OCR Interpretation

Rock Island daily Argus. (Rock Island, Ill.) 1886-1893, October 03, 1893, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn92053945/1893-10-03/ed-1/seq-3/

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mt- r-iT - i i i . . i . . aHv
it- W I LlULllMl .11 I siVfn,,..,. 1 i
"I a i-.r.i.iv ' . 4 ' " ' le received and llir- mnmmoni)o.
. ... IS II 1 .1 :l . . . .
11 IK) 0 Til I
nf Communication
it. - Tn rH a VI O
I f i:onn'n. ThonchU
t!'nsili iuf.-Hov Indian II ia
y i ..tt..r frfim an In-
Kj.t.iii" IikIIhii SHRrwa.
i .,. nt :!! Indians in a
Indians different In
nn.ui iui'1 a Spitniiinl
, ; ,i, atr with each other.
., ! H! .il.llfm-r tl Wlltl'll
- a , iiiiiu iliuiil w ithout
. i' . 1 1 u liii im'Uiiiujr dour
;t, ll eniimilllliciltiiilis
1 In' tatnily lntiiy
i',..l mi a ti'pt'i'. Thf
n lit till- lllftlioil of
; !l i Kit. l.I. N VII
. -.-iiv: V ii Kirk
a )'
.m l
. IU I
nv.'i r
I trii
i .i
i u:";
..I!-! : t'.i'.Iow:
. t ,y u-UUe brother
. I l,.ii-!:s, mmle bij the
' . niii (nature.) If the
i.'i'l mill' him .itronter
i.-.Vf f.,ll before him."
.li.-ini' word lnrmiiiii:
:iinir- "lu'M medicine."
-tatciucntj. of 11 mi.
a. .'.
i mulioriry on the In-
i-ii Ulllil!! tlli'lll for
: 1 of an I ii. I i :i il rail ill-
hi." an. I In- i l'if-'ht.
! til.- irciiuinr value of
u.-v- a.
- . i a . t : 1 1 ff rent -nurce.
f: ..Ml t II' i'lnll'-sor III
a. ik Yah- College
,;' ,'. I '.in .9i;.iv,
' ' ' l:--t. Hurl:.
l: i. i,al Action
: - j'h tterious Aihnix-
:'i - .:.n::. : i your
.r- n 1 jiii'.i-ucil
- i 1 .i if yor
. 1 i. . i;ti.l iili; t
. .: ! iln nut nr
- -. Iiir,:irv to
: V. " .. i; if -t in 7iil-
: .itoun uro thu
:r " i " v. off T In iMieiny
i I. .a;. .Mi lniliaii iiis.
-; -;- i.. ' i' il uo uu4
i - i.-v. a anil othor Kick-..a.-
loniuiu only tiie
:, a i l torit, nature's
iv.ii of root-, burkn ainl
( : a. n:v fri-e from nil
J. a. v aati'Vi'r, licnuie tlio
nn l:-iMwli-,l-e of thi.'in, li-.
iip.'ii nature' l:ibiriitory
-.:ir.-i iia.t ur.on thoir skill,
a :::ntr of rxperium-u.
r-.:.'(s a-d Mfdiclne Dealers Only.
E-f, 6 for $5.
' .
4 ..
iropolitan Hotel,
r I'r:n c St., New York City.
'"t'l! Ull.litr tli'W mn".'Tnont
I!, y.lli.
f. i il r. : , njiw.iril.
f ' !" ''" ' bes w the city at mod-
'"' H.U. ctatlnn and eteam
J .i:.'.::--ru-i- tin- door.
'"mplctc Treatment, coni!tlnf of
! iNtivci ure for Eiterual. Blind or
r..'. Cnmnie. Hccent or Hereditary
5i weaksehm and many other di
'y great henefit to the general
' r discovery of a medical cure ren-
"lion ,th the knife unnecepary
0 .1 Kemedy has nevar been known
f Hoi.6 fur ,cnt by malI Wh
-Merriahie dii.eae when a written
J ";tiviy eivi'ii with a hni...
:',7 B0! cured. Send otamp for
"Jarantee Luted by our agent.
t."C On th Vtn,r..Ml. Tl .
i'T-ij, luimnjne, Kcvcr CoMg
5 r':- '',":fnK"-oe' of Appetite,
c-np.rt-t.on; perf.ct diifeMwii tot
lo-Uivecure for Hick Hbadachi
........ u.u, en-jr io taae. iarge
"U-MKYEU Sole Aenui llock Inl-
i:&f fSff235 Wis. Street
F-v 'i K!LV:KEE, rlS.
&idMli&- 1EH,
i ' ''' ":' f'-l and ilurii.i!
IEJJA" V.TTIF. MEE for two to
lUUC-COMMwriukeB. Wis.
Otlli-iHl I'ruceedlnfrii t f Ijst Night's Coun
cil M etinu.
Official Report.
City Council CMambek. Uock
AXD, Oct. 7, 193. The eitv
c il met in special session at 8 o'clock
p. in., Mayor Medill presidin,' and
all the aldermen present. The" min
utes of the last regular session were
read and approved.
The mayor nom nated Frank Wei"--and
for the position of patrolman
Confirmed 12 to 1 (Nelson). 'Fieken
s.ilier ahsent.
Tlio monthly re orts of the city of
lieers were read and placed on tilt".
Aid. Sehroeder, from the bridge
committee, sulunitted a report from
W. A. Darling in felaiion to raisin"
)rides Nos. 1, .,n,i ostimatin
the cost at !?S,5lh(. "
Aid. Kvans moed that the report
lie received and placed on tile. Car
ried. Alii. Kvans olTe -ed a resolution in
structino; the major and liridu com
mittee to confer ith the 'ove'i-nment
officials with a v ew of 'liaviiii,' said
liridijes raised aid authorizing said
committee to take such leU steps as
they miirht deem proper. Adopted
Aid. Curkcn r ported the audit of
the monthly bills and offered an ordi
nance allowing tie same in amounts
as follows, and which w as adopted
Nos. i
SO"( onn.ir
A ilr inv-
t vni M'Vriii"..
iota Kuh'.'y
No. 2
tien Hotter...
.1 Cnrieu
N Evan
M Mu elie,' .. .
P (Minimi . ....
(, Kiirhm:inn.,..
W Hoc he
I. Hetti-r ...
T Si xlon
I Shttip ....
I) Mluck t i k ..
.1 Johnston Ni 1
O An.ti'ruii
it Hii'imrdson
J F. Itim
M oVonncll....
It 11 iiicher
N F BcrkRt'en..
S CurponiiT ..
V M lilaaiiliu;..
w vVoitz. ......
WJ(;anihle ..
Mike i-lintli
1" Nniniiii
.1 Kii.v
.1 tiailoy
r ilitr-o:i
.1 DiiMMlc
.1 Nnri'i'll
i ' I n'lir
-1 A nu-tr u:
1' II I'iiHtlnr ...
W v: iiiiit
It Maiitmi
A H.iin u
1' t'urvi i.
11 .Mh.i.j
.) Maju ri-....
J II irur t . .
Ha I n,:
(' lir.ii-er
K Hiaitii r
li 1! kiinlmll
J iliilin- in
P Ktvelln.
E Krull
P Murrin
S t unnin.lniu
II iMilson
A Utke
Ned Kane
Jos Winkler
Pat Mullipm
P Paulson
n schnmont
W O'Brien
J Mulipiet'n
M Mizner
C Htando;
E Buck
C Ilenrk
A Handt
J MrUarrole
J k'a'nn
F Evans
II Nowack
.1 K Shoan
K Uruhn
V Bu-lino
; Petet
P I.arkin
.1 l.ndL'e
S tVi'inint.:r
F () C onnell
.1 Urimes
W il llodlTJ
ieo llillier J-... .
I Suaiu
P Mc((uade
O Tulinutre
W Ferris
I) l Clarrf
.1 Mctiinley
II J Mathews.
J Jamison
W 111
James O'lUun
Charlen Stevenson.
K Hurd
P C'onwell
J Chuonon
J Undine
.1 Burns
II P Him-berg
I ame Thompson . .
John Haley..
F Sommeri
J W Philips
U Burton....
H Kelaine
J Mulliuan
A Ttniberiake
W Ferguson
J Rruhn
tharles Miller
James McQnaile...
J Boss
J McKinley
J Condon
F Downs
James Kelly
John Campbell
Tom Pahay .
J O'Connors
F Archer
A Brady
E Maroon
J Carney...
J (fillespie.
I. Overstaller
W Mnrriu
Thoi O'Connor....
P Noonan
J Liitui lur
I) in Kane
J Mizner
('has Archer
M J Morns
W Ferris
I) W Kelly.
I, Eihl ..
T Mulligan
Clias Carlson
ti i u
7 M
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i II I
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: mi
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s M
i ti;i
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:i ii.i
a i;o
3 oo
4 50
10 00
1 50
4 70
7 10
1 50
1 Ml
i sr,
i 25
4 50
1 50
1 S5
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- (Ill
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I 00
! 01
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4 511
'.I nil
3 OH
3 a. i
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4 TO
li "0
tl I HI
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3 10
3 0 i
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1 50
1 50
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3 HO
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1 50
15 111
14 35
il 35
li (HI
li 75
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3 00
3 00
3 CO
I 50
3 1)0
1 50
1 50
1 50
3 75
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K 75
ti on
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4 85
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1 50
3 35
1 50
I 50
3 55
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1 50
3 ao
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ti 35
3 75
li 75
3 00
3 35
1 50
G 35
1 to
1 50
1 50
1 50
1 F0
3 35
1 50
1 50
4 50
2 20
li 00
3 00
3 35
1 85
1 50
3 00
km -Time
man can afford to .have a side Wife or
Daughter, nor, in such times t s these,
& "big Doctor bill. Zoa Phoia cures
the sickness, oaves the bills.
All Kinds ol Carpeater Wovlc Done.
General Jobbing done on short notice and Mtmractlnr pnarantaed.
rd SlMm 'I Twelfth Str.t. ROCK ISLAND
KTrtil.T Al-CO1 NT.
Xrt I? I Tii...
. ,.. . ,o S mie eirX :n..
,,.,,1011 no i.iohn VcConnel!..
I .h' 1 n ,;! -5 Aik nson & o . ff.
Lubor p y roli No Krank II!
8. sept IS. ..... . 5J04:BI ke & Burke ...
La-or pay roll No t 1,,,-Ie L il Jfc M--
,'.0,I "-f' 35s Ciirthv
A Darling n w, Ani. Ex. Co
Labor pay to"
A Dar:in?
A Da-liiii 11 10 C J I nna
A Darling lj ni n.m-Eiii? Bros ...
A Hurling
A Darling
A K iliUr C ...ion jil 'i,in Prin- r
A Diriina ... . 14 40 1 a. ......
JohuMn!h..rn.... 13 71) - A I)rlin
PIKTU n-i:i) siiiewalk Arimr.T
A Darling.... s
A Dil.-liug
5. .av-rticU ... v 1.' mi F J staa83i,
I Tolej:r:iph . . 50
Junior 5'ater ..
SfENl -iR smllARE Al-eorST
Tu n City Ice Co
Thoir.ns fJrocn .. 7si ;i!HVns-
.lames Kinney... 7-- Oil 1; L Evsiei-'.'.;! .'.
W t-Husit-i.. .. 19 5u;
II Ill.iB .eOOUNT.
Fraik 111 ... ... 7 II P Sihlemiii r....
Harper Hob son 12 50t
OFF C i ACeoi'NT
I, 1 Argus -j 50 l iiiou Pig o ..
Mrs V liooiluiin. 7 so tl I (iasi.o
RIAririM . 4 IN) I nion Piiut Co..
K I A gas it) io,
3 50
5 00
4 20
54 4S
2; Kl
45 30
2 SO
15 ill
20 61
45 30
20 95
Sti 25
2li 45
10 90
15 75
3 CO
4". 00
11 M
35 00
50 0,1
9 S3
19 50
Mcht El c Lt ('o .
TJ S Ex Co
Ii liriltm
J II (. oilier
Judii Iti-pme
has Husliiig-i
H Hater...'
Jus Mulcaliy
Aug Sns
P 1 uriivn
Uejrge NiWbeiry.
4 00 Will'mm Dickmaa. 50
4IHCJ Kamskill 5H
' Go M s l Kac.in 7
5S 31 tiu ia I' A; u i j-0 4
50 ini Fred Hiletinaer. .. 4
50 00 S X Hoiis... 3
5n on u ii on Jc Corc.irun S
50 10 w C Maucker-.... 1
50 im H I Fuel 1 o 20
d'I INI W ii 1, raves 21
50 OJ 1-ru ik 111 ... . 3
M II Sexton
I. Kramer
John Hrcnnan..
A Etzel
u Dunibauld. . .
i-ieo Cronipt'n..
I' Haym 111
.las itm-ker . ..
Wpi l.'vn
It 1 r.:is
Liiiiir ai -joi's r.
Mch: Lie: l.ijh: Co
75 0 1.I110 Mu'qneuu.
5S K Ohlvve.ur ...
5 ) iniIm x on
50 00 sui'tli A: II 11-e
50 on Fred lliiiliiger. .
50 t i: S Ex Co
50 on W 11 fXlon
.Vi no.F J s aa-sen...
50 iki It 1 Gas
II 00
c i" r.'ai :'.. .
Oa. ' I 1 iirken
Juan Cr-iiuer.
V liaiitier ...
C!:if E Eaiis lili (N
c a t-.w x; 1 11
E li F eS' iischer 3ii (Nil
Win Ki nne :y. . . fi no!
Henry Kinuer. ti3 0 1
hulil ku-iiimiiiin 51 00
.. 61 OOiWC Maucker....
. li'.i 00 K Nrl-ou
.. 4S III! A in In:h
.. tki IX): Fred srliroeiler.
I' J Medill Jr.
D H'lesing
I L Haas
E ilwin Ward
P rhlenini r. .
;C F Lyiuie....
5.1 00
.V) 1 0
a mi
1 IK)
1 IN)
1 00
ia ini
57 no
li.'! INI
51 (.1
57 00
UN) 1 )
1H0 OO
tiii tili
lili li i
4 ) 00
S 33
Construe. ion account
Ho! y 5If;j Co
.151 50
I'lolin l'onw.11
o mc.eans
Magee Bros
Mclits Elert Lat Co
llorrt VoiiK. e. k'z.
Downing Bros
Davis Ito
Dan I).i!v
r V Mi: lug o ;
I'liinii print Co....
Uolliu Kiiick. . ..
E U Kellogg & Co.
Eighteenth str
4tti ave imjit
Sixteenth si sw
Barth Ita cock
7th ward sw ai ct
3d w ard sid'w ac.
5th ward sid'w ao.
Stoim draiu arct.
I'.intiuent acct. .
(oiriisty siuare.
Sjii'iicer pquare..
. 29 7
. 13 50
. 33 5 1
. 053 51
. lilit 43
. S i3 SO
1.17'i G5
.Jli.lM 90
Lnror niiv roll No
1. Sept J, 3U 00
l.ahor pav roll .No
a Sent 11 11 25
CHJtlJ 3 31
C Mi st P 3 21
n k 1 .t P Hv t'o 1 i:t
.1 A Murrin 100 INI
1 .1 11. u.ng :-i fit)
w Cavanauah ... 05 in)
Ji.hn Bollman Ii.'i 0
Win (Highlit; 4:. tr
John Mi Neal 45 00
Street & Alley.. 1.917 5S Bridire ..
4 31 mice ...
13 40 I'rir.ting.
27 99 K.re
an tin Police ...
45 30 Light ...
27ti in Salry ...
40 15
Hi !NI Total
i. ..1 w trwrk exn sj
Hi 50 trwrk cou'iou 151 50
45 (Ml
ia lii Grand total. ...J7.168 40
SiiO 55
The following bills were also al
lowed by unanimous vote: W. C.
Maucker 10.80; Morrell Liquor Cure
Co., iflo; W. F. Schroeder, $37.95.
Aid. Kinner from the fire and light
committee reported favorably on The
petition ot John Stroehle for a frame
building at Fourth avenue and Fif
teenth street. Report adopted on
motion of Aid. Corken.
Aid. Kinner moved that the alder
men of the different wards determine
the location of lights and
next Monday nip-lit.
Aid. MaucKfcr moved as an amend
ment that two aditional' lights be
placed in each ward. Amendment
carried. The motion as amended
was then carried by unanimous vote.
Aid. Maucker read a petition from
property owners 011 Third avenue
between Twenty-third and Twenty
fourth streets, requesting that John
Lauerman be allowed to build a pri
vate sewer 011 said street, the same
to be laid 10 feet south of the build
ing line; also an ordinance for a pri
vate sewer conforming with said pe
tition, and moved its adoption.
Adopted unanimously.
The 1'ark committee was granted
further time in the ntattey of an east
end park, oil motion of Aid. Roth.
Aid. Kuchmaiin, of the street and
alley committee, reported, recom
mending that Fourteenth avenue
from Thirtieth to Thirty-eighth
street, be macadamized the full width
of the street; that a new grade be
established; that the street car com
pany be ordered to raise their track
to the new grade, and that the cost
of such grading and macadamizing
be done by special assessment.
Aid. Uladel moved that the report
of the committee be received and
recommendations adopted, and the
ordinance committee be instructed
to prepare an ordinance to conform
with the recommendations. Adopted.
Aid. Dauber, from the sewer com
mittee, reported that the bid of John
Killeen on the Seventh ward sewer
exceeds the estimates and assess
ment, ?1. 277.30; that the bid of the
Davis Co. is .'!8 below the
estimate and assessment, and
recommended that the bid of the
Davis Co. be accepted and the mayor
and city clerk authorised to enter
into contract with said Davis Co.
Aid. Corken moved that the report
be received and Hip
tions adopted. Carried.
Aid. Corken moved that the Davis
company lie awarded the contract for
tlio Seventh ward sewer system for
the sum of fs.2,3). Carried by unan
imous vote.
Aid. Roth, from the waterworks
committee, reported, recommending
that a 6-inch main be laid on Twen
tieth street from Ninth to Eleventh
avenue, thence west to allev between
Nineteenth to Twentieth streets; also
a 6-inch main on Fourth avenue be
tween Twenty-fifth and Twenty-sixth
streets; also a 4-inch main on Eighth
avenue from a point near Twentv
sevcuth street to Twenty-eighth
street; also a 4-inch main on Ninth
avenue from Fifteenth street to the
property of M. W. Rattles, a distance
of about 200 feet, also favorably on
the petition of John Gibson for a wa
tering trough on Fourth avenue and
Seventeenth street.
Aid. Kinner moved that the report
be received and the recomendations
adopted. Carried.
The clerk read a petition from
YVm. McConochie in relation to a bill
of L. E. Gaylord for work done on
Seventh and Fourteenth avenues.
Aid. Iiladel moved that the bill be
referred to the street and alley com
mittee and city engineer. Carried.
Ajourned on motion cf Aid. Evans
to next Monday evenin-r.
A. D. Ill EsiNG.City Clerk.
O. woman, despairing and wretched,
Dreading, yei lo:ign:g, to die.
Hear the glad chorus that rises,
Filli g the dome of the sky.
-isters, be glad, there's help to be had:
No longer be miserable, gloomy and sad ;
Lost health regain," rings out the refiain,
"i oor creatures, be healthy a d happy sgain."
How? Byuking Dr. Tierce's Fuvor te Pre
scription, the world's greatest remedy f ir all
kinds of disea es p.-cu iar to women. It brings
back tone and vigor to the syste a weakened hy
those distressing complaints known only to wo
men, which m ike life such a burden. It restores
relaxed organs to a normal condition. It forti
fl, s Ihe osrem against the approach of diseases
which often terminate in untold misery, if not in
death which is p eferable to the pain and tor
ment of living, in many instat ee. It is the
grea' gift of s 'iontitlc ski 1 and resea-ch to wo
rn n, and for t sh cannot be t o grateful. It
cures her il's when nothing. Is can. It is guar
anteed to give satisfaction or trice (Jl) r. turned.
Ab.o'nTclj sold on trial.
The I.list Harvest Kxeursion.
The last harvest excursion of the
season on the C.. M. & St. I', will
leave Rock Island Oct. 10. The fare
for the round trip will be one fare
plus $2. Tickets will be good for re
turn 20 da vs from date of sale. The
public will be iroverned accord iti"i v.
E. 1). W. Holmes, Agt."
Eye ard Ear Specialist
And sole proprietor of tin; Jacksonville Eye
nrd Ear Infirmary, will visit
and remain until Fri.iuv niL-lit (itli. and make
return visit- 1 nee a n.011 h.
He will straighten the first case of
Cross Eyes that applys fkee of
charge. Send word to
your friends.
Call early.
Dr. Coffee has treated over 700 pi.tien's In
Itockford and Freeport and over 100 in and about
Galena Co sulfation free on first trip.
He will straighten CKOSS or SOL' INT EY'ES in
two minutes.
llcmoves CATAKACP "n two minutes.
P.erysrinue or film ovpr the eyes-one minute.
I-idectimy two minutes.
Turnina in or out of lids and wild hairs, etc.,
removed quickly.
Slopping ol' Lachrymal (tear) Duct, causing an
overflow of tears permanently cured.
Polypus Tumors in no -c or ears removed in two
Opening cf the Eustachian Tube leading from
throat to ear in two minutes.
liemoviiig Tonsils ami Clipping Uvula or.c
Every one of the above operations I perform,
1 xi ept cnt-iract. and patients cm go home with
out danger.
CATAKACT.PTEliYGINNE (for film over the
sight), I'iKicities of Cornea, blindness weak,
watery eyes, grannln ed lids, chronic red sore
eyes, wild hairs, entropiuni or turning in of eye
lids, diseases of lachrymal duet (tear duct), tu
mors of eye, eMernation of eye ball. All sur
gical diseases of the eve and its nerves.
in all its forms cured permanently. O.aina.
polypus, tumors, hawking and spitting, enlarged
tonsils, loss of voice, uranulatod sore throat,
DEAFNESS I can cure 60 per cent of these
cases Can tell in live minutes if curable. I
cure many cases in one treatment.
NOISF,s IN EAUS I can cure in every ca-e.
DISCH AFGIG EAKS I can cure in everycac
from catarrh can be cured.
W ashes everything from a tine
ellk handkerchief to a circus
teut; Lace curtains a epecialty.
No. 1724 THIIiD AVE.
A. M. & L. J. PARKER,
. , Telephone No. 1214
What is
Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants
and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor
other Narcotic substance It is a harmless substitute
for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil.
It is Pleasant. Its jptaraatco is thirty years use by
Blillions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays
feverishness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd,
cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria relieves
teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency.
Castoria assimilates the food, regulates the stomach,
and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas
toria is the Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend.
"Castoria Is an excellent medicine for chil
dren. Mothers have repeatedly told me of its
good effect upon their children."
Dr. Q. C. Osgood,
Lowell, Mass.
Castoria is the best remedy for children of
which I cm acquainted. I hope the day is not
far distant when mothers will consider the real
interest of their children, and use Castoria in
stead of thevariousquocknostrumswhichare
destroying their loved ones, by forcing opium,
morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful
agents down their throats, thereby sending
them to premature graves."
Da. J. F. KiNcncoc,
Conway, Ark.
" Castoria is so well adapted to children tha
I recommend it as superior to any preacripCiOBi
known to me."
H. A. Abchkk, M. D.,
Hi So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, H. T.
" Our physicians in the children's depart
ment have spoken highly of their experi
ence in their outside practice with Castoria,..
and although we only have among our
medical supplies what is known as regular
products, yet we are free to confess that tho
merits of Castoria has won us to look with
favor upon it."
United Hospital ask Dispkksakt.
Boston, S
Allen C. Smith, Pres.,
The Centaur Company, 77 Mnrr-ay Street, New York City.
'Ji1 1. i"ii) l,'iiiAUWifwmmmt!gam
Moline, Ills.
The Mine Wap Co.,
A fall and complete line of Platform and other Spring Wagons, especially aaaptea to U
Western trade, of superior workmanship and finish Illustrated Price List free on
wplication. See the MOLINE WAGON before purchasing.
Heating and Ventilating Engineers,
Gas and Steam Fitting,
A complete line of Fipe, Brass Goods, Packing Hose.
Fire Brick Etc. .Largest ind best equipped
establishment west of Chicago.
DA Via t.L.uoxi. Moline, HI,
Telephone 2053.
1 12. 1 14 West Seventeenth et
Telephone 1148. IHocklslan l
Residence Teleohone 1 1 68'
Everything in the line of spring vehicles, andj the
largest assortment of
Harness, Laprobes, Whips, Etc.
Mason's Carriage Works,
East Fourth Street. - - DAVENPORT, IOWA.
Contractor etncL Builder.
Office and Shop 225 EiphtecnthnStreet
kinds of Carpenter work a specialty. Plans and cstimates!for aU kinds of bufldimra
furnished on application.
Carpenter and Builder,
Shop on Vine Street BOCK ISLAND, ILL,.
1 1'.

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