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Rock Island Argus. (Rock Island, Ill.) 1893-1920, April 26, 1912, HOME EDITION, Image 12

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Bandits Americans' Peril
Chicago, April 26. Mail advices re
ceived here yesterday from Guaymas,
Sonera, Mexico, say imminent danger
Is threatening upwards of l.Ono Ameri
r ins along the wept coast of 'he south
m republic. So critical Is the situa
tion that a Fjecial steamer has been
chartered by Nelson Rhoaies, Jr.,
manager of a sugar refinery, to succor
those citizens of the United States,
itho may he aMe to reach the coast
rt points between Guaymas and Maz--atlan.
The steamer was scheduled to sail
from Guaymas April 23. It is pro-'-jKH,ed
to -visit all harliors In southern
Sonora and northern Sinoloa and to
transport any refugees to Mazatlan.
According to th advices that
reaeh'd h'te. I..V1O Zapatistas are loot
ing and pillaging at Culiacan, capital
hi Sinoloa. Huncer is making the
fineries are still operating, although
the women and children were sent ! bandits.
i etate, there are 200 federal soldiers
! and 3,0fl rebels. In Sonora there are
ioOO federals to face SX Yaquis and j
j numerous bandits. In Tepic there are j
1 3r-0 troops and three times as many j
from that place several days ago to
take the steamer for San Francisco.
From Navclato there is opportunity
to escape through the Port of Altata,
then down the coast to Mazatlan,
whence steamers sail for California
points. Mazatlan Is reported quiet,
though there have been many changes
in government of late. The absence
of control in Sinaloa has practically
paralyzed business.
Senor Relipe Riveros. who was elect
ed governor by the legislature of Sina
loa, was told by the federal govern-
Many harrowing tales regarding at-
tacks by bandits and Indians have
reached Guaymas. Native women and
children have been insulted and as
saulted, but because the wives and
children of practically all foreigners
have been sent out of the country, no
American women have as yet suffered
The men who remained to guard
their properties have thus far escaped
actual attack, largely because of their
determined front.
Those who are in a position to judge
rat nt that no trocps could be furnished jtbe situation, however, are fearful that
to protect the state nor was any mon- i this state of affairs will not last af
ey aveilaide unless it came from thej'er the outlaw element fully realizes
state. The s'ate treasury is reported ! Its strength in the states west of the
to b" empty. Meanwhile, the banks
are closed, credit b stopped, and mer-
aatives dfFperatt, and it is stated i chants are paying 16 per cent as in
that American plantations, of which ! surance against riot loss,
there are several large ons In the vi-j Th Southern Pacific railway is run
clnlty, sre in danger of beini; raided. ning no trains sou'h of San Bias, and
The situation along the west coast j word ha? been sect out that after Snn
cf northern Mexico is Bummed up j day night, service might be discon
abo;it as fellows: ttinued entirely, depending upon the ac-
The Yaqui I.idnns are on the war-tions of the bandits. This, of course.
Sierra Madre mountains.
iath In Sonora. shooting in passenger
grains arid looting ranches and small
-towns smith of Guaymas'. The south
ern ior'ion of Sonora is In a state of
JrXarchy nnd nmall par' Irs of bandits
lare roaming the country, pillaging the
'small places. At Espcranza, where; some "Viva Orozcol
t there are l."0 Americans, all the worn
ten and children have been sent from
the coun'ry and the men have armed
i. hems' Ives nnd prepared for a siege.
JSlmillar conditions prevail at Navojoa,
I there there are 7.". Americans, and at
jXavola'o, where the Khnades sugar re-
would mean the cutting off of all im
mediate avenues of escape for many.
It Is 6tated that fully 75 per cent
of the people dsire peace, and that
the bandits are not operating in con
cert. Some hands cry "Viva Zapata!"
and some "Viva
Renterias:" and the band that took
Mazatlan recently cried "Viva Ma
riero." No special violence has been
done Americans as yet, but there are
not eno'ish government soldiers to
prefect either foreigners or natives.
In the state of Sinoloa, the advices
k Knows
that it requires a healthy body to curry
out her many activities. She realizes that
health reform must begin with a proper
care of nature's requirements. Langor, lack
of energy, fainting spells, sleeplessness and
many female ailments, find their origin
directly or indirectly in disorders of the
digestive organs.
Keep these active and clean and the
entire body will respond to their wholesome
influence. No woman can look well or feel well
if she allows these troubles to continue unchecked.
It is foolish to suffer when the cure is right at hand.
You Can Easily Keep It Down if You i
Care to Try This Plan.
In these days of high prices anxious
heads of families are eagerly seeking
helpful hints for keeping down ex
penses. As containing such a sugges
tion the following story of a gormand
and sage of the sultan's realm, told
in Hester Donaldson Jenkins "Behind
Turkish Lattices," Is hopefully offered:
It is said there was once a man who
so dearly loved bis evening meal that
everr day while he worked he did
nothing but plan what it should be. At
the thought of the viands his mouth
would water and he would rejoice over
the fooi that was coming.
One (lay it occurred to him that he
got more enjoyment from the long an
ticipation than from the brief realiza
tion, and then the thought came to
him. Why not have the anticipation
without spending the money that the
dinner bad been costing? So be tried
the plan.
"I shall have kibobs and fine pilaff
tonight." he would assure himself all
day. "and after that wire cake and
lie would lick bis lips In happy an
ticipation while he worked, and when
night c.i me be would eat a simple meal
of olives aud bread and remark:
'Tis as If I had eaten."
The plan worked so well that In the
course of years he saved enough money
to build a mosque, which he called
"The Tis-as lf-l-bad Eaten Mosque."
l.'.UUI.M.'. UXJJ. 'J.M.MJ.UM
School Discipline.
The young teacher should learn and
the older teacher remember that for
every teacher that fails on account of
lax discipline there is another who fails
on account of overgovemnient. Some
i tt sobers assume the same attitude as
the policeman who found two men talk
ing on the street corner and ordered
them to move on, as there was an ordi
nance prohibiting crowds gathering on
the streets. One man remonstrated,
saying that two did not make a crowd.
"One makes a crowd if I say so." an
swered the policeman. A teacher who
assumes that whatever be says is law.
and It Is law because be says It. is,
making a snd mistake. When the pu-1
pils have a definite aim to do and the j
teacher has a definite aim in what he
does there will be no time or occa
sion to "maintain order." It will main-
exhibit of women's fashions
shown by a Victor stereopticon
in our auditorium (6th floor)
Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock
An original and novel method of exhibiting styles; probably the
first time a stereopticon lias ever been used for the purpose. There
will also be a diversion of Vietrola musie, and every slide, showing a
life-size view, thrown on the screen by use of a Victor stereopticon, will
be accompanied by a talk explaining the features of our system of
making women's and misse suits, coif, skirt? ar?ddresse?
to special order at a moderate cost oat of an miterial
selected from cur dress goods stock fit and sitisfa:tory
workmanship being guaranteed. Two styles are pictured
There will be T2 styles
coats, 33 of suits, 9 of
of dresses.
sho'wn 21 of
skirts and 9
!?.--V''S'f ? Vl
Persons who, for obvious reasons, find
difficulty in obtaining perfect fitting ready-to-wear
garments will welcome this plan.
In brief, the customer buys any mater
ial she may desire from our dress goods
stock, selects whatever style she prefers,
we take her measure and have the gar
ment made.
The moderate charge made for the mak
ing covers the cost of linings, trimmings
and buttons with the exception of the coats,
which come unlincd. The linings are
teed for a year.
The charges for making vary somewhat
according to the style and elaboratness of
the trimming.
All garments are man tailo-ed, sewed
with silk, sponged and shrunk, and are
fully guaranteed to be satisfactory as to
fit and workmanship.
This exhibit
will be both interesting and
Seating accommodations will be provid
ed for a large number.
1 Stylish Colonial pumps, $3
Women must have smart foot-wear to complete
their costumes a matter enforced by the length
and breadth of skirts. Colonial pumps with their
high tongues and smart buckles in patent, gun metal,
tan and suede leathers
and Ottoman silk. Xeat,
round toes, high arched
insteps, Cuban heels, $3,
$3.50 and $4.
Fashion calls for white foot
wear for both women and chil
dren. We have pumps, oxfords
and boots. of white buck and
canvas, new lasts, stylish
shaped toes & heels, $2..10 to $6.
East Aisle, Hear
Sale of new trimmed hats
You can save considerable tomorrow a result of
many of our hats being repriced for this sale.
Charming flower and ribbon bedecked poke bon
nets. Lovely block shapes with roses, lilacs and
daisies. Some of the larger
shapes have fancy feathers.
$3.53 hats
$5 and $5.53 hats
$6, 7, and $7.50 hats
-Second Floor Front
have for generations been the great remedy for women's j tain itself Missouri school Journal.
ailments. They are a valuable and reliable remedy.
The present generation is using them now, whose parents
and grandmothers found their value years ago. They
bring immediate relief and a 'permanent cure.
liy acting on the digestive organs, they
tone the system, strengthen the nerves,
purify the blood and thus re-act upon the
other organs and produce strong, sturdy,
rigorous health. With a healthy digestion,
purer blood and a robust circulation, you
will have a freedom from fcrmer worries,
that will surprise you. If you are run
down or ailing, try Beecham's Pills and
you will find they
Everything Right
AH drurrUu, 10c. 25c Dmcliont if tpecial walu fe women with ertrj box.
Origin of th Postmark.
Great Britain. It is snid. can without
fear of contradiction claim the honor
of having originated the postmark.
The first one. which was used in Lon
don as long ago as JGflO, was a very
6imple affair, consisting of a small cir
cle divided Into two parts. In the top
portion were two letters indicating th
month, while in the lower half the day
of the month was shown. No endeavor
was made to denote the year, and It is
only by the dates of the letters on
which the mark Is Impressed that It Is
possible to fir the date of its use. The
earliest known was on a letter written
In 1GS0. London Telegraph.
Looking to tho Futuro.
"I guess I'll make a lawyer of Josh,"
said Farmer Corntoasel.
"But your wife wants him to be a
"Yes. he's got to be a professional
man. and we'd want to show our confi
dence In him. And I think it would be
a heap safer to take Josh's law than
his medieine.' Washington Star.
All the news all the time The Argus.
City Council Chamber, Rock Island,
111., April 8, l'J12. The city council
met in regular session at 3 o clock p.
m.. Mayor Schriver presiding and
Commissioners Rudgren, Hart, Rey
nolds and Bear present.
The clerk read the minutes of the
regular meeting held April 1, 1912, and
the special meeting held April 2, 1912,
which were approved.
Commissioner Rudgren submitted
an ordinance which was immediately
considered and adopted by unanimous
vote allowing the weekly pay roll for
week ending April 6, 1912, in amount
of $227.83, as follows:
Emil Frank $13.65
Al Sudgen 14.70
D. Rooks 15.75
r. u conneii la.ba
X. Archer ' 3.15
F. Bowers 8.40
P. Heverling 12.60
H. Utke 10.50
F. Gest 10.50
F. Stanley 9.45
C. Schlemmer 10. 50
B. Ranson : 7.35
T. Manuel 4.20
F. Roesch 2.10
F. Bruhn 4.20
F. Schoel 2.10
W. Eckermann 10.50
H. Schmacht 4.20
H. Kurtz 2.10
on file with the city clerk. Carried
by unanimous vote.
Adjourned on motion of Commis
sioner Reynolds.
Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver
Tablets assist nature in driving all im
purities out of the system, insuring a
free and regular condition and restor
ing the organs of the body to health
and strength. Sold by all druggists.
Chicago, April 26. Francois Le
febre, a French coal miner, whose
home is in Mystic, Iowa, who speaks
no English w'ord, would not believe
his friends in Iowa when they told him
that the Titanic on which his wife
and four children sailed, sank in mid
ocean. "It is not so, what you tell me," said
Lefebre. "In the letter my wife says
they come to me on the Titanic."
Miner friends made up a purse for
him of the amount spent for tickets
on the big liner for his- wife and chil
dren, and Lefebre came to Chicago.
At the steamship company's offices,
through an Interpreter he was convinc
ed that the ship had gone down and
with it hia loved ones. He left for
Mystic today where his two older sons
await him and the family re-union of
mother, brothers and sisters that will
never be.
Prompt relief in all cases of throat
and lung trouble If you use Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy. Pleasant to
take, soothing and healing In effect.
Sold by all druggists.
Vl-C.- 1 .-y tJWiV fi.2t
We've a pair of oxfords
or shoes to please every foot that
comes to us. Dull leathers, bright
leathers and handsome new tan and bucks.
The middle-aged business man will find
fcere his easr fitters, eood lookinz. broad
toe. comfortable oxfords and shoes.
The working man and farmer will find us fully equipped with
the shoes to suit his wants.
Jilt Priestcr-HickeyShoeCo. S
tjfit '& 'rrX HARPER HOUSE BLOCK. Wi
J. Burton
John Nelson ..
Charles Grams
Dennis Collins
William Glass .
... 6 30
. .. 17 6a
... 14.70
.. 1470
... 14.70
SsgL-"i2i f4n
Waterworks Expense account.
Reservoir expense account....
(Contingent account for)
Sewer account
Street account
. 61.95
. 18.90
. 86.10
Commissioner Rudgren offered a
resolution that the city clerk is hereby
authorized to purchase eight city di
rectories and three 1912 copies of Re
vised Statutes. Carried by unainm
ous vote.
Commissioner Reynolds offered a
resolution that William Klochau be
granted permission to construct an
areaway under the sidewalk at Fourth
avenue and Sixteenth street, along the
south line of his property, work done
and material used to be subject to the
approval of the city engineer. Car
ried by unanimous vote.
Commissioner Reynolds offered a
resolution that William Klockau be
granted permission to erect a three
story brick building on Fourth avenue
and Sixteenth street, in accordance
with the plans and specification no
Do not imagine that because other Stores are quoting similar
prices, that you get the same quality and make of Garments elte
where, as we are offering you at the price.
Inteligent Comparison Is All Ve Ask
Take any of our $15.00 Garments and you will find that our's
fit much better, are of much finer quality fabrics, and of superior
workmanship. Every Garment is guaranteed to wear twice as long
as the Garments you buy in any other Store at this price.
SPECIAL kaes' Coats, Suits and Dresse3.
. Men's, Young Men's and Boys' Suits
The Home of Sty!. Quality and Value
319-321 Twentieth Streot. Pock Is-land.
Si -

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