OCR Interpretation

Rock Island Argus. (Rock Island, Ill.) 1893-1920, June 24, 1913, HOME EDITION, Image 10

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn92053934/1913-06-24/ed-1/seq-10/

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II TC " TVTTT TT A fix? VETO ! easii?
hira-rclf. T- care of H
will rrrt with him I
i The rrincipe! eveats of tho eclcbra- j
i t'cu will bo hold on July 1, 2. 3-and 4.
but :'n order to avoid ccasEtlon of :
i traffic on the railroads end ccnfuslon i
iii'..:.: "4 A.f
at Gettysburg, tho omp wi!! be open- ;
cd cn Srndav eca'.zz, Jua 29, th? !
rcrt-7 Thorsand Men Who
Forsht for North ml Scnth
or Way to Rcr.nion.
firsvmeal to be served ct E'-pper tiais.
I Tv anty n;ca!s viil bo served to eich
I veteran during the v.atk if he is la i
camp that lens a3 the csmp wiii I
If You
I ccic to ta cd titer broaklart oa i
j r.undiy, July 6. ' j
Veterans have planned to visit his- i
i tcric places is cud r.bout the great i
area where :ha battle was fou-sht and I
Wsr Dcpcrtmtnt Pitching 7,001 Ter.is
le Sl-.eitcr Visiters D.rirg
Ti-.eir tay.
where skirmishes occurred that lad up j
to it, and to hold reunions. The great j
celebration will be in full swing on the !
VlT."....T'-." 1
m TUM'-f it IT Wk
CcttyEb-K, Ta., Juno 21. The hi'.lB
cf Gcttybur";, where the armies ol
? I a? dc an-1 Lee pi'.cpc-d "heir ten's 50
3":ars a.50, arc cck::d today with can
ves. harbir-Ef-rs cf the tented city
which ivul soon arise on the battle
field. Tne army of civil war veterans
frcm the ncith and the touth tO.000
cf th'.m are coming, some few
in thread worn uniforms and all
without u:-ir muskets, to hold a jubi
lee reunion on the 50th anniversary of
tne b-f.lc. Some cf the bcouts are al
ready here; the advance guard will
bivcuar cn the fifld within a week;
the lank and file will follow them not
more than 48 hcurb later.
Every mar cf t".ie 4S in the Ameri
can flg 1e. expected to have here its
own CjUOta ol veterans. They will
come as the g.icsts cf the national
government, and cf the:r respective
Btaff-B and "erritorien, which jointly
will spend more than a million dollarB
fcr ti:e.r entertainment and comfort.
To receive thera the government a id
the state of Pennsylvania have mado
elaborate plans. One detai". a'cne pro
vides for furnishing the veterans mci'e
than 800,000 meals.
Pennsylvania has been planning for
the celebration of the battle for more
than four years, she has appropriated
$415,000 as her share cf the expense.
Cor.srcas has ii.urjrtMirintnd -Jir.O d ill i
to defray the excise of the govern- Earnshaw, the new resident coramis
ment's participation, and named" a j sioner in congress from the Philip
cominiiploa o help carry out the ; pines, will draw some fat milf-agc fees.
plans. Every state and territc ulso '
accepted the scn-ra' Invitation to par-j
m:iiiue ai.'j m-any an 01 mem appro-1
printed mcr.ey to- transport veterans I
end cemmiysioud. I
Tho big camp is pi'ched on that part
of the battlefield which lies southwest
of Gettysburg. On nearly 30 acres of
contiguous ground 7,00i tenia an.l
more are going up under tha super-
vlsiou of the war department. Tho
carnp iii-s partly on the scene of tho
firs: day'a fighting and is not far I
from H'gh Water Mark, where Pirk- I
ett's famous charge shattered against
he union lines.
Five thousand tents have htcn
erected for the exclusive use of the j ---veterans.
The camp has bn laid out i like
Ti n "iwviifn-vi
A grand river trip!
Every mil on tbe Upper Miwlb!pi, !
filled wild pleasure tUat re ucw to yoa
BrautiluJ ceuery, Intcrciting river life,
cunceru od mmci ou deck', and Jaunti
bore uk cool ner broee make up
dirt of continuous pleasure audcomiort.
Lvetilng brUif trie Hflnkling (onne ot
paing boau: inusic. danrluf. partlea
On ibe war. roa aue tbe t,uou.000,mlle
long. Keokuk dam largest ic Ibe world.
"AaMrica'a baat rir aanrica'
Streckfue Steampra provide trip ot from
3 to 10 dari. Largest, eatrat river eteam
era Id aba country. Big comfortable
ectrlfj lighted, reotllatcd laterooma;
and the flnenl meala ou ever ate. Oct
llttri Vacation Folder
H. J. FI LLER TO. Local Agt.
T' r-
"Taking Your
Character Apart"
If the time should come when you will require the confidence
or the backing of a business man or tanker, your character will
be "taken apart," scrutinized, analyzed.
In determining your worthiness one of the Important queries
will bo "Does he know how to handle money?" Another, "Has
he made a success in handling his own financial resources?"
Afide from the qucsticn o." personal Integrity, these will be the
most important considerations.
When your character I3 thus "taken aperf and examined,
th?re will be found the financial Instincts you are now weaving
into it. D003 not that suggest the importance of a well man
aged tarings account at the German Trust & Savings bank?
German Trust & Savings Bank
f ' v
Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Earnshaw.
Washington, D. C, June 24. Manuel
It is more than 10,000 miles from here
to Mf.nila and Earnshaw will get 20 j
ce;ii3 a mne ict me enure oistar.ee. I
Earnshaw, who is r. wealthy engi- j
r.eer and president of the Earnshaw
Slipway & Engineering company, ia a
resident of Manila. His father, an!
English engineer, settled in Manila and j
fstalilished the business. Mr. Earn-!
shaw has traveled extensively in al-
most every country ana is one of the
leading advocates for independence for
tlle islands. He is about 50 years of ;
Mrs. Earnshaw accompanied her
husband to WafliinKton. iiie is of
Spanish descent and married Mr. I
Earnshaw in 1SSS in Manii.
and each teat
city. E.icli street
l.as a number, so it will be easv for
i;:iy veteran to leak up a former com-! will keep dopntics in cam? for con
rade cr fee. In the c outer of the ca np j stant inspection worii. Tho state fire
will be ths headquartors of the chief marshal, in addition, has assiaeJi
quartermaster. The veterans will be j men to the came tnd steps have been
enctniped rcccrding to states,
i Although each tent is designed to
j acccnuuodate twelve men, it has been
j plmned to astign only right veterans
I to ca.-h, so as to make them as com
j fcrtable as possible. Each veteran
will have a separate cot, blankets and
a mess kit. wriicn wi sm o t.iotf
come hiu personal proper'y when he
j breaks cttnp. Each tent also wili
I have two hand basins, a water bucket,
! canuies ana two lanterns. With the
j preparation of mealu the veterans will
uinu iicuiing to ao. i nese wm De ,
wnoiesoine ana substantia, end will be
rerved at the ends of the company
"Only veterans of the civil war may
be provided food, shelter and enter
tainment within the great camp
arcund the battlefield," reads the an
nouncement of the commission.
"Therefore, no woman or child or
any man not a veteran will be given
food, shelter or entertainment. Xo
veteran should bring to Gettysburg
any member of his family or other per
son for whom he will have to obtain
food and quarters outside the camp
unless all arrangements therefor have
first been made for them before he or
they come to Gettysburg."
No veteran wili be permitted to
bring a trunk into camp, his bar-rage
being restricted to that which he can
liUltiiM'i: mult: I ; ; I
the day frcm tho time the battle open
ed to "he west of the town.
The program for the four big days ;
is briefly as follows:
July 1 Veterans' Day. Appropriate i
exercises under the joint direction of '
the Pennsylvania commission and tns '
ccrcmanders-in-chief of the Grand '
Army cf the Republic and the United I
Confederate Veterans. .
July 2 Military Day. I'nder th-
direction of the chief of staff of tbo
United States army.
July 3 Civic Day. Under the direc
tion, of the governor cf Pennsylvania,
presiding and pEriicipitcd in by the
governors of the states, If they so de
sire. Addresses and music.
July 4 National Day. Patriotic ex
ercises, orations, wi"-h fireworks ia the
The exercises will be held In a
great tent, one of the largest in the
United States, capable of accommo
dating about 15,000 persons. This tent
is at the southern end of tha camp,
beside the Emmittsburg road, down
which Lee's army went after the close
cf the three day's battle.
Except fcr the titno the main exer
clees are bcins held, the big tent will
be given over to the veterans to hoi 'i
Ev.ch reunions as they may arrange.
The tent is so constructed that it can
be sub-divided into msny sections fcr
these reunions. For tho identification
of old soldiers who may not be easily
reccgnized by former comrades bo-
cause of th- chances wrourbt hv the
hand of time, each veteran fs expected
to wear his armv corns division bri
c-ade. recimentol and society bidets.
Ar.cr tne principal exercises cn July
I 4, there Is no schedule of events ex
cept such as may be r.rranged by tha
veterans; themselves in the way of re
unions and chert excursions about tho
field and to neishberins niaces.
United States troops, whoso canm
will adjoia thr.t of the veterans, will
do ccnsttii. p;l:cj duty. Boy sccuts
wiil art rs guidos. Pennsylvania's
str.tc pcllce r.lso wi ! bo ca duty.
t The United States govermont ha3
erected a mammoth field hospital
c0ge -0 tj10 camp, fully eqvipped. The
state also will have its hospital tents
and the state con:m,csioner of health
tsken to prevent fires end to ex
tinguish them promptly should any
The commissary department will bo
under the direct charge of regular '
army ofiicers and will be one of the j
most complete ever crgniied for a j
camp. There will be nearly 800 cooks; j
IZo baKers will furnish frr-sh bread
overt- dav for the hi? nrv
- 1 - -
llie greatest care has been taken
in arranging for the tw
nty meals that
i win be served during the week. The
j menu was written with due regard
tcr tne age cf tiie i;:cn. It '.viil do quite
different from the hard tack and coffee
and the occasional portion of bean
scup or "sow belly" given the sol
diers in the historic. day8 cf fifty
years ago. This part cf the cimp ar
rangements is in the caro cf Major
William R. Grove. The menu ar
ranged for the week is as follows:
June 29 Sipper: Beefsteak, fried
onions, sliced tomatoes, bread, butter
and coffee.
June 30 iireakfast: Oatmeal r.nd
milk, fried ham, boiled potatoes,
bread, butter and coffee. Dinner:
Roast beef with gravy, mashed po
tatoes, peas, tapioca pudding, bread,
coffee, ice tea. Supper: Eaked pork
end beans, cucumber pickles, fried po
tatoes, bread, coffee.
July 1 Breakfast: Stewed prunes,
boiled rice and milk, fried liver and
bacon, fresh bread, hard bread, butter
and coffee. Dinner: Rcast beef, roast
rotatces, mashed turnips, rice pud
ding, fresh bread, hard bread, butter,
coffee, ice tea. Supper: Boiled corn
beef, baked sweet potatoes, sliced tc-
l matoes, fresh bread, hard bread, but
ter, coffee.
July 2 Breakfast: Apple sauce,
oat meal and milk, fried eggs, fried
bacon, hashed brown potatoes, fresh
bread, hard bread, butter, coffee.
Dinner Roast mui.ton, boiled pota
toes, stringless beans, bread pudding,
fresh bread, hard bread, butter, cof
fee, ice tea. Supper: Ribs of beef,
fried potatoes, pea3, fresh bread, hard
bread, butter, coffee.
July 3 Breakfast: Stewed apri
cots, beef and vegetable stew, fried
mush, fresh bread, hard bread, butter
and coffea. Dinner: Beefsteak, boiled
onions, baked sweet potatoes, apple
pudding, fresh bread, hard bread, but
ter and coffee. Supper Baked pork
and bear.3, cucumber pickles, rice frit
ters, fresh bread, hard bread, butter
and coffee.
July 4 Breakfast: Puffed rice, fried
eggs, fried baccn, crea-n potatoes,
fresh bread, hard bread, butter and
ccffcc. Dlnnei- Fricassee chicken, J
pea3, corn, Jce cream, cake, cigars, j
fresh bread, hard bread, butter, cof-1
i " -- . k-urj . o-lli -lU, 1
j macaroni and cheese, fresh bread, but
ter and coffee.
July 5 Breakfast: Stewed prunca,
; cat meal and mi'k, beef hash, fresh
I bread, butter, nr. f.-tt-, tnt
1 - . l-i..JCl, :
: -i- -. oen. annie sanrn !
then get a Gas Iron that csn be attached to any gas fix
ture or stove.
With this iron you save ail those weary steps from
the stove to the board and they are many in the course
of an hour with tho ordinary irons. This Gas Iron has
no disagreeable cdor, will not blow out, has a hot point
and stays hot when working on all kinds of work.
fried potatoes, tapioca pudding, fresh
bread, butter, coffee, ice tea. Sipper:
Ccid meats and bolcena. sliced tcnri
toss, baked sweet potatoes, fresh
bread, bu'ter, coffee. j
July 6 Breakfast: Puffed rice ana j
milk, boiled eggs, bacon, fresh bread, I
butter and coffee.
The tewn of ootty:burg, w hich has
a population of a little more than
4,000, will be unable to care for the
influx of visitors and thousands of
theni will be cared for in neighboring
towns end cities as far away as Har-
nsburg and i ork, Practically every ;
private hcuse in Gettysburg will ba
:rrn;:l into a boarding house. Many
, j . 5 .
union and v.-nnt to bring members of!
their families have been unable to
obtain accommodations and musi
leave them boiiind. j
Specially invited guests of the state I N?w York, June 24. Geargo Ade ar
and national governments will be giv- j rived at the Waldorf in a new role
en quarters in the seminary west of yesterday. He plans to sail for Europe
Gettysburg and ia the building of j on -the Iniperator tomorrow.
1 tr.jusj ivuuui coiitst; nur a 01 iue
Notice to Contractors.
1 PHc -ni hn rsM- a t..i..
It inio , " , . ' , "'
I ui .11c ina n ,s u.u.u lUl tUIl
, :;tructir.g a six-inch watermain on
, Fourteenth street, Seventh avenue to
Ninth avenue. I'ians and specifications j
on file ct office cf city engineer.
I President Board of Lo al Improve-
nients. (Adv.)
If you are not satisfie-l after using
recording to directions two-thirds of
a bottle of Chamberlain's Stomach and
Liver tablets, you can have your
money back. The tablets cleanse and
invigorate the stomach, improve the
digestion, regulate the bowels. Give
teem a trial and get well. Sold by
all druggists. (Adv.)
Mrs. ftensen, In a Letter From
Mobile, Tells How She Gained It,
Mobile, Ala. "I suffered for seen
rears, with womanly trouble." writes
Mrs. Sigurd Hansen in a fttter from
this city. "I felt weak and always had
a headache and was always going to
the doctor. At last I was operated on,
and felt better, but soon I had the
came trouble.
My husband asked me to try Cardul.
I felt better after the first bottle, and
now, I have a good appetite and sleep
well. I feel fine, and the doctor tells
ma I am looking better than be ever
6w me."
If ysu are sick and miserable, and
suffer from any of the pains due to
womanly trouble try Cardui.
Cardui La successful because it Is
composed of Ingredients that have been
found to act curativcly on the won
ly constitution.
For more tan fifty years, It has been
aed by -"oracn of til ag:, with great
success. Try 1L Your dnisslst sells It.
N. B "T"n'r to: Uiin' Aivifory Dept., Chatta
acoa MeiWine Co.. Chattanooga. Trnn., for Special
ln-trurt rn'.i bonk. " Hone TreaunaaF
r . j,B n-ipjcr. oa raauisb
For Drmakt-wu. Opa,'
MorpkiiM ami
other Dm. Uaiaf,
Ue Tobacco Habit
and Nt-rajtkenia.
! s 'fl a. r i -k. ac
a M T 7 w -m
fit vHr--jr
' C - Ha-V
Call and see these Beautifully
j Humorist Is Going Abroad oni,
Strength of Bountiful Crops
in Indiana.
i . . , .
Holds Agricultural Schools Are Bring-
Prosperity; Sees Exocius
from Cities.
This time he is not going abroai
as a humorist and writer, to hunt for
local color for a story or a comic
1 opera, but as an Indiana agriculturist
whose corn and oats have done so
well by him that he looks forward to
a rertful two months to be divided
j between a motor trip through the
chateau district of France and a
study of the "little horses," menu
cards, and automobile tariffs that help
to make a season at Aix-Ies-Bains.
Questioning drew a statement from
Mr. Ade that, unlike many perrons
in New York who have "farms" in
the country hereabouts, ho doesn't
have to keep writing in order to keep
his farm going. He said he had one
of the finest crops of corn and oats
this year that he had ever seen.
"What has undoubtedly put up the
price of land in Indiana so enormous- j
ly is that it has been decided that j
the corn belt cannot be extended fur-1
ther," said Mr. Ade. "Beef is high ;
and corn is high, and it looks as if
neither was going to be any cheaper.
A great factor also has been the in
creasing popularity of the agricultural
college through tbe middle west, the j
University of Wisconsin setting the '
pace. j
"Out there when a boy's father owns !
as much as 200 acres of good land, j
the youngster has no ambition to be 1
a lawyer or a doctor, or something j
else which usually involves a long 1
struggle with hardships before any
real money can be earned. The boy
just goes to the agricultural school
of the University of Wisconsin or to 1
Ames, Iowa, or to Purdue. Then after j
a few years he comes back home, i
starts in cultivating the family land j
on scientific principles, and Is soon
Cying around in automobiles which ,
fie nas paid lor in increased profits
from the paternal acres.
"Twenty years ago agricultural col- j
leges were struggling for existence, j
Boys who came from farms simply j
would not be persuaded to take agri
cultural courses; they wanted to learn j
something which would take them to'
the cities and give them an excuse j
for not working with their hands as
pa had always done and as they had
been compelled to do up to the time j
they first left home. j
"The University of Wisconsin took :
the lead in a great education because j
it demonstrated what could be accom-'
; PHe-bed by tilling the soil scisntifical-;
iy. 1 ne -airy products 01 tbe state of :
Wisconsin were doubled under the
: direction of the unirersitv. and thnr ;
' gave a strong impetus to scientific i
THE REELEY , agriculture. ;
INSTITUTE.- " baPPcn to be a tnmeo of Pur
Dwioht, 1 duc acd wc ha7e deci1ed to go ex-
Electric Iron has a 10 year guarantee and wc back it up.
We are selling this Electric Iron because it gives the
minimum amount cf trouble in the operation.
In hot weather you can do your ironing in the coolest
room or on the porch if it is wired for electricity.
The Hotpoint Iron has the attached stand, allowing you
to set it upon end, anywhere without dinger of burning,
thus saving many steps ba:k to the iron stand.
Nickeled Gas and Electric irons
tensively into agricultural edui-.Hion.
We have had two government eperts
out there laying out plots of ground
for experimental purposes, and thero
is considerable- enthusiasm over llio
An exodus from the city to ;.?
farm is bound to come. Nowadays
there is much less of a disposition
among country boys to go to the city
to make a living. 1 know of any iiu-a-bor
of boys whose fathers own bis
farms who have declined to stay on
at home and nir.ke a good livinp from
the Gta-t. Why should such boys go
to the city? They have got everything:
at home that they could possibly set
in Chicago except the smoke, and if
they want that they have plenty of
imm the
You may use an old favorite recipe
carefully, the oven may be just
"The Power behind ihe Dough" is
and make it light, digestible, wholesome.
Good baking without good baking powder is out of the question.
iv n 1 t it ! ... . .
v t. Liamng nvoacr has wonder tul
ia tne bowl and la the oven
Take no chances
and havo "good
At all
Viho Will Render Them High-Class Service.
ThouB. nda of young and old men can look back at
tbalr lr-yhuod days or early mi.hocd witn a hIkIi of
remorse. BLOOD ai,d CUitoN'iC LH.SKASl-In tho
very life "ad vitality c-f tne victim. If you are .1 v'c
llm oT any cliromu diacaHe. conault ui nrst. l'ion't
waste time or money expi-rlmcutlr.i' with natent iiied
Icinca or coramor, trta tir.t'i.ts. Our larc- otn-ea are
equipped with all tho latest a;pl"-"es. inni-iii:u the
X-ray. wnen you treat with us yon are not expert-I"X A MI VATint
mer.ted on. but we mart you niji.t in wita tho i-rnie ' n,ii
ioneo in this snerialtv liaa nhiten
We am-eeaafuliy Ireut Nervuua 01,1(1,, V.rl.o.e V eln., i.j.-.re Pram.
tate, llrrra, sort., Ulooii I'oiMan, Ki.lnr, uuii fJ,nU,tr Diaeu.e.7 VllI
r.d ltectl Diaeaaes; I Kurt, l.ucsa, t alarrh, Moma. h and liroulr Dlei.
iy fatStfueti;
and blurred; pimples on fare: reeties. hagsnrd-louklng; w.ak baric
bone pains; hair loose, ulc-.-ra, sore tl.rr,t : vari-:oru ve.ia; lack or enl
ergy and confidence? Sei-k tr.e counsel and !u of an honest doctor of
thia kind, who offers you a helping hand. We will aid you to rie abv
your wrongdoing, and make a :a.i 01 you. We offer you honest fal'h.
Jul aervlce. new, advanced treatment, -xpert tkiil and t asoi.able'char.
ea. Patients from out ol town need i.ot rnia:u hert. but can return
home ite day. "
on account of never I:avlns receiveu relief elr.ewhc-re. and they had in
most become ao skeptical as to think there was no cure lor tiiem We
want an opportunity to treat ju8t such men. and it makrs no difference
now many un janru 10 euro you. ccrr.e to iis lor cn exa-nliiatlon any
way and it -.-ill not cot you a dollar. We viU not accept pay for any
services un'.eaa wc believe your caw eurabl-. so don't ncaitate. if you
have any diseases or vehkr.eiS peculiar 10 mtn. ut coin- t - te,.,-
tiling alricliy confidential.
fill Flfte. .lb l 4e-oC! I trior),
Hour opfn only ,n Wedre-
days frcm i In the afternonn m-
til 9 tn the ev.i..rg and Fr.-:- (
evening 7 to S. and Sun -lay '.
inornir.irs. 9 to
12. Ii.rir.p ot:ier
venport oit'.ct.
days call at Lav
I money to run up and take a whiff a3
often as they like."
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy 13
sold on a guarantee that if you are not
satisfied after using two-thirds of a
toKIe according to directions, your
money will l,e refunded. It is up to
you to try. Sold by all druggists.
Cincinnati The Cincinnati, Law
rencthttrg & Aurora Electric Railway
company was thrown into the hands
of a receiver. Insolvency Judge War
ner appointed F. I). Sliutts of Florida
receiver. The receivership was mado
necessary, it is Ftatod, by the recent
flood, which caused flOO.OOO damage.
and the best of materials and make It
right, yet you will have a failure if
not ihe right one to leaven it properly
leavening power, and the double action
makes good results doubiy certain.
of failure use K C
luck'' every tune.
n I.. 1 1 n... T" Per-
wfe Pwer
NiiKVOL'S ad deapond-nt; -.veak or debilitated- tirert
mornings: no ambition llfti.-ns- memorv I...
tjtciutjle and Irritable: evea J.-
X. W. Cor. fourth and Urady Streets,
Dateoport, Ions.
IJr.'.ira V.v-ry tiav, s a m to S r,
r.i , i-..-pt We J .ic!tiav. Wydnes-la
ti.. -. J t" 12 ' .-;. 'i'-.i-.iay and Sat
trjr:, evenm.s. 7 lo v Closed oa

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