OCR Interpretation

Rock Island Argus. (Rock Island, Ill.) 1893-1920, December 21, 1899, Image 7

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn92053934/1899-12-21/ed-1/seq-7/

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Leggings and
For Men, Women
Ladies1 Overgaiters, 7 button . . 25C
Ladies' Orergaiters, 10 button.. SOc
Men's Orergaiters, 8 button. .. 75c
Boys Leather leggings, lined. ..$100
S7 Twentieth Street
That is always thankfully
and gratefully received, is
a box of KEELL & MATH'S
is always "too lovely," vrho
comes with a box of our de
licious Chocolates op Bon-Bons To
Sweetheart, Friend or
Small gifts always bring
their reward in popularity,
and a box of our candies
doesn't cost much to win it.
Phone 1158. 1716-1718 Second Ave.
I.et us have your orders
for brick ice cream. We will
please you and make jour
party or dinner a success.
Of course he does, and In the selec
tion of t'brit mas presents for iren
tlemen n-ubinK more acceptable
can be procured than something In
the smokers' line, and no belter
place to had It than ut
lieautlful assortment of holiday
boxes of cigars ranging In price
from SOo to (10 per bo. Pipes from
ye olden corn cob to the eleg-snt
meerschaum. including the m t ex
tenhlve assortment of briars ever
shown in these parts. fiKar case,
cigarette case, cltfar bolder. ciKr
ette holders, tobacco jars. and In'f .set
most everything dear to the heart
of the smoker can be had at papu
lar prices a: the
Cigar Store,
1706 Second Avenue.
JZ . '
Aint She a Jewel?
Ifyow want a watch or a wedding
nog. sUverwar orooveliy.you will And
complete assortment at IXckmaa &
Co a- We carry a full line, and prices
to suit alt etas of trade, hirt priced
and low priced, and all goads " onh
every cent of money represented. We
sell to everybody, as we want all our
to wi, people for our customer. Try
1704 Second Avenue.
i - .- i -J . - :
Over gaiters,
and Children.
Ladies' Jersey Ieg'rags to -ne-$l.OO
Misses' Jtrfey laggings above
knee $1.00
Child's Jersev Leggings above
knee .
Open Erer jETenlnn Totll Christmas.
To prohibit the ue of clock, tape. slot or
otner machines or devices for gambling pur
poses in the ci y of Kock Isl .nd.
Section I. it ordained by the city coun
cil of the city of Rock Inland: That whoever,
in am r om. saloon, ion. t.vern, ,bd. booth
o lldinir or enclosure, or in any part thereof
operatts. keeps, owns, ren'sor uses any clock,
j ker. tape or lot macb-ne or any other de
vice upon which money is staked or ha7.ard.-d.
or into which mooev is paid .r plated upon
chance, or upon the result of the action o'
which mooey or OLher valuaol thine is staed.
btst. ia d"d. wo" or la t. shall, upon envic
tlon of the first oHense. be fined cot less to -n
one hundred fl collars, and -lor a second
otren e l - fined not less than Ave hundred
(aur) do lam and be imprisoned until the fine
and costs tire fully p id ' ...
erction T Every clock tape ma-hine. slot
macb'ne or other machine or deice for tb-
rt-cepiion of money on chance, or upon t he
scliun of which money Ls st lied, h zarded.
bl. won or lust, is h reby declared a gam
bling device, anil shall be s-ibject to seizure.
ooDtlhcation and destruction by any municipal
or other local authority within- a'hose jurtsjic-ti-w
the same niav he f und
Section 3 kvery owner. oeeupnt. lesee.
morttrax- i r other oerso in uossession f
any premises upon which any gambling device
mat be located, and every person tn the rmn.
ope ation. l-se or oib-r possession of he
same shll be fined for the ti st t flensed not
less than onehu' dred (l) dollar, and for Hie
second offense not less :ban fiv- hundred 5")
d II rs and )9 :mpri;ouel until tine and costs
are fullv iaid.
Fmsrtl Uer. , !(.
William Mf'osormE. Mayor.
Attest: H. C. S hai-tkr. City Clerk.
A Cant.
Thelp's "4-C" Cough, Cold and
Croup cure is guaranteed. It cur-s
chronic cases. It is out of the old
rut. For asthma and all other lung
troubles take '4-C." The Harper
House pharmacy.
The person who disturbed the con
gregation last Sunday by coughing, is
requested to call on his druggist and
get a bottle of Foley's Honey and Tar,
which always gives relief.
The Richness or o
Martell Cigars.
$M ioc straight and 3
j for 25c, at the
Palace cigar store
jjjjj and all good deal
& ers.
A Soap Shot of Santa Claus!
His latest and best picture. Taktn
oue year ago Christmas Eve, as he
was ruakiug his lirst yislt after load
ing his sleigh with gifts from our
store. We have enough to sup
ply him' with again this year. Just
let him know what you want and be
will be able to lind it among the large
and varied assortment of candies, jer-
fumes, toilet articles, etc., that we
have selected for the holiday trade.
Come and see for yourself what we
have. Jleineruber the place, Bahn
sent. Bahnsen's Drug 8tore.
Corner 4th Avenue and 20th street.
and tou will not want to look any
where else for that article. We have
all c-rades of hard and soft coal, which
we sell in any quantity and deliver at
lowest prices, lou cannot ao oetter;
when preparing for the lonsr. cold
winter, than to five us a trial. We
guarantee satisfaction.
Rock Island Fuel Co.
Office Twenty-Third 'street and Third
avenue. Phone 1197.
None of the Western Illinois
Normal School Trustees
Will Yield. -
Proposition to Delefat an Oof slds Com
mittee to Select the Bite Declared Inad
visable A Consultation With Oovernor
Tanner. But It is Not Likely He Will la
fere. The normal school contest is still
on at Springfield and there appears
little prospect of an earlv settlement.
The trustees put in yesterday dis
cussing a proposition to appoint a
commission ox normal scnooi men to
select the site, but it was pointed out
that this would not help matters
The board of trustees cannot legallv
shift the responsibility for the loca
tion of the school, nor can it bind
itself to accept the judgment of out
sile men. It was suggested that the
trustees a? individdals could bind ,
themselves, but some of the members
object to this and Insist that the trus
tees shall do the work themselves.
' Call on Governor.
Today the trustt-es will call on Gov.
Tanner for advice, but it is not likely
that be will interfere. He has been
ke'eping out of the fight, and it would
not be to his advantage to throw nis
influence to either of the towns.
Delegations in attendance are:
Mercer countv James McKihney,
J. 11. Council, (Juy Scott, Ed Wolf
George Cooke. J. R. McCrea, Samuel
Wharton. J. II. Abtrcrombie. George
15. Morgan, Dr. M. A. Reynolds
Warren county George C. Rankin.
Schuvler couuty W. f. I :iraah. R
H. Griffith, C. B. Griffith. T. E B.it-
tenburjr, George Dyson, Harry Craske,
. C. Reno, James Cowan, k.. 1". Mc-
Clure. G. H. Scripps. B. O. Willard.
McDonougb countv U. v. Chand
ler, L. V. Sherman. Albert E:tis.
Adams county John S. Crittenden,
John Schoeneman.
Com".nued from Fifth pure
ed at once to the theatre, which he
nti-red just as Chairman William
Jackson urese to deliver his address
of welcome. As-Mr. Johns- n, who
on all former occasions tince Rock
Island first became closely identified
with the order1 highest and best in
terests, has occupied a place with the
omcials of the order near the btage.
was escorted to a seat in the body of
the house, with the rank and lile, a
cheer weut up throughout the build
ing. This was repeated again and
again until it swelled into a mightv
shout, accompanied by vigorous hand
clapping and feet-stomping that shook
the building. Then during the course
of the evening, when one of the speak
ers alluded incidentally to Mr. John
son, there came another burst of
approbation. And when the ex
ercises proper were over, and
thi- last of the regular speakers had
spoken, the cry arose a'l over the
bouse, of "JonnsonT" "Jobnson: '
"Johnson, of Peabodv!" etc. The
suggestion was taken up with such
unanmity of expression that it seemed
ss if everyone in the house was con
tributing t the volume of the sound,
and the scene which attended the
entrv of Mr. Johnson was repeated.
When be stood up in his seat in re
cognition of the compliment shown
him. and attempted to speak, the act
proved but the signal for even more
rapturous demonstration, and Lt was
some time before quiet could be re-
tored sumcieotly for him to make
himself beard. Acknowledging the
testimonial of friendship shown him,
and expressing his appreciation of it.
be spoke of bis reg'et tuat, because,
of unavoidable circumtances, he bad
not been privileged to spend more
time in the city during the present
gathering of the order's officials, but
he was merely passing through the
city, and had improved the oppor
tunity to stop, if only for the even
ing, and would be obliged to resume
bis journey on the midnight train.
He was overjoyed at the thought of
meeting again old friends from all
parts of tjfe jurisdiction of Wood
craft, and of making the acquaint
ance of those who had entered its
official ranks siace he had ceased to
occupy official station As he re
sumed his seat, Mr. Johnson was
again warmly applauded.
Utbrr Social Events.
The smoker tendered by the local
profession at the Rock Island Club
last night to the Woodmen physicians
proved an exceedingly pleasant affair.
After there ba-1 been introductions all
around; a half hour was passed in di.
agnosing Havaaas. a musical pro
gram following, Lieut. 8. T. Bowlby
oeratiog an immense Home Grand
graphopbone, C. D. Elliott, of
Seattle, Wa.-h., giving 'several fine
recitations, and J. M. Colligan
contributing two vocal numbers with
piano accompaniment ' by Adelbert
Head. A delicious collation was
served in the dialog room, after
wbieh the company repaired again
to the reception room, where ensued
a season of yarn-spiouing, in which
Stste Senator Emory Townsend, of
Saginaw, Mich., and C. D. Kl iott. of
Seattle. Wasb.. sptit the -bno."' "They
are royal entertainers, each bavin? an
inexhaustible supply of good tor it.
A dinner was given at the Harper
house last evening to a party of
friends by Director nd Mrs. E. K.
Murphy in honor of theii niece. Miss
Addie Patterson, of Leavenworth.
At this morning's meeting of the
Woodmen a paper prepared by Maj.
C w. Hawes on "i ne ueaa ciera.
Office and Its Relation to the Juris
diction," was read by Director A.R.
Talbot, and discussed by Assistant
Head -Clerk James McXamara and
J. E Peary".' Director Marvin Quack
enbuah read a paper on "Death
Claims." which was discussed Ty Dr.
C. T. Taylor and Dr. G. T. Pryor.
Skates! Skates! Skates!
Skates! Skates! Skats! r
Skates! Skates! Skates!
The best at ' Spencer's .
For Insurance. E. J. Burns.
All kinds of toys at Mitsch's.
- List yoor property with Reidy Bros
Phone Huesing, for A: 'B. C. beer.
- Children's' tin A, B. C plates' 2 cents
each. 3 for 5 cents, at Youn & Mc
Combs'. C. E. Smith's photo rooms. Best
work. Prices reasonable. ' Opposite
Harper house. '
Trimmed bats less than half price
at Miss Byrnes' holiday sale. .' Open
every evening. '
Fine starling aUer piper knives.
nail files and letter openers, 25 cents
eac h, at Brookman's.
Special inducements for Christmas.
Pictures at Smith's photo rooms, op
posite Harper house. -
Dr. LaGrange, the export optician
will be at Bleuer's jewelry store all
this week. Consultation free.
American lnb racing skates are
used, by all tbc great professional
ukaters. For sale at Spencer's.
The Peerless toy ice cream freezer.
freezes one pint of ice cream in three
minutes, $1.19. at Young and Mc
Combs'. Sk ates.. skates. Barney & Berry's
are the best. 1.3UU pairs to select
fiom at J. W. Stewart's. Open even
ings till Christmas.
Supt. W. E. Taylor is arranging
an entertainment to be given for the
patients at the Watertown hospital
during the holidays.
The Northwestern University Male
quartet is one of the best organiza
tions of this popular order in exist-
ence. Hear them Dec. 2.
The crowds grow larger each day
at McCabe's jewelry counte s. Added
clerks will make it possible for every
one to get proper attention.
What would make a nicer present
than an umbrella for ladies or gentle
men? , Stewart, the hatter, can show
you the choicest line in the city.
You cannot afford to neglect the op
portunity to consult Dr.' La Grange,
the emiucnt eye specialist, at Bleuer's
jewelry store, all this week. Consult,
ation free.
A beautiful home Christ mas gift Ls
a fine sewing machine. We are head
quarters for every kind made; prices
F18 up, tit Richter & Sans', furriers,
Finest quality French embroiderad
flannels for shirt wa'Mts just received
at McCabe's. The newest new for
Christmas gifts. They'll go quick at
98 cents a yard.
The first in a series of - basketball
games to be played between the teams
t'f the Rock Island and Divtnport Y.
M. C. A. teams is to occur tomorrow
night at the local gymnasium.
The Epwurth league of the M. E.
church has engaged th Northwest
ern University Male quartet for an
other of i s enjoyable concerts to
be. given Dec.. 28.' Admission 25
No matter how difficult vour case.
or bow many opticians have failed to
belp you. Dr. La Grange will under
take your case and refund the fee in
case ol -failure. Bleuer jewelry
store every day till, Christmas.
Money loaned on personal property
such as households furniture. , horses,
wagons, buggies, etc.; without pub
licity or removal. ,7 Eastnianu & Co ,
1712 Second avenue. Omee open
Monday, Wednesday and -Saturday
nights only. ,
On Dec 23, 24, 25, 30 and 31.
and on Jan. 1, the C, M. & St. P
railway will sell excursion tickets to
points on its lines within 200 miles
of selling station at a fare and one
third, good- returning until and in
cluding Jan. 2.
No trouble to select a Xmas pres
ent from our stock of fancy rockers,
book cases, desks, odd dresser, mu
sical instruments, watches, clocks,
rings and Rodger's silver plated
knives, forks and spoons. Anient's
Surprise store, 1622 Second avenue.
Premature as it may seem the can
vass for places nthe republican
ticket in this countv is already enlist
ing the energies of many aspirants
throughout tbe county, and the latest
we bear from is Harold A. Weld, who
has In-en furthering bis boom for
state's attorney in the upper end of the
New York Herald, June 6: The
costumes of A Wise Woman" com
pany, wbieh were seized by the cus
tom authorities several days ago,
were today released duty free and en
tered as "tools of trade." They are
t-xquisite productions of the Parisian
modiste's art, and will simply set the
ladies wild with delight who have the
pleasure of seeing this attraction.
A split has occurred in tbe Western
IULnoie Poultry and Pet Slock associa
tion. The Moline members bve se
ceded from the organization because,
they claim, they were not given
a square deal in the location of
! tbe annual exhibitions. They wanted
next year's show to be held in Moline,
', and when tbe association voted it to
' Rock Island they bolted, formed the
fin v 4itw Vn n 1 1 m mmi ctinn mnA H a-
J elded to have a show all by themselves
National Convention of the
;Wv United Christian
v Party.
Rock Island and Chlesfo Oaly Two. Cities
, to ba Considers,- stad hs Iadlcat'ons
Fsrarthe Former PotstblUtT and Prse
tlcabilttr or Carrjlas; lata Politics 'the
Spirit ot 'Christ to be Dlscassed.
Rock Island may get the first na
tional convention of the United
Christian party, the representatives
of which are ti meet at Willard's hall.
Chicago, Sunday, Djc. 81, to determ
ine the place and date.of the national
gathering. Among those signing the
call for the Chicago meeting are A i
Martin, of Roek Islaad. and G Stacy
and W. R. Benkert,. of Davenport.
The last named gentlema'n called at
The Aicgi's office tjday and stated
that only two cities would be consid
ered in connection with the location
of the national convention Chicigj
and Rock Island and present indica
tions favored the sileetion of R3ck
Itland from a geographical standpoint.
Qiestloas Before Couferenre.
Questions "to be considered at the
Chicago confeicoce are:
1. The possibility and practieibil-
ity of carrying into politics the spirit
of Christ.
2. The union of all who name the
name of Christ into a concrete, unibed
force far the suppressioa ; oranizid
3. The framing of a call' for a na
tional convention of the United Chris
tian parfv, the appointment of a na
tional committee, and the selection t'f
the date and pi ice of inciting of said
The first number of the United
Christ iio. a piper published in the in
terest of tin new partv. has made its
appearance here. Rock Island is the
otlice'of public ation. The pioprietor
are Benkert & Martin.
Ladies of Free Klndrrcarten to Jle
Christmas Entertainment.
The ladies managing the free kin
"eraarten nave planned to nve a
Christmas festival for the children of
ihe school at 2 o'clock Friday after
noon. It will be given in the kinder
rarten room of Hawthorne school, the
mission not being ready for occupancy
vet. I here will be a UUris.mas tree
with gif's for the children and as
much gaiety as possibly. Everyone
interested in the free kiiHcrgarten is
cordially invited to be present.
Hits. M. A. Lvnke,
Press Committee.
For Christmas.
Large -t stock of ice skates in the
city, 60 cents up to sf:l. Only stock of
roller skates, full ball beariug club.
Duplicate whist boards and cards
Golf clubs.
Golf balls.
Caddy bags.
Boxing gloves.
Punching bags.
Foot balls.
Gymnasium supplies.
Basket balls.
Phonographs (cheap).
Records, 20 cents, while they last
Bicycles. -Bicycle
Gas lamps, etc.
SPE-dCEK, 1730 Second avenue.
'Blessed Boor of Oar Dinners,"
Said the poet and the meal is really
enjoyable when eaten at tbe dining
rooms of the Mrs. Clark company,
151-153 Wabash avenue, Chicago, or
at the restaurant for men only, on
the seventh floor of the Association
building, 153 La Salle street, which
is also run by tbis company. Tbe
cuisine and service are unexcelled.
Farm For Rent.
The Henderson farm, near mouth
of Turkev hollow, two miles below
Milan, 800 acres of which 115 acres
is bottom land, cultivated, remainder
pasture, will be rente ! for one year or
term of years. Clktis & Cl'ktis,
Rock. Island, 111.
Visitation Academy.
Academy of the Visitation, conduct
ed by the sisters of the Visitation
2939 Fifth avenue, Rock Island. The
academic, preparatory and kinder
ten departments of the new academy
are now opened to Students.
Superior advantages in music, art.
elocution, physical culture and the
an guages.
An editor prints bin paper to give
his patrons the news of the day and
for the money there is in it. He is
presumed to know of what be writes,
and be generally does. When he
writes as be does in tbe Leader-Courier.
Osceola Mills, Pa., without fee or
hope of reward, that "Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy acts magically, and
we bave found none better in our
household. If yon have a cough, try
it," it may le accepted as an honest
expression, worthy of credence. Fur
sale by all druggists.
Itcbinz hemorrhoids were the
plague of my life. Was almost wild.
Doan's . Ointment cured me quickly '
and permanently, after doctor's had
failed " C. F. Cornwrll. Valley street,
baugerties, N. Y. For sale "bv Mar
shall & Fisher, druggists.
BsantAS 9 ,B lffia 1,53 XKI AH B82E3
$3.08 all lined Roucle Jackets; reduced to..... $5.98
$12.00 silk lined light tan Kersey Jackets reduced to $8.98
$13. 00 and $15. 00 silk lined Kersey Jackets in castor and black, reduced to $9 98
$8.00 misses.' golf cloth jackets, reduced to $6.48
$7.50 30-inch long crushed plush capes reduced to. .$4.98
$8.98 seal plush capes. 20 inches long, reduced to $5 98
rrcraeudous Reductions on All
If you cannot obtain It from your dealer write or eall on tbe wholesale agents.
High Art . Photography,
Fifteenth Street and Fourth Avenue,
A large and choice selection of new mouldings,
at the art store of
Pitt E-TAILORING . . .
A few notes regarding fall goods that can be found by looking
at this ad. Here are some prices we quote: Novelties
In suits the prices range from $18, $20, $22, $26 and up. The
prices in the fall trousers range from $5, b 60 $6, $8.60 and
upward Come in and see -our fine ne.
Useful Holiday Gifts.
Fine mum ers, kllks und satlrs
Sl.cO. l.25, fl. Ibr,. hOc
Bilk m-spender. a ueful pres
ent. s blKb us tl M, others
76c, 5oe, ac an 1
Combination usp nders. srm
braoas and one pair garien
in a bos
Fine umbrella, best i.lni
slik ,
TafTeta Ki'.k umbrellas, w th
leather cover ii.itJ. tlutr
ones up to
Men's gloves, all sbt.Us in
$7 50
December Mark Down Sale Continued
Up to Christmas.
See Our Display in Both Windows of Xmas Gifts.
21 1 West Second Street, DAVENPORT.
n4 ved st-':
Jackets, C. & Fur Collarettes, sj
Neglected Colds Make
Fat Graveyards.
Scientifically combined, the bes
grade of pure
Pure old Kentuc ky
together with herbs of medicinal
value makes the very best remedy for
the cure of
Colds, La Grippe and All Forms of
Taken before uiuals restores appetite, takr n
before rntlrlne insures sleep. (A B"0
medicine to keep la tbe house.)
Moline, 111.,
Telephone 2219.
310-314 Twentieth Street.
aos Mni a
Fancy neckwear, puff Imper
ial ter;s, four In baid and ORf
buws, II, T.tc. too arid a.l
Hots" waiHtx and blouses, 65e Ott
75u, 4?oaod tJ
"on?;'" $i-98
Colored shirts, all new put- RCIf
tern. II, 7oo and JUl
Ila&dkerchlefs, wfclte and
colored borders, 'Jbu, txs. En
16c. Iimj and "
Veslee suits, for tbe Utile CI Cfl
one. -'.ws, fl.tt, and QI.J
Chinchilla reefers, storm and
hai'oi col Urn. a ol. u hn "..& sff QO
others at i.tfs, J..1 and !

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