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Rock Island daily Argus. (Rock Island, Ill.) 1886-1893, August 17, 1892, Image 5

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn92053945/1892-08-17/ed-1/seq-5/

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Foth the method and results when
f vrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant
and refreshing to the taste, and act3
gently yet promptly on the Kidneys,
Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys
tem effectually, dispels colds, head
aches and fevers and cures habitual
constipation. Syrup of Figs is the
only remedy of its kind ever pro
duced, pleasing to the taste and ac
ceptable to the stomach, prompt in
its action and truly beneficial in its
t fleets, prepared only from the most
healthy and agreeable substai ces, its
man v excellent qualities com:aend it
to all and have made it th. 3 most
popular remedy known.
vrup of Figs is for sale in 75c
kittles by all leading druggists.
Anv reliable druggist who may not
have it on hand will procure it
promptly foE: any one who wishes
to trv it. Manufactured only by the
Best Line of
Aod the largest and best line of
1809 and 1811 Second Ave.
T. B. KK1DY.
Real Estate
We now have ornne flit-clafi bargains in reil
estate which will net all the way from 8 to 14 per
rent on the investment It will be to the Interest
of pa tie who have tneir money placed at a less
rate of Interest to call and examine thee rareatns.
Room 4. Mitchell A Lynde building, ground
floor, in rear of Mitchell & Lynde bank.
Subscribe for Stock
In th Second series of the
Home Building and Loan Asso
ciation, of Hock Island.
A safer and better investment
than Government Bonds, be
cause the loans are made only
upon established values and it
pays more than three times as
much interest besides the
amonnt invented and the profits
can be withdrawn at any time.
Money loaned at lowest rates.
R. A. DONALDSON, Secretary,
"mcis. Rooms S. 4. 5 and 6 Masonic Temue.
Crum Trays and Brashes.
Japanned Tea Trays.
Flower Pote.
Water Glasses, all styles.
r. f. v-
Crockerr Store.
Second a vet ne.
Rock Island, 111.
Q. M. Looslkt.
Col. B. F. Marsh Nomin
ated at Bushnell.
The Ex-Congressman Completely
Snowed Under.
Frarsrdlnx or the Republican von
cresaianal Convention Carry
the itws to the reelect
BusHSELL, Aug. 16. -Jpecil.
This was a busy Oay at Bushnell. The
fair opened here todav, which attracted
a large number of people, the prohibi
tion congressional convention was held
here also, and tonight the delegates to
tomorrow's convention began to come in,
so that the town is crowded with people
and it is hard to secure accommodations
of any kind. The Rock Island delegv
tion was the first to arrive and no others
are expected in tonight, as the morning
trains will bring them all in. A few
scattering delegates from other coun
ties are here, but none to speak
of. The Rock Island delegation
after arriving made a pretense of holding
a meeting, but only a few got together
and it resulted in nothing. The fact is,
it doesn't know what way to turn to
make a showing and it isn't making any
bones about it. William Jackson, one
of the most conspicuous of the delegates
was conspicuous for his absence, for rea
sons best known to himself. Ia his place
and by his grace came one M. E. Swees
cey, who persuaded Mr. Jackson to let
him Lave his proxy. Sweeney is known
to be willing to accept anything politi
cally, from a red hot stove to a dead
Gest came down with the delegation
and is hobnobbing around as usual, but.
unless all signs fail, he will be decidedly
out of it. Marsh is the man that, every
one has down as the mark that will be
put up, and he is right here on the
ground 6eeing to it himself McLean
has not jet arrived, and it is thought by
some in a position to know, that
be may yet make i. interesting for the
Colonel. At any rate Mr. Gest at this
moment is not considered in the race,
and there is a bare possibility that his
name will not be presented to the con
vention, though things may change by
the time the conven'ion is called -
The prohibition convention today nam
inated Rev. W. P. White, of Little
York, as a candidate for congress, and
T. J. McMahon, of Hancock county, for
member of the state board of equaliza
tion. Mr. Wells was taken sick on the
train, and . is confined to his room here
with a lung trouble, but his physician
thinks he will be able to be about again
Gest had his satchel stolen alter he ar
rived here tonight, and fears it is a bad
omen. It is said it contained his letter of
acceptance, and that Marsh now has it.
Someone was cruel enough to anxiously
inquire of Gest if he had really lost his
Sister" Payne and "Friendly Bill"
Crawford are doing Bushnell tonight for
all they are worth.
BcsnsELL, Aug. 17. Special. The
republican congressional convention of the
Eleventh district was called to order short
ly aft r 11 o'clock by Postmaster Howard
Wells, of Rock Island, to whom had been
delegated the delicate duty by Chairman
Joseph L. Haas, of the congressional
committee, and Wells, realizing the grav
ity of the situation, rose from a sick bed
to perform the duty. W. C. Galloway,
of Alt do, was chosen as temporary chair
man, and Phil Dallam, of Warsaw, was
made temporary secretary. Committees
on credentials, resolutions and perma
nent organization were appointed, after
which the convention adjourned until 1
The Gest men held a meeting this
morning, and decided that M. M. Stur
geon should present Gest's name to the
convention, and test his strength, which
if not satisfactory, to withdraw it. Mc
Lean's name will be presented by H. C.
Agnew, of Macomb. It has not yet been
decided who will present Marsh's name.
Bushnell, Aug. 17. Special.
The convention reassembled at
1:10 o'clock. On motion the
temporary organization was made
permanent, and Howard Wells, of Rock
Island, and T. P. Sheldon, of Warren,
were chosen as assistant secretaries. The
committee on resolutions reported, after
which Charles DeHarie. of Carthage,
presented the name of Col. B. F. Marsh
for the nomination lor con
gressman, lhis was seconueu
by J. A. Porter of Warren. H.. C. Ag
new of Macomb presented the name of
Alexander McLean, and M. M Sturgeon
of Rock Island placed Gest's name
in nomination.
It was moved to proceed to an informal
ballot which carried with this result:
Gest, 36, Marsh, 61, McLsan. 83.
The formal ballot resulted: Marsh. 71;
Gist, 31; McLean. 23; necessary to a
choice 66. Marsh being nominated on the
first formal ballot.
M. M. Sturgeon of Rock Island was
nominated for the state board of equaliza
tion and thy convention adjourned.
Josltn. Aug. 12. Mr. Talby has
beed promoted to the management of the
creamery at Alpha. Joseph Dunbar takes
Mr. Talby'a place at Joslin.
During tne last week Mr. Nutter of
Rock Island has been visiting his cream
eries. He spent a couple of days at Jos
1 n.
Trusts and syndicates have no con
science or souls, it is all a grasping after
the almighty dollar. They don't care
who sinks so that they swim
Mr. and Mrs G. W. Crompton and
daughter of Rock Island, visited with
their parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. E Cromp
ton on Tuesday and Wednesday las:.
Mrs. Robert Whiteside of Chicago, the
adopted daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Will
iam Whiteside, has been visiting with
them since the 4th of July. She visited
with Mr. and Mrs. F. E Crompton on
Saturday last. She returns to Chicago
the latter part of this month.
In our own civil war it is doubtful if
the gold of New York and London did
not work us greater -.ojury than the pow
der and lead and iron of the rebels. It
was the most invincible enemy of the
public creuit. Gold paid no soldier, or
sailor. It refused the national obliga
tions. It was worth the most when our
fortunes were the lowest. Every defeat
gave it increased value, and served to en
rich the gold barons.
Blackberries are now ripe and very
scarce, consequently everybody wants to
get some. The owners of patches them
selves, whodont allow others to pick
their berries, on going to pick at early
dawn are frequently just in time to find
them all gathered, and the parties leavs
ing on the other side of the pasture.
Certain young men picked an old ladj's
berries and then sold them to a peddler,
the peddler in turn offering them for sale
to the original owner.
On Friday evening last there was a
lawn sociable at the residence of Mr. and
Mrs. S. S Beal. Lemonade, ice cream
and cake were served. Over 40 were
present, and a grand time was reported.
In order to raise money for the church,
the minister or any other good purpose,
a Jvery unique feature was introduced.
Young ladies were masked and sold at
auction Joshua Dilion bought in his own
daughter which caused much merriment.
Forty cen'8 was bid for the last young
lady placed upon the auction block, by
her gentleman attend- nt, and on being
appealed to for a higher bid, shook his
head and said that was all he could
Hand. She was bought by the auction
eer for 43 cents.
It it somewhat amusing to fee to what
e :tr.meties leading protectionists are
driven in being compelled to talk on both
sides of the tariff question. In one
breath they tell us, as did President liar
tison, that articles can become too cheap,
and that "a cheap coat makes
a clea rran," and in the
next breath they give us a list of ov. r
200 articles that are cheaper since the
McKinley tariff bill came in force. One
day tbev tell us that tin cannot be manu
factured in this country without a
protective tariff. The next day they
tell us that articles made 'of American
tin can be bought just as .cheap today as
they ever could and that the duty placed
upon foreign tin has not affected the
price of American tin in the least.
We would like to ak President Harrison,
Blaine or McKinley a few questions.
Does this protection increase the cost of
the protected tin? If it does, who pajs
this increased cost? If it don't how d?es
it protect or enable the American manu
facturer to pay larger wages than the
English manufacturers pay? Then some
republicans seem to be trying to make
much of the report of the senate finance
committee as to the effect of the tariff on
prices. Taking 215 representative arti
cles as a basis, it showed a reduction in
the cost of living of 8J per cent rlurintr
the first 18 months under the McKinley
law, and an increase of IS per cent in
the cost of agricultural products. Now
then, we again would like to ask. in view
of the fact that farm products form a
considerable part of the cost
of living, how did it happen that
an increase of IS per cent
in the cost of farm produce was attended
by a decrease of 3 per cent in the cost
of living?
Next, did protection cause the decrease
of 8 per cent in the price of the 215 arti
cles? If so, how did protection protect?
Did protection cause the increase of IS
per cent in the price of farm produce?
The McKinley bill increased the tariff on
some articles and placed others on the
free list. To point to the reduction of
price in articles the bill put n the free
list as an evidence of the benefit of pro
tection is simply a fraud ard a presump
tion upon the people's ignorance.
Klver Kipietn.
The stage of the water at noon was
4 80; the temperature on the bridge was
The C. J. Csffrey came down with a
tow of 12 strings of logs and the F. C.
A. Denkmann with eight.
The Yerne Swain brought in an ex
cursion from Comanche this morning,
and the day is being spent at the Tower.
The C. J. Caffrey, Lone Star and Yerne
Swain came down, and the . Louisville,
Lone Star, C. J. Caffrey and Yerne
Swain passed up.
Uad Itiddamrr.
Ed'Lsfferty, a prisoner confined in
the county jail, having been sent down
from Moiine under the charge of vagran
cy, took advantage of an opportunity to
skip yesterday, while behind the back of
the janitor who was in charge of him,
while he was engaged in work about the
court house. The man was simply a bur
den to the county and his vacation of the
county jail is good riddance to bad rub
laooks M)'atrrtu.
Av 2 o'clock this morning Officer Carl,
son, while walking through Spencer
Square, detected a reflection of a fire east
of Twentieth street on Third avenue.
Hastening in that direction he discov
ered a pile of dry goods boxes east of
Hartz & Babnsen's, on Third avenue, to
be ablaze and. notwithstanding that the
fire was burning briskly, he seized bold
of them and succeeded in rolline them
into the street and the flames were thus
soon subdued. The boxes were covered
with oil, which made the fire bum all the
more fiercely, and the officer's hands
were blistered somewhat by the opera
tion. The effair has all the appearance
of incendiarism, although the fire may
have started from combustion, or from, a
carelessly thrown match or cigsr stump.
lp riki-'nivak.
Clark Buford. son of Mr. and Mrs.
J. M. Butord, who his just returned
from Colorado, relates an interesting
story of the scenes at Pike's Peak during
the Knights Tern pier rush to the historic
summit. From Manitou to the top of
the Peak, a distance of nine miles, trains
guaranteed to accommodate 330 Knights
a day, but are carrying 500. Tue fare
up and back is $3.75, but Mr. Buford
says that tourists were offering $ 50 a
ticket, and that 1,000 a day were on the
ground anxious for the trip, that many
slept on the ground all night in order to
hold their places in line for an opportu
nity to go up.
Wheelmen, Attention.
All members of the Twin-City Cycling
club are requested to meet at 'Market
square Thursday at 7 o'clock sharp, to
take a short run to Thirty-eighth street
to meet the Moiine wheelmen. By order
of the captain. Will Ramser.
Mouth Rock Inland D.-nioeraM.
The democrats of S uth R.ck Isian 1
are requested to meet at the South Rock
Island town hall on Ss.turd.iy evening,
July 22. at 7:30 o'clock, to select dele
gates to the democratic county conven
tion. George Richmond.
Harvest Kxcurlon.
Tuesdays. Aug. 30th, and Sept. 27:h.
1892. the C. SI. & St P. Railway will
sell harvest excursion tickets to points in
Iowa, Minnesota and Dakota for one fare
for round trip Tickets are goon for re
turn 20 days from date of sale. Nc stops
over permitted on these tickets.
E. D. W. Holmes, Agent.
Coughing leads to consumption.
Kemp's Balsam will stop the cugh at
urtis Opera House,
Opening of Regular Season,
William Haworth's Groat Siectacnlar
Naval Drama,
Oivcn under the direction of JACOB L'TT rnd
Four Great Original and Realistic Naval
Double-Deck pcnc of IT. S. Frigate San Jac
into, View of the Harbor of Havana hy Moonlight.
President's Doom in White House,
hpar Dock of a t'nileil Slat-a Man-of-War
Seats on sale at Flukc'e Monday mt.rnin;; A at;.
15th : Prtcce 51.00, 75, 50 and 2-Jc; Telephone SI.
Pi e'ees
to select from. Why piy 43 cents
to 1 1.00 for which you can get
for 10 cents at
1717 Second Ave.
Rock Island Couktt, I
In the County Court of raid Rock Inland County.
In the matter of the assignment of The Northern
Mining and Hailway company. Petition b.
nomas 8. Silvis, assignee, to sell real estate.
Notice is hereby given that under the deed of
assignment made by raid he Northern Mining;
anrt Railway company to Thomas 8. Silvia a as
signee, and by virtue of the decrees of said court
entered in the above entitled proceeding on the
11th day of June, A. D. lftti, and on the 10 day f
august. A. D. 1P92, I ahal' on Satnr. av, the
17th day of September A. D. 1632 at the lour or
one o clock in the afternoon, at tbe north do r of
the court hnu-e. In the city of Ro' k Is and, in
said county of Kock Island, sell at public vendue,
to the h'ghest bidder for cash in hand, al th
right, title nd interest of laid Thomas S. Ml vis
assignee of said The Northern Mining and Kail
way company, in and t those certain parrels of
land situate la the County of ork It'ind and
state of Illinois, known and described aa follows,
Lots No one (1) and two (S) block six (6) in
th Town of Hampton.
Dated at Ko- k Island. III., this 17ihdayof
August, A. D. 189
Assignee of the northern Mining and Hallway
'EM OUT. - r?
On Momlav a. m. August 15, We put
out a lot of children's and missea body
ribbed vests at 4c at 5c at 62 at 9a at 1 0c
at 12c There are all jobs, and prices
nitned are to sell them off quick; no
more after present stock is gone;' big
rash might close out any one lot the-first
The grandest line of drass goods for
the autumn and winter season ever un
loaded in tbis sen-inn is now being shown
at our stores sacked up here and. there
and everywhere ; take a glance at the
mouu thins cf dress iooda or aek to be
shown bo:ue ot our choicest and newest
(roods, and if you nre not ready to buy
j'i-t now, Utile Inter when you are,
vou will thick f no other place to go.
EtT-lv buyers of course will have best selections.
Once more we mike e slash on China
dress silks; tbis time it will be all or Che
ney Bros . high grade silks 97c aod $1;
they will be closed out for the seon at
79j per yard; you've seen them and ask
ed our price $ I, you've asked our price
97c; thev were'nt too hiib; others were
Hsiog $1.25 for them, so our prices
were thought cheap.
On Monday a. m. at 8 o'clork they
go down to 79c; one yard or a p'tce as
long as they last. Hf-nnmber these are
the genuine Cheney Bros., riest soods,
24 inches wide and will he a .1.1 at 79c till
closed; there are hlaca groundi with
bright flowers and figures; there are light
grounds with figures; there are glce ef
fects with figures, all of them go at 79c.
The sale of our 50c ChirihS last week
at 33J closed out i;e entiro line in short
rder; w? thick our special axle iUa
week will ..roduc like results.
Onr Corset Deportment has received a lot of n w accessions during the past week which puts
tbe department in the highest possible condition, ami ibis wet k we sha.l offer a lot of special
dr.via in Corceta which will make the desartmt ment faiily quiz. One cate of Ihe cclebiated.
Bates bed quilts go this at 84 cents a piece.
1720, 1722 and 1724 Second Avenue
For your Summer Footwear.
Men's Dongola Oxfords $1.75 and $2.00,
Men'a Patr nt Leather Oxfords $2 00 and $2 50,
Men's Working Shoes iu Ootig or Lrac, $1.15 a piir,
cheap at $1.50 i , .
Ladies' pat. tip cloth top Shoes $2 00 and upwards,
Ladies' Booties only $1 60. woith $2 00,
Ladies' Oxfords patent tip, all solid, only $1 10 a pair
j3l full line of Lawn Tennis goods, for large and sma'l,
from 50c and up.
In addition to these low prices wa are giving away free
an elegant life size Crayon Portrait.
Call and get a card and ask for particulars.
Harper House Block.
N. B Not open on Sundaj's.
1818 Second Avenue.
Upon the solicitation of a number of our leading
Physicians we have secured the agency for the sale
of the celebrated Brotherhood Wine Co's. Wines and
Liquors, which are unexcelled for medicinal use.
We have the following goods in original pint
i:Hiiy.ide Claret
Pure ianle Caret
Zinfnudel t'lnret
Norton's Needling Claret..
Sauterne... ..............
Madeira... ...........
Sweet Catawba
Sweet Catawba
lry Catawba
Iry 'utawba
Old Rrotherhood Brandy.
Old Cherry Krandy.... . ..
old Medicinal I'ort. ......
Old Sweet Delaware
Kx. Old tirocton Fort
Sweet Isabella
IS 6
... ISfSJ
Also, Old XXXXX Emerson Rye 79 in original qts.
T. H. THOMAS, Druggist.
Adams Wall Paper Co.
. - J. C. ADAMS. Pres.
"Wall Paper,
"Window Shades,
Fine Etchings,
Picture Frames,
Mouldings.- -
For all Kinds of
STORES Rock Island, Moiine, Davenport, Reynolds.
: I 890
Tie Hops Never Slip. No Knots to Tie.
Hammock size plate or screw, 15 cents. -- Clothes line sizes per pair. 15 cents. ,,"
1703 Aoi 1705 Second Ycnne
Telephone No 12: ft-

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