OCR Interpretation

Rock Island daily Argus. (Rock Island, Ill.) 1886-1893, January 03, 1889, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn92053945/1889-01-03/ed-1/seq-2/

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liru:iT. J-srarr t lt
awraailtr Kiau Cla a.
Cliver Geor W. Cstdt, of P-2-adVpfc-e
1x4 ftr, j xt-y eajoja the pcrmd
tiit'iectkHt of tbe SaBUs CUu of tbe
Befp;r world. C&rHnau dir. Mr.
CMId. t " tv- l:-r:battJ bbwbjj the
reporUiTt. reposdtaU, to
posnrs, rVrka, pre - aad other ts
ploy. of tbe Ide- ee.riy t'.W9.
Oiflilttkf Itsae.
A cf It .'j pe- pie are stocked
at tbe k.50'jfii(r that ibere Ua U be a
freed bail 1 WetVerton c tie oceasioB
of Ue Uanrv.iia of tie preaidexL
Tfce Bari;arVa Gaistie tbitka the world
cfl to ttxl tmrj f.r all taeh poor old
Mtby-p!tV-i. m'isscholy fools. We
kre bo pan-tee. wi.-.trtr ith lh ks
eieaed aad er a. .ei dyspeptic who
are to astjo-t lo rrae.fi b!I jif t of
tbe world. Diw tg make brWrtt faces
aal ha; yy Leans, asd tey old doU wbo
deal ml to fisd iiatcif i Boca eoe
diuoo. for evrcy ete let hist ttay away.
Bat it wo-.',!, t be l ie kin if fee didn't
wat u tvwk bit tose into every otie-r
nu i baa&ees, aa l be a i.l aerer be t-
bSed ni'il he ea oibtn u miserable.
crw4-rit.l rd a,;,n.r Linee'if. We
are glad it j troiex to here ft Ball ia
H'ua:ro. It ai.l h'p to Rake tbe
c-rA4va a happy aoi jojfa! ooe.
Wky mot wa liftt erery ea, womaB
end child ia lie !ad bad all taey wasted
to eat aa l dntk. as-i trerj thirg tLat
woti'd enBtrita: to ii.sr c&eer and bap.
picea la tpiie cf aX tte world baa
ecotijb fl-va a? J tsfoett and ice. Let
tear. be rtt atd j-jfal i.:Ve thee car.
atd. let iao'x-ett etna be uartaaisel.
for in tl' iy !!fe i br.gbier aai
' It U act tte rue t&ateTi!
cve oat cf u.L '.rairea. it i tke rare
xcx-t.ctt it ccea aliy barpea ibat
a porrT gtt k Li ca a trva. but we
wi:: a -t aV..b ra:ai yet. f or a.'l taat.
. . &o bo ns i cc2esa the iraooe-Bt
J r,4eagTa tiat all to the j y of tbe
It ...
It im a.w a-f- for a maa to ot;t V
tLeae ti tft f.e tie atie tenleaty of
cirl-ixatk-a u tgvBt t;. Tbey are
wofoTy rx a:aka bea 'bT tbitk Ite
are cc4t? forward wtn-n they conin
tia or liat amav-iDBt cr jiTervca, r
be ttey iaccei ia p rt kibiuiv br '.aw
otEretbi&g tkty coe:ee to be a rice.
B'.m tbeir iaa-xett, utr-al t, ttey
are amp'y trjii u p. lie worij ba.:k
spoa rrocu-i ;t ocraptei ceaiiriei a?-.
wd wbkb it bat aba5ocd ia tie prce-
reaa of aea.
Tte teair:Bcy r.f c:.r ':z:.'y9 f r ctata
rlet ka bee a to exieai iailaiisaj free-
doax tot to mtrirt it. A taaa would be
ery f-x-'.ih lo t-at ibe i:tr of tfce
MicaiMippi rtr wits, ti liti pad e
asd dec'.are be tTr woaVd itop natil tbe
wa'.tr raa tbc o:&er wy. Yet be it
wcrkrtg iir j-itt aa irpekai a proj-t
wfcea be is lie ccrreLt of ciriliia-
tio acd -c"r be wiA torn it back
toward tbe ret .r.c :.& cf iaiiridaU free
dom. Erery i&aa t.i tbe i kit lo purtoe
bappiafa. alwayt rtpc-;tj tbe aaave
ntt ia otter. Wben that ptnait caa
otlr be witiio cerula Jlce icirkei out
by a-3B ose wboae idea of bapptcea
are Ttrj narrow, tbe rit U abnied.
aw) a rrowis ciTi'. iaii mi2 not ioag
tolerate neb isurftrec'e.
Maaj of tie Iiwi cf Cvt&ecticut
were teeer repeae-i. bit tbey feil jato
dregardad f-a-ij nie, aad tow
art otly curios old reccr4.. Any al
Unptiiow to r-itr-t iai:Tiaa: free
doca it
aiap'y aa to puib uj all
back into tbe OTf.izatioa of tbe tiase
wte tboie law S critiel.
TVe dupoa.Uon of tbe carpicg object
or to tbe ptraoaal Labiu aal aauae-
oetu of tbe peo; ia oppoaed to iadi
Tidsa refp-Btib.r'.it acd prozal free
dom. Tbe rxaa wbo ooea sot waal to
iaoce Deed sot da&ce, but b baa bo
rbt to reatraia tbe ocaa wbo d-i vast
to da ace. Tbe mac wbo tint care
to dr.ik w;se may rf a ir, bet be baa
o ricbt U day it to tbe aaa U doe
watt it. Tbe Baa wbo belt ecjoyi bis
eif by keepitz lit c.a aad abrd
coae by b.ra alj tbe tlat bat a perfect
riglt to tbat aort of etjoyaaett. bat be
baa so ri;bt to aarrei wiib tfco-e wbo
aee ft to k-ck oa tbe brifbter aiie cf
life and tpesd the-.r ts&e ia t-r.al gaiety.
A bnsbt. bappy aad ytyorn life, tued
w-jU tbe pire deJ ?att of tbst wrid. ia
by bo neact a mDac to tbe priocip-ea
of Biora:.ty aod probity
eit afor frMW 4a.
I a . o Ja. 3 Tp Rt.Vi-
eaaeai ist a.zv.t &mnai E. O Wrj-x
for l"o:l suw wkilur o tb firt ball-it,
0 ec twin WoJtmrt, a5; Bea. IS; Ta
bc 1. The &'jrsioat)a m aaa.l aaaoi
aooa Tt wrtira oorar Jan. 1
OkiR. Jan. S Fir j-Mcrlar moni
tetaa Y k4rj gjta tor. ow Ff-
tewcta u-ei. tti c !t, raawi da to
tb atrtck and b.li-z aflMutB;t abaut
170.00b. Fai t coverrl br nwaraAoe.
T o yomf mucreasta of Sa.'obrta. Cf .
took a iittie crjifyrvi firt i yar cni, ttJ ar
aad wt.p7i rr VerriUtj. al t-jen beii ber
ts a tr Dntl bar area wera bsraed out. Bba
will da. Tm bc-f aacapad
Tba crme court of ladiaaa waa
vera ia lTt4aiar. TtT talta effioa Drt
1t a fr u4 a m Killed.
XKwias, S A fnar aimj Br&w-a,
wbo bad tak farm fr.vm wticb tba taa
aata bad been ejected, boram iarolrad ia
pota jlh f tut nea owsroia be cocw
tit tbe larra and t t spma by ttem
aud brjta'y mwVrM 71 kiUi&z took
Pifcr" oa Im hiiay aer B-uUaajJoa Ta
polce bar tai ow arra..
PaJUB, Jaa. X. Tbe only .oriera to
vbuta Lef no of Honor 4waratje r
arl Twwiay are Mwara rSvribnec. of
tba acrkwJtaral defwrtit at W" ij-ux :
Xoaaon, a rioe eroer. of Ttai. aoa
Jaaf iir, of Xwouri
A Crer ia ln That ran4.
Loraoa. lu 3. A drp Btrw to Tke Chroa
itim t ram Vienna aara ts eora eradicate
wh tinM ao a failed, tba priea
f eora ww U i; li-.lf witat tae arwdi
erta patil tor t tKl?g w taat proiact.
SaooaXT. y T.. iaa. S Jamea Me
Tacae. a xv-Moner at Eaymoo'l ftreet
twJUH vrla carty yefrterJay wtoraisc
by btaariac kjm-4f Irtmn lUm bmra of Ma eail
,1 ItlllH 9 rstfi oVi a4 waa rwnmtfj
Silence is b -
-ntaf .
1 Few of lie Totals
From the National Treasur
Balance Sheets.
OKrWim at fart-sv
IriM f rwwi.pi ta the lnnyH
i (wtklif IbMl r AtM
Ai CaJi Maim Wwmt a w$
txw fartg ft,ry ia fit.
arfai 4iaat; fare's IbmI-
ffH-w, "i?a. Jva. Tbreirtcio
ia tba isL' .. ui- a; f--al.r tt
Wt t f . rr 5 trJ for tba e-
baif U toe rvrrrtt b -! rear I 1 ii2X
Tba Vxai i-b", t n tt itaiurr, 09
Jaa. I, as. aM tt.rr. tCi, asJ oa Jaa.
Ll, l!,Uv.ii'S. !wf-c in-aa--?
b "larfw a '--.iir Jaav J'sat rical
f:5. 144 Iwnrt5 irtt.-a "Iejdar
year ta a--jt r 1 1 --..'..t TV
prmripaJ oftt-tan ii-j mtr-4i-kjtmf
4-M baa bx t!i (T"J5."
P" Tr. aai arr'eal f tMI.Si
TVto a-4ai- tfee M vi.;i Far-.-; raiSivtd
rJB; t 1 r.i.1SJ 4 , t- . f I.tST,-
'- 1 . at! ;.iMiMay pja
i ia IS treasrr cm
Jta. !. i'. :'f.:i.jH. aaf fVl
Siif : v a B j""ja ax, a-t f mirmt 1, ..' t
14 iia "i I. Nt'j i U: fc-
fa-yH. r aoat b -. 9 rv t-- a soor-tk
T Ti ril f'i-'i t a.-'t'a :a iba treacary
baa -raji a':i '.' dariiA- r
p je.lt, a-l to t i '."Z.-
"1 tix- itw ( t lA'aircc. x -:Tc-f
i ajj) tri tciar bsi.ioi, H I iiy l.ill,
or 4.0.0. tibaa a m-jitb ar
CjTOT.Tiat rtirf aarvikf Ifcyj.-y -m-r ae
rrerabl ."-' -Xi, an: M'XJ m
Dareiber, !H-T Ctv. ;nc. j--;p h
mijr, !. "ira -af'i,
a t !.. .- tan u-.-T-cbt-,
t. al la'raal recc rwi; 4-irr;
t w-ftb ar ,..'-,.f cr t:at
Rro-;; fra ai kur- fro-n Jay 1 to
I '. ifo t ? 'f t-srT-m; fiscal
rear 1 ffi.rrt t-, r fct 2.-
ea'atb 13 ;-T u. ri-ai-
ilaM dunzz it 6r- n- ' f u rrt
CtfJ.'i) !-. tfcan f:r- .j-'r ta
frxtrKni a taeibcii : s7. f tba nj
rrwue ia f-j.i.ta- pr-.;.re-l a.'J) l:
fr ti.! 1t J.r.i.c 6-4', Tar, t
5',Xi i!ato !wri ra tt Tviat
x;aEi (v: l f jr t.,i j5r-iai-i . ).
0j t iTii.i ord tary x (- -. aai
t2Cyj, i-r-' ta tt tr y3 .tar5
Tie inv-rt-tt f aj on to ipu e Vt f :r
tfcaan nje.ti ar? a:t f "..').'
tt f r ttfc nrTi -.5 n-iijb
Stwrt -?rt t-t r.al ri v tf. m
a? ywiaT f,TT.i t- f-Jpfun; me
nv"a of tte nat'-.l u-ari -if trat. lail
te i. t.t aJjr-.i to t
a 4 Ifye of rr-i-i)T of tb
ta pr. ( --!;. t-. M
ar w-Lt f.- a) -.sp. r, iv J
fra4 tx. o:r ntr .-jf 15. :"s S- j . a: i
"tirijv. U t-!- rs. f-vr5 ti
o:.ar t 'ccb- a j.. t.- ait
a -a. t-ora tb r" -x a fr a r
cat 'f rr-t-ii ir ccxsuum
of Hf Ct. fj-ia: ai l
e;a-ea nsi reo j.-a t1- isc-l .r jr.3
c-r tm a-c a- j a - wt rajaxt
kmwa M : --- r,: tr ;.. .-o. a
vi v - rr j- f.
tXj- J.- 1 -y
atetrai I J
" Krpart Rayti
Taia m4
x lava Coam.
VT.a-i',T!i CrrT Jar 1 TV-td-prtJ-iot
t w.a : f .b.si? tie rwry, J
tte cffl-vai rport of
Ai-nm to S.--
r?-T Wbt-r Tfc
iatir di.i Is.- 2;.
ae-l reile tie f -t cf
t vc-rnrt Wer at ti-
B f " -rf ' " tV c',r e,r'rrftf
.J4-N, ; :woire-t
V-yr-V -A r.i.at avra
I,r OM-.r the al.
"v frTal atrv "ta jit
asa-iLaX LCCX ren ai-ial t) toe fcrv
tory of tbe liaTUwa RpoUic raw. Is r.
from arat I caa t-z It at e-a Jr as pl
aatf-i:y ttl ob't tSe day bf jr 05 r ar
r Tal tbe E"tn t ngner-t fai at to
d-umlrgtoii E.!.!i rre iM a4
br to " Tort. Tke ot.vrt of
ev4.-.f tie aaer to 5 Vjrk t-a be fc e
red cp to oar r eaue-r.t tas sot yet tea
ana-la qarwr cear."
Admiral Ioe aii a f"Jvt-T . as fc";ow :
I t to cil at:nUrjo (ottfrluw cousi
ia tba irate nu-kai B ' Trm tta it
a uf tr
al v .c aat6ai anta tM d-c .
Ta c-iaaa to wfcrb rbe Jai ra.' re'era
eoeta;-d .a a lcer t.- ii a-r Taoaipaso
froca Eaje argnoL ETten aerrttarr cf
fore ya aSar. ta wit-b it u obaerrel. aJV-r
rtatire tbe Eartvn f3Teratent Laade
cvil to r" tp toe ee uat "ai tbe us
t-tD tbe f vrnrana; luca as reocrra
ttcjt in a tat eoo5e"a tte j-sl-cjarr actoo.
tt akiea It itT bar ricnn befora tbe
AsMrtcaa ooart.'
Tlta atial Lawaaaker R-aai Baaiaeaa
at th OM Maaaii.
WaaBiiKJTO! Crrr. Jan. Tie nm
bii?.g of crtjr. after tie bxUlay reoeaa,
waa a qsiet affair, and tbe memtera Kosptr
beaa wberatbey iftc" and proroei to
bua.tw at oa-yt. Ii tbe wcav tbere u a
qecTifld. bot Uie bcaiM waa rerr ttio, on) j
aeeeaty-fira meibberi aotwruL Ua roil
call, la tbe eeoate Lopa prewutad a ma
norial of tbe aattoaaj board of trade faaor
aac aro pie a;ipropriaoca f or n.:ruaJ io-
te aai coast 0fwa. Caa-
preaeoted a pei-t jo of Ee-
(wblxraa ciuaewa of S mih Caro
lina avkiif relief from tbe state taw tfcet by
a prow of r airaUoo dj-.Tea tbeta of
tr rta A memorial waa alao prweated
aakir; tbat tbe oext cetie otettam a reoord
of tba scrriTic aa-uerass cf the war of tba
rebellion Tbe tan I Uil wa tbea tak?w ap
aad owe amdmeet adopted r-i a th 5 tba
duty oa cbaiBt leaa tbaa tbreettbt of aa
iacti ia d.agt- frcm 3 t3 L'1 ceta per
poawd. A I003 deba et9eJ oa Vt'a mo
toa to rrdoca toe daiy on eori-n tkreada,
ebv, frcea if eec ta pr poojid to IS pr eecL
avt ea'orea.. -vc, paadif tbe debate tbe esa
ale adoorBe4.
Tk? tow paawal a bill firing eot(kyea of
tba acsrarmg uod wnaSag bwaa tbwty
daya leare per ye isuaad of Cfteen ; alao
bill proridlac tbat ro grct or attorney tball
raceare fttore tbaa $3 l-jt rcuniij mcrwaaa
of paoaiooa: a'-ao a bu rcqninr j tba dtrlirery
of pee:al delirerr letters wbe-tber pewtaja is
pred or not. tbe same to be ooUacted from
tbe racMTfe- of tbe letter, Tbe rrrer aad
barber L.tl waa takes op, ad Baweroas ax
teKpts of oaembers to tbe apraxpriatioBS
for work ia tbetr states iocrewaed wera de
fewteai. Cbnad a Caally rawang tbe point of
no qooram agaiKt 00a of tbeai, aod tba
bouae edjcXDed.
rwweil Eaiiaaataw Tbeir Area at
1 we-rifLk af tba Cwawtr.
WasHiasTOjf Crrraa 3 -Secracary Vilaa
forwarded to eoezTeea jfjtr&AJ tba report
of 3. W. Powell, ebief of tba gwotogioal sur
Trr, cm tba orcaaisatioai aad praacotiow of
tba serrej of arid laaia ror tba pntpoaua of
irriatioa. He iwso-niiieads favorable aetiOB
oa tba sobct by coareaa aavl calls attew
taoa to tba farts tbat two-fiitfas of tbs wbola
area of tba Caited Scatta. exciwre of Alas
ka, is depeadest epeae irrigutiom tor its agri
csHnral operataoos; tbat it at ia tba main
poo tbaaa lands tbat fttore actC
ob tba public docnaia are to mat!
v4 i.
' ' ""
tbear Sjaauea. cm tbat airaJr tbsra
are tavaer parau ia tba regie of
arid taad eaf aed i 1 w--g cCber ee
lyrtm m So are a-1" tr rxpfrTBriTtni
t aCi rpoa tba pi'jUr laala. Ua rtcom
aaesaa tbe tasertron Jf a riaaae re tbs a-aav
i-ry eed tta ef(eopruta fSri.
VA to be erre&ird ci tle atteranrr taei
zatjoa br tba gt&og eal ssrrer of tbe erbasa
aai yrX.
AtiCrt otber tbiwi Profeaajr PoweS vbs.-f-si
tbat it stay be wise to eeie tbe laid
rared f re-errr r V tfee stages aai
! ritonas wsAtr nrtaia aiftioBs aad re
srarsioBt afcM-b w il ?eaIlT p erect
tbw tVT bcjrciiiJg tbe propertr of iadind
waia. 11- ako asew fc.at tbe procfjatioa
to iui re imaUe Itad fio MUt.aTtl. meat
aad onrsifaitoe, at t i it a,a3 bara baea re-atordaai-r
U.e fa2t?ad lityror
tamabia 0 tbe prfa ie-t, H orthr if roa
aira,u an.
rraarre frrr lull Tan Csria aasa's
tiiniiiMUlVt r rnmenc.
WasHiaeroa Crrr. Jan. 3 Mcer-sw of
Cal.f-raa ratat-l n 'kjH ta tbe boose
a Bwirial cf tbe -i C!br of eomsaerre of
rA Fravrrn ralUf e tUe atA' tito of tb
b tfi ia arr re rt.M of tbe
fa jrorwrwt a t Keitva i-Hrlvwlu(Hi
it rnarartertaa a 5 s-.ra-i.it t ) Anrna
M-teracta. rrw4 aad ti-t to tbe ea'jee ia
iVaUtacU. aalb-wtit- ti toe L "3 :-l
It SaU tbat tbe U-r:aT. p -v-nwej i
teit to aahait ti t4anit, aai as ara
m tbe tnjn; tate'i tte rUaaair of c:ei-m-r.
ta tbe aanve oT tbe f a- 3- rje, ra'.'a
e:?a -cTe ti tab" ?b O--.!! m!m ia
Pa-n.a U.at iram-si sir-u ffiar be eja
aviered, A B-iervs ri t -w i- p re-r-V.1. aad
tbe arren;t mtj tr il"T wi-jb
Ureat Einta-a aai t'aivi .-jtr-t ia re-
jari to tbe ini-tn of tbe camoaa
avV VW1 u?raLt It fvrtbee aara it is
nil aol-!-rt.l thit 1 1-t usvrV.Tixr
by tbe America orMiiv:;t ia tbe Sa-a-je?j
Hle-vi "tt b f. -. ,! fe part cf
Gmiar It tae ae a;r--M ta tbe
Hisui tajala
e-atr Niaeaek If
!1 Tata ta !
t-Ftert A
U',si?;r. Ct
frra !l-&.k, t'f
'er-dsr 'f 7-a for
Pr--i-i- t-- Hirr
bias about .,xt piwry
Bat aiai:n-ru v
!L-rc-k ti iit bia
Ml w Yatfc.
"T. J ia i -fviat jr
Yurk. le t fcre Tee-
aaapo-.H to Ttt
-soi aol o-om t a:th
a-i tfc -abTst of tise
Karr.K?n ten;!
, ani be t ex-
rrvi at Inijtesr'.'l
Harrsn b ts mv4e
f ?r sore t.rwe. jn.
ar?ul tr. a a 11-7 cf tte
' fce . Tan -
r n aioit ii Mat o.
iva bo te rit-'ti
i4 tie f ctt for far t
Mtr5s- t ai-in
; tt ti rU
l-'-aa in ?-a
tar--i ttat te waes
1 tfa b--r of rt :ri
-af v--.tor do T5C
a-i-or eculi at;
rf rre-s l ct Hirr
V.rt. aal it i rar
to e Se?a-or Htrk
si: earaionT. R-;i
t t'i.-k taat H--k
t a pia -e ia tve iratBt
A (.itftsM lane States MarUiala.
Ws5!S ,T.'- ITTT Ja3 S Tfc- faer
y"triay lavi befoe the boon a letv-r frr-m
1 fee uXVA-rtt tjeaieral trann:tti'i5 a Itu-r
froes E. 5f &:Tk;a. laruii l-jr Sjta Caro
lic He a-i tiat tte -a a ia r-frl to par
itt rf marb; t ctas-i c ttat mar--tt
ttr? mwr us aa-idt-i iTaiy
hi-t to dej a:e. intr-ai of Apo bar
ing to nti? an al;j oye&t f toeir a--?o-ct
le-fore rev-e r 15 t .-e.r ptr. 31 jctt. be vsra,
irjest-T eUf aXu?r if-ct t.-T maie
caw ao-i atfasroel twwt oqi of te-.r 09
pv-keta to jt t7 bfxetber are re
iaslvrt UiiM tw d-ay ta toe adiii
rr,x of a-rix-rsU of m.'vi) r reneii.j.
Mar-1 &-Tti ya 10 Stta Carviiaa. at
Ma-t. tbe execti-a of tbe rr iti ari
be fraKjraaT nipeuiM.
Tbe Pith ar the liaaaiaratiaw P.-aort.
an'-TO t."iTT Jaa. 3 K jr-i. cfcair
05 of tte b-Qw" -ttee f iar.i.:aratio9
-3 o -at.-:l lab r, k, j rtcrad frrm M .-b-izaa.
wber b t tea eoaf-i daring tbe
po.t fear iva ia U(r.a teiTr. T&e
vnxor taken. Ford Mm. a. t Voci a a
:oportat rttrwr b3irijr M ,
ps'pa4e ri-v s:r.i y tbe r-- ;ra- law
t-at tire "rT! -rs.ttee t i--:a 5! ;st it u on-oeos-rT
to tike fu-.t-or te:i3r Tte
me.ni ;i t- en u1, tod tbe ciTtrai idea ttt
tbe rT-ort, ar aril fces aU ci-ers wsli
ciuJrr, U te tilt all pe-rioai a bo lo o
at-are u- rin aad rcpoi! rW;,ti of t&is
gt:iet-a'-r. b-it ooiy e. t i prperity
a-vi prifi: L-y ut:i "af. va i b- e
Soiet fp-la;w Aaaeadaaeat.
Wa&Hiir CrrT, Jaa 3 Sprit. zer of
Ili:'vt rairJar la ;t bj
j Ant re;u;ica p07 it; an ialimit to
tie exii:ati :c It roJ for tbe elec
tion of tie feJect ijaj Tire pre-. -lent be
a direct rxe of ta- pnvje ai f ir a V-rtn of
ax yark It mim tbe fritit joetif.Ue
fir a wood bH-m a&i xsi tbe term of
OKtbra of pf-eir'rat to toree y-irt, tbe
urtn to eapre IV- SV It also ye -.-ride tbat
eab a of ox.fc r ata-i iievr.o toe first
Wedoeaiar :a Jart&ar- ia eaHt fur.
TVe ran IB
TtXKi. fr at loecc?ri.
reri-jr-tei to tbe wf j
t:H afwrirla:t3r b
ar7rvpn'c of f
yr."tr -ai- a of f.-'.yr'j.t
a'iaas RilU
. Jan. 3 Sayert of
00 ay.f rtprtatjoos,
ev.rlT tie fort;fi-a-11
IirroriisfcT ta
. at axa-rac aa ap-
t-r aoi aa e
or t"X Tie large-
itetn 11 toe t-iil lrt
se psrctaie of Rbma
oeceasary apyj.aarea
nae icio aol tbe
to cera'-e thn at I
f jt atx-Ti f-.M'"? n y
yn or: ; aeaports.
Mew art Sen ra B ts Oppartaait.
Wiitusm Crrr Jaa. 3 Whia tbe
seeat ti dettsUag Ue tar.? U.i yaurlay
E tea art of Nevada fottba Cor aai eaei
taat be f'Aiad tbe tar.f qaetiixj lauaaleiy
conaecrtai wita tbe qaXMa of rooaey Be
wcld tber!ore coo der taa bnedy ta
eoaaactt :s aiUt eara octer. He tberecpoa
prooeede-l to reai a k z eyMe-rb on tba sab
sc cf KdTer eo.aca
Tfce t lair MilU Claaiac bawa.
St. Icra. If 5., Jin. 3 In ecordasce
n Us arrrefrrt tbe earel into at tba MJ-
aake-aTettlow of ci.lers.all tbe Cxtnc
mills of tkanty. sare rvt, tbe Ancber m.U,
Hoed down yetvrdsy. Tke Ascbor mill
a-ill abat 4oa a no a as . it lis oi or two
important ordn it ta- oa bead. Uoder tbe
Mi.waatee azrenBnt t miLs ia tbe aricter
a beat belt an.! eitbr cioas dowa or ran oe.
ba-f time dorir.a tbe preatot caontb.
A Txi Ia4r Sta4V
at baaKa Heeaelt
Ctrrzxastn. O.. Jit
s An Oberlia, O.
rperial say tbat itm
W aberrao, O . a stol
Jfary B &'rmio, of
u'al Oberiin rtjiege.
ooaDitSel rsiode y
teriy by sborAing
beratif " ta a revoiri
Kzaed as tbe canse
proebioest in oortbera
aad a orasin of Mrs i
Jr.. of Tcieda
r. Orer-stoly is av
Tie yoon? lady was
Osio a-x-M7 irrls
latberford B Hsres.
Tba M'saer HaitMa Rewablic.
yrw Yorc Jan. 3 Tbe Sea's sparial
dirpatrb frtxn SenUa de Cuba says thai
tbe United States steadier Galena is toariajr
tba steainsb';p KayUea Repobiir to tbat port
from Port -a a Prince At Sastiazo de Cuba
tbe Haytiea rVpcbii? trill await ts arrival
of a crew from 5a York. Sbe will tbea
take aUard a cargo of ka-Dod and sail for
faWoc-ate ia a Itaratae; Hua
Tzkrx HiCTX, lad, Jan. i Tbs rwa
deaoe of icra U srail, a clerk, was
burned yesterday, lira. Oerald sal ber two
ebildrea, a boy and a pri, were takes out
ia aa vaamanam coat ittoa. Tbe boy dtai
Last atgbt aad tba ett er it expected to dse.
Tbs or pa of tba fire h eot kaowa.
Cat Tailiawr 1 ataJl r Bart.
LocisniiJt Ky., Jsa 3.-Cai Toitirer, a
eousia of tbe waumiaam Craig To'lirer, a ra
poned f ataiiy woasded at Xirtiaabars, Kf.
Be got ioto a drsakea )aarreJ witb a yocog
movataioeer named Traak Atkiaa, vpoe
wbom be draw a katfa Atkins strack Toi
lieer antb a scale wtigtt. kaodciag bun
srmw 1cm. At but repc rta Lis cooiitioa waa
eoasidtred daaga-ows.
Tessi Haracr, 1 b
Jf Cdrraxau J 3. lewisUurser.cbarged
witb embezzling f 'V.OJt from bis empioywa
ia Cbkmzo. baa coaueeVcd" to g9 back, asd
left fur t bieaga last ait tt.
' -':i'.."..r.'. f . .'.'.'..'.Mm, 1 1 1 1 1 n ii
Aii Insane Czarina.
The Russian Emperor's Wife
Mildly Unbalanced
tW Atleaaat aa tbe liar's Life by Traia
Vreekias Besas tbe Eaat Mn G '--ataaa
aaal tke Pawarv A Emit Le-tlee
Clsiac tba ii- O. M. iiai Irvabie Irh
TeaaaSs Hake It Very ua for aa Esir
tiaa Parti Esroatss 9atea.
losnoa, Jaa. 3. t-t can tbe -rekiag
cf tbe rxar's train at Borki tbs exariaa bat
offered from mental dprem?a, wbi-ia has
iarreajwi t j a p nt ca-isia; tbe utjel anx
iety f -.r ber beallt. li-r Tyvuas ckwely
reftb!e tw isi'iir wntj ber eter.
tte da -be- ff Csealeriaoi, was tfned
3r ti3e a?o.3l prcf Bikia. tbe rsr
ias s rers ar byc-iaa, t. elri.i t caar
to tare ber trai-i or pr -jfesajr Lerieel jrf,
of Vieersa, usitr w- treuaeat tbe daca--
of CTEt-raJ aa rare! T&e aluost
ataJa- crti-ty tbt tbe dter
to ta cr.r' trala at tbe re
"3 t 'nt a era si TOcr.racT. aai oot erf
a r- kwt, a at fist sipioael. h fral tnocb
to d- ib tbe etv-ict'i uyTrtwl deyre-J 30
t-f ipn. ad it u belii ttiat a o?vb
on'-iie t j-i tr ; vf P.ur. f or a Un
w-ii rr?e fcijfclr bnS.ai t-j ber
He Writea a lartfer aaj Tbea f'crj-Mt
Wsst Be ai-l. Aaareatly.
Loi:. Jsa. 3 A few Ly ct tbe
statesnt f-iiUril tbat Cia -Ct, ia a
iftter to a frrno ia tba :tr. bad d?ciarf-i
tfce petloa of Uie p-pe a to terr-pora! p?a r
sb-A.il l male tbe Hii.-j-: oi ir-ter-sti-exal
erbitratr-ei trr4rt- baen-l t
prata from 'srea dic iamiig tbs
ttmect ai Lsiparitxg toe a.raer
rf tfce traiiaton cf bi i-tter.
brt was antterj 10 Pa no. Tfce
Tablet, tbe Grpaa cf tbe R.jrnaa Caiboi.-.a.
intias that tfce first it.it-3vsiit was djrrect,
arj Mr. C"X. tbe edi;.--r Tfce latiet, isn
tbt tbe l-tt-r fr-jn G.aitoae ear:r refer
to tbe yro p:ioq of t? po--r. aal be
placse at ie tr a-.i Glaitooee W;wr to Ital -iaa
and tt traa.i-atoa to Ea'.:a. pr. rLaj
tbe act:ray tbe trass atK-n fci--j tjlai
Ve diard BTjtra-' w-tT.
Giaitocit s aoris ia a r.tnj to tbe Jvlar
tjo is Poe are as fVica-i -I c-in?ii-!r tbe
j-seii -f tbe pciy' jKf .U-jo oi lia
pir'aBre as to merit tbe iBierreoti'O -f ao
it U-rxAtKT.ai art-:rauxi. I toat tfcat I was
tbe yrjr-ow of te i&tematiooal artntratioa
m ciectci artb tee iaiaat qeU.ca.
By Kiti a roetbod it aooVi be p.': ie to 00
l.ci tli- d fS-Til.T relat.n- to tae VaU -i "
Tbe Pa.! Mail traafte cphoii tbeaorurary
of tte traaasuoo, avl ai Gaist--wi ti ei
t-iaie wtat be tre-t tf be d e net rav la
tercatlocai artu-au-a oa tbe pope's pa.3 A
4 Palica Mrtnst Pat Hon 4a Caasbat
tiaal sttrsdrr.
DsH.ns, Jau. 3 A wri-t (4 rerr exnting
e a-.ail an tr.clfoa from see O 'bert
eate in C-'ictr D-seiral ye-Vrisy. A
b:ai.kim:tb Bsnvel O I anU Lai stmr jiy
barr-.d-l kit t oo, ai toe 'ja: and f.-n-atie.ofiiiji
to an eotraoe t-r
jtcrm arre wi-rai fcaiet rpu!d In one
of tte a"ea:yts Sergv McOomb receiTeii
eeTere pibSaforx wja . ia tbe cbrk aoi
b-g ai aerKKU iajurw axit tte bead from
tbe toje -th wii-h t-e attac'ii yarsy
were pe.t-i. aoi wa rme-i av eatireSy
dab.i for farther datr. Kinsing cbe-
from tbe brtaidrs greeted aa--b ta-retTe
repula of t-.e po.n-a aoi baj,i. F.ca;iT.
aben tbe aoll.en were crlered to Sra upon
tbe boose tie bete-e1 party were airUed br
Father SteyberM to 3rreoir. aal tbey did
x Ten y--s wre arreied. mc.oiia
Father M Falien. sm.l tte of tbe
(TO i
Ita!l4oa-d be KinC Milaav.
BtxoRarc Ji-v i Tbe eoeam:nee of
forty -Cre ay prvruted ty tbe tkaptectiiaa to
repret 00 tre new contittiU-?n being nnable
to ajree. owing to th iiteooe of Use Rad
icals opjo tbe si yj-.i-jo of aatterwH immi
merit, eot a dpcta:0Q t tbe king Mro-lay
to inform bim of tbeir dfficultse. Milat
aagrtiy saj.1 that nrCvm tke constitatton
was ya'aed as it stool be wooli diasoire toe
skay4ar-biaa arvi rale tbe crctntry as be
puel Tbe 4e'-'.!i retire-i. an tfce
nomitu at a Iabesr mer-tia dect ie-l 41 to
i to roe for tbe ronstitotcj as it st.t
la Caateasa of tke Paraell taart-
LoT&Qf. Ja 3 Ssr James Kanoea,
prwdeot of tbe Parnelt comniaetn-x. t in
LoodoQ tnt the y-orproe of cooferrin witb
bis associate coram usioaers ia tbe matter of
aaotber eratesnpt caae opoo wb -b tae cntn
tcia43o will act at is next ai:ttcg Tbe
ideality of tbe peraia or persons beli to be
ia coctemy-t not dbjcovl. aad tbe s:ien?e
olaerr-ia co this point ts rreatin; a fe?itng
of BTTaQoea! in tbe breasts of many per
toes wbo bsre expremed toemeTs coown
ing tbe artum of tbe comainvcis, in print
and ccber !?. qaite fraeiy.
Mara Haaaea ta tiladstaate.
SirLU, Jan. 3 Giadooe Ttsited tbe
mnmctpai pala- ye!erJsy and was warmly
rare red. Tbe wbole coaocil aarab5ed to
weiecma bim. aai be was greeted w th mili
tary boncra Tbe syadtc, ra tbe name of tbe
caty, deiirered an address of we'core, aai
tbaated G.adstooe for bis pest serving to
Italy, aad esp-ctallT to "ipi. Ga-hiooe
was deeply morel. Ha reep&oied bfieflr,
and was wii;y applaodi at tbe cc-ocustoa
of ba remarks
Tbe G. O. M. laterrte wed.
" Pobb, Jan. a Tbe Riforma pai-bnea ar
tatereiew enta Gdstooe in wbjc'a be re
jects tbe idea tbat Ireland wtk boens ruia
wonbi bvuM an tBStrameat of tae papacy.
This woali bs taipjaMbia as Ireland baa
many protested am jag ber pobUcal lead
era. HeoatJered tbe temporal power of
tbe boiy see iaromoaub&e. witb oaity aai
liberty ia I:a!y. He dassrai tbat erery
mark of re--p-c: sbooli be paI to tbe pope,
and expreasal bis inteatioa to call at tba
Yaliraa during fcts toor throagk Iialy.
W aatew ta et Kiat a( His Weotea.
8CAKiM. Jaa 3. A daaartes' from tbe
Arab camp ears tbat Qanaa attempted to
seed tba womea of ba harem to Koakim,
fearing trouble witb tbs derriabea. Tbe
worn 11 wra started, bat were stopped by
tba Arab scoots aad sent back to Hsadoob.
Tbe derrkbea are eery taapicsoin of O-anan,
wbom tbey accuse of traarberX.
TVe wreatknr w7a afar Expert.
WastnCT(y, Jaa J Tbe fottowiag are
tbe weaubrr ntUtin for Uartjrwi bowrs froes
e p as y-nanf tut w
Fair. sKcbtlt- ararrrtrr weatber
Uom, sJtrbUr rualer ia aorta vmera poruoa;
waada heptwaiaa artrtbweaLwIr. For Xkaaaa
Faa. aarawr araasaer, except fa aartbweaa prw
tioa of tipper aarbtaa. x4er; aoatbweaterrr
winde. wra, to aortbwqsterty aad bacombtg
brmk rarladiaaa aad Iltiaois Fair. warBaar
weatbw, aoutkansterlr wiada.
n, MS ' . 11 'ii.' .-iV.- n,-,;;-r -1 --r w ...T;; , r
Wanted, a 'Sheriff.
of the Metal of the Birm
ingham Man.
EaeaeaJiaciy "Priaaittsa--
tbc Ticxaitr a XI akal ak Saae tHtaeas
Waa Tkiak Isn Are a Uetis Taw
Primitive Tirtaaa Attack br 3CrTaee
aa a fcaatb Caraliaa Feasor Tbe Etea
sirrasrm Kraieiy Beaiew Oet
SHrvraLAX. !Mia , Jaa. 3 Tbree basdt
af fire nww eat:, bail hr Wibiaa Hare
ioe of tbe Be aligbtir it tae al-
teupt to k.U to D-ro H&ary Tom SSc
Gere, aad Frack, bare aerer grraa up tbe
fctat amotsg tbe njeatalas I'jt tbe f ajirjre
aegroa crrrBt,i i tbe Waaxlak "mas
arre. Tber bare ciaie tbeir read-sra
at a yia-a called tae trails Ha- Last
Sua 1st tbe -rtti9 aet ia to KU'jialsk
feir stipyCna. aai tt was learaei tfcat tbe
maa-feuaters bare tauri-ri ftrasr Bgroee
Wide Oatbam. Aatbo&y V der, Z.ar-k
Vaary, aad ritiir rNV"sis.
Z-a'-k Meary was af. wtiie tbe wfcrts aaes
were tatting to btsa ia bw erXsoa r'n aa4
wtile be a as yrvtestjr jr ttat be knew aotb
tag ei Hit a bereabouts of bat brwtber Gware
Cbeatbsw was bot m tbe back-yard of kss
boas after be bai e- d;wn oa bis ksiees to
tbe wtlre Bee ar.d b-jii f jt bis bfe. An
tboar H i K a L'teet vjiier. wbo was witb
Great at Yt-.-ksbarg, ra-t br tte dper
ai iee 19 tae roa 1 a t- wa g'jitg wiii a
ld of crK-.eJ to Vaaalvk. TheT qes
tvxied ti!- aal be aaid be ksew Botbiag cf
tbe Wafealak ,m-ir Tsy t-.4i bi-at ttat
Cbeattb tad te-trayed iimasd sbowed
brm bis txaroe 0-1 a l-t tt bai yrpmred.
He was der-Mied aa.J tbfi.t tfcT bai b?m.
He drrfii Lii ct-a fc:. an 1 crwj tbem
arj ail tbe afeile rr2 t l!"lrr.-pt. sayirg
tbat be fcad stA at K-erur Idaurj- lual cirbt
end afb-r !ury bad fetl bad tmi at
reore V-icijon, wo raa so fa-t tbst be
eoiln't pt a "Osklr sisbt 00 bins Tt afci'-e
Diea bt-t fciut and br-.i fci Itrir, a tb-y
fcai tbe two otier. by &izi.riz iftaik.a b-jl-
and rcaang t ..os upjo tae d'rt afw toe
c- jryw a a c- --r i
list ardey tber raogtt St; fee Sieots, wbo
bad ti ia aa aian 1 --i fa fa oear
lt ta ckt It t-w abere be was
ex-?ef4 b d-i-.vr. Ti mta-batitert
wat.-b?.l Dr f jt t '.;r iey.aa 1 a i&a uir-k
acme fresh-faki cirn trl Vj ber father
tfe-r f ;ir.w-J b-r ,.,.1 found fcim He bad
aa H-'la Wi s;rs-c-ua. a-d tb-jwi fbt witb
an ax. He a sjo Ure ti'e bef.jre e
fell Hrt daisMer. 11 teror, t 11 tbe buat
ers tbat G-ge lejrr bad e-ipvd
f r-n tie eoactry, tat list Waiter
Cro.)k. tbe ober Ink tji tbe ce?roet, bad
beea ail witb ber faxaer tbr davs be'ore,
and a&i trft to g o to a oejro ia tie cr-nntrr
wboae isbw ce dtl on kaaw aai bor
row s'sa tn-joey to ttk b-m aurtb. Tbe
wfcua men bare eot -.r i to tbtir frteads ia
tbe reentry to i - j tbeir aatcb ab-at tbe
coootT lines aal Use iw.-n-m jt trains 00
tfce Moiii & Ujto raur-ai. stKi runs
teroob tbe county.
Tbe nw-r-bar.u of tbe eoaoty bare bcan
to ttvi ltUrrf to Sber.ff J. R. Key. at De
Kalb. ioumatTcg tbat it m Uoe for bim to
li-p toe bi xly " r-rk. All tfce acro killed
carae.i i;tJe farni a or. b from l-VJ to I..J.
A'l of tbeae farms bare Iwa ieci;-.i at
Li;b by wt;te nea. Tbs crro-aitaoxa
b&s aroM-i toi,e"atKo ao.cz cct-serrsUTt
men btra K KjoeoOa.m. a njermant of
IKalb. bo passed tfcr-xia S'suialak t
Ur ia r, c-n bs war to Sc b.'ws. said: 'IT
caa see now what all tbw f u was aboot. It
aa ssr a te:btrtcol row. TaeT
wantei tL ceroes' ia&a. aoi tbs-T Te
CcbritEL?.ilL .Jaa. 3. Tbe allegad Wa
a'.ak 5 r. to wfc.caf jar oeircwsare report
ed to bar beea k .5. ad. mot be creaky ex
arzraiei otbin caa be learned here re
Zard.ng it. A y-r-,rate Wtter frri-a IVaba'ak
Taely ad eT-rythmg ws quet. If Ere
c tbe n-sr-j tsplscatei 10 toe recect
troeiteea bars beas caagbt, it simply m-aus
deatb ft tb in.
Atlatt, Ga , Jsn. 3 Toe staff corre
spoodear cf To 0;iuta-Tn te;?crapbs to
be paper fron l-rviaa. Mia, as folka;
Tbe VVabala's trar o toe realt of
a race ar. It a at naipiy aa aalawf-1 at
la' k ipr, tbe tcnie of a cr-?red man, and
t.S kiliip; of two cf tb- a-sa::sntj. aad tbe
"ibjierii par-nit aai jcuriyr of aereral
bla.k men by Tbe la'.m-
oes ws yrnitbl to catber farca tbrocgb
tbe cu'yatle iad fferen--of aa iecompeteot
s,ber-.fr. ca aboae t-al tbe respoasiULtj
triut be laid
Tke Try t rtaih tbe Job witb Marder
eKMt ti.Jpe tirave taiwilf.
Ccttbaia, S. C , J m S Istvr Ststront
ill J n an i Sit tire-rn. H-ree. desperate
-roe, ateaiyiel Tuevjay cizrtto rob anl
tn-jriMr tbe family of J t flirt, a large
yiact-r of Iamatil cooaty. After robbing
tbe tmc e- boune aod re-ro. n of a large
quantity y-rcvijae. S-trook entered tfce
bei-rocrn of w l-.ei.nra bin, ae-i 1;, and
atterr.ple'i to ti! ber. Her K-reams
erouv-d 1 er father, who was repeated. r
kno-ted d .n by S.-tmtik. As Mr. Birt
aod bts dacgbtr H on; to tbe nero tbe
three fell down tbe ttaira. Here tbe Birt
wre reinforced l y ta? larg? fox boojvii.
whK bee ii;trunk lees from tbe bipa
do an. but be wa iJoaiy makiaii bts escape
when Mi P. rt feU--l bi.n witb a board and
en Jii tb- ft-bt
Sba laea Herself aad Daacbter witb Pa-
IWaaae af Her Mither-4-Laar.
Chic A'Vj, Jin. 3 Mrs. O Iary, !:na Bj
J Gurlcy strret. wife of Wiiliam OTary,
an empiore of C P. Kimba'l. the carrisie
maaufarturer, prrAnttr $ic-e-l-l in kiil
iag kere3f arl K-r tchirj- daughter
' laJ-t mzht wiin rvboile ae-.J. BntJt arere
gjren strorg emettrs and taken to tba bos
pttal, bwt no bopea are enterta-.oed for tbeir
r-enrerr Mrs t Iarr left a letter to ber
bost-and statin? tbat lbs einae of ber des
perate st was tba interference aai d mio
eericg wy of ber moUter in-law.
A Beats Tea Steaa ta live.
"zw Yoex, Jan. .1 Mrs. Anna Sed!er, of
ICC Grand sireet, Hobokao, after being
beaten by ber droskea kosbaad oa New
Year's ere, tried b-j kill ber hrtU boy Albert
witb rat pcron. Tbe boy refused to ta allow
tbe dcee, and hk cries brotigbt occupants of
otber rooms to tae tenemeot, who tared his
life Tbe rortber c-xif 1 tbat she iatended
to kill all f Tit i-f ber rbildren acd berself.
Sbe is dyir.g of conoTtioa. and is
about u azi-.n become a motoer
Kefaaea fa Plead laaaaltr.
pHMori-PHiA, Jan. S Mrs. Harriet
P-orrow, wfa charged with tbe marder of
ber bo-baa I, William Barrow, ty disetn
bowetitg bim witb a razor ia August last,
prefers tbe callows to tae insane aylam.
&be dtims tbat aba is sot insane, and bas
r.rk-rd tbs autbority of Mrs Carrie B KiJ
gore to act a. ber attorn y, oa tbe ground
tbat tbe ani;i present no dfen-e except tbe
plea o insanity.
Blaailr aad Ieedlj f ictat ia M iaaiaei ppi-
xw OkLEasa. Jan. 3. A special from
Aberdes, Mbev, aayt tbat near Fentraai bast
ereoing. Frank aad James CuSeman, acd
Cbarka aod William Delay fought for poa
ssaiioB of a farm. Frank Colemaa and
Cbarlee Delay wre sbot dead. Tbe two sur
Tirort coatinned tbe ilgbt aod both ware
badly wounded. Twosuxertof Dlay were
allgbtly aroanded whiae 'looking on. Tae
partica are promioent citizeas.
Prwmiweat Miaaaariaa Mardered.
St. Locis. Jaa. 3. Tbe dead body of Jobs
Marba, of Wasbingtoa, Ma, was fooad yea
terday morning on tbe Iron Mountain ravefcs
bear Gratiot street. He bad been robbed of
a gold walea aad aU of bia money, aad tba
police believe be died from is joriea snataiiawi
ia resisting tba robbers. Martin was a can
didate for congress ia tbe Saveatb diatriet
against Hattoa two years ago; aod waa a
desegate to tba last Cfccago rmreatioa.;
XoaJi Bad bis family illuminated tbeir
grand saloon, with aa ark light.
- ' - - - .i. . a-s-a ..-1;---i.a.aT:, r.Va. W . i . ,i..,.r. ..r... -
lbs lUiaois iegisSature satMU Jaa. 9.
Kxs. Jay Guaud is very ill aad Ekafj ta
pas stj at aay xsomeart.
Tbe ata-ewie exntrt of tbe Uiti!ad Statea ra
aauuJ ts irai wTedBeadar.
Tbe lmi'b of J-Aa Brtgbt, tbe trglisb
statveaaaa, etriulifctpgs to i&prwra
Tbe C-pbbl:iaa eaartiS of tbe Maine lerria
latarv rsuaiaai Fry a tJt txmeXkm at aea
alor. Tbe Cb-aee gorerssmt bas demaaded
fanbar tiam to eoattxdsr tbe aaw traaty aad
if tbe deecaai le retwled wiB refass to eoa
fcider it at all
Jadge aad Mra liarid GreeaJaf. wIl
kaowa reid-'Sts of Ceribage, l it . tali
breiad t s x'setb aaa-'Teraary 'A tbeir taar
neze Taaiay.
St-ttvr Gecege. 'A XawawspcA, aai Seaa
tor H ni-tnt, iA S.tb Carubaa, appeared
iatbesesiale js.kmlr Wadeisy far Xbe
fir-ft bat ti.t mtoeL
ikwier A Hi!. esgar tBaaafactcrert, Bj-i-ia,
. bare f aiwd. aod IV?w1r is mzss
icg. it it statnd tbat tbe UabDitief ar; tis
tee ti'.'t-' aid
Tbe tanc stlrrtsi by Spriaeer of I J o s
tcr tbe Urrtvjry of Waabiopoa, jf it be
comes a state, if Tacxcaa He bas istroiawi
a bill ia tae boose for tbe s-lsaa of
Aril m aai Idabx
5w Hs tet:r is rodulgi9S ta a eoor
tatjueai mermxi-ja witb H d-Mr-gal
Cbartes H. BeU bas beesi fcJe-t -d preadeat
Tt Pr-KjiU'tioaists are wvrtiag f.-ir a pro
blbslory aat-iirt.
Ibrr V L. S-aidar aJ wife, of irnabitig
t iq C.ty. parvus 'A M. I Sji1e-. Jr., of
Cskago, Hfcrr I. iadder. of Martoem,
W.. aad rf H En,lv fV.-odier, ct Feri
baaJt, Maaa. o Vers V-i tbr gs-d-e-n wi
im TiT.
A yoscz cjaa neji AaibcrrrT is tbs.ayp
pod rr-ci--i-rrr 'A LiefVr Wood, who wts
stabd ia tbe tter-fc at a aocial c-stberisg in
a 9rr--0!! lou. ta mil-ss et of PAtm. I' is .
Teesisy Kl-t Y2- Wiis erpjfel is
ti feer s artm. Tb mrirtT epei
Maadera-et pretei atoe ste VVei--day
tbe ye-riu'ra cf tb WMsaa't 5a5ree
ajriaaon of X-rl-a-ta ia feror of aliowjej !
obw r:? f-!r dieza'ea tt cjui;ta-f
tooal cs!Tti--a ia ree A tbe ajrL;HiS:Ca
tf Dskc"a. H .-ataiia, Waeiisfloa asi 5ss
Rapbael J Prias, retail -dalsr ta bs
aai bos. CbKago, etfe?i jaijunras
tTe4uesJiT efseroai to tbs a-rmat of t . t,
Otber liabilities dae t sbo rataj-fa-tarers
in tb east atoo".t t? t' i.f.Si Tbe
asork oa baoi niTetitji f-'b.t.l, aoi boc4
BOCOUOtS fox BO i'2,UJ.
J H- Kest-:i, a toei3ii?r of tbe Erifcab
kcce of c.-rc m--, is exnieg to tbs c-caatry
to adsoraie a pftny yrjttaee fcir Itst-rrs be
tween tbe to r-"uotjfea. He ears tbey ar
carried now fur at.t 1 ceot a W-ttr. aoi
tbe Briljss p-ietr-ffsie clears i.lVXU a year
(attain!. He w;il ap;ar ter,' jf e s-aaerw
on tbe sat
IeSii!aB f ,w 1,hiji- eilr.
LTrfcrifT, Jai. i T.s P.-pstav?a--d of tbe
Ki.krai ;i-'tire j-iaJ JirM S-Md
iaa. t-f LrKt.
-f e a aitr?
r '.isuf a-.tti'TMS 'J toe
tifele. I'l .j:si:ostio
f -r tt Ut..s-.d rftr
sxij rsfciy. itit
'i I C t t t'J MSVV-B-i
1 - en VV Pal:i)'-
- -i--i-i 1- K.V.;-
j 1 .ar.. "L'j as re- r
a Ijt. t-(?- s
JaJffc MMOJ-ajs. -ir ja tbe rs.-t'
Ts -rr Coana CatUa'iea.
R'ASaixc-T'.iT Cttt. Jva o Tl t-:iBTa
ti-Tti kA Oior-i K -crfcri t a'b .'i' T-sVwjsy
'l-rti It.-).; H hail, o.' .., yj-HSrlvtt.
A ree.'u:. i cif gr- -. a-vi a-tir. toe
ron-'s b-enar " i-r-i to i se'jt f.
P-oe. Per. Father K .171-- P.tis
lr, ral a fp-r e'-:'!-!: -'jar Wore.
tV ha: Our M .s-ionar.e Hi'e L-t ia Af .v
A oii!x ber cf cji;3ti3:'ati: trm L&tc
acd an-t,tiii. sal s-j-i R.maa CattK
Ix eocseUe ttr--"rb.: tr coartrr. rzret
tirkg tbeir iua'..f:.ty t- a-t oi tre cjuv.flti.is.
were read. At nrb; :.-ie d-?'.-giiet stie1 ir-i
wriR. ',n tbe fi'-ired H. -Tina Catbii.c
ctorcti atii ij.tie; ti is i ircf 1 7 Arvi,-
bti;':p E. irT.
A f.hanttT I of IadeceeCT.
Nt Yoits. Jja S.jti I"tiio;a new
yep r- ju--: r-- it-1 --?-ro u,? rrp-rt tist
ia cS-r ii mid., lra Cait.l
C'.i-1 il-.. u ;t? I t i ii-an irTera
Heott? - '' .. ,r p-rn:h a t- tx .-iut
tbe bc-a ,. Cl. ... u, ia tte 2cat?
f car f oar rears. I oe rjrernnvrit y-crpt;y
refael lw !T.-r. fl the tf exr-r?
great iai.a:tti.iri trat Mr. Atw..i siM.j
baTe iei. t-ii atd ta to - .-m Ti.t pjg
gest thst te S-.--1J i he r -a ied
N.-nt Mr A-wi ba t-n recalled.
Tbreaieaiac a tieseral BaTCatt.
Cairaiic.. Jan. 3 An eseaioa; paper says
that iir. Carener, cbsirtcsn of tae bratber
bood pmiiV. cow bie to ccafsr w.tb tte
V c-fSctals relaure t- a sf.:ajat of ti
Striae, deciare tbat if tbe sail oSialsdo
not accept tte prrr-t.'..va t-T-rei by tt
comaaittee a peoerai r k ani b-ye-tt will
restit, so naraai-eJ tti-st 00 law wui be t.o
lated. Careoer i qaotrrl as sariag tbat
Eobert G. Ica;er;il ai'l manage tbe I-al
eod of tbe LsMoes
f hicao.
Chw-iv. Jaa. .
Quntatiocs i-t tb- --art ;4 trao- Ut day raci
aft2"i-s Vi! Vj i Januarr. c-ool : .ti
rtwed 9-V-: way .--1 $; (Ct, ioai $;
Jnir. op-rei V 'r r!.i-ed fi.,- To-a S.? -Jtnutrr.
ou-tpsi 4V. cioi lVbrTiarc.
itiij .(. cl.i it-S- . My ofti
ckr-d -T-. fts JS. 2 Jar.xr. o;oei aai
r-i--e.i Mat. ofMoevl . cki--i rr'--.
I - Jir-'iirr n--i ciowd $
V-J-airT r;y,l f ci a-d $:i 'i.'V Lard
JafMSry. r.-r-l t. cl Tae"1 ft 1
Priaite Uawt.-t yir H -r-Ki-kt
o-o-l isKKleratetT actire aad prxts steal-;
iir.-t rraO- J'. 'sjaav: ro-in tanuc. SiAJt
i M: miai trs. K ao?5 ai. b-ry pacaibg aad
iH M VK,'t fatrte-Weai; tie
tnaadliaM. 1. $i5.4T; Si
i:irerv $ JOJt w r.!-pr-ai: uti.e
mutt k. f-!iV4i.: a:rr- r r. M J-t
l Teiim. t i WalV. $t S5 Srt
IV rf.K- K- t'.-r F Bern reaiiwi.
S W ; fi,-y rfilrr. ?Ti-tc: ft uif --t,
J"!0". rj:r Stra-tl iresa t 1. 1!;; tce
brejw stock, 'i-..: lT- d fwi'trr CiitA
et.s. Ti-.- iw I'.; turkeys. .: ly-: luc-t.s. fi
K-. c-.w -, T is r-er av iatv CbMce
t-irtiuki, j. ,. ij r ti; rtv . r.r.. Vr;
Earty !-. . i; lm prvat.-w. Jl "iStA!
Pr IU .;, t-bna-w tjcb-.ni. $1 S
per 0J ( raero-a-fT Ot-JT p-r ttJ
- tnk
rr YRi. Jaa S.
a bat t"-tV-i aa-l easier-: S I re.1 ata'e.
$1 if; S 4 ; $1 a.-. No Jrred winter Jan uarr.
Si u - -Jrf-.rr. f: r-imOii-t: X.i
mixed cab. e . 1- January. SWac; do Februarr,
a.t-. lau -S-ftlr; X I wbiie sua-. Or; Nou
Jdo. iir- N.. J mi.-d Jatxiary. Sic: Oo Feb
diary, xa- Kr- IaU Barier X.r.ibaj Pork
-IKiD: twa. J:t rrlt 71. Lard tas-r, Jaau
arr. fT ; Kwitary. f? 4
Lire tauie-Market axtiveiel.T dull and
weak ; riioary 10 prime fteers, p. ttv I a aj j jq
ta, extra Hwfti ; 6 faacr do. $3 t-: Oiluado
do, il(&it To4ay s LlTerpool tatiie qwttea
Awawaaa ref rienrt"r beef at 7ifcy t. bbarp
aad lstIh - About so-adr for aher-p. finnrr and
bigber f.a brah; mnwa to fair aad
prime tbnrjs Si & 9 1 la; ordtaary to
cboara liets. H ll;.4 Hups V jTCiaally
steaJy. ir.ii4
tfaia New 57Sa
Hay rpland prairie,
fLtJ Ttaaotey new fnie UO.
bay wtid, fH ia.
Rye r.
Cora 33
Cora New. K&lOc. .
Pntsvnrs taTj ,
Tarsi pa 15c
Owl SorH lie: ba sa i
Onrd ConS-OaJr Bl SX U Ut a-
Vrsw-1 yy). baW V 1. '
Tbe rrcent cycJotea is tbe tooth and
waat hare done terrible damage to life
and rjronert r but t Here's
J - - .' .nu.iqi
left the people clamor for Dr. Bull's
wvugn ojrnp.
Way ia tha tow1 o ibe only one
aotutdedr BecAuae ail othtrs are insaud-
thops Co:rirr Mmii St., as3 Srenth Avttae,
Rock Island, 111.
General Jobbing and Impairing j romptJr done.
tSSecorid Hand Ma'-liiiiry hovzht, &cr! i and r-ri-air-i
Tbe Ssest caJTiLge ai-d bsrr't fa
tbe dry taa be bwi tt tsy i'.-ir
t-f 1 dij tr z:rLi.
L. G. SLIDER. Proptr,
Tch; L:ne 1W.
lit: 1- L, r; V T- "!
- ' I 1 1 !AfJ 2& b ab V- t
ta. k, S sterhH' .
iSaliiHil i e-
as 1 srwaa P.ariaatA'.
fiat at .
. IT, ;
".- s- -r. -
i ' w - rax
f'-S" Ixrry - iirre
cs r i e--e a - r -
Ltt.lt PUH
"-aJ- a
j ! Pt-ttft-ras. aaaa-icatia, a 3-wraa
rtsMSM. Hi;.naaHaaKat.
wr Harav
Made Without Rubber.
eZ-V'11' "vr "'ck.'5 satetJ Brae SDrine rt--i- a.-.
i !e fy V ir . . c-Or ,r aCras aia O C f" . -Si;:s
mrxs. yt rrt-rl t . f O J OiS.
Manure nred By
Armstrong Mfc: C Bridgeport, Ct.
6C 'r
a,-tj- -T-
1 -1
No. 1808 Second Ave.,
You can get Tin Ware Glass Ware, Crockery. Dry Goods,
Xotiocs and Jewelry cheap, at
Corner of Seventh St.. ani Thirl aTenne, Rock Island.
Steam Cracker Bakery,
Afk your roc for tbea. Tbey are best
a-Tpec,.:ues: Tfce Canst, -CTITXXa aad tba Cartory -WllaTL"
Bread, Cakes, Pies and Pastry,
1109 Third Ave., Kock Island,
FPGo.d. dolirr4 to say part of tbe city fr-e of rbarje.
Li W. PETERSEI, 212 West 2nd St,, Davenpof, Ia.
Cakpot and Wall Paps, Stok.
ROLLI V i..- -
& Ruick,
Firs Place.
a -
it i.'. l --;-t- ir-.". ti. :tf,-r j t
aoi itrf-r-t c--rr.C:it:-.s. er- -t j''.;
Tr-f.t Tr":.";'-. r:-i';;- -'
"1 er;::'-li'i5j r. r- ;.' -f-.or
v. f-,Lz tkri -- i
roa'. " i c- tre t-e . ...
Tir;rr fi". :'-rEl-:iS
T'ATIS d: (. AM?. A;- -
I'sTfr r . It..
.-; - t-
1 MIX wj
i--- -r r treeas ftj te.
tj:rTfi. P. at .V
iar 2 1
az. -r-- a S t
trn. r- af a l -
- t i- 1 1.: i
. 4M .
KssS 4. crt. jrov.
a - - e 1 k
rV V

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