OCR Interpretation

Rock Island Argus. (Rock Island, Ill.) 1893-1920, October 01, 1906, Image 8

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Committee to Gather Information
for the Convention
Ladies Arranae to Award Prizes for
Cooking and Needle Work City
Much Advertised.
The bureau of informal iun is busily
niratrcd in listinsr the rooms that are
available for gntst.s during the week
of the Farmers' congress. They desire
to htar from evervone in 1 lie city who
can assist in entertaining the guests.
Tike hotels will not begin to accommo
date all ami it is un to the citizens io !o
their iart. The committee holds that
from 30 cents to $1 a day is a fair
price for lodging according to the ac
commodations. The following form is
to be filled out by tho.e having rooms
that they are willing to let for lodging
purposes and mailed to W. C. Maucker.
chairman of the but can of information.
l.oilln- for . .
I.o.Ijj-fnn far.
IMling for. ,
It-marks :is t
St ivi'l
v n uf-
. r-rsiiis. without iii-;il.-i.
....persons, with m-iils.
. . persons, with breakfast.
(-relit ions am! con v n i -
Have fluking; t'ontrwt.
The ladies have arranged a bread
baking contest in connection with the
fanners' carnival at the rink nexr wee!;
and the winner will be awarded a set
of Mrs. Van Duzen's bread pans. This
contest is in charge of Mrs. Orrin Leon
ard and the bread will be placed on
exhibit Thursday morning at 10 o'clock.
There will be no entry fee charged.
The prize has been donated by L. S.
McCabe & Co. Preiviums will also be
awarded for knitting. qnHting and cr.v
chet work, also for embroidery and wa
ter color work. The prizes to be award
el have been donated by Ooorge Kings
bury. Young & .IrCom!s, and the Bos
ton Siioe store and others. The entries
for this contest must be made with
Mrs-. H. D. Folsom by Saturday of this
YV. G. Warnock has been selected
judge of the poultry exhibit.
lty Well ilvrrtinl.
Recently The Argus commented on
the fact i hat the coming session of the
Farmers' National congress would
greatly ailveiti.se this city, smd indi
cated that the notices of tiie meeting
were being published in all parts of
the country, to this city's obvious ad
vantage. In a letter jut received
from President John M. Stahl of the
congress, further information as to the
extent of the advertising is given. The
letter follows:
Chicago. III., Hditor The Argus: I
see that you speak of the advertising
Rock Island is getting on account of
the F. N". C. We have sent out seven
different notices and to all the week
lies and semi-weeklies of importance.
The clipping bureaus show that they
have been generally published. In ad
dition, many of the large semi-weeklies,
like the semi-weekly Globe-Democrat,
and big weeklies, have had spe
cial articles occupying as high as three
columns. Then some of the daily
papers have had two notices.
Also, a majority of our dele
gates write about the session when
they ret in n home, not only for the lo
cal fnvr. but quite a number for sev
eral papers. The "patent insides" have
had notices of the coming session, and
will publish accounts of it. The lead
ing farm papers throughout the coun
try will publish good accounts of the
session. Cordially yours.
President Stahl's letter so clearly
shows the manner in which the city
is being brought to the attention of the
public throughout the country, that
further comment is unnecessary. It
might be s.tated. however, that the
pleasure of the delegates and the man
ner in which they are received and en
tertained while here, will greatly en
hanee the value of the advertising, for
while they are in the city there will
be an opportunity to show them exact
ly what Rock Island's advantages are.
belter than can be indicated in any
other manner.
On Advice of Grand Jury Court
Appoints Him Special
State's Attorney.
Judge Parmenter Passes on Roll for
No. 4 District, But Does Not Ap
prove Commissioner's Fees.
Judge R. K. Parmenter in the county
court this morning approved the assess
ment roll in the No. 4 sionn drain dis
trict, which is the extreme western dis
trict of the proposed southwest siorm
drain. Tiie assessment roll is for $77.
ri0, and of this the city's portion is
$24.2f9. Judge Parmenter did not ap
prove the commissioner's fee. which
was put in at $7(". Htnry Grot he was
the commissioner, and H. C. lfavei field
represented him.
Judge Gest Grants Release of Man Sen
tenced by Milan Justice to Six
Months in Jail. .
On convening the circuit court this
afternoon. Judge V. H. Gest entered
an order, appointing C. B. Marshall
special state's attorney. The order en
tered states that the court has b en ad
vised by the grand jury that certain
matters have been presented in which
State's Attorney J. K. Scott is inter
ested, and names Mr. Marshall to take
charge of the examination of witness
es. The grand jury was at once noti
fied of the appointment of Mr. Mar
shall, and he assumed at once the du
ties of his position, stating to the court
I hiit he would to the best of his ability
fill the commission of the court.
(runt IImIm-iim 'riHN.
On a petition for- a writ of habeas
corpus, presented by G. C. Wenger.
Just Gest ordered the release of
Charles Weinwish. who was sentenced
to six months in the county jail on a
charge of vagrancy, without trial by
jury. Fay Hammond of Milan heard
the case, which was brought originally
on a complaint of "trying to break in."
The point is one that the court recent
ly passed on. and the prisoner was or
dered released at once.
II cm um Maoklu ( iie.
The trial of the Mackin will case
was resumed ihis afternoon. There is
still some testimony to be introduced
by the proponents, and the contestants
will present :i great bulk of testimony
in support of their claims that the will
should be set aside.
For This Week Only.
For 7 cents you can buy 1 packa
of jelly powder.
For IS cents you can buy one-half
pound of W alter Maker's cocoa.
tor 5 cents you can buv 2 pounds of
laundry starch.
lor 25 cents you can buv S cakes of
Grandmother's Laundry soap.
I or cents you can buy 1 pound of
choice Japan rice.
For 25 ct nts you can buy 1 pound of
genuine Elgin creamery butter.
l or 2. cents you can buy 1 pound of
Mocha and Java coffee.
Commencing Tuesday. Oct. 2. endin
Oct. .. The Great Atlantic and Pacific
Tea company. 32X Twentieth street.
Old phone. (J73; new phone, .'::2o.
Nothing to Fear.
need have no hesitancy
continuing to give
o.ig:t j;emeiy to tneir little ones, as
it contains absolutely noiiiing injuri
ous. This remedy is not only perfectly
sate io give small cnnuren, out is a
medicine of great worth and merit. It
has a world wide reputation for its
cures of coughs, colds, and croup, and
can always be relied upon. For sab
by all leading druggists.
How's This for Top Coat
Snappy mornings and evenings like these
we're having make Top Coats ideal gar
mentsfull of the best kind of comfort.
Comfort that reaches your pockethook, too.
Ifr Earjr -to Otesn One.
You'll he surprised how big your dollars
grow when you see these garments.
They're much better than you'd expect
for these prices.
Ten to Twenty Dollars
For all Popular Lengths.
That's the long and the short of it.
Do You Prefer a Raincoat?
One that's going to keep you dry when it
rains warm when it's cool and well dress
ed at all times! A long 4if ree walker." Such
a coat covers a multitude of faults if you
wish to wear out an old suit, for instance.
They're priced at
Ten to Twenty-five Dollars.
White Dealings
Your money back
with a smile, if
you wish.
J sr m rm m m T
Big White Store
The best place
to buy a "Bigger
Dollar's Worth."
1'iiir IuiiIkIiI mill Tu-ln tviirmor !
iiKilhrr (riticil storm is -
trni otr tin- 'tn.it of l.iiiiiNi:m:i In -it iimIm
nil ii from I lie kiiII' Ht-i-lioiiM to tlirOltio
nll-v :iml tin- miilillc A I In i) tii- M.-iteM.
I'jilr twitl her. with mni-h lower trniprr
iitiirt'M, from the ':islcrii Kooky moun
tain nIii 3i nil tiie MlMMourl vnlli-y to
MiiKHnclitiKrt t lmo iilli-iiit-it tin' north
ern IiIkIi firo.K.Miirr. tin- vront of nhlili
Iiiin united to v I'.iikI.-iiiiI. frosts
Imivp oi-i-iirri-il from southern lov:i to
imtrul 'I:ih unil t-:istv:iril to Vow
Vork ii ml IVims Ivnnla. I'nir went her
will - inue In this vleinity tonicht
nml Tuexilny. iiinl the mlv.'ini'r of linr
ometrie ilepreHslon now over lherl:i
will he ntlrinleil hy higher tempera
tures toniKht.
J. M. .sukhumi, l.oenl Korectmter.
Temperature nt 7 ti. in.. 4.1: nt :t::t
i. in.. t0. l illinium lemperiiliire in !M
hours. in minium, til. Velneity of
ulinl nt S si. in., 4 miles.
Boal & Schmitt,
High class tailors,
Illinois theatre building.
Insure with Beecher Bros.
Buy a home of Reidy Bros.
Beecher Bros, for real estate.
La Sallo coal at Mueller's only.
Tri-City Towel Supply company.
Money to loan. See Beecher Bros.
For bus, baggage, express, call Robb's.
For bus or express, Spencer &. Trefz.
You save money on your coal by
using La Salle chunks.
Get your glass and putty at the Rock
Island Hardware company.
See the Rock Island Hardware com
pany for your fall ammunition.
Solarine, the wonderful polish at the
Rock Island Hardware company.
Carvers and table cutlery at the
Rock Island Hardware company.
II. T. Siemon wants your tin and fur
nace work. 152G-152S Fourth avenue.
Superfluous hair removed with the
electric needle. See ad on want page.
Lamp and stove wicks, all kinds and
sizes at the Rock Island Hardware
A son. Kenneth Foster, was born
yesterday to Mr. and Mrs. Albert H.
Universal coffee percolators and cof
fee mills at the Rock Island Hardware
Lewis' Single Binder costs more
than other 5 cent cigars. Smokers
know why.
If your razor is dull try Razorine.
For sale at the Rock Island Hardware
Crapes at l' cents per pound, vine
run. Address IL J. Simmon. Route No.
Milan, 111.
The ladies of the Bethany Home Sew
ing society will iineet at the home to
morrow afternoon for work.
Dr. M. A. Hollingsworth has made
arrangements to receive calls at the
same old place of business and will
soon rebuild.
Did you attend the opening day of
McCabe's 3Gth anniversary sale. It
not, you had better go tomorrow or
next day, sure.
A. M. Simons of Chicago, socialist
candidate for university trustee, and
editor of the-International Socialist. Re
view, is to speak to the local socialists
on Market square Friday evening. In
case of bad weather, the meeting will
be held at Turner hall.
Have you visited the souvenir sale
at Young & MeCombs' today? Big
crowd, everybody pleased. Will you be
one of the crowd tomorrow?
Expert manicuring, shampooing and
thorough treatment of the hair and
scalp given by Mrs. Sol Levi, 730 Sev
enteenth street. Old phone west 50.
A great, occasion, that event which is
waited for, and looked forward to with
an interest not known to any other oc
casion, or any other store, McCabe's
3Hh anniversary sale .
See all the .souvenirs at Young &
MeCombs. You get double trading
stamps on every purchase of 5 cents or
over. Are you saving them? If not,
help your friend get her book filled.
This is a big week at Young & Me
Combs. Elaborate display of fall mer
chandise, besides double trading stamps
on all purchases amounting to . cents
and over. Visit the store tomorrow.
The fact that nothing has yet reliev
ed your rheumatism is no reason why
the Anchor Pain Expeller should fail.
It will not fail. Many years' use in
almost every country proves its
value. One more effort for health.
2.") cents and DO cents.
Miss Gertrude Carse. graduate in vo
cal music from Augusiana college, af
ter which she studied under the most
able teachers of voice culture in Chi
cago, has now opened a studio at her
refu't'ce, lllfi Fourth avenue, where
she will be pleased to receive a call
from those interested.
McCabe's 3fith anniversary sale
started off this morning with an inter
est most marked and unusual, even for
this great event, thus promising well
for the entire week, as there will be a
full six days of the greatest bargaining
in merchandise, and the most liberal
distribution of valuable presents ever
known in the west. Take the whole
family, and all your friends, and let
them all have a chance sit the presents.
Mary Busey of Moline is Commit
ted to Watertown Hospital.
Mrs. Mary Busey. the Moline colored
woman who was found Friday wander
ing in the rain on the Watertown road,
was adjudged insane this morning in
the county court and committed to the
Watertown hospital. Mrs. Busey some
years ago was struck by a train at the
Fifteenth street crossing in Moline. and
now has a suit against the Hock Inland
pending in the circuit court.
Taken cf Walker Whiteside's Com
pany at the Illinois Theater.
Walker Whiteside and company who
appear in 1 he Magic Melody, at the
Illinois tonight loday took advantage
of the appointments of the Nlinois the
ater and had photographs taken of the
company in costume and the scenery.
These photographs are preparatory to
making lithographs for advertising
Colonel Uleott Helleves 'I liey Make
the -Meu Who l;ik- Money.
Gnomes, the funny little creatures
with round, tloppy can and pointed red
caps, are the actual liuancicrs of the
world, .lohii I. Rockefeller is said to
be simply jammed full of these imps,
and every man in Wall street who is suc
cessful is simply beset by them. Such
is the doctrine recently set forth by
Colonel Henry Steele O'.eott. the octo
genarian chief of the Tbeosophical so
ciety, says a Chicago dispatch.
"Gnomes, sylphs, undines and sala
manders are the spirits of the earth,
air water ami lire, respectively," said
Colonel Olcott in his addiess to the
theosopbists, "and unless there is au
ablebodied sylph in a person's system
he will bare no success as .an aeronaut.
I70 2 AVI
Rock Island. III.
Wednesday, Oct. 3, we will
have a special display of superb
diamond jewelry, and we wish
you to come and see it.
Pendants, necklaces, bracelets,
collars, brooches, scarf pins, loose
and mounted diamonds every
thing in new designs with the
strength of sweet sentiment only
found in this class of jewelry.
The style-range is as wide as the
tastes of womankind. The run
of prices is in harmony.
Rock Island. III.
slack wire worker or flying machine
"Unless the man who undertakes to
control money, oil. diamonds and other
treasures of the earth has a few
gnomes to pilot him be might as well
go into bankruptcy before he lauds in
a madhouse.
"If a farmer boy tint In Minnesota
awakens some, morning with an un
controllable desire to go to sea. be Is
beset by an undine. Salamanders ob
sess those who climb tire escapes, sell
coal, members of the tire department
and those who conduct tire sales."
The colonel's subject was "The Dan
ger of I'sychism," and lie pointed out
how clairvoyants and spiritualists
could use their occult powers in very
dastardly manners.
"But much good has been done by
spirit influence,' he said. "In India I
began a series of successful healings.
I believe the miracles of the Bible can
be duplicated today."
That certain imps of thieving pro
pensities obsess society women who
steal in department stores is the colo
nel's belief. He also declared that he
had personally witnessed bow a Hindoo
put his hand into space and command
ed certain spirits to place a bottle of
whisky in his band. T1k? man got the
whisky until one day the spirit had a
grouch and threw the bottle at the
head of tire- conjurer.
Ilotli Sides Afraid. tut llouud to Fight
When Hard lp, Say the tieueral.
General Edward S. Bragg, accord
ing to a dispatch from Fond du La
Wis., once said. "You might as we'd
attempt to make a whistle out of a
pig's tail as to try to make auything
oiit of the Cubans.-'
He seems to be of the same opinion
"The uprising in Cuba." said the
"little general" at his Iijiiih the other
night, "was bound to come. Whenever
the Cubans get hard up they are bound
to fight. Both sides are afraid of each
other and would rather run than en
gage in a pitched battle. They wi!l
continue this mode of warfare until
Uncle Sam takes a hand, and they will
do it after that.
"You mark my word, if this trouble
is not settled tit one? the insurgents
will continue their work of pillaging
and burning plantation, buildings and
"The Cubans will fight and there will
be a rebellion every time there is a to
bacco crop failure or the sugar crop
goes wrong. The money lent to theui
after the Spanish war has now been
used up. I believe, in providing for a
few of the patriots.
"In inv opinion, Cuba should have
been purchased by the United States
rears ago. I believe that we made a
great mistake when wo let it go.
"The. insurrection will finally be put
d wn. and the republic will run along
for awhile, but another revolution will
come luter."
"The Store That Saves You Money.
I-'lay tvrlKht S:i lie I'rnra to Vilt
I , I. est lie lie I.Iected I'rnltlcnl.
Marc Klaw of the tirm of Kiaw &
Erlanger. who made the contract with
G. Bernard Shiw for the reproduction
of his satirical historical comedy dra
ma. "Caesar and Cleopatra," which
will be presented at the New Amster
dam theater. New York, on Oct. -'.) by
I'orles Iiobertsou ami Gertrude Eliiott.
has been endeavoring to induce the
Irish author to come to America to be
present at the production of his play,
hays the New Vork Time. Among
other inducements Mr." Shaw was as
sured that he would have "a royal
Mr. Klaw recently received this post
al card from Mr. Shaw:
Coast of Cornwall, Sept.
it Li jast thai royal no-pUon lh.it
r.'Hkrs it impossible for me to come. If 1
could come quietly, without convulsing
Ar.urii-a. without tlciivorhiK ;i hunu.ed
addresses to enormous crowds, without a
saHiie of 101 guns, without the risi; of
beini forcibly naturalized and elected
president and subsequently seized and ira
priFoiicd by Air. t'omsioik, then 1 migiit
As it is. I prefer the quiet and retire
ment of London. 'Resides. 1 am writing a
new play an astonishingly Rood one. 1
had no idea I liad so muc-h left in me. It
has delayed my reply somewhat, but you
will forgive me. J. H. SHAW.
A Plea lor t li e Dictionary.
Oil. Koosevelt. spare that book;
Touch not a single bough!
In youth it succored n:e.
And I'll protect it now.
1 sat upon its pile
At tabl when 1 ate;
So came within my rach
The dainties of each plate.
I nat upon it. grown.
Where letters' feast was spread;
So came within my grasp
Strong Shakespeare's moat and
So prithee cut It not
Nor Its dimensions carve,
For were its bulk reduced
We all of vis would sturve.
-McLandburgh Wilson In New Votk Sun,
Uog Duya nnit liable.
There is not the remotest connec
tion between dog days and rabies; in
deed, the records show that the fewest
cases of rabies occur in July and Au
gust. There are more cases in April,
November and December than iu any
other months. Springnehi i nion.
A Fine Art.
Zabzin How's this for a neat little
work of art? It's worth over $10, but
I managed to get it for $1. Jabzin
Where's the art iu it? Zabzin In get
ting It for $1, of course.
A cold is much more easily cured
when the bowels are open. Kennedy's
Laxative Honey and Tar opens the
bowels and drives the cold out of the
system in young or old. Sold by all
I All the news all the time The Argus.
Marked the opening of
our Annual souvenir
Sale and nothing but words
of praise was heard from
those visit intr the dill'erciit
sections of this progressive
store and all who visiied the
Souvenir parlor on the second
lloor were completely at a loss to real
ize what beautiful souvenirs were
there displayed and how easy it w:is
to obtain them. We venerate the loyal
support the people of this section
liave Kiven us during the past year
and to show on r appreciation we are
goin to jjive Double Trading Stamps
during the entire week J o you know
what that means!-' It means that every
oc you spend you jjet 1c wortli of
these peerless souvenirs winners.
Saturday ninbt closed the formal opening in tlw
Suit. Cloak a id Millinery sections, but today marked
just as large crowds as attended the formal event.
In the Suit section there never were Mich beau
tiful shades, besides the regular colors. And tlw
grays in the mixed goods are especially pood CiU
Don't pin faith in any particular style. Then
is diversity s if h as you never dreamed could be.
I'n.adcloths S10 " S25
$15 S20
i'';"i $11.50 " S27.50
Mixtures of all HJnil. . . .glQ x" S25
We have one dozen lit on Jackets in blues, blacks
grays, that are worth considerably more than we.
$:.!s. Viit the Cloak section tomorrow; while
there look at those marked at $::.fts.
Double stamps in every department of this store
during the souvenir sale this week.
1 Sis
gzJl FOl rO
Chicago. Oct. 1. Following aro the
market quotations today:
December. 7"s. 7J?. 75 aJ. 7Mk.
May, 7D7, S ". 7!l4. s"' t
Corn. December. 4SC.. 4:'.'. 4:JC..
May. 4 t. -;-7-Oats.
December. :U'i, " I " ; 34 U.
May. :..",
m.io, 13.42. 13.
S.S2. S.S."i. S.S2.
7.s.", 7.S7, 7.S.".
S.10. S.4.". S.42.
7.17, 7.17. 7.1-".
Provisos and Produce.
IJve Poultry Spring chickens, J3.C0
to J4.00 per dozen; hens, ir lb., 8c;
ducks, per lb., 10c; turkeys, per lb.,
13c; geese, per lb., 11c,
Hutter Dairy, 2i to 21c.
J.nrd inc.
Vegetables Potatoes, new, "0c.
Eggs Kresh, 21c.
Live Stock.
Cattle Steers. $3.."il to $."..'.0; cows
and heifers, $2.00 to $4.50; calves, $4.50
to $C50.
Sheep Yearlings or over, $3 to $6;
lambs, $4.00 to $C50.
Receipts today Wheat t'.O. corn
oats 2SS. nogs :;miim came
heep 12.000.
Hog market opened weak to shade
lower. Hogs left over l..,oi. l.lglit i..L''
f).7f. mixed and butchers ti.l." rn ;.i.".
good heavy r.S.",Tj C.,2. ronii.t heavy
Cattle market opened strong to lec
Sheep, weak. 10c lower.
Hogs at Omaha 3,nni, cattle lo.ooo.
Hogs at Kansas City .".(joo, cattle 2:.-
V. R. Yards. S:40 a. m. Hog market
strong. IJght (..2t(Tt fi.7., mixed an-t
butchers f.lT,(Ti (1.77, good heavy ri.sr.f1
..;. rouga heavy it.s.tOi i..u.
Cattle market strong to 0c higher.
Beeves 3.10?r 7.00, cows and heifers 1.30
(ii.2'S. stockers and feeders 2."oT 4.t;o.
Sheep market weak to 1c lower.
Hog market closed weak. Light C20
Tt 0.7-"), good heavy 5.83'fi fi.75. mixed
and butchers 0.15f7G.ir. rough
Cattle market closed strong.
Sheep market closed weak.
New York. Oct. 1. Gas SS',.
185', V. S. Steel preferred 10:i
Steel common 4(1, Beading 13
Rock Island preferred 07 Hock
land common 2S Vh. O. & W. 4SV&. South
ern Pacific 93. N. Y. Central 140, Mis
souri Pacific 97i. U & N. 14SK, Smelt-
rs 153. C. F. I. 55;. Canadian Pacific
182. Illinois Central 1744. Ptnna 141 ?4.
Erie 40, C. & O. V2, B. It. T. 7,, B.
&. O. 123. Atchison los'lvocomotive
74 '.i. Sugar 136, St. Paul 170, Copper
1128. Republic Steel preferred '.tS.
Republic Steel common 3S'i. Southern
Ry. 3"U.
T T. P.
, C. S.
-Mixed. $5.50
Feed and
-Corn. 4s io
to $0.25.
5ic: oats.
30 fo
31 c.
Wood Hard, per load Z to J5.S0.
Forage Timothy hay, $13 -to $14;
prairie, $10 to $13; clover, mixed, $12
to $13; straw, $fi to $7,
C03I Lump, bushel, 18c; clack, per
bushel, 10c to 12c.
Wounds. Bruises and Burns.
P.y applying an antiseptic dressing
to wounds, bruises, burns and like in
jurifs before inuaintnptinn sets in, they
may be healed without maturation and
in about one-third the time required
for the old treatment. This Is the
greatest discovery and triumph of
modern surgt ry. Chamberlain's Pain
Bnlm acts on this same principle. It
Is an antiseptic and win n applied to
such injuries, cause. them to heal
very quickly. It also allays the pain
and foteness and prevents any danger
of blood poisoning. Keep a bottle of
Pain Balm in your home and it will
sav.- you time and money, not to men-
inconvenience and suffering
For sale bv all
t ion
such Injuries entail,
hading drugglr-ts.
Sick Headache Cured.
Sick headache is caused bv derange,
ment of the stomach and by Indiges
tion. Chamberlain' Stomach and Liv
er Tablet g correct these disorder. mid
effect a cure. By taking thr.-e tablet
as soon as the first indication cf th
(listase appears, the attack may be
warded off. For sale by all leading
druggi. ts.
Today's Quotations on Provisions, Live
Stock, Feed and Fuel.
Rock Island, Oct. l. Following are
the wholesale quotationa In today a
market: '
Best by Test

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