OCR Interpretation

Rock Island daily Argus. (Rock Island, Ill.) 1886-1893, August 30, 1890, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn92053945/1890-08-30/ed-1/seq-4/

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1 !
xoldesi Rod tUfi Popalar Favorite
The Beat KrprrsratatiTe ef Aaaer-
Few people go into the country for a
visit or a drive without returning with an
abundance of golden rod which is used
to ornament the rooms of our principal
society ladies, and of the people also.
This flower has been voted the best repre
sentative of America, by the people. But
there has been no legislative enactment
by congress establishing the same. Never
tbeless it has taken a hold of the hearts
of our people to a considerable extent, and
it would require long arguments to dis
place it and have another substituted.
Our lanes and byways, and hills and val
leys, from one end of the country to the
other, are prolific with this specimen of
the floral kingdom. It rises its sun
kissed plumes and nods them in unison
with the royal parple of the iron weed.
and will hold its own for hardiness with
any plant that we know of. Its charac
teristics are almost purely American, yet
the Peoria Journal thinks another plant
might be a belter representative of the
people. That is the castor bean.
True, says the Journal, this is not
a native of the United States, but
neither are the people of the United
States native to the country. The castor
bean has the same characteristic as that
of most emigrants to this ccuntry. It
readily adapts itself to any part of the
soil of the nation. Its branches are
broad and the leaves are beautiful. Birds
of the air may light upon them and re
ceive their sheltering csre. lnen again
this plant is useful as well as highly or
namental. If foreigners did not like it in
its growing state, they might perhaps be
better plessed with the extract of the
bean. It would have such a soothing
effect upon them, something like the pic
ture of Oen. Jackson bad upou a certain
member of the English nobility at one
All nations seem to be under the neces
sity of having a national flower. There
is the shamrock of Ireland, the thistle o
Scotland, the rose of England and the
lilies of France. Even Australia has her
"bush" and for America to be behind the
times would never do. Therefore, if our
national legislature has not already
adopted the golden rod as the flower of
our country, they should do so at oace
The lpertlos Angel Ketnrna.
Mrs. Medora Kinnehan, the angel who
recently escaped from Schweinfurth1
"heaven" nt Hock ford, and revealed the
vile practices of that cesspool, has re
turned to the fold. She says she will
live there and worship the Lord and
master foreyer; that she has sinned and
gone astray, but now her eyes are opened
and she will never depart from the fold
again. She has been sheltered and cared
for several weeks by Mrs A. W. Price, one
one of Rockford's most philanthropic
and wealthy women, who agreed to go
with her lo Kentucky. They went to
the train, but at the last moment before
leaving Mrs. Kinnehan said: ' I have
changed my mind. I know Schweinfurth
is my Siviour, and I am going back to
him. Mrs. Price pleaded with her for
half an hour, but to no purpose. When
told that she might become a mother as
Mary Weldon had, she replied-
should esteem it the highest glory." Then
she hired a conveyance, and taking her
little boy, whose cries excited the whole
neighborhood, she was driven rapidly
back to "heaven."
The Monmouth Convention
At the convention which nominated
nir. ijttDie mere was do Hurrahing over
the downfall of Mr. Neece, as the Ma
comb Journal states. Nor was there any
downfall about it, for that matter. The
convention was an orderly, deliberate
body and each candidate had his friends,
1 he supporters of Mr. Neece stood by
bim as long as they considered it judicious
to do so and when they found they were
not successful they gracefully bowed to
the inevitable. Mr. Neece, from the
body of the convention, expressed his de
termination to work with a will for the
success of the nominee and that is all the
crow that was eaten upon the occasion,
the Macomb paper to the contrary not
Unsuccessful candidates at a demo
cratic convention are not like their sor
rowful brethren of the other party they
do not feel it necessary to act like Judas
and go out and bang themselves.
The Pioneer Irad.
The roll of the pioneer dead during the
past year as read before the Rock Island
County Old Sattlers' Society at the an
nual picnic yesterday is appended:
M oses Titterington, Edgington.
Elijah Datemon. Edeington.
Hussell Kimball, Buffalo Priitie.
H. R. Cook, Hampton; came to Rock
Island county in 1835.
Bailey Davenport, Rock Island; came
here in 1823.
Chaa. B. Knox. Rock Island; came to
Rock Island in 1841.
Mary E. CofHn, Buffalo Prairie.
Samuel Gault. died Jan. 25, age 75;
born in Pennsylvania.
Dr. Ira Wells. Jan. 27, in Geneseo; a
member of the Wells family that settled
in Moline in 182S1.
Henry Vandruff. Jan. 28, in McClouth,
Kas.; came to Rock Island in 1829; a vet
eran of the Black Hawk war.
John Griffith, March 15, age 85; a res
ident of South Moline since 1836.
Amos Gordon, May 2. age 99 years;
born in New Hampshire; a resident of
this county since 1840.
Connty Hollaing.
29 -Frederick C Hoppe to 8 B Stod
dard, part lot 7. block 17, R I, $1.
29 Estate of Carl F. Anderson. Ad
ministratrix's report filed and approved.
Guardianship of minor heirs Hans S.
Seiffert. Letters of guardianship issued
to George Herbs'. Bond filed and ap
proved. Hold it iotas Light
The man who tells you confiden
tially just what will cure your cold is
prescribing Kemp's Balsam this year. In
the preparation of this remarkable medi
cine for coughs and colds no expense is
spared to combine only the best and
purest ingredients. Hold a bottle of
Kemp's Balsam to the light and look
through it; notice bright clear look;
then compare with other remedies. Price
60c and $1.
The Manser In Which the tomm of
Zeal Other Thlsca Cieta Along;.
In yesterday's Argus appeared some
remarks upon the glowing tribute paid
to Mr. Ocst in the Union by a con
tributor to that paper.' When the
congressman from this district stood up
to speak concerning the section of the
eight-hour law allotted to him, he com
menced by saying he would be as brief as
possible because other gentlemen wanted
to speak. One would have thought that
as he has had so much difficulty in "catch
ing the speaker's eye" in the past that he
would have made the most possible ose of
the time allotted him without this unnec
essary preface. Still he used all the time
he was allowed. "except to say "this is the
first occasion during the present session
on which I have occupied any time." To
this bumble apology for appearing at all,
a member called, "You cannot help that,"
at which there was a laugh . "No," said
said Mr. Gest, "that cannot be helped,"
at which there was more laughter. This
was on the 21st of the month. On the
next day during a discuesion in the bouse
Mr. Gest made an attempt to say some
thing, and got as far as "Mr. Speaker."
Mr. Speaker told him that another gen
tleman had the floor. Mr. Gest again
rose and said: "I rise to enquire what is
before the house?" Mr. Enloe answered
"I am before it." The laujfh was raised
again, Mr. Enloe continuing to speak,
while Mr. Gest relapsed into hia usual
silence. This all goes to show that our
representative is a man of zeal and ardor
and perseverance and other things.
lreM t'DuimeutN.
W hen you come to vote for Gest just
stop anu consider why on earth a man
living in McDonouuh county should do
so. In ail the time he lias been in cou
cress be has bad no thought for this end
of the district. Bushnell Democrat.
W. II. Gest is the friend ot the laboring
man. He understands what it is to toil
and consequently the laboring man knows
where to hnd bim. Laboring men can
make their choice between Gest and
Cable, and everybody knows that in that
case the latter will be found wauling iu
the balance. Monmouth Atla.
in a norn. uest is a party man
tnrougn and through; he never votes
any other way; no matter how infa
mous a bill may be, or whether it is
for the good of the workingman or
not, if it is a republican measure he votes
for it and makes his inquiries afterward.
Yes, he is a friend of the workingman, a
great friend. To years ago tie voted
for high protective measures at every op
portunity; again, later he voted for the
McKinley bill, and is now on the recips
rocity fence waiting to see which way the
bell aheep jumps It looks like he had
his mind on the good ot the working
man. It looks as if be knew enough to
know anything about the needs of the
workingman; be votes for a high tariff
one month, and then is undecided wheth
er be is right or wrong the next. He is a
republican, for the republican pnrtv first.
last and all the time, no matter whether
the workingman gets lost in the shuffle or
not. Bushnell Democrat.
It is amusing to note how the repuhli
can papers of this district are exerris-
over what they are pleased to call "Ben
Cable's bar'l." The idea of a democrat
having a "bar'l" and the fear that he will
use it on the blocks-of five plan, coin
pletcly unnerves them. Possess Your
souls in peace, lenighted Dudleyites
The democrats never copy your bad ex
amples. What money Mr. Cable puts in
to the campaign will be spent in a h-giti
mate manner, and if any of you fellows
are on the make you will have to hunt up
some other man than Ben T. Citlilt;, our
next congressman from the Eleventh dis
trict. Hancock nit.
Deafness Can't ha Cured
by local applications, as they cannot
reach the diseased portion of the ear
There is only one way to cure deafness,
and that is by constitutional remedies
Deafness is caused by an inflamed con
dition of mucous lining of the Eustach
ian tube. When this tube gets inflamed
you have a rumbling sound or imperfect
bearing, and when it is entirely closed
deafness is the result, and unless the in
flammation can be taken out and this
tube restored to its normal condition,
hearing will he destroyed forever. Nine
cases out of ten are caused by catarrh,
which is nothing but an inflamed condi
tion of the mucous surfaces.
We will give one hundred dollars for
any case of deafness caused by catarrh
that we cannot cure by taking Hall's
Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free
F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo. O
lySold by druggists, 75c.
uen. Alger s message on charity in
general orders is good in its way. He
will need lots of charity in his position as
To Barvoas Debilitated Men.
If you will send me your address we
will mail you our illustrated pamphlet
explaining all about Dr. Dye s celebrated
electro voltaic belt and appliances.-and
their charming effects upon the nervous
debilitated system, and bow tbey will
quickly restore you to vigor, manhood
and health. Pamphlet free. If you are
in us afflicted, we will send you a belt and
appliances on a trial.
Voltaic Belt Co., Marshall, Mich.
It is often impossible to distinguish
silence rrom wisdom because tliey are
frequently the same thing.
10a Ladies Waned,
And 100 men to call on any druggist for
a free trial package of Lane s Family
Medicine, the great root and herb reme -
dy, discovered by Dr. Silas Lane while in
the Rocky mountains. For diseases of
the blood, liver and kidneys it is a posis
tive cure. For constipation and clearing
up the complexion it does wonders. It
is the best spring medicine known.
Large size package 50 cents. At all
When a man is convinced that he owes
anything to himself he is always very
anxjous to pay it.
The usual treatment of catarrh is very
unsatisfactory, as thousands of despairing
patients can testify. A trustworthy med
ical writer says: "Proper treatment is
positively necessary to success, but most
of the remedies in general use by physi
cians afford but temporary benefit. A
cure cannot be expected from snuffs.
powders, douches and washes." Ely's
Cream Balm is a remedy which combines
the important requisites of quick action,
specific curative power with perfect safe
ty and pleasantness to the patient
The rosy freshness, and a velvety soft
necs of the skin is variably obtained by
those who use Pozzoni's Complexion
Fit Boom Cottage.
22x28, with kitchen addition and ciss
tern, on Thirtyaeventh street, for sale.
on monthly payments. E. H. Outer.
No, Heliogabalus, the crowbar is not
the place where the crow pleads his caws.
A Word About Cornh. -
One ofthe chief causes of corns, bunions,
etc., la tinht shoes. The majority of the
nustomers are ladies. Corn a come in two
varieties soft and bard. 1 be soft corn is
formed by the'acid perspirtv Ion of the feet
and first appears in the shape of a white
blister, whose edges easily peal off. Ladies
who wear shoes large enough for them
seldom, if ever, Buffer from torus. Stumpy
or short shoes cause corns t form easily.
I have frequently known cases where a
soft corn affected the wlole foot and
lUinions are often mistaken for harA
corns. A bunion forma usually on the
Hide of the foot or between the toes. A
bunion is nothing more r less than a
strained joint, caused by a short or narrow
shoe. French heeled boots nd shoes have
been the cause of untold misery to ladies,
and since the common sense shoe has be
come fashionable the wearers of them
have had fewer corns. Narrow dancing
pumps are also injurious to t he feet. Oper
ations on fibrous and nerve t?orns are ex
tremely difficult. Herald of Health.
Writing a Famous loein.
The poem of "Curfew Must Not Ring
To-night" was suggested to n e by the read
ing of a story called "Love and Loyalty,"
in April. 1S07. I was then a I lain, country
school girl, not yet 1", residing with my
parents at Litchfield. Mich., laid under the
pretext of working out mathematical
problems, with my arithmetic before me,
1 wrote the poem roughly on my slate. 1
was forced to carry on my literary work
under these difficulties bemuse of the
opinion of my parents that iny time could
lie better employed than in "Idle dreams
and useless rhymes."
I wrote the first copy on my slate, be
tween 4 and 6 o'clock iu the afternoon; but
much time has since been spent iu correct
ing and revising it. I had no thought that
1 would ever be able to wr'te anything
worthy of public notice. The poem was
first published iu The Detroit Commercial
Advertiser in the fall of 1S70 The editor
upou receipt of my UKinusc-ipt at once
wrote me a lengthy letter of congratula
tion and praise. Koso Hartvick Thorpe.
RemeUlea for Wart.
Warts arc due to some hval irritation of
the cuticle. They can lie easily removed
by small doses of sulphate of magnesia,
taken internally. Children treated with
three grain doses of Kpsom si: Its morning
mid eveiuug were promptly cared. M.
Aubert cites the case of u woman whose
face whs disfigured by these excrescences
mid who was cured iu a month by a
dram and a half of mngi esia taken
daily. Another medical mar reports a
case of very large wnrts which dsappeared
iu a fortnight from u daily administration
of ten grains of the salts. A s .ill simpler
but effective cure is external mere rub
bing of the wart at frequent intervals of
the day. This persistent agitation or
Unwilling seems to displace the root, and in
a short time the wart- disappears. De
troit i ree Press.
A Keliool for Housewifery.
The domestic laboratory of Mr. Dwi;ht
1. Moody's seminary at Xortbueld was or
ganized by Miss Huntington, f the Wil
son Mission Kitcheu Garden in ew York,
ind is carried on by teachers of her train
ing. One hundred girls are I ere taught
housewifery and sewing, cooking, waah-
mii, tuiile. waiting and tine laundry work
::s exact, sciences, and not as makeshift
employments. Mr. Moody's seminary was
founded for pupils having high aims but
siiimII means, who may by its means obtain
it thorough education ut the lowest cost.
with the tacit understanding that every
graduate, Ixith of its academic and do
mestic science courses, will be moved to
feai'li what she has learned, either pri
vately or professionally. Harper s Bazar.
lu!ltr Tiettreen the ISoles.
The use of a single layer of pure rubber
(ruin lielweoii the. layers of letither that
J.imi the sole of the walking shoe is an in
novation of shoemakers. Kublvr used in
this way does not heat the foot uof cause
it to perspire us a rubber overshoe does. It
protects the foot from dampness almost as
completely us a slip rubber. The latter
reeails the story of the new maid who was
sent to her lady's room for a pair of rub
bers and who returned with a blank face
end the remark, "Faith, I saw three or
four pair hanging, but tlietieels was out
of airh one of them and I was sure yez
wonldn t wear such as these. Sho had
never seen a sandal before. New York
J rimine.
Murie ItashkirtsefTs lied room.
Marie's idea always was to have every
thing as simple, young and girlish as pos
sible. Her bedroom was furnished in the
most pimple and severe style, all white,
with a small iron ledstead, painted white
in one corner and a white ermine rug over
it for a counterpane nnd white fur rugs on
the lire floor. Her lathroom was an elab
orate affair, well supplied with m rrors to
afford her an opportunity to adi lire the
lines ami curves of her person, which af
forded her such satisfaction. New York
An Exqnislte Scarf.
The scarf was a yard aud a qu irter of
bolting cloth tied so that one end was
nearly half again as long as the other; the
longer end was painted with .a bunch of
red clover and leaves, and the other end
was in white daisies with gold centers.
I telow the painting on each end was a
plain space of four inches, finished on the
edge with long white silk tassels. Draped
over one end of a wine colored plush sofa
the effect was most beautiful. Housewife.
Iiainp Cellar.
If a cellar has a damp smell aud cannot be
thoroughly ventilated, a few trays of char
coal act around on the floor, shelves aud
ledges will make the air pure aad sweet.
If a large basketful of charcoal be placed
in a damp cellar where milk is kept the
milk will be in no danger of becoming
tainted. Medical Classics.
Life's Lessons.
Practical Mother My daughter, now
that you are eugaged to lie married you
should endeavor to become more fa niliar
with the details of housekeeping.
Daughter That's just what I'm doing,
ma. I learned today that chewing g liu is
a splendid thing for mending old tinware.
New York Weekly.
At the Ascot races, where thetoilits of
t lie lad in are perhaps more splendid and
more fantastic than at any other oue
"function" of high society, the Prim esses
Maud and Louise of Wales appeared in
buff foulards of a flowered pattern, very
simply made, and flower hats of eirre
Bpouding simplicity.
'Weshotildsave money, time aud strengt h
if we would accurately determine the dif
ference between wants and wishes. 1 here
are things we must have to lie at nil i-om-fortable,
but the things we ardently vish
for but do not alisnlutely need are mnt y iu
proportion to our artit'il neeessirius.
In the pursuit of the gooa things of
his world we anticipate too much; we
sat out the heart and sweetness of world
ly pleasures by delightful forethought of
them. The results obtained from the tfse
Df Dr. Jones' Red Clover Tonic far ex eed
ill claims. It cures dyspepsia, and all
ttomach, liver, kidney .. and blar der
troubles. It is a perfect tonic, appetiser,
blood purifier, a sure euro for ague nnd
malarial diseases. Price, 50 cents, of
"How can I get rid of superfluous hair
Mr. Druggist?" "Get married, sir."
Who of us are wnnout trouble be they
small or large? The blessings of health
are best appreciated when we are s ch
and in pain. A hacking cough, a sevi rk
cold, or any throat or long disease ure
very troublesome; but all of these may be
quickly and permanently cured by Lr.
Bigelow'a Cure. Safe and pleasant I oi
children. Price 50 cents.
Our minister to France fairly bristlas
with energy in big defense of the Amer
ican nog.
The Crown dining hall. No. 1708 Sec
ond avenue, is now ready to furnish you
the best meal in the city for 25 cents.
Concert and dancing every Saturday
evening, with good music at Joseph Ru
ber's garden on Moline avenue. Every
other day in the week except Saturday
the garden is to let.
$50,000 to loan on real estate security,
in sums of $300 and upward, at lowest
current rates of interest, without com
mission, E. W. Hurst, Attorney at
law. Rock Island.
E. E. Parmenter, attorney taw.
Makes collections, loans money and will
attend to any legal business intrusted to
bim. Office, postofflce block. Rock Isl
and, Ills. ds&wly
Are you disturbed at night and broken
of your rest by a sick child suffering and
crying with pain of cutting teeth T If so,
send at once and get a bottle of Mrs.
Wmslow's Soothing Syrup for children
teething. Its value is incalculable.
It will relieve the poor little sufferer im
mediately. Depend upon it mothers.
there is no mistake about it. It cores
dysentery, diarrhoea, regulates the stom
ach and bowels, cures wind colic, soft
ens the gums, reduces inflammation, and
gives tone trod energy to the whole sys
tem. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup
for Children Teething is pleasant to the
taste, Hnd is the prescription of one of
the oldest and best female nurses and phy
sicians in the United StateB, and is for
sale by all druggists throughout the
orld. Price 35 cents per bottle.
Startling Discovery.
A discovery by the inhabitant! of a locslitv
hitherto unvislted by the pestilent scourge oi
fever anil ague, that it exist In their very midst,
is decidedly startling. Such discoveries are
made at every season, in every part of the Union.
Subsequently, when It Is ascertained, as it Invari
ably is at sneb times, throneb the valuable
experience of some one who has been benintted
aim cured, mat Hostetter s stomach Bitters is a
thoroughly efficacious eradlcator of the ma.arlal
poison, and a means of fortifying the yystem
airainst It, a feeliui; of mure security and tran
quillity reiyns throughout the whole neluhbor-
noou. Besides toe reorue forms tr malarial
disease, dumb aene and a ue ctbe are removed
by the poteut action ot the Bitters, to which
science also gives its sanction a a remedy for
rneuiiiutiem. dyspepsia, constipation, liver com
plaint, debility, kidney troubles, and all nisease;
impairing the organs of ditrestiou and assimllHtion
Xlr at
PRICE 25 chk
Cbeapeot and best place In the paper for
Wants," "Lost," "Sale" and "Rent" notires.
Only one-half cent a word.
Everybody reads this
column. Try it.
healthy location 2320 Fourth arenue. 14-5t
or exchanged. Money loaned Or Furniture
stored at Southeast corner Perry and Third 8ts.
A provcmi'ni on Elevators. Now in operation at
Mar Finishing Works, 2335 llruilion Su, Philada.
Pa; preserves life and limb; for full pcrticulars
apply 10 kuot v. WAtiKKK. inventor
at least 17 years of age. Enquire "H. F.'
this office.
W Rraiirb office, at ber own home, for the Fa
mous female bprcinc "Orange Lily"; a splendid
opportunity; anuress wun stamp, Tne Dr. Coon
ley Medical Institute. South Bend Ind.
open headquarters In some principal oily.
assume exclusive control m our nusiness and ap
point local and sub-ag nts In everv citv In the
state; poods well known, staple as flour. In uni
versal demand, and pay a net trolit of 60 to 100
percent. Address TUtt UMUS COM r At Y,
744 Broadway, New York. 25
all grades, can seen re steady employment in
the lumber yards of Chicago nt from $1.M) io
$i Oil per day on application in person to K, E.
HOOPER. Secretary ot the Chicago Lumber
Vard Dealer's Association, room 618 Chamber of
Commerce, S. B. corner LaSalle aud Washington
Birerw, uiiairo, in. 2c
ATTORNEY AT LAW Office with J. T. Ken
worthy, 17 Second Avenue.
ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office In Rock Island
.Naltoual llank Building, Rock Island, 111.
tumce in oengsion's block, Kock Island, 111
ATTORNEY'8 AT LAW Loan money on good
security, make collections. Reference, Mitch
ell A Lynde. bankers. Offioe In Poetothra block
News Stand. Five eenta per copy.
rt RaDTI ATEs off the niTmr vcTPoMi
u ry college, Velernary Physioiana anp Surgeons.
Office: Tindall's Livery stable; Residence: Over
nc.vio uwm.tij, aiMimci pijtmru.
Salesmen w;TJjD
To sell onr goods by sample to wholesale and re
tail trade. We are the largest manufacturers In
our line. Liberal salary paid. Permanent posi
tion. Money advanced for wages, advertising.
ciu. r iirrflrmn nuuress
CKHTEKNIAt, MF0. CO.. Chicago, 111
procured. Increase il other soldiers' claims
prosecuted. Write us about your ease. Room 4,
Metropolitan block, Chicago, I'd.
Rooms SO, 97, 28 and SB,
Take Elevator. DAVENPORT, IA.
Library Building, Davenport, Iowa, Call for
estimates and see work before going to Chicago.
ImiMtxtri xtvr(llmnt tmnsiwrvMicy to thekiu. RsV
I moves all pimples. fnkl and UiarolornUoiM. Kor
I sale by U i.ri-c.uia Urutrgi" , or maitoU for fiO eta.
own ir p T.rx
lsr WW Ssv Kaai i
is O
Bv virtue of an execution and fee hill No. 6-"SM,
Issued outof the clerk's office of the circuit court
of Rock Inland county, in the stute of Illinois,
andto me directed, whereby 1 am commanded to
make the amount of a certain Judgment recently
obtained aeainst Adam Alduy in favor of Lena
Peterson, out of the lands, teuements, goods and
Chattels of the said defendants. 1 have levied
upon the following property, to-wil:
Lot nve (M in block rour ) in trie townot tmwi
Rock Island, in the city of Moline, in soctimi
thirty-one, (81). in township etuhtet-n. ( 1 s I . north
range one (1) west of the fourth (lib) principal
meridian. In the cocnty of Rock Island and st:ite
of Illinois.
Therefore, according tosaid command I fhall ex
pose forsaleatpnblic auction all the right, title
and interest of the above named, Adam A May. in
and to the above described property, on Monday,
the 1st day of September, A. D., 1S90, at 10
o'clock a. ni , at the north door of the court house
in the city or Rock Island, in the county of Rock
Island and state of Illinois, for cash in hand, to
satisfy said execution and fee bill.
Dated at Hock Island this ttth dsv of August,
A. D. 1H90. T. 8.SILVIS,
. . Sheriff of Rock Island county, Illinois.
By virtue of an execution and fee bill No. fiWt.
issued out of the clerk's office of the circuit
court of Rock Island county, and state or Illinois,
and to me directed, whereby 1 am commanded to
maka the amount of a certain judgment r. cently
obtained against Adam AUIay. in favor of
Rock Island county, out of the lands, tenements,
goods and ebatiels of the said defendant. Aduin
Alday, I have levied upou the following prop
erty, to-wit :
Lot one (1) In block one, fl. In Adam Alday's
ree-wd (2nd) addition to East Rock Island, in the
city of Moline. in the county of Rock Island Ltii
state of Illinois.
Therefore, according to said command. I shall
expose for sale, at pub ic auction, all the rlvht,
title and Interest of the above named Adam
Alday In andto the above described propertv, on
Monday the 1st day ofSepteniher, IWtu, at 1 1 o'clock
a. m , at the north door of the Court house in the
city of Rock Island, in the county of Rock Inland
and state of Illinois, for cash iu hand, to satisfy
said execution and fee bill.
Dated at Rock Island, this Vth dav of August,
A. D 1891). T. M. 81LVIS.
Sheriff of Rock Island county, Illinois.
JjJXEOUTOR's Notice.
Estate of Snsan A, Schnell, Dec-aed.
The nndersigned having been a, pointed execu
tor of the last will and testament of Susan A.
Sehnell, late of the county of Rock Island, state
of Illinois, deceased, hereby gives notice that he
will appear before the county court of Hock Inland
county, at the office of the clerk of aid court, in
'lie city of Rock Island, at the October term, on the
Brat Monday In Ortober next at which time all per
sons having claims against said estate are notified
and requested to attend, for the purpnae of hav
ing the same alnted. All persona Indebted
to said estate are requested to make inmeiiiate
payment to the undersigned.
Dated this SStb day of July. V D , 1WK).
29d3w WM. Sl'IINBLL, hxecutor.
tractors. Sealed proposals will he received at the city
clerk's office. Rock Island, 111 .until f.p m. Sep
tember 1, 110. for lighting the streets -jf the city
with electricity. The light to be of stsiidntd
x.QUO candle power, to the number of one hun
dred to one hundred and twenty lights, suspen
ded on street intersections on poles or iuat arms.
The term of con'ract to he fur three years from
December 1. 10. Bonds In tire sum of ,i,(no
Two thousand dolla's will be required for the
f jithf nl performance of the contract.
Plans and specifications can be seen at the city
ciera a nmre.
The city reserves the right to retert any and all
bids. ROBERT KOKIII.ER Ciiv CU rk.
Dated Rock Island, 111. , August 7, !'..
Undertaking and Embalming
Dimick Block, No. Sft8 20th St.. Kock IsUml.
Having purchased a complete line of I'ndertak
Ing goods, with hearse and anpusrtennce, and
having seenred the services of Mr. Goo. K. Reed,
of Chicago, an expert funeral director Hud em
banner of 12 years experience, I am fully pre
pared to guarantee satisfaction.
Telvphoue 1115.
By using A. F. Schmid's, the pioneer resi
dent Lightning Rod dealers celebrated
which he keeps constantly on hand. Any job, ro
matter bow complicated, done In the most
scientific manner. Competition In
prices and quality defied.
No. B21 Twentieth St., Kock lshmd,
Music Teaching.
After 22 years experience In trar.hW Instru
mental Minic, I will promise you more theory with
less lessons for the least money of any teacher in
the city.
under onr supervision, given each Jnvenilc pnpil.
Teachers will save money to order their Music
Books of na. One-third off of marked price on
Sheet music to every one. Leave orders, naming
author, at my music rooms, 14111 Second avenue.
Rock Island.
We make a specialty of teaching Inexperienced
teachers how to teach.
Address me at 1406 Brady St., Davenport, la.
(Member American Ticket Brokers' Ass'tn)
Reduced Rates to all Points.
OFFICE Id Adams Express Office under
Harper House.
The Pope Mfg. Co.'s Bicycles. Ladies and
Children's Bicycles a specialty.
Dig O f acknowledged
the leartrm? remedy tot
Uenorrhiea A.- i;U.i
'I hAnnll' km... nnno.1. fa
I Ieiieeri-tcra or Whites.
Ivrewribe it and M
' UfAMl, ht MlainMM..Mml,.ll...ll
LTHttMiCHtM'"no to all sufferer-.
A. 1. 81 ONER, M.D,
TllM'AVTTa. Tr.
toli by braanrtetaa
f f 'XV til I
I m mum autettir.
N. stFJ
Dr. S. K. IfflMY
(Late of Cincinnati, Ohio,)
Has Permanently Located in
In the past two months he bas successfully
treated almost
of the most severe character.
Such diseases as Rheumatism. Neuralgia,
Scrofula, l!eart-dlsase. disease of the Liver,
K dneys, or of any of the secretory oreana; also
all kinds of Lung diseases or complications, snob
as Asthma, Br 'UChltis or Pleurisy. All aindstf
nervous diseases successfully treated.
Positively and permanently cured, without the
nse of the knife or auy operation whatever, or no
fVLoss of M 'in hood. Seminal Weakness, and
Errors of Youth, positively and permanently
(Vl'ossltively no case taken that cm. not be
cured. Correspondence accompanied by 4c iu
stamps promptly answered.
Cfnce McCnlloiigh's New Block
W. Third Street, near Main,
PTVHMflr for llvirtriaa, Dizzhi. Kit. SV'iraltria, Wake-tu!:t-jt
Mt-ntrtl IV iir-uti. Kiienimr oi ill Uroin. re
sulting tn in-nnitv hihI l-:wT-nr t mir y i!tav and
iirth, PiHiuuturt "H Anv, Kit renm .. I. of lower
in eh ber ttex. Involuntary io-rs uiui Sneriniiiorrliu? a
4-uuxnI tiv ovr-f xei tioti ! itm brain, feif-nliU-e or
over-siidiito-iio. Keu-Ii lnx contain on month V treat
ment. $t a Imix, r m 1ir $, n'tit dy mail rtHul.
With i,q onler for iht, Ixixt", will Mn1 pur-haM.'r
pimratit' to rfuiKl woiu-t it fltn trvatmt-ut fail u
our'. UuuraJites i&aii., tuxl gvnuiruj hoM uuly by
Drnitrlrita. Sole Agent, corner Third arenae and
Twentieth otreei, Kock IftuL, 111.
Liquor Habit.
fffAUme WOfUD 7fAS BlfT Otti CURE
tl ran be sivc. I. amp .r etiflV mr tea. .r I. srtl.
Hm wf food, without f he knowledge of the patient, ti
neeeswy- It is absolutely barmlesa and will effect a
permanent and speeaveiire. whether the patient Is a
moderate driuker or an alcoholic wreck. IT Nr'VI'K
fr'll. Ii operates so quietly nnt with such rer
tnimy that the ptttient undergoes no inconvenience,
and er. he is ware, his complete reformation la
eflected. 48 paite book ot particulars free.
Marshall A Fisher and T. H, Thomas, drag,
gists, Kock Island, III. may S-dwly
The Oreat French Remedy for fnpprcsslons
and Monthly Irregularities.
Ladies I'se Le Due's Periodical Pill, of Paris.
France; ifnarantoed to accomplish all thst is
claimed for them. To he used monthly for troubles
peculiar to women Full directions with each
Ivtx. per box or three t oxes for 5. American
Pill Co., royalty proprietors. Spencer, Tows. The
Pennine pill ohiained of Otto Kudert. Elm street,
Kock Island, Juppe St. Co.. Davenport, and of all
drupgiets. ml4edw
Tbe Regular Old-Establlsbed
Is still Treating wllb the Greatest
Cbronic, Nervous aiiiPriyate Diseases.
hood. Failing Memory, Exhausting Drains,
Terrible Dreams. Head and Back Ache and all
theeftrctslcidinK tn early decay ami pcih Con
sumption or Insanity, treated fccienuli&ulyby new
methods with never-failing sncces.
-SYPHllIS and all bad Blood and Skin
Diseases permanently cured.
r-KIDNEY and URINARY complaint.
Gleet, Gonorrhoea, Stricture, Varicocele and
all diseases of the Genito-l rin.iry Orpin cured
promptly without injury to Stomach, Kidneys or
other Orsram.
- No experiments. Ace and experience
important. Consultation free and aacred.
"AII correspondence is sacredly private.
Forty Years' Practice enables Pr.Clarke toGear
antee Cures in all Cnrahle Case ot Frrema,
Scrofula. Syphilis. Bladder and Kidney His.
-ease. larnrrhiFa and Female Trnnhlea. l iver
Complaint. Catarrh, all Hlood. Skin and Ner
vous Diseases.
No mailer who has failed to cure von. write
Dr. Clarke a full history of your case. Hours,
8 to8 ; Sundays, 9 to 1 a. Call on or address
186 So. Clark St., CHICACO, ILL.
(Charted by the Legislature of Illinois.)
Open daily from 9 A M.o 8 P. M , and on Tuea
day and Saturday Kvcniuir from 7 to
8 o'clock.
Intcrwu allowed on De8joit at the rM
of 4 per Cent, ppr Annum
Deposits rfceivtHlii. araonntsof
$1 and Upwards.
The private property of the Trustees is respon
sible to the dcHxitors. The officers are prohibi
ted from horrowiiu; any or its moneys. Minors
and married women protected by special law.
Ofrtcin-: f. W. Whxkick, President: Po
tier skinner. Vice President; C. K. Ukmenwat
Triistxks: S. W. Wheelock, Porter Skinner,
C V. llemeiiwny, J. Silas Leas, ii. H Edwards,
I Irani Darling. A. 8. Wrmht, J. S. Kcator. L.
H. Hemenway, C. Vitztbum.
ISTThe only chartered Mayings Bank In Rock
Island County.
V. TI. Mn.i.Kit. rres't.
8. V. Smitu, 'iro-PnVt.
F IT. ltvN, a-'y.
J. K. Flfii.AK, Treus.
Perfift prot.vti.m HiMiint hurplars. thieves
v'o.iti'-nil'V "V"-'- Whii-1'r..of
Vaults and Siife. IM nw prepareil to rent
SufH in its Aaulis, with either combination or
key Kieks. "the hs-k of these safes are all
lillermit, and imdir the -iitrol of the n-nter
K-u-h Mite rontaiim a tin box in whi. li to Mace'
vitliuihte jut such iKtiitniiKKlatioiK as are
WHited by AdmitiistratoiH, Kkeeuton. (inard
liins, npitalists, Marrini or Single W omen.
Farmers, Meeliaiiies, Tnivelinir Men, w
St ranger, liaviiiK vahiui.!,. j'nvato retirinir
rtxiiiis for the exa latimi of papers, etc
Safes In ! all siji ranifinj: in t.rl,-e, ir annum;
from Ihree 1 Millars up to Thirty Indlars, h,C
ejirdlne to size and loeatlmi. Also, Ktonure
Koilin for tllllI.Mrri K..V..U .. 1 " . '
are iroiiiR to travel, this is the only place of ab
solute safety in the three i-ities fof your silver
ami oilier valuithles. Cliaraes KastHuthle.
Call and sea unr Vaults. lIw. i...
bale or not. ' ' VKauo
M. 3. BOIIU3. Custodian.
era, on all CASH orders during our 30
ji uHKTiTVCa. No previoas expa-
lenre reqnlred. Write for trms. I- ka.
ttiaAtW 41 Kilismn, Mtea. , ..
DR. E.G. west's
aaaaaaaaaaaa- W T BBBW aV-WSwSaaW aaam aaaBWa BMiaaWaM
Datis Block,
Moline, Illinois,
Telephone 252.
Proprietor of the Old and well-known
Cor. Third ayenne and Eighth afreet,
Has opened with an entire stock of
Groceries, Dry Goods, Flour, Feed, Etc.
Fresh Farm Prod ace always on hand
Mr. Smart desire a renewal of bis old trade aad will try and give patrons prices ai.d trern,,.
of yore.
Practical Tile nl Mt M Layer.
Residence 819 Twenty-first St. Yard near St. Paul Depot,
Rock Island, I1L
Mr-gstimatee fornisbed for any kind of Tile or Brick in the market. Laying of brirk
ana tile walks a specialty.
Dealer in Hew and
Second Hand Goods-
Bays, sells and trades any snide. A specialty made of j-wr:rr
No. 1614 Second Aveoue
Has opened his New and Spacions
No. 1620 to 1626 Third arenne,
where he would be pleased to see his friends.
V All kinds of drinks as well as Ale and Porter, and tbe well known drink "H if r.l '3
only place In tbe city wbe e you can get it. Koast tteer L.unce every day rrom 10 to 12.
And Dealer in Mens Fine Woolens.
1706 Second Avenue.
No. 228 Twentieth 8treet, next to
Made in tbe latest style. Also repairing done with neatness and dispatrb.
Unofacturer of all klods of
Gents' Fine Shoes a srlaltT. Repairing done neatly and prompUv
A share of y otir patronage respectfully solicited.
1818 Second Averne. R.k Msr ! T
Dealer in Groceries and Provisions,
No. 2606 Fifth Avenue, ROCK ISLAND
tmr Nrw stoie. new stock, the nest goods at the lowest prirea. A share of ostrors.'e ft, ;
House and Sign Painter.
First-class Graining and raper ITaning.
P. O. Box 672.
Cast Iron Work
done. A specialty of furnishing all kinds
of Stoycs with Castings ot 8 eenta
per pound.
City Scavenger,
which 4om its work in a thorough manner.
IW It lhnn..V.1. . M. . .
ptumn im air ana removes
ail obnoxious smells. For sale at SsaU Koehler's
Prick 50 Ckkts pbb Bottlb.
k itnn suuivsl aLtCTHIUTT
r I? 0 lCICL 0K0AHT0 anJ
Promptly aad neatly executed by the 4a tm Jo
Special atteoSoopaW to Caaokardal v ork
: Steam Fitters,
" A complete stock of
Pipe, Brass Goods, Packing
tiuoe, r ire iinck, K(C
Sow) Agents for-
We guarantee every one perfect, stid w,ij ..
Twenty day's trial, to responsible j
Q-,w ni;.i. T:i j r.
"""u6 uuiicib sou uontrttrtor,
t J n. ' 'U I
luiuioumg sou layintf V ater, sr,d
Sewer Pipe.
1712 Fik?tAv
Rock I1kd,1. Iiiia,
Telephone 1148. Residence 1 elrj .,ilt. 1(
Conrad Schneider's grocery. R x-k U:i.D.i,
floe nttinc
Shop Fourth Ave. bet. list and M Si
Jo bay s Triaao-ftata or mu. he k a wm at mr.-A-rand
tniruinont, yoa vnil soosuli y.n.r ob i m
srsta by wntwt os for terras and pooe.
Your on lperhneMnll tell rw trim it v '
afa to do boamiss with a bnnss of wral.lu.i'Mi n-i"-taUna
and rha yon also barn thst u-b a h-""
mda at tn loinxr men. qaairtr o.t' fccJ
to mhi terms, yno have all Ihe hwt r-a
tar ptaehx vmn- orxW with K. sell th N- av
atmaMtiu in the market at the tnweat pn aa.i
iaaau to suit all tasand fwrsea
Oar aalubst hartades sorb atakss as
The Peorte Kaabe. Tbe riiii- Krwer
Two Paaal.r FUrber,
Taws Now EawiaaWI aad IVaae Pianos.
Jbr parNevlars eaa on or trritr
Psalr sad
Breakfast Cccoa
Jm mbtnlttlrln pur- a-
it im maiuUi .
Xo Chemical a
at ad ia Ua i
saw ram thrt n rL
Um ailKrd WiU. SUn h. r- r
far Hiura, and then-tnr i ,rT
economical, came ! "7
It M alrlio.rtia. 1
UTvrrlKKtnc. EaHlT I'i..is
I - - w.ll mm II. Ill'- "
Mold by Qiwerseverv
W. BAKES & (X-Dorchester. Mas
nercer County Coal,
The cheapest ever known
S225 Per Ton for Cash.
Will also contract to faralehTlle end Brick ft
sidewalks and do eeneral haulline. Ott t'VV
sile M. Joseph chare b. Second avenne.
Telephone L X. T. H. IW.
A Pocket Hatch Bafe Free to Smokers of
aay -J

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