OCR Interpretation

The Marlboro democrat. [volume] (Bennettsville, S.C.) 1882-1908, August 15, 1890, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn92065637/1890-08-15/ed-1/seq-1/

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"Do thou Great Liberty Inspire our Souls and make our livos in thy possession hapnyf or our Doaths Glorious in thy Just Defenoo."
--.- - i i---.-~T_J_
Arrives-Southern, mail via. Socioty HUI
arri voa daily, al 12 p UJ.
Leaves- Daily, nt 5 00 o'clock, a m.
Arrives-Northum mail via Urocnsboro,
N. ('., arrives daily at 0 15 p m
Leaves- Daily, nt 8 20 o'clock, a. iii.
ArMves-JiIbuiliolin; Ked Hill and Drake
arrives daily at 12 o'clock.
Leaven-Dully tit 6 o'clock a. iii.
Leaves-Bonnettsvillo to Laurinburg vin
Pearson. Brujhtsvillo, Adams*
ville mid Nowlonville, Monday,
Wodno?duy and Friday, at 7..'IO.
Arrives-Tuesday, Thursday and Satur
dny'nt 3.30.
Bonnottsvillo post^oflico opens at V
o'clock, a m., and closes at f> p m.
All mails opened and distributed upon
fi?H" Mouoy 0riler butduoss CIOBOA on Snt
urduys, nt I'Z O'OIOCK, in.
T. ?,). CtlOSIiANI), 1?. M.
Railroad Guide.
Capo Fear and Yadkin Vallov K. R.
Condensed Schedule, August 4, 1890.
?mz^ZW-?t' M Ma1 ?w w 'wv
Train No. I., Daifi/ Except Sunday
8 15 A M
Lonvo Wilmington,
Arrive Fnyottcvillo,
I. mtv o Piiyottovillo,
I,oiivo Knnford,
Arrive Oreonfboro,
bctivo Greensboro,
Lon yo WMIUUI Cove,
A rrivc Mt. Airy,
12 26 1? M
12 60
2 22
6 flt)
6 in
li ?2
S 25
Train No. 3., Daily Except Sunday
Lcnvc Pcnnottttvillo, 8 20 A M
Arrivo Maxton, ti 36
Arrivo Fayetteville, lt 'la
lattin No. lo., Daily Except Sunday
Louve Ku in ^ i'ur,
Arrivo (i reoof boro,
Lmivo 0 reonsboro,
An Ivo Mndison,
tl .M? A M
ll 25
10 tl)
12 MO P M
Train No. 2., Daily f?xccpt Sunihty
Lonvc Mt Airy,
Arrive tlrccupboro,
Lonvo (i reen shorn,
Lott va Sun ford,
Arrivo Fayetteville,
1,ciivu PnyeUeville,
Arrivo WlltiilnglOti,
0 00 A M
ll 20
U f>0
12 li? P M
1 50
2 15
6 15
'Jraiii No. I., Dad)/ Except Sutil ay
Lonvo Pay ott ovillo. 3 30 P M
Arrivo Mnxton, 5 20
Lotivo Mnxton, 5 80
Arrive Uonncttsvlllo, 0 15
'J? aid No 10., Daily Jfaccpt Sun dat/.
Lfinye Miidlson, 1 20 1? M
Arrivo (Ircoiulioto, 3 SO
Lonvo tl roo us bo ro, li 15
Arrivo llunsour, rt 60
don. Pass Agent.
J. W. FRY,,
Oenorivl Suuorlntendont.
Atlantic Coast Line.
North Eastorn R, R. of S. 0.
Dnled April 20th, 1390.
Lo Florcnoo
" Kingstieo
A r. bun os
Lo. Lunes
\r ChnrlcHton
A. M. A. M.
*1.Kb I *s.:io
2 21), 11.46
2.50 10.07
2.60| 10.07
5.001 11,60
P. M.
Train on O. A J>. lt. ll. eonnouts nt Florence
with Nu. 23 Train.
Lo Charleston
Ar. Lunes
Lo L?nen
Le Kingi>treo
Ar Florence
A. M.IP, M
*l.20 *l ?0
8 001 ti 20
8.001 ?.20
817 0-10
4.20| 7.66
A. M.l
* Daily, f Daily except Sunday.
No. 52 run through to Columbia via
Contrai It. It. of S. C.
Non. 78 and 14 rim solid to Wil
mington, Nf. C., tanking close connection
with W. ?fe W. lt. ll. for all points north.
Ass't Gon'l Manager, Gou'l Supt.
T M. EMERSON, Oon'l Pass. Agt.
North hound.
Chnrli'titon 4 00 p. in.
Lune's li l I j), m.
Floronco 8.10 p. m.
O hora w tl.4:1 |?. m.
Wndosboro* 11.00 {>, in.
South bound.
Leave- -
Wiidcsboro' rt.00 u. m. |
Chornw 7.30 a. in.
Floronco '.1.00 il. in.
Lune's 10.37 u m.
Olin rios Lo ll 12.30 p.Ill
Ours run through hotwoon Charleston and
Wmlosboro'. Thcso IruinB nniko clono connoo
lion ut Wndosburo' rvith EUHI lind Wo?"t hound
Pu?8etigor trnins ovor tho Carolina Oontrul
T. M. EMKRSON, Gen. Pass. Agt.
TOIIN F. DiVINK, Oon. Supt
Insure your Houses
againt fire, lightning,
cyclones and wind
For further particulars apply to
H. P. JOHNSON, Agent,
Henncttsvdlc, S. C.
March 3'st,7^90.
Dr/t< W, Bouchier,
?Surgeon Dcntispo
Il EN NETT ? V I L LE, So. OA.
dggga Oflico in I). I). McColl's now
^ufc?TP Building; Hp-stairs, wost sido
OHico hours from U a. m., to 0 ?. m.
Hov. J. L. Kay, P. C.
First Sunday.
Ebouczor 10.30 a. in., Shilo 4.00 p. m.
Second Sunday.
Oak G rovo 10 30 a. DJ., Now Hopo 4.00
p. Ul.
Third Sunday.
Shilo 10.30 a. m., Kbeuezor 4.00 p. m.
Fourth Sunday.
Now Hope 10.30 a. tn., Oak Grovo 4.00
p. m.
Ploasuut Hill 10.30 a. m., on Saturday bc
Toro thc second Sunday and 10.30 a* in,,
5th Sunday.
lt KV. O. M. BOYD, P. C.
Pollud Uland 3d Sunday ll a.m.
Antioch 1st and 3rd Sunday 3 p. m.
Boykin 2nd and 4th Sunday lla.'ui.
lircedon'n Chapel 2d aod 4th 3 p. tn.
ll BY, W. II. HI11TON, I?. 0.
Beauty Spot, 2nd and 4th Suoduy 11 n. m.
Smyrna, 2nd and 4th Sunday 3 p.'tu.
Pim1, ?rovo, 3rd und 1st Sunday ll tl, m.
iMcColl, 3rd und 1st Sunday 3 p. m.
REV. J. A. PO UTE? 1'. 0.
Hebron ht and 3rd Sunday at 11 a tn.
ICbonc/.or 1st and 3rd Sunday at 3 p. m.
Parnassus 2nd and 4th Sunday at 11 a. m.
/dun 2nd and 4th Sunday at 3 p. m.
IYIKTHOOIST-Ro\ T, \V. Danlfl, Pastor
Sunday .School <i.O() p. m. Preaching at
11.00 a. nt., and 8.00 p. m. Pruyer-iuecl
lng Wednesday afternoon at 4 o'clock.
Supt. S. S., TO. S. Carlisle.
JiAt'Tisr-Rev. R. N. Pratt Pastor
preaching 11.00 a. m., 8.00 p. ia. Sunday
School every ?Sunday morning nt 0.301
Prayer meeting Thursday Ovoning, at4.00
Relock. Supt. S. S., 0. ii. Jordan.
PIOOSHYTHUIAN- Rev. W. li. Corbett
pastor. Preaching at 10:30 a. m. and .5.30
D. liv. Sunday School at 0.30 A. M. Pray
er-meeting on Tuesday nftcrucon at 4.00
Relock. Supt. S. S.,T. E. Dudley.
. Meets at Clio on Friday, on or after
each full moon, at 3 o'clock in thc altcr
aoon. J. C. DUNBAR,
M. E. IL P.
J. E. MCLEOD, Secretary.
Convenes enoh Saturday uftornoon before
thc full moon, nt I o'clock.
W. J. Adnins, Secretory.
Ments Saturdny on or aftor oaoli full moo*,
nt 3 o'clock, p ui.
E. T. CoviNOTON, Secretary.
Convoncs each Friday ovening on or before
thu full moon al 8 o'clock.
T. I. Hoger*, Soorotfiry.
McotH Snttlidny on or beforo oacli full moon
nt 3 o'clock, p. m.
AV. 1). Ai.ronn, W. M.
0. II. Hoger?, Sccrotury.
Attorneys and Counselors ut Law,
Will practico in thc Courts of thc
Fourth Circuit and in thc United Stilton
Courts. [Pcb. 14, '80.
JC, Attorneys at Law,
JJ6>" Oilico ovor J. F. lOvcictt's Store.
Attorneys ut Law,
Chornw, S. C.
ll 0 ri n 0 11 s v i 11 o , S . C
Attorneys at Law,
Ohorav, - .- So. Ca.
m w. BouciiuM,
X 9 Attorney at Law,
ii 0 II 11 c t t s v i I 1 0 , S . O'.
fl<??"Oflico on Darlington St., west of
tho Oom t House.
W T. itoaicus,
Jt, e Attorney nt Law,
ii 0 n n 0 t t s v ? 1 I c, S . C ?
??y'Ollicfi in tho Court House-front
room ou tho right.
Attorney at LAW,
Chcraw, S. C.
Will practice in thc Courts of Ches
terfield and Marlboro Counties,
Attorney ut Law and Trial Justice,
lionnottsvillo, S. C'.
Prompt attention givon io thc collec
tion ot' claims. Agricultural Liens foro
For thc Stato of North Carolina.
lerCall on him at l?cnncUsvtllo, S. C.
?Hr?, H. jp, Cltnnlll. l'rrMilont W, CT. U.?
fiiys : "Tiio KKKCTUOrOISli 1B ii juiinu-in for
m ?VOIIHIU-HH, bruin fiitlxmi mut pciicnil ili-lilllty.
1 icilltnduly lonny: try Hie KU-XTllOl'OlSli."
lt<?v. N. W. lWmniul*. Sumter, S. P.,?nv?:
TOM. H. liitH licen iiHinKUiii KLKCTKOVOIHK /or
lllilliirtn fur m-vi-ri'l I.IOIIIIIX, mut ul |iici>uil lier
boulia tn excellent."
\v'? ?\ Nil)!??,?-, Pren. sibley Mills, A mowin,
<;??., nuym ?1 liuvil used thu Kl.KCl'KOl'OlSK for
KOlltUcHj nilli mu um-1 lum . ind ppr t'I'Ml. lii'lli-r. 1
rucounuond UH UKO tu m t ?Imllurly na coled."
T. J. ?lunllui :? v. Chin lestnu, B. Cn Mil
"'I .nco weeks' usu or tim KKKCTllOI'OISK lu
r.?vv? ?no of il.roule icliiUeu."
K>r. Wm. N. T-Tlnir. 211 V". H tl li St , Ni-?'
York, nu yS; "1 h.ivu loniul in.? RL.KI TltolMlSK
n mont wonderful oorutlvo nui-m. I would con*
i lilt r loy luofOBBluiuil vi:111 Crll>|>IOu liului il willi*
out lt,"
??<?v.<". N? Mfiri*?iv?!lawtli<>riio, rin ,??.;. :
.M om- iiiiiiitliH* HM" of Hui KI.KCTltOl'OltiK
I i Mlori'it nu? to tiriillli from :i i-oiii|.llru(lc.ii of
luonciiiitH, Vmurrli, ?lys|n?iwti?i, inul timmi liver,
\> ?Iii ii gUlll of ll) lim. l i Wultflil."
!".?!. new Advtirtlitinicnt ne.vl Issue,
Roanoke Ft m .ile College,
DanyillB. M a,
The next session opens Rep
tembcr \, Kuli Faculty ol
f?|experienced Teachers-each a
?SP*Specialis in his Department, i
Music teachers lrom Leipsic
and New England Conservatories. Art
teachers irom best New York Schools ol
Art and Design. Health ol city unsur
passed. Terms very moderate. Large!
discounts where two or more go from the]
same family. For catalogues or other
information address
J. C- C DUNFORD, Asst Pres
Aug 6, I890. Danville, Va.
Thompson School and Business
/S'IYCT Ctly, Chathum County, N, C
A I'liniT-ci.Af .< no A mu KO SCHOOL WITH MII.I
Healthful mut bountiful locution with now
buildings, elegant fumiuiro nor. fixtures. One
ol' tho host (quipped school,- ii, tho South.
Thorough prcjiiirntioii for oollrgo, teaching or
l?'nll term begins August 27. Send for illus
trutcd outnloguo of encii.
Au?. 1, IStlO.
Oriubinlc course?. I'mlcr-grniluntc courses
for (logrees-'.{ literary ?uni li relent ?fin. Also
shorter nml elective ocursos. Pfofopsloilid
courses in I.nw, I'lmrininy, Veterinary Soionco
und Pelngogicj. ?1 well equipped Inborn torte*}
-1 H Imps mid model rooms; new inliriniiry,
Tuition fi/o, ? I0 per session; other lees, $20 I
(including inliriniiry lee, covering 11101lio.il ill
I chilli nov, medicines, ot?.), Tnblo bonni, $10
to $12. ill ]u-r month, ll.nun s rent (rec. Tutu I
expense, including find, lights, wiodiin?,
hooks, etc., 11 bout $180.
Tuition leo reunited to stinlonts cortil'ying
(heir inability lo jniy for it.
Session opens ll rsl. Tuesday in October.
Rn tra nco oxftininntiotm brid the preceding
week. J. M. M ell H Y DK, President.
Aug. 1, 18'J0~-2m.
Due West Female College.
a Hchool for your dnughtcr, ex
amino closely into Uio merita of
Ibo Uno Went Female Collrgo.
Established in the year i860, il lins stendi
ly grown in elHcienoy and influoncn. Un
rolled 182 pupils thc past year. Expo*
rieiiced and progressive teachers in ovory
departrnont. Location healthful, elud
ing department, guaranteed satisfactory.
Send for catalogue.
Mus. I*. M. IlONNKit. Principal.
II. 13. UoNNicn, A. M., Vico-Principal.
Duo Weat, Abbcvillo Co., H. C,
July 15th, i Soo.
lfciuiuUsvIllo Ila rb ur.
Whim you wish an etisy shnve,
As good as barber ever gave,
Just call on mo at my saloon,
At inornintf, eve or noon;
I cut and dress tho hair wit h grnco,
IV) suit thu contour of thc liicu.
My room is neat and towels clean,
Scissors sharp lind razors keen.
And everything 1 think you'll lind
i To snit the fuco lind please lite mind
And all my art and rte ill can do
If you just call, I'll do for you.
In your 8PKINO C?.KANINO d?8?nfc?t]
your promises and prevent Fovor,
Chloride Limo, ... I mid 5 lb. boxes.
Carbolic Acid, ... 25 conti a pint.
A Fable lot* tho JLittlo OUCH.
Two little fishes were swimming one day
Io a cool, pleasant river, a ?ew miles
Saw! Scaly to Finny, "O there's a nice
I wish J could catch him. I'd just go
and try."
"Slop! Stop!" replied'Finn;, ''there's
danger I lear ;
I see a long linc and a man ] watching
Don't venture, dear Scaly; J>c guided
hy me,
Or dise you'll be caught, as si:rc as can
Hut Scaly was heedless ; thc Hy looked so
That soon he loriot Kinny's kindly
advice ;
li? snatched at thc 'ly, when,kiuickly JIS
thought, J
Came a jerk, and, oh dear I little Scaly
was caught.
Now wasn't he foolish I And' yet how
i wish
Little children were never like that
little tish ;
lint when sin entices, how ol fain wc sec
That they yield to temptation ?is quickly
as be I j?
But they who thus foolishly choose what
is wrong
Are sure to repent ol their choice before
long ;
Vor like little Scaly, they lind, though
lou bile, l.
That a sharp hook is hid in the nice
looking bail.
I>?tM from Hebron.
The Hebron High School "pened on
Monday morning lust, August 4'ihj
with very flourishing results. About
lilly t-eholurs were in ntlondmice at tho
opening exercises, and about a scoto
more ure anticipated'-held 'back by
sicklies-;. Hebron has long 'been iu a
sad predicament relativo to education
al advantages, but all that js a thing
??f the past. Tho community Ins
thrown off its lethargy, and [lins como
to realize tho ex ti onie importance of a
first-class education of hourtbnd heud,
und luis employed competen I teachers
te take charge. The Print pal, Air
Nash is a gentleman from Laurens
County, and a recent git lento of
Woflbrd College. Wo take ?if? to bo
u christian gentleman and a first-clus-i
educator. Mlf>a M milo Cov; igten, the
Assistant and music tcachefj nouds no
eulogy, as nono know her bj t to liku.
So long ns wo cm seenro ita services
of such firw'.p|?"5H^ li>nrd\(>.ra??- V'C'.O.
we shall feel moro hopeful, and pren
diet a bettor futuro for tho youth of
our community.
As wc are enthused on our educa
tion linc, we hopo there will bo
and enthusiastit? audience out at Ho
bron on S. tun lu y afternoon next.
August 1 Gell, to lie ir tho very in
structivc speeches wo aro expecting
from Prof. J). C Roper and others.
Remember the timo and place, Sat
urday afternoon August l?tli, ut
o'clock sharp.
II. IC. C.
Our (?rent Danger.
The following is from Tom Turner's
Kin mci pa tor, and contains tm almost
unlimited amount ol' food for thought,
and yet there are peoplu in this coun
try, sensible people, too, who argue
that we don't need the Sub Treasury
bill passed,[and that all wc Inive to wait
another twenty years are more for the
"dead issue" to bo put through to save
the country from inevitable ruin Tn
day less than 2.000,000 people own 22
per cent, of tho property of the nation
of 01,000,000 of people :
The eloquent Patrick Henry said :
"Wo can only judge thc future hy thc
Look nt tho past.
When Kgypt went down three per
cent, of her population owned ninety
seven per cen1., ot her wealth. Tho
people were starved to doatli.
When Babylon \,cnt down two per
cent, of the population owned all the
"When Homo wont down 1,800 men
owned tho world.
For Ibo past twenty yours the
United Stn'es lins rapidly followed in
thc footsteps of these old nations.
Hero are thc figures :
In 1800 tho capital owned thirty
seven and a half por cent, of tho na
tion's wwi I tb.
In .1870 ibo capitalists ownod sixty
per cent.
In 1880 they owned sevenly-six
per cent.
Just think of it I Two millions own
three-fourths of thc wealth ol' 00 000,
Tho 2,000,000 aro idle and untaxed
and draw into their capacious maws
at lenpt three fourths of oil the wealth
annually produced by tho working
masses. A binning bhamol
<? ul va nixed Till m an i (OM.
During the war when a Yankee
came over to our side and took tho
oath of allegiance ho was known
ns a "gulvoni'/.od" Yankee. iSomo
ol'them were formed into butul
lions but they worp never trusted
sufficiently lo bc promoted to
high positions or placed in tho
front ranks in timo of trouble, nei
ther will A galvanized Tillmanito
do for tho front in this crisis.-Ab
beville Medium.
Olio Alliance.
At thc Inst mooting of Ci io Al
liance No. 113, tho following
preamble and resolutions word
unanimously adopted :
That, whereas, Mr. J. P. Gibson,
Editor ol'the Foo Deo Alliance has
betrayed tho trust which was in
trusted to him by tho mombcrs of
tho Union, ?nd has scon lit to nee
his influence and that of his paper
against their interest, thorcforo bc
it resolved,
1st, That wc, thc members of
Clio Alliance withdraw our pat
ron ago from his paper
2nd. That wc demand that the
nnmoof ni? paper bo changed.
3rd, That wo will give* our sup
it being moro in accord with thc
principles of tho Alliance.
August 2, 1890.
P. H. Charleston World and
Cotton Plant please publish.
To tho Memory of Qoovgc.
Again tho ronpor death has
visited tho limits of our boautii'ul
and pros) erous county, and claim
ed aa its vic iin ono of its ancient
and faithful servants. "George,"
model o. beauty, modesty, gentle
ness and kindness has gono from
our midst, but still his good quali
ties will bo fondly cherished by
those of his carly- acquaintance in
bur community. His gentle nature,
rcconcilablo disposition sheds a ray
of sunshine on allot" ,4his kind"
with whom lie came in contact.
For nearly twenty-five yours this
valuable and faithful animal has
boen the property of Mr. A. J.
Mooro, who has ever felt grateful
for long, ns well as first services
rendered unto him by Gcorgo in
their youthful days and prime ot
life when both felt liko "Four
your olds" an their way "a court
ing they would go."
For tho past six yoars Goorgo
lias boon in thc possession of Mr.
N. J. Hcrndon, who has ever foll
that caro and sympathy which U
riue. faithful .ailimala, \ Ho pains,
trouble or exponcc wore spared on
thc part of this good husband um
wife to render George comfortably
happy and contented in his now
home ; being unablo by reason o
old age to masticate his corn, thi?
kind master would assist him bj
soaking tho corn, butovor upon tin
watch not to choak him with tin
cob. This faithful and favorit
animal passed over tho river styx
at the good old agc of twenty-nin?
yours, bu it therefore resolved,
1st, That wc bow with su bm is
sion to tho will of our al-wiso Crci
tor, iii removing from our midst th i
faithful animal.
? 2nd, That wc extend our doepcf
sympathy to Mr. A. J. Moore an
family, also Mr. N. J. llorado
and tami ly in tho loss of thc
faithful servant and animal.
3rd, That a page bo left to h
memory in thc minutes of tl
{Southern Slock Kaiser.
4th, That these resolutions 1
published in tho MAUI.ROKO DUM
CHAT, and ii copy bo sent to M
A. J. Moore and family, also
Mr. N. J. Hcrndon and family.
5th, That wc will ever look
tho care and welfare of our donn
tic animals.
X. Y. Z.
August 5, 1890.
I'iCzciiiu Ourctl hy H. H. S.
Mrs. S. RKNAUI.T, Waldo, Fla., wri
the following under date ol' Keb.
1890: ' I suffered with Eczema
about two years. About this timi
was advised hy friends to I ry y<
Swift's Specific (S S t?) and I am ha]
to say that aller using six bottles I v
entirely cured, and I never lose an 1
portunity ol recommending il lo any 1
I find suffering trom any disease of
"I have been troubled with pimples
blotches on my face for years, dur
which lime I tried numbers ol stand
remedies, but without receiving
benefit. Profiting hy the advice ;
experience of a friend I commet
hi king Swift's Specific (S S S) and
effect it had on mc overshadowed
expectations. Alter taking two bo
the pimples and blotches entirely db
pcarcd, and my skin is clear and wit
a blemish.
J; li, FLE MINI;, Jr., Fairfield, 1
Trcullao on Mood and Skin Disouaos m
froo. 8 WT VT ril'HCIl-'IC 00., Atlaida.t
Huckle n's Arnica Salve,
Tho bent Salvo in tho world for
bruises, Hores, nloorB, salt rhoum,
Roron, tetter, ohnppod hantln, ohilblaln
ooriiR auk all akin eruptioiiH, and ptrni
ourou plica, or no pay required. It ls
autoed to glvo porfcot sntiofaction, or
oy refunded. Prioo 2$ ootits por box
salo at Jenningu' Phnrmnoy,
District Hoard o?" Education.
MA?UON DISTRICT M. E oiiuitoit BOUTli.
LAY MEMJiiiitB :? T. B. Staekh?uso, W,
J. Montgomory, R. JJ. Sonrboro, W- D,
Evans, J. H. Zimtnorman, E. Norton, \V.
A. Brown.
C/jEitioAT, ;-J. W. Ilumbort, J. \j?
Dauiol, and J. 0. Ohnndlor.
Tho abovo Board will moot in Marion,
8. C., Tuesday, Sopbombor 2nd, 1890 to
patts an application for freo scholarship in
ibo Columbia Fornido ColW^o, instead of
iii August 271b, UH previously announced.
Marion, S. C., Aug 7, ?890.
lOneonrnfte thc. Chitaron.
Many years ago thoro woe a gracious
revival in our church, and atrtong
those convoi ted was Hubert Groy, an
unusually bright boy ten years old.
Mis earnestness and hts into ligent
manner of expressing bis feelings were
cjnito remarkable in one so young.
I met bis mother and told her how
^lnd we were that Kobort was con
verted, and that wo expected he
would grow up to bc au honor to the
; burch and do a great deal of good in
'.ho world.
His mothor smiled and said : ' O,
Robert is it mero child ! ? don't
bink ho realizes much about what
tc is doing "
"Ho certainly talks vory under?
tandinly," I replied.
"O well,1' she said, again, "ho is
)tit a child., and it U not likely this
ccling will last long with h m.''
I could not say moro, for I was
hen young in the way as iu years
ny self, still I was greatly surprised,
br Mrs. Groy was an earnest OH Hs*
ian, but Kobort to her was a baby
,'ct, and ho could not bring herself to
eel that ho was coming to years
>f accountability nod learning to
hink his own thoughts. Well, Sure
snough, itdidn't last long with Robert.
[Io soon began to slay away from
?lass meetings and prayc-meetings, ?
md when questioned on tho subject
aid : "I must have been mistaken,"
md seemed very reluctant to speak
>f it at all.
Years passed on, and boforo ho
eached his majority Robert was a 1
ironoynced iuiidol, und his mother
nourned over her unregenerate son,
ait could;ut2t sec thal ba' lao.k of QU-,
?ouragemeht" Raa kept ' him from ?
ho kingdom in those early years
vhile bis heart was so tender and
iasily impressed.
Robert was a fino scholar, but in his
.ending seemed to choose ovuythng
hat would confirm him in his view
)idicf, and to avoid all that would
oad his thoughts to sacred things;
md so he wandered on through fifteen
/ears of darkness before tho Spirit of
bc Loni finally arrested his steps and
jrought him back to thc fold.
Then how ho mourned over those
wasted years, when ho ought to have
)ccn walking in tho light and leading
1 useful Christian life. Alas! that so
nany worthy Christian people look
lot'" Ailly upon the conversion of
.hiiv ai. It is so easy for the little
tues to come to Christ. Nothing
loubting, they aro ready to accept
Him as their Saviour, and if led lov?
ingly along for a while they toon
grow strong in the Loni, and will be.
likely tu walk worthily all their days.
KT. WOUTII, June 7, 1889.
Mr. Uobort C?-Stockton,
Agent Wm. Radam's Microbe Killer;
Dear Sir-1 have boon suff ring for
four years with chills and fever and
malaria lever. One jug ol your Microbe
Killer lias slopped thc chills and I am
much better, but am still taking the
Yours respectfully,
Photographer, 610 Houston St.
Kor sale by J. T, Douglas, tole Agent.
JW ind What You Wi'it? oil a
l'on tal.
John D. Morris, colored, of
Union County plead guilty iu thc
United States Diet rt ic t Court at
Greenville Wednesday to sending
scurrilous matter through tho mail?.
Judge Simonton sentenced him to
a line of $5. Norris is tho secreta
ry of tho Colored Farmers' Alli
ance of Union County. Thc treasur
er of ono of tho sub-alliances em
bezzled some fund? bolonging to
thc order and was expelled. Norris,
us secretary, notified the sub-alli
ances by postal card of the treas
urer's expulsion, and was arrested.
Ti B, Butler, of Union explninod
tho facts to Judge Simonton, who
made tho eon ton ce as light as tho
law would allow.
Radam's Microbe Killer Co.,
Nashville, Tenn.
Gentlemen-I take pleasure in testily,
ing to thc remarkable benefit I have
recently received from the usc of
Radam's Microbe Killer. I have been
much troubled with chills and night
sweats tor months, and alter trying a
great many remedies to no avail, bought
a jug of Microbe Killer and was com*
pie cly cured in ten days.
Frankfort, K. Y., March 15, 1890.
y or sale by J. T. Douglas, Sole Agent,
Tho ? AI w Wovor? 1 ii jg Pi'? mai-icH
Thc'following is a true copy of
tho law. governing primary elec
tions, passed by tho stato' legisla
ture and approved Deo. 2?, 1838 :
An act to protect party priinary \'.
cleotions and convoitions of p?Hti? O^?
cul partie* o nd to punish lrauds
committed thoreut.
Section 1. Bo it onacted by jh'o;
senate and ho'uso of rep roseiut?;rL
tives of tho sta to of South Caroli
na, now mot mid sitting in general :
assembly, arid by authority of tho
same. That oyery political pri
mary election hold by any political
party organization or association
for the purpose of choosing oandi
<lates for office., or tho election of
delegates to convention^, shall ho
pres d?d ovor and conducted iii tho
manner prescribed by tho rulos of
tho political party organization or
association, holding such primary
election, by managers, selected in
thc manner prescribed by B'wh.
rules. ?Such managers shall, bo- "
fore entering upon tho dischargo
of their du tu**/ each tako and
subscribo* au oath that ho will
fairly, impartially "and honestly
conduct the sar""' Recording to tho
provisions of this act SM%L-u-dVfts."of
such pavty organization or ussocfrt- ... ,
tion. Should ono or moro of tho
managers appointed to hold such
ejection fail topper on tho day of
election, tho remA^ning manager
or manager*, shall apt oUora
in their stead ?rtd-arih?r?ister, to
them the oath heroin pr?&
Tlic managers shall take the.
herein prescribed before a nc
republic or other oilicer author!/,
to administer o^i?^ but if no sm
i^ttviov ran. be codv*-***?*--\-'r Vt?,
tho ilKamigCio '
oath to each otilo .
aimil, after being BUDSC. <
managers, be ?il?d 'in the umco
tho clerk of tho court for tho coun
ty, iV\*\?ol.i ,8iich olectio''v ?hall '
bo helaY sviO.Vn? .?. -
such election.
Sec. 2. Before any ballots aro
received .at such election, and im
mediately before opening the poll?,
-Hum.' managers siinll" opon ?aoh
ballot box to be used in such oleo-'
lion, and exhibit tho samo public
ly, to show that there aro no
ballots in such box. They shall
then close and lock or seal up such
box except the opening to recoivo
the balluts, and shall not again
open tho same until the close ot'.tho
electioh. Tiley shall keep a poll
list, with the name of each voter
voting in such cloctions, and shall
before receiving any ballot admin
ister to tho voter an oath that ho
is duly qualified to voto accoiding
to tho mles of the primary; and
that ho has not voted boforo in
such election, and at tho close of
tho election they shall proceed
publicly to count tho votes and
declare the result; they shall
certify the result of such election,
and transmit such certificate, with
the poll list, ballots and other pa
pers relating to snell clcnti/-/i,
within tho timo . prescribed and to
tho pcraoii or persons designated
by rules of tho party organization
?or association holding euch clec
' tion.' .??' ?] . :?
Sec. 3. livery such primary
election shall be held at tho time
and place, and under tho regu
lation prescribed hy the rulos of
tho party organization or associa
tion holding the same, and tho re
turns shall be made and the result
declared as prescribed by such
rules bnt the returns of the mana
gers, with the poll lists, shall bo
hied in the olliee of tho clerk of
court for the county in which snob
election is held, within, four days
after tho final declaration of tho
result thereof and shall remain .
there for public inspection.
Soc. -1. Any manager who shaiV,
bo guilty of wilfully violating any
of tho duties devolved upon such
position horc-under shall be guilty
of a misdemeanor, and upon con
viction thereof shall bo punished
by lino not to excood $100, or im
prisonment not to exceed six
months; and any manager who
shall be guilty of fraud or corrup
tion in tho managment of such
olection, shall bo guilty of a:? mis
demeanor, and upon conviction
theroof shall be finod in a sum not
to exceed $500, or imprisonment
for a term not to oxceod twolvo
months, or both, in tho disorotj?n.
of tho court.
Sec. 5. Any votor who ""shall
swoar falsoly in taking tho pro*
scribed oath, or shall uorsonato
anotor person and take ho oath
in his namo, in ordor to vote, shall
bo guilty of pori il ry and bo pun
ished upon conviction aa for poi?
' i ; ?.!,.?:,*vA-;"',!.>,v.., ; Iv \'.! V-v,; r

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