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Rock Island Argus. (Rock Island, Ill.) 1893-1920, February 17, 1908, Image 8

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Committee of Medical Society
is Investigating Tubercu
losis Legislation
Recent Act May Be Put in Force Here
and Result jn Establishment of
a Tent Colony.
A committee of the Rock Island
County Medical society is investiga
ting and preparing to report to the
society the possible results in Rock
Island county under the bill adopted
recently by the Illinois legislature to
provide a 4-mill tax for the purpose
of establishing and maintaining col
onies and sani;ariunis for the treat
ment of tuberculosis. The bill pro
vides that the people of the different
counties may vote on the proposition
of imposing this tax.
The committee of the physicians,
composed of Dr. F. H. First and Dr. E.
M. Sula of Rock Island, and Dr. R. C.
J. Myers of Moline, is looking into the
present status of the bill, and in its
report will also give figures of the pos
sible revenue to result in this county.
MelinN Itlji S ll in litre.
This tax in Rock Island county
would result in providing $18,001) a
year for the jntrpose of fighting the
dread disease. With this amount much
could be done toward establishing and
maintaining a fine sanitarium and col
ony for those afllicted with the disease.
The outdoor plan, which has been
thoroughly tested by Dr. Pettit at Ot
tawa, has come to be accepted as the
most practical treatment of the dis
ease, and in all probability the adop
tion of the tax provision here would
lie with a view to establishing such an
institution here.
There has for some time been a
well defined movement on the part of
the Tri-City Social Service club and
other organizations towards a system
a:ic campaign against tuberculosis in
the three cities, and the founding of
a tent colony for its treatment. What
bearing the legislature's bill may have
on this movement remains to be seen,
when the committee makes lis report.
Itiliu r niiow ton Ik lit or TiieMtlny.
AX tinner tonight, with thr lovvrxt tem-i-rt
lire hrlnrrn 20 and ileurce.
J. M. MUCH licit, Loral ForeoaMter.
IVmpf rnturp at 7 n. in., 10; at 3:30
p. in.. "II. Maximum teiu nrrat lire in 24
hiMirM. 2(ti minimum. 10. I'reelpltntion
In 21 liourM, trace. Velocity of wind lit
7 a. in., mile per hour. Stage of river
at 7 a. in.. ! feet, n rUe of .2 feet In -JS
feb. 17 lu FuGtcry.
iroi Michael Ang -lo Uuonarroti, painter,
sc'ilptor and architect, died: born 1475.
l!xM) lioKpeiiito attempt to Kill the czar;
mlnu exploded under the Winter pal
ace at the dinner hour; 10 soldiers of
th? guard killed end 48 injured.
1S$S England seized a part of Venezuela
containing valuable mir.os. The Unit
ed Btaloe was promptly appealed to
by the Venezuelans not to allow Great
Britain to retain P.arlmoa point and
the sold mines. England refused arbi
tration to the Venezuelans at the time.
1905 Grand Duke Sergiua, uncle of Czar
Nicholas II. of Itussla. slain by an
ussassln's bomb in Moscow.
Tonight and Tomorrow Morning.
Sun sets 5:33, rises 6:45. Moon rise
6x1 p. m. Moon's age, 1C days.
Leaf lard at Gllmore's.
Buy a home of Reldy Bros.
II. K. Walker, fire insurance.
Me to Jones for a cheap stove.
Reserve your seats for "The West
--"-"'J J '7 fry
trot a avi
Rock IsiancxIu.
Our February reduction sale,
covering all lines in the Btore,
has proven very attractive to
those who know what they want,
and whe have a refined and ar
tistic conception of good taste
and quality.
We're getting ready for spring.
The new things are not out as
yet, and any claim to the con
trary by any competing dealers
you may put down as a dashing
little ripple of verbosity fairy
tni a avi
Rock Island. III.
ville Cadets" before they are all gone.
Tri-City Towel Supply company.
For bus or express, Spencer & Trefz.
Dry kindling at Mueller's $1 and up.
A furniture squabble Tuesday at Mc
Cabe's. Will you be there?
"The Westville Cadets" Wednesday
evening at the Illinois theater.
Fresh eggs 25 cents per dozen at the
Seventeenth Street Cash Store.
Let Krell & Slemon do' your furnace
and tin work; 1316 Third avenue.
You always get full value in Lewis'
Siugle Binder straight 5-cent cigar.
Lewis' Single Binder straight 5 cent
jgar. Made of extra quality tobacco.
Lewis' Single Binder cigar richest,
most satisfying smoke on the market.
The Bethany Home Sewing society
will meet at the home tomorrow after
noon. I defy you to beat my prices on all
kinds of stovec. Jones, the second
hand man.
If you want fresh eggs, telephone
your order to the Seventeenth Street
Cash Store.
Don't shiver yourself into sickness;
take your small change to Jones and
get a stove.
Grand masquerade ball at Coal Val
ley, Feb. 22. Come one, come all, and
have a good time.
Every egg guaranteed good and
fresh that it sold at the Seventeenth
Street Cash Store.
Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Herrmann of 515
Thirty-fifth street are the parents cf a
son born Saturday.
Tuesday will be furniture day at Me
Cabe's. Twenty per cent discount on
every piece sold all day.
Alton Stewart was given 10 days in
jail this morning by Magistrate Elliott
on a charge of disorderly conduct.
Mueller's Springfield coal free, free
from slack at $3 per ton. delivered in
two ton lots, if taken from the car at
The display and sale of 190S jewelry
at McCabe's is attractingthe keenest
attention of the best posted buyers in
the three cities.
The Aiken Street Sewing society
will meet with Mrs. Thomas Bollman
in South Rock Island, Wednesday af
ternoon at 2:30.
The new 190S white and colored
dress fabrics being shown at McCabe's
meeting with the heartiest approval
of early shoppers.
E. F. Godfrey will re-open the restau
rant at 219 Se-'enteenth street Wednes
day, Feb. 19 for dinner. Come one
come all and give us a call.
The Plattdeu schen Schwestern will
give a masquerade ball at Turner hall
Saturday evening Feb. 29. Tickets 25
cents. Four cash prizes will be given.
Island City Court of Honor No. 855
will hold its monthly card party and
dance Thursday evening, Feb. 20, at
Beselin's hall. Admission, 15 cents.
Schieberl's orchestra, v
Did you hear aoout it? Did you
read about it? Twenty per cent dis
count on all furniture sold for cash all
day Tuesday at McCabe's, and you
get trading stamps in addition.
Tickets puroh?.sed in advance for the
home play, "The Westville Cadets,'
must be exchanged at the Illinois thea
ter box office for the regular coupon
tickets which alone are good at the
Ex-Alderman T. A. Pender, 518
Twenty-second street, reports the theft
of his Scotch collie dog valued at $2o.
Needless to say Mr. Pender stands
rpadv to make things Interesting lor
the guilty party.
A statement signed by Mrs. C. R
Luther. 2017 Fifth avenue, was hand
ed The Argus for. publication, in which
the writer claimed to have experienc
ed complete relief after a two months'
illness with rheumatism through Di
vine agency. What medicine had not
accomplished in weeks Mrs. Luther
says faith did in five minutes.
The regular monthly meeting of the
W. C. T. U. will be held Tuesday after
noon at 3 o'clock in the Sunday school
room of Broadway Presbyterian church
The subject discussed will be "Scien
tific Temperance." The prize essay by
seventh grade pupils on the subject
"The Value of Temperance in Making
Good Citizens" will be read and thu
prizes awarded to two boys and two
girls by Rev. W. B. Clemmer of the
Memorial Christian church. The
, meeting will be open to all interested
in the work in the schools.
Entertainment Under Auspices of
Spanish War Veterans in Memo
rial Hall Thursday.
Siboney Bay camp No. 8, United
Spanish War Veterans, will give a pro
gram in Memorial hall Thursday even
ing. The proceeds of the entertain
ment will go toward a fund for the an
nual banquet of the camp, to be held
April 2C. Refreshments will be serv
ed arid the following program will be
Bugle call T. H. Flynn.
Piano solo Garnett Warren.
Vocal solo Robert Cloudas.
Reading Emma Goble.
Vocal solo Arthur Jonassen.
Song Sylvan quarter.
Violin solo Norma Fuche.
Reading Laura Davis.
Vocal solo Ella Skinner.
Reading Emil Hass.
Vocal solo Jack Hazard.
Song Sylvan quartet.
Bids for Vork on Upper Mississippi
Are Opened at Local Office of
Government Engineers.
At the office of the United States en-
meers this afierjioon three river con
tracts tor shore work were let, sub
ject to the approval ot the cniet ot
the corps. The work is for the repair
md construction of dams and shore
protection, for three districts. The
work will amount to about $150,0ti.
The work between the Wisconsin
river and Savanna was awarded to A.
. Whitney of this c'ty, whose bid was
$1.47 for rock work and 47 cents for
brush. Albert Kirchner. Fountain City,
Wis., was given the contract between
Rock Island and Burlington, his bid
being $1.47 for rock and 54 cents for
brush. The work" between Burlington
and Hannibal was awarded to Albert
V. Fetter of Quincy, whose bid was
$1.50 for rock and 55 cents for brush.
Instrument Divides an Estate of $30,
000 Among Heirs.
The will of the late George Scherer
of South Rock Island was admitted to
probate today by Judge Olmsted in
the county court. The will disposes
of an estate, mainly in real estate.
valued at about $30,000, which is divid
ed equally .among the heirs.
. Yellow Fever at Galveston.
Galveston, Feb. 17. On the steamer
Crispin, which arrived in the roads
three mile's out from Galveston, yes
terday from Peru, Brazil, there were
two cases of yellow fever. The vessel
has been quarantined.
Bert Barber ot Elton, Wis., says
"I have only taken four doses of your
Kidney and Bladder pills and they
have ,done more for me than any oth
er medicine has ever done." Mr. Bar
ber refers to DeWKt's Kidney and
Bladder pills. They are sold by all
Passes on Naturalization
pers, Refusing One.
Judge F. D. Ramsay in the circuit
court this morning was occupied with
earings cn petitions for naturaliza
tion. Four men were granted citizen-
hip, one petition was dismissed, and
four other hearings were continued
Those granted final papers are Martin
Nelson and Nathaniel Hedlund, both'
of Moline and both Swedish subjects;
nd Julius Claeys and Achiel Von
Steenbuyse of East Moline, both Bel
gian subjects. The petition of John
Oscar Nelson was dismissed because
of his failure to show bv his witnesses
that he is a. fit person to be granted
citizenship and has complied with all
the requirements. The hearings of
Ferdinand Johnson and Per, Albert
Zedren of this city and Henri De Cap
and Josef De Connick of East Moline
were continued. The government was
epresented at the hearings by D. D.
Caldwell, special assistant United
States attorney.
Held ta Grand Jury.
Justice G. Albert Johnson today
held S. J. Rice to the grand jury under
$100 bond, on the charge of larceny as
ilee. sworn out by W. C. Looney.
The charge of tmbezzlement was dis
missed last week and the other charge
taken under advisement till today.
One Ceit Postal Rate.
One cent postal rate on letters is
again being agitated and one of the
high officials of that department de
clares that universal postage at one
cent is sure to come in the near future.
The experience of all countries is that
a reduction in postage increases the
volume of bus'ness so much that the
loss of revenue is more than made up
The experience of the thousands of
sickly men and women who have used
Hostetter's Stamach Bitters has al
ways brought the same results im
proved health, perfect digestion and
steady nerves. Our 54 years' record
of cures should be sufficient to con
vuico you or us merit, hut trv one
bottle today .nul test it for your own
satisfaction. It cures dvsnensia indi-
estion. costiveness, colds, grippe, fe
male ills and malaria.
Everything Just as Advertised
And Every Afternoon and Night This Week the
$10,000 Motion Picture Spectacle, the Original
hums mm
At t5?e ELITE Theater
Beware of People Who Try to Offer a Poor Imitation of the Above Picture at Some Future
Date. DON'T Miss This Truly Great Picture at the Theater that
Never Fools the People
ShayeT8Hhecrset.PricedActthatEver NEILLSON'S AERIAL BALLET
Ten Beautiful Ladies and a Carload of Scenery and Electrical Effects Positively the Most Magnificent Act in Vaudeville.
Chicago, Feb. 17. rollowing are the
market quotations' today:
May, 934, 94',, 92, 02.
July, 90, 90. 8!). 89.
September, 88, 88, 86, 86.
May, Cl'4, 61, CO, CO',.
July, 59, 59-34. 58. 5S.
September, 59, 59'4, 58, 58. 1
May, 52, 53. 52, 52.
July, 16, 46, 45, 45..
September, 38, 38, 37, 37.
May, 11.27. 11.42, 11.20, 11.25.
July, 11.67, 11.80, 11.62. 11.65.
May, 7.22, 7.3J, 7.25. 7.20.
July, 7.50, 7.50, 7.45, 7.45.
May, 6.40, 6.45, 6.37, 6.37.
July, 6.72, 6.75, 6.65, 6.65.
Beer That Is Beer.
If you want to drink good beer, order
the Davenport Malting company's pale
export. Delivered anywhere in Roek
Island. Both phones, north 169.
Kennedy's Laxative Cough Syrup
acts gently v but promptly on the bow
els. It stops the cough by soofhing
the throat and lung irritation. Sold
by all druggists. '
Always the
All the
news all the time THE
The only hlb trade
t i moderate price.
Receipts today; Wheat, 19; . corn.
111; oats, 143; hogs, 47.000; cattle 36.-
000; sheep, 14,000.
Estimated receipts Tuesday: Wheat.
19; com, 161; oats, 332; hogs, 34,0i0.
Hog market opened 5c higher. Hogs
left over. 6.000. Light, 4.104.32; good
heavy, i.lOqii .42; mixed and butchers,
4.104.37;- rotig'i heavy, 4. 1004-20.
Cattle market opened steady.
Sheep market opened steady.
Omaha hogs, 3.500; cattle, 4,000.
Kansas City nogs, 7.000; cattle, 7,000.
Hog market closed steady. Light.
4.104.35; good heavy, 4.204.45;
mixed and buichers, 4.20(71:4.40; rough
heavy, 4.204.2i.
Cattle market closed steady. Cows
and heifers, l.Sirff? 1.75: Beeves, 3.S5i?
6.00; stockers and feeders, 2.70 4.75.
Sheep market closed steady.
Northwester.! receipts:
North western receipts: Minneapolis
Today, 299; last week, 33S; last year.
733. Duluth Today, 55; last week, 5S;
last year, 79.
Visible supply of grain; wheat de
crease. 637,000; corn increase, 433,000;
oats decrease, 250.000.
Liverpool opening cables wheat un
changed; corn, 1-4 higher.
Liverpool closing, wheat unchanged;
corn, 38 higher.
New York Stock.
New York, eb. 17. Following arc
the quotations on the market today:
Gas 84, U. P. 112, U. S. Steel
preferred 91, o. S. Steel common
27, Reading 93. Rock Island pre
ferred 24, Rock Island common 12.
Southern Pacific -66. X. Y. Central
93. Missouri Pacific 36. L. & N. 87.
Smelters 56, C. F. I. 17, Canadian
Pacific 141, Illinois Central 122.
Penna 110. Erie 13, C. & O. 26.
B. R. T. 39, B. & O. 77. Atchison
67, Locomotive 33V&, Sugar 109,
St. Paul 106, copper 46. Republic
Steel preferre.. .66, Republic Steel
common 15, Southern Ry. 9.
Today's Quotations on Provisions, Live
Stock Feed and Fuel.
Rock Island, Feb. 17. Following are
the wholesale quotations on the market
Provisions and Product.
Eggs Fresh, 23c.
Live Poultry Spring chickens, 9c
per pound; hens, per pound. 7c; ducks,
per pound, 8 to 9c; turkeys per pound
14c; geese per pounds Sc.
Butter Dairy, 26 to 27c.
Lard 10c.
Vegetables Potatoes, 60c; onions.
Live Stock.
Hogs $3.75 to $4.15.
Sheep Yearlings or over, $1.00 to
$5.00; lambs, $4.50 to $0.75.
Cattle Steers $3.50 to $5.50; cows
and heifers $2.00 to $4.00; calves, $4.00
to $5.50.
Feed and Fuel.
Grain Corn 60c; oats 4Sc to 50c.
Forage Timothy hay, $11 to $13;
prairie, $9.00 to $11.00; clover, $10.00
to $11.00; straw, $6.00.
Wood Hard, per load, $5.00 to $5.50.
Coal Lump per bushel 13c to 14c;
slack per bushel 7c to Sc.
Judge F. D. Ramsay presiding.
9099. Martin Beckstrom' vs. Joseph
T. Krone. Rule to plead extended one
week from Feb. S.
9471. Archie Littig vs. Peter H.
Wessel. . Demuncr overruled as to
counts 1. -2, 3, 5 and 7. Defendant ex
epts. Demurrer sustained as to coAits
1, 6 and 8. Plaintiff excepts.
9543. Conrad F. Grantz vs. 'August
3chultz. Death of August Schultz sug
gested. Summons ordered to issue
against Minnie H. Schultz, executrix.
5805. J. Oscar Sell, et al. vs. Frank
lin H. Sell, et al. Replication filed and
cause referred to the master in chan
cery to take and report the evidence
and his findings thereon.
5922. W. A. Robinson, et al. vs.
George F. Johnson, et al. Answef of
Andrew Dexter filed. Replication to
all answers filed. Cause referred to
master in chancery to take proofs and
report same together with his conclu
sions of law and fact.
5924. Dubuquo Citizens Baseball
?lub vs. Three-Eye league et al. Mo
tion to dissolve continued to Feb. 29,
at 9 o'clock a. m.
5966. Matilda Buford vs. John Bu
ford. Case heard. Finding for com
plainant and decree for divorce.
Judge R. W. Olmsted presiding.
Estate of Ma.-y Griffin. New bond of
J. T. Sfiields, administrator, in the sum
of $2,000, presented to the court Feb.
11, 1908, filed and approved and bond
in American Surety company of New
York released.
Estate of Francis Murphy. Petition
of Esther E. MurDhv for letters of ad
ministration filed. Oath taken and
filed. Bond of taid Esther E. Murphy
filed aftd approved. Ordered that let
ters of administration issue to her.
Estate of Julius Linke. Petition of
J. L. Haas for letters of administration
d. b. n. filed. Oath taken and filed.
Ordered that letters of administration
issue to him upon his filing a good and
sufficient bond in the sum of $1.S00,
with security to be approved by the
Estate of John Engbloom. Relin
quishment of Eva Engbloom signed by
Anna Louise Reuterdahl, sole resident
heir, filed. Petition of Eva Engbloom
for letters of administration filed. Oath
taken and filed. Bond of said Eva Eng
bloom in the sum of $700 filed and ap
proved. Ordered that letters of ad
ministration issue to her.
Estate of Sarah A. Ellis. Final re
port filed. Hearing on same set for
March 11, 190S, at 9 o'clock a. m. Or
dered that executor publish notice of
same in conformity to statute.
k 'J
. Real Estate Transfers.
Frank J. Taylor to Deborah Taylor,
lot 7, block 3, M. Schnell's addition to
Rock Island, $1,500.
Henry Eckberg to Henry Hubert y,
lots 19 and 20, block 1, Columbia Park
addition. South Moline, $1,100.
For Rheumatic Sufferers.
The quick relief from pain afforded
by applying Chamberlain's Pain Balm
makes it a favorite with sufferers from
rheumatism, sciatica, lame back, lum
bago, and deep seated and muscular
pains. For sale by all druggists.
Advertised List No. 7.
The following is a list of letters un
called for for the week ending Feb. 15,
190S: George Allabrum, C. N. Brown,
Miss Beda Beckman, G. F. Ball, Miss
Heloise Coulsto.i. J. J. Cook, Mrs. Ida
Demian, E. H. Delmore, (3); Miss
Treasa Holmes, Frank Hughes. H. A.
Krambech, George Leiser, Mrs. J. G.
Marron, Mrs. Dessil Marshall. Claud
Mills, Harry Ksiiman, Mrs. R. S. Quick.
Mrs. Carl Schraook, Percy Stidd, Ed
ward Steticion, Miss Ruth Sharpe, W.
E. Williams.
Pay Taxes.
The taxes for 1907, both personal
and real estate, are now due and pay
able at room 18, M. & L. building-.
Hours, 9 to 12 a. m., 1 to 5 p. m. Open
Wednesday and Saturday evenlgs
from 7 to 9 p. m. Bring your last
year's receipts with you.
Tax Collector.
Tie so-called "fresh toasted"
coffee sold in a store has not the
strength and aroma of Arbuckles'
Certified Coffees sold only in
one pound packages, four-fold

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