OCR Interpretation

Rock Island daily Argus. (Rock Island, Ill.) 1886-1893, April 28, 1893, Image 5

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn92053945/1893-04-28/ed-1/seq-5/

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fi ' JfeJlNNv
r ,. t :;mv1 improvement and
"'. ,.'i;J einoyment when
1 V ' 'Yhr ntaiiy.who live bet-
" i. r :t-l t-iiy lite non, wt'
:, .,.7,. !v "more promptly
V' v ori.i's best products to
1 . . ' v-i. :;l lu-insr, will attest
:tli ii 111.' pure 114111C1
i-s unbraced in the
- due t its presenting
arivptalrle iiiul pleas-
n t liiMir ni irusy
- it" a i l ll'ct lax
eaiisinir the system,
a-!::(!' and fevers
nival "
o millions ami
f t!io medical
-. on the Kid-
it a;-
..1 KowJs without v.eak-
n.i i: is perfectly free from
ii:.h!e siih-tance.
t'..r "ale ly all cliiipr
i.fsd Ix.tt'n s hut it is man-
--i.-tnr.--I "
..ciy.wi; '
Cahtorina 1 isr syrup
,. 1:111:-' i pnntoa on every
xh- nanif. Syrup t" Figs,
'I informed. "you will not
-t'ltuio it olU-reil.
T. F.. KK1DY.
state -
. ir-uf.syi.- pro;e.Ty o.i commission,
. 1, . t roi.!, also curry a liut of first
iii e cnn:ranio. liuil.liiip lots 'or
. J, ni:l additions. Choice residence
i ur-- of the city.
t. :., n A Lyuile bnildipg. Rr.-mnil
f Vi:t !i. I'. Jr. Lynde hunk.
Don't forget
rlinu Silver,
Cut Glass,
rial Prices.
A. l..na'id-
It vim e .lili il, plate biiyill-r. selling
i eli:iiii;iii resilience or business
'perty. it wiil positively pay you
ca'.i on us. sis we constantly have
larir" list of desirable property on
books to select from and we
'ply "your wants promptly.
a.i-o have a number of choice lots in
1 pans of the city and will un tier
take to build a number of houses for
1 -itr customers on terms very greatly
l heir advantage. .
W e have lolots in College Heights
A.'ulition. one-half block from Elec
tric Street Bail way which we will
-'11. if taken at once, at from $300
t"$i.V) each they will go fast so
embrace the, present opportunity or
u will be too late.
List Your Property with Us
nd we wltl f nd voi a buyer.
Oflice Masonic Temple Block.
. .41.
Supervisor Fitzpatrick Moves
for a New Court House.
A 'miiiitlp -iintei to Consider the
Ke:HlliUt- of the Kr-ct litis tr a Strnoture
In Keeping With What the County "ol
ami Requires Xtir l sl for the ioluitl
l.luta Tract ."
'G :in the bell aijd Arc gun.
And ttinjrthe ttarry banner cur.
Shout fr 'cdo n 1 11 yonr tispini; one'
- t;ive back their cradle s iout."'
The county taken tho lirst step
to secure a new court house.
One of the iii'Kt popular moves
ever m rule by til ' o :ir l of supervis
ors ami one lhat will st:i:ol out for
years t come as th;' l:-jri n uinir of
mnv activity was m
t his m.)rniiitr i:i t !i
a coinmi 1 1 e " t i 1 i
of erecting a n." v c
the pla 'e of 1 '.i.' p:
struct ur. 1 :- y.
been a mailer
:de l.y that body
n !i)i ut men! of
ini the. matter
:u't house to take
di lapidat ed
is m: it lias
O.l !
it- com men t
1 1 1 1 1 e tu
that so:ii 't!u!ir on
tg 1:
relieve tlte county of t!i
fuse for a temple of
nothing h:i ever le!i 1
present e-iu-lice.
ti? that to k
tanjjiblo form.
ICeiii.kiiit'd fnp SupprvUor V'itzput rlek
It remained tor the wnleawakt:
member from the banks of the Hen
nepin. Joe Fit.natriek. lo inamrurate
the popular movement ami he l"ul it
with a irraee that was comnieuilaiile
by iiitroiluein: a resolution at thi?
morning's session of the board, pro
viilintc for the appointment of a com
mittee to ascertain the cost and re
port as to the feasibility of erect tur
a modern building. The chair ap
pointed as such committee Supervi
sors Fitzpatrick, Schneider. Vinton
tSritton ami 1 rent.
The Question of I.nct loe.
While it is of course too early to
hazard anv yro'ss as to where the
nev--1uildin!' w-ill be located, more
than one site has been spoken of
Probably the one that is bcinr di
cussed the most is the one commonly
known as the Columbian tract or tin
Ifrooks property. This it is thought
would best suit the upper end
However, the riirht steps have Peon
taken and let us hope lhat, the pr
ject will be moving nulilthe dome
a ni'W court house is reafi'il to -om
memoratethc proirressive spirit
the hoard of l'.'io.
I last in;; u AlIiiinterf.
ly permission of the board thi
niiiniiii" l'.zra 1. t.astn:in witli'ln-w
his bon.l which he had tiled as poo
master of Mu ill.', a'ol later Suiiervi
sor Ford ottered a resolution whi
was adonted totheetU et t liat a poor
master be appointed to till the vaoai
cy cxislin.tr a:;d that V.. b. Fast ma
he appointed as such.
The hoard this atlerno. -n took u;
i use , t he Mie.iomt metil oi a pool
-t i r for Kock
Island bv numii
t 'i':it n
!.!!;(:. i:
t i t list a i iiii" t !ia
idea w a-
Hvsii" :-l-.ii:-i
i.ek !a-i nil:
i stranL'er.
t i.e
1 eeti '
!o e
of tl:
:i Tuir
! v :
i Niue-;a-h
kin t
r Carl-::.par-vduscly
.n '. !:at
tin iu
e! of a
!a'M .
I la i ii
but it
it . -v
u v.a- pai
ie head.,
:n - to km
t iell !
: at 1 en 1 e
:.! :-l p..
! o o ; , e s . .
oi' t i.e
in l.t: ::i?r '
1 ell port pM
an ! tile 1 e :. i o
t i el ild.e ili - el
. i
ii Bock I lat
np.rt. Th"
! be-Dem-:
ba i -
M-.n; t i 1
savs: :
I for want
il it
'e.-ll t
.x limeroiis
aceot'. n t s :
hind him.
lie a! w:n -
the bllfde
the a-ecm
,l', i he
His trie
;n' an; to
i of debt -
a. re
.! -e
ire that
w . i'.. but that
ieli had gained
f 1
1 1 - earn ill" Po v.
ot til" ma-P-rv
im. He paid
. bill always
them as he vas a
loiiLT after t hey were
due. so t hat he
when his inten
it him a better
"allied a 'a t iiam
tions should
a v .
I al.'.e
l- :.. Alio; ln-r Apitiiitt mrlit.
Chieag i Herald has t h
Was hi ii "t on announce.
Mathias K. Fagan. "f 'hieago. was
todav appointed chief of the seed di
vision of the department of agricul
ture ill place of J. li. Peek, removed.
Mr. Fatran wiil enter upon his duties
next Monday. He has been acting as
private secretary to Ben T. Cable for
the last year and it was the ex-congressman
who scoured his appoint
ment. Kiver Kipleto
The B. J. Wheeler and Irene 1).
each came down with eight strings
of lumber.
The Lumberboy. Kit, Carson, Pilot
ami Verne Swain came down and the
Sidney, Lily U. S., Irene 1). Pilot and
Verne Swain passed-up.
The stage of water at Bock Island
bridge at noon today was 11.80 and
the temperature was 49.
Coughing leads to consumption.
Kemp's Balsam will stop the cough
at once
ie Morion i i'Hurr is Ilslf Hsetl With
Mayor MeOill's Appointments.
It is exceedingly tin fortunate that
the morning paper should Vie so dis-
deased with the composition of
Mayor Medill's cabinet as so far an
nounced. Upon seeing the criticism
in this morning's Union, Mr. Medill
will upon reflection reproach himself
no doubt, for not havin; either taken
the editor of the Union into his con
li.ienee in mak'rng up appointments,
or at least invited him to his oonfer-
nce with the aldermen on Wednes-
lav eveninir, and in the latter re-
pec t have saved the local statT of
the enterprising ruornin'r paiier the
fruitless htistliii'r for tho outcome of
hat conference.
The bitterness of the Union toward
Mr. Sexton's appointment as head of
the police department is about as
onsistent as the intimation it pro
cuts that in his choice involved a
Hsri'iard for orirani.ed labor as
ilCainst James Y. C'avanaujrh. Had
the latter ii;eiitlemen been selected
the Union would beyond a question
have raised the same argument as re-
ratMs Sexton. It is true llial .iv. .'.le-
lill c.iuhl have m:nle no mistake in
the selection of cither candidate.
Both are peculiarly qualified for the
position. Mr. ( avanuuirh nv reason
fit his experience as deputy sheritl
and Mr. Scxlon in eonscouence of his
having been connected with the po
lice department of the city for a num-
r of years, while- as lo the question
of reeosruition of labor onramza
tions lioth are equally representa
tive. It is on this point that the
closest bond of sympathy has always
existed between the two men. and
neither has the advantage in associa
tion with labor movements or work
or the liolilin ot respoiiMiue posi
tions in the cause of organized la
bor both have always been promi
nent Kniiihts of Labor and members
of the Industrial Home society. Hut
in view of the Union's ha vine: been so
sorelv ajjirrieved over its mistaken
idea that the labor interests had been
..... . , -1 i. ,
ln-norcil win it please eniitriiieu me
public as to what branch of union
labor Mayor McConochie's chief be
longs? Wants Perpetuity in Oilier.
The Union may as well spare itself
the aironv of weeping over the toll
irate. There is nothing in the muni
cipal code that provides for a perpe
tual tenure of otlice sini
v lieeause
an appointee has been
for a number of years.
s . t ! f.t'T.eni in thp City l.;i! Kven
li:K. TIk- entertainment jriven at ti. A.
B. hall last eveuitiir was quite largely
attended. Mayor William MeCono
chie acted as piaster of ceremonies
and the programme which is tqipend
ed was carried out in a very credita
b!e iipumer. A nitnibi-r of encores
v.ero resp-ei le 1 to and the atVair wr.s
a very pleasant one in every respect.
full l
foliouinj.' i- the pr-irramme in
Cnne! March. VNs Knrc Krnn.r.
vnl-.f quartet. M. i .l r--. No.'ifk-. r,
.T-ihii-un. i:i'-:i'. a.
soVcli'-.n. M:-J .1.'" sic It :iilli-.
Vii.hu ..i.i. i-r.-;l l'..:l ir.l.
-.oist 1. f ire tic I'.ut:!' Mi
:::i(l Ini -it ip.
siioi idn.V ll'ite," Kev. 1 . W
l't. ieirt i.iartel
-iaUo s.''ii.ei.a-r .1 .U-. 1 A.
-s Kr .rncr
. rri i..
!' le i-.il. .. M.S.: I -II '. 11 .rriB
Vo.-isI ;!. Mr. Mi nic ILiraer.
It e:':ili.'ll, 1' e.l f..!';i'.l.
Vo.-.i' so'n. Mr. F. W. .!-rrT.
l'ainn ami e.irnet Uie.-t. .Mi-- I. nr ch
un. 1 F . Won! van .
M ivli'i"-' 'tli ' ii.'ii ii" r-n." by u
1 1
1 ;
1 1
ei.ee. Mis K'lte Knem r. j.i n :tt.
A Ii lii:i).w -if.eiil.
A vi"'v ldca-itiiT evening's enter
tainment was pro ided at the lecture
room o the Central 1 Ye.-bytcrian
last cveiutij'. ii oeinga raiti'T
an'air termed "a rainlmw so
Th room ha.1, been very
t"Sv d."corat e 1 for the oeea
i e-i-aiiil urinated rainbow
spanning th- room. From ' to S
o'clock supper i:i- served, and fancy
w ork, eonfeel ionery. et".. w a- sold
from urettilv arranged booths about
the room. At o'clock an interest
ing programme wa- opened with a
vocal seleitioii by Mi-s Huey. fol
lowed bv a c iriiet and violin duct by
A. C. Woodyatt and Mi-s Tillie Ha-s.
Tii.- next was an instrumental num
ber bv Miss Clara Ilass. after which
came a vocal solo by Mrs. Liston.
Miss Jes-i" Boiruc followed with some
select readings, after which tin- pro
"raminewas closed with a v iolin duet
bv the Misses '4'i11'1" Hass and Anna
Bixbv. The programme was present
ed ill an interesting manner and was
irreatlv enjoyed by all.
I 'l:i no Ilecital.
The last of the scries of piano re
citals jriven by the pupils of Prof. S.
T I'.owlbv occurred at the latter s
residence on Third avenue last even
in" Solos were rendered bv tin
foilowinir: Misses. Alta Hoppe, Ed-ii-i
Kerr. Millie Spencer, Mary Billi
ards, Alethia Bowen, Caroline
sen. Maurine Basnmssen,
Unini":irtner. Lillie Hull and
Lemburg. There was also a six-hand
selection by Annie Baumgartnor.
Millie I'hlmann and Ethel Beed and
,. four-hand number bv Harry and
Grace Schriener. Miss Delia Cohn.
one of Prof. Eckhardt's pupils played
the violin in a duet witU 1 rot. liowl
bv. Julius Peters, a pupil of Prpf
Fahrner rave a zither solo and the
ororniiunie closed with a vocal duett
bv W. W. anil S. T.. Bowiby
Home Furuui Meetlne
J. (J. Dempsey Forum, No. G, will
meet this (t riday) evening in 1. u. u
F. hall. " J. II. Kekk, Pres.
W. A. Gilf.s, Sec.
Special Sleeting of the Fupervlnora Firnt
r:iy'H Froeeetimiri.
OfBaial Report.
April 20 Pursuant to a call of
one-tluril or the members, ttie ooaru
of supervisors in and for the comity
of Bock Island and state of Illinois,
convened in the supervisors' room in
the city of Kock Island, in the coun
ty and state aforesaid, on Wednes
day, the 20th day of April, A. !.,
1 $;:. On motion Supervisor Cralle
was elected temporary chairman.
Supervisors Sehafer, Hritton and
McKinley were on motion appointed
a committee on credentials, which
committee submitted the following
report, which was adopted:
We. the committee tin credentials.
iind the following entitled to seats
as supervisors:
Cordova Homer C. Metzirar.
Coe Simon Trent.
Canoe Creek Arthur Goodrich.
Port Byron John Sehafer. Jr.
.lima John C. Swank.
Hampton W. K. Carey.
Moline Gits. M. Ford. Levi F.
Cralle. Goortre II. Mc Kinley. .Albert
F. Vinton. Thomas Jenkins.
South M !":i:e .I.-.tnes Ilasson.
Bock I-Ian.l Conrad ' Schneider.
Aiiuu-! C. Peterson. Frank M. Sin-m-tt.
Charles Ohere-. Gcortfc Bamont.
Soutii Bock Island Henry S. Case.
Black Hawk Joseph Fitzpatrick.
Coal Valley Thomas B. Lees.
Bural John A. Wilson.
! ',. w 1 i i i Foster Arms! ro n .
K'brint-.iti Martin Schoon maker.
Andalusia Jas. (i. Britton.
PuiViIi Prairi
-J. C. Titterinir-
1. IK- v
Joiia G. Powell.
John scmai t.i:, Ji:..
G. II. MiKisLKV,
Jas. G. P,t:n ton.
Com mittee.
Supervisor Sehafer moved that an
informal ballot betaken for chairman.
The chairman appointed Supervi
sors Hassou and Peterson tellers.
On the informal ballot Supervisor
Ilasson received 2 votes. F. M. Sin
nett 11, L. F.Cralle 2. M. Schoonmak
er ('.. John Sehafer. Jr., 8, and John
A. Wilson 1.
Supervisor Vinton moved that the
board proceed to a formal ballot for
chairman. Carried.
On the formal ballot Supervisor
Sinnett received 13 votes. Schoonmak
ker !. Sehafer 2 and Ilasson 1. Su
pervisor Sinnett having received
maioritv of all the votes cast was d
cbired elected chairman of the board
for the ensuing year.
Supervisor Vinton moved that the
election of Supervisor Sinnett as
bairman he made unanimous, t ar-
Supervisor Fitzpatrick moved lhat
t h" rule- overtiiu" t ins board last
year be adopted for the ensuing year
Su oei-v i -or t ral e moved as -an
imeiidment thai rule No. 20 be
hauired so as to read: '-No claims
iirainst the county shall be received
v the board at anv -cssioii thereof
i ... i:
unless presented oeiore ine adjoin n-
meii! of the ir.orr.inir session of the
eeond dav of the meeting of the
iiard." "etc. Amendment lost.
Whereupon a vote was taken upon
the original mnti.ni and it carried.
upcrvi-oi- l ord moved that M. A.
(ion Id be appoi ni e 1 a coin m it tee trom
S eith M.dlne to attend to the burial
f old soldiers who die leaving no
means t O.eirav sucil expense in
ace of Mr. Dcwros-- wh has rc-
d from said town, t arried.
Su pet
hair a;
rvisor "i tit on moved that the
point a commit
co to receive
pa pers in the
bids In
citie- oi Kock Island and .vioiine ior
iibli-hi-iir t lie proceedings of the
board lr lie- insii'.i.g year, tar
ried, i im chair appoint en .-.upei visor.-
Vinton. Schneider and Arm-
rong as such com in i t lee.
B-.ard adjourned until lorn
r row-
mi -riii :
at " id.'i :..
Proposals for the c
.list ruet t
. MolitP
is can be
n t
the new- Turner hall.
;. 111.
;ht to
als iv-
Plans and .-pecilieat ioi
it the Economy cloth;
omniitlee will reserv
re lect an v or ail inds.
eel v e l UP t" p. ill
P. A. Vi:sEl.. t l. airman.
Ii-iiiill & t.li iiirs TumoiTow .
Special bargains
in line canned fruit-
Plums irrecn gage, gold urcp and
iTH" plums. 17c.
B.irtlet t pears, pcaclo s. 22c.
strawberries, raspberries. 12c.
Apricots. lc
t: '.'ity,
11. lio
- uro 1
l:;:s l.o pv
Ooirtor. no
cliapc I.
rr.tilic-d ly a
Pol ish imiii v
"i-n lst i ;:r
miles Ulstnut. :
i) which brides; and
vA in 1 mtehes to brtve
ro o miul coin! u el od.
bi'iu'-gi i ii-i
the lie'. -' ii y c:
Friday and Sat unlay, April 2
and 2'J. I will offer line china
in odd pieces at one-lifth off. By
odd pieces I mean
Olive dishes. Decorated plates.
Chop dishes. Fruit dishes.
Celery trays. Pudding sets.
Pin trays. Salad bowls.
Bon lions. Porcelain vases
Also at actual cost, my cut in
line of decorated after-dinner
coffees. Here is a chance to
brighten the dining table, the
' side-board, or the brie-a-brae
shelves, at a very low cost. on
are invited to call and inspect at
any time, but no sales will be
made at the special price before
Friday and Saturday.
G. Mf Looslev.
China, Glas and L.mp9.
1HJ9 Seoond Arenae.
Our lew
For inspection, including our last
weeks purchase, -and we are
in a position to offer some
"splendid bargains.
For a beginner we offer a line of Men's and
Young Men's suits in splendid cassimeres,
the newest patterns, elegantly made, at
$7.)0 a suit; no store in this vicinitv can nor
will sell these suits for less than 510.00.
Another line of Men's and Younp Men's fine
dress suits at SI 0.00 which no competitor
will sell for less tnan SXS.00.
We never misrepresent. Call and examine
these bargains and then see whether we
promised too much.
Simon & Mosenlelder,-..
Rock Island House Corner.
Cash Shoe Store
Is the Leading Place
For Fine Footwear.
have the latest novel
and the largest line.
Ladies call and se
latest thing out.
Our prices
h P'
Curtains, Baby Carria
ges and House Furnish
ings. ve tbe best f ele.t-ci line ir. t . tbree ci'if? ''
tit ot.e p:ce at a ?
a" fir-'"I.
ar tboiouahly acquicio-l with tint.
Let ana
ki.if-v !t vr f prouuca tbr f est j.r0fjda.
h -'iVf- t
!iier it
'.: ni.riy
! -. :
i'rt-e. to oil r c;b-
'.owe-" j'li
;t n quality considered.
We sell Reliable Goods at Low Prices.
le Best is Hie Glieapesl
We want th" trade from all. Many "!' you have for years known
the reliability of "itr wares.
Sec our Toe Can" Seat ( hairs others want $1.00 for them.
Sec our sfl.o'l Solid Oak Tables others want $2.00 to $2.5d for them
See our (Joe Brus-els Carpet others a-k 75c for it.
18.9, 1811 Second Avenue-.
C. F. DEWESD, Manager TELEPHONE No. 1120G.
Open Evenings till 8 p. in.
our "Juliet" Slipper, the
are th
Lash bhos- Stor
1712 Second Avenue.
We are right in for
Furniture, Carpets and
V i.W
s Tc-r tiiis
the ro .i'
ledge iind
." not at tii'
u ti cbe
For the Working Man,
For the Business Man.
For the Banker or Mechanic.
DEALER l ' -
1610 Third Avenue.
,- .
ii' J
1 ri-.l

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