OCR Interpretation

Saturday morning visitor. (City of Warsaw, Mo.) 1845-1849, February 24, 1849, Image 3

Image and text provided by State Historical Society of Missouri; Columbia, MO

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn92058841/1849-02-24/ed-1/seq-3/

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"fcf ISS fc.'E. BUSH begs leave to Inform
I JLyheeltiiens 6f Warsaw and vicinity,
that ih. will. resohie her School on MON
DAY,' the 6th day -of March ne t, and re
. epeetfullv xoic'ta a share of their patron
age. The school w ill be held in the room
forvierJy ceouppled Col. Ballou's corner
n Main street.- Termi aa heretofore.
. vCacnTr ot Ilistr.
In th Henry Circuit Court, Ocioltr fcrm,'
'1848, .
Jomt"W. Fisld, )
)..... vt , . t Attachment.
WlLLAftD W. NoVIt.) ,
NOW at thin day came the plaintiff k
..foresaid, by hi Attorney, and proof
being made td the satisfaction of the court,
that the said defendant is a non-resident of
thii State, it iithcreroie ordered by the
Court dint publication be made in some
newspaper printed itl thii State, as the law
f direct, remiiring life said defendant to ap-
pear here at the next term of this- court ;
notifying said defendant that suit has been
Commenced against him for the miin of
One Hundred Dollars, ($100) with inteV
eef, and that unless he be ai d appear here
eft the hexttenn of this court, to com
mence on the fifth Monday after the fourth
, Mbfidfcy in March next, and plead in or
before the third day of the term, judgment
Villbe" rendered against him, and his pro
perty sold to satisfy the same.
"T, Fitloist) A. PiNKELtj ClCrk of the
Heiiry Circuit Court, do hereby certify
that tlie foregoing order of publication is
tniend perfect copy taken Irom the ro
enrri In my oflice, this 4lh day of January,
IHiO. Test:
; F. A. PINNELL, Cl'k. .
' i - - By W. Btanv, D. C.
fblft-4t-3 .
fpHE partnership heretofore existinirbe
jL tw'een Everett Si Asbbury, has been!
Airsblved by mutual consent. All per
On Indebted to them will please call at
I. Everett's as soon as convenient, fur a
February 1st, IS 19.
JMOOf)S cfir-txp for Cash nnd Produce
v I say notnil'.g nUout selling at Cost anil
Arfiage, but ciil",aitd you shall have val
lie received. 4 1 make .' pretensions a
hout selling e cost and below cost but
fir the dime I make" some pretensions to
sell lower thau most people in my line.
ifebU : . V P- EVERETT.
Veierh Journal.
Of' 'Mgrfc'ulturti Mnnvfaclurts, Mechanic
I Arts. Mernat jinprttvtmtfit, Commerce,
and Gentttil Lffertt(ire.
i . . Editor and Proprietors.
St. Louis Published; Monthly, at $3
fjer annum in adi unce.'
signed to embrace every subject con
riecfed with ' Agrk-ijlt'tire,'Ciirimi-rce, Ma
mifaotiiren. Mechsiiic Afts, Mines and In
ternal Improvement.
A portion of the work win be devoted
to Statistic, which will be collected and
errfcngt'with.reI'eVciice to the leading
subject contained in the respective num
ber. ' ,
T The development of the vast rVsofrroes
of the Valley of the Mississippi, and the
improvement of the intellectual ahd iciiil
condition of its inliiibihints, will be eon
tatilly kept in view ; .and the leadihg'ar
tide of each number will be devoted'to the
advancement of these objects. In attempt
ing to illustrate and give direction to the
onnorfiy connected with thu leading pur
suit of the country, the Editors have un
dertaken inure than ha been done or pro
posed bf any other jiuriul with wliL-h
they are acVj'ialnied. And it is by their
rbr in tliiV department in.iinly lliut they
cipect to make the work useful.
Contribution are solicited ori all suit
jects properly embraced in the design of
the work.
Cub, compose! of four of more indi
vidual, will bVfuYnished with (lie Wes
tern journal at tlie rate of $2 6$ per an
num. .'Owing to the enlargement of the work',
it nujiberi Will hereafter constitute a
volume, and a general index will be ii.nle
ut to accompany tiie Glli and I2ifi' num-
' ' iFinnl Settlement.
ILL persons Interested in the estate of
ilr James Keele, der.M., late or Benton
county' are hereby notified that the under
sigaed will apply jit the next April term
of the County Court for said county, to be
begun and lield on" the fourth Monday in
April next, fort Anal settlement of his ad
ministration of said, est ate.
, i , JOSEPH CAVIN, Adm'r.
tSlbtc it Testaments.
BIBLES from SO cents to $1 75, and a
uy quantity of at a Dime each, now
p hand and for sale by the lienlon Court
tj'.JBiil'e Society: They can be seen and
indited, at tlij oflice. novlS
.!,- Final Scttletheut.. i .
t0T.'C,P hereby given to all persons
j interested, tiias the umtersignea, Aa
: jnjnlttrsttors of the estateof Wijiiam J. J
Ay re a," aptfl., wjll apply at the next term
the1 benlmi County-Court, to be held on
4M fourth 'Mo(Uy iln. April pcxt, for a. fi-
nJ settlement of t!iir edmiuistratinn ol
'a esiaie. "
&4tiT dm,fi.
Wonderful! lixtraor;linaryU &,
we defy tho whole world to produce
Such strong and undoubted testimony from
men of such high standing as we have, in
favor or DR. KOOE13LS' LIVER. V Oil 1
AND TAR, in curing consumption, artd
breaking up the most distressing cough in
a few hours time.
Consumptives, Denpairnqtthert is Hopej
even for the Dying!
This is to certify that some time since,,
Ewas taken with a pain in my side nml
rcast ; I called In the aid of several phy
sicians, but they failed to givo me any re
lief, and for the spate of.one year I gr.ctf
rapidly worse. In addition to this, I was
attacked with a violent, Cough ; although
an excellent physicion lhed in tho same
house, and used the greatest exertion, and
paid the strictest attention, it bnfllpd all
hi skill two others were culled in, one
ol which was an r.gcd and skilllul pby.su
clan, but ull tlicir effort proved alike uu
availing. At last, a physicirfn who was
attending a enm meeting in the' neighbor
hood, came to see me, and declared that I
could not last more than one day longer ;
also, all the vast number who enme to see
me, believed that a few days at most must
cud my earthly carver. My friends were
row called in to see me die 1 But my bro
ther, at this crisis, (hearing of tlie aston
ishing cores .performed by Dr. Rogers'
Compound Sympof Liverwort and Tar,)
went to Chilliciitho ami bark, a distance
Of sixty miles, in thirteen hours, to get
some of the above medicine ; I commen
ced tnkimfit, and strange to tell, before I
had used half a bottle, the cough was. en
tirely Cure I j from this time I racovered
rapidly, nnd when I had used two bottles,
I was able to assmnn my family avocations
as us'unl. I am' fully satisfied that if it
had not been for this excellent medicine,
I would now be in my grave, rind must, in
justice, say that I tnily return my sincere
thanks to the inventor ol this priceless
medicine, sv.d would recommend all per
son afflicted with diseased lungs, to give
it a trial. . . .
Stanton, -Feb. 7, 18-1C.
We, the undersigned, do certify that (he
account of Mrs. Howe is correcj, we be
ing personally acquainted with all the tif
cuuistonces. R. P. Johnson, P. E. Matthews,
Tiijs. Ctiuo, Jos. Kvans.
Sold by Brown .t Dunn, V'nrsnw,
Mr. Hutchison. Iluonville,
Huston & Hascom, Lexing
ton. Orders tnav be addressed U ,
H. BLAKSLEY & Co., .S!. I.ouii
A OOO ',!" superunc in store ano lor
in store and f
Tr J ' sale ly
nLU 'vikoi.ym .mg.-mi.y:
dlbcmtirle Co., V". )
.Vret 21, 1347.
Mr- Seth W. Fowle- Dear Sir :I take
pleasure in stating to yell my experience
.r .. .. . .. ... ... ..r
in tlie. use ol wisiars iiuimimi ui imm
Cbeirv. I own a very valuable negro
girl, who was attacked with a dilliculty of
the , lungs, which brought ner in, appear
ance to the blink of the grave. I consul
ted some of cur best pbysieiniis. who pro
nounrcd her case incurable, ir that they
could do no r.ioi e for her, I tried many
remedies but none did any good. I saw
soma account. 01 vjisiar s naisnui, nun
thought I would try it, but had little faith
in it- I procured a bottle, which was ad
ministered according to directions, and I
saw she began to uicild j and before the
first bottle was goi-.c the was up. I pro
cured a second bottle, and she took that,
nd now she is, I tlimk, cured, or nearly
so. one attends in ner oniiy ikuut, unci
hear no comnlaiuts from her. -
H. 1 Jtl rt.n..u.i1
Coniumvtive Pa H'cnl !r-Wi please read
the following statement from tho Harrison
Gaifette : The credulous are invited to
read the following note .from Kev. Mr.
Coldron. wlioso character for Irutli and ve
racity is above suspicion', undhnvc their
doubts dispelled to the superiority of Wis
tar's Balsam of WiM -Cherry, over all o
ther remedies now before the public of the
same character :v
ConvDo.v, Ind., Jan.SS, IS 13.
It is no less a duty than a pleasure to
state, for the benefit of the afflicted, that
I consider Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cher
ry a creat blessing to the human race.
Having tried it in a ense of severe afflic
tion of tlie lungs, t unhesitatingly recoin
mend It to those ainil3rly afflicted, as the
best remedy. I have ..ever tried, and one
which cured me when physicians said I
must die, and when thought myself that
my time to'depart Was near atlwnd.
Caution'. -To gtiafd ag'atnjt t'inurious
imitation of Wistars Titilsara, put up in
PhilmlphihU bv one W; M Suear. the
o en ui:. a has the names' of Hciiry Vistar,
M. 1)., Philadelphia, and Saudfof it Park
on the ftno steel engraved wrapppr,with
out both of these names, it is rosinvtLY
corner of 3d and Chosnut streets, sells the
above medicine. , Price 1 per'uottlc,
So'ldalsoby ' '
BROWN & DUNN, Warsaw,
" 'COXA McCL.MN, Oseuila, ,
, . . Springfield,
and upon inquiry-observing stilctly the
above cutipii-r.my be found , in' evsrv
town throughout tue 5UH:
w v . j --- j ,
fJIIIE under.iignr d would respectfuly in
1 form all persons who intend to go to the
great mining district of California, that
they Vvill, during the ensuing spring and
summer, oe prepared to-furnish at their
store at INDEPENDENCE', Jacknon Co.,
Mo., at the cheapest possible rates, and
upon the best terms, all articles which
wilt' be necessary to make up complete
OUTFITS, for (be trip, whether for those
who intend to go. through by wagons or
otherwise, in large or small companies
and will also give such information as to
the route and manner of travelling over
the plains ns will save. the noviciate from
suflering the , hardships consequent to
them, who have not had experience in the
"Jomado de desert." All letters address
ed to them upon the subject (post paid,)
will be promptly answered.
Formerly of White & Ayres, of Warsaw
Independence, Jan. 1st, 1849.
Sprinefield Advertiser will publish to
the amount of $5 and send account to W.
& Co., Independence.
The at-cat
Of the Day Vast amount used per month
The numerovi and wonderful cures it
effects lis magical effects Upon Bilious
fevers and Fever and Jlgue Great Ex
citement among the Doctors.
X Sugar Coaled Pills are now admitted,
on all hands, to be the most extraordinary
and valuable medicine in general use. It
not only acts as ti qiccifif upon the Bilious
and Typhus Fevers, Chills nnd Fever,
and Fever and ague of the west and south,
hut in all diseases of debility, weak stom
ach, indigestion, loss of appet:te, impuri
ty of the blood, nnd all diseases prevalent
iii a western and south-western climate.
Their great power consists in their pecul
iar eflect upon all the organs of the sys
tem, nml the rapid formation of new and
rich blood, which they produce. In this
lies the great secret of their success.
Thev arc mild and pleasant in their nc-
tion, but searching and permanent in their
eflect, penetrating the remotest recesses
of the system, by their ready absorption
into the idood, thereby infusing a new sup
ply df Vitality and nervous power into all
the -machinery of life. Tho extensive
popuWity they have acquired all over tho
wi st&ud south, ensures the sales of at , these medicines in their practice ; satisti
least I ed that ') their use they can more ctf-
Fifltl thousand Boxes a month. t''y combat Diwar.K in all its forms.
. , -,i . I And not only do physicians sanction and
And we find ft d,t , cult, with our large encourae their uscj but THE CLERGY
force o hands, and he late improvements . f .very-'(,eMOmil)at;on nttcst thf!ir won.
... miiiliinai.v i'litli wo hftrf. minuted, tn . . J . .
................ .j, ' f . ... . J .... . ...
ohm. im-u.rvK.em Ml" ,
tho demand in tho thirteen western and
southern State. One large manufactory
is constantly encaged in preparing t he va-
niitf it it inl rat nil 'vti-nft t U'IupIi infV
are composed. From the best information
we fan obtain from nur8,U!Ksellina agents
and hosts of attentive concspoiulints in
all parts of the country, our medicine
cures, pet month, not fens than
lO.OiJO eases oT Fever and aie, (1000 of
which resisted all other treatment ;
4,500 cases of bilious fever ;
5,.'!00 cases of weakness & general debility
2.5M cases of various chronic diseases
1,000 cases of weak stomach and loss Of
S00 eases of dyspepsia; '
1,20(1 cases of rheumatism ;
1,000 cases of female complaints ;
1,-JOO eases of ague cake, or enlarged
1,500 cases of liver complaint;
6l!0 cases of scarlet fever;
400 cases of typhus fever ;
300 eases of sore throat.
This must annearnimost incredible. but
the num.-runs letters from physicians, n- j
irents and those who use the medicine,
from all the western and southern Mates,
satisfy us that this is a moderate estimate,
and that our meuieino is rapiuiy laiving
Ihe place of the varioui, sugar coated couu-
tcrfeits, winch are afloat, and the numer-
ous tome mixtures, made w holly ol qui- f
Mine, which aro imposed upon the public)
by manufactuiirs who live, nobody knotc.
lhrfti -. , j
Dr. Bragg's famous Susar Coated In-
dian Queen Vccetable Pills, are of two' New lot k, September 1S43.
kinds the Cathartic and Tonic. The y,e General "Affect for Missouri, is E.
Tonic Pills are peculiarly adapted to the j k, WOODWARD, 'St. Louis, to whom
quick and permanent euro of Fever anil applications for agencies may be address
asrue, -.Torpor if the Liver, and General cj.
Debility. It is in fever and ague, chills, i3-The above celebrated medicines ore
lever, &t., mat iney acnieve mcir g.eai-
est trhlmidis. It rarely, requires over Id
hours, or more than half a box of tho To- j ,
nic Pills-, to break the chills and effect a
permanent cure which is rarely the case J '
with the Ionic mixtures of qtiinme, l.awk
cd about tho country by ignora.it pretend -
cis. Those yhQ take the Ionic Pills oiice,
ill never forsake them. , . ,
Who caii wquder, then, that a medicine;
.linnrv virtues idiould cause creat
Excitement among the Dcctors!
The prejudices of physicians against
the ir use are at last giving wnj to the pl;iy
ol reason, ana me convicuons oi every;
day experience which they derive from
their patients and friends who use them.
Doctors aro now almost every day sen
ing orders from every part of the country,
for a supply ' of tho Pills, to use in their
For sale, wholesale, and retail, at Dr.
IClSE STORE, N. E. corner or Majkct
and Third Streets, St. Louis, Mo., and
Fortaleby BROWSr DUX.Y, U'arsme.
vrAlso.by G. W Rives and J W Bird,
Benton County; A C Moore, J W Filler &
Leachman, hol'.var; J Price, John
Jones, W Montgomery, Williams & Pesk
and JJeed Bennrtt, Buffalo; 8 II Roberts,
Erie) Waldo & McCulioch, Oirola; B Pat
terson, Dallas. P O.l C Humes, Pteasaut
Prairie; Daniel Darby, Pittsburgh.
SHAWLS. Cloth, Cashmere, -Damask
and Plaid Shawls, lurge sices, for sale
cfeeipby (dec8 - J.A SHEPARD.
SMOKING TOBACCO,. Pipes & match
es, for sale at tho I'm if Store by
Count or Hikrt.
JVWcm&er Ttrm, A. D. 1848.
John J.Guxnui, "1 petiUon'rorDl-
' f voice
Emily R. Gmnstead. J
ON the 1st dayof November, a. d. 1848,
the said complainant filed in the Clerks
olllce of the Henry Circuit Court, a Peti
tion for a Divorc, allcdging that bis wife,
the said Emilv R.Gi-mteacL about the 1st
day of November, 1S45, wilfully left his
bed, board and rouse, and abandoned and
wilfully deserted & absented herself from
tho said Petitioner, without a reasonable
cause, for two years aud more, which facts
so allcdged have bcefi duly sworn tp ac
cording to law, snd also that the said Pe
titioner has filed an affidavit showing that
said Emily R. Urinstead is not li resident
of this State.!
Therefore it Is ordered that the said Em
ly U. Grinsteadbe notified that unless sho
be and appear before the Honorable Judge
of our Henry Circuit Court, at the Court
House in the town of Clinton, in Henry
county, on tlie first day of the next term of
our said Court, which will be begun and
held on the filth Monday after the fourth
Monday in March next, and within the
first six days of said term, if the term so
long continue, and if not, tben before the
end of the term, plead, demur, or answer
to said petition, the same will be taken as
confessed, and a decree entered according
to the prayer of said Petitioner.
And it is further ordered that a copy of
this order bfc published in some news pa
per printed irt this State for eight weeks
successively the last publication thereof,
to be at least fodr Weeks before the com
mencement of our said next term.
F. A. PINNELL, Cl'k.
Jloutltly JBtilleliti, .IV. V.
rjvnE position of
a. the (inrleubtrg
Company in its rela
tions to the health of
: lie community is
low fully establish
ed ; and the admira
ble series of the
Graifenborg Medi
cines are evry where
taking the lead of all
others. In numerous portions of the coun
rerful ellicacv : and in numerous wavs
recommend them to the people of their
, 1 r
, , , . , h b '
. " ' . .
larce hail (ho introduction of these medi
There aro over TEN TIIOUSAXD A
GKXCIESoT the Company in the United
States, which are not only profitable to
tlie agents, hut of vast henefit to the Jn
habitants. There should not be a single
Town, Village or Hamlet,
without its Grwfenberg Depot: and if this
Bulletin is read where there is no agency,
application should be made lorone at once
Cerlificars almost icilhovt number, are
6u file ft the olhce of the Company, testi
fving to cures of the most astonishinc
hind ; many of which have been duly ex
amined by the following distinguished
crcntlcMc.il :
V-Rcv. N. Basos, M. D Fhancis
Hall, Esq.,' Ex-Mayor Bbaby, all of N.
ThA nnii-r nf tbfl Orfefi!.!!..!- IVfpdi-
cincs overall DlUOtS COMPLAINTS
no matter what their form or severity, is a
iiiftttpr nf l'nnrnirr:n A-roK I4f? m fkt. I. ft
ftll. therefore, who are thus afflicted, and
j whu wuii(l CLEANSE THE SYSTEM,
,esort Bt once to the celebrated Ortefen-
ijerlr Vegetable Pn.i.sand IlE.itTn Bit
TERS- At all events It t them call at some
01le of the 0gents, and cef a pamphlet
' . .
which will fully explain the whole matter,
for tale at Warsaw, bv
. nrvvn-'-r
1 "THEAT,' Flaxseed, Beeswax, Dry
Hides, Tallow and
I Deer Skins, for
! which the highest prices will be paid by
sept"13 BENNLI 1 &MIEPARD.
i GOOD assortment of Country made
Jy Joans, n6w on baud and selling law at
deca , aur;iAKD'5..
. . . . , rrr
I QTONfiWAHE. oOOy Gallons Sjotn-
re, consisting of Jars, Churns,
Crocks and i!ifgof '! ics aud the best
miality, for sale cheap by
n. a s.
Dry Goods cheaper lhan ever!
nary large sales of Dry Goods we
have made the present season, vve have
yrt-on hand a large stock which we ore
selling at pi ices which astonish every per
son who examines our Goods There are
yet many bargains remaining, which t n
be obt iiiied by calling at our well known
cheup establishment. B. & SHEPARD.
iMOTTON YARNS 5,000 Lbs- aflnum
.J bers, just ree'd. and for sale by
miCKINGS. 20 Ps. bed Ticking, (rein
A 12 1-2 upward for sjile by . ,
dtca , ENN ETT A aliE? ARD. '
ILPACA. Wo have the best stock 6t
.1 this article 1 ever brought to Warsaw,
which we are selling cheaper than Our
brethren in Boonville or St. Louis. So say
thos who have examined both markets.
ec-2 B. A SHEPARD.
MOLASSESS. S i?bls. N. O. Molas
ses in store and for sale at
Hoots and Shoes.
XJE have on hand a firsf rate assortment
II of all kinds, including, a good lot of
children's shoes. ldci-2 B. AS.
iiWiZY A' StOltL.I.Ytt,
46! .
HAVE now opened their large nssort
J.ncnt of Fsr.l.& Wtin GOODS,
whfch they .offer for sale at nrices lower
than is ponnible for any other house in town
to lake, on acennut of having laid in their
tntire slock in Aetr lork & Philadelphia.
...-'Thev would invite the attention of rnir-.
chasers to their, largu assortment of Dry
(Joods, consisting in part of
.1,000 pieces Fancy. Prints,
So,0:0 yards 4-4 Domestics,
10.000 do 3-4 do
Winter Giinghams, Muslin de Laines, Al
pacas, Cashmeres, Gaja Plaids, Shawls,
of every vcriety, Book and Swiss Mip
lins, Bishop La-.yn, Jaconet, ic, See. Al
so Cloths, Cassimeres, Vcsliugs, Blalili
cts, &c, &c. H ,
Blanket A Pilot Clofh Coats, Vests, Pan
taloons, Lamb's wool Drawers it Shirts.
EBnts, Cfrps, tloots A Shoett.
A fresh supply of rupcrior Kip Boots
and Shoes, also coarse Boots, Shoes, La
dies and Misses Calf and Morocco Shoes
and Slippers.
Hardware $ Saddlery of every" description.
A full supply of beautiful pattern and du
rablc ware.
500 Bbls Kanawha Salt.
200 do old Rectified Whiskey, ....
1 pipe, 2 hf do and 0 bbls Brandy,
Port, Madeira, Sherry, Malaga, Tt-ne-rillc
and Claret Wines.
10 Chests Tea,
100 bags superior Rio Coffee,
20 do Havana do.
10 Hhds Sugar, fa superior article)
0 kegs Dupont's FFF glazed Rifle
20 boxes Tobacco, (Congress plug.)
Indigo, Madder, Salaratus, Whim, Spice,
Pepper, Copperas, Bice, Vc, &.c.
1,000 bundles Spun Cotton.
r-The above articles will be soli for
CASH and PROD UCE only .
nov4 No. 4fi, Main st.
IRON 110,000 Lbs; Pittsburgh & Ten
nessee Iron, consisting of ail sizes tire,
bond Around Iron Castings of all kinds
Wagon boxes, plow mmi !:)., tie., in
store and selling at the loVi est prices, at
T o those most concerned.
ILL those indebted to me either by note
or account, would do well to rouie for
ward and make immediate payment, as
money I must have from some source, and
none so honorable as the one I intend to
pursuo. As but a short time can be allow,
ed to anv. I would bo pleased you would
take advantage of it. and save me the un
nleasant dutv that 1 will hae to perforin
in case of failure. " 5" Call at the store of
Messrs. Henry & Borland, and you will
find me at all times.
ocV2H R: C. HEA'RY.
Tremendous Excitement
W3 Unheard-of Low Prices Jilanufaclu
turert ruined! Immense arrival of new
lull und tt inter Goods, at
I17E have Just returned from St. Loui
H and having found all kinds of Goods
selling at such ruinous low prices, we were
tempted to purchase more than double the
amount which we usually lay in at this
s'riso'n of the year. . Tliese .Goods are
now open, and exposed for sale, and we
feet Justified in saying that we are oner
ing them at from 25 to SO per cent, cheap
er than ever before .. ..
All otir Goods for the use of the Ladies
have been selected with our Usual trf M
"rnotrn good taste, ami are warranted to be
of the latest and best Myles., Please give
us a call before purchasing, .and if low
prices will sell than fhey are bound to go,
Copartnership 'Notice.
fTHE undersigned hav this day formed, a
I Copartnership under the firm of HtlHj
& norland.
Warsaw, Mo. Oct. &th,.l16.
IANCY GOODS. Fringes and Gimps
. of all colors widths, worsted hoods.
comforters, mitts, shell and horn, tuck and
side Comb a hooks and eyes, dolls, jeVe),
ry, gloves, hosiery, pins, needles, &c.,.iSlC.
for sale encap by n. ex stir. r ahk.
Winter Dress Goods.
U'E have the largest stork of Winter
Dress Goods ever exhibited iu this
place; Among them are ,
Black, P.ain and "i'rf. Alpaea, Plaid
and Mode col'd. do., Oregon and Cul
. iforiHa Plaids. Muslin Jfaints
and Cashmeres,teord. and
' Plaid Linseys, etc.
We are selling tneui SS per cent cheap
er than last year. B. & SHEPARD.
J assorted for sale by
Callowav. Stoneware !
ritllE best quality ever sold in Wikjw,
1. uyh as Churns, Jars, Crocks A Jugs,
Medicated StrengUuning Plaster
HIS plaster has been prepared order
( the immediate eye and superiuteevi ;-
ence of an old physician, who is a gradu-',
ate of the University of Pennsylvania, .
and his bad extensile, practice fur more,
than 'M years in treating1 the various dis- '
eases incident to this country. He confi
dently recommends this Plaster, from a '
thorough knowledge of its virtues, to be
supeiior to every. Plaster now In use. By
keeping up a gebtle perspiration, it Is ad '
mirably adapted for Pains, of Weakuesa
In the Biehst, Side, Bacjt vt Limbs; also, .
for the Gout, Rheumatism, Enlargement
of the Spleen', Liver Complaint dni Dys
pepsia, and for Cougns, Colqt thms.
Difficulty of .Breathing, Oppression of the
Stomach, Ac. Tp all persons tjredisposed
to , Consumption, or who are subje.ct to vi
olent coughs and colds, thcyre particular
ly recommended as they give almost im-y
mediate relief, and for pleasantness1, Safe:
ty, ease ami certainty, they are decided!
Superior to jnost other remedies. ' .!"
Persons afflicted with any .of theebove"
diseases will find Dr. Easterly' I.iedics-.
ted Strengthening Plaster much superior
to any other.ever bcforeirered tq.the pub,
lie. Physicians, druggists and dealers in.
Medicines, will find it to their interest to'
keep a supply of these. valuable Plaster
on hand to accommodate their patrons.
. "For sale, wholesale and retail, at the
Medical Depot nf Dr. E. Easterly, south-.
cast corner of Hi and Cbesnut street, St.,
i.nuis, wo., ana by agents throughout the
Western States. . ... - fftpliU
ti"Forsale by Brown & Dunn, Drug
gists, agents fur Warsaw, Mo.
I .Womaii, between the ages ct
-st'. 13 and 3t), Vear one that ha.Tbee,
accustomed to do house vork for whicK
a fair price In .CASH "'ill be paid, if im
mediate application is made to, - v'
sept30-tr J A S.- It. LAY,
10 miles N. W. of Warsaw.
SUGAR. 15 Khds.N.O. Sugar,
50 sacks Coffefc, .
50 Db!s Ohm Whiskey.
10 do Cog. & Am. Brandy, f
1Q dp Vyine. s.d.
5,000 Lbs. Cotton Yarn.
being ree'd and for i.le st loiv price, ty .
sept23 J. ATKISSON...-.'
CALICOES ."() pieces Emjlish and Av
merican Calicoes, selected with our.
well knqwn good taste, and selling at pri
ces ruinous to the manufacturers.
oct7 - . BENNETT. SH-EPARO.'
pAPSl-CAPS!! 50doz Men.-0.nd boys',
l' Otter,, f'e.nl, A'utria, Muskrat, Plush,'
C oth and Hair Cans, cheap for cash by
i from 10 ce(s to $6 00, for sale bv
THIRST Quality 15,0fH): Lbs. first ratt
X article ol Flour, for sale st .
SCYTHES. Grain, Gra.s and Urush, ,
Seylli.es, Sneads and scythe stones, for
sale cheap for cash by.. Ii. ti S. ,
Ready Made Clothing. ,
CyCS) DO 2 Summer Gnat Pants A Vests
tsii for sale at what the cloth costs (ma
king thrown in.) junel7 B. & S.
Jlgue Medicines
all warranted!
D It. MORTIMER'S Tonic Mixture
warranted to. cure or no pay I '. .',
positively a certujn cure.
. gThruton's, Watson's Sappinglon's..
Spedden's slid other popular Pills tor tal
low also Quinine, at cost by ' - '
ept23 JAS. ATKISSON. -
I"CEVERand AGUE, Dumb Ague, ChiJ
. Fever, Intermittent A Remittent F-.
vers, and all the various formSj Of Biliou.
diseases, Speedily and permanently curt
This valuable medicine was prepared,
from an extensive practice of several,
years in a, bilious climate iu the Western
Statis, and was never known to fail of eu-,-ring
Fever and ague, or any of the above
diseases.. ... . '. ' .
It is equjilly eflVctual fur flie cure of IJ
ver Complaint, Jauudirr, Enlargement of,,
the Spleen; (called Ague Cakrj and lha .
various-form-t of bilious diseases,! These,'
vt'iththe other various affections of surd i
climates, arising from a common niiasmlv
cause., are only modifications of the same
dsease, and equally controlled ' by the
same" remedy, ' . .- t :
Residents of bilious climates, emigrants',,
or persons traveling through infected dis',
trirts Of country, will not only find Dr.'
Watson's Indian Vegetable Tnnic a safrj'
speedy aad effectual cure, but an absolute
preventive. . . ,
Each bottle ef medicine is acrompaai .
ed with a pamphlet on the Causesk Treat
ment and Cure of Fever and Ague, and -other
form (if bilious. disease, containing,
much valuable information, siul cist be.
had" gratis of ill authorised agents for the .
sale of the Tonic. None genuine without
the writu-n signature of N. F. Watson, M.,
1)., on every bottle, Inventor and Prt pri-'
etor . ..... ,.- .
D VI EASTERLY, tol. Gei'.erai A...
gent for the Wetern ,iittes, outh-t.
corner of ltd and t'brtnut streets, St. Lou
is, Mo. Price 1 per botlle, -,
? r.Fnr salo by. .Me.;r.r;. jJroirr A tjLf
Drur!.-ts, 5:..fu "iVii,i( ;,;

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