OCR Interpretation

Rock Island Argus. (Rock Island, Ill.) 1893-1920, March 04, 1911, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn92053934/1911-03-04/ed-1/seq-2/

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Thrilling Runaway. Four ladles in I
attendance at the Reimers funeral i
Thursdav aftornnnn hart n t h rHiin ;
Fxperienre in a runaway. They had
lust eniered a closprl carriapp at the
conclusion of the servicoa at the Jan- lsn' 'Den T,le nerenaam
home en the River road just east of I maliciously l.at and cruelly assault-nett-mdorf.
The driver started the ed her endangering her life,
horses when one of the reins broke, j
He immediately jumped from his i Ready with Cash. The proposition
aai and endeavored to secure the ; to organize a corporation for the
horses by ihf bridle but this only purpose to finance the building of
served to frighten them and they j homes in the city of Davenport at
made their escape from him. See-jtained definite results yesterday af
lS ihi-ir dancer, one of the women ternoon at the meeting of real es
Jumppfl out of the carriage hut the tate and other business men of the
Others wf rp too frightened to do so! city at the Commercial club. On
and remained inside. The horses , motion of Woodworth Clum it was
dasf-d down tho River road and , voted to organize a corporation with
were halted only after they had a capital stock of $23,000 and the
reached the eastern limits of Mc- sum of $4,500 was subscribed in ex
flellan heights, a half mile distant j actly 12 minutes after subscriptions
from the Reimers home. were asked. The get-up-and-get
o 'spirit was manifest at the meeting
Honored by Owls. John O. Betz. i and definite form to the movement
fne of the prominent members of i was given. A committee consisting
Iavenport ncft, No. f.2, of the Ordpr'of K. K. Putnam, Woodworth Clum
rf Owls, was signally honored at and Will Harrison was appointed to
South Bend upon his recent trip assist Attorney J. C. Hall in drawing
there. He was one of the men f rom ' the plan of incorporation, endowed
the I'nitert States who were given i with full power to determine the
the order's sorond degreo, the mem-
hershiri of which is limited to 150 i
The same degree was recently con-! John Hyns. who presided, also ap
ferred upon Attorney S. A. Finger, j pointed the following committee to
risking two for Davenport. i solicit subscript ions: Herman Heesch
o Uohn Ruhl, C. Emory Harrison,
Quick Action in Divorce. Two peti-1 Fred S. Phoenix and C. A. Sorrow
tions for divorce filed, the cases free,
beard and decrees granted witlnn a,
ppace of six lmurt is tlie record Negro Bound Over. WiVard Higgs
which marked the district court yes-i colored ;nd would-be slayer of his
frday. Judge Theophilus grat'ted wif.- at thfir home, 221' Harrison
r-ef-rees oT divorce to Elizabeth Kanf. street, was bound over to the April
r an from her husband. Charles grand jury and his bonds were fixed
Kaufman, upon application of Attor- at $T,0o. lie was unable to furnish
ney C. H. Murphy, and to Bessie Dia
mond from her husband, Orie Dia-'
mend, through Attorney Jsn.e I'et
erplierger. lio'ii petitions were filed
on charges of cruel and inhuman;
treatment. In the Kanfmann peti
tion the plaintiff stated they were
married in Davenport and that on
Mrs. Vest Felt Like Crying.
Wallace. Va. Mrs. Mary Vest of
this place says: "1 hadn't been ery'
well for three years, and at I;st ii
was taken bad. I could nor stand on :
my feet, I had such pains. I ached
all over. I felt like cryintr all ths(
lime. mirier insisreo in my trying i
Cardui. Now I feel well, and do i
nearly all my housework.'' No medi
cine for weak and ailing women has!
been so successful as C&rdui. It goes!
to the spot, relieving pain and dis
tress, and building up womanly
Mrengt'u in a way that will surely!
please you. Only try It f ncj. i
How you make it
matter how you like it
no matter what it costs,
you can't beat
p ii:i.ivKun:s every day
W Both Ihones
h 1710-1718 Second Avenue.
e Generous With
Yourself 1
You have been "good" to your friends for a long time, you have
bceu a spender, no one ever tailed you penurious, or close, or tight.
Din what have you to shew in return?
Why not be a "good fellow" to yourself.
Open a Savings Account with This Bank
and turn your generosity to your own account acd credit for a time?
The results will show up in a short time, and of a most satisfactory
nature at that.
Re good to yourself. Eein today.
4 Interest Paid on Savings
Checking accounts solicited.
Rock Island Savings
1 1721 Second Ave. J3anC I Roc!: lsland' '"
jFeb. 24 the defendant attacked and
i beat her, chasing: her out of the
I house and threatening to burn the
house over her head. That the life
of tn Plaintiff was in constant dan-
Per was alleged. The petition of'
Bessie Diamond alleged that they
were worried in Rofk Island. Jan.
i huu nra lugeiut-r unwi
nanip, purpose, scope and other de- '
tails of the organisation. President
the required amount and was sent to'
jail to remain there until some d's-i
position is made of his case. Higes
was charged with assault with intent
to inflict great bodily injury, the
complainant be;:-g his w ife, who ap-;
pen red at the police station and
lodged a charge against her husband
saying that he attempted to carve;
her to death. She exhibited three
deep knife cuts on the hack of her
head which he had inflicted during
the quarrel at the Highs' home.
Held for Board Bill. H. H. Paxton.
a tiaeling man who has been mak
ing his ton at the Hotel Davenport,
is he'd at the police station until
settlement is made of the case. He
is indebted in the sum of $6". it is
alleged and states that a check has
been due him for some time but had
fi " I
Obituary Record. Miss Margaret:
D. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George ;
Price. 1 n 1-I West Fourth street
I passed away at tho family residence!
jyeiwiuay. me emu ua&and Mrs. William White, at their resi-
i M:-.. Fioss:e K. Dies, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Dies. 14r0
: West Sesentti street, TTed at her
! home vesterriay morning at 2: T0
The young lady, who was
; horn in Davenport on. Aug. 14. 101,
spent : v entire fe in this city. The
! parents are the only survivors.
! .Mi.vs ken-i,
Iowa, S.i i , ( I'd ay
! s;ead in loading
1 ins in his new
i went to Gitison,
to assist Don Hai
his car and in mov
lieine at West I.ib-
; erty.
John Nil hols went to Iowa Thurs
day of last week.
Mr. KKsiigti. who has spent the
i winter with Rev. Mr. Cooper and
! family departed Wednesday for Rut-
pjiland. 11!., to spend a week with a
brother before returning to Ohio.
i Will Cook and Mike Harries went
to Gibson. Iowa, Monday.
Last Monday evening a pre-nup-
tial shower was
given by George
jSchriver and Harry Pwartout at the'
; former's home in honor of Prentice !
i Halstead and Miss Faye Elliott. The j
home was tastefully decorated with'
red hearts ar.d red and ,white carna-j
itior.s. The evening was pleasantly!
spent, or e feature being a mock !
wedding. Refreshments were served
Safety Boxes for rent.
f after which Miss Emily Boyle In a1
' pleasing manner presented to the
bride and groom-to-be a sum of;
i money as a token of esteem. 1
Saturday being the 20th birthday an-
niversary of Mrs. L. H. Snow, relatives
and friendB to the number of 37 gath
ered at' her home for a surprise party
to help her celebrate the event. She
was the recipient of several nice gifts.
The out of town guests were Mr. and
Mrs. H. Rose and daughters of Rock
Island, and Mrs. Dave Shafer and chil
dren of Znma.
Robert Yonng, Jr., and Ralph Hil
terg entertained Jointly at the home
of the former at a hard times party.
Many queer costumes were there.
Games and contests were the diversion
of the evening.
A. J. Lavine has sold his home to
Elmer Humberstone of Colona. Mr.
Lavine will give possession at once.
Frank Herbert Wednesday loaded his
household goods in a car ready to ship
over the Burlington to Butler, Ky ,
where he goes to live on a farm. Wed
nesday evening a crowd of the Ladies'
Aid, of which Mrs. Herbert Is a mem
ber, gathered at the home of Mr. and
jrs .Miles Nicholson, where they stop-
ped temporarily, to bid Mr. and Mrs.
Herbert good-bye. Mrs. Herbert was
given a pretty souvenir spoon as a re
membrance. Mrs. Dave Schafer -and children of
Zuma spent Saturday and Sunday with
Mrs. .Schafer's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
George Allsbrow. v
Mrs. R. H. Crum left for her home
in Iouisville, 111., after having spent the
past four weeks visiting relatives here.
Mr. Clark of Port Byron has pur
chased one of the Donahoo houses ani
moved into it.
The new Methodist church is near
ing completion.
Mrs. Charles Coleman has returned
home from a four weeks' visit with
relatives near Anna. She was accom
panied by her father, who will spend
the summer here.
Mrs. Elizabeth Lucas leaves the
,first of the week for a three weeks'
i visit with relatives at Waverly and
Governor Deneen will return to Wa
tertown to live after a few months
6pent at Silvis.
Henry Allen has resigned his posi
tion as fireman at the Watertown hos
pital and accepted a position at the
Hoot & Vandervoort plant.
Amy Genutig is imnrovin.
after a
siege with the grip.
Frank McRoherts will occupy the
farrn rerentlv vncaterl hv George. Shu-
; mate.
A farewell party was given to Mr.
! donee last Tuesday.
Friends, and
i neighbors came with well tilled bas
kets, and enjoyed the day. Mr. and
Mrs. White will shortly move to Mor
!rion. III., to locate. Thir son
; Charles will live on the farm here.
Mr. and Mrs. William Kipper were
! In Davenport last Wednesday.
! Prank McRoherts will soon occupy
the farm recently purchased by Mrs.
' Lucinda McRoherts.
A Very Simpl Mattar, According to
This Man's Idea.
There is nothing like having one
timepiece to correct the mistakes of
another. Those people who keep a
clock in every room of the house will
no doubt be glad to learn of the ex
pedient adopted by an old colored jani
tor in an office building in Chicago.
One day a man whose office was un
der this Janitor's charge asked him if
be had the exact time. "Just a mo-
ment, sir," he said and pulled out a
battered silver watch from a vest
pocket, looked at it, put It back and
then took a pencil out of another
pocket and Jotted down something on
the back of an envelope,
Next he produced a second silver
watch from his trousers pocket, looked
at it
and began to figure out some
on the paper. By and by he
! said:
j "When you asked, sir, it were Jest
twenty-seven minutes pat 3 that's
"Much obliged," ssld the other, who
bad been fingering Lis watch nervous
ly. "But will you please tell me what
: you were dafng all that arithmetic
"Why, you see," said the old man,
"this watch that I carry in my vest is
a mighty good watch, only it gains ten
minutes every day. And this one Is a
: mighty good one. too, but it loses ten
minutes every day. So I Just look at
them both and then strike an average.
You'd be surprised, sir. to see what a
, simple matter it la Exchange.
Has Millions of Friends.
How would you like to number
your friends by millions as Buck
len's Arnica Salve does? Its aston
ishing cures In the past 40 years
made them. It is the best salve in
the world for sores, ulcers, eczema,
burns, boils, scalds, cuts, corns, sore
tye, ?psIds, swellings, bruises, cold
sores. Has no equsi lor piles Twenty-five
tents at ail druggists.
AH the news an the t:me The
Draws on Funds. Yesterday was
. . - . - 4 '. t
pixj uajf lur ice leacams curya iu Pau
line public schools and, incidentally,
Township Treasurer G. L. Peterson
drew on A. E. Froyd, deputy town
ship tax collector, for the sum of
$16,000 in-tax money. This is the
first time during the present school
year that Mr. Peterson, who is treas
urer for all school districts in the
township, has been forced to make
a draft on funds still in the hands
of the tax collector. In February of
last year it was necessary to draw the
sum of $27,000 from the collector
then in office.
Elks Elect, Moline lodge of Elks
elected officers for the year Thurs
day evening and the meeting was
marked by a large attendance and
some spirited races for office. An
drew Olson and M. R. Carlson were
named tellers and the following of
ficers were chosen: Exalted ruler,
W. E. Whiteside; esteemed leading
knight, J. E. Murphy; esteemed loy
al knight, Arthur Johnson; esteemed
lecturing knight, G. O. Dietz; secre
tary, A. R. Ammerman; treasurer,
R. M. Johnson; tiler, Ross Laughlin,
trustee for two years, J. H. Nessley;
representative to grand lodge, C. H.
Williams; alternate, S. S. Berry;
representatives to state convention,
W. E. Whiteside and A. R. Ammer
man; alternates, J. G. Peterson and
R. S. Stromberg.
City Growing. Clark G. Anderson,
city civil engineer, has in course of
preparation the 16th annual report
of the department of the municipal
government over which he now has
charge. As is the case every two
years, the city civil engineer's re
port will be issued in printed form
th's year and for that reason Mr.
Anderson will include therein such
statistics as will be of interest to all
taxpayers in Moline. During the six
year period Just ending the per cent
increase in public improvements
within the city, limits has been: area,
in acres, 61; miles of streets. 44;
miles of alleys. 48; miles of walks.
31; miles of paving, 76; miles of
sewer, 86. miles of watermaln, 47;
number of water consumers, 46.
Poultrymen Organize Enthusiastic
chicken fanciers met Thursday even
ing in Turner hall and completed or
ganization of the Moline Poultry as
sociation, tbis being the name finally
adopted after considerable discus
sion on the subject. Directors were
authorized to secure options at once
on a hall in which the firs.t exhibit
may be held. The date originally set
Dec. 13 to 17 may be changed,
this to depend on when Judges desir
ed can be secured. The month will
not be changed. Manufacturers have
pledged support and they will be so
i'cited to contribute cash for the
prize awards. The secretary has
been delegated to write at once to
judges, aim of the association being
to secure the best men in the country
to come here to score birds en
tered. Building Association Formed.
Stockholders of the Moline r.oan 4
Homestead association met Thursday
afternoon and continued in session
almost, continuously t'H 10:30. Com
plete organization of the association
was effected, directors ar.d officers
being elected and proposed bylaws
being whipped into desirable shape.
The directors chosen: For one year
O. E. Mansur. secretary Velie Car
riage company: H. -T. Hough, Deere
& Co.; 8. M. Howlett. Moline Plow
company; O. F. Anderson, cashier
Moline Trust & Savings bank; for
two years: C E. White, superintend
ent Deere & Mansur company; F. A.
Herbst. superintendent Moline Wag
on company; C. S. Trevor, retail im
plement dealer; O. A. Shallberg. at
torney; for three years H. J. Oripp,
r.ecauie It's for One Thing Only and
Rock I gland People Ap
preciate This.
Nothing can be good Tor every
thing. Doing one thing well brings suc
cess. Doan's Kidney Pills do one thing
They cure sick kidneys.
They cure backache, every kidney
Here Is Rock Island evidence to
prove it.
Mrs. William A. Pannell, 618
Third avenue. Rock Island, in.,
says: "Nearly every member of my
family has used Doan's Kidney Pills
and they have been so beneficial
thai we consider them an excellent
kidney remedy. About a month ago
I procured a box of Doan's Kidney
Pills at the Harper House pharmacy
and it required but a few doses to
relieve me of a severe attack of
backache. Another member of my
family took tbis medicine at the
same time and was completely re
lieved of kidney disorders. We would
not tc without a supply of Doan's
Kidney Pills on hand."
For sale by all dealers. Price 50
cents. Foster-Milburn Qpmpany,
Buffalo, X. Y., sole agents for the
United States.
Remember the name Doan's
and take no other.
';S.;-lf c, mi i , . n,e. .. ili ..i.i .. i ..i.i .iiii.i. ii. I J mmm ir'- - - - - -i.i ; M '
I Gold MedalFlou j
----- Mi
State Saving Bank and Trut com
pany; N. H. Greene, vice president
Peoples Savings Bank & Trust com
pany; C. S. Kerns, real estate and
insurance; Clark O. Anderson, city
engineer. Officers were chosen as
follows: President. C. E. White; rice
president, O. F. Anderson; secretary,
C. S. Kerns; treasurer, H. J. Gripp;
attorney, G. A. Shallberg.
Girl Attacked. An unknown man
attacked Miss Hannah Holm at 8
Thursday evening almost within the
shadow of her own home, 1811 Second
avenue, but by screaming and fighting
she managed to escape from her as
sallan;. Miss Holm was on her way
home when the attack occurred. It la
thought that the man's motive was rob
bery. To Build Business Block. J. F.
Ryan, cashier of the State bank of
East Moline, has awarded the contract
for a $10,000 brick block to be erected
at once at the corner of First avenue
and Ninth street, that city.
Dies at Hospital. Miss Ethel Biggs,
aged 22, died at 3:45 Thursday after
noon in the Watertown hoepltal. She
was committed to the institution Dec.
11. 1909. She had been a rlctlm of
epileptic convulsions since childhood.
Pumps Versus' Baths.
The poor are dirty because they can
not afford to be clean and not from in
clination or choice. As the woman In
an English town said to the doctor
who thoughtlessly suggested that her
child of six was old enough to be
washed, "It's easy for you to talk of
washin', with yer hot and cold taps,
but what are the likes of me to do
with only the loan of my neighbor's
pump?" i In the multitude of schemes
occupying the attention of public bod
ies the establishment and maintenance
of public wash "houses, with doe re
gard to the prevention of the spread of
infection, ought to take a foremost
place. Medical Press and Circular.
The Loyal Bookseller.
Certainly the loyalist bookseller on
record was the John Stubbs who of
fended Queen Elizabeth by publishing
a book protesting against the proposed
marriage with the "Imp of the crown
of France." The unhappy man was
condemned to suffer the Ioms of his
right hand, which was accordingly
chopped off with a butcher's knife in
the market place at Westminster. "I
remember," says Camden, ."standing
by Stubbs, who, as soon as his right
hand was off, took off his hat with his
left and cried aloud, 'God save the
queen!' The next moment he faint
ed." "The Romance of Bookselling."
Easy IndoUnos.
MA good turkey dinner and mfnee
pie," said a New York raconteur, 'al
ways put us In a lethargic mood casks
us feel. In fact. Ilk the natives ef
Nola Cbucky.
"In Nola Chuck y one day I miM to
a man:
" 'What is the principal occupation
of this town?"
" 'Waal, boss,' the man ans wared,
yawning. In winter they mostly sets
on the east side of the house and (oi
lers the sun around t the west, and
In the summer they sets en. the west
side and toilers the shade around to
the east "
Raising the Wind.
Dannhauer would gambla his last
rent. That wss his great weakness.
He went home one evening after a bad
dsy. lie looked tired,
"Wife," he ssld, "hare you got any
thing to eat?"
"Yes. lots of things," the wife said.
"Well, cook up everything yon'rt got
"Gracious I Are yon that hungry T"
"I'm not hungry at alL I'm going to
ell the stove." Kansas City Star.
Thoughtful Maud.
Mand Yes, I got papa to buy a
TRccum cleaner for mother. Jemrtea
TJow thoughtful! Maud Yes. Mother
Is a little stiffened np with rheuma
tism, you know, and I used to feel so
Borry to see her trying to use the
broom that I always left hems on
sweeping day. Cleveland Plain Deal
er. Kills a Murderer.
A merciless murderer is appendi
citis with many victims, but Dr.
Kins's New I fe Pills kill it my, pre
vention. They gently stimulate stom
ach, liver and bowels, preventing
tnat ciogging mat invites appenai
'citls. curing constipation, headache,
'biliousness, chills. Twenty-flve centa
jat all druggists.
Andrew Carnegfe recently stat
ed that he had mad some forty
three millionaires, but what Is
accepted In Pittsburg as an au
thentic Ust Includes forty-seven,
mm fottows:
Hearr Phlpps,
O. XL MeCaagea,
James Boott,
J. C. Behwab.
Thoaoaa Lynch,
Colonel H. P. Bopa
H. C Frlck.
T. at. Cau-nerla
Qwf Laoidar,
. C X. Batawab,
Heavy M. Curry.
Catena) 1 T. Bro
W. A. BlngOT.
R. T. Varwlrrroort,
Latwranea Pbtppa. J. Gk A. Letahmaa.
A. WL Peacock. P. C Knoa.
P. T. T. Ixrrejory, Judo 3. H. Reed,
, James Oaytar. W. IX. Dormer.
TTaonaas Monlaaa, D. A. Stawart.
WUllata E. Corey. Andrew Ktoman,
A. K. Mora land. Henry W. Oliver.
D. M. Clemacm, George T. Oliver,
, Q. FL Wlghttna.il, Janes B. Oliver,
John Walker, David B. Oliver.
C. I TayW, Maary Marrltt,
A. K Whitney, Gllaa B. Boaworth,
w. W. Frew,
Albert C. Case,
, John C Fietnhuc,
A. C. Dinkey.
W. W. Blackburn, C W. Baker,
J. O. Hodman, Robert Pltcalrn.
lUnard Honslker,
Ex-Treaeurer of Vermillion County
Tays Creditors 3.1 1-3 Per Cent.
Danville, 111., March 4. It has be-
Many Women Now Drrinx Without
Fajwe Tlair.
Rats and other false paraphernalia
for the pubuilding of woman's thin
ned out hair may be necessary, but
the sight is far from pleasing.
With care nature can supply to
roost women all the hair necessary
for attractive dressing.
Many thousands of women, refin
ed and educated, have learned that
it Is not bard to have and to keep
an abundance of lustrous hair, if
Parisian Sage, the hair grower, is
used daily.
Since its introduction into Amer
ica Parisian Sage has become a prime
favorite with women who desire
luxuriant hair that will not fall out
or turn gray, used daily it will keep
the scalp immaculately clean; will
stop Itching and Tailing hair, and
remove every particle of dandruff.
It causes the hair to grow because
it Is able to penetrate Into the roots
where It besides nourishing the hair
destroyes the dandruff germ. The
Harper house pharmacy and drug
gists everywhere guarantee Parisian
Rage to do exactly as advertised, or
money back. A large bottle only
costs 60 cents and it is a most In
vigorating and refreshing hair dress
ing. The girl with the auburn bsir
Is on every package.
A Reliable
Whan you need a, specialist you
nae seen permanently iocs tea in unpon is yer
vr remained anywhere near that ioog. Many have came and (ona. Our of
fice hM remained bare permanently because our treatments have teen the
moat euocoeaftil. ear orlcee cheap, and wa have re
ft a ffl A T Y1TT Bronchitis, Asthma, Heart Disease. Rheumatlern. Neural
1A1aUIU g-1. Indigestion, cold hands and fee, all run down, taa In
stomach, choking sensations, shortness of breath, pain ervu'id heirt. weaK
heart, couth. pTn In chest, chronUs throat and lung trouble, dlxsineis. consti
pation headache, backache, poor appetite, heart, liytr. kidney, biood. akin
Slseaaefl, and ail chronic diaeaaew cf men, women and children.
tmntrATTO TTTTT TP VT la one of the greateet cornea of mr..V!rid;
JNJblwVUUO JJXjXiXlxLX X it makes men old before Ihlr tlrre Ills
the cause of many a man's failure. It oape the vitality and aewhetis the blood
Yoai can be made atrong. You ca.o be a auccees. Thou-nil of men lmv
tken our eucceeeful treatmenta It does not keep you from work A dollwr
pent in regaining your health and 1gor will pay you ba tt a hundred tipu-s.
Vervoua debility la caused by hard work, worry losa of sleep, dissipation.
ceases of all kinds, errora of youth, a hock aad Illness Come to the ofTlre at
once If you are aufferlng from nervoue debility, backache, all run down,
sleeolessnens, poor memory, losa of vigor, baebful. blues, nervous f.-ars, wak
k'dneyn. weoknesa. thun aoclaty. no aanbltlon. palpitation of the heart, can t
tieep lack of confidence, poor blood, blood polaon. stomach, blood, kidney, hlwl
Aar and akin diseases, sediment in water, eczema, easily tired, etc. Varicocele
Is a freeuent cause of decline In men. Why treat so lonr with others when
oar treatment takes such a abort time. Names In private cases kept confiden
tial. HXAJraATIOaT niE. Kemrs 1 to IS a. m.; te --30 p. m.j Taesday
saa aatorda evealaga, 7 to S p. ax. StLaaay meralag, 10 to 11 a. an.
Chicago Medical Institute
124 W. Third Street - Davenport, hwa
come known that Harry H. Whltlock.
former treasurer of Vermilion county,
who is under Indictment for embeiz
ling 137,600 of the county's fund, has
made a settlement with his creditors
for 33 1-2 per cent on the dollar. Th
settlement was made through H. .1.
Wolford. president of the I'almer Na
tional bank.
The Ohlldrn'e Memorial Honpttal.
CMeaa-o. the only pavilion honpltal In
tho wi(, ofTera a threw-yrar cournr. Including-
chtldren'a work and adult nur
Ing, Id a ganaral hoapltal. to yminw wo
men, hlnh atnool education, (mm 19 to
10 yearn of age. who are dealroua of
entering the profusion of iiirmn.
Bhort probation term: a&lary after two
month. The hoapltnl in most tieautl
fully loca-ted. Juat a. few minutes' walk
from Lincoln park. Severnl acrra of
lawn; ahada traa. tennis court and cro
quet arounda. Our course conform
with flllnoia law requiring a ieHflo
amount of work In order to iik trie de-
f raa of R. N. Registered Nurse I. Kor
ull Information write to Superintend -nt
of Nuraea, 70 Fullerton avenue,
Chicago, IlL
Licensed 17 Years In Illinois.
Lment when CURED
The great Chicago rupture spclHllt
and truss expert iHpeclHlly Invlt.'H tlio.
apparently hopelen ruaa where all
mannrr of trui!, tr-Ht merit s and op
erations have failed. AH ailing people
can have free conftultallon himI udvii e.
Ns kalfe, no Injrrtton or di-lentlon
from bus'iieea. The mrnit ililfl'iilt rup
tures hell absolutely undf-r hII condi
tions wiiii tao and comfort. i l.ear
Straps, No Kinetic llantls. o teel
Satrtaara- Quit e p.-r I rnei.t I n wl'li
worthless trusses ami mail ir1 r treat
ment, and be cured for life. Hi-vcnli-cii
years' auccessful practice; ll.oni cured
patients, mnny In this vicinity. No pa
pers to sign.
If you do not wish trenttnetit. hut
need a truss, supporter. elHHil' stockiriK.
It will pay you to e me. I will nav
you money. All artlcl-a made to incis
ure and guarantied to fit.
Near vtal to Rrk lalaad. Hock la
laat hotel, Tuesday, Marrh 7.
MONEY TO 1 4 K N I )
On Falary or OhattH K.-urty.
If you are employed your credit In
good hre- for from $in fo $100
These pay both Interest and principal
10.35 weekly pays a llfino b.nn
$0.75 weekly p;iys a lo fto loan.
$1.20 weekly pays a $10 00 loan.
$1.60 weekly pays a $sn o lonn
All other amounts In same prop -
tlon. Absolute privacy guarsn'. "d
Room ft". McKlnnlw hldg Phono east
1187. 16th st. and 4th sve . Moline.
ougbt to go to a rellxhle ona
Our ofHre
NV other speols.liie
fused to take any ease unless we thought there was
ohanoe to bens St or eare You .get nut uly the
benefit of his large experience, but he has aJao
tudled metnoda sad treatments recommended by
leading physicians of Kurop Bankers, buln
meo and grateful patients testify lo his reliability.
No names aver used without coneent of patlenta.
Hneclal tnedlcai treatmenta. also acientiflc electric
treatments used when neeiad. Out of town patients
can return home same day. One visit to office In
majiy eaea may be all that Is necessary. Consulta
tion free.
Leading Specialist Middle West

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