OCR Interpretation

Rock Island Argus. (Rock Island, Ill.) 1893-1920, April 26, 1912, HOME EDITION, Image 7

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn92053934/1912-04-26/ed-1/seq-7/

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Saturday Prices at
Choice beef pot roast 4-
per pound
Choice beef sirloin steaks m
per pound 1 voC
Pork loin roasts j
per pound 1 teC
Pork shoulder roasts -n xpw
each IvrC
Skinned hams -m y
per pound IOC
Bacon half or whole strip j
per pound 1 rC
Hamburger r
per pound OC
Jowl bacon g
per pound 11C
Mutton chops 'fX'ar
per pound 1 toC
Legs mutton 'flXarv
per pound 1 toov
Summer sausage lrw
round 1 AwC
Fresh spare ribs CT.r
per pound v
Two pound roils Th yFLr
butterine cPlPj wOO
1628 Second Ave. Rock Island
Today was the last day of service
before the May term of court and the
: result was the sheriff's force of depu
j ties was kept on the run all day serr
; ing summonses upon the defendants
I and witnesses in the many cases
which were filed at the last minute.
Ten new divorce cases go on the
docket for the May term, that num
ber having been filed in the circuit
clerk's office before noon today. Two
! of the ten complainants were hus-
! bands and the other eight were wives.
i Various were the charges and state
ments in support of the bills. The
actions are as follows:
Robert Brusso, Andalusia, against
Roxiania Brusso, desertion, asks care
of child, attorney, H. M. McCaskrin.
Maude CarBtens, Rock Island,
against Henry F. Carstens, cruelty.
asks alimony, attorney, H. M. Mc
Caskrin. Lottie Willock, Rock Island
against Charles A. Willock, desertion
and cruelty, asks separate mainte
nance for self and child, attorney, F.
J. Landee.
Ada Ritz, Rock Island, against
Charles Ritz, cruelty, asks alimony
and right to resume maiden name of
Ada Fisher, attorney, H. M. McCask
Stella .May Glngles, Rock Island,
against Fallis J. Gingles, cruelty, asks
alimony, attorney, R. R. Reynolds.
Julia Driggs, Moline, against Hen
ry C. Drlggs, cruelty, asks alimony
and care of two children, attorney.
W. C. Allen.
Mary M. Lindblade, Moline, against
M. Levin Lindblade, cruelty, asks
: alimony and care of three children
attorneys. J. B. and J. L. Oakleaf.
Alma Jepperson, Moline, against
Of Carpets and
Let Us Do Your
Painting and
Paper Hanging
We carry a complete line of
wall paper and Sanitas samples.
Our prices are reasonable
and work guarante'ed.
Telephone West 1938 and 529.
Glee" &
1117 Eleventh Avenue.
fi'uttraiitee to clean thoroughly with-1
out removing MifTncMt or t.i.iiitf
Vacuum cleaning at your home or our ;
factory. j
I "or prompt work
Phone 962 W
1710 Fourth Ave.
1 8 Bennett's Athletic Goods
o Are the best made.
Baseball goods and tennis
goods. We are the leaders.
We carry Spalding Bros.,
the Draper and Maynard,
the Victor, Rawlings
Manufacturing company,
Wright and Ditson. These
are all official goods.
1619 Second Avenue
Look for the Bear Sign.
in balk
"Was It honest, was it fair for Theo
dore Boosevelt to seize one sentence
from one of my speeches, to gargle it,
and then to giv It a meaning which
he knew from th context it could not
Without further circumstances or
knowledge, it -would have been unfair
and unjust for Mr. Roosevelt to at
tempt to draw down on me the popu
lar indignation against Senator Lorl
mer and Rhus to carry the state of
Illinois against me; but it was pecu
liarly unfair in Mr. Roosevelt to do
this when he knew what he did know
as to my actual attitude toward Sena
tor Lorimer.
Has Mr. Roosevelt ever condemned
the Payne bill? Is it a square deal
therefore for him to charge me with
not being a progressive?
With characteristic boldness and
lack of facts or evidence, and resting
on his falBe and distorted construction
of my language as to government by
a representative part of the people,
Mr. Roosevelt charges that I stand for
the so-called interests and special
One of the real reasons why Mr.
Roosevelt ought cot to be selected as
a candidate of any party Is the natural
distrust that the whole business com
munity will have in respect to the
measures which 24 r. Roosevelt wul
propose In order to effect a revolu
tion in the Interest of social justice
which he advocates so strongly and de
fines so vaguely.
I affirm that the nomination of Mr.
Roosevelt would extend through the
business community a feeling of such
distrust as to the future as to inter
fere with the good times which, if
business is let alone and present con
ditions continue, will expand into the
most encouraging prosperity.
That (Roosevelt's promise not to be
a candidate for a third term) and his
treatment of it only throws an inform
ing light on the value that ought now
to be attached to any promise of this
kind he may make for the future.
One who so lightly regards consti
tutional principles and especially the
independence of the Judiciary, one who
is bo naturally impatient of legal re
straints and of due legal procedure,
and who has so misunderstood what
liberty regulated by law is, could not
safely be intrusted with successive
presidential terms.
: ? ft
Pfft Tomorrow ant May
You'll Find
Hi u 'iB d& -i jJ
m. ii mum .mm jMJi.- ijiwr;-- n- "j i, i,yr,.jWM' f
'jBw.iwwiirwiMnpiwrmiii unwihi mi MJJf '" 11 ' ' iij wwifif "'IS
ll-.;..'.-. .. 3? i4..-jJL I
i fin m - i ii 1 t- - 1 1 - m
William E Jepperson, desertion, asks
alimony, attorney, . R. Moore.
Ira W. Dunsworth, Rock Island,
against Daisy F. Dunsworth, deser
tion, asks custody of three children.
Agnes Morrison, Rock Island,
against J. H. Morrison, adultery and
cruelty, asks alimony, care of three
children and injunction to restrain
sale of property, attorney, G. W.
4th Ave. and 20th St.
A special train carrying prominent
officials of the Rock Island road, pass
ed through the city at noon yesterday,
on the annual inspection trip. The
train left over the PTria branch for
Peoria, after remaining here a short
time. The entire system will be in
spected within the next two weeks,
and among the cities visited will be
Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis and
Minneapolis. F. J. Easley, general
superintendent, William J. Leahy, gen
eral passenger agent, W. M. Whitten
don, general manager. H. A. Snvder,
general freight agent, W. H. Peterson,
chief engineer, all division superinten
dents, road masters, train masters and
civil engineers, were on board.
Arranges His Bonds.
Meyer Taxman, named in six of the
indictments returned by the recoct
special grand jury, arranged bond in
the amount of $3,000 this afternoon in
the county court, his sureties being
Carl J. Mueller and Jacob Feldman.
The charge against Taxman is renting
a house of illfame.
is now one of the largest woodworking centers in the Middle West
Th Woo-lwrrkini Factories tmplor
I'vcf s.w mra.
Tlitr m wi.rk fcr I 000 more
Two Urfce sh BC1 Door Milt.
Two h:m ",.rhn Km. totir.
1 wo I iiurcb furniture bnop..
Two Fnrnlrnre Pctorie.
Three I'lanlng Mr.ii.
Large Railroad Ship.
And the .hop o( the Brnnwlrk-Ra!ke-Collrnder
Company, who need J.uuO
more men.
la aUditlon to this, practical all the ofher woodworking t hopa har Increased their
plunta and maonlaciurlns (acliitiea and require additional help.
Any MiUman or Cabinet Maker can get work in Dubuque
No CommUnfon Charged. Addrei
(1) H
Detroit Jewel
Gas Stoves
i i litiili iirnii
i".,aTiaiaV ul
You see the people on the street.
You wonder why they look so neat.
Tfee answer is both clear and plain,
We make their clothes like new again.
Yor'VK often remarked about the
siylish appearance of people as you
walked along the street.
BIT If you were told that many of
these renple were wearing last sea
son's clothes you would be amazed.
firing us your old suit.
Telephone West 317.
1807 y2 Second Avenue.
are the best, safest and
do not cost any more than
others. Prices from
2.50 to $125
Plain or enameled and
with porcelain or glass
oven doors.
Come in and look over tho
finest line you ever saw.
8 9
Allen. Mvers & Company
oooooooooooooooooooooooocxjoocooooooooooococxoocoaoco '
on the ladder of society eat our
candy with avidity and delight,
for it's satisfying to the last de
gree and cannot be duplicated
by even costlier confections.
Yet many varieties we sell are
within the reach of the most
modest purse.
Just received a fresh shipment
of butter scotch candy, extra
The best ice cream soda, sun
dae or phosphate can be had at
our store. Ones tried always
171R-1718 Second Avenue.
Pbooe West 150.
Sign Is Blown Down.
Last night's wind storm did little
real damage, although it frightened
many people. The swinging sign in
front of the Kramer Printing company
on Second avenue was blown down.
Fortunately it missed the plate glass
window in making its descent and the
damage was nominal.
Notice of Sale.
We hereby notify J. T. Moore that
we will sell, the nousenoia gooas De
longing to him to satisfy claim we now
hold against same for storage, at pub
lic auction, at the warerooms of the
Robb's Express company, May 1, 1912.
Specials at
For Saturday, IVJonday
and Tuesday
Fancing eating or cooking ap
ples, regular price 50c,
per peck 85c
Large ripe bananas, dozen 10c
Sweet Juicy oranges, any
quantity, each lc
Home grown green onions,
five bunches for 10c
Home grown radishes,
three bunches for 10c
Fancy wax beans, pound . . 20c
Fresh leaf lettuce, pound 17 He
Cranberries, quart 10c
Regular 40c brooms each . 20c
Regular 30c coffee, pound. .25c
Original Holland rusks ,
two packages 15c
Two cans best grade sweet
corn 15c
Two bottles ammonia 15c
Two packages fresh toasted
cornflakes 15c
Two pounds fresh gingersnaps,
soda or oyster crackers . . 15c
Seven cans Pet milk for . . 25c
Seven boxes noiseless matches
for 25c
Four lbs. handpicked navy
beans for 25c
Eight bars Lenox soap for . 25c
Mixed cookies, regular price
15c a pound, this sale per lb 10c
Fancy northern potatoes per
pk 40c
17 lbs. best granulated sugar
for f l.oo
Jersey Cream flour in towel
sacks gauranteed $1.39
We will have a full line of fresh
vegetables and strawberries, at
lowest prices.
Grocery Co.
700 Twelfth Street.
Old pfaoaes cat 443 and 869.
j r
u 4t Tan I r
jr 7 Pain Pill,
j T Taha nri
All GOOD Salts and Coats are made by man tailor it Is
necessary therefore that alterations should be made by man
tailors we have Man-tailors NO CHARGE HERE FOR ALTERATIONS.
Dr; Miles'
Anti-Pain Pills
will help you, as they
have helped others.
Good for all kinds of pain.
Used to relieve Neuralgia, Head
ache, Nervousness, Rheumatism,
Sciatica, Kidney Pains, Lumbago,
Locomotor Ataxia, Backache,
Stomachache, Carsickness, Irri
tability and for pain in any part
of the body.
"I have always been subject to
neuralgia and have Buffered from
It for years. While visiting my son
and suffering from one of the old
attacks, he brought me a box of
Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills. I used
them as directed and after taking
them It was the first time in years
the neuralgia ceased from the use of
medicine." MRS. E. C. HOWARD.
402 Greene St., Dowaglac. Mich.
At all drugglats. 5 doses 25c
MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart. Ind.
fff 7C wl11 BU,t8 11 co'or8 H styles worth up to
3 14a It) $25.00 tomorrow and Monday $14.75
fai rjr will buy suits all colors, all stylee-wprth up to
$tiltl9 $35 " tomorrow and Monday $24.75
POQ 7r wl',1 ty suits exclusive models wort! np to $50
QUtJtltf tomorrow and Monday $29.75
Is the result of Alcoholic Poi
soning and, in common with
every other poison, requires a
specific treatment for its cure.
The Neal Cure for the
Drink Habit
is compounded from purely
vegetable medicines, adminis
tered under the direction of a
physician, without the use of
hypodermic injections and is
guaranteed to effect a positive
cure in only TRHEE DAYS'
It is highly endorsed by
clergy, physicians and grad
uates, is absolutely harmless,
easy to take and entirely de
stroys all appetite or craving
for liquor In any form. We in
vite investigation and full, con
fidential information will be
sent in plain envelope upon re
quest. Call, write or phone the
821 Farnam Street,
Davenport, Iowa.
J. J. MORROW, Manager
35 C QtS Worth nn
VUiOU to $12.50
Sixty-five silk and serge dresses in all latest models Serg
es, worsteds, silk foulards and corded stripes colors are
blue, tan, brown, grey, also white and black SALE SAT
Saturday Night Only:
6 p. in. to 0:30 p. m.
$10 Natural Pure Linen Dresses, $3.95
$2.00 House Dresses, $1.00
$4 Rain Coats, $2.45
$3.00 Silk and Lisle Striped Shirts, $1.50
$27.50 and $30.00 Grey Whip-cord coats, S25.00
$10 separate Norfolk coats red. Shepherd's check and Navy
at S8.95 and S7.50
$15 Blue and Tan Serge coats. $12.95
$12.50 Junior Coats about 15 in all. $8.95
$15.00 extra fine Linen Coats at 812.50
$7.50 Blazer Coats, all colors, $3.95
Ghostly Maatag That Saved Thosa on
Board Sinking Ship.
Robert Dale Owen is authority for
the following story:
The mate of a bark -which was sail
ing sou'westward across the banks of
Newfoundland was in the cabin work
ing out the vessel's course when be no
ticed a man sitting at tbe other end of
the tabie busy writing on a slate.
Thinking be was tbe captain, be paid
so further attention, bot presently,
looking up from bis calculation, be saw
tbe man suddenly disappear.
Startled, be went across, picked np
tbe slate and found written on it,
"Steer to tbe nor'west.'
He called tbe captain. Tbe writing
was certainly not that of any of the
crew, and eventually it was decided to
obey the strange order. Tbe vessel was
put in a nor'westeriy course and a man
stationed at tbe masthead to keep a
sharp lookout j
In a few hours they sighted ice and :
among it. in an almost sinking condi-.
tlon, a big ship. They reached her Just ;
In time to save her people. Among :
them was a passenger whom the mate
recognized as tbe stranger who bad
written the direction on tbe slate.
According to the other passengers. !
this man bad been ta j deep sleeo or '
s reiucoais
"Extra Special "Bargains in
$3.95 PETTICOATS with Jersey Silk topblack tfO Of
only tomorrow and Monday $aOe)
$4.50 PETTICOATS Dresden Silk extra special fia AC
quality Saturday and Monday $uJt)
$3.50 PETTICOATS Fringe trimmed all colors fl MC
messaline silk tomorrow and Monday yUelv
All these Special "Bargains Tomorrolv
and Monday at
207-209 . 2nd SL, Davenport, la.
irnnce at the hour at which the inci
dent bad taken place.-Ex hunge.
Puts End to Bad Habit
Things never look bright to one ith
"the blues." Ten to one the troubie
is a sluggish liver, filling the system
with bilious poison, that Dr. Klng't
New Ufe Pllle would expel. Try them.
Let the Joy of better feelings end "tho
blues." Best for stomach, liver an$
kidneys. 25 cents at all druggists.
All the
news all tbe time Tbt
The liquids and the digested foods in the alimentary canal pass through tho
wall of tbe canal into the biood. Tiiit process is called absorption and takes place
ehie8y from the small intestine. After absorption the blood carries the food
through the body, and each cell takes from tbe blood the food it needs. A pure
glyceric extract made from blood root, mandrake, stone, queen's root and foldea
seal root, and sold by druggists for the past forty years under tbe name of
Doctor Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery,
gives uniformly excellent results as a tonic to help io the assimilation of thai
iood and in the absorption by the blood of the food it requires. Eradicate the'
poisons from the blood with this alterative extract which .
does not shrink the white blood corpuscles, because contain ,
ing no alcohol or other injurious ingredients. Thus the J
body can be built up strong to resist disease. This is
tonic taken from Nature's garden that builds op those weak ,
ened by disease. Sold by druggist everywhere. Address ;
World's Dispensary Medical Association, Buffalo, N. Y. '
Mb. Chas. Farbe, Jof S22 Woodlawn A vs.. PbiUdalphla. P.. ;
writ: "I wu troublad wiih my tnmxrh for almost threa years,
Tric4 several dnrtors and most everything anybody recommended ta
me. but kept netting worse and honeetly did not care to live ae 1 waa
rvtr- well even thourh. at times, 1 had no psln. My srmptums were sa '
fofiows: Always bred, my whole body in a throb. brUrhina of asa, f
pam and soreness in the stomach, vomilina, eonatipation. could not
t-1 1 what to eat or what would agree with me, and waa melancholy. Bat
after taking Or. Pierce's GuMen Medical Discover with tna ' Pleasant I
C-.IXB. FAXRBea, Ja. Peiioti ' it has made ma a well man which la something to Uts for." '
Makes face, bands, arms and neck as white as milk and
does not show or rub off. Pimples, blackheads, freckles. I
moth or liver spots cuied in a few days. Have bandied this I
preparation for years nnd recommend it. Price 60 cents.
Young & McComba and Thomas Lrug company.

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