OCR Interpretation

Rock Island daily Argus. (Rock Island, Ill.) 1886-1893, July 24, 1893, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn92053945/1893-07-24/ed-1/seq-3/

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A'tio'csilc Deader and Importer of
hes and Liquors.
ir.ii; 1618 Third Av
enssor lo II. WEXDT.)
jrchant -:- Tailor,
11 ',) Etehteeulh Street.
; .i mill JWorkmanship Guar
lw l'.cst.
in and Repairing Done.
' Mac-hit: nee.
felies everything from a tine
bandkerchief to a circus
Lace curtains a specialty.
No. 1724 THIRD AVE
Telephone No. 114
? 3
yCf 3 to 6 DAvaVV
F 4T " Aacoun6 CURE POBVJk
Sml C3"ANDC3
. .-Jr-- ya JCTICf 6 YTtH EACrl IbW I
! ''t. 1 u. Dfi'JGGISTB, gF I
W ' '"'l CWjieal Co,
J--yfr$- 1 u'-"o anu Peoria.
lT 'T THOMAS Sol" spent
1 Hock lulaoo.
2Br b "'J.drgii.t f.,r a bottle of
A fle,r.;, ?on-Poonona and
A erl" ""'""l not to stricture.
1 1 ;V mnren Oir.
If . Manufactured by
VThe Evans Cher.icul Co.L J
The numaa Ekcitica! Foies!
How They ConrroJ the.Orga:
of the Eody.
Tbn electrical force of the hum-in body. .-
the nerve fluid mav Be farm.ui i.
cially attractive department of sclenco. as "it
rjerw so mamea n it nuence on the licuitb.
SLihe 8f the y- Nerve force is
produced j the bruin and conveyed bv
means of the nerves the various orW.s at
VifJu, y- tbu8"PPly'ng the latter with the
. . ., ,i j m : ii-
sure their health. Tha
pneumogastrlc nerve, as
shown here, may be si .Id
to Ik the most imporu nt
of the entire nerve s as
tern, as it supplies ihe
heart, lungs, stoma -h,
bowels, etc., with ihe
nerve force necessary to
keep them active nd
healthy. As will bo seen
by the cut the long nerve
descending from the
base of the brain tnd
terminating In the bow
els ithA InunimnD.. ..n
while the numerous llt-
vic Druncnes supply the
heart, lungs and nU m-
" im necessary vi
tality. When the brain
l.-e.-omes in any way dis
ordered by Irrltabi ity
or exhaustion, the nerve
force which it supp les
U lessened, and the or
raus receiving the di
m i ii ished supply are c oa
i'iently weakened.
Physician generally
tht' lmiii,rtuni,u . l.V,
fail to recopnl.o.
fact, but treat, the
it.. V A . ' ict, our. treat, tne
.riiriii.self lnsteadol the cause of the trnuhlo
j i ij i "f"--Liaiisi, rranKiin Miles, M. 1).,
I t- has given the greater part of his lif.
to the study of this sulvject, and the principal
'r: v'II-'es concernii ,g it a re due to his e it . rt.
I ir. Miles Restorative Nervine, ihe unri
va.ed lirain and nere food, Is prepared on t lie
pr n.-inle that all nervous and many oilier
cli h -ulties originate from disorders of t!r
iijrve centers. Its w nderful success lnciirln :
tiiese disorders is teMltiod to by thousands i
tvyry part of the la id.
Kestorativo Nervine cures sleeplest:c
nervous prostration, dizziness, hyst. ri;.. ,t
tial debility. St. Vitus danco. epifepsv. etc.
is irt-e from opiates or dangerous di-.;'s.
is iso.J on u positive ciiarmitee hv ail dri
wists. or sent direct hy the lir. Miles Medi
o.. Klkhart, Ind., o i receipt of price. SI pir
nottio ix bottles for ij express preoaiti
Lumbago, Sciatica,
Kidney Complaint!?.
With Eloctro-Mnsnetlc SUSPENSORY
..-v i mcniiii iki improvement 1
in rur without K irlne ail Wrskneu resultinir from
vpr-taxnuon of liraiu nrve forces; exeeFsceorlndu.
rntion, as nervous cl.iiity. H.Iesness, lanrniur.
rln-umntism. ki.lnrv, lii. r and blndder compluinti
Iiunehai-K. lumtuntj, . ciut 'r.. o!l female comiuaints.
fe h i i hw,,t!, ' ' ''' cleetrie Be.z cuntiana
V. 1 yfciti'y vcar r cr wo f.iritit Si.0ou.uo, and
cure allot tin, c
ritnus liavo br:i
after all other r-r.:
Qt testimoiii:r iv :
Our I'owerrul ir
frreutcsf Ik...q r-- '
tl. He-us j-fl V
iay. TImju-
a ir!Tei!t:.iu
i-t sri -jior.T. t:n
,-vrt w.-T T. n. I 'Il.tl Hit.-.:
A irw and Conip ete Treatment, coiislilii of
SupHw:tories. Oicti icnt in CajM-uls also in Boi
and Hin.; A l'ositiv: fare for External, Bhnii or
Blecdira Itching, C ironic. Kcccni or Uerudit iry
I'lles, Female weaknesses and many other (lic
ence.; it is always a great benefit to the general
health. The f irst d srovcry of a medical cure ren
dering an operation with the knife nnneccsnary
hereafter. This Ii medy has never been known
to fail, tl per box. 8 for So; sent bv mail. Why
nffer from this ten iable disease when a written
pnaranree is positiv y given with A bottles, to re
fund the money if not cured. Send stamp for
free sample. Gnar.ir.iee lzsaed by our agent.
Acts like magic on the Stomach. Liver and Baw
el; dispels Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Fever, Colds.
Nervous Disorders, sleepusene",Loe of Appetite,
restores the compection; perfect digestion fol
lows their nae. Pontlvc cure for Sick Hbapacbb
and Constipation, bmall, mild, easy to take. Large
Vials of SO Pills 26 f ents.
HARTZ & IJLLK EVB Sole Agcnu Rock Isl
and f".
p i
a 3
r ,
3 i J
John Volk. & Co.,
Manufacturers of
Sash, Doors, Blinds, Siding, Flooring,
And all kint 8 of wood work for builders.
Eighteenth St. l'9t. Third and Fourth avenues.
, Insano Persons Hest:i..
'IJ IM'..1.L1I!1. ifukcn direi--.!. A Ii - "
ttrtt mt. TiMtba at! I f- t-el -ti - t - 1;
'"-I Tit iviti.mti.ltieTpiyin-rcxnrev.; . '. -
fiA , ...lv,.. Marf iws !. O a-l .-... :'.-'
.... . f iw.KI.IVL.nu'- "l. "" -:l-lm.i'
Wf4 '.' ' ' '-.v-
- i
; A Compitriot of tha I uUen Frenchman
Kay I't.iin Things About Him.
A French merchant who came to
this country less than five years ago,
and who has kept in touch with cur
rent events in Franco, bays that tbo
reports of a protest by the French
people against the sentence imposed
on Ferdinand de Losscps are entirely
unfounded. Ho asserts that the
French newspapers are protesting
against the verdict of the court, says
the New York Sun, but that in this
case, the press, instead of reflecting
public opinion, Is trying to form it.
"You must not forget," said ho,
"that almost every editor and pro
prietor of a Parisian newspaper came
in for a part of the pillage of the peo
ple's savings by accepting fancy
prices as bri) cs for suppressing news.
These men were, at lcat morally,
accomplices, and their opinion of the
sentence, therefore. is obviously
biassed, and consequently of no ac
count "The real opinion wo want is that
of the people, of tho 10 t.0 ) bourgeois
who have been a' ost ruined by this
immonse jobbery, and of the families
of those, more numerous than ono
would think, who havo been driven
to suicide. '1 heir opinion will be
found very dilierent. These men
cannot find words violent enough to
assail tho r.amo of l'o Lcsseps, nor
any punishment t o severe to bo ap
plied to Lim. .-.n.l their opinion, in
spito of what the . rench newspapers
of to-day may .-ay. will be that of
history, for when H,'ht shall have
been thrown on the truth concerning
the Suez ca:u;i. .; it has been on the
dealings at !'u:ia:!ia. Uo Lessens will to
classed among the greatest robbers
Aof modern times. '
"As far as tho Suez canal is con
cerned the en.1, in ty have iustiticd
tho mans, 1.- t'ao timo bein. at
least. But it is nevertheless true
that as a result (r tiie Suez thefts,
which were even greater than thoso
of the Panama, the tonnagj tax,
which ought not lo have been moro
than two francs, is now ten francs
for vessels passing through the canal.
Tho way in which le l.-sseps came
to bo connected with the construc
tion of the Suez canal was. to ?-ay
tho least of it. peouliar. Napoleon
I. wanted to tittack F-ngiand through
India, After laak-ng himself master
of Fgypt, and he conceived the idea
of piercing tl.e isthmus, lie sum
moned a commission of engineers
from Franco with loii-re and
Laplace at tho head of it. When the
engineers arrived in Kirvptand besran
their investigations, they found
j trail's ,f tho old canal built by
I Pharaoh, and they adopted the old
lin in the plan which they ma;le for
i Napoleon. It was estimated that tho
1 i.-ti.inus could bo pierced for ":). t !),-
O i l francs, and the emperor ordered
that the work should be begun. Short
ly afterward, as is well known, ho
was forced to return to France, Kle
bcr was assassinated, tho course of
political affairs in tho empire was
changed, and tho work at Suez
came to a standstill.
"Somo years later, in the reign of
Louis Philippe Ferdinand Do Lcsseps
was appointed French consul at
Cairo, and by a curious streak of
luck ho discovered ono day, in the
local archives, the plan for the Suez
canal which had been made by Mongo
and Laplace. He began his life as a
pirate by appropriating these plans,
foreseeing that somo day he should
be able to turn them to his advantago.
AVhen the second empire was inaugu
rated Napoleon III. married Eugenie
de Montijo, who was a cousin of Do
Lesseps. This made an opening for
the latter, and ho submitted hi9
plans to Napoleon 111., with an offer
to build the canal for 100,000,000
francs. With the assistanco of hia
cousin, tho empress, and of the
khedive, Ismail Pasha, who came in
for a commission of several millions
it was possible to borrow 60"),000,OJO
francs. The wildcat methods that
were employed to raise this sum
have become .matters of history. Less
than onertenth of tho money, how
ever, was actually expended in tho
construction of the canal, almost all
the work beinii done by the khodivo's
fellahin, whose only wages consisted
of stripes from cowhide whips. Tho
other nine-tenths found its way into
the pockets of Do Lesseps, of tho
Montijo family, of the khedive and
of other favorites of tho empress.
"The success of tho canal has kept
those stories out of print. But when
the memoirs of the principal charac
ters of those times shall be published,
after the usual delays in such cases,
and when the truth shall have been
fully told, history will class Do
Losseps with eueh men as Cartouche
Do Madrin, and make him worse, per
haps, for tho latter never stolo mon
ey, but be usurped reputations and
built up his renown on a foundation
laid by others.
History of Tobaeco.
Tobacco was noted by Columbus on
his very first voyage. It was first
cultivated by John Bolfe in 1G12, and
as early as 1619 a lot of 20.000 pounds
was shipped to England. In 1732 a
tobacco factory was started on tho
Kappahannock river, and about 1769
the first south of tho James river was
built in Mecklenburg county. In
1745 the exports from Virginia
amounted to 42,841 hogsheads of
about 1,000 pounds each, and in
creased till 1753, after which there
was a decline until after tho revolu
tion. It is now grown in most of the
southern states with Kentucky In
the lead.
As Effect Follows Cause.
First landed Proprietor Do you
have good police protection out your
Second Landed Proprietor Do weP
Well, rather. We have the prettiest
hired girl in the city. Detroit
Trum'en, i
July 22 U. P. Ryder ct al to E. ;
11. Guyer, Assessor's lot 3, tiact by !
metes and bounds, S3, 18, Iw.
C. F. lletnenwav to .T. ; ti eV w
5, block 2, Prospect Park, 400.
Mary A. Nutter to J. C. II. Read,
part lots 7 and 8, block 1, Christv &
Groyer's add., Moline. 8,000. "
J. C. II. Reed to Sarah L. Ryder,
Assessor's lot 3, tract by metes and
bounds, 33, 18, w, $2,000.
J. C. H. Read to C. P. Ryder, As
sessor's lot 3, tract bv metes and
bounds, 33, 18, lw, to, 000.
William Dickson to Rebecca and
Ada E. Johnston, part lot 12, block
5, W. Dickson's add.. Milan, tl,500.
C. J. Lawson to John Benjrston,
lot 4, block B, Barstow, $300.
. Sarah O. Steed to Valentine Dau
ber, part lot 3, block 1, J. W. Spen
cer's Third add.. Rock Island, $5,150.
22 Estate of John Anderson.
Will admitted to probate. Letters
testamentary issued to Maria An
derson. Bond waived by will.
Estate of Jonathan Huntoon.
Claims of Rock Island county, $18
and J. 1). Long $5.50 allowed in sev
enth class. Executor's report tiled
and approved.
A Hit of Hnn'i numtnitr.
One of the incidents that illustrate
the help ulness of humanity, when its
.npathies aro aroused, occurred in
Dexter, Maine, the other day. A bar
ber in that town, who last summer
mortgaged his shop and tools in or
der to buy him a little home.has been
unfortunate since that time, and so
wus i.nablo to pay tho note when duo.
Saturday the inr.T.L.-i-0 va fore
closed and officer ; :e:novei tha fur
niture and tools fro a tho sho . A
symputhi.ing crowd watched tho pro
ceedings and then went to work to
repair the damages. Una hirst.-U up
a barber chair, an t'r.er razo -. rings,
etc., and by tho time the c :r:-.-i ed
goods were all removed, th ! a.-her
was all ready t call for "ue.vL Tho
same evening a subscription was
started and enough money raised to
buy a new chair of tho latest and
most approved pattern.
V; i-.:ik.e.i r oreucHus.
Wrinkled foreheads in children b
token consumption, rickets or idiocy.
Vertical wi
inkles of the brow coma
early to men who do much brain
work. Arched and crossing wrinkles
about tho lower and middle of to
forehead b.eToken physical or mental
suffering. Fine, close-meshed wrinkles
which cover the face, sign
of age and decrepitude, aro caused
by loss of contractile nervous force
and are prevented by hot; bathing,
friction and electricity.
C njujil Wi dom.
'ho who lie', r ainwe-s till her husband cool ,
Or, if she mles him, cvver shona the rules"
i-a type or wife happily becomirg comnicn in
these t'ays when women mav hive r.inrt health
elieetful d-.spos'tioi s, strong nerves and clear
" i mis. s mpy th-oriKh the nse of Dr, Pierce's
Fav.irue lT.-fcr;ption. Before the reputation
and use of ihi re i.edy became world-wide, inlta
ble. rros-i, nervous, debilitated women i (Tur
ing with Ui'I 'cements, hyneria, and every fe
male uise ise, w.rj ; he rule rather than the ex
ception. The -Fjv.iritc Prescription" has piov
ea to be the key tn a long an! happy life the key
Wtlieh CffcCtUailV l.lf.ks ni.t that d-t im.nl
rerlne disorders, periodical pains, weak back.
prjiapsis, inn immation, ulceration, nerycu - n-haufct'ft-j
and tr neral delitlit v ;. nrintiwl -..--
antse on w-apper Money refunded if it doesn't
giye satisiat tlon m every cafe.
Your Painter
has often wasted time and material in
trying to obtain a shade of color, and
has even resorted to the nse of ready
mixed paints, the ingredients of which
he knew nothing, because of the diffi
culty in making a shade of color with
white lead. This waste can be avoided
by the use of National Lead Company's
Pure White L
Tinting Colors
Thesa tints ar2 a combination cf per- 1
ictiiy p jri co:crs, put up m ehio:i cens,
and prepared do that one pound will
tint 25 pounds ef Strictly Purs White
Lead to tho ihads shown on ths can.
By this nicar.s you viil hava tha best
paint i.i th: v.D.ld, b:causs niids of
tSticiw jc ure
and pure, c.c'or-,.
cf t'i i r: . : : :'
Dtandr.. -.- i . . .
Dutch j :r,zz: z.
strictly pure ;
i: Scuthc--n!5
i r one
: "Cld
ts be
' -v'i Seal
These brandr. o." r.'.rlct'y r-ura White Lead
nnd National Lc-J Co.'s f -.tri White Lead
Tinting Colors cro f;- Eil3 1 y tha most re
liable dealers in paints everywhere.
If you are going to paint, it will pay you
to send to us for a book containing informa
tion that may save you many a dollar; it will
only coat you a postal card.
1 Broadway, Kew York.
Chicago Branch,
State and Fifteenth Street.
and how to attain it.
At last a medical work that tells the causes,
describes the eftects, points the remedy. This
is scientifically the most valuable, artistically
the most beautiful, medical book that has ap
peared for years ; 96 pages, every page bearing
a half-tone illustration in tints. Some of the
subjects treated are Nervous Debility, Impo
tencr, Sterilitv, Development, Varicocele, TBe
Husband, Those intending Marriage, etc
Every man who would know the grand truths,
the plain (acts, the old secrets, and the new
discoveries of medical science as applied to
married life, who weuld atone for past follies
and avoid future pitfalls, shnuld write for this
wonderful little book. It .vi't be sent free,
Bcider scr.l. Address the t -' : via
Erie Medic, 5:.lo. N. V.
for Infants
THIRTT yan' obserymtion ef Cavatoriav with th patronmgo of
milliona of persons, permit m to apeak of it without ggeBainaT.
It ia naqnestionahly the bost remedy for Infanta avnd Childrem
the world haa ever known. It ia hannlesa. Children like it. It
eivea them health. It will save their Uvea. In it Mother havo
something which 1 ahaolwtely aafe and practically perfect a r
child's medicine.
Cavtoria rlestroya Worms.
Castoria allays Feverishriess.
Castoria prevents vomiting Sonr Cnrd
Castoria cores Diarrhoaa and Wind Colio.
Castoria relieves Teething Troubles.
. f
Castoria cores Constipation and Flatulency.
Cstor-a nentralizes the effects of carhonlo acid gas or polaonona air.
Car toria doe not conta'n morphine, opinm, or other narcotic property.
'"'a-foHq assimUutesjt'hofooil, TegTtlats the stomach and bowel a,
r-'fint; healfhy and nut n rat hlee-n.
.ria is pnt pp in n-.i?e bottles oily. It is not sold in hnBc
'opt a!3ow nay one ti aoll yi nnythins ce on the plea or promise
CSotit iBjnt as fy"d and will irnsvrer every pcrpose.
Pretnat v-i rt O-A.-S-T-0-R-I-A.
'he fac-simile
r'sriitnture rf
Ch!!cSrcn Ovy for
MbLINK,-"LtLS. .
Tiie loline
't- vl -: . .tw-j . v-..jf-.iV- - -w . MvTr 'r. r-. jo-
A full and complete line of Platform and other Spring Wagons, especially adapted to tha
v eetero trade, of superior workmanship ard finish Illustrated Price List free on
acvlication. See the MOLINK WAGON before purchasing
Heating and Ventilating Engineers,
Gas and Steam Fitting,
A complete line oi Wpe, Brass Goods, PackiDg Hose,
Fire Brick Etc. Largest nd best equipped
establishment west of Chicago
DAVIS tujjiju. Moline, HI. I 1 12. 1 14 West Seventeenth st.
Telephone 2053. I Telephone 1148. RockialanA.
riesicience TeleDhone 1 16&
Everything in the line of spring vehicles, and the
largest assortment of
Harness, Laprobes, Whips, Etc.
Mason's Carriage Works,
Eaet Fourth Street. - - DAVENPORT, IOWA.
I""T-ELY'S CREAM BALM-Tleansea the Nasal V JF. imI l "J
IPaMiMgeM, AUm lain aitti I Btlanimatlan, Healsl 'laB
f I the Korea, ltetorea Taste and Smell, and l'nre fSTARrv'V
y OivesKcliffatuuce for CXj11 in Head. "TtCl
ii Apply into tlus Xuttrilt. It U ifuicklg Abmrbtd. tJSK
50c lJrugisU or by ciad. ELY E UOS., M Warren bu, K. T. t yfOet
Carpenter and Builder,
Shop on Vine Street ROCK ISLAND, ILL.
and Children.
is on every
Pitcher's Castoria.
Wapn Co,
H -
1 It
1 ;
5 1
ct ;

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