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Rock Island daily Argus. (Rock Island, Ill.) 1886-1893, February 08, 1889, Image 1

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vol,. XXXVII. NO 91.
It Shakes You Hungry
1 hare osed Faille's Celery Compound and it
tag had a salutary
' effect. It Invigorat
ed the syBtem and I
feel like a new
man. It Improves
the appotlte and
facilitates dlges-
tton." J. T. Cora
laud. Frtmua, 8.C.
Celery Compound
to a unique trniie and appetlzor. Pleasant to
toe tw. quick In lta action, and without any
Injurious street. It irlves that rugged health
wiik-b makes everything taste good. It wires
dyst,p,l an1 k'nlre1 disorders. Physicians
pnwrtbe It. li oo. Six for SS.W. Drujfgtsta.
hulls. RrrHABwoK tco.. Burlington, vt.
nliunun lYF't V'r n"iP any color.
m DAVIS & CO.,
1 ' . WJ
111 tdm
t mm
Davis Block,
Mo'ine, Illinois.
The loline
A foil arid rnm;-!pte line of rXATFOKM and other Spring Warons. e-ocially ad'pted t the
Western lr:ii.- r.f sopi-ri"r wnrkman-h'p and finish lllumrntrfl I'rio- I.iat true on
ap;ln-aMii See the 1L1 li A At.ON heiore urcliiii!
F. C. Hoppe,
No. ISOB Second Ave.,
Rock Island, 111.
No. 1808 Second Ave.,
' Ton can get Tin Ware Glass Ware, Crockery. Dry Goods.
Notions and Jewelry cheap, at
Coraerof Serentb St.. and Third avrane. Rock leland.
PnopaiETOR or
Swond A.me, oppo.ll. Hp Boom.- The cbolooit Impotud
Importad and Key Wwt Clgin, a ipwUltj.
Spring medicine means more now-a-aays than It
did ten years ago. The winter of l?ss-! nasloft
the nerves all fayyd out. The nerves must be
strengthened, the blood purified, liver aud
bowels regulated. PalnCs Celery compound
the Spring medicine of to-day does all tbls.
as nothing else can. PrwerfM by Phyxicians,
ReeommmtUd by DrvgaUta, Endorted by Minitttn,
Guaranteed by th Manufacturer to bt
The Best
Spring Medicine.
"In the spring of 1T I was all run down. I
would gl up In the nirnln(r with so tired a
fccUnsf, nna was ho weiik that I could hardly got
arouuil. I boughta bottle ol Pained Celery Ccrr.
pound, nnd before I had taken It a week I fnlt
vory murh better. I enn che1ully rocommeu.l
It to all who need a building npandRtrenirthen
Ing medicine." Mrs. & A. liow, Burlington, u
Steam Fitters.
A complete stock of
Pipe, Brass Goods, Packing,
Hose, Fire Brick. Etc.
Sole Agent for
We guarantor every one perfect, iin 1 will send Cops,
Twenty day'a trial, to n-siou;ible parties.
Safety Heating Boilers, and Contrac
tors for furnishing and laying
Water, Gas and Sewer lipe.
1712 First Ave.,
Rock Is' ii ml. Illinois.
Talepuons 114b. KesiUuuoc TvWfUouc 100
Wagon Co.,
Cartons Freak Wiimght by the Lee 8am
mlt Torniwlo Ct Ickens Picked Clean
Hoosea Completely Destroyed In a Quar
ter of a Minute.
The premonitory symptom of the birth of
a tornado is a violent agitation among cer
tain low lying, mens ling black clouds, from
which protrudes, as the upshot of the strug
gle, a funnel shape 1 appendage, which de
scends more or loss r ipidly toward the earth,
and begins its career of mischief the moment,
but no sooner than, it touches it Lifting
alternately and dropping, and swayjng with
a slight tagzagging movement from side to
side, the dusky v&pcrous sheath, concealing
the gyrations of a v. hirlwind terrifically au
dible from afar, advances with a rapidity
leaving scant time for thought or flight. The
"funnel cloud" inclosing the Lee Summit
tornado made its appearance about 8
p. ru. on May 10, 1879, looking like
a large elephant's trunk with the small
end pointing downward. Another observer
compared it to an im nense serpent hung tip
by the head and wri- bins in agony, its tail
curling and lashing as if actuated by the im
pulses of a living boiy. It would rise, fall
and careen from side to side like a balloon.
The roaring was inteise, and could be heard
at a distance of seventeen miles. A gyratory
motion in a direction contrary to the hands
of a watch was distinctly visible, and the
cloud, as it approach d boiling ftnd twisting,
presented a frightful appearance. For
twenty-two miles, however, it traveled
harmlessly in the air at a height of several
hundred foet; tlieu struck the fertile plain
of Missouri at several distinct intervals, leav
ing at each swoop a track of devastation
515 feet wide. Tie gaits, where the
cloud had temporaril; retired upward, were
altogether untouchw,, and tornadoes have
been known to deteend just low enough
to reap away the summit foliage of trees
without hurting an yt ling beneath.
The inmates of Dr. Donnington's house at
Lee's Summit emergid from the cellar, to
which they had retirnd on the approach of
the storm, to find that their habitation had in
the meantime twirled rotmd as if on an axis,
and broken into kindling wood. Their ears
had told them nothing of the catastrophe.
The crash of falling timbers was completely
masked by the hoarse tellowing of the tempest.
A surprisingly minute activity was displayed
by it. Clothes and bed linen looked as If
some person out of pi re mischief had care
fully torn them into small strips. Several
chickens were completely denuded of their
feathers. An iron bound trunk in Mr. Thad
deus W. Warden's house was torn to pieces,
and the lock found sti 'king in a rail, half a
mile to the northeast, rhotograpbs from an
album which the tmn r had contained were
carried four miles, and a receipt for lumber
from Dr. Donnington'i hou was recovered
from a distance of forty miles. Mrs. War
den's long hair was partly cut, partly torn,
from her head, twisted into a rope, and laid
a yard or two from wiiere she stood.
Some singular "freaks" of the wind are re
corded. A carpet waf. taken up tin torn from
the floor to which it was securely tacked,
feather beds wore rippsd open, a sewing ma
chine was broke into tnlf a hundred pieces.
flie six fragments of a massive iron kettle
wore dispersed in as many different direc
tions, a dog was carri d 200 yards and found
dead, with liis head an i shoulders driven into
tho ground. A heavy lumber wagon was
lifted over a corn Ct Id, HXJ feet across, and
deposited intact on tin other side, while an
adjacent house was, rithout injury, moved
six inches from its orifinal position.
Mr. Quisscnborry's house, on tlio other
hand, was struck as if by a cannon shot, and
completely-wrecked, a id the debris of Mr.
Warden's dwelling wa$ strewn over an area
of five square miles. Human life was not
spared. Most of the ill fated Harris family
perished. Grievous injuries were widely
distributed. Tho suTerers were usuall.
found thickly coated with viscous black mud.
their eyes and ears cled, hair matted, some
times their very garments stripped off. And
all this havoc was wro iht in scarcely more
than a quarter of a minute. The previous
calm of the air was re-established within
twenty seconds of the instant when it was
first disturbed. t
The "Delphos tornaJo" rivaled the Dav
enport brothers in its capacity for untying
knots. In the house o.' Mr. McBride was a
strong trunk; clasped t nd bound with iron,
in which $4,000 in greeabacks was deposited.
"The money was tied up in $j00 packages,
containing smaller packages of $100 each,
which crossed each otb yr at right angles and
the whole was firmly bound together by
strong cords; thou all the large packages
wore tightly bound together and placed in a
bag, which was secure.." tied, deposited in the
trunk and locked thet eln. After the storm
all but $500 was picked up in separate bills,
scattered hore and thorn throughout the rub
bish. This tornado repeattd the fowl plucking
feat of that of Lee's Summit, which had
been earlier performed by the Snow tornado
of 18S7, and by the Maj field tornado of 1S43.
In this last storm a floe;, of Cfteon sheep had
their legs broken, and some their entrails
torn out by the force t f the wind! But we
should vainly attempt o enumerate all the
fantastic details of su -h occurrences. Mr.
King's house, near Del; Uos, was planted en
tire by the whirl wind traversing that dis
trict, on the bank of the Saline river, 300 feet
from its original sito. A cat was borne half a
mile, and left as flat as if a cider press had
passed ovor it. A man, violently impelled
through the air, made a fruitless attempt to
arrest his Eight by gras; ing, as be passed, at
tho mane of a horse. Hi was discovered later
far in advance of the s Kit with a bunch of
horsehair in one hand, bis hat in the other 1
Edinburgh Review.
Tho most remarkable collection of photo
graphs in the world is that now on exhibi
tion at St. Petersburg. One Kxassowski, for
twenty-two years, has had himself photo
graphed once a month i l order to not the
ravages of age. J
. The remedy against so-e throat of wearing
a few threads of Ber in wool around the
throat is said to act by 'keeping up a belt ot
skin action and so actng as a counter irri
tant SSOOKvrard.
. We will pay the abore reward for aay
cam of liver complai it. dyspepsia, sick
headache, indigestion constipation or
costiveness we cannot cure with West's
Vegetable Liver Pills, nen the directions
are strictly complied with. They are
purely vegetable, and never fail to five
satisfaction. Large tnxes containing 80
sugar coated pills, 25. For aaretr all
druggists. . Beware oj' counterfeit and
imitations. The geniine manufactured
only by John o. Wist JtfJo.; 88 W,
lladison 8t , Chicago, Dl. . "
An Eye to Bqilne
. I was riding np Fifth avenue alone in a
hansom cab. My study of the sweet bou
quets of babies and nurse maids along the
way was rudely interrupted by a voice above
my head.
"Will you please shove aside that blind P
I looked quickly up and discovered a small
blind in the roof of the cab, covering the
little peep hole through ' which the man on
the seat can look in. ' Reaching up and draw
ing the blind aside I saw looking down at me
the twinkling eyes of the driver. These cabs,
it remembered, are open In front, except f or
two low half doors that cover inly the legs of
the inmates. Couples may therefore hold
hands behmd the screen unseen by anybody
save the driver looking down through the
roof from bis seat high up behind.
"I thought," he said, "you wouldnlrcare to
hide away in there. The young ladies always
forget to put the blind back where they find
When I got ont from the cab I asked the
driver if he really bad put in that blind to
oblige his girl patrons.
"Certainly," he answered, touching bis
hat "I found that a feller wouldn't go
round the park with his mash, because he
alius thought we were peepin' down at his
lallygaggia'. Says I, 111 fix this, so I had
the blind fitted in. It wasnt a week before
ten pairs of 'em knew the gag. Dont give
me away to the other cabbies, will yer, be
cause they'll all be doin' the same thing and
I wont have any bulge on 'em. They're
doin' their best to find out why I get so much
of the park business, but never suspect the
truth. I'm spin' to have blinds rigged on
the front doors so they can be pulled up over
the window when it's let down. That'll be
great for rainy days. The four wheelers do
the most of that business now, but 1 think I
can fix it so I can get my share of the trade.
Good day, miss; there's on of my regulars;"
and with a crack of his whip the cabby
scooted diagonally across the avenue and
picked up a very young and very sweet pair
of lovers. As he drove off toward the park
he looked over his shoulder at me and slowly
shut one eye. If the blind cab isnt a clever
conjunction of business and sentiment, where
wfB you find it? New York Sun.
There Are Uogs and Docs.
"Indeed I do," said Athelwald. speaking
in low, earnest tones, as a man communing
with his own thoughts. "Yes, I do love
dogs. In fact, wherever I go I am fond
of them. But I like a shy, coy, shrinking
dog, who hies away to the dim and shadowy
recesses of the umbrageous woodshed when
he hears the footfall of the stranger, and can
only be won to sociability and intimacy by
love and kindness and patient pleading. I
like not and cannot learn to love the bold,
forward mass of canine insolence and pert
obtrusivoness that comes sneaking out from
behind the lilac bush when one is half way
between the gate and piazza, and nestles up
to a stranger with all the easy freedom of an
old acquaintance, and dracs one all over the
lawn backward, with no thought of one's
comfort or dignity," and with a drv. convul
sive sob that died away in his throat he
walked bitterly toward the gents' furnishing
department, and the old bookkeerjer noticed
with sorrow, not unmixed with grief, as the
young man turned away, that his fawn col
ored trousers had been deftly repaired in the
postern gate with irregular patchwork of
olive green in two shades. Bob Burdette.
Served Her Bight.
Last week I saw an incident that forcibly
illustrated a growing tendency of "our girls."
An old lady, but a portly one. heavilv veiled.
came into a street car and set a huge, well
ailed basket down. It chanced to intrude on
the toes of a superbly dressed young woman
opposite. She immediately was inditmant
She abused market baskets roundly, and
then abused the people who carried them.
Then she allowed the opinion to escape that
people who carried baskets had no business to
rids on street cars. And then she decried
against poor people being allowed to ride in
every street car. Some cars should be re
served, she said, for genteel folks. The girl
mortmed everybody. The veiled lady said
not a word until both motioned the driver.
and the car stopped. "Hold on! Take that
pail," said the eldor lady. Har tormentor
looked a moment in astonishment "Take
that pail, Martha, and carry it home; this
oastet is all 1 can manage," repeated the
elder. "Why didnt you tell me who you
were, mothcrP asked the crestfallen girl, as
she picked np tho basket and went out. while
the occupants of the car giggled. St. Louis
Moody's Collection on a Train.
Whilo Mr. Moody was coming up from
Wallula a citizen of that place began talking
with Mr. Hunt in the presence of the evan
gelist about the new churth being built in
that railroad center, saying, among other
things: "We lack $100 of having money
enough." "Well," said Mr. Hunt, "I told
you when you got down to the last $73 I
would give that sum." Thereupon Mr.
Moody said: "We ought to raise that $35
hore. I will give $5. How much will you
giveP he asked a passenger. "I will give $5
more," he responded, and in a few moments
$20 was raised. Thereupon Mr. Hunt called
his assistants, Messrs. Wamsley and Creigh
ton, from th- front of the car, stated the
situation, and - they promptly put up the re
maining $5. When Mr. Moody found that
the $25 had been contributed, he sang out
"This is the first time I ever took up a collec
tion on a railroad for a church, but I made it
win." Walla Walla Union.
at the High School.
I dropped in at the exercises attending the
opening of the high school annex and the
manual training school the other night, and,
if the truth be told, I never listened to such
poor and stilted speeches. But there was one
effort that was a relief, from the intensely
amusing surprise it afforded. A young lady
was down for an address on "The High
School from the Student's Point of View."
I say young lady, for her name on the pro
gramme was prefixed with a Miss.. She was
in reality a very young miss, not long out of
short dresses, and with all the youthful inno
cence of look which is so charming. She
stood blushing until the applause subsided.
Then she bravely began her address with the
astonishing sentence, "The-great question of
the age is, How shall we educate 'our chfl-
drenP Shades of. .Mahomet 1 Is this what
the manual training school teaches, or is it
the high school? St Paul Pioneer Press.
AhamraiT Stnnld
To ullow prejudice or ignorance to get
the better oi gooa judgement, xiass oeen
conclusively proven that constipation,
bad breath, dyspepsia, kidney affections,
m.A .n rfUMSAa of the llvjr. stomach and
bowels have bean cured by simply taking
Simmons juiver neguiaior. it is narm
Imi not anrjleasant and easily procured.
so there Is no reason to be ignorant of
this remeoy we eepectauy cuuiuinuu ur
your nouoe ior inau sj3 . r ; i.
Last year SOS vessel, nearly all of
.teal, war built en tha Clyde. ,.: v.
From a Druggist.
Palatka. Fla., May 81. 1837.
The demand for Botanic Blond Balm,
(B. B. B.) is such that I now buy it in
half gross lots, and I unhesitatingly say
that my customers are well pleased.
Newton, N. C. June 25. 188T.
Gentlemen: I am pleasured in say
ins I have been a great sufferer of rheu
matism for ten years, and 1 have exhaust
ed almost every known remedy without
relief. I was told to try B. B B. which
I did after long procrastination, and with
the experience of three bottles, I am aN
most a healthy man. I take it as a part
of my duty to make known your wonder
ful blood purifier to suffering humanity,
and respectfully ask you to mail me one
of your books of wonders.
Kespectfully, w. l ihorihead.
A New York physician recommends
the Jewish custom of washing hands be
fore meals as a preventive against ty
phoid fever. He says that contagion can
be conveyed into the system by the
Are you disturbed at night and broken
of your rest by a sick child suffering and
crying with pain of cutting teeth? If so,
send at once and get a bottle of Airs.
Winslow s Soothme Syrup for children
teething. Its value is incalculable.
It will relieve the poor little sufferer im
mediately. Depend upon it mothers,
there is no mistake about it It cures
dysentery, diarrhoea, regulates the stom
ach and bowels, cures wind colic, soft
ens the gums, reduces inflammation, and
spves toue and energy to the whole sys
tem. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup
for Children Teething is pleasant to the
taste, and is the prescription of one of
the oldest and best female nurses and phy.
sicians in the United States, and is fot
sale by all druggists . throughout the
world. Prio as cents per bottle.
American wauons have the market in
South America, and the American wheel
burrow is to be met with in every por
tion of China and Japan.
Doctors' Bills.
Nearly all diseases originate from in
action of the liver, and this is especially
the case with chills and fever, intermit
tent fevers and malarial diseased. To
save doctors' bills and ward disease, take
Simmons' Liver regulator, a medicine
that increases in popularity each year
nd has become the most popular and
best endorsed medicine in the market for
the cure of liver or bowel diseases.
Telegraph, Dubuoue. Iowa.
There sre two Episcopal ministers,
missionaries, on the Yukon river. Alaska.
They are 8 00 miles from the southeast
ern line of the territory.
The Population of Bock Itlsnd.
Is about 20,000, and we should say at
least one half are troubled with some af
fection of the throat and lungs, as those
complaints are, according to statistics,
more numerous tbtn others. We would
itdvise all our readers not to neglect the
opportunity to call on their druggist and
vet a bottle of Kemp's balsam for the
throat and lungs Trial size free. Large
bottles 50c aud $1. So d by all drug
They do not beat spears into pruning
hooks up at Troy; but the gun foundry
up there bus taken a contract to build a
wrought-iron ntilrosd bridge.
In the pursuit of the gooa things of
'his world we anticipate too much; we
eat out the heart and sweetness of world
ly pleasures by delightful forethought of
them. The results obtained from the use
of Dr. Jones' Red Clover Tonic far exceed
all claims. It cures dyspepsia, and all
stomach, liver, kidney and bladder
troubles. It is a perfect tonic, appetizer.
blond puriber, a sure cure for ague and
malarial diseases. Price, 50 cents, of
From recent arcbsalngical discoveries.
it appears that the Romms, at the height
of their civilication and splendor, had no
system of street lighting No trace of
anything of the kind has been discovered
It is that Impurity In the blood, which, ac
cumulating in the glands of the neck, pro
duces unsightly lumps or swellings; which
causes painful running sores on tha arms,'
legs, or feet; which dovelopos ulcers iu the
eyes, ears, or nose, often causing blindness or
deafness; which Is the origin ot pimples, can
cerous growths, or the many other manifests
tlons usually ascribed to "humors;" which,
fastening upon the lungs, causes consumption
and death. Being the most ancient It Is the
most general of all diseases or affections, fot
very few persons are entirely free from It
By taking Hood's Sarsapartlla, which, by .
the remarkable cures It has accomplished,
often when other medicines have failed, has
proven itself to be a potent and peculiar
medicine tor this disease. Some of these
cures are really wonderful. If you suffer from
scrofula, be sure to try Hood's Sarsaparllla,
" My daughter Mary was afflicted with scrof
ulous sore nock from the time she was 22 months
old till she becume six years of age. Lumps
formed in her neck, and one of them after
growing to the size of a pigeon's egg, became
a running sore for over three years. We gave
her Hood's Sarsaparllla, when the lump and
all Indications of scrofula entirely dis
appeared, and now she seems to be a healthy
child." J. 8. Carols, Kaurlght, K. J.
K. B. Be sure to get only
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Soldbyalldruggirti. $U six for is. Prepared only
by C. I. HOOD CO., Apotbocaries, LoweU, Mam.
JOO Doses One Dollar
By virtue of an execution and fee bill No. ftrtT
issued ont of tho cl-rk's office of the circuit court
of Rock Island county, and state of Illinois, and
to me directed, whereby I am commanded to make
the amount of a certain judgment recently ob
tained a rat st Patrick Qulnlan and la favor of
Alice Qulnlan, out of the lands, tenements, goods
and chattels of the said defendant, Patrick Qnlu
lan, I have levied upon the following property,
to wit: Lots one (1) and two, (8), In blook twrlve.
(IS) In Chicago or lower add! ion to the city of
Rock Island in oounty of Rock Island and state of
Therefore, according tosald command, I shall ex
rose for rale at public auction all the right, Utl and
interest of the above named Pstrlck Qutnlan m and
to the above described property, on Thursday, the
18th day of February, 1889. at g o'clock p. m. at the
north door of the court house is the' city of Bock
Island, in the county of Rock Island and state of
Illinois, for cash in aand, to satisfy saia sxecaUoa
and fee bill
Dated at Bock Island this 6th dav of February.
A. 0. 1889. ' T. 8.8ILVIS
Sheriff of Rock Island connty, O daois.
Promptly and neatly executed by the Aaatrs Job
' . -- department,
tarspeclal attrauaa paid to.Oomaisreial work
It Is r, well-known faet that roiro's
Extract is used and recommended fay mors
dlstinirairbed people than any preparation or
remedy extant.
It la used in the hdnseho'.d of the President
aswellaatAat of lbs hamblost citizen; by
members of the army and tha navy, tho Bar
and the Bench, the pulpit and tha preea U
ranks and claosoa of people. To farther
illustrate thU fact we append a few of the
more recent lettura from Governor of dif
ferent tiiie:
The Governor of New Uamnahire.
GBSTtEMKu: I have oed Pond's Extract
in niy family fur eewrnl year, and have
found It a moat desirable and vnlnable
remedy. Tour truly, Mooot Cchbieiu
Doc , '87.
The Governor et Pennsylvania.
Gexts: Poxd'b Extract has been a
valued reliance in oar family for aereral
years, especially in relieving the aches
prains and brutsea Incident to children.
Verv trnly yours,
Nov. 30, '87. Jawxi A. Bcavcr.
Tha Governor of Now Jersev.
Dear Sir: I have for many yeara nsed
Poxd" Extract, aud have derived flreat
bootflt and relief therefrom. Yonra truly,
Dec. 5, '87. It 8. Ghkek.
The f-t. -Governor of Illinois.
Oestlkhex: Poxd'h Extract haa long
had a place in the medicine chest of my fam
ily. I assure yon that we have foand It a
ready and valuable anent to relieve pain in
many uaaea, and that very promptly. We
canuot well keep house w ithout It.
I am, truly yours.
Oct. 10. '87. J. C. Smth.
Toxd's ExtrAt la Invaluable for all
Itimlg of 1'ain, ladammaiion and Bemor
rhHfrea. Kxettienet tnritet imitntlim. Bntart of
toortM ImUationt of Pond's Extract.
Srro frroc'l ESTASLiSHEO 1651 j 186 So.
Jti!: Chicago, ills. I ClarkSt.
The Regular Old-Establls&ea
Is still Treating with the Greatest
Krai:, Nemos ani Male Diseases.
hood. Failing Memory, Exhausting Drains.
Terrible Dreams. Head and Back Ache and ali
the effects leading to early decay and perhaps Con
aumptionor Insanity, treated scientifically by new
methods with never-failing success.
as-SYPHILIS and al bad Blood and Skin
Diseases permanently cured.
S-KIDNEY and URINARY complaints.
Gleet, Gonorrhoea, Stricture, Varicocele and
all diseases of the iienito-Unnary Orcans cured
promptlv without injury 4o Stomach, Kidneys or
other Oreans.
No experiments. Age and experience
important. Consultation free and sacred.
a-Scnd 4 cents po-iace for Celebrated Works
on Chronic, Nervous and Delicate Diseases.
Those contemplating Marriace send for Dr.
Clarke's celebrated guide Male and Female, each
t$ cents, D3th S5 cents (stamp). Consult the old
Doctor. A friendly letter or call may save future
sunVring and sh?me, and add golden years to life.
aj-Biok Life's (Secret) Errors," s cent
(stamps). Medicine and writings sent everywhere,
secure from exposure. Hours, 8 to 8. Sundays
9 to ia Address
F. D. CLARKE, rVt. D..
186 So. Clark St.. CHIC ACQ, ILL.
(Charted by the Leji.-lntnre of Illinois.)
Open dally from 9 A M. to 3 P. M . and on Tnei
day aud Saturday Kvtniugs from t to
8 o Clock,
Interest allowed on Desposits at the
of 3 per Cent, per Annum.
Deposits received in amounts of
$1 and Upwards.
The private nronertv of the Trnsteen la re Don
sible to the depositors. The officers are nrohlbl
ted from borrowing any of its moneys. Minors
and namea women protected oy special law.
OrncRB': 9. W. Wbxm,"ci, President ; Jobts
Goon. Vice President ; C. F. Htinv T, Cashier.
Trcstkes: S. W. Wheeloob, Porter Skinner,
C. W. Lobdell. Nelson Chester. H. W. Candee, C.
T Grants, A. 9. Wright, C. F. U. mnwvy, John
Good; J. M. Chri-ty. U. H. Stoadard.
rPlrThe only chartered anvil. gs Bank In Reck
island County. -
raining their complexion should secure a
of the latest Imported and unanimously acknowl
edged as tne best
Guaranteed to tn perfectly harmless, imperoeptl
h't;. durt-Me and invisible. Kur sale everywhere,
fries. tt4 SOe per ftc-K. Ask your
druggist lor it or wtilv tor postiKl sample box to
i. F. LLOYD & CO., Sole Importers,
AT an4 69 Wnahlnrto Street. CHICAGO.
For Sals by tsk Following Dbtjggists
Marshall & Fisher,
- Hartz & Bahnseo,
and Frank Nadler.
vii caw aim I t ,--,
Nasal Passa
ges, Allay i
.Pain and In
Heals Sores.
Restores the
Senses ol
Taste & Smell
A particle Is applied into each nostril and la
agreeable. Price 50 oenrs at Drngftsta ; by malt,
registered, SU cents. BLT BROTUJEK8, 66 War
ren street, Kvm York.
Warranted abtolitelv purs
Coeoa , from which the exoess of
Oil has been removed. It has pur
Ikon thru Hmm Uu) ttrmjOi of
Coeoa mtXcd with Starch, Arrow-
mors economies!, eaitinm lautkmm
ont cent m cup. It Is dellciooa,
nourishing, strengthening, essay
digested, ana admirably adapteS
for hivauds as well as for persons
mieaita. - :
Sell by Grocers Tervwbscat
W.EAKER &C0,D tester, Maa
Big O has gtveu unlve, .'
sal satisfaction In tb'
ears of Oonorrboea and
Gleet. I prescribe It and
el safe in recommend
lng It to all Sufferers. '
i r in
!La sl d
.tar i in
Kii I I II 111 L
ri TO t DTS. I
I I nrfeatrawaw
I 'XnatChsadoilOi.
vel I
old by praggtots.
Even More Necessary
Is Gold Dust Washing Powder. Why ? Because it's made to
fill a want, and does what it's made for. Cheaper than the cheapest
Less than ONE-HALF the price of other Washing Powders, and
yet it is Pure as the purest. For cleaning, scouring, scrubbing, it
is unexcelled. All Grocers keep it
N. K. FAIRBANK & CO., Chicago.
(Chicago, Sock Island & Pacific and Chicago, Kansas & Nebraaka, By.)
Its main lines, branches and extensions west, northwest and southwest
Include Chicago, Joliet, Ottawa, Peoria, La Salle, Molin, Rock Island In
ILLINOIS Davenport, Muscatine, Ottumwa, Oskaloosa, West Liberty, Iowa
City, Des Moines, Knoxville, Wintorset, Atlantic. Audubon, Harlan, Guthrie)
Centre, and Council Bluffs in IOWA Minneapolis and St. Paul in MINNE
SOTA Watertown and Sioux Falls In DAKOTA Gallatin, Trenton, Cameron.
St. Joseph, and Kansas City In MISSOURI Beatrice, Fairbury. and Nelsoa
in NEBRASKA Horton, Topeka, Hutchinson, Wichita, Belleville. Norton.
Abilene, Caldwell, in KANSAS Colorado Springrs, Denver, Pueblo, In COLO
RADO. Traverses new and vast areas of rich fanning- and grazing lands,
affording the best facilities of Intercommunication to older States and to all
towns and cities In Southern Nebraska, Kansas, Colorado, Utah, New
Mexico, Indian Territory, Texas, Arizona, Idaho. California- and PaoUlO
ooaet and transoceanic Seaports.
Of Palace Coaches leading all competitors in Eplendor of equipment 'and
luxury of accommodationsrun throueh daily between Chicago and Colo
rado Springs, Denver and Pueblo. Similar MAGNIFICENTvESTIBULH
TRAIN SERVICE daily between Chicago and Council Bluffs (Omaha) and
between Chicago and Kansas City. Elegant Day Coaches, Dining bars.
Reclining Chair Care (FREE), and Palace Sleeping Cars. CallfornlaExcnir
aions daily. Choice of routes to and from Salt Lake City, Portland Los
Angeles, San Diego, San Francisco, and intervening localities. Quick km,
prompt connections and transfers In Union Depots.
Runs superbly equipped Express Trains"danjr each -way between Chicago
Bock Island, Atchison, St. Joseoh, Leavenworth, Kansas Oity and Minna,
spoils and St. Paul. The Favorite Tourist Line to the scenic resorts, and
hunting and fishing grounds of the Northwest. Its Watertown Branch
courses through the moat productive lands of Northern Iowa, Southwestern
Minnesota, and East Southern Dakota. -
travel between Cincinnati, Indianapolis, Lafavette, and Council Bluffs. St.
Joseph, Atchison, Leavenworth, Kansas City, Minneapolis, and St. Paul.
u Fr Tickets, Maps, Folders, or desired information, apply to any Coupon
Ticket Office in the United States or Canada, or address . T,
General Xanager. CHICAOO. ILL. Gen'l Ticket Pass. Agint. .
New Elm Stoeet Grccery
Family Groceries and Provisions, ,
They solicit a share of the trade and will make prices as low
as the lowest Telephone connections.
Gorto's Hotel
West Side Market Square,
Has tbe target Dining Room in the trl-cities seating capacity j50 peraen.
25 rents buys a good wholesome meal
35 cents pays for a nights' lodging la clean beds.
City Boarders at reasonable rates.
P. 8. All must come sober. C. D. GORDON. Proprietor.
Aud Dealers in Flour, Peed, Baled Hay and Straw, Crockery
Glassware, Catlery, Etc. '
3f Steamship Agency and remittance to any part of Europe.
J - " ' V 001 and 603 Ninth Street, Bock IalaAfL HI..
(Formerly of Coal Valley,)
Dealer in Choice Wines, Lipors
No. 1717 Second Avenue, Rock XtUrt. -. .
And Dealer in Mens Fine Woolens.
, . .1 1706 Second Avenue; .;
; , 18aocassor to gathris A Co'luW.y ;' .
Contractor and -: Builde
" " ' " 1 ' ' " . .'-.v-.' : ROCK ISLAND, ILL!
wran..ti.tfura AU or4 taaW U,
Offloa and Shop No. 1818 Third Atmw
than a Family Umbrella
ani Restaurant,

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