OCR Interpretation

Rock Island daily Argus. (Rock Island, Ill.) 1886-1893, July 01, 1893, Image 8

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn92053945/1893-07-01/ed-1/seq-8/

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" 1..'"'
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July 1.
Fire works cheap at Taylor's.
RostiMay at the lower Sunday.
Roa May Sunday at the Tower.
Fire works of all kinds at Taylor's.
Free lunch at Star saloon tonight.
Fire! fire! lire works! at Taylor's.
Cheapest place for lire works, Tay
lor s.
Star saloon will give a free lunch
Moline Light Guard an .! at the
Tower Sunday.
A. J. Blethan, Jr., of .: aieapolis,
ia at the Harper.
Moline Light Guard tiand at the
Tower tomorrow.
Teas from 25c to $1 a pound at
urimu & uicinvs.
K. lleeren, oi Uoe, was in the city
louay on business.
Wear one of those nice fancy vests
Lloyd & Stewart display.
Call and get a sample of W tea
Jrec at Drittill & Gleim's.
Coffee cheaper and better than
ever at Driflill & Gleim's.
They all go at cost. Ladies sailor
hats at Lloyd & Stewart's.
Balloon ascension and parachute
leap at the Tower Sunday.
Yon save money by getting your
Fourth of July at Taylor's.
Get tire works where you can get
them cheapest, at Taylor's.
The Sixth Regiment band, of Mo
line. plays at the Tower Sunday.
You will find a nice line of thin
coats and vests at Lloyd & Stewart's.
For a pair of first class pants go to
Louis F.nglin. 119 Eighteenth street.
Bridge Toll Collector Schlcmmer's
receipts for lat month were ?282.55.
All the straw hats marked down.
Come and ret them Llovd it Stew
art. See Louis F.nglins samples, order
pair of pants, and you will save
Driflill Gleim's
house 172:5 Second
phone 10(7.
S. I). Pace, of Coal Valley, was in
the city today ami made Thf. Ai.v.rs
a friendly call.
Mrs. C. L. Williams left today for
Peoria on a vi-it to her daughter
who resides there.
Miss ()!ie G.irdon has re Hired from
a pleasant viit i; friends at Beards
t..wn and Springfield.
The glorious Fourth will soon be
here. Ye small boy has already com
menced hi celebration.
A few of tiiose imported sailors.
Ladies come quick and get them at 1
cost Llovd iV. Stewart.
W. II. White and bride have re
turned from their wedding trip, and
todav drove out to their home at
Driflill & Gleim are showing the
jnest line of teas and coffees in the
city. Call anil see them and get
their prices.
G. II. ' hure.h. of Carbon Cliff, was
in the city today accompanied by his
sister. Mr. Bailey, of Helena. Mont.
They are going to be World's fair to
lay. "'lie Eastern Fair is the place to
iot vour lire works, lias's and Chinese
lanterns. Cheapest place in the city.
Remember the place. 2107 Fourth
Elmer Blakesley. Dan Smith, Oscar
Barth and Mack Snyder leave tonight
for Buffalo.-la.. -and will spend a
week .or 1 days enjoying camp life
nt Andalusia dam.
Frederick dates, of Millner. Ark.,
and W. A. Durfee, now located in
Iowa, passed through the city this
morning on their way to Port Byron,
where they formerly resided.
For sale cheap. Twelve horse
power engine and boiler and mach
inery for a carpenter shop and box
manufacturing. Call ou Haves &
Clcavclaml. lire insurance agents',
Henirston block. Rock Island.
cheap grocery
avenue tele-
bee i placed in
ill 111.
the horses hi ving
pasture lor tu-j summer.,
Mr. Cable will remove jfrom Wash
ington back to Rock Island and occu
py the familj mansion: on Moline
avenue. " i
The storm interfered with Rosa
May's balloon ascensionjat the Tower
yesterday, tht rain coming pn just as
the great air i hip was tci be inflated.
Theconsequei ce was a freal deal of
disappointme. it. Tomorrow, weather
permitting, Rosa May will make her
third attempt ai:d shtf the third
time is a chaiim."
The meeting of men'ibeVs of the
126th Illinois Vol. Inft. was called to
order at the :ounty treasurer's' office
at 2 o'clock this afternoon, but owing
to the limitec number present it wasi
decided to p stponet the transaction
of any business until next Saturday,
when it is hoped a larger number
will be on htrnd.
Two more of the contracting firms
namely. Hort & Peterson and Hud
son & Parker, have made satisfactory
arrangements with Carpenters' Union
No. 166, whereby their men will re
turn to worl. This leaves but five
firms Collin-? Bros., John Volk &
Co.. John Hauscheld. George Bick
and John Konosky who are still
holding out.
duly Weather.
Weather Prophet Hicks makes
these forecasts for July: "About the
3rd. a good 'Fourth of July warmer'
will begin to spread eastward, result
ing in high winds, some rain, and
many thumb r guns about the 4th to
the Cth. Ju'y will bring much hot.
dry weather, but changes at all reg
ular periods will be apparent to all
careful observers. The highest tem
perature wil be reached during our
storm periods, with changes of wind
and minimum temperature between.
The 10th am. 11th are days of minor
disturbance. Xcw n.o''4on the lolh
will hasten and intensify heat and
storms normally belonging to period
loth and lHh. Black clouds with
severe bluster and thunder. I.ucal
downpours. Very warm. with
storms on the 22nd anil 23rd. From
the 28th to the 80th. excessive l.eat
with Venus storms."
River KipU'ts.
The packc .Pittsburg came down.
The Irene D and C. W. Cowles
went up.
The Thist e came in with eight
string:, of lu n ber.
The stage of the water at noon was
4.2.j: the temperature was 87.
T-iie Verne Swain brought down an
excursion f r the Boston store at
The Muss'T came down with 16
strings of logs, the Inverness brought
eight and tt e Irene 1) eight.
Prison and Rrfornit
It is foolish to pretend to better the crim
inal. by imprisonment or by any other mode
of punishment if, after relense, he is al
lowed to retivn to his former sn rroundinps.
But it is not impossible to help the crim
inal if he is J ut into new conditions where
he sees the necessity of honest work and
where stealing will foe profitless to hiui.
Those are ratner fatalists to say that crim"
has always existed und will always exist,
and therefore consider it ns one of the evils
which mWu always afflict society. But, it
is said, instead of punishing we should
inodify the conditions in suppressing the
causes of crime. But' this i out of the
question, for the legislator cannot do that,
which is sol iy the work of time.
Why should this strange anomaly exist
in contempo -ary society, that the majority,
who have the sovereignty, should make one
exception, ai d that, too, where it is against
the smallest the most harmful and most
abject minority, that of the criminals?
Why should the large part of humanity be
put to incon .enier.ee In changing the con
dition of soi ial existence in the exclusive
interest of s mere handful of worthless in
dividuals? Why, on the contrary, should
not these fev who are uuodapted to civiliza
tion be cliu'.iiiuted? Arthur McDonald in
Lend a llan L
Styl-s In Some lioutictlioUlft.
Btylc has ruined the peace and harmony
of many a worthy household, for no sooner
do they set up for style but instantly all the
honest old c mifortuble furniture is discard
ed, and you stalk cautiously about uuioug
the uncomfortable splendor of Grecian
chairs, Egyptian tables, Turkish carpets
Vvenrion oti st e;i nier Verne Swiiin and Etruscin vases. This vast imurove-
aiid !ur're. Little erne, down the i ultUL 111 lur ULUrt llu,Ilrtl,us mi mx-te m
river on Ju!v 4th. leaving Davenport
hi July 4th
at 1 i). m.. Rock Island at 1:1.5 p. m
returning at .5 p. m. Bra.-s and
string mtisie aboard, dancing free.
Fare for the round trip. 25 cents.
The tent meetings on Twentieth
street are attracting good crowds.
At the morning service tomorrow
Rev! Jesse Underwood, the singing
evangelist, will do some special solo
tinging and in the evening will speak
on '.Our Country Its Progress and
Its Perils." "
'th. ilnmwt ,p .tjililivliTiif.Tit. finrl n. fnmilv
that once rt quired two or three servants tut
convenience now employs half a dozen for
style. Philadelphia Times.
Election of OIHvers.
At the meeting of the directors of
the Home Building & Loan associa
tion held yesterday afternoon all the
old oflieei s were elected as follows:
President Henry Carse.
Viee President John Peetz.
Treasurer J. M. Buford.
Secretary R. A. Donaldson.
Bkeumaliam Cared in a Say.
I '-Mystic Cure" f"r rhnmatism and
neuralgic radically cures in one to
three days. Its action upon the sys
tern is remarkable and mysterious,
It removes at once the cause and the
disease i nmediately disappears. The
first dose rrreatlv benefits 75 cents.
tr .... u i i . . . .
from Washington with the horses J Qtto Grotjan, Druggist,
and carriages of Hon. Ben T; Cable, ' Rock Island.
iA damage suit was filed by M. M.
Sturgeon and J. T. Kenworthy yes
terday on behalf of Frank Lucas
against the city of Rock Island for
10.000. The damages arc for injur
ies alleged to have been received by
the complainant falling on a defec
tive sidewalk on Twentieth street.
JThe only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder, So Ammonia;- Alum'
World's Fair Visitors.,
Charles McCandless left today for
a visit to the World's fair. ;
J. P. Sexton and John Burton will
spend next week in Chicago visiting
the World's fair.
Mr. and Mrs. John Weiss and Miss
May Volk leave Monday morning for
Chicago to visit the fair.
John Stafford left today for Chi
cago, where he will view the sights
of t'le great World's fair.
Robert Beck and .wife leave this
evening for Chicago to take in the
great Columbian exposition.
' C. L. Williams expects to leave
early next week for Chicago, where
he will view the World's fair.
E. E. Parmenter and wife left yes
tc?uiiy for Chicago on an extended
visit to the Columbian exposition.
Henry Arndt and wife expect to
spend some time next week in seeing
the sights of the World's fair at Chi
cago. John Blocklinger, Fred Blockling
er and Frank Blocklinger will leave
the lirst of the week on a vist to the
World's fair.
Toll Collector Schlcmmer and wife
and C. H. Scidel and wife returned
yesterday from their trip to the
World's fair.
B. G. Showaltcr, Clarence Wells
and Al Tabcr are among those who
expect to spend next week at the
fair in Chicago.
Miss Mary Lark in started for Chi
cago today, intending to spend some
time visiting 'friends, and also the
World's fair in Chicago.
Miss Josephine Williams, of Iowa
City, passed through the city today
on her way to Chicago to spend some
time at the World's fair.
Charles S. Lowe. August Teyful,
Charles Bauman and Philip Schafer
will represent Rock Island at the
World's fair next week.
Mr. and Mrs. William McKniry
leave for Chicago the first of the
week on au extended visit to the
World's Columbian exposition.
Peter Et.el and wife and II. H.
Robb and wife leave the lirst of the
week for Chicago, where they will
spend some time visiting the World's
Hugh A. McDonald and wife and
little son, accompanied by Miss
Catherine Mueller, left this morning
for Chicago, where they will spend a
few days at the fair. They will also
visit Milwaukee before returning.
Misse Mollie McKniry and Alice
Kane left last night for Chicago,
where thev will join Miss Jennie
Kane, who has been there the pat
few days, and together they will vis
it the great Columbian exposition.
ay At
ft. a it L
of diseases start from a torpid liver and im
pure blood. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis
covory cures every one of them. It prevents
them, too. Take it, as you ought, when you
feel the first symptoms (languor, loss of ap
petite, dullness, depression ) and you'll save
yourself from something serious.
In building up needed flesh and strength,
and to purify and enrich the blood, nothing
can equul the " Discovery." It invigorates
the liver and Kidneys, promotes all tue oottuy
functions, and briiips liaek health nnd vigor.
For Dyspepsia, ' laver t omplmnt." Hilious-
ss. and all Scrofulous, iSkm. and Scalp Dis
eases, it is the only remeily that's rjuamnteed
to benefit or cure," in every coso, or the money
is refunded.
About Catarrh. No matter what you've
tried and found wanting, you eaa ho cured
with Dr. Sage's Ca!anii lleniedy. The pro
prietors of this medicine agree to cure you.
or they ii pay you hmo in cjisn.
fiHy .-" - kr.
U jT 1?
HiQiSH' Hoi f :liuo &: rTEm 3
PP$mmWWil4 ' -C-i ''e eome tempang 'NEW FONOEES- V
ywy-g ril pnet,- In dark ground,
mJSl t f ' LADIEb' '8TS f. ' 12 l-2c
zCtSfo--- f?l As good as usually sold for .- '
n'iiiii , "ifQl il 10c, Ext?a values in
m " " fjd v- i-. Linen Towels, i
THE "QUICK MEAL" is the only
stove h&vine a tank that cannot be taken off
for filling, nnlesa the burner are closed.
THE -QUICK MEAL" is the only
prove having an indicator to show when the
burners are opcl or closed.
THE "QUICK MEAL" is the only
t-tove havinp glass tubes to show the drip
ping of ea oline when Che at.vu ir in use.
THE "QUICK MEAL" is the only
stove having bnrncr ttat canLct be opened
farther than necens-iry.
THE "QUICK MEAL" is the only
s'ovr having all pur s marie of material
which cauno-. rust.
1615 and 1617 Secoi d Avenue.
Has moved
Attention Ladies.
is the best skin lotion in use. It contains no
mineral or oily substances. Sold by
Room 15, Dittoc lilock. navetiKrt. corner
Third and Brady.
4 pace Medical treatise contuinlre much infor
mation and many valuable receipts free Uku application.
Headquarters to
1815 Second Ave.
In the
Koester & Martin
-Base Ball Headquarters. -
Cigar Store and Eilliard Parlor.
As good as is usually sold
for 15c,
c2 in. would be cheap
enough at 12c, for
In dark ground,
12 l-2c.
Extra values in
Linen Towels,
Table Linen t,
Woolen Drses Goods
Ladies' Wrappeis,
India Silks,
Ladies' Waists.
Save Money
By getting first-clase go
at lowest prices.
A Complete Line of
At Lowest Prices.
F G. YOUG, Proprietor
1728 Second Av.
Fifth Avenue Pharmacy.
Analytic aM Dispensing Pharmacist
Is tow locatid ia bis new buijdine at the corner of Fifth avtuue
and Tweotyahird treety
J. F. Ko?KsriEiJ.
: brands of domestic
brando of tobacco,
mes wi'l be received
Always on hand the tine
and iniporvd citzan. A
Tbc acore of all inc. ball -r
1NW Second ivennc.
Plumbers, Steam, Gas Fitta
lionise Heating and Sanitary Plumbing
Are showing.all the latest agonies in
. i -
mer XJnderw
Correct Prices, to which we invite inspection.
I tert
(lothing. L
i t o: .. idc-s- 4 I'are tne Standard
Shoe Htore 1SC4 i'ecend -t u
largest Clothing and Shoe Storh in RockJsland Corf
Clothing ore 1729 8econc, Avenuf
.... - . 's - ".j , - ;
;r,.,.m,i... -

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