OCR Interpretation

Rock Island Argus. (Rock Island, Ill.) 1893-1920, April 18, 1912, HOME EDITION, Image 6

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn92053934/1912-04-18/ed-1/seq-6/

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daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herman
Frank, 2714 Twentieth avenue. South
Rock Island and Charles G. Abbctt cf
512 Vine street, Qulncy, were married
:. t evening at 8 o'clock at the home of
ait bride's parents. The ring ceremony
was performed by Rev. F. J. Rolf of
tbe German Evangelloal church, a com
pany of 40 friends witnessing the cer
emony. The bride was attended by
her ister. Miss Alma Frank, and the
groom's brother. Herbert Abbott, at
tended Mm as best man. The bride
wore a white embroidery gown and
carried bride's roses and In her hair
wore white rosebuds. Her attendant
wore green voile. The house was very
prettily trimmed with green and white,
roses, carnations and ferns and palms
carrying out the decorations. Follow
ing the ceremony a thref-course supper
was served, the menu carrying out the
green and white. Mr. Abbott has been
connected with the equipment depart
ment of the Central I'nion Telephone
company, and It was hre that he met
his. bride, who has been employed for
a number of years as toll operator for
the same company. Mr. and Mrs. Ab
bott will leave this evening for Quincy,
where they will make their home, Mr.
Abbott recently 'laving taken a posi
tion In that city. Mrs. Abbott, mother
of the groom, and Herbert Abbott,
brother of the groom, were the only
out of town guests present.
house committee of Bethany home, an
elaborate and very successful enter
tainment was given at the Mollne club
last evening for the benefit (. tho
home. A lart-o number of tickets had
ernoon at the home of Mrs. A. D. Sper
ry, 914 Second avenue, a large cum
ber of whom were present. Miss j
Laura Marquis gave a report of pre6by- j
tery, Miss Mabel Payne read a paper
on "The Race Problem" and Mrs. j
William M. Stewart gave the field
notes from India. Mrs. Daniel Hayes,
Jr., pleased with vocal numbers. After
the program the ladies w-ere invited to j
remain and they enjoyed a social time
and light refreshments were served.
talned the members of the Colonial
Whist club at her home, 2736 Sixth
avenue, yesterday afternoon. In the
games the first favor went to Mrs. J.
M. Siegle of Davenport and Mrs. M.
Finkelstein of this city took consola
tion favor. The hostess served a
three-course luncheon, the table dec
orations consisting of pink and white
carnations. Mrs. Siegle of SOI West
Locust street, Davenport, will be the
hostess In two weeks.
hood of Locomotive Engineers con
ducted a very successful card party
and apron and home bakery sale yes
terday afternoon at Engineers' hall at
the foot of Thirteenth street. Cinch
vas played at nine tables, Mrs. Verne
Wolfe of Silvis taking first prize, Mrs.
Lottin of Moline, second favor, and
Mrs. C. W. Lafler of this city was
piven the consolation favor. The lad
ies served refreshments and sold all
the aprons and bakery goods placed on
more prettily displayed. They realised
a good com from the sale of the ar
ticles and th? refreshments that were
Rock Island chapter 269 Order of the
Eastern Star was observed last even
ing with a reception and dancing party
at Masonic temple. The weather kept
many away who would otherwise have
attended but In spite of this 75
couples attended. A reception was
held from 8 to 9 o'clock at which time
the grand march was given and then
there was dancing till 12. The music
was furnished by the Bailey orchestra.
Light refreshments were served dur
ing the course of the evening.
Williams, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Williams of 247 Forty-sixth
etreet, Moline and Clarence J. Myler
of Mishawaka, Ind., took place yester
day morning at 9 o'clock at the par
sonage of the First Baptist church,
Moline, Rev. J. A. Hurley officiating.
The bride wore a tailored suit of blue
serge and a large white hat They
left yesterday for Chicago from where
they will go to Mishawaka where they
will visit Mr. Myler's parents before
going to their home In South Bend,
Ind. Mr. Myler is a pressman by
trade and his bride has been employed
in the Ransom Printing company of
Neighbors of America entertained at a
card and dancing party at Odd Fel
lows' hall last evening. Cinch was
played, Mrs. Hedberg and Miss Ellen
O'Connor and J. H. Crisman and Mr.
Larson taking the prizes in the .games.
dies' Aid society of the First Baptist
church will be held at the home of
Mrs. H. VT. Reed. 310 Fifteenth street,
tomorrow afternoon. Mrs. Reed will
be assisted by Mrs. Phil Wagner, Miss
Martha Kahlke and Mrs. R. H. Hoff
man. The annual philanthropic concert of
the Rock Island Musical club will be
given at the West End Settlement to
morrow evening. A splendid program
has been prepared for the evening, and
the entertainment is complimentary to
club members and their families..
Helen Gould auxiliary No. 7, S. W.
Staff Humorist Draws His Own
Deductions as to What It
Really Means.
Incidental!: Preserves and Multiplies
Shady Spots of Heated Oity
Is Worthy Practice. '
been so'd in i"!v slice, End the attend
ance last ti'.fbt wai very good, so the ti rday afternoon at the home of Mrs.
romuilttt will realize tlOO for the j Henry Gaethje In South Rock Island,
horoi'. A I'im'rrim opened the even-! The game of was played and Mrs.
tnt 'h li'ertainrti.-:,'.. v. !ti Miss Edith ' Gantert took the first prize, Mrs.
I.liilHhv-OI!vT i-!!iy!-e "Th Spinning ; Gaetbje second prize, and Mrs. Tp,
Sonc" f'in!Ti. Vlrs'.nta Tunnl-j en lorf the consolation favor. The
cllfC, acro!npa:"d by Mrs. I'va'.yn Bar-, hostess served lunch after the games.
g'-n. sni.e "MldK'Tmii'-r Nlvfct" (Thora
rsi n"! "!':. Tijv Soiu'" iUimr). A
! X- ...ill Vi 1 .1 f nollckf4 mootfner T Vl i a ov.
xaf Card club were entertained yes- r ... . . . . ,.
i tiling ai l.ltl a l .iicijjui iai unn i" nn5
Tomorrow is Arbor day according
to the proclamation of Governor C.
S. Deneen and the schools and the
people of Rock Island and the state
in general will observe the day de
spite the fact that yesterday's snow
fall will make the planting of trees
no simple or especially enjoyable i
task. Regarding the advent of Ar
bor day, the funny man of the staff
"Tomorrow is Arbor day, the offi
cial tree planting period of the year.
The people are urged to make special
efforts Friday to deny themselves
the customary fish diet and with the
funds so perverted, purchase young
trees which can be planted in advan
tageous spots on the front lawn or
the boulevard. In this manner, when
the vast forest tracts and areas be
come depleted of timber, every good
citizen who has lived up to the pre
cepts devised for this day, will be able
to fell a sturdy oak or hemlock in his
own back yard and secure enough
planks to mend the fence or build a
new chicken coop. The school chil
dren have been taught the signifi
cance of the day. It has for years
been the practice to beautify the
school grounds by tire addition of
trees to the general landscape ef
fect. This process is worked out on
a cooperative plan. Each child is per
mitted to lift a shovelful of earth
from the ground, and then to return
same after the tree has been properly
set, thus instilling in their young
hearts the "help one another" spirit,
and incidentally saving the janitor a
great deal of superfluous labor, which
thus far has never been recognized
by the school board as worthy of an
increased recompense.
"Many public spirited citizens will
take the Rock Island Southern and
Friday and Saturday, April 19 & 20
The Marvelous Musical Monstrosity
Hrt Gallery
Your fun will not be complete until you have seen
The Sideshow
Hit the Moke
An Animated Target, Hit Him Hard.
cour? house. The auxiliary is planning ?" ' -J? pehn C"ntry "lgru Up
to entertain Mrs. Violet B. King of l h Z1
Rockfcrd, department president of Illi
nois, who will make her official visit
to the local branch May 2.
w r r M run nn 1 1 r r r-
The clu') will meet in two weeks with , fUn I T tNU IfUUfibll
.Mrs. John KonoFk. i
fU!.Tt ! I ' 1 .!
f - :.. . "
M..' r-
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lrkHU.!.t' -'. :..;
"J)i tier if the :
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ere ;. ' y
worth. !' V.
r.uirl.-eis, "A K-d
mrni II !lfi "i.'f'.'
fjor'ng the I r : :
Sanrlpr; till a
who wUhed it '. :"
club cuf..
i! i- v dy, Fran-
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et" (P.cpcrs) and
" ''" sr-r) :!lfs
' "Tho P-hD3l
; j h ') c'sr.ccs
-i l-hy .iv.s.
I nited I'rtbbyterian church met at tho
diurch last evening In the regular j
monthly business meetine. Matters of I
p ro itine nature wore transacted, biit
iiotiiini; of any epniiul importance was
:M roniplHh-l. The brotherhood will j
k ml a good representation to tho I
conveyed to the manor house yard
and planted with some little cere
mony, some perspiration and some
more profanity. After months of so
licitous care, during which time the
head of the family neglects his busi
ness interests to ripvotp mnr tim tn
AT BROWft'S COLLEGE Jhe tPndeI- car ' the hardy shrub,
,, . Just as the first buds begin to
Forty students of I3ro.vu8 Business j 8WelIj t)lere sJ0uld be rQ dl , or
college ended their courae of instruc- j ,,rDrise if .,M tr riioQ n.ta,
V. ho-.'lcc':: er.-.g two nieetinR for the organization of a fed
eration of men's ilubs which will be
hrld next week.
Red Rose" tHret-
s L'.:1!; 'y'' fLcUi,
m. Then there t.-ss
r r.r.'J for thai.
Till: Mi:v: ' v v ".'s :ts-
sion b;n- f i.-oi 'way vy yi-r'Ti
church were c:.u rtaii.ed ytsturJay uft-
of Trinity Episcopal church conducted
n till' of apions end fancy articles
Ht the parish house, which despite
th" wiutht-r was very succe: tful. The
ludies revT had a ptettier lot of ar
ti( ! s for sale and they were never
Ifistast -RelleS from Eczema :l
rrr.-...i .
Kri-llf: : " f
tru'. 4-i. t -vo
Junt i' ;'."
ln Wis. ..
kivh you
prov U for Hi cnts.
r that awf il Itrh from
... i it .ii k.i'uu.cs :it
;.. ?o 1, trv. but It is
vouch l-r it.
r I'M i ' t' M,,,p''. cool-
o : i.! 1 . in tn n fi.r
n. 1 t i i .. t : . !"tnntly.
a ini l IruLlio vi.ui.tn to
Now if you have trlpd a preat rr.any
tion last evening with an appropriate
program at the ne"v home of the col
lege in tiie liorst building north of the
court hoi'.se. Dipiomas showing that
the course had bee:i covered properly
were given to the graduates by M. 13.
Dewey, principal of the college. At
some date in the near future there will
b a reception given by the graduates
to the alumni and at that time the
giauuating class will be tshered into
the ranks of the alumni organization.
The feature of the program last ev
ening was an illustrated lecture on
Ppnania and the canal by R. H. Peck
cf St. Lcuis who visited the canal
zone for the purpose of getting mate
rial from which to alk. His lecture
was most interesting. Some 250 to
300 people heard the lecture and wit
nessed the graduation ceremonies.
e proceeds of the evening are used
defraying the expenses incident to
the graduation.
df-niy of a complication of diseases
after a brief illness. This is to be
expected and should cause no dis
couragement. "
In all seriousness, however, Arbor
day should be observed and the prac-
curra fur rczema. and Icvt lietn distap
I'xln'rd. do not n ake the mistake o rp
Jisin to try ti.m soothing asli. Ail
ot!i.-r drUKKists ket-p this D.U.U Pre
Kfnptiuri v to them if you cun t coriio
will t-ive you the flrn dollar i.otf.e on i promptly but produces no unpleasant
Diarrhoea sncuM be cured without
loss cf time and by a medicine which j guarantees it to abolish dandruff
The man who is bald at 30 can
usually blame his mother.
It is a mother's duty to look after
her children's hair; to be sure that a
dressing is used that will destroy the
microbes of disease, will banish dan
druff and promote a growth of hair.
Mothe-s who use Parisian Sage
need never worry about having bald
headed sons at CO or girls with faded
coarse looking hair at any age.
For the Harper House pharmacy
knows Parisian Sage so well that it
The Globe Trotter's
By the man who has been there. Side splitting situation
Japanese Girls
Will be in charge of the refreshments. Give them a call
Includes a ticket good for
any attraction at the "Frolic"
The show ticket takers will not
take money. Get tickets at
booths on either floor.
A Kne o' attractions tnt
will make the thin fat and the
fat thin; it polishes the
teeth, and exercises the ribs;
it is pepsin 'or indigestion
and massage fr the nerves.
Nuff SED.
A large committee has been
appointed to see that you ror
get all your cares and have the
time of your life.
Remember the Dates
APRIL 19 & 20
like Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy not only cures
our positive no j,ny piarantee. that D.D.D.
will Btup the itch at once.
Harper House Pharmacy, corner Nine teenth and Second Avenue.
after effects. It ntver fails anl is
pleasant and safe to take. Sold by all
stop itching scalp and falling hair, or
money back.
And children as well as their par
ents love to use Parisian Sage, for il
is so refined and pleasant and makes
the head feel fine instantly. 50 cents.
V ( y . - 7T
i r
U - I
Select Your Spring Suit
Where variety is broadest.
Where fashions are best
Where values are greatest
At THE ff HIVE, of course
TLben in the moderate priced suits at $9.98, $12.98, $14.58 and $16,98
Tou will find garments that will more than come up to your expectations. Dozens of correct,
new models, perfectly designed and faultlessly tailored of all wool serges and mixtures with satin
lined jackets. Shape retaining suits that will look well as long as you wear them because the
quality it there, the workmanship is there and the style is there. You'll not see anything like them
at the prices anywhere else. Higher priced suits there are of course hundreds of them distinc-
Waists for Spring and Summer
Hundreds of handsome waists are here, shown in
every new effect. IJngerie waists in high or low
neck styles as low as 69e and 9v.
Many styles at every price up to exquisite hand-embroidered
models at f&5S 9"M, $Si5.
New Messaline and Chiffon waists. $1X, fiJr, $3.93
up to t'J'U.
New Middy Waists for Women and Misses at 50c to
tice of planting trees and shrubs
some one particular day each year
would mean that before many years
the city would be bare of shade trees
and the beauties and advantages of
lots of green foliage.
The governor s proclamation mak
ing tomorrow Arbor and Bird day
"Under the authority of the acts
of the general assembly, passed to
encourage the planting of trees,
shrubs and vines about the homes,
along the highways, and abSut the
public grounds within the state; and
to encourage the protection of birds,
I, Charles S. Deneen. governor of the
swte of Illinois, do hereby designate
Friday, April 10, 1912, and Friday,
Oct. 23, 1912, as Arbor and Bird
days. The two different days are des
ignated to meet the difference in seas
ons in the northern and southern por
tions of the state.
"I hereby urge that city and vil
lage authorities make a special effort
by public exercises and by enlisting
the local press to arouse interest in
the planting of trees along the streets
end in the protection of song birds:
that all organizations for social and
civic betterment use their Influence to
promote the observance of these days
in order that the wealth, comfort and
attractiveness of our state may be en
hanced; and more especially that
school authorities secure the obser
vance of these days by the school
children by appropriate exercises and
by planting trees, vines and flowers
about school buildings and their
homes in order to arouse and fix In
the minds of our future citizens
proper sentiments towards birds and
"In testimony, whereof, I have
hereunto set my hand and caused to
be affixed the great seal of state.
"Done at the capital in the city of
Springfield, this first day of March,
A. D., 1912, and of the independence
of the United States the 136th."
recall, to a certain extent, a great deal
of interest is added to this debate. The
contest will take place in the college
Kansas City Government aid in the
building of transcontinental highways
was favored by Governor Hadley in
an address to the convention of the
National Old Trails Road association.
"The question of good country roads
is more Important than that of freight
rates,"- said the governor.
live, dresey, tailor mades at all prices up to $40.
Women 's, Misses and Children 's Coats
Our present display presents the largest showing of
Coats ever attempted by any store in this vicinity. An
assortment that offers unlimited choice as to style and
Women's and Misses Coats, at f&93 to $3.
Children's Coats at L2i to f la.
New Rain and Auto Costs at $4.9 to $1. 1
Children's Rain Capes, f US and $1.93.
Our Netp Dresses cf Silk. Serges, Linens and Wash Fabrics
are undeniably the most attractive that we have ever been able to offer at the prices. Made with unusual
care, &pd special attention has been paid to the many little details that go toward making a perfect Itting
and becoming dress. Dresses for the house, street or any occasion at a wide range of prices
Suits at fO Half Price tad Les A bargain
lot of good serviceable suits in women and misses
sizes, at prices that do not cover the co6t of ma
terials. They are last season's suits, but the styles
are as you know, almost the same as those of this
season. A few Junior Suits at
Cor. Second and 'Brad V Sts.
" Dabenpert. Iolpa
One hundred and fifty students gave
Augustana'a debating team a rousing
6nid-off at the Rock Island depot last
r.ight as it embarked on its trip to
IJndsborg, Kan., where the Augustana
men will riphatA Rpthnnv FVtrtnv von.
i ing. The forensic battle will be for
blood, because Augustana wants to ev
en matters for the drubbing received
at the hands of the Kansas men in
basketball last November.
"Resolved, That all corporations en
gaged in inter-state commerce operate
under a federal charter," Is the ques
tion which will be argued at Lindsborg.
Augustana has the negative. Lyman
Weld, Verner Swanson and Evan An
derson are the three who will fight
for Augustana.
A debate will also be held here to
morrow evening when Augustana and
Lombard will meet In their third an
nual contest. On the two former occa
sions that these two schools have
clashed the Lutherans have come out
victorious and they are hoping to hang
up another win tomorrow night.
The question which w HI be discuss
ed is one of national importance at
the present time: "Resolved, That all
judges in the state of Illinois should
be subject to recall by the constitu
ency which elected them." Augustana
has the negative side. Those who
will represent the Lutheran school
are Carl Frederick Anderson, Elmer
Nicholson and John Erickson.
Since ex-President Roosevelt has
announced that lie J in favor of the
Doctors Say Sudden Changes in Tem
perature Cause Much
v Those whose systems are weakened
and run down, even though they may
"feel fairly well' under ordinary con
ditions are unable to withstand the
shock of sudden changes in the weath
er, euch as we have recently exper
ienced. Colds, coughs and lung trou
bles are everywhere prevalent and it
is worth iknowlng that a pure food
medicine such as Father John's medi
cine, which builds up the body at the
same time it cures the cold, is the
best remedy to use at such a time.
Because of its freedom from alcohol
or poisonous drugs, Father John's med
icine is a safe medicine for children,
as well as older people and thousands
of mothers are using it with great suc
cess for their little ones. Get a bottle
A Little Sage and Sulphur
Makes Gray Hair Vanish A
Remedy for AH HairTroubles.
Who does not know the value of Sage
and Sulphur for keeping: the hair dark,
soft and glossy ana in good condition ?
As a matter of fact, Sulphur ia a
natural element of hair, and a deficiency
of it in the hair is held by many scalp
specialists to be connected with loss of
color and vitality of the hair. Un-
?uestionably, there is no better remedy
or hair and scalp troubles, especially
premature grayness, than Sage ana
Sulphur, if properly prepared.
The Wyeth Chemical Company of
New York put out an ideal preparation
of this kind, called Wyeth's Sage and
Sulphur Hair Remedy, in which Sage and
Sulphur are combined with other valu
able remedies for keeping the hair and
scalp in clean, healthy condition.
If your hair ia losing its color or
constantly coming out, or if you are
troubled with dandruff or dry, itchy
scalp, get a fifty cent bottle of Wyeth's
Sage and Sulphur from your druggist,
use it according to the simpledirections,
and see what a difference a few days
treatment will make in the appearance
of vour hair.
All druggists sell It, under guarantee
that the money will be refunded if the
remedy ia not exactly aa represented.
Tomorrow is Sweeping Day
How to Escape the Drudgery
Friday means sweeping and
cleaning day in most homes of
Davenport, Rock Island and Mo
line. Think of the easy automatic
and dustless cleaning done by
the Hoover Suction Sweeper..
At a cost of but three or four
cent3 for electric current per
week your home can be kept
spic and span all the year round.
The Hoover Suction Sweeper
eliminates the expense and tear-ups of house cleaning
days. It always keeps the home free from many danger
ous forms of disease germs of. which dust and dirt are
literally alive.
You can't afford to be without
The Hoover Suction Sweeper
and there is nothing to be gained by postponing its pur
chase. Why deny yourself any longer the many advantages to
be gained with its regular use in doing the daily and
weekly cleaning.
Tour home deserves one ond we have it for you.
We can meet your ideas both as to size and price.
Nozzle tools supplied for every air cleaning purpose.
J. H. C. Petersen's Sons
Exclusive agents for Davenport, Rock Island and Moline.

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