OCR Interpretation

Rock Island Argus. (Rock Island, Ill.) 1893-1920, May 07, 1913, HOME EDITION, Image 8

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn92053934/1913-05-07/ed-1/seq-8/

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Furnishes Big Problem for
some of the strain from the cars be
hind it. None of the crew was hart.
I Kngines were hitched to the train
! and after the derailed cars had been
j puiled back on the, track the whole
! string was drawn oat of the way.
! In order to quickly clear the line for
, the heavy through freight business to
i which it is devoted it was decided to
i tip the locomotive over on its side so
Monster Engine on Burlington ; lhat bridge could be rebuilt.
iinis was a cuuipantuvei; euupie un
dertaking with the two heavy derricks
at hand, and within a reasonable
length of time the road was reopened
! to traffic.
HIT A BURNED BRIDGE1 When trains were again running the
; wrecking crews turned their attention
to the locomotive and then they found
that they had a serious task on hand.
The heavy machine had broken
through the sod and was gradually
slipping down into the quicksand be
neath. Both derricks were fastened
to it and lifted tbeir full capacity with
out result. Time after time this was
tried but in vain. Attempts were
made to again turn the monster over.
but there was not enough power avail
able to do it. All the time there was
dargtr that the wreckers might be
come overbalanced and be also thrown
into the mire.
ni n.nrG a crib.
Finally, after all other expedients
had failed it was decided to build a
Tipped on Side to Clear Line, It R
s.tts Effort of Two Derricks to
Lift It..
Lying on its ide, sunk four fet In
'quicksand and steadily going deeper,
one of the Burlington road's bis
freight moguls, valued at 518, OOu and
weighing 220 tons, rents in a drainage
ditch on the Savanna and Galesburg
division about half way between Fen
ton and Den rock. The point is about
S5 miles from Rock Inland.
How to save the monster Is a prob
lem that ih engagine th best engi
neering talent in the employ of the i crib around the locomotive and put in
company. Since last Friday morning! foundation for the derricks to work
a big force of men with two wreckers ; nn and ,cts ia nffw being done. If the
of l(Hi tons capacity each has been machine cannot be lifted after it is
working night and day. but practical- i rd from tne swtlon of the sand it
ly nothing has h:en accomplished. In ' ho taken apart and pulled out
fart, the locomotive is steadily dron- i piecemeal.
pins out of sight in the treacherous !
and and every hour increases the .
ui"'uulty of savir.i; it.
r'.RI. TlOHnO f llKT. j
It was early last Friday morning !
that the engine, pulling a heavily .
loaded train of so cars from Savanna!
to (ialexburg, ran upon a burned out i
bridge across the drainage creek. The
engineer saw the danger, and did all
in his power to prevent running into
it. He f"t the air so quickly that a ;
number of cars were thrown off the
rells. The engine carne to a stop just ;
after lt front trucks had slipped over !
the brink. Wrecking crews were sent '
out from Savanna ami (ialesburg and
found the engine standing almost on
end. with the pilot Khoved down Into
the iiiu'l Some of the cars were bad
ly damaced and it Is believed that the ;
destruction would have (Men iimr'u j
greater had not it happened that the
necoml car was leaded solid with raes
and tliis acted as a buff er and took
Two Hundred Legislators Wit
ness Fast Bouts Intended
to Boost Bill.
interposed Representative Stedman, j
"if you are not going,"
"I have already given it to a friend,' J
answered Wood. I
"Sure," interjected Representative i
Browne, "the gentleman is afraid of '
attending something wrong, but he's j
sending some other poor 6inner to at- j
tend for him." j
Amo"Eon to table Wood's resolution :
was carried under & viva voce vote, j
Measure Ready for Assem
bly Vote,
The engine is one of the heaviest
used in the freight service of the Bur
lington. It is of the "5200" 0-2 type.
Its number is 5206.
ONLY FOUR REMAIN AWAY New Yorkers Ask Uteter Yacht Club I
! for More Information.
! London, May 7. The roval Ulster i
Representative Hilton Dons the Gloves , Yacnt has j. a teUer from j
the New York Yacht club replying to
Sir Thomas Upton's challenge to a !
j race with Shamrock IV. for the Amer-
ica's cup, in which it is stated that
the New York Yacht club since 1902
' has made radical changes in its sys
' tern of measurements and time allowance-
and that important changes also
: have been made in the racing rules.
The letter continues:
"Your reference therefore to the
regulations of the last contest govern
ing the present challenge leaves un
certain whether you mean a chal- j
lenge for a match sailed with or with-
out time allowances and if with time
allowances, whether you propose it j
to be sailed under the New York j
Yacht dub system of measurement
i and time allowance and under regula-1
Springfield, TJL, May 7. Two hun
dred of the 204 members of the Illi
nois legislature occupied ringside
seats at the boxing show last night in
Arion halL
Governor Dunne could not be pres
ent. He was represented by all. of
his cabinet and most of the state offi
cers. Mayor Harrison and Corpora
tion Counsel Sexton of Chicago were
in the front row. Two of the missing
legislators were Benators and two
were representatives, according to the !
rhprk roll r-n 1 1 kpnt
Those who were there saw five rat-1 tions f J902- w,hch eorned the last
tling and rapid bouts. There was no
bloodshed, except for a nick admin
istered by Representative George Hil
ton on the ear of Professor Peter
Boyle. One thousand spectators cheer
ed the show to a finish. They liked
it. Two thousand more fight fans who
did not have tickets jammed the street
outside and wanted to get in.
The program was presented in be
half of the boxing bill now pending
before the legislature. It was intended
to show what may be expected if the i
The recent action of the arbitration bill becomes a law. Senator P. J. Car-!
boards of the Journeymen carpenters roll of Chicago has his bill on third
a.id the Master builders in which thereadinS in the senate. Similar bills j
pending strike was settled, was for-1 have tee-n introduced in the house by j
tna'ly ratified at a meeting of the local I Representatives Hilton and Frank J. j
union Nn l,t;, held last evening. Both j McXichols. . j
parties made some concessions and' Packey McFariand and Willie Schae-'
Ui new waec agreement for the year fcr- ticketed as the fastest 136 pound
a.' mlotM. d. All of the carpenters i mfin in ,ne Same, furnished the star ;
are hue 1; at work and building opera- P rformance. But they did not pro
lion a will sufl-r no further handicaps. auce tn? Pxcitenient which was oner-j
led b
A Change of Address. s fefsor
Tbe Lamp plumbing shop Is now lo-' Fred Oilinore and Mickey Sheridan
caied in its new quarters at 619 Sev-
! contest, but which are not in force at j
the present time." i
The letter concludes by asking for
information on these points, "as it is
essential that our committee be in
formed of the specific nature of the
match proposed before it can take
any action on the challenge."
soi mid
liCa Want It
The Newman Bros. Co. will pay 50.00 in gold to
the three persons who will suggest the three
most appropriate names for a piano that we are
going to have built, as a 3fecond Diano to the
famous Newman. We find that there is a demand for a piano at a more mod
erate price than we can afford to selHhe famous Newman. We want you to
think of a good name for it. Lest you forget sit down this minute, think of a
good name. The best name for an honest piano at n honest price, and mail it
to us.
for our new piano we will give $2..00 in gold coin. For tbe names that our judges shall decide as sec
ond and third best we will eiveifl.l and $10 respectively to the parties submitting them. o person owning a
piano allowed in this contest. o two persons from the same household allowed to rontest. All answers
must be in by May IB at 6 o'clock. The derision of the three Judges shall be uncontestable. Kit her mail or
bring your name to oar store. Fill out blank carefully. In tbe event that any two persons choose the
same name and that name shall win one of the cash prizes then we will give each contestant a priie
alike in accordance with our offer.
Every contestant will receive a beautiful soiiTcnir free.
Also manufacturers credit voucher for 1.10.00. Good on
new piano in our stock.
Judges: II. E. Dreier, Times: John Sundine, Mollne Dis
patch: T. J. VanDaeser, Democrat.
Phone 4340. S13 West Third Street Davenport, Iowa
Tour Name
ame for IMano
ecteenth street. (Adv.)
Sresfc &way f re
Drugs in Common Efes Hsnsfu. ss .I.s Disease They
f n i- Oft rrm nw rs nnm t DfVtb T a
v Representative Hilton aud Pro- ,
r Boyle. ! land h.gh school.
T4 f. f 1..,..y.l. " W C7niAnt!n
Is'arted the card. They put ou four r"OL ' :l,mj1'
j rounds of what experts claimed to be j
the niftiest boxisg Been in the stare;
$ londagej
High class vaudeville. Two per
formances daily, 2:45 aud S:15 p. m.
capital in many a day. -Howard Scan
Ian of Peru was the referee. H. H.
Uitham of the Chicago Athletic asso-jT' matinees Sunday
c'.i-iioii was timekeeper for all tne
events. Former Senator Thomas J.
Dawson and Senator Albert C. Clark
Kept the watches with Latham.
Jimmy Harry, former lightweight
champion, went two rounds with
Columbus, Ohio In a decision hand
ed down Judge Thomas M. Bigger of
the common pleas court, denied the
right of Ohio taxing authorities to
assess the interstate receipts of Ohio
corporations. The decision was in the
t case of the Buckeye Pipe Line com-
Becrarar Struck by Rock Island 1 nan'' a subsidiary company of the
OLauuaiu jxjiiiyt&ii , liuiu which iut)
Train in Davenport Not
I A recent issue of the Chicago Amer-
i ican, commenting on "The Blindness i (jav
; oi irtue, which just closed a sue-1
lfp;fnl ?tpnon nf tpvpn months in !
An east bound passenger train on
the Rock Island road struck an un
known man at Third and Davies street,
Davenport, shortly after noon yester-
The body was hurled from the
right of way and death was appar-
Chicago, and which will be seen herejently instantaneous. The engineer
Coulon, the present chani-
at the Illinois next Sunday,
says :
?finr p"r.1n jir 'fcacklod to continued
t:frprlrg by th r'rus they ue. Theso
ftra to dry up the surface but there's
a tomnch alrront destroyed, there arc
iilr-rtorl bones; locomotor ataxia. e n
vnlnton". abufpwM, f:.!l;ng hair, impaired
y aight, ciealneaa, nd a host oi other
8. t?SW5S5 Sa
recognized a3 the greatest blood punfler
ever known.
If you have been fighting some blood
trouble, some eruptive skin disease, call
it eczema, lupus, psoriasis, malaria, scrof
ula or what you will, there is but one
s;;re, Fafe way to cure it. Ask at any
druc s tore for a Jl.00 bottle of S. S. S.
i Tho rrnu-il iiLi i ii tin ivpll thfit thpv
,ir.n ,k- nn ! yesterday. Peoria held the premiere
'. Kri-ukie White for two more rounds
Representative Hilton and Professor
:"The Blindness of Virtue" company
; took the road for a short summer tour
and the enthusiasm and receipts at
; the two initial performances were be
yond anyone's expectations. The mem
bers of the company were obliged to
iV.yle were next up. Their scrap was
In !ivp shnw frnrn thp start Thev .
i battled ail through the piece, but quit aPDear individually at the close of
;,ooi.iv nh thp whines each act in response to hearty and
Get Away From This Misery. Let S. S. S.
Do it for You.
trouhles cortinie to make llfo mlraMe.
Tl-.re Is one Mood remedy that y-Mi ran
pr!y rely upon. H ! not a "diipe," nit a
physio, not a mineral prison but a ptire.
powerful medicno that cleanses yoi:r
bloci so cornpltelv; so washes your
vein, arteries an.l Uxsues: so thoroughly
bathes your 1o0v wit!i Internal healthful
Ir.flurnee t.'it com you not only (eel a
. winler(ul change but your entire n
pejimic undn-"B the murt e!r-on.e
tract 'orma'.lou. b. S. ii. l.-i 2or. Leer.
were more than pleased,
j The McKarlani-Sthaefcr
bout was 1 return t0 Chicago after the short
and you aro then on the road to health, i ,,.. too liner, with Senator Carroll as LUUI- lu t ui1Lu
ThT actir-n of this remarkable remedy I i. u.,.r, tn,,r an.r"" tor a summer run.
l J ir.t direct. Just as positive. Just
cs certain in Its Inflaencve as tfcat the , AT THE EMPIRE
sun rise:; i.i the east. It is one of those
rare ir.r ileal forcea which act In the.
t.lood w:Ui the same degree of certainty
that is f.un,l in all natural tendencies.
1 he rr.anner in which it dominates and
cor.trols t!.o mysterions transference cf
: ch, red, pure arterial blood for the
C.-cascJ ve:ous blood is marvelous.
Out through every skin pore acids,
,-"rn'S and other blood imparities are
.'reed in the form of Invisible vapor.
Tie lur,- breath it out, the liver is
stimulate! to mrsume a great proportion
of lmpunt!. the stomach and intestines
cease t convey Into the blood stream
the catarrhal, malarial germs; the bowels,
k!dney. Madder and all emunctorles of
the bodr are marshalled Into a fighting
force to ei': tl every vcatise of eruptive
There, is .-aree!y a continual ty any
where but wr.at has Its living example
of th wonderful curative effects cf
S. S. S. Get a bottle of this famous rem
edy tod.i'-. and if your case Is stubborn
or peculinr write to The Swift Specific!
Co.. 127 Swift Iildg.. Atlanta, Ga. Their
medical laUomtory Is famous and is con-
frit'tfil hv rrnownad umrt.1 in tilrk.u-4 )
skin diseases.
( Advertisement.)
It went for four rounds and '
was ginger all the way. j
There was no decision on any ofi
the events and there was no puree or
The five melody boys, a quintet
side money for anybody. The boosters ; OI ,uerr inKers ua insirumenuiiisis,
for the bill expressed the belief that wln brinS j' to the hearts of all
the show had made many friends for;If,vers of Popular melodies and syn
the measure, which mav be up for pas-' copated ditties of the most popular
sage n the senate today. i variety at the Empire the last half
After the show .vlayor Harrison ex-1 of tne week- The bo's represent the
pressed himself tnus: , highest singing act on the Western
"It was a good, clean exhibition. I j circuit and are brought here with the
r a vt been opposed to honestly conduct- i assurance that they will repeat mel
ed boxing exhibitions, even up to ten !OQIC triumphs. Harry Gilbert, a char
rounds at anv time. I liked this show acter singing comedian, will be anoth-lr-s
night arid if such affairs could be : er headliner. The Yalto duo of whlrl
properlv handled and regulated I am d dancers are to introduce some
in favor of them." new cycIonic effects In terpsichorean
j foata on) ill rrirt or tvm (Ainmn Inn
wnon TRIES TO nnocK SHOW. fy w
I woere. mis pair is aue to starx a small
saw the man on the track and warned
him with the whistle, but either be
cause of deafness or for some other
! reason he stuck to the right of way
till the train was upon him. The
body was brought to the station by
the train crew.
Papers in the man's pockets indicate
he had been going under the name of
'John Widmar, of unknown residence.
He was about C5 years of age and
weighed about 1S5 pounds. There was
a book in his pocket in which was
a statement from a Rochester; Minn.,
physician stating that the bearer, John
Widmsx, was in need of assistance to
I mmtm y wrsAac m - "I
state sought
to collect $200,000 In
Jack, the Giant Killer
Stearns' Electric
Rat Roach Paste
Beady for use. Better than traps.
Sold by Druggists, 25c and $1.00
or sent direct, charges prepaid, on receipt of price.
Stearns' Electric Paste Co., Chicago, IXL
Summer Cottages, Tool Houses,
for ' sale
Phone West 178
See sample at corner of Nine
teenth street and Third avenue.
take him home and further on werejo
notes of amounts that had been given, ; Q
from which it is inferred that the man ; q
was begging his way from town to j Q
town. There was no money among S
his effects. In his pockets was some I Q
Greek literature, indicating the dead
man may have been of that nationality, i j
The coroner's investigation conduct- j
ed today brought out doubt as to j
whether the man was tne one mat , q
he had evidently represented himself ;
to be. The description given in the
testimonial from Rochester, it was J
found, did not fit the remains. It is ;
thought likely that the dead man had
: :i li 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Hi
Success or Failure?
J. J. Hill says, "If ycu want to know whether you
are destined to be a success or failure in life you can
easily find out. The test is simple and infallible. Are
you able to save money?"
One may be ever so thrifty and succeed in saving,
but if his money is not in the keeping of a strong
and safe bank he is in danger of losing it.
Interest uu savings deposits compounded.
German Trust & Savings Bank
.ni 'Mtri 1 1 im 1 1 i i
Karlier in lfT': demonstration at the local house. Mar- ben sing ?he credentials to impose
live Charles L. ood started trouble w Troubles upon those from whom be begged
in the house when he induced a i . nino, ., . . (V, I
resolution providing that the house I
, . y . . B . . . act worth while seeing. Melroy and
refuse to attend in a body the "prize " ' . .
7v,,, jConners, acrobats. In a new style of
fight enterta nment athletic entertainment, will complete:
The resolution was Bent to tne . , , J., "
clerk'6 desk at a time when every one. ; - --
wa? hurrving to clean up the work;" . . . """
of the day and adjourn for the even
ing's festivities.
"So far as possible this will be a
Si'nday school affair tonight, because
every cloak will be thrown around it.'
Mr. Wood said. "I believe it is a back
ward step and that is the reason why
I offered this resolution."
"1 would like to have yotrr ticket,"
with slides. The last half of the week
show ougnt to prove one of the most
interesting of the season as Its repre
sents a great variety in the class of
acts. There will be two motion pic
ture reels as usual. Manager Dolly
I is preparing a big surprise for his
patrons for next week. He has not
yet completed the big bill, but expects
soon to announce a collection of the
strongest acts which have ever been
seen in the three cities.
Kalamazoo, Mich., May 7. In the
presence of thousands of people and
hundreds of Catholic priests and dig
nities. Father F. A. O'Brien of thi3
Terrible Itching. Began with Rash.
Dandruff Literally Covered Scalp.
Entirely Cured by Cuticura Soap
and Ointment Within One Month.
I wisl to announce to the
ladies oi Rock Island that I
have recently installed the
New System of
Dress Cutting
which I teach to anyone.
I extend a cordial invita
tion to the ladies oi Rock Is
land to come and investigate.
Latest Paris Robes and
The Hair Grower Now Sold in Amer
ica on Money Back Plan.
It's a mighty good thing for the
women of America that Parisian Sage
can now be obtained in every town
of consequence.
V n npon&rfltlnn fnr tha riftir hu
done so much to stop faUing hair and ' fity was a domestic pre- j
AAn r,rf TT,av women - late UDon oroer o Pope Pius. Arch-!
. t V.JoV, m.tl - , .. .
I hair beautiful as Parisian Sage. I .incxnnau presiaea
i Parisian Sae is the only certain ; a th rvlce St. Augustine's
destroyer of the dandruff microbe churcn morning and the sermon
which is the cause of 97 per cent of . 'or he occasion was preached later
I hair troubles. j by Bl6nop Muldoon of Rockford. 111.
J These pernicious, persistent and de-, Loca, Firm Win. Contract,
structive little devils thrive on the; East MoUne cHy hag M
ordinary hair tonics. . the contract for co5-mction of
Parisian Sase is such an extraor- the purcpinK p)ant the new Di
dinary and quick acting rejuvenator tary 6ewer of that c,
that the Thomas Drug company wh.ch lsland Bridpe an(J ,ron
is, the acent in Rock Island, guaran- bid ing $5,910. The equipment will
! tees it to cure dandruff, stop falling ,nclude &Q automatic j
hair and itching scalp in two weeks giarler
or money back. .
3002 Case Ft.'. St. Louis. Mo. Tor five
ynrn I Buffered with itching of my body I
and aralp. My trouble befoin with a raah
on my lower limbs which
waa very annoying and my
rxlp waa literally covered
with dandruff. My hair M
to come out by tbe bandfula
and the itcbing of my body
and analp waa tmrible. I
bad uwd almost all the skin
remedial on the market
with do rwult. when I
wrote for a llttie Cuticura Soap and Oirio
ment and it gave me instant relief. Within
one mootb'e use of the Cuticura Soap and
Ointment I waa entirely cured. I cannot
discover one strand of my hair coming out
and I have not lost a minuto of slwp since
using tbe Cuticura .Soap and Ointment, which
entirely cured me of itching of my body
and scalp in its worst form. I also find
the Cuticura Soap a benefit in shaving."
(Signed) Charles JudUn. Dec 8. 1911.
For red, rough, chapped and bleeding
fcanda. itcbing, burning palms, shapeless
nails and painful finger-ends, a one-night
Cuticura treatment works wonders. Soak
bands, on retiring, in hot water and Cuticura
Soap. Dry. anoint with Cuticura Ointment,
and wear old. loose gloves during the night.
Telephone West 167.
Miss M. C. Kelley
1925 Fourth Avenue
Rock' Island, III. p
Hurst Building
ooooooooocc 000000000000000 ooocxxxxxcocrxooxxxxooob
It is a magnificent dressing for wo-; Chairberlain a Stomach and L4vr i Cuticur S"0 2.V.) and Cuticura Oint
I men who aesire luxuriant lustrous ' Tablets are safe, sure and reliable ' tami (Mc ) are ld throu8hout ,oril1
; hair that compels admiration. ; and have been praised by thou.ands o, j 00".
And a lar?e little of Parisian Sag cornea who have been restored to I ptrd -Cuticura, Dept. T. Boston."
costs only 0 cents at the Thomas health through their gentle aid an! -Tender-rei men sbould use Cuticur
Drug comay and leading druggists rLrative properties. Sold by all uru ' Boap Shaving fiiick. 25c ample fresj
a'l over America. (Adv. j ciita. (Adv.) ' itAavertiEement.j
1 3 Day
T'i N'-al Treatmnt neut ra !;zn and cllmtnateo all
l,t- Mtijr:-w Micnholi'- r?''l-"nliii" In tli- tvft-m.
When :r.;. i.-" done tiw- drlnk r 1 in the nam.- physi-t-Hi
.ir.fl in' iith! f"niitin that he wn in b f're ue
evr had a drink fnr It tx in- xt'.red-iip uhobollc
pfAnon in the cvHt.-m that ''au.-s tli.s appetite, arid
wri-fi firn-- t'ne o'-holifr poiKontng Is
iiniinat'-d the appiitr is gone. Oueptt
whii- at the N al lr.itule. enjoy all
tiie . 'mforlH. privaev and eon v'iilentes
i,X n f,rn rlawn borne, club r hotel.
Nam- ar- nevr divoltred. KI.
STITI TT Kit r'lraanHI.
, liuxrupnrt, la.

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