OCR Interpretation

Rock Island daily Argus. (Rock Island, Ill.) 1886-1893, February 09, 1893, Image 8

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn92053945/1893-02-09/ed-1/seq-8/

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1HK AltGUR TH T) "RS D A T. REIUiUAIl 9, 1893.
Discount e'e at Dolly Bros.'
Six valentines for le at Kiogsburj'a.
Valentines! Valentines for all at Kings
Call and examine Dolly Bros.' bargain )
See the large line of ralentines
Laura Dainty Monday night at the M
. flhurch.
Ladies' lace shoes $3 at $150 at)
Dolly Broa.'
Fred Staasen went to Dubuque jester
The Third Annual Entertainment at ti e
High 8 hool Tomorrow Night.
ine tbird i.nnual contest between the
Boc'eties Hinorva and Belle's Lettrea oc
cur at the Rick Island High school to
morrow even ng. The president of the
at the . M nrrva pres dea in the first nnrt anri th.
programme ill include a selection bv
t e High scfcool orchestra, invocation, a
apilngsong Tj the High school double
quartette, an essay, "Words of Praise
oyMissriorn Ludolph; an easav. "A
day on business. Gentleman," by Martha Huesing; a piano
run jaucneu leaves tonignt ior Uhi- . rniyscnrrz' oy Mamie Bren
csgo on easiness. nen. Millie It lehart and Bessie Head:
W. B. Judaon. of Erie. Pa.. U vinitinir
Rock Island friends.
Z-phyr gingbans 10 ceuU a jard at
Mela tire Bros.' tomorrow.
From 25 to 50 per cent discount on
odds and ends at Doliy Br. s.'
It will pay you to patronize the "mtel-
jigence comma:' of I he Argus
declamation ' How Persimmons Took
Care of the Eihy." Miss Essie Burch:
declamation ' The Dream of Aram," by
Miss Frida Kuehlcr; a ladies' chorus wiih
orchestra accompaniment,'Summer Fan
cies;" the delate on the question: Re
solved, that w ter Wied Greater
The condition of Engineer Wright is j influence than the Orator' with affirms-
reported much more alarming today. t ve by Bert ha Wilson and negative bv
Miss Alma Haines, of Keokuk, is viait ' Esie Buffman
"Vn "JT Wi 'rietd8 iD CitJ The Pre8idel of the Lirea pre-
O. C. Wei a. of Brunint Neh.. is Tis'-ij. . . v
iting bis brother. Posimter Wells, in I . , " " Pt. wh.ch opens
the city. I wiin a selection by the High school or-
Prof. Stople's farewell concert occurs lra' rollo,"ed the journal; "The
at the Auditoriom. Mnlinn. ThiirarUv Phaser, bv Albert Dart, and the ir.nrnal
evening, Feb. 16. "The K , k Ilan i Belles Littres." hv
Remember the wash pnnria n! t V. I Mis T.n a lTnikn..!... ti
- o I - ."UiORCl . 1 LCU 1U11UWB
latird Bros." tomorrow. Gino-hama. I. j..-.- ..t-v
law. tennis, satteens etc. ,, , Y
Two hundred and fifty men are thrown P ' AtJ,e 5iar8 :
it of emolovment bv the riesimminn r alt0' um Simmons. Minerva Soprano.
Margu?rite Murp y; alto. Pauline Wolt-
out of employment by the destruction of
me moiine Malleable Iron works.
Ex-Mayor Henry Carse has returned
irom a visit to ine mines of the Rock Isl
and Oo d Mining Co. in Colorado
Tne Rock IslaDd Stove company closed
us louiiary yesterday, work being bus
peuuea in oraer to repair the furnace.
The funeral or the late John Lambert
will be held tomorrow at 2 p.m. from
the tirst Baptist church at Davenport
The Columbia has just received a large
e oi lancy valentines which will be re-
vauea bi wnat otner dealers have to pay
lor insm.
man an oration, "The Indin Qies
tien," by Char es Durham, and an ora
tion, "Unificat.on." by Clarence Soauld-
iag, ending wi h a selection by the High
school orchestra. I ne report of
judges' decisioi will be rande by the
president of the bord of education.
No Such Thine as rail.
The meeting of t ie i io (jity Colum
bian comm tita at Moline last u eht
proved one of the most encouraging and
A Witty trastomtr
went to a drur store and asked for Sz
dent. The st refceeper said. "We're ou
or tuat, but here is s methiDt; just es
good." The practical customer said.
no you don t," and walked out to a
neighboring store and got a bottle of So
is Daa enough, with the ordi
nary pill. But the having it
down is worse. And, after
all the disturbance, there's
J I j better. They're the smallest
m I ana easieei to lalce tiny,
rlf I I sugar-coated granules that
N any child is ready for. Then
I C ij they do their work so easily
- aiiu go naiurany mat it lastB.
1 They absolutely and perman-
1J ently iirr Constination. In-
digestion. Bilious Attacks,
oivn biiu jjauhum iienancnes. ana ail derance-
iivrr, smmaen ana oowels.
They're (jtiaranterd to pive satisfaction, or
TUB M A KTRC nf Tlr Gon.n f 1.
v ' ..i t? vai.il i u
Kemedy say: "If we oau't cure your
Catarrh no matter what vour case is,
we'll pay you $.-00 in cash'." Now you
can see what is aitl of nther romri;c
and decide which is most likely to cure
jvii. oiiiy ,)u cents.
urtis Opera House,
Andrew Witt, a Moline enthusi huc. thi.f th ,
- J " umo uciu
nas Deen missinz for some t me and hiair..r u..,.! ..
,.i , , . . . i u imuus. vuairman velie
iricuus ucid io iear ne may nave muq j
j i J uccu i preaided and tr ere was n froo ;n.mt..n
ownaea. i ...".innugo
ikl. . I of views, all beino of one
iuc valentines m cenuioia designs I ,. . uu
just in, are the handsomest ever shown tne P!611 nad progressed too far
in thin mtrbp Hull nri A v. I now tn lurmti . ,n , :i ipl. .
van auu sec U.CU1 KL I ' Fwtujib ij I B 11. 1111' rpnnrt nr
xiiJKOOurj. me additional VMVh nmnrn, ho
' a uiwouu icik I KHl trni :nr I ni. I Bicnoro in Vstnlr j i j
r - -I -fc"'--" iu aiLnwBk A3. B UU OUUWCU iOai all
"Farmer" Barn. and polbfy aiHs- fUf had SUi9C"bed r worth
c cucuuuier lor von lioyie. I uu practically
w;n rj j li ... I aereed ts. I was Hooirid i
m ui umia Kfeicu uu voaaecuOQ wltQ I ..v.,. v. iv Luuuuua
the firm of Hartz & B&hnsen last vTnino I the canvass in Rock Island tha remain) a
and henr.eforth will ilnvnin til, . . , ; i I nt .v... v. ,
. uid nine i i uo nets, wi en inn tinners will on tn
Thursday Eve, Feb. 9
Enormous Success, Crowded Honjei
The Grandest Production Known to
the American Stage.
13 Realistic-Scenes 13
The Gnat New York and Boston
No adrance in prices. Seat sale regirs at
riuKe-g.-raesaay Feb. 7:n- Te'cptaone No. 20.
to the retail drug firm of Hartz & Ulle
LiOrtOB Bros, sold a car lnarl nf Irnt
ting bred stock in Chicago the other day
wqicd included two horses owned by C.
v. negus or this city, which hrought a
ine aiuwauaee train got in on time
last night, it being the first through train
in several days. To prevent any further
delay this morning the passenger was
cut uui uuuuie neaoeo.
Moline where Chairman Velie and Messrs
Morris Rosenfieid. W. R. Moore and fi
S. Davis have a jreed to personally under
taae tne canvas i. At the sueeestian af
Walter Johnson nrd Dr. Q. G. Craic. tbe
chairman and secretary were authorized
to corresp ini v. ith the officers of the
Rock Island CoiDty Agricultural assacia
tion at Port Byrn and invite them to J be
present at tbe next meeting of the com
11 - v.. vtj v i iurj aj(.
mittee Wednesday evening, Feb. 22
Lloyd and wife, who has been dangerous
ly ill with winter cholera and inflamma
m ineuuiausm. is reDorien aa much m.
proved and will probably now get along
an rigDi.
mi . ...
ine pipes wnich convev the Htrm
from the boiler at the county jail across
ine lawn to tne court nouse and in fact
all tbe pipis underground are more or
less damaged Some of them are now
being dug up and are being repaired 83
fast they can be without shutting off the
ueai aiiogeiDer.
Frank J. Clendenin and Miss Lillie
Piper ef Moline Dernetrated a little nr
prise on their friends by going to Mor
rison, 111., last Saturday, in comoanv
Reck Island to which time the committee
b Marv G Davennort to Hkriciiun
JhtOenier. lot a block 6. Bailev Daven
port's add. Rock Island, 6.
J C H Read t)AW Warlawnr h w n
block 1. Blackman's add, Moline, $400.
J C H Head to A W Wadswortb, block
3. Fairmoun; ac d. MoliDe. 1 finn
Michael Corcorm to Jamea Tiirlo no,t
- r,. . - k-'V
ioi i, v;aicago or ljower add, Rock Isl
ith .h,' f.;.i ..A . ::.T A .. or ueorge b. isrowner. Re-
viuao a 1LUU III'. 1 1 IV lUKrriHil M I I l!...:.u a. r i . - i
?.f.h,r.e5-aD Ui0t e er0om- The nomination of V M. Blandine Bond
uiuuio uc nueoi me timp ninpp ihPir di.j i : .
, m .j t " "t "nu "Pprovea. nenry Wbeelan.
Trir:::"'::. Salter and W. P. S.bracder
h.J,.TKiir f a 1 "ere appointed appraisers to appraise per
tne DUbl C first learned of the event whutt . a 1 r . HK . Hcl
v . , . noDti tiiecis ana co-partnersbiD dtod
the Daners annntinned it rpafirrtmr ftr. p-nuc.ouip prop
, , , .j . . erly
A Lugubrious Chrlstrtmn Present.
"I fancy I am making a Christmas pift,"
aiu a woman jn a drug shop, "which will
not be duplicated in the whole ritv n,,,i
aho went on, pointing to a large package
win tiers was addressing, "ls a half dozen
bottles of cod liver oil for a young woman 1
know who needs lust th.-ir. t nnir an1 Vian
not cent to spare to buy it. I'm rTot au 17071 XZtWsZil
that she will be nleaseil. hut. oh iLn I 1 ?' J . laB' ,A,ncrl w Smith,
that she will be pleased, but she will take
vuuoii, anu mat s my chief concern. But
Estate of Arnold Vanhock Honri nf
George W. Gr,fl:as administrator ffled
and approved and letters ifsued to him.
I.lrr iihccI to Wed.
4 Julian Rt raelvn. Katie S-hat7r
7 Herman St hwenneckcr. Cne innic
isenrenat, z,uma.
8 William II Hea'h, Abbie B Bennett,
III.. Juola it Duncan. Tiskila-u Tn
Charles G Korn, Betty Wreidt. Rock IsN
it isn't an altogether appetizing box of bles G Korn Betty Wreidt. Rock IsN
Christmas bonlions, is it?" And her li- Bud; Lswis Qunzolpf. Matilda Koch,
tener coum not it wajj ew Vork Rock Island; Peter J Heverling. Oily
I. O. O. F, Attentions
TtZz.?ll BPecU-l ffieeting 0f
"vv;" ,"u acampment JNo. 12. I. O,
on rrinay evening Feb- 10.
y oruer or u. B. Knox, C. P.
- ........ , v.IJ
Swinsford. Rock Island: Martin nrh.A
Laura Fonger, lloline.
Annual Meeting AagUKtana Synod.
For this metincr at PTtnn Tn
Feb. 14th to 20ta, '93 tbe Rock Island &
f eona will ma e rate of one and one
third fare on cert ificate plan. Tickets on
I iuhu lore uu tct lLtnic pmu. 1 lCKeiS On
Tha v, illr . 4..: . . . . I n 1 Et. ,1iL i. nil . i a
juitc ra lie tuDiKirtree which I c reu- nuio in, gnna ror return
now plays so important a part among the until 8nd including Feb. 23d. '93. Trains
world a productions, was first made ue of I leave Twentie'.h street depot. Rock Isl
oy tne Indiana of fnuin r;. i i i , ..on i n.n
made known to their conquerors. R. Stockhodsk G. T A.
Mrs. J. Watson, moo A;., I
, , . , , . l"'ia uireer, l j-nuieri union.
PhliadelDhia. Pa., ami- -T t,:i. t I . . . . .
Bull'. Couith BvVnn I. "'M... "01 raIDter.8 .UI0?.11.?re
iaS?J?"XSD import-
"-uii,. ance. By order of president.
The only Pure Cream of Tartar Punt., vr . . . .
TteoA irif r -r-r ""uiowa; No Alum.
Used Millions of Homes 40 Years the Str-dard,
urtis Opera House,
Friday, February 10th.
Fifth Season of Denman Thompron and
Geo. W. yer Play,
'The Two Sisters"
rleasing Everyone Who Sect It.
Usual nricee, f 1.00, 75, 50 and 35 cent. Scat
fale Wednesday Tib. 8, at Fluke's.
HP's Theatre,
J. E. Montrose, Manager.
Wednesday, February 1.
The Tairty and Versatile Comedienne, FAKNT
KICK, and her excellent fuppo tir.g
com racy, presenting Arthur
Walloct's Mutical
A Jolly Surprise
(Constructed for laughing parpnaea on". Pre
ceded oy UfTenbach'v 1-act operettn. THE
Iiice appears in both plays.;
"Beat cnmnftiiT irun hop. in c.
. ., 1 " ' Jl"'n' .an x run
Cisco Examiner.
"An eveninsr of innocent and nprorious fun."
Cbicag'i Herald.
I' rlri'n l 7"ii- rnp nr - ...i. i . ... ,i
house drag storo Monday, Feb. 13.
will keep fire all nigbt with soft coal;
will Dot eas or sra-ke: hEav steel bodv:
large ash pan. Call and examine this
wonderful stove sold r.y
The Verdict of Great Artists
In Favor of the
From a larce nnmber of letter in noaRnaaitin nf
ine mannracrnrers Indorsing the enpatlority of
the Kimball Piano we mention the following well
known musc;aD8 who hive used and
Slit. Tomapno, Sig. Saraaate,
Max Aivary, Ovide Mnain,
S g Del Poente. O. Behrena,
Sig. Arditi, P. S. Gilmore,
Emil Fiacher, A. D Novellis.
Sig. heroti. Emil Lteblicg
Rtfr DmbIH 1 'k... I." -1 '
vujujhucmc ,1-nj, w. t. jt. seeooecK
An many other prominent musicians of Enr
ope and America.
The piano thus indorsed by the cnliertlw
senilis and authorities of the world mar found
n large variety, together with the Kimball, Reed
ana Portable pipe organs as well as well as the
celebra ed Ballet A Davia and Em ni.nn.
cheaper make, at the warerooms of
Ladies Muslin
The handsomept assortment of
ladies muslin underwear to
be oucd in the three cities
wili be .ii'plajed on our
coi ;ters this week.
Btt mac'r!
Handsomest sryle.
Gowns, corset covre,
Drawers, etc
Gcwns bgin at 50c.
Drawers at 25c
W rnnU
; . o " ann
prices np to finPR: CUDN
1 "uu 1 Dot he rt ":
Vt.n rrr,. r
lnat w i,n
Before eizP8 are hrrv
Extra size8ipge0
and drawls. g 08
Spfixg Goods -&,lMllB
Drop in ande the'.Jt
' Aether J0 iu;
Grsat Bargain foftllist'
-One ca8. z phyr y
t; ludt pi ice.
At About Half Price at The
Adelina Patti,
Lllli Lehman,
Mme. Albanl.'
Wme. Nordica.
mme. f nbri.
1726 Second Ave.
-Base Ball Headquarters. -
6 Comic Valentines for
2 one cent Valentines for
A two cent Valentine for
A three cent Valentine for -
A five cent Valentine for
A seven cent Valentine for -
Satin Valentine
Satin Valentine
8atin Valentine .
vei moiu v aientine irom - - - 15c
uarge Biocri ana seiimg them at about half the
uomcra ass. ior inem.
- IV
F. J. YOUSG, Proprietor.
1728 Second Av.
Cigar Store and Billiard Parlor.
Alwavn on h&nri IIip flnoat hDn.i. a
and imporwd citarg. All brands of tobacco
The acore of all the ball games wi'l be received
1808 Second Avcnne,
Is now located in his new ebop,
n - h . At: 324 Sevente.enth Street
Light shoci a specially.
1803 Second Avenue.
.m-j. . ..... .-.. - -i,-- aaj-wwf" i.iiim.i I
I o enter into a great long sensational article regarding the extra-
SnnrryTrVCtli-nS m Punce e h?ve made throughout our entire
Stock. Ine fart is. wp haw mcf if fv. 4. i.Pr
fQr.f " 7 . ""'J1 uiuiacis ior tne manu
! ?Z Spilng, stoSk Pr?vlous to the arrival of which
vv uuunu iu uniudu, aiiu inis IS
$ 7-5o Men's Overcoats at $5.00, worth $10.00
10.00 Men's Overcoats at 7.50 " 12.50
13-50 Men's Ulsters, dandies, at 8.90 " 18.00
Men's warranted not to rip pants at $1.00, $1.25,
$i.75 and $2.00. Just as good as those other
dealers advertise at $2.50.
$15.00 Men's Overcoats at
18.00 Men's Overcoats at
22.00 Men's Overcoats at
$11.00, worth $I9'5:
12.00 " :o.cc
1 7.00 " 2v00
Dig reductions in Boys' Suits. Bovs Knee 1 a--i,
Underwear, etc.
The prices quoted above are what the goods are worth-the
price we have been selling at and the reduced price. We guar
antee the reductions a positive saving in every instance
u w u
u w
Best.Equipped Clothing and Shoe Hoi)5e. in Rock Island County , 1729 2d ave., 116 to 120 ISth St

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