OCR Interpretation

Rock Island Argus. (Rock Island, Ill.) 1893-1920, April 05, 1911, Image 9

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn92053934/1911-04-05/ed-1/seq-9/

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yT HOOKING nomorrvs, im
V PAPA ? fs. a t-1 .
Mysterious Prisoner Believed to Be
Sen of Hungarian Count.
Letters from Easton, Pa., say that
the mysterious man -who e erred a two
year term la New Jersey for carrying
concealed weapon and who never re
vealed his Identity la a member xf a
noble Hungarian family. A photo
graph of the bod of a count who Uvea
In Budapest was sent to Easton from
an unknown source and when com-
Heal EsMs Hcrycsfc
A. woll located lot on lath street;
pa Ice and sidewalks paid for:
a snap at S873.00
A 12 -room bouse la Boutn Rock
Island. In good shape, nearly
now 91,230
Wo have two lota on IH street
and SOth avenue; east front;
one la corner lot; at 8723UK)
A two-story house on 26th street:
two years old; has furnace and
electrlo lights 350
List your property with us.
We writ insurance; surety bonds.
408 Best building;. Rock Island, II L
Enilblbapdl & TTosm.
New five-room cottage, worth $2,000,
but for quick sale will take $1,800.
Fire-room house for trade, price
Seven-room bouse, almost modern.
Good double house. In first class loca
tion, all modern. $4,su0.
Six-room modern house, $3,800.
Eight-room house m good location. I
$3.1ou. I
Lots In any location and at any rrlce
to suit the purchaser. 1
25.000 acres of good New Mexico land
at $4 per acre, fur irauc will take any
kind of good income property. Take up
to $60,000 on this.
280 acres first class Iowa land, firm
class Improvements. Jlou an acre.
Eighty-acre farm, seven miles from
Muscatine, jood impt jvtmer.u, $10u uu
acre. Will lake city property lu ou this.
47-acre farm, a:i level, black rich
loam. $120 per acre.
We loan money, write fire Insurance,
and rent bouses. Office phone west J41.
Hesldence phone west 13i4.
Blankenburg & Blankenburg,
C&sirSss IE. Eslcdssa
(The Best Is the Cheapen.)
Established 1874.
Office. 17SS Third avenue. Rates rea
Contractor and Builder.
1454 lUiliruoml Street,
ILm Island, 111.
Phone Wert 1 i&VK.
Jkn Vols & Co,,
Manufacturers of Sash. Doors, Blinds
and S talrs. Interior finish of all kinds.
Hardwood Veneer F looring, and deal
ers la Glaaa. $11 and $2$ Eighteenth
(3iriiftir Msk EgHsiadl
TrTe election is over, and we have a good MAYOR and four good
Now. let's settle down to business and make Rock Island the best
town on the map. We have the people and the natural resources, and one
of the bent located town in the United States. We hav- all knocked a
little, but In spite of this. Rock Inland continue to srrow, and today no
city in the country offers more to Cie investor or home-buyer than Rock
There are suckers everywhere, and perhaps Rock Island has its share.
We are inclined to grab at get-rich-quick schemes offered us from all
parts of the country, such as mining and oil stocks, city lota on monthly
rayments in some barren country 100 miles from railroad, which we
now nothing about, and which are by t- lavish us of printer's
ink. and which is nothing more or less than a gamble; yet we bay them.
We have as good, safe In vest men t right here at home as can be found
anywhere ; right here-where we know all about then and know they are
absolutely safe and will make us money. Now. can we afford to gam
ble? Why not take a sure thing?
I have lota for sale In Rock Island that will double In value in from
two to five years, and there Isn't a wajjt-carr.tr that cannot aJTord to buy
one. They range in price from $200 up, and the owners will accept cash
or small payments.
If you've got a lot. you can get a home; and if you've got a borne,
you are independent. I have houses for sale for from $1,000 up. and a
few very fine residences; and if you want land. I have farms located In
the garden spot of the m-orld Illinois and Iowa.
I would like to talk to those interested in Rock Island.
Off.ce, 5C2 Safety Baiktr.g. Fhone West 550.
pared with the picture of the "xnya
terlous John Doe showed a remarka
ble likeness.
The man was arrested In the belfry
of the German Valley (N. J.) school
house nearly three years ago. The
failure of the bell to ring caused a
visit to be made to the place, and the
man was found there, surrounded by
a complete cooking outfit and a num
ber of books. He had evidently been
making himself comfortable for sev
eral days. The bank at Callfon, near
German Valley, had been robbed a
few days before, and the man In the
belfry was arrested on suspicion that
he was the burglar. A small quantity
of nitroglycerin was found near him.
He denied knowledge of the explosive
and said that It probably belonged to
some of the tramps who had occupied
the place before him. During his time
In Jail he amused himself by reading
books on philosophy.
lie refused to tell his name or give
any Information about himself.
Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver
Tablets ass'st nature in driving all
impurities out of the system, insur
ing a frp and regular condition and
restoring the organs of the body to
health and strength. Sold by all
I t toad:
i Scott county, Iowa, farm to exchange
J for Rock Island or Moline city prop
! frty; SO acres; lic-s nearly level; six-
room house; located convenient to
Davenport. This is one of the best ex
change properties we have ever had
j on our list. What have you to offer
! for a quick deal?
First National Bank lildg., Davenport,
? ai ay 2
You have Ion; considered
c;li day a necessary dread.
Now you can consider It a
pleasure, for the new way la
lo let us teur tbt) burden. Then
wash day ia u irely a matter
ut tatiioujjg the boiled clothes
loftcilier. When our wagon
cu..U, wash day is over a far
a ou ar cum trued. When
the tloiiiea are returned ttit-y
w ill be .spotlessly clean and
dt-iishtluiiy Iresu. The colors
will be bright, the buttons will
be on. there will be no rips or
tears. W hen you consider the
expense of washing, the price
you pay to heip, the cost of
luel, the discomfort and aggra
vation, you will say our way is
truly economical. Drop us a
postal or phone us now.
TTlh S(33ndl3"3
FOR RENT Rooms for light house
keeping- at 414 Eleventh street.
FOR RENT Furnished rooms for light
I housekeeping at 31Z Filth street .
FOR RENT Three furnished rooms for
light housekeeping at 3u7 lhirj
FOR RENT Modern furnished front
room; use of old phone; at 1512 Eights
FOR RENT Nicely furnished room, cen
trally located, modern, at 1230 Second
FOR RENT Modern furnished rooms
at lt3 Seventh avenue. Old phone
west 1339-1.
FOR RENT Furnished rooms for light
1 . , . . I'
FOR RENT Two modern furnished
rooms for light housekeepings at 1101
ourteeatn-ajia--&aar, street.
FOR RENT Two furnished room.
partly modern, suitable for light
nouseiteepuiaT. at nil nictn avenue.
FOR RENT Two nicely furolshad
rooms for light housekeeping, partly
modem, at zit eeventee&tn street.
FOR RENT Furnished room and
rooms for light housekeeping; mod
ern. Jfho&e west b9; 180$ Second ave
FOR RENT Two modern furnished
rooms, half block front street car
private family; 1129 Seventeenth
FOR RENT Two furnished rooms for
light housekeeping, ail modern con
veniences; 1116 Fourteenth-and-a-half
FOR RENT Furnished rooms for light
housekeeping; all modern; use of
telephone; gas in laundry; 271b Fifth
FOR RENT Large front room, nicely
furnished, all modern, two blocks
from watch Tower car line, at 167
fourteenth street.
FOR RENT Two nicely furnished
rooms tor light housekeeping; also
sleeping rooms; ail modern conveni
ences, including use or phone; lau4
x ir til -ana-a-ri ail avenue.
FOR RENT House of 11 rooms, mod
ern Improvements; 1102 Seventeenth
street. Rook Island. IS. U. Ouyer.
FOR RENT Seven-room modern house.
with large yard, garden spot, and
Darn. Aaarees "ji. i., care Argus,
FOR RENT A modern seven-room
house on Twenty-first street, near
Ninth avenue. Inquire 2010 Fifth av
FOR RENT A five-room cottage, all
modern, rent $is per month, at 1402
Fifth-and-a-half avenue. Call at 1404
Jt ifth-and-a-half avenue.
FOR RENT A six-room house, south
side of double house, at lol7 Forty
fourth street; modern improvements.
Call evenings at 4121 Seventh avenue.
FOR RENT A seven-room cottage,
with water, sewer, and gas for cook
ing; large lot, with most all kinds of
fruit; chicken house and yard; at 122
1 hlrty-seventh street. - Inquire of W
S. Hill, care Argus office.
FOR RENT By May 15. to Oct. 1. a six
room completely furnished house;
nicest location in city; will rent to
right party or young married couple
without children; reierences required.
Address "B. U. C, care Argus.
FOR RENT One of Wright s modern
live-room flats. Inquire 224 Seven
teenth street.
FOR RENT Modern five-room flat; $18
per month. Call phone 159a-Y. Ueoigc
iiiaiiam, U2t r nth-and-a-hair ave
FOR RENT A three-room flat, with
closet, pantry, wash kitchen and cei
lar room; electric light.and gas range;
aiso use oi pnone; centrally located.
AUdrei-s R. a. 0., care Argud.
FOR RENT In Robinson building, well
lighted offices; all conveniences. In
cluding elevator service, roomy vaults.
etc; one choice tuito with large pri
vate vault. Apply room lUU. F. K.
FOR RENT Or sale. National cash reg
ister; registers from 1 cent to $10;
Cut Rate Loan company, l&Ol'-ft Sec
ond avenue. Old phone west 177.
FOR RENT Two very desirable store
rooms, two rooms .each, located at
3909 Seventh avenue, city; very good
location tor luncn room, ice cream
parlor, and confectionery, tailor shop,
millinery, barber shop, or grocery, in
quire 643 Thirty-ninth street. Rock
PLEASANT F. COX Real estate an
Insurance. Loans a specialty. Best
fire companies represented. Tour pat
ronage solicited. Phones west 22, and
new 6172. Office at court bouse.
bLNNEXT S Insurance Agency Fire,
life, accident, health and plate glass;
real estate and loa.es. Second floor.
Salety building. Office phone west
896. Residence phone 736-K. Open
Wednesday and Saturdcy alghta.
WIS WILL BOND YOU Sxecutors', ad
ministrators', guardians, trustees' or
any kind of Judicial bonds; loages and
society officers; city, state or U. a.
government om Hals;, contractors, po
sitions of trust; in fact, any kind of
bond you want (except ball bond.
Terms reaaoaa' le. Hayes & Cleave
land, resident managers. Fidelity Jk
Deposit Company of Maryland.
FOR SALE A complete pool hall outfit,
consisting of three tables, show cases,
unc wall case, cash register, benches,
etc.; cheap if taken at ouce. lnqulro
room S0& Safety building.
FOR SALE Postai and penny picture
gallery; must sell "i account of poor
health; a snap ; ome one cheap
for cash. Call i 2266-Y; 109;,
Brady street, L rt. Iowa.
FOR SALT? A . established and
paying bustnr. Hock Island, with
a complete of dry goods, no
tions, school ? i : -j-lies. and toys; a bar
gain if f uroiuM at once. Address
. O ." care Arcus,
, Mrs. E. W. Miller, graduate macseuse;
electric vibrator treatment, vapor
baths, scientific body and facial mas
sage, therapeutic lights, spinal treat
ment. Swedish movements, et :. Hours
from It i. m. to i p. m. Henley build
ing. suKe 12. corner Fourth and Brady
street. Davenport. Iowa.
KKNM ' H4ICT11JK PronrictAr I'nm
plan nock nursery. Cut flowers and
dcatgna of all kind City store. 1C07
BscodmS avenue. Telephone 1119.
Made in One Hay.
Paid back ta small, convenient last,
meat; our low raxe hart our competi
tors, bat will benefit you. Victor Finance
company, it Mr Mac as building. Second
and Main street, IMvenpon. North
AH the news all tne time Trie Argus.
- i
WAXTEt-Boyat Eleuer's cigar fac
tory. 61 Seventeenth street.
WANTED First class carpenters at
new State bank. C. W. Hall.
WANTED Platen pressman; apply Os
born. Skelley & Gorman. Davenport.
WANTED Four boys 14 years of age;
call at 1523 Fourth avenue at 8 a. m.
WANTED Six young men to work on
passenger trains. Inquire at 311S
Fifth avenue.
WANTED First class paper hangers
and painters. Apply at Paridon Wall
Paper company, 419 Seventeenth
WANTED Auto repair rasn: three all
round good autcf repair men; steady
work. The Bartholomew Company,
Peoria. I1L
WANTED Painters: two first class au
tomobile stripers and finishers; steady
work. The Bartholomew Company,
Peoria. 111.
WANTED Horseehoer to run shop for
half; owner sick; SI 8 "Seventeenth
street. Rock Island. Lawn mowers
sharpened for 15 cents.
WANTED Solicitors to canvass with
an indispensable household article;
big wages. Call evenings at 223 Sev
enth street for full particulars.
WANTED An experienced man and
wife to work on farm; must board
from one to five, men. Address Fred
Knoshenmus, route 8, Port Byron, 111.
WANTED Men to learn the automo
bile business; we teach you at home;
get you $25 weekly Job; make $10
weekly while learning. Rochester
Auto School. 158. Rochester, N. T.
WANTED A first class, reliable man
to represent us as district agent for a
number of counties adjacent to Rock
Island In the writing of non-participating
business; satisfactory flrstyear
and renewal commission given; bond
required. Write Michigan Mutual Life
Insurance Company, Detroit, Mich,
WANTED Experienced non-union elec
trical construction men for Installa
tion work on electric light and power
plant located In Chicago; capable men
can secure good positions with excel
lent opportunity for advancement. To
receive attention, applicants must
state wages expected and give refer
ences. Address "L. M. N.," care Aryus.
RANTED Competent girl in family of
two at 714 Twenty-first street.
WANTED Girl to do general house
work at 816 Nineteenth street.
WANTED Girls at the Dining Car
Laundry, Thirty-first street depot.
WANTED A woman to do laundry
work at the home. Apply at 943
Twenty-first street.
WANTED A girl to do general house
work. Apply S3 1 Nineteenth street.
Old phone west 1201-L.
WANTED A good girl to do general
housework; good wages to competent
person; at 920 Nineteenth street.
WANTED Competent girl to do gen
eral housework; no washing'; good
wages. Apply at 104 Thirteenth street.
WANTED A woman to do general
housework; one who wants a good
home preferred. Apply 1232 Four
teenth street, city.
WANTED A good girl to do general
housework: one who can come well
recommended; good wages; two in
family. Call old phone west 134, ev
WANTED Lady and gentlemen can
vassers; good pay to parties not afraid
to work. Call Thursday morning at
1620 Second avenue.
WANTED Agents; $90 monthly and
expenses, either sex, put out cata
logues and advertise large mail order
house. S. Scheffer, treasurer, S 51,
WANTED Boarders and roomers at 606
Third avenue.
WANTED General cleaning and work
oy tne aay. oia pnone west 740-K.
WANTED Lace curtains to launder;
price, cents per pair. old phone
west 1349-L.
WANTED A good girl to do house
work; good wages. Inquire at 2739
Seventh avenue.
WANTED Family and ladles' bundle
washing; nice work guaranteed. Call
or address 1117 Sixth avenue.
WANTED A lot, cheap, at lowest pos-
siDie price ior casn. uive run infor
mation. Address "L. A.," care Argus.
WANTKD your amateur flnlahing at
tne urown biuoio, over ,uaru n drug
btore, corner Third avenue and Twen
tieth street.
WANTED General cleaning by the day
Dy competent woman. call at olj
Twenty-second street, c-d phone wesl
lr.39-X; new 5363.
WANTED Three furnished rooms for
light housekeeping, near car line; res
idence section preferred. Address
"W. J. C," ca.re Argus.
WANTED To launder, lace curtains;
work prompny cauea ior ana deliv
ered. Mrs. Luella Titterlngton, 144H
Fourteenth street. Old phone weal
WANTED To rent, two or three fur
nished rooms, west of Twentieth
street, for light housekeeping, by
family with 3-year-old child. Address
"Rooms," care Argus.
WANTED Washings to do at the Col
ored Home Laundry, 39 Fourteenth
street; excellent hand work done; or
ders will receive our prompt atten
tion. Old fhoue west 7ui-X. Lastet
& Edwards.
WANTED To buy. a modem eight or
nine-room nouse in residence locality;
terms, email payment down, baiaiice
on monthly instalments ; state full
particulars in answering. Address
"G. S.," care Argus.
WANTED To buy. for cash. modrn
six to eight-room house. $4,000 to $",
000. between Seventh and Twelfth av-
- enues and Fifteenth and Twenty-third
streets. Address with run particulars
"S. J. E.." Ciire Argus.
WANTED Lace curtains to clean at any
time; D.anKc m anu tiuuts 10 w&sa dur
ing hot weather ouly. Send pwtai
card to Mrs. Mager. 2407 Sixth ave
nue, and your work will receive
prompt and careful attention.
WE have the complete list of every va
cant nouse or room in tne tri-cltias.
It won't cost you one cent to see this
list. Summerfield'a. 113-115 East Sec
ond street. UavcnporL '
oui nairs on race a arms perma
nently removed with one to six
needle; four to x hours' work la
one with six; treatments glvn at
bom unlea otherwise desired. Ad
dress Miss A-.M. Klttridge. Flat 1.
Argyle Flat, krady street, daven
port. Old phom Hi.
JACOB W. HERCULES Architect and
Superintendent, Architectural Engin
eer; reinforced concrete and steel con
struction; office buildir.ga. publi;
buildings, factories, residence work.
Of3ces. 400-401 People's National
bank building-. Old phone west 584.
FOR SALE Five-room house at 1612
Fourteenth street. Inquire at same
FOR SALE Five-room cottage, all
modern. Inquire Mrs. J. W. .Barrett,
1012 Nineteenth street.
FOR SALE A six-room ' cottage, all
modern; located on Fourteenth street;
price $S 000. Eckhart & Buftum.
FOR SALE Earlv Ohio seed potatoes,
one rear in this climate. Inquire at
1700 Sixth street. Old phone 1286.
FOR 8 ALEv Eight-room nouse. corner
Twentieth street and Tenth ave
nue; easy term. Inquire at resi
dence. FOR SAL HI At a bargain, a store with
flat above. located t $78 Fifth ave
nue. Inquire E. Thonn. lo Twenty
eighth street, olty.
FOR BALFI Five-room ootta, new. tn
fine repair; paved street tr terms;
liberal discount .tor half oash. L4.
Lining er Meyer.
FOR BALI Nice five -room neve oa
Twelfth street and Eighth avenue;
sewer, water and gas; price $L6u.
Ecknart t Buffum.
FOR SALE A seven-room house, with
two aca-e. located on bluff; a nloe
place to raise ohlokans. For partieur
lars see Eckhart & Buffnm.
FOR SALE Lots; a big bargain In
seven lots, on bluff; all level, east
frontage; size 40x150; only $2,100 for
the seven. See Eckhart & Buffum.
FOR SALE A lot 48x181. located on
Sixteenth avenue and Twenty-sixth
street. Inquire R F.. Russell. 932
Fourteenth-and-a-half street. Phone
west 665-K-
FOR SALS Five and six-room houses,
from $1,400 to $1,600: small payment
down; 85 lot, from $300 to (460, $21
down, balance In five years. E. W.
Robinson. 1454 Richmond street.
Phone west 1166-K.
FOR SALE At 1608 Fifteenth street,
east front facing Long View park,
seven-room modern cottage, with bath
and furnace; $3,000; one-half cash,
easy terms for balance; rents for $20
per month. F. K, Rhoads, ltJ Rob
inson building.
FOR SALE Home; Robert A. Smythe
having engaged In fruit raising In
Washington, offers for sale his beau
tiful residence opposite Long View
rark, 1615 Twelfth avenue. For fur
ther particulars Inquire W. L. Ter
bury, 2211 Fourth avenue.
FOR SALE A new six -room cottage at
1516 Seventh street; will be finished
about April 15; modern except sew
er; terms, small payment down, bal
ance monthly payments, or will rent
to right party. Inquire 1700 Sixth
street. Old phone west 1296.
FOR SALE At 104 Seventeenth street,
corner Eleventh avenue, 85-foot east
frontage, eight-room house, modern in
all respects, with good barn suitable
for garage; owner moved fromcity
and anxious to sell; a snap if taken at
once, (part cash). ,F. K. Rhoads, 100
Robinson building.
FOR SALE Cheap, a beautiful home,
built on lines of Swiss chatlet, strict
ly modern, six-room hoiise, up-to-date
in every respect; locaMU In one of the
pretty parts of our city; to realize Its
full value you must see it. G. Llmer
Blakesley, 1236 Glenhurst court. Old
phone west 1157-L.
FOR SALE Modern nine-room house,
on Long View oar line and within ono
block of Seventeenth street entrance
to Long View park; has good well on
premises; east front, and one of the
best all-around locations In the city.
For particulars as to price, etc., in
quire of the owner. H. G. Baker, 1106
Seventeenth street.
FOR SALE Cheap, a few choice lots;
paved rtreets, valks, sewer, water,
gas, trees in tract, tine surroundings,
beautifui homes, street car right to
your doer, three blocks from lxng
View park. For particulars call on
G. Elmer Blakesley, 1236 Glenhurst
court. Phone west 1167-L. Twelfth
street. Twelfth avenue addition.
FOR SALIC 2Z4 acre stock farm; Una
improvements; four mi.'es from Milan;
price 8100 per acre. Reldy Bros.
FOR SALE Two and a half acres with
10-room house, located in west end of
city; price $3,500. Eckhart & Buffum.
FOR SALE Fifty-acre farm, Scott
' county, Iowa; good buildings; easy
terms for payment. Address Miles
Collins, Davenport, Iowa.
FOR SALE Deeded Indian lands, good
relinquishments, in Corson county,
close lo C. M. & J'uget Sound railway.
Write for f'irther particulars to J. W.
Harris, Mobiidge, S. D.
FOR SALE Good truck farm in South
Rock Island; very reasonable pries;
good house and outbuildings. For
particulars call on Reldy Bros., room
4, Mitchell A Lyode bulid'.ig.
FOR SALE Several Improved farms In
Worth county, Iowa. Theso farms are
level, black toil; none mum than four
miles from railroad. Prices ranging
from $70 to $90 per acre. These farruM
are all bargains. William Jennings,
Hov.i Island house.
FOR SALE Ten-acre larm, on easy
terms; fine plaoo to raise chickens,
vegetables, fruit, etc.; located right
hei n at home, where you know what
you liuy and sure of rainfall and a
market for your products. For par
ticulars, Eckhart &. Buffum.
lov.-esl rates, iuaoipn & Reynolds,
lawyers. Best block, corner Seven
teenth street and Second avenue.
MONEY TO LOAN on real estate secur
ity at lowest rates. Marion K. Sween
ey, attorney, rooms 32 and 3f. Mitch
ell z Lynde building. Rock Island.
LOAhd ua furniture, pianos, horses,
wagunB, etc., quickly, privately, at the
.owest rate. Mutual Loan Company
luniuc). room 411. People's National
bank building, riot? phone 510. old
pnone west 122.
Wti JUAKH A SPiCIAXrY of loaning
money ua household good, toorsv.
wagou, etc.. without removal and
la uuiei way. Call on a for quuJL
loans. Fidelity Loan Company, nwa
vi rJe?t l.unaitf.
r ItOKES SI US Ji.1 A I' l'O li.NEV S.
torneys-at-law. Ofnce in Rock Island
National bank building.
Money to loan on good real estate
security. Rocms 8C3 and Zol. Safety
rjui.din;. Rock Island, 111.
general law business; corporation,
probate and real estate law; ill peo
ple's Bank building. 1 hone webt 849.
tcarucys and counselors at nw Mocey
to jc ex re etM. Raouvs 80s
X03. People Nation! bauk buiiH.ag
UcENLRY & McENI?.r Attome) -
law. Loan money on good security;
mke collections. References, Mitch
ell ai Lycde. bankers. iJtOa. M.Lctiell
r Wnoc ouiUiing,
aijiiiitAC'i'b of uuc prepare! or con
tinued to date covering any real es
tate in the county. From ft mid -.
curat service t r-aonaole rate
Rock Island Title 4 Abstract Com
pany; J. J Icgram. president; W. J.
Sweeney, secret- ry; 20o-UZ, sscuni
floor. People National bank build
lso manufacturer of awn.nar, tents
wagon ojvers. etc. Tents for rent. Li
Roesaler A Co, 208 Fifteenth street
opposite the court bouse. Rock Island
FOR SALE Horse and wi
at 1S23 First avenue.
ron; inquire
FOR SALE Household goods of all
kinds at 1911 Seventeenth street.
FOR SALE Spring wagon and surrey,
harness, at 4012 Sixteenth avenue.
FOR SALE A good dlso cultivator;
also a gang plow; at 610 Forty-sixth
FOR SALE Eggs for hatching, from
good barred rock strain. Call at 1920
Seventeenth street.
FOR SALE Cheap, a leather top phae
ton, rubber tired, at 709 Twenty-sec
ond street- Old phone west 1628.
FOR SALE Cheap, three head of work
horses. inquire at corner rwemy
fourth strtst and Twentieth avenue.
BALE Errs 'or hatching: Barred
ks (Ringlet strain); $89 Twsnty
rth street. Old phone west 711-L.
for bale-Oak and vine mixed kind
ling, out stove lengths, at $8.80 per
lead, delivered. Kahlke Bros, Phons
west s.
FOR SALE 16x84 building, nearly new.
good shape for house. 2. W. Robin
son, 1454 Richmond street. Phone west
FOR BALE The beautiful gold coin
strain Buff Ormnrtooi; eggs ana day
olC ohlcks; catalogue free. J. B. Jo
seph, sears, in.
FOR SALE Eggs for hatching; single
comb White Leghorn and Rhode is
land Reds. L. B. Stray sr, Milan road.
South Rock island.
FOR SALE Profitable Jobbing busl
ness, staple commodities; about $8,600
will handle; might consider some
property in exchange. Address job
ber," this paper.
with 6-horse power engine; cheap it
taken at once. Inquire Bllesener's
machine shop. Seventeenth street.
FOR SALE Eggs for hatching; they
are the U. R. Flshel strain of White
Plymouth Rocks, and they are good
ones; 16 for $1. Phone 878-X; 1802
Seventeenth street.
FOR SALE Good paying saloon bust
nesa. In good location: must sell on
account of sickness; long time lease
on building, and rent reasonable. Ad
dress R. 1. S., care Argus.
Executor" Itetlce.
Estate of John Greehy. deceased.
The undersigned having been ap
pointed executor of the lust will and
testament of John Greehy, lute of the
county of Itock It-land, state of Illinois,
deceased, hereby gives notice that he
will appear before the probate court of
Rock island county, at the probate court
room, in the city of Rock Island, at tho
May term, on the first Moral. iv in May
next, at which time ail persons having
claims against said estate are notified
and requested to attend for the purpose
of having tne same adjusted. All per
sons indebted to said estate are request
ed to make immediate payment to the
Dated this 7th day -of March, A D.
1911. THOMAS GREEHY. Executor.
John K. Scott, attorney.
To All Whom. It May Concern:
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersicrned will file a petition in the cir
cuit court ot Koek island county. 1111
nols, to the next May term thereof, to
have her name changed from Katharine
Fischer Koch to Katharine Fischer.
Dated at Rock Island, 111., this 18th
day of March. A. D. 1911.
Administrator' Notice.
Estate of Sarah A. James, deceased.
The undersigned having been aD
oointed administrator of the estate of
Sarah A. James, late of the county of
Hock Island, state of Illinois, deceased.
hereby gives notice that he will appear
before the probate court of Rock Island
county, at the probate court room, in
the city of Rock island, at the June
term, on the first Monday in June next
at which timo all persons having claims
atcalnst Bald estate are notified and re
quested to attend for the purpose of
having tne same adjusted. Ail persons
Indebted to said estate are requested to
make immediate payment to the under
signed. Dated 23rd day of March, A. D. 1911.
HENRY A. JAM KS, Administrator,
Hugh E. Cur'1:, -attorney.
Executrix' Notice.
Estate of Caroline Nelson, deceased.
The undersigned having been ap
pointed executrix of the last will and
testament of Caroline Nelson, late oi
the county of Rock Island, state of Illi
nois, deceased, hereby gives notice that
she will appear before the probate court
of Rock Island county, at the probate
court room, in the city of Rock Island,
at the June term, on the lirst Monday in
June next, at which time all persona
having claims against said estate are
notified and requested to attend for the
purpose of having the same adjusted.
All persons indebted to said estate arj
requested to make immediate payment
to the undersigned.
Dated this 11th day of March, A. D.
1911. AGNES SIMPSON. Executrix.
R. W. Olmsted, attorney.
Executor's Notice.
Estate of Henry Fluegel, deceased.
The undersigned having been ap
pointed executor of the last will and
testament of Henry Fluegel, late of the
county of Rock Island, state of Illinois,
deceased, hereby tjlves notice that he will
appear before the probata court of Rock
Island county, at tne pronate court room
in the city of Rock Island, at the June
term, on the first Monday in June next.
at which time all persons having claims
against said estate are notified and re
quested to attend ror tne purpose oi
having the same adjusted. All persons
indebted to said estate are requested to
make immediate payment to the under
signed. Dated this 27th day of March, A. D.
1911. HENRY FLl.'KGEL.
Albert Huber, attorney.
Publication Notice.
State of Illinois, Rock Island Coun
ty bh:
In the Circuit Court, May Term, A. D.
1911. ,
Roue K. Nlcklas vs. Glen W. Nlcklas.
In Chancery.
Affidavit 'f unknown residence of the
defendant. Glen W. Nicklas, having been
filed In the clerk's office of the circuit
court of said county, notice Is therefore
lifrebv Riven to th said unknown resi
dent defendant, that the complainant
filed her bill of complaint In said court,
on the chancery side thereof, on the sec
ond day of December. 1910, and that
thereupon a summons Issued out of said
court, wherein said suit Is now pending,
returnable n the first Monday In tne
month of January. 1911, which said
summons was not served;
And that on the 29th day of March. A.
I. 1911. an alias summons was isetind in
said cause, returnable on the first Mon
day in May. A. V. 1911, as is by law re
quired. Now. unl'H you. the said unknown
resident defendant, Gien W. Nlcklas.
shall personally be and appear before
said circuit muri, on the f)rt day of tne
next term thereof, to be hold'-n at Rock
lalajad, aa and for said county, on trip
firtrt 2nHty in May next ant iet
answer or de4CCT t said complain
ant's M7 ef complaint, the same and
the matters and things therein ehsrged
and stated will be taken as confessed,
and a decree entered against you ac
cording to the prayer of said bill.
Rock Island. 111.. March . 1911.
Philip li. Wells, complainant's solici
tor. s-o-rr Arn Foi7ir&.
LOST A yellow and white collie pup.
Return to 931 Twenty-third street and
receive reward.
al'to and carriage bodies.
hand-rnade bodies of all kinds; also
auto delivery bodies; all work guar
anteed. ' Headquarters at Klockau
Carriage and Auto shop. Old phone
.".west 877-X.
Special low fes for one week longsr. a -t
gsneral clairvoyant reading, i
1 (ccsnaftsS
Positively Last Wssk at Reduced Prloe.
' Martel Is positively the greatest flair
voyant In the world. He tells yon Just
what you want to know and just what
you should do. He tells you how to suc
ceed In business, how to make money In
speculation, how to qutexlp- sell your
property at a big price; locates buried
treasures, removes evil Influences, telle
?'ou how to overcome your rival In bus
nass; tells whether your husband, wife
or sweetheart Is true or false, reunites
the separated, causes a speedy and hap
py marriage with the one you love, re
stores lost affection, settles all lovers
quarrels; makes your sweetheart true,
tells when and whom you will marry,
srlvlne the name In full and date of
marriage, and how to win the one youl
love If you are In trouble or doubt, I
call at once. He Is perfectly honest and J
guarantees that everything he tells you
will come true. Tells you how to llvo
happy and contented the rest of your
life and ba fortunate. How to obtain
the money you want, and what you are
best adapted for. Tells what you have
done, what you are doing now. and)
what you are going to do. All told
without asking a single question.
Office hours, 10 ft m, to I p. m.; Sun
day, 1 to 6 p. m.
. 706 Brac?y St., Davenport.
TRIO LODGE. NO. 67. A. F. A A. M. ;
a Meets In stated communication :
Wj"the first Thursday of eaoh j
month at 7:80 p. m. By order
of Carlton O. Taylor, W. M.; William
B. Pettlt, secretary.
, Brotkerfcooel ef American Teemesa.
fflli.? STEAD NO. 8291. Meets
A 'i- aannnd and fourth Friday,
evenings at 'eenn s n'
.. . . I I
Notice of Publication.
State of Illinois, Rock Island Coun
ty ss:
In the Circuit Court,
May Term, A,
D. 1911. . , ,
Pearl McCIaln vs. Wilbert McClaln. In
Chancery: ..
ifriiavit nl the unknown residence OC
tho above defendant, Wilbert McClaln,
having been tiled in the clerk's office of
the circuit court of said county, notice
Is therefore hereby given to the said
non-resident defendant that the com
nuinant flleit her hill of complaint in
ksIiI court, un the chancery side thereof.
on the 30th day of March, 1911, and that
thereupon a summons, issued out oi saia
court, wherein said suit Is now pending,
returnable on the first Monday in the
month of May next, as is by law requir
Now, unless you. the said aerenoam
above named, Wilbert McClaln, shall
nersonallv be and appear betore said ,
circuit court, on the first day of the next .
term thereof, to be noioen at itoc is-
land, In and for the said county, on the i
lirst Monday in May next, and plead, i
answer or demur to tho said complain
ant's bill of complaint, the same and the ;
matters and things therein cnargeo ana
stated will be taken as confessed, ana
a decree entered against you according
Rock Island. 111.. Marcn au, mil.
to the prayer of said bill.
UKUKUfi VV. OA.u Xllr., v . j t r B..
Harry M. McCaskrln, complainant's
LET Fross do your paper hanging and
painting; wan paper at cents a ron
and up; 2521 Sixth avenue.
PARTIES looking for good farms should
send for my bulletin describing over
200 bargains and tnouiands of acres '
of wild land, Akersou. Liiid.lroni, ;
Minn. 1
IF YOU WANT to buy. sell, trad or
rent anything, engage neip or secure
a situation, the Mail and Journal Is
ike one paper in Moline that can do
; for you. Mall and Journal wants
are popular, and Mall and Journal
wants bring results. One-half cent
per word la the price to all alike,
cash in advance; two-cent stamps will
do. Evening and Saturday Mall and
Journal, Moline. III.
We always lead in
our line, private to a
dot and without a
open erery evening:
until 9 o'clock and all
noon hours.
1 Cul llste Los?, Co.,
IffOl H KtssmU Arena
Mjfr. J. W. JONES.
Ilion West 177.

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