OCR Interpretation

Rock Island Argus. (Rock Island, Ill.) 1893-1920, March 27, 1905, Image 7

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn92053934/1905-03-27/ed-1/seq-7/

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Something for Easter
There is a tradition to the effect
that luck attends the wearing of
something new on Easter Sunday.
Especially for this occasion have
we provided a line of dainty and
useful novelties. Nothing could be
more appropriate as an Easter gift
than a beautifully jeweled cross.
We have them set with turmalines;
different colors, and not expensive.
Besides bead neck chains, neck
laces, brooches, stickpins, new, fin
ished in gold and silver. It's a
pleasure to even show our goods.
New 'Phone 5093.
You will if you trade with us,
because our goods are of the best
quality, and prices lowest. Spe
cials for this week:
Largo, brij;ht fancy Iinons,
dozen 20c
California Navel Oranges,
sweet, per dozen 18c
Figs, new stock, 3 packages
for 25c
Fancy mild Cream Cheese,
pound 17c
Macaroni, a good qualify, per
paekage 9c
Van Camp's Cream, large
can 9c
I3ak-d Means, 3-lb. can, 3
for 25c
Good Sugar Corn, 3 cans
for 25c
Tomatoes, solid pack, 3 cans
for 25c
Sardines, in oil, C cans
for 25c
F. R. Kuschmann,
2207 Fourth Ave.
Old phonr ZiiS wrat. N rw 5433.
A Broom
With every
Of our
1818-1820 Third Ave
o o
O TIME THE'AKtll'c. - O
o c
1 1
ftrurrr nninr rs
A 1 1 1 flilUt UY
Society will be largely represented
next Thursday evening, March 30, at
the Burtis opera bouse, when the cur
tain goes tip on the annual entertain
ment Vf the' Tri-City Press club. Al
ready the seat sale is now going on at
Fluke's in Davenport, at the Illinois
box office in Rock Island and at Ileim
beck's in Moline.
As already announced, the musical
numbers will precede Rabbi Fineshri
ber's lecture on "Russia nnd Its Mod
ern Problems." The talent secured
for the concert program embraces the
sextet composed of Wallace E. Moody,
Mrs. A. G. Hansscn, William Mueller,
Mrs. Frank Hetzel, Ed Mueller and
Mrs. Henry Matthey. Their singing of
the famous sextet number from the
opera "Lucia de Lammermoore," as on
the occasion of their recent appear
ance in Davenport, will be a most
pleasureable event for lovers of the
best music. Mrs. James Ferrend will
be the accompanist.
Another Attraction.
Another fine attraction secured by
the press club is Miss Henriette Weber,
the brilliant concert pianist, whose re
cital a week ago whetted the musical
appetite for a further performance by
this clever artist. Miss Weber has pre
pared a program of exquisite numbers
Hor the evening.
It is expected that the rabbi's lecture
on "Russia and Its Modern Problems,"
a theme growing out of the Russo-Japanese
war, will easily be the season's
Criswold Manufacturing Compa
ny Will Branch
To Invest $7,000 in Two-Story
Building This Sea
son. With tiie incorporation of the Oris
wold Manufacturing company is to
come another new factory for Kock
Island. The company has been plod
ding along modestly at 1510 Sec
ond avenue for a number of years,
but now it finds i;s volume of business
has reached proportions where larger
quarters are necessary.
The company is capitalized at $2t
". The incorporators are M. O. Cris
woid, J. P. Drotngoolei Monroe Koiin
and Theo Priegle. AH are residents
of the city excepting Mr. Koliu. winis
a former Hock Islander, now located
in Chicago.
The company. !ur:ng the coming
summer, expects to invest tn a factory
hat will cost $7."". It will be a two
story brick. Plans have be n draw n
and as soon as a location is definitely
rtxed upMi building operations will be
la lM-nte la Kat Knd.
Probably the factory wi;i be er-ctd
m property that the company owns in
the east part of the city. New ma
chinery will be installed. The com
pany makes a specialty of the manu
facture of slot machines, but expects
to branch out in the manufacture of a
?eneral line of metal novelties. Increas-
' S T " '
We work with, not against, doctors
We give doctors the formula for Aycr's Sarsaparilla. Then
they can tell when asked, fust what it will do. Suppose you
ask your doctor about this medicine in cases of impure blood,
thin blood, debility, exhaustion, nervousnes, anemia.
f hriiaia i mipnA
oratorical event in the tri-cities. That
the lecturer will measure up to the
high standard of the famous men who
have preceded him under the club's
auspices goes without saying. The
power to charm vast audiences with
the music of that wonderful instru
ment, the human voice, is just as potent
today as in the day of Demosthenes or
Cicero, and this gift is possessed in a
superlative degree by the scholarly
rastor of Temple Emanuel.
In choosing for his subject, "Russia
and Its Modern Problems," Rabbi Fine-
shriber has probably builded better
than he knew. Certain it is that the
lecture Is attracting wide attention in
ti.W "4
the women's clubs, along the literary
line, and among those interested in
sociology and political problems. Kvents
of the war in the far cast, as reported
in the dispatches from the front, are of
a nature to make a subjec t of this kind
Intensely interesting. -n
Wnrned of Peril.
Emperor William of Germany has
again warned the nations about the
"yellow peril." and It must be confess
ed that the domination of victorious
Japan over the hordes of China and
her ascendency in the islands of the
Philippines would create a most peril
ous problem, not only for Russia, but
for Europe and the United States.
Seats for the press club evening
should be secured at once, as the num
ber of tickets apportioned to each of
,the three cities is necessarily limited.
Transfer Platform
Construction of a freight transfer
platform to be installed either at Nat
ick or at New Shops is one of the im
portant changes under consideration
by the Rook Island road. The transfer
platform will be timilar to that known
as the Minnesota transfer and it will
rival the Minnesota one in size. The
plan is to build one as large as if not
larger than any in the country and to
handle all the freight of the big sys
tem at this point. A transfer platform
is used by railroads for unloading mix
ed car shipments and reloading cars
with shipments for a common destina
tion. Freight for points east of Chi
cago would be made up in carlots at
the platform here. This plan enables
the road to effect a great saving on
cars and to expedite freight. Freight
would be made up here for all points
on the system, in fact for every direc
tion and to all parts of the United
To Replace Rails.
Howi lines of the Rrwk Island double
tracks from Davenport to Chicago will
i be relald with 100 pound steel rails.
The track now consists of So -pound
It will surprise you try it.
It is the me'licine alove all others
for catarrh nnd is worth its weight In
cold. Ely s Cream Palm does all that
is o'rtinied for ir. B. W. Sperry. Hart
ford. Conn.
My son was afflicted with catarrh.
He u.-ed Ely's Cream Halm and the
disagreeable catarrh all left him. J.
C. Olmstead, Areola. 111.
The Balm does not Irritate or cause
sneezing. Sold by druggists at 50
cents, or mailed by Ely Brothers, 56
Warren street. New York.
i v ' '
ing considerably its force of mechan
"Rearrangement of Government
River Work for Coming
Setting Fleets in Readiness to Begin
Operations First of
Fleets employed In the Improvement
of the Mississippi between St. Louis
and St. Paul, the district nnder the
direction of Col. J. L. Lusk, of this
?ity, are being gotten in readiness,
and will, it is expected, all be at work
iy the first of May. Rearrangement of
iistricts embraced within this terrl
'ory has been made by Col. Lusk, and
is as follows:
J. D. DuShane. St. Paul to Winona.
11C miles.
W. A. Thompson, Winona to Wis
consin river. PI miles.
S. Edwards, Wisconsin river to Sa
vanna. 95 miles.
J. C. McElhorne. Savanna to Rock
Island bridge, 55 miles.
C. W. Durham. Rock Island bridge
to Burlington bridge. o miles.
M. Meigs, Burlington bridge to Han
nibal bridge, 9 miles.
A. L. Lichards. Hannibal to Missou
ri river. 118 miles.
rm Boat For (hr (iovrrannt.
A new towboat to be assigned to
the district In charge of Engineer Ed
wards has been built at Jeffersonville,
Ind.. at a cost of $10,000. It has been
named the Elinor, for the daughter of
Col. Lusk.
Try a "Zibia."
Ralston health shoes.
Call for Improved Zazaro.
Buy a home of Reidy Bros.
Ralston shoes at Dolly Bros.
Rabbi Fineshriber. March 30.
Tri-City Towell Supply company.
Insure with Goldsmith & McKee.
Kerler Bros., your carpet cleaners.
For bus, baggage, express, call Robb'a.
For bus or express. Spencer & Trefx.
"Russia and its Modern Problems."
Potatoes only 10 cents per peck at
e'eile Pros'.
New Kentucky bine grass seed at
Passig Bros".
Potatoes only 10 cents per bushel at
Selle Bros'.
Fresh bulk and package seeds at
Passi Bros.
(Justafson & Hayes' ad appears on
page G this evening.
Ice cream and ice cream soda at
Peterson's, 1314 Third avenue.
Walline & Hamilton, express and
transfer. Oldphona 1070, new 5SS4."
W. H. Siemon will do your tTn worli;
1427 Sixth avenue. New 'phone 574C.
The Tri-City Sprinkler had its cars
out today for the first time this spring.
A meeting of the Rock Island Med
ical union is to be held this evening at
S o'clock at the Harper house.
Rabbi Fineshriber on "Russia and
Her Modern Problems" at liurtis
opera house, Davenport, March 30.
If you tire of buckwheat, try Mrs.
Austin's pancake flour for a change.
Made from the great food cereals.
Tomorrow is the first day of the
formal opening of spring and summer
millinery at the Big Boston store, Dav
enport. All the leading "hotels, restaurants
and dining cars serve Mrs. Austin's
pancakes for breakfast. Much better
than others.
Tri-City Press club lecture March
30. Events under its auspices are al
ways the best of the season. Make a
note of March 30.
The Brandenburg millinery store
Wednesday and Thursday will show all
the decidedly new and original effects
in spring millinery.
Report your changes to Stone's city
directory, office northeast corner Sec
ond avenue and Eighteenth street, or
call up old 'phone 553 L.
The spring display at the Branden
burg millinery store Wednesday and
Thursday will be an authoritative ex
position of the season's styles.
An evening of pleasure and profit
at the Burtis Thursday. Seats for Tri
City Press club entertainment now on
sale at the Illinois box office.
Buy your native wine and pure grape
brandy of Charles Schaeffer, Seven
teenth street. South Rock Island. Ad
dress orders postofflce box 39f.
The last day or so have seen the soft
maple blossoms come out. They are
very pretty, some white, some more
red. They are the first wild blossoms
of the year.
. J. Bachman has embarked In the
ry business and is prepared to de
liver pure, fresh, rich milk at G cents
a quart. Old phone 8'51 1 ring or drop
a card to box 3CG.
Hear Davenport's premier sextet
render the sextet number from "Lucia
de Lammermoore," at the Burtis
Thursday evening. Keats on ale at
the Illinois box office.
Saturday afternoon at his office in
the court house Judge E. E. Parmenter
o delated at the marriage of Carl A.
Mnnson and Miss Ebba Mathilda
Swanson. both of Moline.
The town of Prophetstown has been
sued for $10.0)o by Mrs. Mary Schule,
a sister of Da rid Brg, who was burn-
1 ( mmmmimM
I liiiftBta
id to death in the lockup last winter,
'.laving been arrested while intoxicat
ed. With the ferry running, people air
ng themselves on the benches i
Spencer square, and a soft, warm breeze
blowing, yesterday impressed one as
more of the summer variety than that
jf spring.
Miss Susie Merk and Miss Lillian
Gross have opened dressmaking par
nrs at 2115 Fourth avenue, under the
frm name of Merk & Gross. Dress-n-aking
of all kinds promptly and neal
'y done.
IJon't miss the spring millinery open
ing Tuesday and Wednesday, March
2S and ,29. at Mrs. Arthur Brooks, 513
Seventeenth street. Her stock con
sists of the latest and most beautiful
creations in spring headgear.
Yesterday's weather brought out for
the first time this spring great num
bers of things that creep and crawl, thus
indicating that the frost is out of the
ground in most places. In the evening
the air was full of flying insects.
The' regular meeting of . the Young
People's league of the Central Presby
terian church will be hi Id this evening
in the east parlor of the church. It
will be a business meeting, nnd offi
cers will be elected for the year.
-' Mrs. Nora Daly loggers has purchas
ed the entire millinery business for
merly conducted by Mrs. LaKrenz, and
would be pleased to see all of the old
customers rail. She is at present in
Chicago to get her goods for the sea
son. The Trifler. the new gasoline launch
owned by Charles Hastings, chief of
the fire department, was given a trial
on the river yesterday. She is a
speedy, trim little craft with seating
accommodations for 12 persons. She
will be used by Chief Hastings during
the summer season for hunting and
pleasure trips.
Exquisite creations tn dainty head
gear; lovelier hats never graced the
head of "fair woman." Fertile brains
have produced some wonderful styles
and the colors, lo! Combinations
that seem to have absorbed the rain
bow's splendor. A gathering of hats
beyond comparison at the Big Boston
store's formal opening. March 28, 2'J
and 30.
That Amount Allowed Chicago Firm by
Circuit Court Jury.
A verdict for $750 for the plaintiff
was reported in the circuit court
this afternoon at 2 o'clock by the
jury that heard the evidence in
the suit" of the Sturgis, Corn
ish & Born company, of Chicago,
against J. H. Cornish, of Spokane,
Wash. The amount asked for was $1,
00, claimed to be due because of the
worthlessness of accounts given by the
defendant to the plaintiffs in a sale of
his creamery properties in St. Paul.
The case was given to the Jury Satur
day afternoon. A verdict was agreed
upon yesterday morning at 9 o'clock.
Speaks at Spencer Church.
James L. Iar. of Bloomington. who
was to have given his lecture on "Mor
monism" Saturday evening at Spencer
Memorial church, missed his train con
nation at Peoria and was not able to
reach the city In time. He has consent
ed to remain in the city another day.
and will give the lecture at the Spencer ;
church this evening.
Christiansen Hansen. i
Christian N". Christiansen and Miss
Anna Hansen, both of this city, were
married Saturday evening at S o'clock
at the home of T. Nielson, 542 Six
teenth street. The ceremony was per
formed by Rev. R. B. Williams, pastor
of the First Methodit church. A com
pany of relatives attended. Mr. Chris
tian son and his bride will make their
home temporarily with Mr. Xeilson.
Spring Term. '
At Brown's Business "college begins
April 4, J
NE swallow doesn't make a spring.' Neither
does tlie prophecy of the "weather prophet;
but a store full of bright, new-things in clothing,
furnishings, etc., is a pretty good indication of it
self that the welcome spring season is not far
away. It's a good eigu for those who have learned
the wisdom of making early selections for their
spring and summer wear.
We are Prepared
Men's Stylish Sack Suits
Men's Fashionable Top Coats
Various l-iiKths and st
correct fabrics.
Rainproof Coats (Watersheds)
R.eirember Two Things
HIGH STANDARD PAINT excels in covering power, spreading
capacity and satisfactory wear. It does not crack, but fails by grad
ual even wear, leaving your house !n good condition for repainting.
Hot color cards and pamphlets at once.
DAVID DON. 1615 Second Avonuo
Three out of five people who go to California us
Tourist Sleepers. Why? Simply because they are com
fortable, they are satisfactory to ride in by day and to
sleep in by night, and last, but not least they're much
cheaper. By taking Rock Island you have the choice of
Two VVcvy s to Go
Southern route, via El Paso and through New Mexico;
Scenic route, via Colorado and Salt Lake City. Both
have advantages. A good plan Is to go one way and re
turn the other.
Tourist tickets on sale March 1 to May 1.1, $31 from
Rock Island. Information on request.
City Passenger Agent,
Rock Island, III.
Wagons and other personal
r . rw a
Entire Privacy. Amounts to Suit. j
O Call, write or telephone u. The whole transaction O
can be arranged at your own home. O
j We make honest loans to honest people .Let us quote
j you rates. Q
S Fidelity Loan Company. o
Mitchell A. Lynde Block, Room 38.
S? Office hours 8 a. m. to 6 p. m. and Saturday evenings. Tl--.
phone West 514. New Telephone 6011.
T. W. Foa'elstrom
J j1J) stSSISI'si 1 Furniture Upholstering neatly done.
1103 Third avenue. Rock Island.
Old 'Phone W122; new 'phone 5423.
$10 to S25
10 to $18
les in tan eoverts nnd other
$13.95 to $22.50
f52l Sterling
When You Paints
1. Tht pnlnt I H mitnM part of
thf oo I. Ifn the pnlatlns; that
2. It eualM Irna to put goml
pnlnt tlinn elirnp, Itreaunr It's
mmlr bettor.
to LolS1
property, without removing
- 1 a TI ij

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