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Rock Island Argus. (Rock Island, Ill.) 1893-1920, October 23, 1912, HOME EDITION, Image 6

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn92053934/1912-10-23/ed-1/seq-6/

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Dear Mrs. Thompson: How cau
clean a aoft whit feather? CLARA.
Put the feather in a box. Scatter
over the feather a lot of powdered
magiK-sia to which has beeu added
a little fraitoline. Put lid on box and
hake well, bo that magnesia gets
Into all parts of feather. Let It stay
24 hours, then take out and shake
Dear Mrs. Thornpnon: Please give
me recipe for sour nii!k biscuit and
for lemon filling, and oblige.
Quick soda bisruit: Sift one tea
poon of soda and two teaspoons of
cream tartar Into one quart flour, then
rub into flour two tab.eepoons of but
ter (or part lard). Add one teaspoon
of salt and sugar. About one-half
pint sour milk will be needed. Work
dough Into shape as quick as possible j
It nhoiild be as oft as can be ban-!
died. Roll and rut into biscuit about
one Inch thick. Bake In quick oven. ;
They are lii;ht. fluffy and white. Three
teaspoons baking powder may be sub
Miiuted or soda and cream tartar, if
w ishes.
Lemon filling: Grated rind and Juice
one lemon, one cup susar, one heap
In? tabspoon flryir, yolk one epg,
butter size of walnut: enough cold
water to mix mgrcuienis to a smootn
paste, then add one cup boiling water.
Flare on stove and stir until it boils. ! a
To make a pie, bake crust separate
ly, then pour in th; custard, beat the
white of egg stiff with two Table
spoon sugar, spread on top and re
turn to oven to brown.
Dear Mrs. Thompson : I am a g'.rl
of 19. I met a young man whom 1
liked very much. He was always ark
ltig tii" to go tilaces with hlni and
tilling m hew much he cared for I
me. I met another fe low and took :
a fancy to him and went with him,!
which made my good friend angry.
so he left. Then I knew I loved him j
more than anyone else. Now he has
at t!ie home f 'he bride's parents, Mr. !
and Mrs. Georpe I Etz' 1. took place suit was a tailored blue serge, with hat
the murriaire of their daughter, Ger- and waist to match. The out-of-town
trude Martha, to Harry I)t necke. Rev. ' guests were Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Den
F. J. Kolf of the Evttnnelie.il church ecke of Aurora. 111.
performing the cT'innnv in the rcs-
nee of a v 1 1 cctni aiiy'of relatives! HEBREW CLUB OFFICERS.
and irn tins, i he ceremony was per-
formed underneath h ;.eini'ittil bower j
of oak leaves and p'.nk and white ; meeting at Math's hall last night. Of
roses, from the i enter of which was flcrrs for the next term were elected
uspt tided a larj " w.'ddin; bell. The ! as follows:
woddirn colois. pink mil white, were Chancellor Sam Gfilerman.
carried out in tbe hii f.e loses a"d car- j Vice Chancellor David Brady,
natlonti being used in t'.ie d-coi jtions. Scribe William Howard Morris.
The bride was wry pretty in u own Finance Davis J. Ziffren.
of cream voile, trinmi-d in cluny lace, j Magistrates Abe Frankel, " Harry
She carried a bouquet 0r bride s roses, ,Vient--r and John Gellermaii.
and lie were a lna:itifil lavnlier of I Chaplain - Harry A. Silverman,
diunio id and pearls, the :if? of tho j At this meeting applications were
groom. At 11 o'clock un elaborate live-j read from a large number of candi
cnurse dinner was served. The table ; dates. These will be acted uDon at a
.whs very prettily done in Ktreainers of
pink and whl'e and a lare ceuteipjeee
of pinU Mud white carnations. The
bride whs employed for tlie pan time
years as stenographer and assistant
cashier wuh Armour & Co.. Davtn
port. Mr. Dcnei ke is the son of Mr.
and Mrs. H. A. I necke of Aurora.
111., and be Is the well known proprie
tor of the Fast End grocery. The cou
ple departed ii a noon train l'r a
OT Merely a Vacuum
Cleaner but a Carpet
Sweeper as well.
I docs everything a practicil mechanicnl cleaner should do
cleans n'ltomatirally by simply being guided about, removes hair,
thread. 1 tit. sand. grit. etc.. as easily as it takes up the non-adhered
and embedded dirt and iust.
It "lirushes up" the crushe 1 down nap to its intended position,
thereby renoring the criK.nal oloring efiects to floor coverings and
greatly prolonlnging their life
It rieans thorough'.y In but a fraction of the time now given to
this cixiiery. with results th :t will surprise the most sanguine.
The Hoover Suction Sweeper
will last a life tine, with less operntlve and upkeep ex
pense than is no v being paid out for brooms, and save
you irom ail danger, drudgery and damage of present
cleaning method. '
When can we show you in your own home?
Hcsc and Tool are supplied for every air cleaning purpose.
CoT.tr Second and Main streets. Davenport, Iowa.
come back and seems awfully cold to
j me. He speaks but does not ask me
I to go with him, yet he doesn't go
i with anyone else. Does he still love
j me? Will he come back or is It nfy j
' place to let him know I want him to? I
) You had a perfect right to go with
: other young men If you were not en-
I gaged to the nrst man. He had no
j right to object or become angry. If
; he rea'.ly loves you he will find a
I way to regain your friendship. Don't
, be too easy. And don't gtve up ev
1 ery man friend for one man unless
i you are engaged to be married to i
j him.
Dear Mrs. Thompson: (1) My
teeth are verv dark. How can I make
.w,. n.t.it. wi,.. i- . a
short, thin eyelashes? (3) Is oatmeal
food for the complexion? If bo, how
should it be used? (4) How can I
reduce the pores in my skin? (5)
Is yellow vaseline good for the eye
brows? DOROTHY.
(1) Rinse the mouth with peroxide
about three times a week. A little
,l0wdered charcoal, used in place of
tooihDowSer. is also cood. about twica
(2) Vaseline. (3) Yes. Make a
sma'.l bag of cheesecloth, fill loosely
with oatmeal and use as a washcloth.
Wash bag and fill it with fresh oat
meal each day. (4) Pat the skin
with toilet water, or diluted alcohol,
two or three times a day. (5) Yes.
Dear Mrs. Thompson: 1 have a lit
tle dog of no value which I want to
get rid of. Shall I chloroform him
or drop him some place in the coun
try? J. K. D.
Unless you know he will get a
good home, it is more merciful to
chloroform him.
short trip In the east, and upon their
return will make their home with the
bride's parents. The bride's goiug away i
Men s Hebrew club held their reeular I
later date,
. At the next meeting of the
ncuet will be served.
club a ba
i a depraved gorilla countenance."
DART-MELCHOIR. Despair over the state of the coun-
M1SS E.STELLA S. MELCHOIR, 1 try Is almost a national characteristic
daughter of Mrs E. E. Lawyer and' of the English. They are never so
Dr. Ralph Dart, son of Mr. and Mrs. happy as when they are being gloomy
R. H. Dart, "41 Twenty-second street, j about themselves. Any copy of auy
were married this afternoon at 3i English paper will show that the Eng
o'clock. the ceremonv taking place at Ilsh people are going to the demnition
ihe home of the bride's mother, 823;
Twenty-first street Rev. G. H. Sher
wood, rector of Trinity Episcopal
church, officiated, and the service was
witnessed oy a email company of rela
tives and close friends. The bridii
couple was unattended. Dr. and Mrs. j
Dart will make their home In this city.
Dr. Da is associated with Dr. J. P.
Comegys in the practice of medicine
in Rock Island.
the Woman's Christian .Temperance
union was held yesterda yafternoon at
the home of Mrs. S. Mattison, 1037
Twentieth street and It was an unus
ally interesting session. Reports of
the county convention which was held
! in September were given by Mrs.
j R. G. Summers, Mrs. W. H. Litten and
I Mrs. Kingsbury. Vocal and instru-
mental numbers were given, Mrs. Ida
South and daughter singing a. duet,
Miss Kies recited as did Mrs. Henry
Kramer and Misses Grace I'llemeyer
and Miss Cheney gave a violin and
piano number. Light refreshments
were served after the program.
Fourte-nth street, Moline was the hou
oree late last week at a prenuptial
shower given at the home of Mrs. E.
P. Johnson. 1413 Twelfth street, Mo
line. A clothes hamper of miscellan
eous articles was presented to the
bride-to-be and accompanying each
-!Kift was a word of advice. At 5
o'clock a three-course lunch w-as serv
ed with covers laid for 20 ladies. Miss
Grandquist and Amil Danielson will
be united In marriage in the near fu
ter Mrs. William Eai'.ey entertained
75 tri-city ladies at, Fejervary park
inn Monday afternoon at a card party.
Bridge was played at nine tables.
Mrs. Charles Hill, Jr., making the
high score, Mrs. Anderson of this city
was awarded the Becond prize and
Mrs. A. G. Abraham the all-cut prize.
Mrs. S. Parker won the 500 prize. The
rooms of the inn were attractively
decorated with autumn leaves and
flowers, and following the games a
course lunch was served.
MRS S. J. SEBEL1US 617 Forty
fourth street, was the hostess yester
day afternoon to members of the Fort
nightly Reading circle. The reading
of "The Romance of a Blain Man" by
Ellen Glasgow was continued, and a
lunch followed the study meeting.
Mrs. O. P. Anderson will be the hos
tess in two weeks.
club will be held tomorrow afternoon
at the home of Miss Pauline Dittman,
1922 Brown street, Davenport.
The ladies' auxiliary to the Eagles
will give a dancing party at Elks' ball i
tomorrow evening. Bleuer's orchestra
will give the dance program.
Despair Over the State of the Country
Becoming Chronic.
Dr. Forbes Hons, a well known Lon
don physician, says that England is
"drifting toward the day when the
average Englishman's face will be
that of the typical criminal." He be
lieves, says a correspondent of the
New York Sun. that "the letter classes
of England cannot keep pace with the
fearful stress of taxation and other
! burdens Imposed iion them and are
j therefore iieins wiped out. In other
words, modern legislation is
; replacing the lietter classes by a niix
! ture of sheep and wild beasts and
the nation Is being propagated by
those retaining primordial qualities and
the primitive instinct and the averageJ
Englishman at this rate will soon have
bowwows. The English iiddlctlon to
patent medicines Is another evidence
of this general tendency to low spirits,
j Other nations see nothing In particu
lar the matter with the English. They
I seem to outsiders to be doing fairly
well as nations go What they really
need is a course of mental science and
practice In the cheerful point of view.
The Danes and Britain.
John AcU worth, un Euglish dialect
novelist, who made a special study of
the dialects of Lancashire. Yorkshire,
the east coasts and also of the Danes,
shows that the Danes by their early
landings and sojourulugs Id England
have influenced the language of the
east coasts of Britain to an extraordi
nary degree and that the Dane and
the British in spite of apparent differ
ences are one practically lo speech and
language as well as in the relationship
of blood. "Ro, strong U the English of j
lilt? ennL cuu(K vi cuginuu iuiiivk
uated with Danish. " John Ackworth
once said, "that I am sure that If a
fisherman from the east coasts of Eng
land wr tn K-i irrvkwl nn th ihami
of Denmark and he would only speak
in Dis true native niaiect tnat ns Der
ma n would be able to make himself
understood. "
Hence the Lemons.
"How In the name of goodness did
yon come to buy so many lemons when
I told you plainly to get only -one
dozen T complained Mrs. Wratts to her
! new Scandinavian maid,
j "VelL" answered Lledvlg slowly, "yoy
i tolt me to git ay dozen. So I don't
1 speak dam lnglish veil, so Ay tougbt
you saved two dozeu. So Ay tolt de
I grocery man. an' Ay don't speak de
I Ingiisb very veil, so be toiight Ay
; Bayed tree dozen" So he tells it to bis
, boy. but hiss boy ban Irisber. and he
! pits four dozen. Oofs vy Ah bane git-
, ting Ave dozeu lemons Ain't dey I
I keep' Cleveland Plain Dealer. i
Newark, N. J., Oct. 23. Allison
M. MacFarland of this city and Flor
ence Bromley of Philadelhpia are to
be married soon. Their mutual in
fatuation has extended over several
years. In fact, it began while Mac
Farland was married to another, and
shortly after the Bromley woman had
obtained a divorce from her first hus
band. MacFarland has just been acquitted
of the charge of murdering his wife,
whose death by cyanide of potassium
occurred a year ago. He was charged
with having substituted the poison for
a headache solution that his wife
w-as in the habit of taking. His de
fense was that his wife had committed
suicide, ua nis nrst trial he was
found guilty of murder in the first
degree, but the verdict was set aside
and a new trial ordered.
In the second trial MacFarland's-
counsel took the desperate chance of
putting MacFarland himself on the
stand, and won. The accused man
swore that h? was a iiar, and an In
grate, and that he drove his wife
to suicide aft?r he had unsuccessful
ly tried by beating her and other meth
ods to force her to divorce him. He
boldly said that had she obtained the
divorce he would have married the
Bromley woman, his infatuation for
whom was attributed as the motive
for the alleged crime. The loving
and pathetic appeals of the wife made
no impression on him and he stuck
close to the young aud attractive
divorcee, whose demands that he mar
ry her drove him almost insane at
All this he swore to, and much
more. He told how, just before it
became evident that his wife was to
bear him a chi'.d, he urged her to
divorce him; how she refused; of
dpRI)PraL Btrait
1, Tf
s in which this
placed him because of promises he!
had made to the Bromley girl, and
To be rid of skin eruptions, pimples,
etc.. and to quickly clear an inflamed
complexion or red noBe, use Poslam as
Boon as the trouble is noted.
If eczema, acne barbers' itch or any
stubborn disease altli'ts. cure it with
out extended treatment through the
timely application of Poslam. This
perfect remedy heals the skin under
all conditions more rapidlv and more
effectively than anything vet edvised.
Itching stops at once. I'se. Poslam
now to eradicate some minor blemish,
and prove Its merit.
The daily use of POSLAM SOAP, an
absolutely pure soap medicated with
Poslam. is of inestimable benefit to all
whose skin is subiect to eruptional
trouble. Soothes tender fcktn: never
irritates: ideal for baby's bath; best
shampoo for dandruff.
A. J. Hiess. N. Steiner. H. O.
Rolfs, and all rirupeists sell poslara
rice 5ri censi aid Poslam Soan
(price 25 cents I. For free samples.
write to the Emergency laboratories
32 West Twenty-fifth street New York
Baby Doll
Eagle's Hall
MIls Florence Bromley and Allison I
MacFarland. i
For the rest of this week in our
ooster .Sal
Included in this lot at $10 you
will find- navy blue and brown
serges, both plain and braided
edge also mixture suits in
many styles plain or belted
black, blue and brown suits of
cheviot. All suits are lined with
guaranteed satin. Sizes 14 to 44
not a suit in this lot worth
less than $15; many worth $18:
all go this week,
Booster Sale Price
Silk Hose tlM.
Three pair silk hone
tomorrow at $1.00.
how, driven to the last ditch, he had
struck the woman and threatened to
steal their child.
Coldly, carefully and distinctly, he
told the whole story of his married
life to the jury, and impressed upon
them the fact, that his wife had been
driven to suicide. They believed
him and voted for his acquittal.
Lodge Notes
At a meeting held last night by
Camp No. 85, W. O. W., final arrange
ments were made for the meetings at
Peoria on Sunday, Oct. 27, and Moline i
fm Monday evening Oct. 28. The of
ficers and degree team will leave Hock;
Island Sunday morning at 7:45 via.
tha Hock Island and Peoria, put ou the
initiatory work for the Peoria camp!
that afternoon and return home the i
same evening. Monday evening thej
officers, degree team members and all j
candidates for the Moline class will
meet at Math's hall at 7:30 and go'
over in a body. J. V. Croft of Chi-1
cago who is state manager and head j
consul of Jurisdiction "Q will attend ,
both meetings. The camp at Molinoj
has arranged for refreshments and a I
We have a couple of cars of
; New York wine grapes at a very
cheap price.
Call At
115 Sixteenth Street.
Where you get the best
things to eat, the quick
est, most sanitary ser
vice and a hearty wel
come. '4
Included in this lot at $25 are
many of our fine6t suits every
desirable color and material
some of these suits were $35
and $40 price tags and are
worth even a little more than
that suits of blue, black or
brown serge or cheviots, with
Skinner's satin linings. Suits in
wide wale and two-tone effects,
all in the latest models actu
ally worth to $40. Choice this
week only. Booster
Sale Price
New coats arrive daily we received yesterday Ural
Lamb, Caucasian Lamb, Zibeline, Cheviots, Boucles and
Serges. All fresh from New York's best makers.
207-209 West 2d St.
Davenport, la.
smoker to be held after the meeting.
Eight applications for membership
were received by Grove No. 27 Wood
Making the
Club now
Total 49
beginning to be like sugar in
I Don't Keep I
Worrv m rw nitrit nrvrirrr Smilinn- I
day seller and everybody needs it so it is with these
Hoosier Kitchen Cabinets they sell every day. The Hoo
sier Kitchen Cabinet i3 a kitchen necessity every woman
should have one and while we dislike to say it, yet we must
say that if you have never seen the Hoosier then you have
never seen a real kitchen cabinet.
Thi3 beautiful White Enamel Cabinet will be delivered to
your home just as soon as you Join the 64 Club Pay One
Single Dollar and you get your cabinet at once then One
Dollar a week.
Out of town women can join the club by sending mail or
ter at once. Write for free catalogue telling all about the
Hoosier Kitchen Cabinet
220-222-224 W. Third St.
4 f
: p.
Silk and Chiffon
waists, $5.00 values
tomorrow only $2.95
man circle and these wili be taken in
to the order on Tuesday evening, Nov.
26. '
Only you and 14 other wo
men can yet join the 64 club.
Some of you at first thought, no
dt ubt, it would be impossible
for us to sell 64 kitchen cabi
nets it is a good many but
Hoosier Kitchen Cabinets are
the grocery store, an every
Davenport, Iowa
tLtVCN MUoltKu I

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