OCR Interpretation

Rock Island Argus. (Rock Island, Ill.) 1893-1920, December 07, 1912, HOME EDITION, Image 14

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn92053934/1912-12-07/ed-1/seq-14/

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Z.S.im CcChc&Cc:
1 w
Christmas Candies
Fresh from the makers
In a toothsome assortment
cf chocolates and bon
bons, as we'd aa the old
fashioned kinds. In dainty
Christmas gift boxes il
you choose, and at prices
always the lowest for
pure, wholesome candles.
Jolly old Santa Claus the real Spirit of Christmas has taken full sway and has
transformed the Big Store into a veritable fairyland. Bright lights and beautiful
decorations everywhere, and such wonderful displays of Holiday merchandise for both big and little folks
as will astonish and delight you all.
Niche '-Plated, Brass and
Old Copp r Ware
Very appropriate for Xmas gifts.
f WW X.T V
nave xourmas
Pictures Framed
While we are prepared to han
dle the Christmas ruBh yet the
wise ones will get quicker and
better service by having their pic
tures framed now.
We have never shown a more
handsome or complete line of
mouldings, square and ovel frames
than now, our prices are moder
ate, much less than is usually
asked for high class work.
Silk and Chiffon
Pretty plain and Jacquard silk
scarfs, all colors, hemstitched
ends, each 58c
Plain and bordered silk crepe de
chine scarfs, hemstitched, $2.93
and down to 5jl OO
Chiffon veils in all colors, plain
and bordered, hemstitched 11
around. $2.98, $1.98 and QSd
A Box of Hosiery
Whether there Is one pair or u,
dozen pairs, a box of hosiery is
most acceptable to any woman.
The new holiday lines of silk
and cotton hosiery are now on dis
play and include many of the best
makes, in plain and embroidered
silk hose, plain and mercerized
lisle, plain and fleeced cotton, and
warm cashmere.
'Toilet Waters
and Perfumes
Daintily packed In pretty holiday
Colgate', Woodworth's and Da
brook's exquisite perfumes in ono
half to four ounce sizes, a box,
2 26 to 250
Van Tine', Hudnut'6, Colgate's,
Woodworth's and Dabrook's, toilet
waters, In Tarious sizes, a box
$1.00 to 25
machine In nickel or
Percoln'in?: coffee pots, polished copper or nickel
finish 9425
Fine sji'.in brass crumb tray and scraper, with
ebony haiidle $1 T5
Individual tumbler consurs, tile and cut star bases,
nk'krl and copper finish 25
sets with genuine stag
34 00
You can save time and worry these
days by lunching in our
3-picx-p fine steel carving
horn band'es, set
Dolls and Toys for the Kiddies
Large embossed metal kitchens, com
plete with range and utenslle. .-S?
Toy pianos, white enamel and ma-
hotcany finish
'"fj Crlll alota .1 o r Irhno rTt aqgoI
Jointed dolls with bisque heads, fully
dressed. Very special 10
7-lnch hard wood ten pins set..25
Sanda Andy, the new automatic sand
mill si 2;
Large size furniture sideboards,
dressers, china closets in golden fin
ish 50
Canvas covered dells' trunks with
lock and keys 19
Doll jockey carts with metal whee's
boats, au-
American train and track, with en- v"
gine. guaranteed not to break. Very
special 950
Friction hill climbing toys,
tos, hand cars, etc
Our Christmas Corset Gift
A $2.00 REGIS CORSET FOR $1 00.
One to a buyer for cash This to attract attention
to our enormous variety of beautiful new models,
designed for the season and especially desirable
for gifts.
If it's a Regis, It's right; and a two-dollar Regis
for a dollar la certainly an attraction which will
not be overlooked.
Come any day all week and you'll save
exactly $1.00, a dollar.
Boxed Patterns of
Wiite Waistings
Mercerized English mad ras in all white, neat do
signs, put up in fancy . nn
Christmas boxes, a pattern OJC
Th: Holiday Line of
ill Si
Useful and Beautiful
Gift for Men and
Women's umbrellas of
union and all silk taf
feta with beautifully
carved hardwood, sil
ver inlaid mission, and
chased gold and real
pearl han
dle, t to
Men's umbrellas of
union and all silk taf
feta, with silver Inlaid
mission, plain and
carved hardwood, and
gold and pearl trim
med client handles.
From the Jewelry Section Come These C heather Goods for Gifts
Articles for ladies and gentlemen selected from our almost unlimited assortment of gold and sil
ver articles, as being particularly attractive.
Solid gold. Jew
eled La Vallie
res, in a variety
of exclusive de
signs at
$60.00 to.
Filled and solid
brooch and bar
pins, plain and
Jeweled, in pric
es from 7C
$75.00 to. JV
Sterlin silver
vanity and coin
purses in variet
Of late designs,
Hundreds o f
Fterling silver
manicure arti
cles in new pat
terns,' ea. CQ
$1.50 to..OOC
Solid and gold
filled cuff links,
both plain and
$:!5.00 to
Sterling silver
cigarette cases,
plain an engrav
ed, gold lined.
$15 00
Dainty Night D: esses in Boxes
Put up in pretty Christmas boxes are fine nainsook
and cambric night gowns trimmed in embroidery and
laces, your selection ey
from six styles, each J) X J)
Swzaters are Sensible Gifts
For misses and women we show our exclusive line of
warm, knitted sweaters, in all colors. We feature
two special lines, which at the (T 1 or;
prices, cannot be duplicated, $3.75 and
Scco Silk Scarfings, 25c
Beautiful bordeied scarfings in rich floral and oriental
borders, blues, j inks, helios, yellows, etc., etc. You
will pay 3!c foi these usually. OC
Hero a yard OC
A Croup of Waists at $2,45
Either of eillc mescaline or taffeta newest
waists, in black or better street shades.
special Holiday offer you may select from
these for
as a
Always appropriate, always in good taste, for
both ladies or gentlemen a few of our best
numbers. '
Novelty bags of knotted, beaver, velvet and
tiflis calf, prices range from $12.50 to 2.75
Music cases, new-
flat shape, fitted
with purse, mirror
and note book, pric
es $5.00 to.. $30
Men's traveling and
dressing cases of
black seal and tan
calf skin, from
$12.50 to .-9150
Bill books and card
cases of seal, calf,
snakeskln and nov
elty leathers, $5.0t
to 500
Great display of
women's handbags
at $2.00 to.. 9125
Of fVJiXrV -'I'ev W ,iY ': r
Paris, 'New
York and
are all selling many
Beaver. Plush and Ve
lour hats for winter
It was our happy op
portunity and y cur great
good fortune that we
found one of the best
makers of tailored hits
in the country, w th an
overstock on hand.
We bought his tailored
Beavers and tailored
Velour hats. Note
thes are the genuine
Frerich Beavers and
Austrian Velours which
earlier we retailed for
$7.50. $8.00 and $9.00
and can ncto sell a limit
ed number of them for
$2.00 and $2.50.
Remember they are all
trimmed and lined fot
52 00 and S2.50.
You'll find the maker's
name inside which is an
added guarantee of their
absolute correctness, as this
firm represents the highest
rank as leaders of design
and fashion, as in quality.
We are not allowed to
advertise the firm name, but
as it appears in each hat,
vou'll have the information
just the same. We repeat
These beautiful
Beaver and Vc?our
$7.50 to $9.00 tail
ored hats for $2,00
and $2.50.
Holiday Books
The big book sectio n on the second floor
is larger and better stocked than at any pre
vious Holiday time we show
Popular Copyrights at 47c
Fur is Flying these busy days
A famo:is line of over 1"0 titles, Including "The
Trail of the lonesome Pine," "A Cirl of the Lim
ber lost." "K re Okies," She herd of the
Hills," "The Oilling of Dan Mattliewg" and hun
dreds of others, the lurjM'Kt
asHort in tnl iu tile t ri i ' i a
Beautiful Gift Books
Elaborately illustrated books by the world's great
est ariiHt.-. Fisher, C.ibson. Ilutt. Phillips, etc.. etc.,
with appropriate erses. Quite a
price raniT among these,
beginning at
Books for B ys and Girls
"Motor Boys Series." "Jack Rangers Series." "Col
lege Sports Series." "Motor Girls,' "Five Little
Peppers Series." -te., eu,
at prices frcrn 95c to
From the complete
stock we mention for
prompt comers
mulls in su-
Kxtra largs fine
Conev muffs
Hudson lynx
full and
fluffv at
I larmot
Shawl scarfs
srn lynx,
Small neck pieces of
various lurs, &4 t-
of Hud-
?50, 5
&tf&ii JaP mink neck piec
fllf i handsomely orj
t marked vl
Russian pony
Miror skins,
coats ot
Furniture a Practical Gift
Let us show you
the manybeautiful
pieces we have
secured for your
Book cases $42.
to 13 00
Arm rockers, too
to 93 00
High chairs, $1. 25
to 91.75
Cedar chests, $215
to $10 50
W riting desks $32.00 Childrens rockers $4.75
to $450 to $1 25
Music cabinets $17. 5u
to jj !j o- Couches $ 2 5.0 0.
Piano benches Jlit to $1250
to $8iO Smokers' stands $4.9
Pedestals $14. On to SI 95
to $1175
fefcr. .ill
Morris chairs $37. "JO
Library tables $36.i Foot stools $7.00
to S8 75 to $160
Brilliant Cut Glass
Sugar and cream with deep rich cut design for
Monday only $198
8-Inch deep salad bowls, brilliant American rut
Very special $2 95
Rich cut glass celery trays handsome de
sign $3 50
Elaborate cut wine decanter, wlih 12 tumblers to
match set $19 00
Fine cut glass salt and pepper shakers, with fiilver
tops, each 500
12-Inch bevelled mirror plateau, mounted on genu
ine silver plated footed stand, 12-inch size $2 75
New Phone Company Turns
Down Electrical Men's In
creased Wage Scale.
Issue 15,000 Hand Bills Against Prop
osition to Be Decided
Dec. 10.
Fancy China for Xmas Gifts
1,000 pieces of beautiful china in a most wonder
ful variety of decorations, plates, trays, cups and
saucers, hair and puff hoxes, bon bons, sugar and
cream, etc., etc. values up to $1.50 are on one big
table. Take your pick at 75
Should Mi-LadyXV ant a Petticoat
Messallne and Ufltta petticoats, all colors,
good quality silk and well made.... JJ2 87
Petticoats of messallne and taffeta In all
vtr.lng and street shades, each .- 93 95
Silk petticoats in extr.v izes, measaltne or
taffeta, Jersey tops, ull colors $4 95
Neckwear for Women
Neatly packed in individual
fancy Christmas boxes are
dainty lace and embroidery
jabots, fancy stocks, natty rib
bon bows and novelty bead
neck pieces, in extensive as
sortments. Just two
prices, choose at 50c &.
Glove Certificates 18 Silk Dresses at $11.75
Fine Swiss embroidery style, Initialed
pillow cases, two to the box
These certificates are be
coming more popular each
year, the gloves may be se
lected and fitted any time af
ter Christmas. We handle on
ly the best makes, such a?
Perrin's' Fisk's, Lucas and
Kennedy, etc., etc.
These are of taffeta and fou
lard, in some of the season's
choicest models, correct street
shades, lace and velvet rib
bon trimmed. A few weeks
ago you would have paid near
h twice as much ai i 7C
These at ?1 l.O
Marabout Scarfs and Muffs
Soft iluffy pieces that lend an added
charm and style to the street costume.
Black or natural marabout scarfs $10.00
to 83 98
black or natural marabout --muffs JKj.oij
Plain marabout neck ruffs $2.98 to . Sl.8
Seventeen-year-o'd Sadie Mercer of,
Hillsdale was ordered committed to
the state school for g'irls at Geneva af- '
ter being adjudged a delinquent iu ,
the county court by Judge 1J. S. Bel!, i
She ai brought Into court on pell-!
t'-on of her father, C A. Mercer, who
alleged that the girl had beconae in-'
corrigible, kept bad company an1!
otherwise conducted herself improper-1
Licensed to Wed.
Raymond Claeys Moline
Miss Emma Verslins Moline
Francis J. Ball Uegina, Can.
VIfb Blanche Routan .. Montrose, Pa.
Buy Your Christmas G ft
At V. R. C. bazar at Memorial hall
in the court house Tuesday, Dec. 10,
afternoon and evening. lAdvertise-nient.j
In the absence of Rev. Marion Hum
phrevs, the services at Central Pres
byterian caiirch tomorrow morning
will Le in charge of K. A. Shumaker
of Chicago, state secretary of the Y.
M. C. A., who is in the ci y to par
take in the corner stone laying cf the
V. M. C. A. Mr. Shuinaker will preach
the sermon and will also sing a solo.
The choir will give an anthem. "EK-us
Miseratur." by Mammal and Miss
Esther Malmroie and H. J. Dawson
! will
r a duet, "Love Dovine," by
'John StaiaT. In the tvening the ser
i.ion will b.; preachd by Rev. E. T.
Ferry and the choir will sing two an
. hems, "(Jlof:a." by Farmer, and
! "Blessed Redeemer," by Ferris.
At the Memorial Christian church to
, morrow morning the Christian Wo
: man's Board cf Missions will be in
cbargp of the services. At the hour cf
'evening worship Rev. Mott R. Sawyer
!of the Y. M. C. A. of Davenport will
! preach.
I A mettin? of the Eas! Iowa confer
ence cf the Church of Ctiist, La ttr
Day Saints, will be held at Math's hall
tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock and
tomorrow evening at 7 o'clock. It U
expected that 17 -lders will be in at
tendance and interesting services have
j been prepared for both meetings. G. E.
, Ellsworth of Chicago, president of the
'northern states missions, will be pres
jent and conduct the preaching eer
; vices. The meetings are open not only
jto members of the church, but friends
: as well.
j At Grace Lutheran church tomorrow
j morning, Dr. John Telleen of Chicago
j will preach. At the evening service
there will be a sacred concert, whwi
the following program will b ghen:
Organ voluntary.
Sc'pture reading and prayer.
Anthem Choir.
Largo (Handel) Grebes' ra.
Voal solo iiis3 Signe Hultberg.
"Evening Star-' (Wagner) Orches
tra. Hymn.
Address, "The King of All Nations."
Vocal solo Sigfried Blonigren.
Offertory Orchestra.
Prayer, doxoltgy and benediction.
Because of a refusal on the part of
the new Automatic Telephone com
pany to meet t lie (1-iuuii1s of the out
bide electrical workers of the trl-cil-ies
aa to a wape scale, the linemen of No.
10'J Rock Island and No. 151 Daven
port, have placed tbo new corporation
on tlic mil. iir lit and have taken up
tho battle against them. Today 15,
(M)(j hand bills were is.sue.d bearing the
lollowiiig iiiHcriptii.il : "Vote No on Au
tomatic Telephone proposition Tues
day, Dec. lo. 1'nfalr to organized la
bor.'' 'I I, se are being distributed
broadcast throughout the entire city.
( iim liii'm k ti f :..
The 'nove on the part of the line
men followed a conference laBt night
bet wein !e;u i :i n'ativen of the new
coinjKiiiy is i f f 1 tlii- ( l'-i n ical workers, at
which Promoter Stanton, of the phone
company refused to pay the men $.'(.00
i day, a" amount ''.) cents in excess of
the scale wiiii h pp-vai's at the pres
ent time. Th" union men were In-
fcrnied thnt the phone company could
not afford to pay that much, aa they
vere just embarking in business.
ii:n i-..n.i ii;im.
t'nion m n a:;k the raise on thj
ground that they will be constantly
en the job, when as with the old com
pany, a number of hours were con
stunt d in going to and from the work.
Th'-y claim that the lineman Is the
poorest paid of any worker, taklni?
in'o consideration 'be precarious n:i
tun; of the business. They claim that
bfcatis" Davenport and Moline have
voted for the new company, that the
Automatic b iievi a it, can cinch Rock
Island. The union men want an
aen.'c.irn nt bf f 'r; the new company
enters, as they In lleve thai the Auto
matic peoi 1- want labor men to help
Otis'.. :h" Ii 1'. p'.Tine, after which they
i will trea: oinaniztd labor just aa they
i pleat". It ia fcaid by the electrical
workers that the Automatic, people
Lgr el to p'iy i.-.ore to w men man
any o'her company, but have not liv
ed u; to their piomiae.
Try to nob Saloon.
For tho s'-fond time In a week, bur-
Iti'jrs tri-.'U rou "tie MCi.uuum saloon
in Milan Thursuay ntht. The pres
ence of the intruders was learned be
fore anything had been taken and Wil
liam Woods and a son who reside iu
tiif! building pji the burglars to route
with four revolver shots.

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