OCR Interpretation

Rock Island Argus. (Rock Island, Ill.) 1893-1920, June 27, 1901, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn92053934/1901-06-27/ed-1/seq-3/

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U fin MOBlfoGDGDlI (BuuE
School days are danger days for American girl3.
Often physical collapse follows, and it takes years to re
cover the lost vitality. Sometimes it is never recovered.
Perhaps she is not over-careful about keeping her feet
dry ; through carelessness in this respect the monthly sick
ness is usually rendered very severe.
Then begin ailments -which should be removed at once,
or they will produce constant suffering. Headache, faint
ness, slight vertigo, pains in the back and loins, irregularity,
loss of sleep and appetite, a tendency to avoid the society of
others are symptoms all indicating that woman's arch-enemy
is at hand.
This need not be so if mothers would have a thought for
the physical condition of their daughters, and see to it that
they have proper assistance.
LiVdla E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has
helped many a young .cprl over this critical period. With it
they have gone through their trials with courage and safety.
With its proper use the young girl is safe from the peculiar
dangers of school years and prepared for hearty womanhood.
Mrs. Camp writes about
"DEAR Mrs. PrxKHAM : I write to
in nineteen years old and is flowing
three months.
The doctor does her
would have ber try Ivdla Is. Plnkham'H Vegetable Com.
! " 1
-1 thankful to you,
Vegetable Compound in my house. It ia the best medicine I ever knew.
You have my permission to publish this letter, if you wish. It may be
the mans of doing others good." Mrs.' Matilda "A. Camp, Manchester
Mill, Macon, Ga.
deposits! with th-
which will be paid
- 4
Get Rid of
Ashes and Dust .
Hot-Water and Steam Systems
free the house from the destruc
tiveness of ashes and soot, and
puff no coal gases or cellar gases
into the living rooms.
NOTE: AH gases are not odorous.
tlr. s
Mr--' - - ;
IDEAL Boilcri and AMERICAN Radiator
I. r. Houston, Prsaldant; I V. Marios,
Central Trust and Savings Bank,
Rock Island, III
Incorporated Undor Slate Law.
Capital Stock,
Paid on
Trast Department. '
P'.stmtea and property of all kinds arc managed by this department
Which is kept entirely separate from tho bunking business of tho company
we act as executor of and trustoo tinder Wills. Administrator, guardian
and conservator of estates.
Receiver and assignee of Insolvent estates. (Jcnoral financial agent for
non-residents, women, invalids and others.
her Daughter's Health.
te mn shout rriv auditor. Sha
all the time, and has been for about
very little pood, if any. I thought I
pound, but I want your advice before she begins
its use. I have become very much alarmed about
her, as she is getting weak. I am so anxious for her
to get well." 5Ias. Matilda a. Camp, Manchester
Mill, Macon, Ga.
Here is Her Second Letter.
"Deab Mrs. PrxKDAM: It gives me great pica
sure to tell you of tha benefit inv daughter had
received from L,dln 12. 1'inkiiain: Vege
table Compound. She was m a very Tow
state ; the. doctor did her no good. After begin
ning the use of your medicine she began to mend,
and is now able to be at her work. I feel verv
and expect always to keep your
Owing to the fact that some skeptical
people havcfm time to time questioned
the grnuincness of the testimonial letters
we are constantly publishing, we hare
National City hank, of Lynn, Mass., $(,000,
t any person who will show that the above
testimonial is not Kenutnc, r was pufMned brlorr obtaining the
writer's special permission X.VU1A H. ilniiuu Mediums COl
Cliannon Perry & Co
Vies President U. K. Cu
Four Per Cent Intertst
Tbe Evils of Te Drinking: tilrl'a
Eaasy on I'lcnlca Ladlea. H err aire
of (irrra Lady of the Garter The
Girl Who Kama Her Living;.
Mrs. Otto II. Matz, who has succeeded
Mrs. Arthur Kdwards as president of
tho Chicago Woman's club, is one of
the most thoroughly respected women
in Chicago. She is the wife of Otto
II. Matz, the architect, and has nlway
been prominent in educational, club
and musical circles. She Is an accoui
pllKhed musician and absolutely devot
ed to her art. I-'or nearly 13 years she
Las been closely identified with the
prominent charities of the city, alway
Saving of her time, and strength to va
rlous philanthropic schemes. The big
charity ball, which season after seasou
was such an important social and phil
authropic a Hair, drew forth rome of
her best efforts. Indeed, to her was
accredited much of the success regular
ly attained by that function. A hlle a
zealous worker lu the club Mch has
so signally honored her and with which
she lias closely allied herself for nearly
13 years, she has never entered Into
Its iolitlcal side. The otilce of tho
presidency, therefore, comes to her a3
a distinct honor worthily bestowed.
Tbe i:vl!a of Tea Drinking.
Lady Jeune has been taking up the
tea drinking question and has written
with some warmth upou the habit of
excessive tea drinking on the part of
young women In domestic service, a
habit which she believes to be increas
"I have no hesitation In saying that
It Is the constant driukiiig of strong tea
which makes the women of our tolliug
masses delicate and their children an;e-
mlc, for not only do these latter inherit
that weakuess from their mothers, but
become even jrreater sinners in tlds di
rection than their parents. Nothing."
she continues, "has more seriously In
jured the health of women of the work
ing classes than the cheapening of tea."
The habit of drinking stewed" tea
is in the highest degree deplorable, for
it Is well known that it is the tannin in
tea which is injurious, and this nat
urally is extracted in a very strong de
cree when the teapot is allowed to re
main on the stove for an hour or more.
Then, when cups of this obnoxious
beverage are drunk promiscuously-, sup
posedly to refresh the tired system and
give one a "nllip up" then Is the harm
done. In reality one Is pouring so
much poison into the system and utter
ly destroying the nerves. Lady Jeune's
timely warning ought not to fall uikui
deaf ears. "In every well ordered
household," she says, "the quantity of
ea per head Is regulated, and if that
amount were adhered to the mischief
would be lessened." There Is nothing
like a rigid adherence to laws of limit
lu cases where there Is a tendency to
overrun judicious quantities.
Cocoa," continues Lady Jeune, "Is
not only harmless, but nourishing and
can always be kept ready. The evil Is,
perhaps, even greater in the kitchen
than in other departments of the house
owing to the heat in which cooks and
6cullery maids have to work."
A bright pupil in the Girls' High
school in Twelfth street, New York,
was Instructed to write for the edifica
tion of her class in English a brief es
say on the approaching picnic seasou.
She was evidently not partial to pic
nics, for here Is what she wrote:
May parties will soon be ripe, and
the June walk seasou will follow hard
upon. The difference between a May
party and a June walk is a simple mat
ter of chronology. Eai has Its queen
of brief authority and its chaperon of
absolute sway. Each has also Its ham
per, which is as deadly an enemy to
the Manhattan populace as the frying
pan to the Kansas farmhand. I took
an Inventory of one of these hampers
last sear, and, as I was a member of
the physiology class at the time. It
startled me out of a season's growth.
"When the hamper was opened, tho
chaperon drew forth one bag of sand-'
wlches and one pie; one bottle of ,
pickles, one pie; one sponge cake, one
pie; one roast chicken, one pie; one bot
tle of lemon juice, one pic; one bag of
awiorted cookies, one pie; one dozen
doughnuts, one pie; one package of bis
cuits and one pie. This was all. except
that there were a few extra pies In tho
bottom for the purpose, I suppose, of
forestalling famine.
"Tho chaperon wondered after lunch
eon why the girls and boys didn't enter
luto their play with as much zest aa
they did when they first arrived at the
park. I didn't. I was studying natu
ral history, at the time, and only, a few.
Hays before a lucid j explanation had
been given as to why the boa constrict
or takes a month's nop after dining on
far more digestible fdod than anything
I saw In Central park that day."
Ladlea. Beware) of Germs.
Now it is the street tar strap that is
loaded with deadly gVrms. The latest
tale of -microbe woe tomes from a wo
man who to protect a fresh pair of
white gloves put her handkerchief
over the strap while going to the
theater a short time ago. On her way
home she was again compelled to
stand, and once more the handkerchief
came between her glove aud the leath
Whether it was after that or during
the evening at the theater that 6he
once thoughtlessly iut the handker
chief to her face is a letail that 6he
does not recall, but two days after
ward a pain on her lips became so in
tolerable that she was compelled to see
a doctor, who found her suffering from
Incipient blood poisoning, which it was
already too late for nun to prevent.
Ihe most that he could do was to
watch her carefully through a long at
tack of Illness, which at one time
threatened to end fatally.
He attributed this to some poisonous
substance which had passed to her
handkerchief from the strap, and thac
was his diagnosis the moment he heard
the story of the ride on the trolley car.
She fortunately recovered, and her phy
sicians think that the present disfigure
inent to her face which resulted from
the necessity of an operation will hot
be permanent. The case has convinced
this phvsician, who Is a man of con
siderable experience In sr.rgery. of the
dancers that lurk in tlie street car
strap. Chicago News.
Lady of the Carter.
The king Is everywhere placing be
side him in his public acts the gracious
lady who Is the partner of his throne.
The innovation of creating her majesty
a "Lady of the Garter" Is. In fact, only
a return to original precedent, for at
the first creation of the order there
were lady members. In the little
church of Ewelme, Oxfordshire, may
be seen to this day the memorial statue
of one of the noble ladies who was an
original "lady unignt, and wnen ner
late majesty ascended the throne aud
became thereby sovereign of the most
noble order a special messenger was
sent to Ewelme to find out where the
emblematical "garter" was worn on
that effigy. It was found to be placed
on the left arm above the elbow, and
there Queen Victoria accordingly wore
the strap of gold embroidered blue tis
sue with its buckle and loosely falling
end pendent therefrom. It can be
6een distinctly in a portrait by Winter
halter painted iu 1S13. The garter is
buckled on midway between shoulder
and elbow round a short, white satin
sleeve puff and half concealed by a
lace bertha that passes round the shoul
ders. Her late majesty, however, nev
er appointed any other "lady," and she
held her own position by hereditary
right as tho relguing sovereign, so the
inclusion of Queen Alexandra by the
king is an Interesting return to ancient
precedent. Loudon Illustrated News.
Girl Wbo Kami Her I.IsIok.
In the sudden changes of fortune
which have come to our business world
during tho last few decades many of
our youug girls, utterly uupiepared,
have often found themselves obliged to
earn a livelihood not only for them
selves, but for aged parents who have
broken down under the strain of striv-
ng against circumstances or else per
haps for a tribe of little brothers aud
sisters whom death has left without
Wheu such a girl cries. "What shall
do?" there Is a stereotyped reply to
e made "Do whatever comes to hand.
no matter what, so long as it is honora
ble, aud educate yourself for something
better" for In a greater number of
cases than could possibly be believed
by one who did not know the aspirant :
for a business career lacks the ordina
ry education and perception which are a
necessity for advancement In the busi
ness world. It is perhaps trite to say
that tho last decade of the nineteenth
century shows an advance entirely out
of projortion to that of any previous
ten years, because it Is a self evident
fact to all thinking minds. ISut itls
sometimes good for one to have a self
evident fact borne In upon one's con
sciousness, since one Is apt to grow
careless In observing the significance
f everyday things.
Tbe Spoon Collecting- Pad.
I don't object to fads on principle,'
said tho proprietor of a fashionable
Broadway restaurant to a reporter for
e New York Times the other day.
but there is one in vogue now that 1
would like to see run Its course and
elve wav to one which respects the
rights of property. The young women
of this town have a craze for collecting
restaurant spoons. They don't care for
them at all, however, unless they bear
the murk of the house from which they
were filched. No. they don't take them
heinselves. The average younj wom
an, an reports to tlie contrary noiwuu-
standing, is timid when in a public din
ing room. They, simply intimate to
their gentlemen acquaintances that
they appreciate such things, and the
men they do the rest.
"I can't say how many I have lost
from good customers whom I couldn't
call down even If I were to catch them
red har 3ed. The customer of a place
like this Is likely to be worth several
hundred dollars In tho course of a year,
and a few spoons more or less would
not cut down our profits to any large
extent, but the practice Is annoying,
and for that reason more than any oth
er I would like to see it abandoned."
Galniboronsb'i Dncbeaa.
Lady Elizabeth Foster, whoso po:
trait by Gainsborough has Just been re
coveredshe was not Duchess of Dcv-
onshlre at the time it was painted-1
had create? Iwauty but less charm than
her friend, fJeorglaua Spencer, duchess
of Devonshire, w ho kissed the butcher
to got his vote. Married, as his second
wife, to tho fifth duke of Devonshire in
1S0G, she ruled London society with
rod of Iron and, together with her
equally beautiful sister. Lady Duncan
non, rendered it so exclusive that the
regent once asked whether the duchess
would allow the royal family to attend
the opera. The later years of her life,
after she became a widow, were mostly
sient lu Italy and especially in Rome,
where she was welcomed at the VatI
can. She devoted herself to the study
of archaeology, and to her enterprise
the world owes the discovery aud pres
ervation of the column of I'hocas in the
Forum. She died childless in lt24
There exists a full length portrait of
this beautiful woman at Chatsworth
by Sir Thomas Lawrence.
Tlie Serpent Bracelet.
Although one might naturally won
der why Eve's fair daughters would
ever care to wear a serpent, still they
do, and at the jewelers' the reptile of
graceful sinuosity Ij one of the most
approved motifs of ornamentation. The
old time snake bracelet has come into
style again and Is exhibited as the very
latest novelty for the adornment of
milady's fair arm.
These new bracelets of shimmering
lengths of gold are exquisitely beauti
ful in the simulation of the snake's
ealy surface and in their graceful
flexibility. A glittering jewel forms
the eye of the serpent a diamond,
emerald, ruby or sapphire.
These b icelets can be worn coiled
around mJanie's arm or clasping her
neck or as a girdle encircling her
waist. One of the most superb novel
ties in up to date belt beauty is
golden seriH?nt with jewel eye, which
coils its glittering length around the
waist, its head pointing downward in
the front, giving the long waisted ef
fect fashion now decrees.
Bnb 'a Crib and Deddlno:.
The best crib for a baby is not
swinging bascinet or any swinging or
rocking cradle, but a crib of liberal size
which stands firmly on its legs and is
large enough for the child uutil it is old
enough to sleep in a regular bed.
The pillow of the baby's bed should
be a flat oue, of hair, not over two Inch
es thick.
The best bod coverings for a baby are
sheets or cambric or linen in summer
aud soft blankets of pure Californian
wool, which are as warm aDd light as
down and are much more wholesome,
in winter.
The coverlet or the baby s bed may
be of any dainty hued wash silk. This
covering will protect the blankets as
well as a heavier counterpane of cot
ton. It is important that this outside
coverlet as well as the other belongings
of the crib should be washable and
something that will not be injured by
frequent sunning and airing. Ameri
can Mother.
Handy Measnrea.
Many useful measures can be found
in the body. The first linger is usually
4 Inches long. 2 Inches from the knuc
kle to the next joiut and 2 inches more
to the tip. From the tip of the middle
finger to the elbow is about 1G inches
on an average, and tlie distance from
linger tip to linger tip of the outstretch
ed hands Is about G feet the fathom.
from fadham. "to embrace."
Individuals vary in these respects.
Hut if once for all you measure the ex
act length of your finger, your arm.
your outstretched hands and your foot
or boot you will have permanent meas
ures always w ith you w hich may prove
very usef uL
The Latent Fad.
The popularity of "ping-pong" Is caus
ing it to figure In a luxurious form
among the wedding presents of the mo
ment, a recent bride having received.
wltli vo small satisfaction, a pair of
battledoors, exquisitely made, with
Cold capped handles, the vellums bear
ing the initials of the bride, beautifully
Illuminated. As a social philosopher
has remarked, "Originality is the moth
er of Imitation, and the idea will be
largely taken up, as it admits of much
variety and the Indulgence oi personal
tastes, and If something exceptionally
fascinating is desired the handles can
be jeweled as well as gold mounted."
Flower Beda "With Great
It Is Important that the soil of one's
flower beds should be properly prepar
ed for the reception of seeds. It should
be worked over until it is fine and mel
low and made rich enough to support a
strong ond vigorous growth of what
ever is sown in It. Keep turning and
stirring It until It is as fine and mellow
as it is possible to make It. Incorpo
rate the fertilizer used with It thor
oughly. Manures not well worked Into
the soil are likely to bring about a
"spotty" development which Is far
from satisfactory. Eben E. Rexford in
Ladies' Llome Journal.
Look at your nails, and If they are
blue your heart is rather weak and
you ought not to run up stairs or go
for a cycle ride. If on a calm day you
want to know in what direction the
slightest current of air Is moving, wet
your finger and hold it up. It feels
cool on the side where the breeze
strikes it, owing to the evaporation.
The pretty, shy little forgetmenot is
In danger of having its head turned by
all the attention it is rcceivinff from
the artists of the millinery world. It
is the smartest of the small flowers
used on hats this season, and small
flowers, by tLe way, are all very smart.
A piece of Queen Victoria's wedding
cake, sent at the time of her marriage
to her mother, the Duchess of Kent, in
tbe original box and envelope, waa sold
recently In London for $33. vfc,
Eastern Tourist Tickets
and Alichigan
Vati'Jimerican Exposition,
Niagara Falls.
Cleveland & Buffalo Steamers,
Hudson River Boat Line.
Printed matter giving routes and rates for summer tours with full
information on application to F. M. BYRON, G. VV. A Chicago.
PaciflO Railway Tleketa
can be purcnasea or bagrage
onecnea at utty Ticket omce
Second avenue, or C, K.
L & P. denot. corner Flftu
avenue and rblriy-Cra street. Fra&k U. Plum-
mer. A gee
oier tJmiied iOir.aha...t :10 am 3:00 am
Rocky Mountain Linsiied.. 2:ii pno.t 5:20 pm
worm, Denver &K. U. . T 6:W mno:a yvu
t 5:M am v:10 pm
Jmafca and lX-s Moines.
,'OnEAba & Minneapolis
. t 8:00 am tll-.iO pm
. 1:06 am 3:00 am
Jrcana & L.lnco'0 hi
0e8 Moines & Oman a
Denver, Lincoln & Omaha.
3e Moines Express
it. Paul & Minneapolis....,
. 7:55 am 1 1:10 pm
. ll:bb pm tlO:ba pm
; 3:05 am t 3:0& am
12:15 mt6:52
3:0a an t W lo pm
lenver, Ft. ."ortl) & K. C. 5:iX) am tl 0:40 pm
:Kanaaa City, St Joe ADnvr 1 1 rlO pm't :M am
:Rooa- Ialand A WasnlnKton 11:50 pin t 3 io pm
Jtleago & Uea Moines... t 2:15 pm t S.iJ pm
ioek Island Brooklyn Ac 5:3S pmj 7:40 am
Omabaft Rock Inland 6 4) pm tl0:;l3 am
.Cbleago, & Duvenport 1 f:ou iai
;Dally, except Sun
Ail otter dally. Te
.Dauy except Saturday,
J,H. ft Q. RAILWAY Depot
Second Avenue and Twen
tieth street.
u SprlDRHeld. Peona.l
Quincy v:a Uulesburgl
and Sterling '7:15
Chicago via Mcudoia itl 1J
eor:, liearasvown, Bur j
6:50 am
tl:20 pm
llngtoc, Denver ant
St. Lm.. Kas Citv. Denver
t2:40 pm tl2:ll pm
and I'ae'.flc Coast via
G nicsburir
Sterling and points inter
mediate East Moilne, Suburban j
St. L.. Denver and west. J
'7:25 pm
7:15 pm
7:15 pm
6:50 am
6:50 am
7:10 am
Clinton and Dubuque j
Davenport and canton.
Clifton. Dubuque. Lai
Crowe. St Paul. Minn.
& West ard N. W 17:15 pm
Telephone U0
ttaily. tDally except Sunday.
ST. PAUL railway U,
R. I. & N. V. passenger sta
tion at foot ot Sevententb
street. Ueorge W. Wood,
agent. The trains for Du
buone and points north run
via Illinois side of river. Trains for Freeport
and Milwaukee will run via Davenport, Uiin
loa and Savanna
All trains will connect at Savanna lor points
east and west.
Dubuque and St. Paul: !
Passenger 7:25 am 11:40 am
Accommodation j 10:15 am, 11:15 am
Dubuque and St. Fault i
Passenger 4:00 pm 9:15 pm
Milwaukee Express 70 am; 9:15 pm
Freeport Kxpress I 4:-'0 pm: 11:40 am
Ail trains daily except Sunday.
-""Hallway Depot First ave-
, THEX sina .nA Tnt!ilh street. M.
, tirnainv A. Patterson, General Passen-
t'lUI!H per Agent. Passenger trains
line avenue) depot five (5)
feiSr minutes earlier than time
y riven. K. L. Uoff. Agent.
Peoria & Springfleld Liin
Peoria, hoi inirlieid. Lt. L
5:10 am
InuianaDolis. Cincinnati. . :us am.'iu.jj pm
Peoria, Springfleld, Indian-;
apoils. Cincinnati, itioom
2:55 pm1 7:13 pm
7:35 pm
j 10:25 am
i 4:5 pm
7:09 am
U:15 am 4:55 nm
Peoria Express
Peoria. Indianapolis, CiQ-l
cinnati Hloomington
Peoria. St. ixti!.s Spiing-I
bold. Ue catur :
Cable Accommodation....;
Sherrard Arommodation.
Cable Sherrard Accom..
11:30 pm 2:-0 pm
i 8:3 am
Cable A: Sherrard Accom. 1
Trains marUed are daily.
All others daily
exect Sunday.
nm .n uwwiassMMssTssssasssssTassTaBW
It's Quality that Counts.
In Coal It's quality that makes beat. It's
quality that retains It, It s quality that
makes possible consumption of P0 per
cent of tbe combustible part of it, leav
ing a lipht, clean ash: lastly, il'aquaiity
that lessens your fuel bills you r not
paying for dirt, refuse or unoarnablea.
Tbe coal we handle both hard and aoft
deserves all the good things we and
our patrons say for it. A ton wul talk ,
as loudly as a carload.
Telephone 1153.
Southern Railway
Chicago Dental Company
Comfort in Teeth
Is what you pet when you
have your artificial plates ( r
bridge work made by our
skilled and perfect methods.
Every plate or bridge made
by us ia guaranteed to tit,
look natural and give satisfac
tion in comfort and natural
appearance. Our perfect deu
tal methods are painless and
of the h'gbest order of skilled
Get One of our Thin Elastic Plates
Silver Fillings 50 C
Gold riatina Filling. . . .... 75c
Gold Fillings, $1 and up $1.00
Gold Crowns, fi and up. . "4.00
Set of Teeth, f5 and up 5.00
1607 Second Avenue,
Over Speidel s Drug Store.
Say Friend
i "
Have you tried one ot
those delicious Ice
Cream Sodas
With the Pure
! i
Crushed Fruit
Or one of those refresh
ing phosphates that
arc only to be had at
Cigar Store,
Better Drop in and Try
One. .
- 1705 Second Avenue.
uxeBTOJra bloc.
i :
Notice mt final Settlement.
Estate of Fiederick liuckley, deceased.
riblie notice is hereby given that the under
signed, administrator of said estate, has
this day Bled bis, Bnal repot t and
settlement as such In the county court
of Rock Island county, and that an or
er has been entered by said court ap
proving the said report, unless objections
thereto or cause to the contrary be sbo on
or before the Jftth day of June. a. D. Wl, and
upon the final approval of said report the i said
admlniKtrator will ask for an order of d.stnm
tion and will also ask to be discharged. Al
oersons interestet are notihed to attend,
ioeli Inland, IU.. May Si. 11.
WILLIAM H. DOONAN. Administrate
Dont Be Fooledi
Take th trenulna, flg-Ioal
Mad only by Madison Md
cine Ca.. Madiaoo, Wla. It
keeps yoa well. Our traffo
mark cat en ab package
Price, si cents. Navec rja
In bulk. Accent sa ,
v-s-t ta sws. ssv
T. H Thomas, tola agent.

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