OCR Interpretation

Rock Island Argus. (Rock Island, Ill.) 1893-1920, February 28, 1907, Image 1

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Courts May be Appealed
to in Case of Kuhn
and Harriman.
Alton a Squeezed Lemon When
Turned Over to the Reck
Island Road.
New York. Feb. 2S The
commerce commission today
ils New York hearing i" the investiga
tion of operations in rein' ion Id tilt"
I'nion Pacific system, and while there
wiil lie an oral argument heard :M
Washington on an April dale, l lie l"
cided later, the tent iniony .has probably
all been taken.
May ii-iil 1 4 ourlx.
There lias la-en no decision as yet as
to an appeal to tlie cours to compel
Edward 11. llarriinaii and Otto Knhn t-
answer many important questions de
clined by tliem, but tin- question will
be considered after the coinmis.-don re
turns tu Washington.
The closing hours of the hearing
brought the statement lrom Com roller
Maple that financial statements wire
not sent to the Southern Pacific stock
holders fur several months before the
dividend meeting on .Inly S. This is .1
cont radicrioii of I iai rirnan's testimony.
l)Y4loiii4-iitM of the liny.
A suggestion from Commissioner
Harlan. Mint the :m tier cent dividend
on the Alton was illegal under the Il
linois constitution; the partial clearing
away of aspersion about mortgaging
the Murrayville-Springfield cutoff be
fore it was built, and a lengthy discus
sion of the propriety of capitalizing old
expenditures for betterments on the
Alton, were developments of the day.
MlVH It-lllllll Will I. (-Kill.
New York, Feb. 2S. When the in
terstate commerce commission resum
ed its investigation of the Harriman
lines today Charles Wv Hilliard. con
troller of the Alton, explained that the
cutoff, from a point near Murrayville
to Springfield, which lie yesterday tes
tified had been mortgaged before it
was built was one which the Alton
had a right to build. Tile proceedin
were not unusual. The enterprise and
method of mortgaging were legitimate.
Karw Little of l".:irlier lllxtory.
Kellogg endeavored to show the man
agement of the Alton had capitalized
the debts of the old Joliet & Chicago
road prior to lsti:!, but Milliard said his
knowledge of the road's affairs did not
go back that far.
ii Kluht to . it:n-k.
In answer to q-testions from Com
missioner Lane, witness questioned
the right of the directors of the Alton
in going back over their books for :i
period of ninny years and capitalizing
expenditures. Me said each succeed
ing hoard of directors had each year
passed upon the accounts and he
thought such acts should have been
Slmiile TrniiMiii-tlon.
Witness repeated his testimony of
last evening as to the transfer of Al
tn from railroad company to railway
company through Louis Stanton. M',1
said it was evident from the lMioks t li 3
syndicate had simply handed over $2(,-
(hmi.oiiii in bonds and received lite pre
ferred stock and the St. Iouis, Pcotia
H Northern property. Asked how
much Harriman interests had paid for
the Alton and how much they got out
of the transaction. Milliard answered
lie was unable to state the profits, i s
he had no means of knowing. '
llllliiinl l.nxt WltnexN.
After the examination of Milliard
was concluded, there being no move
witnesses, the hearing adjourned with
out date.
limited lloi-k ImIiidiI n l emon.
New York. Feb. 2S. E. M. Harriman
handed the Rock Island a lemon an 1
a squeezed one at that when he turned
over the readjusted Alton railroad to
the Hock Island last fall. Not oniy
was the Alton's treasury empty but
the bonds which had leen issued l.i
build the thirty-four and one-half niih?
cutoff from a point near Murrayville
to Springfield had been sold and the
proceeds diverted, so that there was
lit) 'money to build the cutoff.
commission to what extent he was in
terested in slocks purchased by ilr.
I'nion Pacific through Kuhn, Loeb k
Otto Kuhn of tiie firm of Kuhn, Ixie'i
& Co. admitted that his firm had ee
ceived " per cent commission on the
$1fm.iHiii I'nion Pacific bond issue ami
a similar commission on the stocks
sold to the I'nion Pacific, and that half
of 1 lit- commission went to the syndi
cate that hail undertaken to float the
Mr. Kuhn further said that the
banking firm of Kuhn, loeb it Co. had
voluntarily ignored a profit of $i;:!,0oo.
000 I' or love of the I'nion Pacific.
Allmi iienteil Dry.
The testimony of the Kock Island'.;
experience wiili the Alton was one of
the uotabie features of the day's heal
ing. The agreement made with the Uock
Island people when thev put enough ef
ilieir Alton holdings with llarriman's
to form a majority of the stock provid
ed that each side should have a ma
jority of the board of directors in al
ternate yi 111 s.
Charles W. llilliard. controller of the
Hock Island, took the place of William
Mahl lat October as controlNr of the
Alton. Ililiard teiiilied ilia an exam
inatit-n of the company disclosed tint
tin-re was practically m- money in the
treasury; that the road had been mort
gaged to the Unit and. there was 1.
monev even for the construction of :
in w line which had been ihii: U'.ig.i
befoie it had been built and the bonds
action is quick MYSTERY IS
Bank Embezzlers on Way to
Prison Two Hours After
Crime is Known.
Hamilton National at Chicago Mulcted
by Two Employes Who Lived
High on Booty.
Arrested Convict Throws
Light on Famous
Peoria Case.
Kelly Company's Property Changes
Hands Consideration Said to
Ge $4,000,000.
Chicago, fell. 2S Lets than two
hours after the federal authorities
learned yesterday afternoon of a de
falcation in the Hamilton National
hank. SO IiSalle street, which amount
ed to nearly $ie.otto, Charles H. Thorn
ton. r4'! Calumet avenue, note teller
at the institution, and William W. Ha
ker, ir.su Carroll avenue-, were on tin-ir
way to the Cook county jail on .1
charge f embezzling the funds of the
Arrestcil I.enviiiK Ilsmk.
The men were anvsied as they were
leaving their stations at the bank bv
Deputy I'nited Statt s Marshals C. I".
Donovan and C. .1. Uigheimer anl
were taken In-fore I'nited States Com
missioner C. A. Ituell. Their bond.;
were fixed at $lo.ooo, and the me:i
wire given half an hour in which t
find boiulsmi n.
Failing in their attempts they we-e
taken to the jail to awai: arrang-im-nts
for a preliminary. hearing before
I'nited Stales Commissioner Mail; A
llili l-il'f the 4'iuiNe.
Fast life and high living are accoun;-
oil as responsible Mr tlie ilowntal .'I
the young men who have been e.i
ployed at ihe bank since its organiza
tion four years ago according to stat"
meiits made by them to the attorney
for the government to whom i lie v ack
nowledge that nearly $10,000 of ih--fund
af the bank had been laken bv
use of cashier's checks, altered certi
ficates eif deposits and false en; l ies i-i
the recoids of the bank.
Believed to Have Planned Dar
ing Coup With Dougher
ty at Joliet.
Both Houses Agree in Confer
ence Dscision on Rivers
and Harbors Bill.
Serves Notice on Senate He Will Here
after Insist on Provision for
14-Foot Channel.
Dalnilh'. 111.. Feb. L'S The Kelly
Coal companv was to;iav sold to H. O.
Hammond, .I. K. Derring and Hugh
Shirky. It is slated the consideration
is $t, ono.oo0. The properly was owned
equally by John U. Walsh of Chicago
and the Illinois Traction system inter
ests. The-propeny consisted of five
shafts in this subdisirict with an aver
age output of 2.oOo,oor) tons annually,
and mauv thousands of acres of coal
Texas House of Representatives
Votes to Exonerate Sen
ator Bailey.
Chicago, Feb. 2S. Positions of
prominent citiseiis and ollicials of
lia have been, endangered by the ar
rest of Kdwin S. Tate- ,ex-con viet, porcli
(limber, and "gentleman" burglar.
Tate is believed to be 1 be man who
nteied the Peoria library building on
lan. !, blew the sale1, and escaped with
videlice to have been used against
the four conspirators with Newton C.
Dougherty, educator and banker, whoso
fa lent ions created such a scandal in
iVoria more man a year ago.
All yesterday ai:ernoon late was
questioned severely by Chief of Police
Collins Chief Wilson of Peoria, and
111 attorney for tlie police department.
He at la.-t made admissions that con
vinced the- police he is the man wanted
I'iiiktn ( liia-r Olljd-1.
I'he one thing liie- police are endeav
oring to obtain more than the convic
tion 01 tare on a cnarge 01 sate mow
ing fs a bundle of pnpers takin from
the safe on the night it was blown
These papers, according to an assist
ant state's attorney from Peoria conn
iv, who was in the city assisting in
the investigation 01 tales record, con
tained evidence upon which four offl
cials of Peoria could have been con
victed as accomplices of Dougherty. It
was to save them that Dougherty is
believed to have hired Tate to blow
the safe and get the papers while both
were prisoner in the penitentiary at
Federal Court Enjoins City of Des
Moines from Ousting Railway.
Des .Moines, Iowa. Feb. 2S. Judge
Smith McPherson's decree in the case
brought by the city of Des .Moines
ousting the Des Moines street railway
from the streets was filed in the fed
eral court yesterday. The decree en
joins the city from its purpose, the
court holding that the company has a
perpetual franchise, granted in 1S03,
and that, legislation passed in 1ST:: and
since ls7:' is not applicable because it
conflicts with the federal constitution.
and that the city has recognized the
franchise by ordering extensions and
Democratic Leader Makes Speech
vereiy Scoring Those Who
Opposed Him.
National Jobbers' Association Held to
Have Violated Law.
Philadelphia. Feb. 2S. The United
States court of apiK-als here today he-Id
the Xa'ional Window Glass Jobbers
association violated the Sherman anti
trjst law in forming an alleged com
bination for restriction of trade and
regulation of prices.
Chief of Secret Service Investigating
Robbery of Chicago Subtreasury.
Chicago. Feb. 2.X. John E. Wilkin
chief of the secret service, arrived i
Chicago today, and immediately Wkm
charge of the investigation of the r
cent, robbery of the sub-treasury.
Low Fares Up to Governor.
Lincoln. NelV. Feb. 2S. The senato
today passed the house 'l-eent passe.v
ger fare bill. The measure' become:
effective as soon as signed by tlie
St. Louis Woman and Children
Poisoned ay Opium
Two Dead.
These facts were testified to yester
day by Charles W. Milliard, controller St. Louis. Feb. 2s. Lying upon the
of the Reick Island, who last fall sue- floor at the home of Emil Koeppen,
ceeded William Mahl as controller of. night watchman, in Woodland suburb
the Alton. the dead bodies of Frank Koeppen
oihrr smxntionnl rrnturrx. aged 9, and Miss Se-lma Giersback, th
This was not the nniv sensntinn.il housekeeper, were found today. Be
feature of the day's hearing before theli'le them lay Dently Koeppen, aged
interstate commerce commission, and Robert Koeppen, aged C. tincon
which is seeking light on the enor- scions. Nearby was an empty bottle
nious overcapitalization of modern day labeled "Red Drops," recently purchas
railroads. led as a medicine. Appearances indl
E. II. Harriman refused to tell the cate opium poisoning.
of her period of lactation. The test
was continued for (U days, during
which period every milking was water
ed, the quantity of milk weighed, and
samples taken and tested by a repre
sentative of the experiment station.
Attst in,
to 4o
Tex., Feb. 2S. P.y a vote ef
out of a possible 12S vote-.
numbers being absent. Senator
Bailey was exoneiafed by the hiwer
house of the Texas legislature last
ight of any charges ef irregular acts
public life as allege d by Represent
ative Cocke of the lower house Jan. It.
tist. The action which resulted m
his exoneration was precipitated at
n o'clock in the afternoon after
three days' piivat'i consultation b--
twe'en house members anil friends ol
Ballev, and concludes six weeks of in-
eS'tigation that has occasioned Bai
ley's constant attendance in this city.
I'l.lliinn Si-iiatr'x Action.
Monday, by a veite of 15 to 11, the
senate exonerated Bailev without wait
ing to hear the report of the invest igat
ing committee and last, night the hoasi:
took like action to the extent of acting
on the recommendation of a majority
of the investigation committee for
complete exoneration without siibmis
ion of the evidence. Opponents of
iailey pleaded to have the evidence
submitted before being asked to voe
but the Bailey forces were in the ma
jority, forced the vote and won out.
rilii'ixi-N His KiM'iiilrN.
After the action of the house. Bailey
appeared and addressed the nicmbeis
lie deliveted himself of a speech de
cidedly critical and emphatic in the
matter of reviewing those who have
seen fit to oppose him during the -n
ttre investigation. Bailey leaves at
once for Washington, where he goes
lake his place as senator on March
'I'iiIi-'pi rr-t !) In i l:i .
The arrest of Tate, which may re
sult in a new upheaval in Peoria, was
largely the re-suit of chance. Complaint
was made to ihe police that the resi-de-nce
of John (!. Flynt, :17::'. Indiana
avenue, had been ronbed several weeks
igo. 1 he burglar Had not been seen.
but the loot was traced to New York.
Later a man was feiund disposing of
some ot the proceeds o! tne nurgiary.
lie was arrested by the New York po
lice and Chief Collins was notified.
Detective Conick, who was sent to
New York for him, re-cognized Tate.
riiey returned to Chicago early in the
morning, when it was discovered tnat
he was the prisoner who had been re
leased oft parole from Joliet only a tow-
lays before the blowing of the safe at
Peoria. A li:tle further investigation
developed the fact that Tate had not
onlv been a cellmate of Dougherty's,
but had worked with him on records of
the penitentiary.
I'll roll' Move :ui-m SHirm.
It was about this time that friends of
Dougherty began to make efforts to
obtain his release on parole. When
Pittsburg Astronomer Who Predicted
Electrical Disturbances Recently
Announces Discovery.
Washington, Feb. 28. The confer
ence report on the? military academy
appropriation bill was agreed to today.
The bill goes to the president.
( it Hum Hi-It 1111 Itlu-r Hill.
Washington, Feb. 28. Senator Cui-
niii served notice on congress yester
lay that he wouid not permit, the pas
sage ot another rivers and naibors nut
that did not authorize the construction
f a 11-foot waterway to connect the
jreat lakes and the gulf.
"I want to give notice now," said the
senator, that when the rivers and har
bors bill comes before us again, unless
these geiie-ral improvements of water
ways are provided for, unless the
tretch of the Mississippi between Si.
Louis and Cairo also is provided for. so
far as I personally am concerned, 1
shall resist the cnacment of the meas
Both Senators Culloni and Hopkins
made tin ineffectual effort to induce the
senate to insist upon an appropriation
of $lim,iiin instead of $:;ui.iitio for the
Chicago river. The senate, however,
was inclined te accept the- conference
leport, and so voted.
l-'tr ItiiliiMlriiil I'eiicp.
The senate passed without discussion
the Daniel bill establishing a "founda
tion for the promotion ef industrial
peace." It authorizes a board of trus
tee's to receive from President Roose
velt the Nobel peace prize as nucleus
of a fund to bring together at Washing
ton periodically representatives of cap
ital and labor to discuss labor prob
lems. l'xiiitri:illu Hill 1:ihwi-m.
The expatriation .11 also was pass
ed. It authorizes lie issuance ot pass
ports to persons who have - de-cla red
their intention of becoming citizens of
the I'nited States and have lived in
this coun'ry three years and who wish
to visit countries other than the one
of which they are a native. Such pass-
poits are good only for six months.
The bill fixes the status of American
women who marry foreigners and for
eign women w ho marry Americans. In
the latter case the citize-uship of the
wife is letaine-d during coverture and
so long as she continues to live in the
I nited States. An American- woman
can regain her citizenship after her
marriage with a foreigner terminates
and she makes proper application there
for. The bill provides that a naturaliz
ed citizen of the I'nited States who
goes abroad and resides five years
shall be presumed to have abandoned
his American, citizenship. Over 50 oth
er bills were passed.
lloiiHi- Aurn-H li Itiver MenNiirr.
Conference reports were agreed to by
the house on the rivers and harbors
bill. The house concurred in the sen
ate amendment in the aimy bill pro
viding for the retirement of certain
brigadier generals who have served in
the civil war, with the rank of major
Few Spectators Stay in
Court While Evans
Witness Testifies Suspect Was Not in
Country When Claim Jumper
Was Killed.
Wallace, Idaho, Feb. 2K By testi
mony from his own lips, Steve Adams'
attorneys will try to convince? the jury
that In- is tin illiterate man, incapable
of using tin; language in his confession
of the murder of Fred Tyler, that he
had lit en led to believe he would be
hanged if he did not sign the sta-
ment, but. would lit- spared if he did.
and that under this fear he affixed his
name 10 the story prepared by Deierv
ihe McParland and his associates.
Strong testimony was given yesterday
bv Llovd Mason, a son of Alvin Mason.
a pioneer settli r, lei uphold an alibi for
Adams on Aug. in. lftoi. whin Tvl.-r
is supposed to have been killed. Ma
son testified that about Aug. 1. P.I'M.
met Steve Adams, then Known as
Sieve Dickson, at Mason's hav ranch
He renii mhered seeing Adams on Aug
Ihe witness saal Dickson and t.liv
vr wen down the river the next dav.
Adams coming back about ten day
later wii'u Jack Simpkins. Miss Mvr-
tie Mason, a sister eif LI y oil Mason
coriohorated this testimony.
British House of Commons Passes
Resolution 198 to 90 Govern
ment Not Committed.
Long Cross Examination Ren
ders Conclusion This Week
Out of Question.
london. Feb. 2S. In the common
last night the resolution in favor c
liis-establishme'tu and disendowment
of tin- church in both England an
Wales was adopted 1!S to !0. Th:
resolution does not commit. 1he,gove
iiient. but the debate uhn it was in
teresting on account of the statement
made by Augustine Birrell. chief sec
letary for Ireland. Birrell said lie
failed to see how continuance of the
established church could be. justified.
The church had done the state no good
and the state had done the church
nothing but harm. Personally. Birrell i
ml. he believed disestabhshmeur. far;
0111 harming tlie church as a spiritual!
bodv. would restore it to the nositio-i
of snii itual authority throughout ' e-rs snow en ine writer enspiayeu signs
land. The government's hands, how-
Indications Are for Serious War in
Central America,
Panama. Feb. 2S. From advices
eived here indications are there will
be a general conflict throughout. Cen
ti al America unless the friendly inter-
ention of the I'nited States and Mex-
lca proves eueetive.
Pittsburg. Feb. 2S.r Another big sun
Fpot is due about tomorrow according
to John A. Brashear, the Allegheny is
tronomor. who discovered the big sun
sjwt several weeks ago. Mr. Brashear
observed five small spots Monday.
There is a possibility that the large
one that is coming .will disintregate.
lie says, but the present indications are
that it will be at hand. Its full effect
will not be perceived on the earth until
the middle of next week, when there
may be electrical disturbances. On
fritiay tne spot, snouiit make Its ap
pearance in the western part of the
sun. It will then gradually move to
ward the central meridian, arriving
' there in five or six days.
Washington, Feb. 28. Following is a
brief resume of the important proceed
ings in both houses of congivss yesterday:
SKXATK Alter listening tn :m imm
inent by St'ii.il'ir l':ittiisnn nl t'liliirailii
in favor of giivi-rnmeii t tiwiit-rship nf
niilriiiids. tlie senate ngvi-etl l.i the een-IVri-nee
li pi.tl mi tin- rivi-r ami harbor
ai).ri.jiria; inn bill. Tin- si iiati- passed
whlntiil ilisiiissioii tin- l)anii-l bill es
tablishing "tlii- fi'iuidal inn fur the pru
1 11 1 i . !i ill" Industrial peaee." with the
N'ilu-1 peace prize rei-eiyed by l'resi
tleiit Umiseyell. The ex pa t r ia ' inn bill
alsn was passed. The house bill In pre
vent shanghaiing and "n minor meas
ures were passed. Adjourned till to
HOI SI-. ( onloreneo reports were
aureed to bv the house yesterday tm
the naval, river and harbor and liistrict
of Columbia appropriation bills. The
house eoiieiiired in the senale amend
ment to the army bill providing lor tin
retirement nl eertaiu brigadier gener
als who served in the civil war, with
the rank of major general. The presi
dent returned to the house without lit
amn-oval a bill for the relief of J. V
Hiiuer and others owing out 01 tneir
failure to make returns for special tax
is retail duties on oleomargarine. The
conference reports en the commercial
appeals bill and tin- lulls authorizing
the allotment and disposal of surplus
lands in the Koselnnl Indian reserva
tions in South Dakota were agreed to.
The house dlsajtreetl to the senate
amendments to the sundry civi appro
priation bill and appointed conferees.
The ship subsidy bill was debated
throughout tlie day, anil at the night
session a still further extension of . one
hour having been agreed to for gen
eral debate, the extra time to lie taken
at the session today. Adjourned at 11
p. m. until today.
Madison, Wis., Feb. 2S. The assem
bly today refuseet concurrence in the
senate bill appropriating $25,000 for
the Jamestown exposition.
news of this reached the public there
was such a storm of criticism that the
plan was abandoned. It was said, how
ever, that Dougherty sugge-sted that
Tate be paroled instead.
While these developments were tak
ing place at the penitentiary, prepar
ations were being made in Peoria coun
ty for the arrest of four other persons
believed to have been accomplices'of
Dougherty. All the evidence had been
obtained and it was being kept in the
safe at the library building.
Holilit-ry I'olliMYK 111m Hclcnm'.
Then came Tate's release, the blov
ing ot the sate, tne disappearance ot
the papers, and the abandonment, for
the time, at least, if the prosecution of
Dougherty's accomplices. It was be
lieved at the time that somebody con
nected with the prosecution, who still
could be reached by Dougherty's mon
ey and influence, marked the papers
and left the safe unlocked on the night
it was to be blown, to make the disap
pearance of the papers doubly sure
Then, according to the story, the pa
pers were stolen and the safe blown
to carry out the impression that it was
an ordinary "job."
Official Test Shows a Yield of 5.326
Pounds of Milk and 2&0.5 Pounds
of Butter in Sixty Days.
Fond du Lac, Wis., Feb. 2S. In
CO day test, just completed, under the
personal supervision of a represents
live of the Wisconsin experiment sta
tion. a Holstein-Friesan cow owned by
W. J. Gillett has broken the world
butter record by 40 pounds. The offi
cial test shows 5,320.7 pounds of mill
and ZftO.a pounds of butter. The cow
gave birth to a calf Dec. 19 ami the
'test was commenced in the fifth day
New York, Feb. 2S. Dis'.rict Attor
ney Jerome continued his cross-examination
of Dr. llritton D. Evans, one of
tl;e alienists for the defense in the
tiial of Harry K. Thaw for the murder
.f Stanford White, and the entire
morning was taken up wit 11 questions
concerning the details or certain ot
Thaw's letters which had been admit
ted in evidence.
Had to lti-ie:it (lilt-vliouH.
Evans would examine letters closely
from time 10 time ami Jerome was ob
liged io repeat, some of his interroga
tions many limes before securing
what, he considered a definite answer.
In the end Evans said the letters con
vinced him the writer was insane at
the time of writing, and that he wis
no;, insane "in the sense he would al
ways remain insane." the expert ad
ded. Internal l.ntr.
Tl'.ere were only 50 spectators in the
courtroom when proceedings began 'o
t'ay, and half of these had left by the
time the luncheon recess was ordered.
The King drawn out cross examination
of Evans precludes the possibility ot
the defense concluding its case this
lay 1. title Attention.
Thaw paid little attention to th1
testimony today, but sat in his usual
place reading letters and chatting with
the---Hivryrrs. - Just before recess 'Je
rome stated Evans' cross examination
will require all of tomorrow.
KvnnM In Itecallril.
Xew York. Fe-b. 28. Dr. Evans was
recalled when the Thaw trial reopened
thi.-i morning.
Evans, after reading letters place-1
in evidence and Thaw's will and codi
cil for the purpose of determining
whether Thaw was insane at the time
they were written, said some of the e-
ver, were already too full to assume
any responsibility in the matter.
Did Eighty Per Cent of Disbursements
of Equitable During Year.
Xew York. Feb. 2S.--Paul Morton
was reelected president of the Equit
able Life Insurance society at the aa-
nnnl meeting of the board of directors
today. Morton reported in VjW, St per
cent of all disbursements went te) poii-
y holders, the remaining 2d being ex
pended in the conduct of the business.
Wendell Phillips Garrison Dead.
Xew York. Feb. 2S. Wendell Phil
lips Garrison, son of William Lloyd
Garrison, the abolil ionist anil for more
than 40 years editor of the Xew York
Nation, died last night, aged C". He
had been ill several months.
eif mental insensibility, but no insan
ity in the sense he would remain per
manently insane. He went into a long
explanation of reasons for his theory.
Evans also said some of the letters
we-re addressed to a girl for whose
hand the writer was suing.
ItelntionM Cut No Finure.
"Would the fact that the writer had
been traveling through Europe with
the young woman as man and wife, al
though unmarried, have any effect
upon your opinion?"
"No. for a man under those circum
stances may love a woman just as
much as though she were bound te
him bv holier ties."
Connecticut Arrives at New York With
65 Cases of Typoid Fever
Colfax, III., Mob Seeks' Life of
Slayer of Four by Re
tired Farmer.
New York. Fib. 2S. The battleship
Connecticut, among whose crew ther
are f.5 cases of typhoid fever, devel
oped while cruising in the West In
dian waters, arrived here today. Fifty
are in a critical condition. All the
sick will be landed and taken to
Michigan Democrats Meet.
Flint. .Mich.. Feb. 2S. The first ses
sion tif the deniocratie state conven
tion today, called for the nomination
of two justices of the supreme court,
two regents of the university of Michi
gan, anil a 'member of the state board
of education, was devoted to organiza
tion and address of the temporary
Bloomiiigton, III., Feb. 2S. Thomas tnjirman. &- u- llliams-
Baldwin, a rich farmer and former Driven to nth hu q 1..
merchant, aged fis. of Colfax, shot and rit.slmr Pa Feb. 2S. Professor T.
killed Charles Kennedy and wife. Mrs I rr..i 1 - . . . .
. , , ,. " 1"- "' iigeu .jo, instructor in cnem
Sim Eisman and daughter. Cora. Baid- u u n.ww. .
1 i 1. nit a 1 turuiMtmi i umppia TAn.
win was under bond charged with 0..i Ls., , ,
criminal assault on Cora Eisman, agad
14. He settld with the girl's fathar
nieai sciKHjis, committed suicide ves-
terday to escape the smoke of Pitts
burg. Professor Taylor's body was
found in his room at his boarding
house. Death was caused by two
wounds from a recently purchased revolver.
for a sum of money, but was subse
quently arrested and blamed the Kea-
netlys and Mrs. Eisman for the prose-1
cut ion.
Baldwin narrowly escaped lynching!
at the hands of angry farmers. He)
was surrendered to a deputy sheriff at New
Ariowsmnn. driven nurrietiiy to say- terrific blizzard is raging in this vicin
brook. and brought by train to Bloom- it y. Railroad tiaffic is impeded and
March is Coming.
Richmond. Wis., Feb.
28. A
wires are down.

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