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Rock Island daily Argus. (Rock Island, Ill.) 1886-1893, April 12, 1893, Image 8

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THE A It G US, WEDNESDAY, APlilL 12, 18U3.
Sznoke'the let Jiet" cigar.
100 piano boxes for sale at 1 each,
at Bowl by 's. . s
The "You Bet" cigar is the best 5c
agar iu the market. '
Chamber sets Saturday. See Loos
e's card,. filth page.
Hon. Levi Waterman, of Geneseo,
was in the'cTty today.
The tinesl 5c cigar is the You Bet."
JkV yonr dealer for them.
Mr. and Mrs. 0A- Barnhart have
gx to AnnapoliaMd., on a visit.
Some tuac pianos for rent and rent
allowed if purchased, at Bowlby,s.
Mayor-elect Medill leaves for Chi
cago tonight on a flying business
Slip. ,
Eight-lay clocks with or without
alarm, only 12.50 at Will K. John-
Eight-day clock sale at Will R.
Johnson's Thursday, Friday and Sat
wrday. St. Joseph's Branch W. C. U. ball
at Armorv hall Friday evening,
April 14. "
Two cylinder press feeders wanted
immediately by Plowman Publishing
Co., Moline.
Fresh black bass and bull frogs
lers at II. Smythe's. 1819 Second ave
sne. Telephone 1017.
JS few tine high top second hand
gans for f5 and upwards at Bowl
v's. Easy time payments.
Two elegant cabinet Grand upright
pianos nearly new at a great bargain
xf taken this'week, at Bowlby's.
Justice of the Peace-elect Harold
A. Weld has rented Justice Cooke's
a dice and will occupy it after May 1.
An invalid's bill saved vitality re
stored by using Monroe's Tonic. For
lc at the Harper House pharmacy.
Nicholas Mertz. the baker, paid a
fine of $5 and costs in the police
court last evening, for assault and
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Wakctield
arc rejoicing in the arrival of"a
daughter in their home on Twenty
third street.
Carl Hellpenstell has leased Mrs.
llcrkert's new house on Seventeenth
street and will commence the oceu
jancy of it May 1. .'
Two good square Grand pianos in
first class order will be sold at $50
each, on easy payments, if taken this
wck, at Bowlby's.
Pale cheeks, general fatigue no
appetite, despondency or irritability
rnrcd bv using Monroe's Tonic. Mar
shall & Fisher; sell it.
Miss Ella Boebrlor, a teacher in the
Davenport public schools, is serious
ly ill at the hruwe of Mr. and Mrs.
Jacob 'Ohlwener. and her life is dis
paired of,
Fruit trees. lerry. plants, grape
ines, roses, shade and ornamental
trres; evergre?ns suitable for lawn,
park ox cemetery. Nursery- Port
Byron, 111. .,
We have on hand a dozen new or
igans in last years style of cases that
we will close" out at about what it cost
p make them. Easy payments if de
ircd. Call early at Bowlby's.
A few good seats for the Powers'
ntertaiument remain at the Harper
aonse pharmacy, where all wishing
to subscribe for next year's course
Slav be provided with blanks.
T. K. Harper has resigned his posi
tion as teller at the Rock Island Na
tional bank, and Charles Spencer has
x-cn promoted , to his place, Harry
Gilmore going in as messenger.
Jay Young, son of Agent M. J.
Young of the C. B. & Q., who has
been ill with typhoid fever for some
timo. is still vt-rv low. though his
condition is reported more hopeful
ihis afternoon.
The South Rock Island case of
Dora Troube vs Henrv Heitahrends,
in which the c harge of threatening to
murder was preferred, was dismissed
Vv State's Attorney Searle yesterday
aiternoon. there being no ground for
For sale. Cheap for a few days "a
ood business corner lot. frJxlftv feet
no Twentv-tirst street and Fourth
avenue, Good house with 10 rooms
and good cellar, water in house. Call
m Mrs. J. E. Baggot. 1914. rourth
The horse hoers- of Kock Island
and Moline met'at Moline last even
ins and effectetlAf 'temporary organi
z&tion by electing V. Dauber of this
elty, president, and N. K. Zeigler of
Moline, secretary- A charter has
been sent for.
The ladies of the Central chnrch
will give a rainbow sociable in the
basement of the church Thursday
evening, April 27th. It will be a
aovel and unique affair. There will
be an attractive programme and an ex.
ellent supper a9 usual.
J. H. IrfjYc'ttf and Harry Necke, rep
resenting the gjreat Quincy overall
factory, mention of the possible loca
tion of a branch of which in Rock Isl
and was mentioned in the Argus last
fall, are in the city looking after the
Firospects for carrying out the estab
ishment here.
Men's cordovan, calf and kangaroo
shoes, worth $5.50, going at $4; men's
$3 calf 6hoes going at $2.40; women's
hand turned and welt shoes, worth
$4.50, going at $3; women's hand
turned and welt shoes, worth $3.50,
going at $2.50; women's hand turned
and welt shoes, worth $3, going at $2.
Many more bargains as above now
offered at Schneider's Central shoe
store, 1818 Second avenue.
Mrs. James Kane a well-known old
settler residing at Andalusia has
been suffering for a year past with a
tumor of the breast, which became
so troublesome that surgical inter
ference was necessary. Tuesday
morning an operation was performed
by Dr. Asay of this city and Dr. Ed
ward Bowman of Davenport, which
her many friends hope will be suc
cessful in relieving her trouoie.
Through Reidy Bros.' agency the
following property has been disposed
of in the last few days: The north
half of the Drury farm to F. M. Tin
dall, $5,000; J. W. Herbert to J. N.
Davis, corner Twenty-fifth street and
Sixth avenue, $2,400;- David Brown
to Mrs. Andrews, cottage on Third
avenue anil tevenm street, i,iov;
Mrs. Paul to Feter Oberg, corner of
Eleventh street and First avenue,
$1,000; Mrs. Mahoney to John Con
well, cottage on Seventh avenue and
Twenty-seventh street, $600; Carlos
Williams to K. Crook, i,buu.
Oiirco A. Younir to Carl Olert.
- r" ri
iart lot 87. Sweenev & Jackson's
add.. Moline, $1,200.
IV A. lirnrstorm to S. F. Odell. lot
8, block 9, lluntoon's add., Moline,
Erie Snnd to John Shofer. lot 5.
block F, Atkinson's subdiv., Moline.
T. J, Rodman by heirs to frank
Nufer, lot 6, block 5, General Rod
man's add.. Rock Island, $700.
nh.-vrn X' Curtis to Ralnh Patten.
lot 6; block 48, Chicago or Lower
add.. Rock Island, $200.
Mary Littig to Richard Mansill,
part lot 1, Bailev & Koyle's add..
Rock Island. $1,200.
10 Nutter & Groom to Joslm
Creamerv Co., tract by metes and
oounus, nej iz, is, ze,
Richard Callahan to Sevmorc L.
Stafford, tract in wl swj 26- 17, lw,
Coal Valley Election.
The villiage election of Coal Valley
occurs next Tuesday, the following
tickets having been placed in the
field: Citizens James Clegg, presi
dent; G. B. Krapp, clerk; trustees
for two years, H. Houpt, Jacob Stase
rofski. D. H. Moran: trustee for one
vear, H. Radloff; police magistrate,
K. J. Stenstrom. Peoples James
Clegg, president; G. B. Krapp, clerk;
trustees for two vears, U. Iiaupt,
John Conley, Gust. Krapp, Sr.; trus
tees one year, Robert Somerson, 11.
Radloff; "police magistrate, Robert
Buckley. .
Counsel for Carlyle Harris, the alleged
wife murdere r, has made his last appeal
to Governor Flower for clemency. Ha
left some strong documents for the gover
nor to consider.
The Missouri river is on a rampage and
at present is higher at Sioux City than for
years at this season.
Tbare is a complication at Cleveland, O.,
the Republican council refusing to recog
nize Robert Blee, the Democratic mayor
elect. There appears to have been an alarming
increase in sickness in New York city dur
ing the last week as well as in the death
rate over the preceding week, which waj
unusually heavy for this season of the
year as sompared with previous years.
James Ryan, serving a ten years' sen
tence in the Rhode Island state prison for
highway robbery, made a desperate at
tempt to break jail, and in his capture re
ceived three bullet wounds.
The stockholder of the Sibley, la., bank
lose everything by the recent failure, vhicb
is the first failure of a state bank since
1S67. The depositors will be paid $122,000
In full.
Insurance rates have been advanced 20
per cent, at Des Moines because of inade
quate fire protection.
The winter wheat in central Illinois was
badlv damaged the last winter and the
farmers are Dlowing much of it up. An
unusuallv large acreage was sown last
fall, but fully three-fourths of it is so poor
that the fields will be planted in corn.
Tfav Ttr TIpnrT M Scudder. who waa re
ported dying at Winchester, Mass., is very
much better.
Between forty and fifty earthquake
thncka hare occurred at Pico Canon. Cal.
General Manuel Gonzales, ex-president
nf Maxico. died at the City of Mexico. He
was 73 yean old.
Dr. Briggs has won a decided victory in
K Vnrk nreabrterv. Eieht of the
fourteen delegates to the general assembly
elected favor nu siae oi me great neresy
Thm Tiama nf Kew York capitalists to
car all the rolling mills and furnaces In
the Mahoning valley ror ,uuu.uw naa Dcea
.-.man mt. Hmtfln nvs as the reaaoD
for attempting to-throw herself under the
wheels of a locomotive twice tnas ib waa a
udden and irresistible impulse; that she
had not the least desire to commit suicide.
Th only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder, No Ammonia; No Alum.
-Used in Millions ot Homes 40 Years the Standard
X to 12
Far-Hour Morning; ale From
The following is for Thursday
morning only:
Silk" In black cross srrain.
failles, armures, Peau du Loie, regu
lar prices 98c, $1, $1.19 a yard,choice
for 75c.
Plaids" 75c and $1 plaid all
wool goods, choice 39c a yard.
"Novelties" ioc ana a goous,
choice at 48c a yard.
"Trimminsrs" 20 per cent, off of
all braid and bead trimmings.
Linens" $1.45. $1.58 and
table damasks at $1.29 a yard.
Linens" 50 and 55c table
asks at 39c a yard.
... m f l.O,, 1 T
"Kiobons jo ani ioc siik nuooiis
at 10c a yard.
Gent s Ties" 50c ties choice at
33c each.
White Shirts" The best 50c shirt
at 36c each.
Handkerchiefs" 17 and 20c quali
ty at 9c each.
Muslin Underwear fi'anil fZ.zo
v,,jn t .2 ai A ia,ll
o - . .. . . ,
Muslin Underwear" fi.20 ana
$1.33 garments at 96c each.
Haknep, Plksel & V on Maik.
Gives Hls'Salary'tb Hi Supporter.
MKADViLLE.Pa., Aprill2. Yesterday Con
gressman J. C. Sibley made public a com
munication addressed to the grangers, al
liances and labor unions of Erie and Craw
ford counties, in which he gives his whole
salary as representative for two years
$10,000 to the organizations who elected
him, and who he says chiefly contribute it
to the government. He gives $4,000 to
grangers to build general offices at Corry
for the order: $2,000 to the Farmers' Al
liance; $2,000 to be divided among the al
liances of each county for books, etc, and
$2,000 to the t rades unions.
The Colossus of Rhode.
The Colossus of Rhodes, a bronze statue,
was 103 feet high. It was made by Charesl
who, aided by an army of workmen, con
sumed 12 years in its construction. It
remained in position in the harbor of
Rhodes for 60 years, and was thrown down
bv an earthquake B. C 224. It lay on the
ground 804 years and was sold to a Jew fr
old metal. He camea away vm camei
loads, or about 720,000 pounds, of bronze.
St. Louia Globe-Democrat.
Burtis Opera House,
April 12, , 14 and S.
Benefit of the
Davenport Academy of Sciences.
: Ben Hurl :
CLARK & COX'S Grand Fpectacnlar, n rider the
aapice ana ror me oeneni 01 u uoveo
tort Academy of Natural
150 People in the Produ tion.
Gorgeous scenery. nB-nificent stage effects.
beanttful eottomes, snperb tableaux, ths drill of
the Naiads, Arabiac dance. Uin'o Scarf dance.
Arab maics, Roman soldiers, butterflies, black
Admission 50 and 75 cents, according to locv
tion . Keserred seat sale Monday, April 10, at 7 a.
n. at W. II. Fiuke's bookstore.
is still furnishing thoir lady customers with
at (1-53 per box.
Call and investigate concerning the meiits of
the new remedy which Is gaining favor so rapidly.
Remember the place
Room 15, Dittoe Block. Davenport, corner
Third and Brady,
-House Raising and Moving-
Raising'brick buildings especially
Address E- A. ROUNDS,
1515 Seventh Avenue, Box 121.
This represents the
Best Ming Dacle
Jt has more rubbing smface
than aT y oth r. works very easy
and with it tht- washing of a
large family can ba turned out
bright ano cleania two hours.
Call and examine toe Queen of
washers. Sold only by.
Has moved
Headquarters to
1815 Second Ave.
In the
Koester & Martin
Mia Silks.
We believe we show the
handsomest assortment of
India Silks in the three
cities. Beginiiiog with fig
ured lndias at
37 l-2c.
Fit ured India at
Figured lndias at
58c. 79c. 89c.
up to the unrivalled Cheney
Bros', beautiful fabrics.
Dress Goork
Monday Rhn .
first .time new woole
goodB in the nw ti
Wash Goods
We have added largely
ment. v
Imported 8atines.
Domestic Satinss,
Organdies, etc.
Some are as lianilsoni.; a i
Silks, beginninj; at 1J.',C. '
The Columbia :
-Base Ball Headquarters. -
Cigar Stere and Billiard Parlor.
Always on hand the tnet brand a of domestic
and Imported clears. All brands of tobacco.
The acore of all the ball games wi'l be received
1808 Second Avenue. . ,
Implement Sale.
Hoes, stf el ------ 10c
Rakes, 12 tooth, malleable iron, - 20c
Rakes, 14 tooth, malleable iron, - - 25c
Rakes, 12 tooth, steel. - ... 33c
Rakes. 14 tooth, steel, - -38c
Spading Forks, steel, .... g3c
Ladies' Garden Sets, - - - - 25 to 75c
Children's Garden Sets, - 10 to 20c
Now is your time to buy.
F. J. YOUNG, Proprietor.
1728 Second Av.
Merchant Tailou
And Dealer in Men's Fine Woolens.
1706 Second Avenue,
Old Guard
Sour Mash Whisky
KOHN & ADLER, Market Square
And a more perfect line of Footwear has never been shown in Rock Island. Distinctive in style,
best in quality, and bound to please. Our prices are always guaranteed to be from 25c to SI JO a
pair less than same quality can be had elsewhere. The remaining stock moved from our old stand
we are giving a reduction of 25 per cent. Visit the M. &. K. new shoe store, now open and in
full blast.
Wait for the opening of our New clothing stored
Something of Special Interest to You.

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