OCR Interpretation

Rock Island Argus. (Rock Island, Ill.) 1893-1920, November 07, 1903, LAST EDITION. 4:30 O'CLOCK., Image 6

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn92053934/1903-11-07/ed-1/seq-6/

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It's a Pleasure
To SraoUc
a joo:l ciyar. If you. have not
tried our cigars jou have jet to
It-am what really yootl ciyars
Poor Cigars
are never permitted to firm a
part of our stock. If you want
something' nice in cigars, to
bacco, pipes ainl smoker's arti
cles give us a call.
S. Til. Arndt & Co..
periston Ulnek, 1703 Second Ave
with Its lovely seaside resort,
orange groves, beautiful gar
dens and quaint old mission
towns is visited every .
year by thousands ot
tourists who travel
over the Oftinn
Pacific, because
it ia the best
and quick
est route,
its great
train, 'The
Overlamd Lim
ited." reaching
San Francisco from
Omaha sixteen hours
ahead of all competitors.
It is the only line running
Four Personally Conducted Ex-
ursions toCalifoiniaevery wek
For full information call on
or address
1B3 South Clark St..
Chicago, III.
Land of Plenty
A book descriptive of Old Virginia
homes and farm lnntls in tlie "Sunny
South" will be mailed free to any ad
dress on application to the under
signed. . On the first and third' Tuesday of
each month the
Big Pour Route
will sell round trip tickets to many
points in the south and southeast at
greatly reduced rates; also, one-way
tickets to practically the same terri
tory on the same dates at one-half
the regular rate, phis $2. Full infor
mation furnished on application.
ALLEX if. NYE, T. P. A..
Peoria, 111.
The new Doctors With a New Science That
i - ? , -
lVT-v A 4-V Tr -i n r Twin Sciences have for their
lltUrOpdlfiy dllLl object, and do what they claim
O 4-1- 1., - the removal of NfcKVOUS
UpntnajmOlOgy . PKESSU11K and STRAIN from
We have the latest the surest the best known method of Heal
ing all Functional Disorders. We treat Cross-Eyes, Headache, Dys
pepsia, Indigestion, Constipation. Female Disorders, Nervous and
Functional Disorders .:f every name and nature all rn a positive
guarantee, and without any additional- expense to the patient. .We
use -NO DRUGS, nor any other foolish pretense of cure, but actually
get at the trouble remove the cause, and let Nature Cure as she
always diK's, if all obstructions are removed. .We KNOW HOW to re
move all strain and pressure from impinged nerves anil nature cures.
You want to COME TO SEE AND CONSULT US. Don't . fail. We
are at Suite 42, in Mitchell & Lynde building. Take elevator. Come
at once, for we mean what we say, and if we fail to cure, we will re
fund j-ou every cent you pay us for treatment.
I . mn, rv - ninur,;-v.,.,,.. ,nr - ,.'.., , ,,, iii -irii.,i r'a
Dr. S. H. MILLER, M. D. V.
Veterinary Surgeon and Dentist.
Graduate of McKUlip's Veterinary College, Chicago, HI.,
. Office and Veterinary Hospital
15 Third Avenue, . Book Irland, Hi. Residence 181S Fonrth Avenve
Office hours T to 8 a m., 1 to 2 p, m., 7 to 10 p. m. Central Phones: Office 1409
West, Residence K6I West. Union Phones: Office . 6707, Residence 5307
Your Wife
can be provided with an annual
income for life, in event; of your
death, at less cost than you can
make the same provision for youi
children. , ,
The low rate .makes very attrac
tive this form of contract, devised
and introduced by The Mutual
Life Insurance Company of New
On Aufuft T. a yotiny business man of Sew York took
out Policy No 1 004 742 in favor of his wif. H poid fhrot
premiums of fKHM 40 and in 5ptemlT. 19CS. ha dwd The
Lompnv at nc pam nit wmow f-j wu, ana win comma w
pay hef that amount annually as loon m she llvaa.
In writing for terms, state the
amount of annual income you would
like to provide for your wife, the
amount of cash you would like
returned and give the ages of both.
The Mutual Life Insurance
Company of New York,
Richard A. McCcrdy. President.
P. A. ttpencer, Peoria, 111., Manager.
Dr. Paul Kersch and H. Jj. Wheelan,
local agents for Bock Island.
Bring1 us your old disc records that
you have grown tired of (either Co
lumbia or Victor), and we will ex
change them for the new Improved
Columbia Disc Records. We will al
low you 30 cents for your lp-inch
record and other sizes in proportion
The new Improved Columbia Kecords
are of elegant workmanship and are
a decided advancement in the art of
record making. They have a full,
sweet tone, and owing to the manner
in which they are made they have a
less scratching tone; the needle seems
to run smoother on the record. We
also wish to introduce to your notice
the new Grand Opera Sound Box,
which is designed to obviate the
scratch of the needle and at the same
time retain the full volume of tone.
We will exchange the new Grand
Opera Sound Cox for any of the old
style Columbia sound boxes now on
the market. Cp.I1 at our warerooms
and get our plan of exchange. We
carry the largest line of records in
the city.
Graphaphr.ne headquarters at
180!-lflO! I-a Hxond Arrniid.
u.t tr "i .! 'wj
Peanut Candy,
per pound
f Cocoa nut Candy,
per pound
; Cream Candy,
per pound
All kinds of Taffy,
per pound
.Molasses Candy,
per pound
'Phone west 1204. Fourth and
Brady, 'phone north 1813.
JPeanut Candy 1
.... ivvtj
Rf Cocoa nut Candy, ll!
First Games in Tri-City Bowling
' League Schedule are
Itecrulta and Centrals Defeated bj
Flying Dutchmen and
The first schedule games in the Tri
CTty Rowling league season were
played last night, both of the Rock
Island teams losing. The Flying
Dutchmen defeated the Recruits on
the Central alleys here and the Cen
trals falling before the Scouts on the
Allen alleys on the other side of the
river. The Rivals, of Davenport,
bested the Brunswick on the Bruns
wick alleys in Molinc. The scores fol
lows . Game at Kock Island.
Recruits (Hock Island).
Carlson 102 137 144 443
Arnold .' 112 139 107 35S
SUv 135 121 190 452
Dart 115 133 193 441
Weston 119 150 152 421
Totals 043 68 792
Flying Dutchmen (Moline).
StoufTer 129 ISO 181
Duuderberg ISO 100 132
Esterdahl 101 149 152
Huntoon 131 128 151
Sandstrom 157 14 4 129
Totals 043 oso 792
Gawm at Davenport.
Centrals (Hock Island).
Thorns 201 170 149 520
Noftsker 148 192 105 505
Burgess 141 154 109 404
Dickman 112 116 1 50 4 44
Sperry 132 .220 159 511
Totals 704 882 748 238 4
Scouts (Davenport).
Cochran 170 218 172 500
asey 198 154 152 504
Pratt 171 154 112 437
Neal 193 201 182 576
Vincent 202 211 147 500
Totals 934 938 705 2057
Games at Mollo.
Brunswicks (Moline).
ruflunrl 191 18J i:!5 517
Loney 120 130 124 3S0
C. .1. Cooper 120 139 120 385
II. W. Williams 172 104 171 507
F. Donahue 174 170 175 519
Totals 783 784 731 2308
Rivals (Davenport).
Murdock 140 178 175 499
U. Peterson 224 159 120 503
W. Dav 213 181 156 550
l Petersr.n 1S9 17 158 525
Yinall 175 159 177 511
Totals 947. 855 780 2588
Srheriuto for Season.
The schedule for the season is as
follows: Nov. 13, C Its vs. Scouts, Mo
line; Hivals vs. Flying Dutchmen, in
Davenport; Centrals vs. Recruits, in
Rock Island.
Nov. 20. Rivals vs. Heeruits. in Hock
Island; Scouts vs. Flying Dutchmen,
in Davenport; Centrals vs. Colts, in
Rock Island.
Nov. 27.- Scouts vs. Rivals, in Dav
npurt; Flying Dutchmen vs. Centrals,
in M line; Celts vs. Recruits, in Rock
Dec. 4. Vf Its vs. Flying Dutchmen,
in Moline; Hivals vs. Centrals, in Dav-
nport; Scouts vs. Heeruits, in Hock-
Dec. 7. Scouts vs. Centrals, in Hock
sland; Recruits vs. Flying Dutchmen,
in Moline; Rivals vs. Colts, in Daven
xrt. Dec. 18. Colts vs. Scouts, in Daven
port; Hivals vs.- Plying Dutchmen, in
Moline; Centrals vs. Heeruits, in Hock
. Notice to Contractors.
Sealed proposals will be received at
the city clerk's office, Rock Island, 111.,
until Monday, Nov. 9, 1903, at 5 o'clock
p. nr., for the construction of a bridge
over Rock river.
Plans and specifications on file at
the city clerk's office..
Rock Island. 111.. Oct. 24. 1903.
II. C. SC1IAFFEH, City Clerk.
Not a Sick Day Since.
"I was taken severely sick with kid
ney trouble. I tried all sorts of medi
cines, none of which relieved me. One
day I saw an ad of your Electric Pit-
ters and determined to try that. Af
ter -taking a few doses I felt relieved,
and soon thereafter was entirely cur
ed, and have not seen a sick day since.
Neighbors of mine have been cured of
rheumatism, neuralgia, liver and kid
ney troubles and general debility."
This is what D. F. Pass, of Fremont,
N. C, writes. Only 50 cents, at llartz
&, Ullemeyer's, druggists.
A Scientific Discovery.
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure does for the
stomach that which it is unable to do
for itself, even when but slightly dis
ordered or overloaded. Kodol Dys
pepsia Cure supplies the natural juices
of digestion and does the work of the
stomach, relaxing, the- nervous ten
sion, while the inflamed muscles. of
that organ .are allowed to rest and
heal. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests
what you eat and enables the stomach
and digestive organs to transform all
food into rich, red blood. Sold by all
There is no cough medicine so pop
ular as Foley's Honey and Tar. It
contains no opiates or poisons and
never fails to cure. Sold by all drug
gists. . . -
Spencer Memorial Charon, Remembered
by Kx tension Committee.
Rev. J. B. Rutter has. just returned
from Kansas City, where the church
extension committee of the .Metho
dist church is in session and reports
that the committee voted a provision
al $5,000 to the Spencer Memorial
church of this city, which was dedi
cated two. weeks ago. This is even
better than .Rev. Rutter- hud hoped
for, as he was asking for but $4,000.
The- money will become available as
rapidly as it is raised in this confer
The work of reorganizing the
Western league has already com
menced and President Sexton is
at work getting the reorgani
zation plans under way for next
year. The work of canvassing for
funds for the new club in Lincoln,
Neb., has commenced, from which it
is to be inferred that they are going
to get- after the mutter as soon as
possible. What will be the effect u-
n the other towns in .the: circuit Is
not at this time -known. The proba
ble settlement of the . question will
doubtless be that Peoria and .Milwau
kee will be let out of the circuit and
Lincoln and Sioux Citv, or some other
town centrally located in the west
will be added.
Harry Hay. the. fleet little outfielder
of the Naps, is having good luck with
his theatrical venture and money is
pouring into his coffers in streams
When he left, the boys told him that
in cat-e things turne:l cut badly and
he had to walk home, they would be
glad to help him. President KilfoyI,
of the Cleveland club, who is looking
after Harry's banking, received a New
York draft for a good sum from the
ball player-actor Tuesday, and Ray
assured him that business was so
good that he expected a similar one
io loiiow: everv week, i;nv is one-
third owner -.of the "Uncle .losh
Spruceby" company, which is touring
the west. Cleveland Press.
I'.oston. Mass.. Nov. 7. Manayer Se-
lee. of the Chicago National league
club, in an interview said he believed
lack Taylor, the brakeman pitcher.
had grown tired of playing in Chica
go and that he was willing to con
sider any advantageous trade for the
player. Selee went to Providence to
look into the physical condition of
Frank Corid-on. whose release was
bought from Providence a- vear ago.
He -joined Chicago in the spring, but
became ill and did not plav. Selee
tonk Coridon to a physician and the
latter said Coridon will be tit to-play
next season. Selee will stay at his
home in Melrose until the annual
meeting if the league next month.
After that he goes to Los Angeles to
arrange f r the spring training of
his t earn. tl does not intend to keep
McLean, as the latter is not fast
The Rock Island road has arranged
for a special train from the three cit
ies to accommodate the crowds who
w ill wish to go to Iowa City next week
to attend the low a-IIlinois football
game. It will leave this city about 9
o'clock Saturday morning.
Lawrence C, the well-known racing
horse that was entered in several
events on the local track the past sea
son, is fiend. The horse became ill in
the barn of its owner, Charles Riekel.
of Le Claire, and, despite the veterin
arian, it could-not behaved. Lawrence
C. was formerly owned by "Doc"
Pinkney., of Davenport. It was ne of
the best track horses in the tri-cities
and had carried off several packages
of prize money. Some time ago the
animal was sold to Charles Keelerand
then passed into .other hands, and
was purchased by Charles Riekel a
short time ago. who took the animal
to Le Claire.
Manager Rourke. of the Omaha
Western league baseball club, has ex
perienced a complete change of heart
toward President Sexton, according
to a letter. to Sporting Life, which de
clares he returned from the recent
National association meeting at St.
Louis satisfied that a deal has been
made with the American association,
and that Sioux City a,nd .Pueblo-will
probably take the places of Milwau
kee and Kansas City in the Western
league circuit. Manager Kourke went
down to St. Louis with the. avowed
intention of cutting off the scalp of
President Sexton. He had given out
interview after interview, in which he
told of the awftd things he was. going
to do to Mr. Sexton. Rut Mr. Rourke
has returned home from the fa. Louis
pow-wow with all sorts of good things
to say of the president.
"President Sexton is the smartest
baseball leader in the country," said
he. "And I was greatly surprised to
find. that the Western came, out at
the end of last .season not o?Iy not
owing a cent, but with a surplus in
the treasury. I tell you. Sexton de
serves lots of credit- for the way he
ran things, and I'm perfectly willing
to take off mv hat to him.
"His record insures his reelection
at the Western's meeting in January,
and 1 nm for him, us he explained ev
ery detail of last season's affairs to
my entire satisfaction. Denver. Col
orado Springs, Des Moines "and ' St.
Joseph made money during the past
year, while the other teams qnit los
ers. Des Moines made about $5,000 on
the season with its 'losing club, while
St. Joseph just topped the winning
margin." " " - " ' "
Upper Mississippi Pilots' Asso
1 ciation to Close Up
Its Affairs.
PASaiiig of Organization That Once
Wawa Power on the Hirer
Rcjjreltf d.
Within the next 0 days a meeting
will be called of the upper Mississippi
river .pilots to be held for the pur
pose of disbanding the organization.
The event is one which will not be
hailed with, pleasure by those remain
ing of the original association. The
organization was at f ne time the
strongest of its kind on the entire
ijver and its members were the only
ones who hail a clear conception of
the liver. Capt. Jrscph Ruisson, pres
ident f the association, and Master
John Day, secretary and treasurer,
are now both aboard boat below Rur-
lington, but will both be present at
the Winona meeting anil assist in the
disbanding. There is u considerable
amount of money in the treasury,
which it is thought will be placed in
a fund to be used for the support and
assistance of aged pilots and their
widows and families.
The reason triven for the disband
ing of the association is that the raft
Ing and general boating has declined
to such a degree that the original pur
pose of the association has been lost,
and therefore there is no further bus
iness to be transacted by the organ
A Power In Kitrly Day.
An one lime the association had a
most powerful influence on the traffic
of the river and the annual conven
tions were hailed with delight along
the river, where everything was given
over to a day of enjoyment when the
meetings were held. A number of
conventions have been held in thi lo
cality, and memories of these meet
ings are recalled with delight by
pilots who make this city their home.
Several of the members of the asso
ciation still reside here, who will go
to the meeting and take part in the
movement which will remove from
the river 'one of the strongest factors
that has ever been known.
One of the original intentions of
the association was for the ln-tter
protection and for the guidance of the
river pilots. The - rapidly changing
course f.f the stream rendered it ex
tremely doubtful whether a boat
could fellow the same course in going
up the rivef that it did in coming
flown. Old pilots tell with irlee of
farmers who have purchased proper
ty in Iowa and the next morning
found themselves residents of Illinois.
While this, perhaps, is an exaggera
tion, there are numberless instances
of changing sandbars, s-nags. new cur
rents and other unlookcd for obstruc
tions which' were the bane of the
pilot's existence.
Eiohaneed Information.
In order to protect themselves and
their, boats, the pilots' association
was organized ami a unique plan
formed for the guidance f.f members
f the organization. Pilots on the u-
going boats made notations of each
change in the course of the stream,
of the sandbars, and everything cal
culated to be of .valuable information
to the down-going pilot. Whenever a
boat was met with going down the
river, and the pilot was a memlier of
the association, the two pilots ex
changed information as to the sec
tion of stream through which they
d just passed, thus keeping to
themselves a system of river knowl
edge which made them wizards of the
rier. In addition to this important
feature of the association there were
fit hers of perhaps as much value in
the way of insurance and benefit
funds, making the association ai fac
tor among boat owners which could
not be flisensed with. An owner
would not trust his steamer with any
other than a member of the pilots as-
social ion, because of the danger from
river obstructions, and thus the pow
er was established. Hut few members
remain of the original association.
loenn't Kespct Old Are.
It's shameful when youth fails to
show proper respect for old age, but
just the contrary in the case of Dr.
King's New Life Pills. They cut off
maladies, no matter how severe and
irrespective of old age. Dyspepsia.
jaundice, fever, constipation, all yield
to this perfect pill. 25 cents, at llartz
& LT!leineyer's drug store.
A Good Xamf.
From personal experience 1 testify
that DeWitt's Little Early Risers are
unequalerl as a liver pill. They are
rightly named because they give
strength and energy and do their
wo rk wit h ease. W. T. Ea s t on , Roe r n e.
Texas.- Thousands of people are using
these tiny little pills in preference to
all others, because they are so pleas
ant and effectual. They cure bilious
ness, torpid liver, jaundice, sick head
ache, constipation, etc. They do not
purge and weaken, but. cleanse and
strengthen. Sold by all druggists.
AaxloaH Moment.
Suiue of the most anxious hours of
a mother's life are those when the
little ones of the household have the
croup. J here is no tuner meoicine so
effective in this terrible malady as
Foley's Honev and Tar. It is a house
hold favorite for throat and lung trou
bles, and as it contains no opiates or
other poisons, it can be safely given.
Sold by all druggists.
ivo'RTH A mm mysoi
Saved ffomffowPerMna
MKS. COL. E. J. GRESnAM, Treas
urer Daughters of the Confederacy,
and Presidentllerndon Village Improve
ment Society, -writes the following letter
fioio, Ilerndon, Fairfax county, Va.:
Ilerndon, Va.
The Perana Medicine Co., Columbus, O. :
Gentlemen "I cannot speak too high
ly of the value of Peruna. I believe
that I owe my life to its wonderful
merits. 1 suffered with catarrh of the
Lead and lungs in its worst form, until
fiwasi sunn WW k the wl all il rJflSSfh ISTjI j!i?TtJcST sicw mm m ob
fmW. .rw all I IiSk
I Al 1 : !: ! Ill 1,1 ;i:-L W ""Uui.i HI lulu i!Ve
One Home in
Every Seven
1 1
is heated and fed by genuine "Detroit Stove Works'
and Ranges. There aie over
Is vours one of the lucky homes? If not, why not? Why 11
buy unknowns Jewels cost no more! Because they rgfci
are all right, they are sold and recommended by
Allen, Myers
rottiing ttetter - i-nan
At VfSk m
I A Bank Account
Promotes Credit, establishes responsi
bility and results in security. It is your
Best Friend. Start one today.
PER. CENT paid on deposits in
i the Savings department of the
the doctors fairly gave me up, and I do
spaired of ever getting vrell again.
" I noticed your advertisement and tho
splendid testimonials given by people
who had been" cured by Peruna, and de
termined to try a bottle. I felt but little
better, but used a second and a third
bottle and kept on improving 6lowly.
"It took six bottles to cure me, but
tbey were worth a king's ransom to
me. I talk Peruna to all my friends
and am a true believer in its worth. "
Mrs. Col. E. J. Gresham.
Thousands of "women owe their lives
to Peruna. Tens of thousands owe their
health to Peruna. Hundreds of thou
sands are praising Peruna in every staf o
in the "Union. We have on file a grcab
multitude of letters, -with written per
mission for use in public print, which
can never be used for want of space.
Address The Peruna Medicine Co.,
Columbus, O., for a book written espe
cially for women, instructively llluf tra
ted, entitled "Health and Beauty." cient
free to women.
in tne V, S.
3,600,000 of them in use. V'1
(Si Company.
Chandeliers &.nd
Portables. Gas,
Electric and
Call and look through our new
Fixture lloom. New stock.
Bight prices.
f ffl lOH. C 1 niwmnH'nut. 1 Pi'.ifk '
nun m TA GDj

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