OCR Interpretation

Rock Island Argus. (Rock Island, Ill.) 1893-1920, June 23, 1908, Image 7

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn92053934/1908-06-23/ed-1/seq-7/

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J-. .
Sff id's na(l Etofcdl
Ifor nit ftE5iirn5)W '
Tlh Arsons
A "TIP'S n cnt P word under any head, except medical.
1U& ana clairvoyant for the first three Insertions; one
balf cent per word for each three additional insertions thereafter.
No ad taken for less than 20 cents first Insertion. Display rate
furnished on application.
CLASSIFIED PAGE CLOSES AT 1 P. It Ads received after 1
p. m. Inserted next day. Phone orders given careful attention.
By -request, advertisers may have answers addressed to a num
bered letter 1b cars of The Argus.
Rcsol EZstlaite Fir Sail
$1,200 buys 4-room cottage.
$1,600 buys 8 -room house, furnace and
f 1.800 buys 7-room cottage.
$3,000 buys, 7-room house, modern.
$2,500 buys 7-room house; paved
Street. '
$3,000 buys 9 -room house.
$1,200 buys 5-room conage. ,
$650 buys cottage. South Rock Island.
$1,650 buys cottage on 7th street.
$8,000 buys Ave cottages; lot 120x130.
$1,659 buys house. South Rock Island.
$2,600 buys 7-room cottage; paved
$4,000 buys 7-room modern house;
paved street.
$2,700 buys 7-room modern house,
13th street.
$1,350 buys S-room cottage, l$th
$3,000 buys 7-room house, 13th street.
$3,600 buys 9-room house, modern,
14 H street.
$2,600 buys I -room cottage, 14th
$1,600 buys 6-room cottage, and barn.
14th street.
$4,000 buys S-room modern house,
14th street.
$2,250 buys 6-room house, 14th street.
$1,800 buys 6-room. cottage, 14th
$2,650 buys 7-room cottage, modern,
14th street.
$3,600 buys 7-room modern house,
22nd street.
$2,600 buys 6-room cottage. 14
$4,300 buys 7-room modern house,
ltth street.
$3,200 buys 8-room modern house,
ltth street.
$6,500 buys 16-room double house on
17th street.
$7,500 buys finest home on 19th street.
$7,000 buys finest home on 17th street.
$5,000 buys fine home on 21st street.
f 3.800 buys fine home on 18th street.
$3,500 buys fine home on 20th street.
$5,000 buys fine home on 9th avenue.
$1,200 buys 4-room cottage.
$1,600 buys 8-room bouse, furnace and
A ftae lot east of ball park, aear
. car line j blah and dryj a snap
for wimroyr $3uO
An eight-room modern house. on
22nd street; hot water heat and
every modern convenience; house
nearly new $5,300
A good six-room house in South
Heights, with acre of ground
and nil kinds of fruit: first class
.buildings -..$3,750
A nearly new seven-room modern
. house in Seventh ward $W0O
An eight-room modern house in
Second ward; hot water heat;
big lot $3,700
Aa all modern six-room house In
Mixta word,. near ear line; hot
water heat, eemeated cellar and
alderralkai all other modern ron
nil! aarrlHce If tak
es at oire for $3,000
A nearly new seven-room - two
story house on Sixth avenue, in
east part of town: a splendid
home with every modern con
venience B3,ouw
A splendid six-room all modern
house on 14th street; bath, fur-
' race, electric lights, gas stove,
-...... rminilntifin cement side
walks $3,200
An eight-room modern house on
hiu nnar li'.im street car line:
lot 60x120: fine shade ......... $3800
A - aeven-rooiu inodera house ia
brat block on 14th street bath,
....... -.m..l alilrmralkai Sl.-
"04) rank, bain nee lima; time $3,000
A new house on 12th street, seven
rooms, modern arrangement;
house has never been occupied,
and: will consider any reason
able' offer
A six-room modern house in west
ern part of town: furnace, city
...,,. ..ntt wntlrn fine, large
An elegant five-room cottage on
11,1, t- rcl mm Cif thft COZieSt
homes In town $700
A nearly new six-room two-siory
all modern house, within easy
. n.ivim, lutunrA of business
district: a snap .$1500
A neat five-room house on 32nd
street, near car line: gas. ce-
. ...i .inn,i. now n n il in
good shape; big lot $130
A Beven-room house, witn iur-
n.i v... M. . r Mllun car
line : $i7W
A five-room cottage on am ave
nue; fine large rooms and in tine
i. .. .... . ,u wAtpr. sewer:
will sell on easy terms Z,304)
Two five-room cottages, newly
painted Inside and outside: bring
i m n..r mnnf.i rent: well
rented ..... $3,100
A neat five-room cottage, east of
k.n n.pV. n,v hnmfl In BTOOd -
location s - . L0O
A modern six-room house In east
rt Inwn electric lights.
furnace, bath, large lot . . . . i . . $2,800
A seven-room house, with barn, ,
AM nAat vim ntreet car line:
large lot j UfiOO
A four-room cottage near Milan
car line: good cellar $i,io
Have six-room cottage, with acre of
ground, which will - trade.-for South
Tnlr4a farm . -
Have 80-acre farm in Mercer county
to trade for gooa local property. .
Open Saturday evenings. .
Elaunry H-EnclbTbsuirdl.
: v Fire Inanrance aad Real Estate. -
1805 Second Avenue. , Both .Phones.
OosA iBTetrtments In real estate.
' Bafs Inauranos. ' Tour patro&ags
la soUoltott' ' " . ' ,.'
' iTiVA tn4 Avwiva.
LOST Boston bull terrier: 1 randed and
white: hrass collar. R turn to J.
btoner. Turner hall. Rock Island, 111
LOST At Watch Tower S'l Iday even-
ins. gold cioss Hnf chaii 1 with in
itials K. H.
Ketuiu to A rgus ofT.ce
for reward.
LOST Between M. W. A. t Dffice and
Twentieth street and Six tt I avenue a
may s small open face sill ii-r watch,
A reward for Under at Aigus office.
LOST In toilet room in C. B. & Q
depot laity's gold set ring. Finder
will be rewarded for return of same
to Argus office or to 111 Fifth ave
nue. Moiine.
LOST On south side of Second ave
nue, neiween tlie l'low company s
office and Tenth street, a eiirar ease.
.A reward for return of same to Argus
omce or now company.
$1.210 buys 4-room cottage.
$l.fr0 buys 7-room cottage.
$1.810 each buys two 5-room cottages,
nj uuya f-room collage.
$xno buys 4-room cottage,
$-'.500 will give choice of twelve 7
room properties.
$j.500 buys i acres and good house.
$3,500 buys 9-room house and two
$1,800 to $3,200 choice of eight nroD
erties on 14th street.
Jl.iOO buys 5-room cottage on 1444
$2,300 buys 5-room cottage on 14 Vi
$3.80 buys fine home on 18th street.
$:i.imi0 buys fine home on 20th street.
S4.HH0 buys tine home on 20th street.
$4,700 buys tine double house on 16th
$3,200 buys one acre and 7-room house
on 2ith street.
$2,400 buys 8-room house on 17th
$5 cash and $ monthly buys fine lots,
$1.00U buys one of the best building
lots in the city.
Fiscal agents for Queen Princess
Mining company of Colorado.
Fine farms in Wisconsin. Irtinnesota
North and South Dakota, and Texas.
We loan money on real estate.
) Room 210, Safety Building.
Office hours, 10 to 12 a." m., 2 to
p. m. Both phones.
open Saturday evenings.-
Incorporated Under the State Law
Capital. $100,0M.S.
4 Per Ceal latereat Pali Depealta.
Money Loaned on Personal. Collateral.
or Real Estate Security; Farm Loans
In Rock Island County Especl
I ally Solicited.
OFFICERS rhll Mitchell, president
IL P. Hull, vice president; P. Qreena-
wait, cashier,
DIRECTORS R. R. Cable. William It
Dart, H. P. Hull. E. W. Hurst. John
Voile, P. Oreenawalt. Phil Mitchell. L
8lmon, H. 8. Cable.
. Began the business July I, 181$, and
occupies the southeast corner of Mitch
ell A Lynde building.
ia(brffdl Tinmsft auadl
(Incorporated Under Stata Law.)
O. XL CASTE EL, President
M. & HEAGT. Vice President
B. B. SIMMON, Cashier.
Capital Stock, $100,000. Fovr Pes Ceat
latereat Paid Deposits.
DIRECTORS C J. Larkln. H. E.
Curtis, II. E. Casteel, H. D. Mack, M. S.
Heagy, H. B. Simmon, H. IL Cleaveland,
Mary E. Robinson, W. 3. Sweeney, H.
W. Tremann, C. W. Hawes, W. S. Parks.
Estates and property of all kinds are
managed, by this department which Is
kept entirely separate from the bank
ing business of the company.. We act
as executor', of . and trustees "under
Wills,; Administrator, , Guardian, and
Conservator of Estates. ' "
Receiver and Assignee of Insolvent
EstAtes. General Financial Agent for
Non-Reaidenta, Women. Invalid and
others. "-' .. "
worn, b
FOR - RENT Furnished rooms, 1413 Yx
intra avenue.
FOR RENT Furnished rooms for light
housekeeping at 307 Third street.
FOR RENT A suite of furnished rooms
for light housekeeping: at 2716 Fifth
avenue. - -
FOR RENT Furnished rooms for light
nousckeeping -at 436 Fourth avenue,
FOR RENT Furnished rooms, all mod
ern; at zi7 ruteentn street, opposite
court house. ,
FOR RENT r Three unfurnished down
stairs frorit rooms - at 1331 Forty
fourth street.
FOR RENT Two nicely furnished front
rooms tor light housekeeping at 627
Twentieth street.
FOR RENT - Two nicely furnished
front rooms, also two ' furnished
rooms at 1422 Third avenue.
FOR RENT A furnished room, with
all modern conveniences, at 745 Flf- i
teenth street, on Long View car line.
r'" r urnisnea rooms tor light
uouscKeeping; an modern conven
iences and laundry in cellar, at 271S
Fifth avenue.
FOR RENT Four rooms at 1718 Third
avenue, suitable for residence and
business. Apply to G. Albert John
son, l12'2 Second avenue
FOR RENT Well furnished'room, one
oiocK west oi court house; all mod
ern conveniences; board included, if
desired; 1230 Second avenue.
FOR RENT Furnished rooms, with
modern conveniences, suitable for
light housekeeping: also sleeping
rooms at 1407 Second avenue.
FOR RENT A furnished room, with all
modern conveniences, in private fam
ily; board if desired. Inquire-'at 2802
Sijfth avenue, or phone west 476K.
FOR RENT Furnished room; all mod
ern conveniences, and board; walking
distance of Moiine and arsenal; 643
Thirty-ninth street. New phone 6255.
FOR RENT A large furnished front
room, with- alcove, suitable for two
gentlemen, and a smaller room, with
all modern conveniences, at 1228 Sec
ond avenue.
FOR RENT Flat in Maucker building.
inquire vv. j. juaucKer, lezu Fourth
avenue. ,
FOR RENT Nine-room modern house
oil Second avenue, with barn, $28.
llahry 11. Hubbard.
FOR RENT One of Roche's fiats: eight
rooms, with, all modern conveniences.
Inquire of J. W. Roche.
FOR RENT Six-room cottage at 1334
Thirty-eighth street. Inquire W. C.
Maucker, 1620 Fourth avenue.
FOR RENT Four room house with
city water and sewer. Inquire of E.
A. Rounds, 536 Twelfth street.
FOR RENT Half of a double house In
Edgewood Park; six rooms, thorough
ly modern; rent $20. H. H. Hubbard.
FOR RENT Flat of four " rooms at
1513 Second avenue. Inquire of
Beeeljer Bros.. 1513 Va Second avenue.
FOR RENT June 1, modern seven-room
house with barn. Inquire at Cramp
ton's book store, 1719 Second avenue.
FOR RENT West half of double house
at 912 First avenue: five rooms, city
water and sewer. Inquire on prem
ises. FOR RENT Flat of five rooms and
bath at 608 Sixteenth street. In-
t quire at above number , or at 1714
Fifth avenue. '
FOR RENT Nine-room house, all mod
ern. 4329 Eighth avenue. Rock Island.
Inquire of R. S. Woodburn, room &,
Chase block, Moiine, ,
FOR RENT Newly papered six-room
house, with city water and sewer;
cement walks: 1005 Ninth street. In
quire at 1003 Ninth street.
FOR RENT Six-room hou9e at 1119
Third avenue; modern, except fur
nace; also a seven-room house at 605
Tenth street. Inquire at 1119 Fourth
FOR RENT One modern flat In the new
Negus apartment house, corner Thir
teenth street and Second avenue. Ap
ply to W. O. Negus at the Rock Is
land house.
FOR RENT House with acre of ground
In South Heights on Tweu'y-foui tli
street, two blocks from cr line at
$7 per month. Inquire of S. Ui'um,,
1220 Fourteenth-and-a-half street.
FOR RENT Store building at 631
Thirty-eighth street. Inquire at 1010
Thirty-eighth street
FOR RENT Office rooms in Krell &
Math building, with steam heat. Ap-
ply to H. E. Krell or F. J. Math.
FOR RENT Small store room, suitable
for office, in rear of Rock Island
house.., Inquire at. Rock. Island house.
O-CEDAR SPRAY O-Cedar Spray; the
monern metnod or exterminating in
sects and bugs; 316-320 Eighteenth
street. Inquire for J. A. Stombs.
IF YOU WANT to buy, sell, trade or
rent anything, engage help or secure
a situations the Mall and Journal Is
the one paper in Moiine that can do
It for you. Mail and Journal wants
are popular, and Mail and Journal
wants bring results. One-half cent
per word Is the price to all alike,
cash in advance; two-cent stamps will
do. Evening and Saturday Mail and
"Journal, Moiine, III.
JACKSON. HURST & STAFFORD At-torneys-at-law.
Office in Rock Island
National bank building.
HOPE THOMPSON Attorney - at - law.
General law business; probate, com
mercial, and corporation law. 304-305
Safety Building.
Money to loan on good real estate
security. Mitchell & Lynde block.
Rock Island, 111.
MURPHY J. F. Murphy, attorney-at-law.
General loal practice. Rooms
' 14 and 16. Mitchell & Lynde building.
Union Electric phone 6601. .
McENIRY & McENIRY Attorneys-at-law.
Loan money on .good security:
make collections. References. Mitch
ell & Lynde, bankers. .Office. Mitchell
& Lynde building.
SWEENEY - & WALKER Attorneys
and counselors at law. Money to loan
on real estate. Abstracts of title pre
pared. Rooms 200-203. Peoples Na
tional bank building.
room 14, Mitchell & Lynde building.
Rock Island. James F. Murphy, as
sociate, branch ot Moore & Co., pat
ent attorneys, Washington, D. C, and
- Chicago, 111. ' ; . . - -..
H- J. TOHER & ca Brokers, Daven
port Stocks, grain, provisions, cot
i ton. Private wire to . New York-and
Chicago. Offices, 109 Main street. Tel
ephone 407.
house. i
WANTED A reliable man. One with
business experience 'preferred. State
age. Address "K," care Argus.
WANTED Reliable young man to pre
pare for railway mail service; salary,
$75- monthly: rapid promotion. Ad
dress R.," care Argus office.
WANTED Good amateur piano player,
also violin player; young men for
playing on steamboat during sum
mer. Steady work. Answer In writ
ing or person. Orchestra. car Argus.
WANTED Agents for Dtozo, the best,
the1 most - powerful, but -still the
cheapest disinfectant on earth. Sells
itself. Hardly any talking. $3 to $3
earned daily. Call 316-320 Eighteenth
street. J. A. Stombs
WANTED Men to learn barber trade;
few weeks completes; 60 chairs con
stantly busy: licensed Instructors;
tools given, uipiomas granted; wages
istituraays; positions waiting; won
derful demand for graduates; cata
logue free. Moler Barber college,"
Chicago, in.
WANTED A few first class insurance
men. as general agents, to develop
territory in the state of Illinois. The
best selling policy in existence. Ex
cellentj contract to men of integrity.
No experience necessary. Address
Midland Life Insurance company,
agency department. Arcade building,
East St. U.OIUS. in.
WANTED Young men to prepare for
examination tor railway mail and
other government positions. Supt'
rlor Instruction by mail. . Estab
lished 14 years. Thousands of sue
cessful students. Sample questions
and "How Government Positions Arc
Secured" sent tree. Inter Statd
Schools, Cedar Rapids, Iowa.
WANTED A position for you; 40 per
cent or the z.-.uuu employers we serve
prefer young men from small towns
and cities, in the country. We need
today bookkeepers, salesmen, buyers,
correspondents and ' technical men for
mure than 3.000 positions. We will
send you free our booklet. "Brain
Brokers." explaining how we can
place you. State experience. Hap.
goods (Inc.) Brain Brokers, suite 1013
,, . . . i . i in
WANTED A cook for country home.
Call old phone west ioi.
WANTED A girl for general house
work at 14. i Fourth avenue.
at the Rock Island
Cone company.
1017 Third -avenue.
WANTED Girls to do pressing at Yer-
bury s dye works. 2108 Third avenue
WANTED Girl for general hous'-work
No washing; good wages. M-s. vrablt,
914 Second avenue.
WANTED A girl to assist with gen
eral housework at 1208 Second ave
nue. New phone 5720.
WANTED Ladies; our catalogue ex
plains how we teach halrdresslng,
manicuring, facial massage, etc., in
few weeks, mailed free. Moler col
lege, Chicago, 111.
WANTED Old feathers; highest price
paid for old feathers. Call old phone
592-Y, or address 1911 Second ave-.
WANTED Eight-room modern house.
worth up to $5.51)0; location . between
Nineteenth and Twenty-fourth streets,
will pay spot cash. Address "Buyer,"
care Argus.
WANTED To purchase, a good busi
ness or- part interest in same, eltner
in Rock Island tor Davenport. Ad
dress J. F. NrtAt-623 west Fourth
street. (Juincy. 111.
WANTED Boarders, at a private Ger
man boarding house; first class meals,
home cooking, nice rooms, with steam
heat; bath and gas; price-reasonable;
1405 Fourth avenue; old phone 824-Y.
WANTED To exchange. 160 acres of
splendid land in Brown county, south
Dakota. Would like to trade lor good
residence property In Rock Island.
Address "Exchange." Box 10, care
Argus. " " i
WANTED Household goods to move.
store, pack or ship at reduced rates
to Pacific coast and other points. For
the best service at lowest rates write
or call on Ewert & Rlchter Express &
Storage company, 322-326 East Fourth
Btreet, Davenport, Iowa. Tel. 598.
INSURANCE on dwellings and house
hold furniture a specialty. . C. R.
PLEASANT F. COX. Real estate and
insurance. Loans a specialty. Best
tire companies represented. Your pat
ronage solicited. Phones west 23, and
new 6172. Office at court house.
property, 20 cents per $100 one year,
40 cents per $100 three years, 60 cents
per $100 five years. Call or address
C. R. Chamberlin, agent, Mitchell &
Lynde building.
BENNETT'S Insurance Agency. Fire,
life, accident, health, and plate glass;
real estate and loans; second floor.
Safety building. Office phone west
996. Residence phone- 73S-K. Open
Wednesday and Saturday nights.
WE WILL BOND YOU Executors', ad
ministrators', guardians', trustees' or
any kind of judicial bonds; lodges and
society officers; city, state or U. S.
government officials; contractors, po
sitions of trust; in fact, any kind of
bond you want (except bail bonds).
Terms reasonable. Hayes & Cleave
land. resident managers Fidelity &
Deposit Company of Maryland.
ture moved, packed, and stored. Bus,
baggage and cab service day or night.
Main office, 2410 -Third avenue. Old
phone 637 and 900.- New phone 6158.
RELIABLE STORAGE On first floor;
also manufacturer of awnings, tents,
wagon covers, etc. Tents for rent. B.
Roessier & Co,,- 209 Fifteenth street,
opposite the court house. Rock Island.
EWERT & RICHTER Express and
Storage company,-having unequaled
"facilities for moving, storing, packing
and shipping household goods, and
can quote reduced freight rates to
Pacific coast and other points. Write
or call. Office and warehouse, 32
326 East - Fourth street Davenport,
Iowa. Telephone 598. -
E. L. DENNISTON. D. O.i-Graduate of
the "American School of Osteopathy,
. Klrksville, Mo. Office hours, 8 to 12
a. m. and 1 to 6 and 7 to 8 p. m. 'Of
fice in Safety building, rooms 208 and
209. Consultation and - examination
free. Office phones, new 6263. old 997.
Res'dence phone 728-Y. .
VILLA DE CHANT AL A home school
conducted for girls by the Sisters of
the -Visitation. Rudimentary and high
er branches and all polite accomplish
ments taught Twentieth street and
Fifteenth avenue. Rock Island.
HOME LAUNDRY Family washings
.only; work caiiea for and delivered.
" Miss "A.-J- Couch.--proprietor: . 12-19
Twelfth street; old phone west 652-L.
FOR SALE Lot 40x150 feet, centrally
located on paved street. For partic
ulars address Box 267, city.
FOR SALE Eight-room house, with
an outbuildings and lour acres or
ground; has garden and two acres of
corn growing Inquire of George Mc
Mlchael, Milan, 111.
FOR SALE Acre and town lots Just
outside of city limits on bluff near
street car line, cheap on monthly pay
ments. Inquire of John T. Campbell.
1829 Seventeenth street, Phone 322
FOR SALE: A seven room cottage.
with sewer, water and gas. Large
lot, plenty of fruit and shade. Close
to school and street car. Money
talks. Call on pre-.niH.-'? for partic
ulars, 1227 Thirty-seventh street.
FOR SALE Cheap, a nice home on
seventeenth street. South Heights;
seven rooms; lot 75x240; barn 10x24;
also other outbuildings, well, cistern,
and an abundance of fruit. Inquire
of. John T. Campbell. 1829 Seven
teenth street. Phone 322 west.
FOR SALE Acre property containing
six lots on eighteenth avenue and
Long View car line, all well fenced.
Oood- live room house, barn, large
summer kitchen, chicken house and
yards; fruit trees and small fruits.
Inquire at 2900 Eighteenth avenue. I '
FOR SALE One acre of land just out
side or city, lias rour-room house,
large chicken house, we.ll, cistern, and
bearing fruit of all kinds. The whole
acre fenced with chicken wire. Lo
cated at 181.9 Twenty-sixth street, in
Campbell's addition, inquire on prem
ises. FOR SALE At a great sacrifice if
.-'taken in 30 days, the tine new resi
dence at 1045 Twenty-third street;
small payment down, balance easy
terms; will consider farm or small
city property as part payment. Call
at above number and make me an
FOR SALE Cheap, nice level lots, 48x
125, corner Twenty-seventh street and
Eighteenth avenue, facing Long View
street car track. Also for sale or
trade., one acre lot, with new seven
room house. Terms to please pur
chaser. Inquire of E. Thonn, 610
Twenty-eighth street.
FOR SALE Lots lnNBeecher& Walsh
addition on Twenty-fifth and Twenty-sixth
streets, between Fifteenth
and Seventeenth avenues; city water,
and convenient to car line. These
lots are high and level; nice shade
trees. Will sell for small payment
down, balance to suit purchaser. Will
assist those desiring to build homes.
. Beecher Bros., 1513 V4 Second avenue.
FOR SALE Three new show cases.
Inquire, of M. J. Murphy, 2207 Sev-
entli avenue. .
FOR SALE Broken stone, suitable for
driveways and foundation purposes;
$1 per load. Call Jtobb's Express.
FOR SALE An auto harp and knitting
machine -for stockings, cheap. Will
teach knitting. Call at 1U294 Seven
teenth street. ' '
FOR SALE $32 Quick Meal gasoline
range, with three burners and oven.
Will sell for half price. Inquire at
1116 Eleventh avenue.
FOR SALt! Mattresses, bedsteads,
springs, and a steel range can be
bought at a bargain. Call up 821-Y,
or 1405 Fourth avenue.
FOR SALE Good refrigerator, gas
ttovc. hard coal stove, garden hose,
and other articles of furniture, ln-
- quite 2900 Eighteenth avenue.
FOR SALE-Several show cases, differ
ent sizes, one Mosler's safe, sugar
counter, automatic scales, a hardware
cabinet and a lot of hardware. Call
at Robb's Express, 2410 Third avenue.
FOR SALE One iron bed and two
walnut beds with springs. Also one
toucli, one easy chair and carpet
sweeper. Call Monday or Tuesdaa-
x between 9 and 5 at 715 Twentieth
street. -
FOR SALE About 400 or 500 feet of
new lumber, consisting of narrow sid
ing and yellow pine finishing lumber,
cheap. Also two wire semi-circular
flower stands, one iron bed. two wash
stands, kitchen chairs, clothes, ruck,
old fashioned Singer sewing machine,
otie pick, two quart fruit jars, jugs,
and several smaller household arti
cles, will be sold at half their-value.
Call at 933 Seventeenth street.
FOR SALE Cheap, household goods:
two bedroom suits, with spring and
mattress, each $12; double couch, $2:
oak heater, $2: rockers, each.. 50
cents; kitchen chairs, each 25 cents:
kitchen table, $1. three stands. $1:
three-burner gasoline stove, almost
new. witli Iarg? asbestos lined oven,
$4.50; sewing machine, $4; dishes,
cooking utensils, etc.;, must be sold
before Friday; party leaving town.
Cull at 1029 14 Seventeenth street.
FOR SALE At a sacrifice; I will sell
for cash or payments, one upright
handsome Singer piano, one nearly
new Fox typewriter, one 'National
cash register, 3,000 pieces of old
coins, six or sevch old violins, two
Washburn guitars, nix clarinets, six
B flat horns, also a lot of unredeem
ed watches and diamonds; 25 pieces
of old mahogany furniture, four bar
ber chairs, one jeweler's lathe with
bench and tools, 15 tine hard coal
stoves and 100 soft coal heaters, also
a tine line of steel ranges. Will sell
cheap or exchange same. Loans on
diamonds at 3 per cent. We make a
sDecialty on trunks and suit cases.
Get my prices and if I can't undersell
anybody in the three cities I wilj.quit
the business. The meanest man in
town. Don't forget my money never
runs out. Find this number and put
the rest of your money in the bank.
1609 Second avenue. Jones. Jones,
Jones. Second-hand Jones. Jones, the
largest second-hand dealer and loan
agent in theawhole state of Illinois.
at lowest rates. - Ludolph & Reynolds,
lawyers, Buford block, corner Seven
teenth street and Second avenue.
MONEY TO "LOAN, on real estate secur
ity at lowest rates. Marion E. Swee
ney, attorney, rooms 32 and 35. Mit-
- chell & Lynde buiHlng. Ro;k Island.
LOANS ON FURNITURE, pianos, horses.
wagons, etc.; quickly, privately, at
the lowest rates. Mutual Loan com
pany (uninc. ). room 411, Peoples Na
tional bank building, new phone 5109.
Phone old west 122.
money on household goods, horses,
wagons, etc, without removal - and
In a quiet way. Call on us for quick
loans. Fidelity Loan company, room
38. Mitchell & Lynde block.
MONEY loaned to salaried people and
others, without security; easy pay
ments; no publicity. Call and get our
terms and method of dolngibuslness.
Office hours,- 8 a. m. to 6 p. m. Tele
phone . north 2411. Victor Finance
company, room 26, McManus- build
ing. Second and Main streets, Daven
port " ' -
MONEY TO LOAN On your salary.
, furniture, horses, wagons, etc. We
are in a position to loan any honest
person; loans- made long or short
time; no mortgage, no endorser, no
publicity. All business strictly pri
vate and confidential. See us and
- save money. Loans made in tri-cities.
People's Loan company. 409 Lane
building. Davenport, Iowa.- -Phone
north 2574.
MRS. MARY YATES Business medium;
hours. 1 to 10 p. m. Residence. 705
-Fourth avenue. Take -the Blue line
west Phone-west 724X. - ;z
, Maaoaic.
TRIO LODGE, NO. 67, A. F. & A. M.
Meets In stated communication
on the first Thursday of each
month. J. W. Houdcr. W. M.;
William B. Pettit secretary.
S. M. Meets in stated communication
on the third Wednesday of each
month. M. M. Briggs, T. L M.; L. C.
Daugherty, secretary.
K. T. Meets In stated conclave on
the second Monday of each month.
IL A. J. McDonald, E. C; R. C Wil
lerton, recorder.
D. Mack, president; F. T. Myers, sec-!
Exectffor'a Notice. ,
Estate of John J. Thqmas.'deceased.
The undersigned '' having been ap
pointed executor of the last will and
testament of John J. Thomas, late of
the county' of Rock Island, state of Il
linois, -deceased, hereby gives notice
that he' will appear before the county
court of Rock Island county, at the
county court room, in the city of Rock
Island, at the August term, on the first
Monday In August next, at which time
all persons having claims against said
estate arc notified and requested to at
tend, for the purpose of having the
same adjusted. All persons indebted to
said estate are requested to make im
mediate payment to the undersigned.
Dated this 2nd day of June, A. D.
Admialstrator'a Notice.
Estate of Fritz Milow. deceased.
The undersigned having been appoint
ed administratrix of th estate of Fritz
Milow. late of the county of Rock Isl
and, state of Illinois, deceased, hereby
gives notice that she will appear before
tne county court ot kock island county
at the county court room; in the city of
Rock Island, at the August term, on the
first Monday in August next, at .which
time all persons having claims against
said estate are notified and requested
to attend for the purpose of having the
same adjusted.
All persons indebted to said estate
are requested to make Immediate pay
ment to the undersigned.
Dated the 11th day of June. A. D.
Master's Sale.
State of Illinois, Rock Island Coun
ty 8s:
In the Circuit Court. In Chancery..
Mary Greenhill. Amelia Dulen and
Martin Dulen. Complainants, vs. Mat
thias Guenther, George Guenther, Will
iam Baomann. Florence Baumann and
E. S. Entrikin.' Defendants. Partition.
General No. 6018.
Notice is hereby given thut by virtue
of a decree of said Court, entered in
the above entitled cause, on the 19th
day of June A. D 1918. I shall, on Sat
urday, the 18th iay of July A. D. 1918.
at the hour of, 10 o'clock In the fore
noon, at the East door of-the Court
House in the City of Rock Island, in
said County of Rock Island, to satisfy
said decree, sell at public auction Jo
the highest and best bidder for cash
in hand that certain parcel of land
situate in the County of Rock Island
and State of Illinois, known and de
scribed as follows, to-wit:
Lot No. Five 5 in that part of . the
City of Rock Island, known as and called
I ). C. Doty a Addition to the City or
Rock Island, or "Doty Block." situated
in Rock Island County, ' Illinois.
Provided, that the highest and best
bid upon said parcel shall be equal to
at least two-thirds (2-3) of the apprais
ed value of said property, as shown by
the report of the commissioners hereto
fore appointed by the court.
Dated at Rock Island. III., this 20th
day of June. A. D. 198. .
Master in Chancery. Rock Island Coun
ty. Illinois. -Albert
Huber. complainant's solicitor.
MASSAGE given at the homes. Super
fluous hairs permanently removed
with electric needle. Treatment giv
en at homes unless otherwise desired
Address Miss A. M Kittridge, 1019
Perry street, ' Davenport, Iowa. Old
phone 3136.
MRS. E. . W. MILLER. Masseuse, 1506
Fifth avenue; electric vibrator and
vapor baths; body and facial -massage,
hair and scalp treatment, shampooing
and -manicuring: spinal massage a
specialty. New phone. 6859. Hours, 2
to p. m.
HENRY GAETHJE Proprietor Chip
plannock nursery. Cut flowers and
designs of all kinds. City store, 1607
second avenue. Telephone iiiu.
HENSLEY'8 Floral store. Fourth ave
nue and Twentieth street; funeral de
signs of all kinds, cut flowers, plants,
etc.: graves lined. Greenhouses, en
trance Chippiannock cemetery. Old
phone 712-K. Residence 636-Y. New
pnone bifu.
BEAUTIFUL hand made rugs of any
size made from old Ingrain carpets.
For all kinds of rag carpets and rug
weaving., call. on. or write John
Scheuermann, 2705 Eighth avenue.
Twenty-seventh streel.
E.-JT. TOMEE & c.;
. ;:aoenct; ;
established 1174. v
American Ins. Co........ Newark, N. J.
Continental Ins.' Co. ........ .New York
Agricultural Ins. Co. .New York
Fanners' Ins. Co............. York, Pa.
Williamsburg Ins. Co.. New York
New Hampshire Ins.' Co. .N. Baftpshlrs
Northern Ins. Co. New York
Security Ins. Co...;.Nfr Haven. Conn.
Ins. Co, Stats .of Illinois. .Rockford, IIL
fesraectlcut Firs Ins. Co.., .Connecticut
Office 1718 Third avenue, , ; Bates as
tow' a consistent .with security. ' S
Admlalatratar's Notice.
Estate of Philip Slegrist. deceased.
The undersigned having been ap
pointed administrator of the estate of
Philip Sicgri.st. late of the county of
Rock Island, state of Illinois, deceased,
hereby gives notice that he will appear
before the county court of Rock Island
county, at the county court room, in the
city of Rock Island, at the August term,
on the first Monday in August next, at
which time all persons having claims
against said estate are notified and re
quested to attend for the purpose of
having the same adjusted. All persons
indebted to said estate are requested to
make immediate payment to the under
signed. Dated 18th day of June. A. D. 1908.
' r..: - Administrator.
Executor's Notice.
Estate of Johann Behnken, deceased.
The undersigned ha vine- been un
pointed executrix of the last will and
testament of Johann Behnken. late of
the county or Rock Island, state of Illi-nois.-deeeased.
hereby gives notice that
he will appear before the county court
of Rock Island county at the county
court room, in the city of Rock Island,
at the August term, on the first Mon'lay
in August next, at which time all per
sons having claims against said estate
are notified and requested to attend, for
me purpose oi navmg the same ad
justed. All persons indebted to said
estate are requested to make immediate
payment to the undersigned.
Laiea mis twin tin v. or July. A. D.
Master'a Sale.
State of Illinois, Rock Island Coun-"
ty ss:
In the Circuit Court. In Chancery.
William W. Wilmerton vs. Marv 3.
O'Connor. James T. O'Connor, and John
i-ooney. f oreclosure. General number
5977. . .
Notice is hereby given that by virtue
of a decree of said court entered, In the
above entitled cause on the first day of
June. A. D. 1908, I shall, on' the 10th dav
of July. A. D. 1908, at the hour of 2:30 -o'clock
In the afternoon, at the east
door of the court house, in the citv of
Rock Island, county of Rock Island, to
satisfy said decree, sell at public ven
due to the highest and best bidder for
cash in hand, that certain parcel of land
situated In the county of Rock Island,
state of Illinois, known and described
as follows, to-wit:
Lot number ten (10). In block num
ber one (1), in Highland Park addition
to the city of Rock Island. Illinois, in
cluding all righ of homestead and dow- -er
of the said Mary J. O'Connor, James
T. O'Connor and John Looney. .
Dated at Rock Island, 111., this 18th
day of June. A. D. 1908. . -
Special Master in Chancery tappointed
ny oroer or said circuit court on tne
13th day of May. A. D. 1908). Rock
Island County. Illinois. -Harold
A. Weld, complainant's solici
Sheriffs Sale.
By virtue of an execution issued out
of the clerk's office of the circuit court
of Rock Island county, and state of Illi
nois, and to me directed, whereby I am
commanded to make the amount of a
certain judgment recently obtained
against F. S. Cool in favor of G. S. John
son, out of the lands, tenements, goods
and chattels of the said F. S. Col. I
have levied on the following described
property,- to-wit: Lot number four (4),
In block number twenTy 4 20), situated
in Original Town of Cordova; lot num
ber eeven (71, in block number fifteen
(l.i). in the Original Town of Cordova.
subject to a mortgage in the sum of
rwo hundred tiltv (I2.0 dollars: also
the undivided one-fourth t M ) interest
in and to lots numbers ten 10). eleven
111), twelve i;, thirteen (13) fourteen
(14). fifteen (15) and sixteen (1). in
block number six (). in S. BriganTs
addition to Cordova. Rock Island coun
ty. Illinois, all situated in Rock Island
county, state of Illinois. Therefore. ac-
cording to said command, i snail ex
pose for sale at public auction, ail the
right, title and interest of the. above
named F. S. Cool in and to the above
described property, at 10 o'clock a. m..
on Tuesday, the 30th day of June, 1908.
at the east door of the court house, in
Kock Island.
Dated at Rock Island. III., this fourth
(4th) day of June. 1908.
EDWARD Kl 1 1 IIjSEN. -Sheriff
of Rock . Island County. i
Per N. P. Zeigler, deputy.
MaMrr's ' Sale.
State of Illinois. Rock Island Coun
ty ss:
In the Circuit Court. In Chancery.
Foreclosure. General No. 5970
The Black Hawk Homestead Building.
Loan & Savings Association vs. Wil
liam J. Bleuer. Alfhild E. Bleuer, Myra
Walker and Charles O. Lewis.
Notice is hereby given that by virtue
of a decree of said court, entered In the
above entitled cause on the 13th day of
May. A. D. 1908. I shall, on Monday, the
Una day of June, A. D. 1908. at the
hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon, at
the east door of the court house, in the
city of Rock Island, in said county' of
Rock Island, to satisfy said decree, sell
at public vendue to the highest bidder
(or cash In hand, those certain parcels
of land situate in the county of Rock
island and state of Illinois, known and
described as follows, to-wit: -
Beginning one hundred and flfty tjeet
south of the south line of Fourteenth
avenue, in the city ot Rock Island, and
six hundred and thirty feet east ot the
east line of Forty-fourth street, in said
city: thence run east forty feet;. thence
south one hundred and thirty feet;
thence west forty feet; thence north to
the place of beginning, being a part of
the southeast quarter of the northwest
quarter of section six. township seven
teen, north range one west of the
fourth principal meridian. Also . the
right and privilege to forever use for
street purposes in connection with the
premises above conveyed of the follow
ing described tracts, to-wit: Beginning
at a point three hundred feet east of
the east line of Forty-fourth street in
the city of Rock Island, and two hun
dred and eighty feet south of the south
line of Fourteenth avenue, in said city;
thence run east four hundred and ten feet;
thence run south fifty feet; thence run
west four hundred and ten feet; thence
run north fifty feet to the place of be
ginning. Also, beginning one hundred
and fifty feet south of the south line
of Fourteenth avenue, at a- point three
hundred feet east of the cast line of
Forty-fourth street in said city of Rock
Island; thence run east fifty feet;
thence south Jne hundred and thirty
feet: thence west fifty reet: thence
north one hundrd and thirty feet to
the place of beginning, being a part of
the northwest quarter of section six
(6) In township seventeen, north range
one west of the fourth principal merid
ian; such right and privilege for street
purposes to also be for the benefit and
enjoyment of any other owner or own
ers of lots abutting on the two strips
shove described, situated in the county
of Rock Island, in the state of Illinois.
Dated at Rock Island. IIL, this 25th
day of May, A. D., 1908.
Master In Chancery, Rock Island Coun
ty, Illinois.
Sweeney & Walker, complainant's so
licitors. -
"- FOR' ST. PAUL 'and way points,
steamers leave at 7:30 a. m., June 19,
28. July 3, 7. 12. 16, 21. 25. 30, Aug. ,3.
8. 1!. 17, 21. 26. 30. and Sept. 4. 8. 13.
On the above dates a special rate of $1
to Clinton. Iowa, and return will., bo
made: going. on steamers and returning
on the I. ft L railway.
FOR ST. LOUIS and way points,
steamers leave at 9:15 a. m.. June 23.
July 2, 7. 11, 16. 2 25. 29. Aug., 3. 7.
12. 16, 21, 25. 30, and Sept. 3.-8. 12. 17. .
'- ' Rock Island, IIL
.Office, 116 Seventeenth street Both
.. , - . .. -. .";
- . - - .....

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