ne-oids have
cured so many bad cases of backache
sleeplessness and nervousness in this
city. Morrow's Kid-ne-oids is a scien
tific preparation prepared in yellow
tablet form, and acts directly upon
the kidneys and nerves. Do not con
nect Morrow's Kid-ne-oids with any
kind of kidney pills; they are yellow
tablets and put up in wooden boxes
which contain enough for about two
weeks' treatment, and sell at 50 cents
a box at all drug stores.
We ask you to read what one of our
townsmen has to say about the great
merit of Morrow's Kid-ne-oids
J. II. Ranson, l.ii' llnrcl avenue,
Kock Island, HI., says: ! have been
troubled with torpid liver, bilious
ness aud spells of dizziness for a long
time. 1 heard aUnit Morrow's Liver
lax and decided to give it a trial
Thev have affected a complete cure
Morrow's Liverlax are small, red
grauules, and sell at 2.r cents a box at
all drug stores and at Bahnsen's drug
Mailed on receipt of price. Ma
factnred by John Morrow & Co., chem
ists, Springfield, Ohio.
Cheap Cash Store.
... .GROCERIES. . . .
Gold Medal, Best on Record or Maud S. Flour per sack $1.10
Daisy Flour, Full Patent or None Such Flour per sack $1.00
Plenty of fresh Table Butter at per pound, 15 and 7ic
Canued Tomatoes, the best kind, two cans for iSC
Best canned Peaches, Apricots, Plums or Gages two for 25C
Rolled Oat Meal, the best, 10 pounds for 25C
The best Navy Beans 5c a Uart or 6 tpiarts for 25C
Scotch Dried Peas, sold cheap two quarts for fc
. . . .OTHER GOODS. ...
We have just received an invoice of Men's Tanned Shoes to
to be sold at the low price of per pair only ; $1.50
We are selling Men's $.50 Shoes for only : $1.35
You can buy shoes for your children at a lower price than at any
other store.
House furnishing goods of all kinds to be sold at the very lowest
r- 1513 and 1515 Second Avenue.
Times Change..
And men change with the times. Fine
merchant tailoring has advanced as an art
more perhaps than any other business
during this century. We are in the front
ranks and can we be of any service to you!
Fashionable Tailors.
If the People of Rock Island
1 , , .. . . , - ' . VI
a m rfl
Will buy uur Shoesj
We will make them a saving of 50c to $1 on
each pair of shoes.
" Nit is a Great Saving.
nu- L
Shake Into Your Shoes
feet. It cures painful, swollen, smart- 5"
ing, nervous feet, and instantly takes
1 1... ..4 i rx i r t sxf jj((ilj n.l 1.,, Inn a ftti i
the greatest comfort discovery of the
age. Allen's Foot-Ease makes tight
or new shoes easy. It is- a certain
cure for sweating, callous and hot.
tired, aching feet. Try it today. Sold
by all druggist and shoe stores. By
mail for 25 cents in stamps. Trial
package free. Address, Allen S. Olm
sted. LoRoy, N. Y.
All that is necessary is to state that you are
from over the river and we will show you the
best shoes in the United States for the money.
Liberal Shoe Sellers.
Cilorlons News
Comes from Dr. D. B. Cargile, of
Washita, I. T. He writes: "Four
!ttles of Klcctric Bitters has cured
Mrs. Brewer of scrofula, which had
caused her great suffering for years.
Terrible sores would break out on her
head and face, the best doctors could
give no help, but her cure is complete
and her health is excellent." ihis
shows what thousands have proved-
that Llectric Bitters is the best puri
fier known. It s the supreme remedy
for eczema, tetter, salt rheum, ulcers.
toils and running sores. It stimu
lates liver, kidneys and bowels, expels
poisons, helps digestion, builds np
the strength. Only 50 cents. iold bv
Hartz & Ullemever, druggists. Guar
I he "cvclone 11," broadens every
year. Our section may be next, loo
"late to secure indemnity after a cy
clone has devastated vonr property.
Take out a tornado policy now. Best
companies, lowest rates.
Insurance Agents, Office Bengston
narklen's Arnlcst HjiIto.
The best salve in the world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum,
fever sores, tetter, chapped hands.
chilblains, corns and all skin erup
tions, and positKcly cures piles, or no
pay required. It is guaranteed, to
give perfect satisfaction or money re
funded. Price 25 cents per box. For!
sale bv Hartz & Ullemever
Hetbestla A Spec ific.
lfciuesda Miuerai spring water is
a specific, nature's own specific for
Bright s disease, diaietes aud all kin
dred kidney affections. When all
else has failed Bethesda has cured.
Send for booklet giving partial list of
those cured. It is endorsed and pre
scribed by the most eminent physi
cians. . bold hi sealed half-gallon bot
tles. A. M. Jones, president, Beth
esda Mineral Spring company, Wau
kesha, Wis.
The ancients believed that rheuma
tism was the work of a demon within
, i
a man. Any one w no has nau an at
tack of sciatic or in fiaminatory rheu
matism will agree that the loluction
is demoniac enough to warrant the
belief. It has never lxren claimed
that Chamberlain's Pain Balm would
cast out demons, but it will cure
rheumatism, ami huudreds bear testi
mony to the truth of this statement.
One application relieves the pain, and
this nuick relief which it affords is
worth mauv times its cost. For sale
by all druggists.
114 East Third Street.
u.A M. H. KOCH, Prop.
For Summer Furnishings
there is nothing that can compare
with our handsome Chinese damask
mattings in beautiful colorings and
exjuUite designs. Our fancy seam
less mattings, and our high grade
white, and red check mattings, are
rich in effect, cool to the eye, cleanly
and durable. We have many new
styles to choose from at cut prices.
PnDnCQ 1802 Second
uUnULO, Avenue.
Vnf ortnaute 1'eople
are thev wuo wnne suffering-irom
kidney diseases are prejudiced against
all advertised remedies. They should
know that Foley's Kidney Cure is not
a quack remedy, but an honest guar
anteed medicine for kidney and blad
der troubles.
If yon have piles, cure them. No
use undergoing horrible oiierations
that simply remove the results of the
disease without disturbing the disease
itself. Place vour confidence in De-
Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. It has
never failed to cure others; it will
not fail to cure vou. For sale by T.
IL Thomas. A. J- Reiss and M. F.
Bahnsen, dmggists.
John Holland, G Per Cent
Ts Car tMaapatin Vorei
Tike Casrmrets Candv Cathartic 10s or S1
UGC.C. fad to eora. drucsista ratasd aooaei
Bears ta
1M loi Yea Haw k'.2jt Bagtt
Scratch, scratch, scratch: nnable to
attend to business during the day or
sleep during the night. Itcbingpiles,
horrible plague. . IJoan a Ointment
cures. ever fails. At. any drug
store- r or sale by Marshall & Fisher.
Arnold's Bromo Celery cares head
aches; iu, zd ana ou cents, tteiss'
drug store,
Careful investors are invited to examine the merits of our new form of
bonds.. They run five years and bear 6 per cent interest. The bonds have
20 coupons, 10 to pay interest, ami 10 to pay principal. The interest and 10
ner cent of the nrincinal are rmrablo aemi-annuallr. You receive lO ntr rant
At all drng stores, a marvelous cure I of the principal every six months, but continue to draw 6 per cent interest
on the OKIulNAL SUM for the fun term oi the bond, thus enabling the
investor to get an increased rate of interest on the in vestment. The bonds
are as absolutely secure as it is possible to niake a security. Highest
eferenccs from investors given. For full particulars address
- ADLERT WELDON, room 1 2 Mitchell ALyndeBldg or
305-9 No. 218 LoSalle Street Chicago, HI.
20S12Keith-Perrr Building- Kansas City. Mo
611-13 Century Building . ....St. Ixuis, Mo.
812-3 Banigan Building U Prpyidencc, B. I.
for all kulnev complaints, nervous cx-
T . ...
baustton and female weekness. It is
Foley's Kidney Cure.
-tBk tor nrtj Cents.
Guaranteed tobaceo habit core, make wars'
ea sirooc. iwxyl our ml ax All drugg-ista
Bears tha
Tin Km Ym Han Alaan toogt

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