OCR Interpretation

Rock Island daily Argus. (Rock Island, Ill.) 1886-1893, June 19, 1893, Image 7

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn92053945/1893-06-19/ed-1/seq-7/

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To Buy That New Carpet.
We have the finest line of Brussels, Tapestry, In-
1KB.. . . .
grams ana mattings in the three cities.
How about Bedroom Suites and Parlor Suites? We are head
quarters for these goods. We are showing a very lino line of
ha never been better, and don't fail to see our '
M coy RTAN ZT - ;
Finr?t in the world and only $3.00 -can bo ned as a quilting frame.
103, 105, 107 E. Second Street, D IVSNPJKST, IA.
Telephone 418
Sustain Home Industry
Calling for Rock Island
Brewing" Co., Beer.
The Best Beer Made,
On Tap everywhere. .
The Rock Island Brewing Company, success
ors to George Wagner's. Atlantic Brewery, I.
Huber's City Brewery and Raible & Stengel's
Rock Island Brewery, as well as Julius Junge's
Bottling Works, has one of the most complete
Brewing establishments including Bottling de
partment in the country. The product is the
very best. Beer is bottled at the brewery and
delivered to any part of the tri-cities, and may
be ordered direct from the head offices on Mo
line avenue by Telephone
from those that purchased a pair of our
World's Fair Shoes:
we are enjoying the Fair immensely. Your shoes
give us great comfort. We are able . to walfc all day
and not suffer the slightest inconvenience. They are
indespensible to us.
MORAL Be sure and get a pair before starting on
a pleasure trip and remember that we give special at
tention to
Second and Harrison Sts., Davenport.
Plifci HDPPE-
1803 Second Avenue;
Try ice cream soda at Krell &
Cream served with every glass of
eoaa at urea & Math's.
Phosphates that do you good to
drink at Krell & Math's.
John Albrecht and Jacob Hoesli are
taking in the World's fair.
Ten good work horses for sale.
Apply io Elbert Mead, Sear's brick
Wanted A good girl for general
housework. Apply at 1116, Second
Found Health by using Monroe's
Tonic found at the Harper house
Joseph Miller and wife, of Chicago,
are in the city to attend the funeral
of Mr. Miller's grandfather.
M. M. Sturgeon has moved into
his new bouse at the corner of Nine
teenth street and Eleventh avenue.
Mrs. H. S. Warner returned Satur
day evening from a two weeks' visit
to relatives and friends in Kockford.
We serve pure fruit juice and crys
tal spring water in our soda. Ke-
niember this and trv Krell & MathV
Are you satisfied with your health?
If feeling run down try Monroe's
Tonic, it will cure you. "Marshall &
For rent A good office in Buford
block on Seventeenth street. For
terms apply at residence, 1804
Seventh avenue.
- One fact is worth a thousand theo
ries. It's a fact that Monroe's Tonic
cures weakness, nervousness, etc.
Try it, Marshall & Fisher's.
Miss C. L. McLay has resigned her
position with the" Rock Island &
Peoria Railway company, and ac
cepted one with the Moline Plow
company, of Moline.
James Hardin has severed his con
nection with the Tri-City Electric
Sprinkler company, and will make a
canvass of the city looking to the
putting in of a modern street sweep
er. Vocal music rich and voluminous,
was in abundance at the Tower Sat
urday afternoon. The Q. Q. quar
tette of Geneseo were in the cit- ami
as the guests of Charles Sheriff, of
Davenport, rendered a number of se
lections at the Tower Inn. The mem
bers of Dr. Jefford's church choir of
Peoria were also present.
The Augnstana Lutheran Synod of
; !i America concluded its sessions
at -Vnii"-ir t -t:ia college Saturday after
noon :ir ! :. !jiuirned. It was decided
to fix l 'A-.- president's salary at $0u0
for the next year and that of the
secret ary at $100. Considerable bus
iness pertaining to the synod and the
Swedisli Lutheran church, including
various resolutions, etc., was dis
posed of. The synod will meet at
St. Peter, Minn., next year, com
mencing June 5 at 11 a. m.
Iied Like a Hero.
James M. Prentiss, son of Hon.
William Prentiss of Evauston, and
formerly of MeDonough county,
lost his life in Lake Michigan last
week, while saving the life of a young
lady he accompanied in a pleasure
ride in a boat. After having watched
her escort row the boat for some
time, the young lad' requested him
to change positions with her that she
might row awhile. In so doing
the boat was turned with the waves
and at once became unmanageable,
turning the occupants into the wa
ter to struggle for life. No sooner
had they reached water than James
cried for help, and upon hearing him,
a crew put out to save the young
people. James swam to his friend
and, seizing her, swam back to the
boat and secured her hands to the
boat, but as the waves were tossing
the boat to and fro, and as the young
lady was almost frantic, she became
loosened and was again on the mer
cies of the lield of waters. Again he
struggled until he had placed her
hands on the boat, but of no avail.
His efforts to rescue her were untir
ing, telling her to be calm that he
would save her life, but finally his
strength failed him, and just as he
reached the boat the lifth time with
his burden, he became exhausted and
went down just in time to escape be
in r rescued by the crew that were on
their way to save them. The crew
reached the younj lady in time
to save her, but her brave hearted
escort went down before their eyes.
The body was recovered and taken
to Macomb, where the interment was
made. The grief stricken father has
the svmpathy of many Iiock Island
county friends in his reat affliction.
A LUtle Fatherly Advica.
f ever joa marry," said an old gentleman to
his eon. "let it be a woman who ha? judgment
enougo to ftiperintcnd the getting of a rural, taste
enough to dress berse!f. pridtf enouih to wa.h
her face, and sense enoutrh to use Dr. Pierce'
Favorite Prescription, whenever she needs it "
The experience of the aged has shown the "Fa
vorite PrvBcriptiot." to be ihe bes: for the enre
of all female weaknesses ani deratigeroents
Good sense is shown by "getting the remedy from
your druggist, and using it when you feel weak
and debi'itated. It will invigorate asd cannot
poafiMy do barm.
World's ':Ur late.
The Burlington route (C, li. & Q.
R. It.) will well round trip tickets
from Rock Island to Chicago and re
turn from April 25 to October 31,
1893, inclusive, at $8; final limit for
return November 15, 1893. Contin
uous oing passage date of sale.
Continuous return passage on cr be
fore linal limit. Children of five
years and under 12 years of age half
of above rates.
H. D. Mack, Div. Pass. Agt..
Rock Island, 111.
M. J. Yocxg, Agt., Rock Island.
16 C. G. Lydehn et al by master to
Louis Brnnstrom. part lot 31, 18, lw,
assessor's plat of 1861, $1,330.
Elizabeth Terry to Annie Kava
naugh, nj lot 14, block 3, Guyer's
Second add, Rock Island, f 1.
Probate .
16 Estate of Bailey Davenport.
Petition by Naomi and Catherine
Davenport for an order requiring ad
ministrator to make distribution of
balance of moneys in his hands. Or
der thereon that administrator make
report, etc.
17 Estate of Nels Lundahl. Will
admitted to probate. Letters testa
mentary issued to C. W. Lundahl.
Individual bond tiled and approved.
Reynold's High School.
Reynolds, June 16. The annual
commencement of the Reynolds High
school occurred this evening. An
interesting program was presented
which included music. Lovely Starr,
Otto Lob; prayer. Rev. C. L. Daven
port; music, a. Lullaby, Bailey, b.
Rustic Dance, Resch; Salutatory, E.
Pearl Wait; oration, Grace, Grit and
Gumption, S. Flossie Ketzle; oration.
How Blessings Brighten as They
Take Their Flight, Minola Ekstrom;
music, There Was An Old Woman,
Herbert; oration, Liberty, Lizzio
Millott; oration. Fossils, Harry A.
Johnston; music, The Bells, C. A.
White: oration, Self Reliance, E.
Pearl Wait; oration. Simon Says,
Thumbs Up, Susie Walker; music.
Cuckoo, Fittig; valedictory, Lizzie
Millett; presentation of diplomas,
president of board; music. Old Folks
At Home, arrainged by F. Roat and
music by the Q. Q. quartet of (Jene
seo, coniosed of Miss Carrie V. Hall,
first soprano, Mrs. Frank Green,
second soprano, Mrs. E. B. Gilbert,
first alto, Mrs. J. P. Stewart, second
The Ladies.
The pleasant effect and perfect
safety with which ladies may use the
California liquid laxative, Syrup of
Figs, under aTl conditions, makes it
their favorite remedy. To get the
true and genuine article, look for the
name of the California Fig Syrup
company, printed near the bottom of
the package.
Fourth of July Celebration.
For the Fourth of July, the Bur
lington, Cedar Rapids & Northern
railway will sell excursion tickets be
tween all points on its line .it a very
low rate. Tickets on sale July 3d
ami 4th. good to return on or before
July 5th. 1'J3. For further infor
mation call on or address any agent
of this company.
j". E. Hanxkoax,
Gen. Tkt. & Pass. Agt.
Kxeursion. Kiites 1'ourtb of July, 1S!)3.
July S and 4, C. M. & St. P. rail
way will sell excursion tickets for
one undone-third fare for round trip
good to return Julv 5. for any dis
tance not to exceed 'JO' miles. No
extention of time granted on these
tickets. E. D. W." Holmes, Agent.
There Villi be a l--tiiisr
of the stockholders of the Home
Building and Loan association of
Rock Island at their office in Masonic
Temple Mock at 8 p. m., Thursday
evening, June 22, 18K3. for the pur
pose of electing five directors.
R. A. Doxaldsox, Sec.
I have been a great sufferer from
catarrh for over 10 years; had it very
bad, could hardly breathe. Some
nights I could not sleep and had to
walk the floor. I purchased Ely's
Cream Balm and am using it freely
it is working a cure surely. I have
advised several friends to use it, and
with happy results in every case. It
is the medicine above all others for
catarrh, and it is worth its weight in
gold. I thank God I have found a
remedy I can use with safety and
that does all that is claimed for it.
It is curing my deafness. B. W.
Spetry, Hartford, Conn.
Fits All fits stopped free by Dr
Kline's Great Nerve Restorer. No
fits after the first day's use. Marvel
ous cures. Treaise'and ?2 trial bot
tie free to fit cases. Send to Dr
Kline, 931 Arch street, Philadelphia
Pa For sale by sll druggists: call
ou vours
that Dr. Pierce's rr.vorife Prescription romcs
to the weal: ca'i Mit" ; i.i.; vrotnuu v, lo nei3
it. It's gv.arizntrc,l. JTTt.t v. it h wcrU merely;
any medicine can mlio ilaiaa end rrot..iA-s.
"What is tioua will: '.'a .Favorite rrcsf-ip-tion"
U this : if it f:ii!.; to luci'it or euro, in
any case, vour msner is rot.;-: c-J. Can you
ask any better proof that n nKdiciua will do
what it promises ?
It's nn iaviornt:n:j. rosterr.tivo tnif, m
soothing and ttrtnr.a!i".hi:s i-.orvine. and a
certain remedy tor ihr: illit r,r.: o;litnnt.i that
beset a woman. la "'loin:' to oomp'int " of
every kind, jxrioctical jt;i.ts. intcrr.-ii inflam
mation or ulceration, L-c-urinti-do'xn sensa
tions, and all clironio woaltii'-ssca iirid ir
regilaritiis;, it is q ijcsitive ;tiici cciiijjlote
To every tired, overworked woman, and
to every ivoalr, rsrvou?. ev.d aiiin.t one, it is
jracranteed to bring twuUi aid strength.
Jo tin Yolk Sc Co.,
house bueljol::--.-
Macnfact sr'-r-
tA-tsh Doors Bt'iH. ' "
if; il kind of wo) ir : for ni:-.:S. ?f .
KUthtoenm St. oei- Tun i- ' --.
Refrigerators -
We have a large assortment.
We can certainly suit you.
Elegant Parlor Suits,
Odd pieces for the Parlbr,
Fancy Rockers.
Brussels, Tapestry,
Ingrain, Hemp and Rag,
Mattings and Oil Cloths.
All sizes,
Easy to operate
gPAgency Imperial Bicycles
Easy Payments No extra charges
Tk xje p h one 421
322 Brady Street, Davenport, Iowa.
2UphoIstering of all kinds to order.
Feathers renovated on short no; ice.
At Cost
And Less.
We have sevciailucs of Ladies' fine Oxfords
carried over from last season, mostly in A,
B and C, widths nearly all sizes, and we shall
Cut the price in two. Be sure and
be fitted before they are all gone.
New Department
162? Second Ave., under Rock Island House.
For the next 30 days
In Bedroom Suits.
In order to reduce the immense line we
have to make room for other, goods we must
sacrifice them. Come at once and secure
the best bargain that was ever offered in the
furniture trade.
1525 and 1527
Second Avenue,
124 126 aad 128
Sixteenth Street.

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