OCR Interpretation

Rock Island Argus. (Rock Island, Ill.) 1893-1920, March 27, 1912, Image 11

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn92053934/1912-03-27/ed-1/seq-11/

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Argua Branch Offices
For tha accommodation of Its patrons
In various parts of the city. The Argus
has established a system of branch of
tiers, where subacrlptlona and want ad
vertising may ba received and any in
formation laft that max pertain to any
department of tba paper, news or busi
ness. It la alao planned to have at each
of tbaae branch offlcea ovary evening
a aupply of ooplea of The Ar-si of tba
day, ao that any ubaoiibar who may
hav failed under any olroumataoeoa to
receive bio paper, bo supplied tree of
The Argus attain of branch offlcea
lacludas the following;:
1. i. KJpp's notion (tore, 4S0S Fltta
H. .B Rowe'i pharmacy, 4111 To ar
te nth avenue.
Rless' drug store, Twenty-seventh
street. Seventh avenue,
Ullemeyer'a drug store. Eleventh ava
il ue. Fifteenth street.
George W. Mlllhouse, eonfeetlonetry,
Fourth avenua
lira. London's notion atoro. Seventh
Street. Fourteenth avenua
Hetmbeck's pharmacy, III Third ave
nua. anger's groosny. IIS Eleventh
Rodert drua; store. Thirtieth a treat
and Fifth avenue.
College pharmacy. Seventh avenue
nd Thirty-eighth street.
Olaon grocery. Thirteenth avenue and
Thirtieth street.
Stelner drug store, corner Fifth ave
nue and Twenty-third a treat.
FOR RENT Eight-room modern house.
Inquire 1610 .Ninth avenue.
FOR RENT Thlrteen-room modern
houae at tit Twenty-third street.
FOR RENT A elx -room modern house.
Inquire at o Fourteenth-and-a-half
FOK RENT Four-room house at 181 S
Fifth-and-a-half avenue. Inquire 2832
Fifth avenue.
FOR RENT Six-room bouse In South
Heights: tio. Fhone west 11S5-K.
E. W. Robinson.
FOR RENT Ten-room bouse, also
barn. Apply 1011' Third avenue, or
120 Eleventh street.
FOR RENT May 1, strictly modern
house at 2439 Kightb avenue. Call at
716 Twenty-fifth street.
FOR RENT Or sale, a new two-room
rottaxe, 1 blocks from car line. Ad- " '
drees "O I' " care Argus FOR RENT A modern furnished front
' room, with trntn. suitable lor one or
FOR RENT Seven-room house: bath. two gentlemen, at 1114 Second ava-
gaa, electric light; nicely located. In- " Phono HH
quire 041 Nineteenth street. , ... Z ; '. Z 7' .
rOR RENT Large nicely furnished
FOR RENT blx-room modern bouse, modern room in excollent locality,
with gas atove. at 1420 sixteenth ave- suitable for one or two gentlemen, al
nut. Inquire 100 Twelfth street. 1102 Seventeenth street.
FOR RENT April 6, a modern seven- FOR RENT Modern furnished rooms,
room limine at S7 Twenty-second with use of phone and bath, at rea-
street. Call old phone west 1S81-U sonable prices; 711 Twenty-ninth
. . street. Pnone west 1SCS.
FOR RENT Three-room cottage at
H27 Kourte nlh-und-a-huif street. In- FOK RENT Double parlor bedroom,
fiulre Julm Kocn, 21s beveuleeuth with buaxd, lu private home; refer-
mrwt. euoea required. Inquire llu2 Second
i avenue. Puoae weal v&s-l'.
FOR RENT New. strictly modern six-
room house, near two car lines, at FOR RENT Three good sized unfur-
1424 Thirty-second street Phone nmhril rooms, with wler, sewer, and
kB-K. in good location; near car lines.
Address "E. S. 37," care Argus.
Foil RENT Seven-room house, with
moilern i-onvenit-nres. at 1137 Seven- FOR KENT Furnished rooms, with or
letnth street Apply &00 Seventeenth without board; modern home; suita-
street old phone 27. ble for one or two gentlemen; zl
Twentieth street Phone 743-X.
FOR RENT A five-room cottage at
121 Twelfth street; modern. Inquire FOK RENT Two modern furnished
at Orman'a snoe store, 21 1 Seven- rooms for light housekeeping or sleep -
teenth street Phone west 747-L ing rooms, use of phone; at 1113
1'ourleenth-and-a-ualf street Phone
FOi: RENT Furnlohed five-room stucco west 113&-1".
bungalow; all modern; rent reason-
ab'. o rllit party; references re-
quired Inquire 1422 Fourteenth-and- WANTED SITUATIONS.
S-half Street r,--. --i--.-.i--i-T-nl-.-l.-1.-ln-.nT-l r, -u-u-o
r- WANTED Position working on a farm
FOR RENT FLATS. btf bov aed 1J- Address 60 Ninth
wT-n-r---i Jwu.rLrLnj.i 0 f) avenue.
rnu tj itvt PivTrnAni A.t it. WANTED Position by experienced
.rrr- Tr B.r.i!r stenographer, bookkeeper, good.
iJukslei stud ioivi'" b -a. JB," 2o3 Fourth avenua.
' WANTED Situation In a doctor's of-
von orvr-R.modeiad new fists four Hco young lady with references.
nue. cny.
roR RFNTA modern slx-room fiat at WANTED Satuatlon doing general
lool TweTv-flTi.t street Inoulre loSl housework by competent woman with
'Vwintith ireit Inquire 1001 c,ua 1& montu. old; references fur.
Twentieth street nlslied. Old phone west 752-Y.
FOR RENT One five room flat; Koes-
ter building, opposite Rock Island '
passenger depot Phone west 687-X. LAST AND FOCJTp.
FOR RENT Four-room flat close down lcST Black ribbon watch fob. with
town; gas. water, toilet gas range gold elk head. Return to Argua of-
furnlahed: will decorate to suit. Uce; reward.
Hayes 4k Hayes S14 Safety building.
- , LOST Watch cnarm. with Initials "F.
. J. L." Return to Argus or Harts 4k
TOK KENT MISCELlKOtg. Bahnsen company, fof reward,
FOR RENT Store room at 227 Twen- IXXTT Automobile tire chain In busl-
lieth street; also a barn. Apply 112 Dess district Return to Klockau
Third avenue, or 220 Eleventh street Auto company and receive reward.
.,,.. , . , .. LOST A R. I. H. 8. lllf class pin,
PROFESSIOBIAL ATTORJIETS. wltn . M E u- nKrmV(.d on 0f
TT'T"" TTTT pin. Return to Argua for reward.
torneya-at-law. Ortlce la Rock Island .-r. . n..T
K.fi..ii bank buildinar FOUND Rock Island brand Oerman
National toauk ounoing. mustard. Call at any etore or meat
BE A RLE 4k MARSHALL, Lawyers. market in trl-cltles. Only -10 cents a
Money to loan on good real estate las; th ot ever.
sscurity. Rooms 204 and SOS fealsty ' 7 177 Z . T
building. Rock Island. 1U. LOST An alligator pocket book con-
tainlng money and papers. Owner's
WILLIAM M WALKER Attorney; " " PP'- "br" J",waf5 fr
general U buaineaa; corporation. return to the Rock Island house desk.
probate and real ealale law; 111 Peo- . . , . . T. Z. : . t .
ple a bank buUoing. Phone waat .. LOST A ladys diamond ring, probably
y Z on Fourth avenue car between Fif-
W'ALKCR. INGRAM 4k SWEENEY At- teenth and Fifth streets. Sunday ev-
tornays and counselors at law. Monty entng. Finder please return to Ar-
to loan on real estate. Rooms luO- gus and receive liberal reward.
SOS. People's National bank 4Dutlding. .
WcENLRT 4k McENIRT Attorneya-at- IXStTRASCB.
law. Loan money on good eacurjtv; nj ,- ,
make collections. References, Mitch- PLEASANT F. COX Real estate and
ell 4k Lynda, ban kara Ottica. Mitchell Insuranca Loans a specialty. Beat
4k Ljrnda building. bra companies represented. Tour pat-
. - ronage solicited. Phones west 12. and
SWEDISH MOVEMCVr. ""U Omc. at court housa
x -- BENNETT'S Insurance Agency Firs,
SWEDISH MOYEMsJNT Miss A. Kin- Ufa. accident health and plate glaaa7
arsen. graduated Swedlah masseuse. real estate and loans. Second floor,
fives treatment in private homes. Safety building. Office phone, west
hone west a3-L Address (IS Thlr- r4. Residence phone, 72-ic. Opaa
ty-Dlnth street Wednesday and Saturday eveaunga
,., WE WILL BOND TOU fcxecutors", 4-
nviiu avauisskia, r mlnlatrators , guardians', trustees or
-----'-"-j-"'-"-Nw'--- any kind of judicial bonds; lodges and
END us a postal or telephone as soos society officers; city, stats or U. S.
as your house Is vacant; we have government officials; contractors, po-
kundreds of applicants for waeaat sitions of trust; la fact any kind of
fetuses and will scad theta W you. bond you want (except ball bonds)
We do not charge anything for this Terms reasonable. Hayes 4k Cieave-
charga Summerneld a. 114-11 East land, resident managers Fidelity at
avaouad aUaat Jjavenport. Deposit company of MAorlaAd.
Had All that Change Been U. S. Kale.
rr.' SPfriM
WHY? .ALL tu
MUM . '
FOR RENT All modern furnished front
room at 71f Eighteenth street.
FOR RENT Slngls light housekeeping
FOR RENT Furnished apartment: ref
erences required; at 1-1 to Third ave
nue. FOR RENT Two furnished rooms for
light housekeeping at 1404 Fifth ave
nue. FOR RENT Modern furnished rooms for
light housekeeping at ST1S Fifth, ave
nue. FOR KENT Furnished rooms, with
beat, light and bath, at BIT Twenty
first street.
FOR RENT Two nloaly furnished
steam heated front rooms at ltll-lt
Beoond avenua.
FOR RENT Two modern light house-
Keeping rooms and one Sleeping room,
at lli Ninth avenue.
FOR RENT Two modern furnished
rooms In private homo; use of phone;
at 1041 Twentieth street.
FOR RENX Very desirable largo front
room, an modern, oentrauy iocatea.
(02 Twenty-third street
FOR 'RENT Two modern furnished
rooms for light housekeeping at 1111
Fourteenth-and-a-half street.
FOR RENT Furnished rooms, with all
modern conveniences; ladles prefer
red; at 7i Twenty-fourth street.
FOR RENT Modern furnished front
room, suitable for one or two gentle
men, inquire at S10 second avenue
FOR RENT Four rooms, upstairs, with
city water, sewer, and gas light; rent
7. Inquire at S401 Ninth-and-a-half
FOR RENT Furnished rooms for light
housekeeping; e.iso sleeping rooms
Call at 620 Twenty-fifth street. Phone
FOR RENT Nloely furnished front
room In private family of two; use of
phone; 1220 Third avenue, phone
west 122I-Y.
FOR RENT Modern furnished front
room, suitable for two; board S4
week; at uy Twenty-second street
r-lione li.23-.bL
FOR RENT Furnished "rooms for light
housekeeping; alao sleeping rooms by
the day or week; iiivra rum ave
nun, second flour.
tT'.' y
WANTED A married man. with team.
for ateady Job. Inquire at Henry
Dart's Sons'.
WANTED Good delivery boy at Pfoh
grocery, 1400 Third avenue.
WANTED A good man to work on a
rarm. Apply w. li Lukens, Tnirty
ighth street South Rook Island.
WANTED Tool makers and laths
bands. Apply Rock Island Manufac
turing company. Fourteenth avanus
and 6econd street.
WANTED Agents; neat appearing men
can make money with our proposition
if willing workers; salary and com
mission. Apply room 601 Safstybuild-
Ing. .
WANTED Salesmen; best vacuum
cleaner on market; am manufacturer;
retails $5.60; commissions weekly;
five men wanted; no capital; get in
quick for good job: new machine, new
territory. Edgar S. Bradley. SOS South
La Salle street, Chicago, 111.
WANTED Agents; one In Rock Island,
Henry, and Wnlteslde county, Illinois,
to sell direct to the farmers and stock
raisers a new and useful heater to
beat small outbuildings; jus? putting
on me market; reliable nrm; a hd
eral commission to agents and will
furnish free to the agents heater to
demonstrate; write for . particulars.
The Waverly Manufacturing com
pany, ISIS Bouth Adams street, Peo
ria. 111.
WANTED Men to send for our beauti
fully Illustrated catalogue, mailed
free, showing how to teach the bar
ber trade In short time. Whether or
not you desire to become a barber.
you wlli be Interested in this Innova
tion. You may have a friend or ac
quaintance - who will want to
learn. You will know who to recom
mend. Our system teaches by free
clinic and expert inntrurftlons. Write
today. Moler Barben, college. Chi
cago, I1L
WANTED Two girls at Tucker the
WANTED Girls at City Steam laun
dry; 417 Seventeenth street.
WANTED Competent girl In family of
two at 714 Twenty-first street.
WANTED An experienced marker at
lowa steam laundry, uavenport.
WANTED Young lady stenographer;
apply People's Store, 31S-21 Twentieth
street. r
WANTED Inspectors and cash girls
over 16 years of age. Apply Young
& McComba.
WANTED Competent girl to do gen
eral housework. Apply to Mrs. C. L,
Thompson. 920 Nineteenth street
WANTED Competent girl to do gen
eral housework; references required.
Dr. Lachner, 1112, Tweuty-lrst street
WANTED Washing to do at home; call
at 1620 Fifth avenue.
WANTED Boarders at 2327 Fourth
avenue. Phone 752-Y.
WANTED oT buy. Sperry Sc Hutchin
son green trading stamps. Address
Box 458, city.
WANTED Housecleaning or washing
by the day. Drop a card to Mrs. Alice
Miller, 311 Tenth street .
WANTED Dressmaking, also ladles
tailored skirts made. Mra C X. Rosa
1322 Fifth-and-a-half avenue. Phone
weat 4.
WANTED Good buggy horse. 1.200
pounds, light and 10 years old, sound.
E. Bargon, Locust road, city limits.
WANTED All kinds of mattresses and
box springs to repair at the Trl-Clty
Mattress company, 942 Third avenue.
Phone west 1143.
WANTED Bundle washing and iron
ing; shirtwaists ana aresses a spe
cialty; work guaranteed. Address
"V. H.,1 care Argua
WANTED Room and board by girl
working down town; will help with
work for part payment Address "Z.
Y. X.." care Argus.
WANTED In modern home, two young
fady roomers; will give breakfasts;
privilege of bath and phone; at bit
Twenty-fourth street
WANTED Young lady student wants
to work In private family for board
and room. Call Brown's Business col
lege. Phone west 1174.
WANTED To launoer, lace curtains;
work promptly called for and deliv
ered. Mra Luella Tltterington. 1448
Fourteenth street. Old phone west
WANTED Lace curtains to launder;
your work will receive prompt and
careful attention. Mra Mager. 2630
Seventh avenue. Old phone west
WANTED To buy, furniture and stoves
of all kinds; will pay highest market
prices for second hand goods. Knlff
Second Hand store. 1626 Third avenue,
Molina. East 7aL
WANTED To buy, five or six-room
cottage, all modern, between Seventh
to Twelfth avenue and Fourteenth to
Twenty-second street Address "Cot
tags 14," care Argua
WANTED To rent, by April JO. a five
room modern cottage, between Fif
teenth and Twenty-first streets and
north of Tentn avenue, call at 946
Twenty-first street, or phono west
WANTED We will repair your watch
for SI. regardless of its condition, and
fuarantee it for a year. Don't pay
1.60 to SS.60. but bring your watch
to us and we will repair It for SlT
Simons Jewelry company. SoS Harri
son street. Davenport lowa. Phone
north 2374-Y. Bridge cars to our
Established 1902. Phone TSS.
Smart tailored suits and gowns for all
Occasions Excitative and original de
S'.gna Advanced styles and perfect fit
guaranteed. Fancy dressmaking and
tailoring taught Corsets ax pertly filled.
So. Putnam building. Davenport, la.
( Per-vCTe Car. j WMC"'
SO US!' I oT ALL) -A-.
wo-s cn- 'r,: )-Cf
They Might Have Made
FOR SALE One roan horse, SI 6, Ap
ply kodds i-xpraas, ztio Third ave
nue. I
FOR BALE Houses from S1.C00 to SI,-
800, on essy terms.
El W. Robinson.
FOR 8 ALE Good nine-room modern
house, to be moved off lot at once.
Inquire 6S7 Nineteenth street
FOR SALB Eight-room house, partly
modern, water and gas: lot
Inquire at SOI Third street
FOR SALHV-A rood six-room cottage
on Ninth street; half aero of ground;
price 11.860. Reldy Bros., State Bank
FOR SALE At a bargain, a store, with
flat above, located at 2734 Fifth ave
nue. Inquire E. Thonn. 410 Twenty
eighth street city.
FOR SALE Lots In Island View Heights
addition; finest In the city; ask for
prices and terms. C. 8. MoDanleL (OS
safety building. Rock Island.
1TOR A AT. in MaA-mi .l.li. m v....
east front; one block from school
house, church, park car linex Inquire
802 Forty-third street' Phono west
FOR SALE Comrjaratlvelv new. strict.
ly modern double house; well built;
oesi location in ua city: good in'
vestment. Address L. L. L ears
FOR SALE Six-room modern cottages
and medium sised dwelling fop sale
on the installment plan. Call for in
information. Reidy Bros room 4,
otate uanii Duuaing.
FOR SALE Eight-toom house; new;
Datn, electric ugnt, furnace; on car
line; sacrifice for quick sale; will rent
or exchange for small property. Ap
ply 2132 Ninth street Phono west
FOR SALE Coxy home of six rooms
and bath, modern, large attic, cement
floor in laundry; near Augustana col
lege; will sacrifice for quick sale at
tist Thirty-ninth street
FOR RENT Residence of IS rooms
modern improvements, spacious
grounds; at Seventeenth street sind
Eleventh avenue, itock island, lit;
tia per montn. m. a. uuyer.
FOR SALE New six-room home, locat
ed on Twenty-sixth street and Fif
teenth avenue; modern In every re
spect; easy terms; near car line. Call
1613 Eleventh street or phone west
FOR SALE Or exchange for smaller
property, eight-room house, with all
modern conveniences, two blocks
from Augustana college, on both
'Third and Fourth avenue car lines
sacrifice for quick sale; 606 Thirty
eighth street, Kock Island, 111. -
FOK SALE Lots In South HeightA
south of Aiken street btween
Twelfth and Seventeenth streets; on
easy terms; 326 down, balance in five
' years, b. W. Robinson. 14o4 Rich'
mond street Whone west 116&-K.
FOR SALE Sevan-room uotlage at 1227
Thirty-seventh street; has water.
sewer, and gas lor cooaing; lot SO
foot front; lots of fruit; nno shade
trees; convenient to car, also from ar
- sensl car barn, and Mollne shopa For
terms Inquire W. S Hill. Argui otfloe.
FOR SALB One six-room cottage,
now under construction; ail modern
except sewer; will be completed In
about 10 days; small payment down,
balance monthly payments; located at
141 Seventh street. Inquire 1700
Sixth street Old pnone west 1234.
FOR SALE On Twenty-second street
a seven-room house; has new fur
modern seven-room bouse: has new f ur-
140: paving paid; the owner is a non
resident and baa determined to .sell
quick, and has dropped the price way
down to 13.300; and it is rented for
S26 a month. H. K. Walker, Robin
son building.
FOK SALE 112 acres of land, four
miles southwest of Milan; 355 per
acre. Reidy Bros.
FOR SALB Rent or exchange, a 42
acre farm, about three miles below
Andalusia; plenty of fruit Call James
U. Britton, 943 Twenty-first street
Kock Island, 111. Phone west 1267-L.
FOR SALE A good ten acre farm, five
blocks from the Long View car line
on Thirtieth street Has an eight
room house, good barn and other
buildings; two good wells and one
cistern; fine orchard, strawberries
and other small fruits; one acre in
asparagus and rhubarb, i Owner wish
ing to retire. For particulars call at
premises. John Nelson, Route No. 1,
Box 271. Rock island.
WANTED T.o exchange, residence for
land in Marietta county, Wisconsin,
or good farm near Albany, 1U. Har
rison Real Estate company, ! First
National bank building, Dai anport
FOR TRADE Will make a good, fair
and square trade of ISO-acre farm,
unimproved, only 2S miles from stale
capital, Pierre, S. D., six miles from
town, for city proper! ln Rock Is
land. Ill Would Insist on party going
to look at land, as it was picked out
by a cowboy ln that country for his
own homa Address "O. O. a.." cars
WANTED Men and women to take or
ders for large portrait bouse; good
wages. AciaiMi n. jv., care Argua
our hairs on face and arms perma
nently removed with ens to six
needles; four to six hours' work ln
one with six needles. Address Miss
A. as. awiiinuge, cisi l. it r gyle Flat
Brady street Uavenport OUL phone
S124. '
ABSTRACTS of title prepared or con
tinued to date covering any real aa.
tale in the county. Prompt and ac
curate service at reasonable rates.
Rock Island Title 4k Abstract com
pany; .J. J. Ingram, president: W. J.
Sweeney, secretary; SOw-203, second
Boor, People a Xtauonai nana buud-tng.
MARCH 27, 1912.
John D. Look Pale By
FOR SALE Saloon and restaurant.
Inquire Sit Seventeenth, street
FOR SALE A few Barred Rock pul
lets; 163S Twenty-fourth street
FOR BALE Twenty pounds nloe, olean
isatnera Apply to .association dwihi
FOR SALE One good three-piece bed
room suits; 1820 io una avenuo,
FOR SALB Timothy barn hay by car-
loao. Aaoroaa as, jr-snton, aowa c-icy,
FOR SALE Thrae pool tables, oomplets
outnts, nrst ciass. vtii at u nagn
teenth street
FOR BALE Four pieces of plush fur
niture, on oivan ana couon, ana two
chain. Call 8S6-3C
FOR SALE Eighteen Plymouth Rock
laying nena. jau at 4110 ouneentn
avsnuo after 4 p. m.
FOR SALE Thoroughbred Boston bull
terriers, two months old. Inquire
1024 Seventeenth street
FOR SALE One dosen rose comb brown
Leghorn- chickens at 1821 Twenty-
xourtn-ana-a-naii street
FOR 8 ALB Folding bed. with large
mirror; gooa as new; cneap it taxen
at once, inquire eoi Tenth street
FOR SALE Blond wax figure, suitable
tor nairureseer s mooet inquire at
Brook's Millinery, 4SS Seventeenth
FOR SALB On 2 horse power mar
ine engine ana equipment cheap.
Phono 1647-Y. Address 1604 Fourth
FOR BALE -Blue Bell" cream separa
tor; also "Successful" Incubator. In'
quire afternoons at ISO Third avenue.
aioiine, lit
FOR BALE Whits Leghorn or Ply
mouth Rock eggs, for setting, 60 cents
a dozen, call or address 21103 Thlr
teenth avenua
FOR BALE Gold Coin strain single
comb Buff Orpington eggs, for hatch
ing; winners wherever shown. J. R.
Joseph, Sears, lit
FOR SALE Pine and ax kindling and
furnace wood by Kahlke Bros. Phone
west 9. $3.60 per load, delivered. No
orders delivered on hill.
FOR SALE "Aerlo,- king or vacuum
cleaners, double action, hand operated.
' strong ana durable; win demonstrate;
110. Phone west 1388-X.
FOR SALE Household goods of all de
Bcriptlon, Including gaa range in fine
condition, and other goods in compar
ison. Call at 824 Twenty-fifth street
FOR SALE Beautiful bay driving mare,
eligible to registry, three years old.
weight l.OaO, sound, gentle, broke sin
gle and double. Address Box 16, Pre
emption, m.
FOR SALE Will sacrifice my 1911
Brush runabout; newly painted and
lir tine condition: 335 J. Can be Been
at- Klockau's garage, Sixteenth street
and Fourth avenue.
FOR SALE Cheap. Oliver visible type
writer; perfect condition and does
splendid writing; could ship on ap
proval and trial. Write to Charles
W. Rlckart Kosedale, Kan.
FOR SALE Eggs and day-old chicks,
from heavy winter layers; pens bead
ed by prise winners; Barred Rocks
and Buff Orpingtons; prices reason
able; 600 Second street. Kock Island.
Phone west 1410-X.
FOR SALE One 4-cyllnder, 10 horse'
Dower Lockwood-Ash motor, in per
tefct condition, 3126; can be seen at
B. F. Peek garage, Mollne. 822 Elev
' enth avenue, Moline. For appointment
phone east loai-JL.
GYPSY fortune telling; business, love.
and marriage anairs; satisfaction
guaranteed; 420 West Third street
LET Fross do your paperhanging; 15
cents a rou; waii paper at o cents a
roll and up; 2521 Sixth avenue.
NOTICE Veneered red and whits oak
floors, .Vxl. laid on old floors, fin
ished complete and polished at same
cost as good carpets. Contracts tak
en ln the three cities. A. J. Fischer
& Son. Phone 1656 west; 2011 Six
teenth street Rock Island.
IF YOU WANT to- buy, sell, trade or
rent anything, engage help or secure
a situation, the Mail ana Journal is
the only paper ln Moline that can do
it for you. Mall and Journal wants
are popular, and Mail and Journal
wants bring results. One-half cent
per - word is the price to all alike,
cash In advance; two-cant stamps will
do. Evening and Saturday Mail and
Journal, Molina HI
I .Eft A I.
Notice of Flaal Settlemeat
Estate of Louis Allara, deceased. '
Public notice Is hereoy given that the
undersigned. Central Trust ak Savings
bank, administrator eta. estate of
Louis Aliars, deceased, has this day
filed Its final report and settlement as
such ln the probate court of Rock Is
land county, and hearing on said report
has been set for March 2, 1913, at
o'clock a. m., at which Urns persons In
terested may appear and make objec
tions thereto, and If no objections are
filed, said report will be approved at
that time, and the undersigned will ask
for an order of distribution, and will
also ask to be discharged.
Rock Island. I1L. Feb. 29. 1912.
Administrator eta.. Estate of Louis
Hugh E Curtis, attorney.
sic ( Ftaai SstUtsMst.
Estate of Henry Klnner. deceased
Publio notice is hereby given that the
unaeriaiueu. . luiiucr, executrix
of the last will and tastament of de
ceased, has this day filed her final rs
Dort and asttioment as such In tha bm.
Lata court of Rock Island county, and
bearing on said report has been set for
March la, iu. at s ocioca a. m, at
which time persons Interested may ap
pear and make objections thereto, and
if no objections aro filed, said ncort
will bo approvtd at that time, and the
undersigned will ask for aa order of
omnouuoa, ana win also ask lu ta dis
charged. Rock Island. lit Feb. SO, 1913.
. ELIZA J. KINNER, Executrix.
Walker, Ingram ak Sweeney, atlor-msya
V. flbcn "That uKjaA CCVST1 jrrftV
Morris Miller
Notice of nasi Settlement
Estate of Emma XX Velio, deceased.
Publlo notice Is hereby a-lven that the
undersigned. Hugh B. Curtis, adminis
trator c t a. of the estate of Emma D.
VeUe. has this day filed his final report
and settlement as such ln the probate
court of Rock Island county, and bear
ing on said report has been set for
April 11. 1812. at s o'clock a. m, at
which time persons Interested may ap
pear and make objections thereto, and If
no objections are filed, said report will
bo approved at that time, and the un
dersigned will ask for an order of dis
tribution, and. will alao ask to bo dis
charged. Kock island, lit, Marcn m. inii.
Administrator eta.. Estate of Emma
O. Valle, deceased.
Kxeeutofa Notice.
Estate of Emma A. Harts, deceased.
The, underalarnea havlnsr been ap
pointed executor of the last will and
testament ,oi tmma a. naris, tats
tha oountv of Rock Island, state of Illi
nois, deoeased, hereby gives notloe that
ho wiu appear before me hou. Benja
min Bell, judge of the probate court of
Rock Island county, at the probate court
room, ln the city of Rock Island, at the
June term, on the first Monday in June
next at which time all persons having
claims against said estate are notified
and requested to attend for the purpose
of having the same adjusted. All per
sons Indebted to said estate are request
ed to make immediate payment to the
Dated 19th day of March. A. D. 1811.
BEN C KARTZ, Executor.
Hugh E. Curtis, attorney.
Notice of Flaal Settlement
Estate of Henry Denhardt deceased.
Publlo notice Is hereby given that the
undersigned, John Mosher, executor of
the last will and testament of Henry
Denbardt has this day filed his final
report and settlement as such lnv the
probate court of Rock Island county,
and hearing on said report haa been set
for Feb. 27. 1912, at o'clock a. m., at
which time persons Interested may ap
pear and make objections thereto, and
if no objections are filed, said report
will be approved at that time, and the
undersigned will ask for an order of
distribution, and will also ask to be
Rock Island. 111., Feb. S, 1911.
Executor of the Last Will and Testa
ment of Henry Denhardt deceased.
McEnlry & McEniry. solicitors.
xeeutors Netlcw.
Estate of Sarah E. Robinson, do
The undersigned having been ap
pointed executor of the last will and
testament of Sarah E. Robinson, late of
the county of Rock Island, state of Illi
nois, deceased, nereby gives notice that
he will appear before the Hon. Benja
min Ball, judge of the probate court of
Rock Island county, at the probate
court room, in the city of Rock Island,
at the April term, on the first Monday
ln April next at whlcn time all persons
having claims against said estate are
notified and requested to attend for the
purpose of having tha same adjusted.
All persons indebted to saia esraie are
requested to make immediate puyniout
to.- the undersigned.
Dated 81st day of January, A. D.
Hugh E. Curtis, attorney.
Administrator's Notice.
Estate of Leonard F. Baker, deceased.
The undersigned having been ap-
Eolnted administratrix of the estate of
eonard F. Baker, late of tha county of
Kock Island, stale of Illinois, deceused,
hereby gives notice tha,t she will ap
pear before -the probate- court of Hock
Island county, at the probate court room.
In the city of Kock island, at the June
term, on the first Monday in June next,
at which time all persons having claims
against said estate are notified and re
quested to attend for the purpose of
having the same adjusted. All persons
indebted to said estate are requoated to
make immediate payment to the under-
itfflAd. ,
Daiea 23in uaj ui sjutu, a. is.
'.-'. Administratrix.
Hugh E. Curtis, attorney.
. . v . . - .11 v. . r noii
A PERPETUAL, income oi ia,tuu per
year awaits every American wage
worker who answers this advertise
ment; the ability to save S25 to 160
monthly is the only requirement;
greater and more pertect safety than
a savings bank affords, as Investment
is protected with bearing Oregon ap
ple orchards and alfalfa land; quick
action necessary, as only 2uu persons
will be allowed to participate in this
wonderful off er. Tradesmen and lodge
members are especialyl requested to
answer this advertisement. Curiosity
seekers save stamps. H. H. Hansen,
director of publicity, Marquette build
ing, Chicago.
RELIABLE STORAGE On first floor;
also manufacturer of awninga, tents
' wagon covers, etc Tents for rent. G
Koessler at Co.. 3u Fifteenth street.
HENRY GAETHJE Proprietor Chip
plannock nursery. Cut flowers and
designs of ail kinds. City store, low 7
Second avenue. Taisohono 1110.
and claims collected. William St.
Walker, lawyer, Sll People's baas,
building. Phona S4S.
(The Best Is the Cheapest)
Established 1T
Office, 172s Third avenue. Rates res
sonable. ROCK ISLAND. ILL,
You may need a little extra mo&ey
If so see us before going e!E9wbere.
If you have a steady position. Also
on furniture, pianos, horses, etc.
Room 6, McKinnie Bldg. Phone East
6th St. and 4th Ave., Moline.
Doing It
Dancing tha Gristly Bear,
tha Texas Tommy and the
Turkey trot all on their way
to 304 Beat building, for it's
all over town they are rent
ing money cheaper on house
hold goods, pianos, live
stock, diamonds and salar
ies, than was ever known in
the trl-cities before. So
step right in and if this ad
lies, etep right out again.
Call us, write us, phone us,
even whisper to us, as we
are also the most private.
West 177. . ,
304 Best Bldg.
Rock Island, HI.
J. W. JONES, Pres.
TRIO LODGE. No. B7. A. F. A A. M.
JV Meets ln stated communication
th nrat Thursday of each
Jy month at 7:80 p. m. Special on
Saturday, aMrch 30, at 6:30 p. tn.. for
work ln third degree. Visiting breth
ren are cordially invited. By order
of Carlton G. Taylor. W, M. ; William
B. Pettlt, secretary.
LOANS on furniture, pianos, horses.
wagons, etc., quickly, privately, at the
lowest rates. Mutual Loan company
(unlnc), room 411. People's National
bank building. New phone 6lu; old
phone west 13.
GYPSY fortune telling; business, love,
and marriage affairs; satisfaction
guaranteed; 420 West Third street.
LADIES Are you interested ln knowing
now to make your own clothes? Call
at my cutting school, and I will glad
ly explain full particulars of my sys
tem, cost, tc. Mrs. Otto K. Ander
son, 1107 Eleventh avenue. Moline. 111.
Phone east 473-X. .
Top prices for skunk, coon or
mink. Highest prices for feath
ers. Telephone 3069. Residence
1210 West Second street, Dav
enport ED. SHOE.
Jfa Vols & C
Uan.ra.tiiP.rt tit tiamh 7lnnrm mi...!.
and tttairs. Interior finish of all kinds.
Hardwood Veneer Flooring, and deal
ers ln Glasa Sll and 12 i Eighteenth
Real Estate and Stocks of
Bought, sold and exchanged. If you
want to buy or have anything to sell
or exchange let us hear from you.
476 Ohio, street. Terrs Haute. Ind.
318 Twenty-second St.
Express, baggage and
Hauling of All Kinds.
Call West 981.
Notice to Hunters
Will prosecute any hunters
found trespassing on any of
iheir farms. '
Signed by the Committee.
Fanners Protective As
sociation of Black
Hawk Township.

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